Meaning of the dream: I dream about a broken window. Why do you dream about broken windows?

Breaking a window in a dream or seeing someone throw a stone means going on the warpath. Dream books warn: the situation around you is heating up, someone is trying in every possible way to interfere with your plans. However, a house with broken windows can also be dreamed of by people who have long been tired of loneliness. The smallest details of the dream will help explain why you dream of a hole in a window opening.

Non-standard interpretations of Miller's dream book

It is rare to see a house with broken windows and fragments in a dream. A famous psychologist insists on getting it soon important information, which the dreamer does not want to hear. It’s especially good if you dreamed that you had to break the window yourself. You're tired of loneliness, it's time to change something.

Miller's dream book describes in detail why one dreams of a house with broken windows. It is important to pay attention to the details:

  • to see the pogrom from the inside - you have to make a lot of effort to please everyone;
  • destroying a building from the outside - you are mentally prepared for property disputes;
  • collecting glass - to search for a compromise;
  • crawling into a gaping hole - to acquaintance.

The secret connection will become clear

A room with broken windows does not necessarily mean the start of a conflict. Seeing fragments and glass in a dream is the same as finding out about someone’s secret. If you dreamed that you took a direct part in the pogrom, be prepared to find out the fact of your sexual partner’s infidelity.

Dream books talk about upcoming quarrels based on jealousy. Family scandal, betrayal, showdown, separation - this is exactly what you dream about breaking a window. The interpretation of a dream comes down to disagreements based on rumors, slander, and guesses.

Protect your intimate life from invasion

But why you dream of being injured by glass during a defeat is worth considering separately. Most often, such a thing can be dreamed of by a virgin who is morally ready to part with her innocence. Dream books predict the appearance of a sexual partner in a girl’s life and the beginning of a romantic relationship.

However, disappointments will not be long in coming. Breaking a window in a dream means getting a number of problems in intimate life. The dream may be associated with the appearance of diseases of the genital area, infidelity of a partner, even betrayal.

Take risks - you can do it!

Breaking a window and climbing into a room means a long-awaited acquaintance and the achievement of one’s own goals, even in indecent ways. All the tasks set for oneself will be completed, the dreamer will finally see a number of opportunities that were previously hidden from him.

Experienced interpreters believe that a broken window in a dream is a negative sign. But for correct interpretation you need to remember all the details of what you saw. For the most complete interpretation, it is recommended to seek help from several dream books and be sure to listen to your intuition. Esotericists also consider it important what day of the week the dream occurred. For example, it is generally accepted that the most truthful visions come from Thursday to Friday.

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    Why do you dream about a broken window?

    If a sleeper sees several broken windows in a dream, this is a symbol of loneliness, melancholy and disappointment. There is a possibility that a person will not be able to cope with the surging problems alone. Misunderstandings and conflicts in the love sphere are also expected.

    If broken windows are visible from the outside and darkness (darkness) is seen through them, then the problems can be long-lasting.

    Broken window in your own home

    A symbol that there is no harmony and sense of balance in the dreamer’s life. A family person can interpret this picture in the literal sense - a crack in the relationship with his other half and broken hopes. You should also consider how badly the window is damaged. If a few fragments are missing, then a truce between lovers is still possible. But if it is damaged half or completely, then this is a sure step towards divorce. Moreover, the initiator can be the sleeping person.

    In any case, this sign promises change.

    If the glass in the window opening of his own house is broken by the dreamer himself, then this indicates that he himself is the catalyst for quarrels, and through his fault the people around him suffer. This behavior can lead to loneliness.

    In someone else's building

    Signals that the real life there is a threat of dismissal or expulsion from educational institution.

    If you dreamed that glass was broken in someone else’s apartment, then you have to go through negative emotions related to inheritance. Litigation cannot be ruled out. And if the sleeper sees light in the window, then the situation will be resolved in his favor. Fragments that fly directly at a person are interpreted completely differently. This is a symbol of danger and hostility. If the glass is multi-colored, then the sleeper will have several ill-wishers.

    Negative signs

    To dream that a person is breaking glass in his room is a serious warning about the disruption of his connection with the spiritual and material world. You should be careful not only in social affairs, but also be attentive to your health.

    If a window is broken and the fragments penetrate into the skin, then traumatic situations or major operations. If only one window in an apartment or house is damaged, then the losses will be minimal and the unpleasant situation can be reversed. The presence of several windows with broken glass predicts that despite the dreamer’s efforts, dreams will not come true, and the circle of acquaintances will decrease.

    Girls who dream of a broken window in the bedroom should be wary of jealousy on the part of their partner. If a man saw such a dream, then we can assume that his chosen one is dishonest with him, and soon their relationship will fail.

    A completely broken window foreshadows the final break. But if it is partially damaged, then perhaps the separation will not be long.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Esotericists advise turning to several dream books for a more accurate interpretation. The famous seer Vanga believed that:

    • A broken window for a person who is mired in troubles and problems is a shift from a dead point.
    • Getting out through a broken window without cutting yourself is a favorable outcome from a difficult situation.
    • A dream in which a flying bird hit the glass and it shattered - to unexpected news. Moreover, they can be both negative and positive.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    Connects the window with the beginning of a new type of activity, a different path. But the prediction takes on a negative connotation if:

    • The glass in the window is cracked or broken.
    • Stained with dirt.
    • Through broken glass darkness is visible.

    Freud's Dream Book

    The Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud took an unconventional approach to the interpretation of such a dream. He believes that the window symbolizes the female genitals and sexuality. If a man or woman sees a broken window in a dream, then this portends serious disappointments in their personal life:

    • To break the glass yourself, succumbing to negative emotions - to feel a sense of pressure, to realize that life with a partner has begun to resemble imprisonment.
    • Finding fragments under your feet is a warning that you should be careful in your relationships with the opposite sex. Deception, intrigue, and emotional trauma are possible.
    • Seeing a broken window from the inside means you will have to work a lot of time to develop a harmonious relationship in a couple; outside there is a quarrel, a divorce. You may need help from a psychologist or relatives.
    • Accidentally breaking a window means you should carefully observe the events taking place around you.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Miller emphasizes that broken glass dreams of a serious illness or death. With the help of additional details of what you saw, you can understand who the dream refers to - the sleeping person or his relatives:

    • Watching others break a window means unpleasant meetings and conversations.
    • Picking up a splinter from the ground and cutting yourself with it means an unexpected illness. loved one.
    • Seeing your own reflection in a broken window means in reality someone is taking energy from the sleeping person.
    • Collecting a lot of broken fragments means you will have to solve other people's problems, pushing your own affairs into the background.

    If the interpretation of a dream about a broken window eloquently signals the inevitability of negative events in the future , then you can try to make sure that what you see does not come true:

    • The first method is to take a mug of water, tell it your dream in every detail and slowly pour the contents onto the ground.
    • Second, you can do a simple ritual without leaving home. You need to open the tap cold water, wash your face, place your hands under the stream and say: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”

Dreams often serve as a reflection of a person’s inner experiences. If you dreamed of broken windows, this is considered an unkind sign, but in some cases the vision can portend changes in life, which do not necessarily have to be bad.

What if you dream about broken windows?

Broken windows are a symbol of new discoveries, changes, and the desire to change the situation for the better.

Dreams in which a person sees a similar phenomenon can be interpreted in completely different ways. If a window is broken by someone from the street, completely unexpected changes will occur in the dreamer’s life. It is quite possible that someone will appear on his way who wants to invade his personal space.

Trying to decipher a vision, it is worth remembering all its details. Seeing the window of an apartment or house broken from the outside means that in reality you will encounter family problems. Most likely, the sleeper will quarrel with his soulmate. Jealousy and betrayal may be involved in this.

If the dreamer managed to see in a dream the face of a man breaking the window of his apartment, in real life he should be wary of him. This acquaintance or even relative has far from good intentions regarding the sleeper and can become the cause of all the troubles.

If a person saw broken windows in real life, and at night he dreamed about it, he should not take the vision seriously. Most likely, it is simply a reflection of internal experiences or even fear, negative emotions associated with this incident.

Dreams in which a person has to watch someone break windows in an office predict trouble at work. They may be associated with demotion, job cuts wages or even dismissal. In this situation, there is no need to despair. It is better to do everything possible to ensure that nothing bad happens.

When a person dreams that he himself breaks a window from inside an apartment, this can only mean that he is not satisfied with his current life and wants to change something.

It is quite possible that soon everything will improve on the personal front and relationships with colleagues, relatives, and superiors will become better. This vision should be viewed as positive. After all, the sleeper himself desires change and soon his dreams will come true.

Windows broken from the inside can also symbolize the breakdown of a relationship that has long outlived its usefulness. Possibly a dreamer for a long time he didn’t dare to do this, but something will happen in the future that will add to his determination.

What does it portend?

If a person dreamed of a broken window and in his vision he tried to fix it, glue the fragments, then in reality he will be separated from his loved one. But the break will not be final. The sleeper will make certain attempts to ensure that everything changes for the better and the former passion soon returns to the relationship.

A broken window in the entrance symbolizes a quarrel with neighbors. Most likely, the dreamer has some grievances against those who live next to him, and soon this should result in a huge scandal.

If a person dreams that the windows in his house are broken by a hurricane or a raging natural disaster, changes will occur in life, which will be caused by circumstances beyond anyone’s control.

Throwing pieces of a broken window into trash container- get rid of the remnants of the past and let new relationships into your life. If a person dreams that a window in his house breaks with a ringing sound, but he manages to immediately replace the glass, then one should expect only pleasant and pleasant things from fate. unexpected surprises and don’t get upset over trifles.

Seeing a broken window in a dream means changes in life, the collapse of outdated relationships. At the same time great value has who exactly breaks the window. Trying to fix a broken window in a dream means in reality making an attempt to restore relationships, establish communication with friends or colleagues.

Dream interpreters believe that seeing a broken window in a dream is an unfavorable symbol. In order for the dreamer to better understand the interpretation of the dream, it is important to remember the details of the night’s plot. For more accurate interpretation It is recommended to find out the opinions of several dream books. It is important what day of the week it was when the dreamer saw similar dream. For example, it is believed that night dreams tend to come true from Thursday to Friday.

Dreaming of several broken windows at once is a sign of loneliness, sadness, and disappointment. It will probably be extremely difficult for the dreamer to solve the impending troubles himself. There is also a high probability of disagreements and quarrels.

If you observe broken glass from the outside, darkness is visible through them, then troubles will come for a long time.

Negative signs

I dreamed of hitting the glass in a room - a warning about an imbalance with the real and other worlds. Accuracy and attentiveness are required in public, personal, social affairs, and also to monitor your health.

The window breaks, the fragments pierce the skin, possible injury or surgical intervention. If only one glass is broken in your house, then losses are inevitable, but minimal; the unfavorable state of your affairs may be reversed. If many windows broke, then such a dream means that all the dreamer’s efforts to fulfill his dream will collapse, the circle of friends will sharply narrow.

Young ladies who dreamed of a broken sleeping glass foretells strong jealousy of their chosen one. A man sees such a dream, then his companion is probably unfaithful to him, and the relationship will soon end.

The window completely collapsed - the final point in the relationship. However, if the damage is minor, the separation will probably not be long.

Where was it broken?

The dreamer's apartment window broke, probably in reality the relationship became ordinary and boring. The more damage to the glass, the greater the likelihood of breakdown. The window is almost intact, only a few fragments have fallen out of it - saving the family will be easy, only the window frame remains - the disagreement will soon end in divorce.

Hitting a window yourself in a dream is perhaps a source of family conflicts. The dreamer needs to think about his behavior and attitude towards his other half. Don't cause heartache beloved, then you will be able to avoid loneliness.

Dream about broken glass vehicle– perhaps the dreamer will have problems in labor activity dismissal or loss of job is not even ruled out.

I dreamed that someone was breaking bus windows - probably the cause of professional troubles are his colleagues who are weaving selfish intrigues. You should be careful, don’t say too much about yourself.

You break someone else's window - auspicious sign for the dreamer, it means that he will soon receive important, vital information.

Broken glass in a utility room marks the approach of problems that will cause damage to one's reputation and a big scandal. As a result, it will lead to major litigation.

In the apartment of your chosen one. The dream says that the dreamer will experience a strong emotional outburst, excitement, emotional experiences, it is unknown whether they are good or negative.

A dream where a parent's window is shattered predicts gloomy news for the dreamer regarding his loved ones. It is advisable to spend more time with relatives and help solve problems.

If you dreamed of a broken driveway glass, there are probably serious quarrels with neighbors that can drag on for a long time.

House with broken glass

Mansion with a large number broken windows - the dreamer will soon have to pay for the mistakes of the past. Caregivers or parents who have had such a dream should closely monitor their children and try to avoid rash actions. Also, the dream says that in reality the dreamer will need to stand up for someone else’s interests, perhaps take someone else’s blame.

An old, abandoned mansion with broken glass - excitement, mental imbalance of the dreamer. Probably, the experiences are echoes of the past, which cannot be forgotten, so he is tormented by emotional pain.

What do your actions say?

When interpreting a dream, the actions of the dreamer in the dream are important. The interpretation of sleep changes from them:

  • Watching someone break glass. In reality, professional troubles may arise - a reduction in wages, a job demotion, and probably dismissal.
  • Trying to fix the broken glass. The dream prophesies to the dreamer important things that need to be done to resolve problems with the other half.
  • Pick up broken pieces. You had a chance to collect the fragments; in reality, new acquaintances and obligations may appear. In addition, such a dream says that troubles and adversities will pass by.
  • Injure yourself with a shrapnel. The dream predicts an important recognition of the dreamer's environment. In addition, long, family conversations are possible, resolving the issue of acquiring an inheritance.
  • Climb through broken glass. Dream, interpretation - whatever conflict situations were not surrounded, their solution will be useful.
  • Break with bare hands. The dreamer is worried about internal fear, his strong feelings, emotional stress. Glass is difficult to break, so in reality you will have to put in a lot of effort so that the environment convincingly perceives its justice.

Pay attention to watching the video - “Why do you dream about a window?”:

Other interpretations

I dreamed of a beautiful, large mansion, but the windows were broken - an unfavorable sign. The dreamer will have to take on the burden of other people's problems and solve them himself.

The plot of a dream associated with cuts from glass can unfold ambiguously:

  • To get out of a glass room where many fragments are scattered, but remain unharmed - in reality the dreamer is strong in spirit. Character will help him overcome difficult times.
  • Cut yourself on broken glass, appeared deep wound- in reality, upcoming business success.
  • Watching yourself cut up and bleeding in a dream is grandiose, business success the dreamer, but you will have to put in a lot of effort and time.

If you dreamed that a window shattered because of you, in reality you will receive unpleasant news about close relatives. Picking up window shards in a dream means monetary losses, business collapse, and damage to personal relationships are likely.

A similar plot can also be divided into dreamers:

  • If a pregnant woman sees this kind of dream, it is a negative sign, and problems with the upcoming birth are likely. This dream advises young people to take their health more seriously.
  • The dreamer in reality is a religious person - you should visit the church, take care of your health and your loved ones.
  • For spouses, the dream symbolizes an upcoming divorce.
  • A parent sees such a dream, which means that your child has problems, troubles, the solution of which is up to you.

A dream where a bird flew into the window

The main interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer will face big troubles at home, probably a threat to health and life.

Why see broken glass in a car?

I dreamed of a broken car window - in reality you will deserve attention and praise from your superiors at work.

The dreamer will reveal all his talents, draw the attention of influential people to his personality, and appear before them in all his glory.

Interpretation of a dream with windows at work

Such a dream threatens problems with professional activity.

Probably, in reality there are ill-wishers in your work environment. Someone wants to take your place, waiting for the right moment to fulfill their insidious plans.

Having decided that the right moment has arrived, the envious person will begin to act. The dreamer should be extremely careful, direct all attention and concentration to work, and work without mistakes. Any wrong step can end sadly.

Dreaming with glass shards

In a dream there are fragments of a broken window, which means that in reality you will get rid of the torment and burden of the past. The dreamer has been tormented by long-standing events for a long time, he suffers.

There will come a moment when everything will pass, as life continues, moves forward. The dreamer will have new, useful acquaintances, meeting a life partner, and having a fun time with friends.

Damaged window in the entrance - what does this mean?

A major conflict is coming between neighbors. Their behavior has long gotten on the dreamer’s nerves. Since the dreamer has been suffering for a long time in reality, his negative emotions will soon be realized. The growing scandal will also affect other residents of the house.

Vanga's Dream Book

For a more detailed interpretation, dream interpreters advise looking at information simultaneously from several dream books. The fortuneteller Vanga believed:

  • For a dreamer who is experiencing trouble in reality, broken glass symbolizes the beginning of decisive action.
  • Climbing through broken glass but remaining unharmed is a positive outcome of a difficult situation.
  • A dream where a flying bird suddenly crashed into glass, then it shattered into pieces - sudden news. Only in reality it will become clear whether they will be positive or negative.

Aesop's Dream Book

Window as a symbol of the beginning new activity, the right way. But the interpretation promises an unfavorable outcome:

  • The glass is covered with a web of cracks or broken.
  • Covered with dirty stains.
  • An ominous darkness seeps through the broken window.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book interprets this kind of dreams a little differently. The psychologist believes - window, symbol female organs, rich sex life. If a man or woman observes broken glass - loss of interest, intimate disappointment:

  • Hitting the window under the influence of negative emotions is pressure from a partner, reality is like a dungeon, you want to get out.
  • Walking on fragments in a dream means the dreamer should be more reasonable with his other half. There is a possibility of deception, intrigue behind your back, and receiving emotional wounds.
  • Seeing broken glass from a room means it will take a lot of time to develop positive relationships between the chosen ones. If you look from the street, it promises the final point of the relationship, or a divorce from the spouses. You will probably need qualified help from a family psychologist.
  • If you accidentally break a window into pieces, be extremely careful and pay attention to fateful signs.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist is sure that broken glass portends a serious illness, or fatal outcome. Taking into account the details of night dreams seen, you can understand the relationship of the dream to the dreamer or his close people:

  • Watching from the side how someone breaks out a window is unpleasant, joyless news.
  • Collecting the fragments, while injuring yourself - a relative will be overcome by a painful illness
  • Watching your reflection through the fragments means that in reality there is someone who is stealing your energy and vitality.
  • If you pick up a lot of window shards, you may be busy solving other people’s problems, putting aside your own affairs.

After reading information from different sources about the interpretation of dreams, the dreamer is sure that his dream symbolizes negative consequences, you can try using methods to prevent what you see from happening:

  • You can take a large mug, pour water, then tell her the dream, describing all the details, then carefully pour it onto the earthen surface.
  • The second option can be done at home. Left alone, open cold water, wash your face, place your hands under running water, saying: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.” Or like this: “ Bad dream crack in half, good sleep rise again.”

List of used literature:

  • Bolshakov I. V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in Ancient Egypt(historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005
  • Nechaenko D. A. History of literary dreams of the 19th-20th centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. - M.: University Book, 2011.

Broken windows symbolize the occurrence of troubles and diseases. If you had such a dream, it is unlikely that you can immediately forget it.

I will remember unpleasant moments all day, so there is nothing left to do but turn to the dream book for an interpretation of the vision. There are a lot of them and everyone predicts differently, therefore, to obtain more accurate information, you need to use every detail of the dream.

Seeing a broken window in an apartment in a dream, in real life, foreshadows the collapse of hopes. Dreams will be shattered, and the dreamer will be deeply disappointed in his aspirations.

All that he worked hard on, trying to get closer to the desired goal, will not bring positive results, especially since he will not be able to get even one step closer to the goal.

You should abandon the endeavor and don’t waste time on it, it will still turn out to be futile, remember this in the future.

A broken window in your parents' house - what does it mean?

Soon the owner of the vision will receive bad news.

The news, which will be very unpleasant, relates to loved ones, so the sleeper will begin to be tormented by emotions.

Trouble is coming to the family, and it can only be overcome by uniting together and forgetting about existing differences. After successfully solving all the problems, the dreamer will become even closer with his family and realize that in life he should rely only on the closest people who will come to the rescue in difficult times.

If you saw a window in someone else's apartment?

Such a dream foreshadows a girl’s loss of innocence, especially if in the plot of the dream the room where the window broke was dark.

For everyone else, this dream promises unpleasant circumstances, due to which drastic life changes will occur.

If the window was broken from the inside, then in reality this symbolizes solving the problem by an extraordinary way out of the current situation. It will appear when everything has already been tried and the dreamer is in despair.

Why see broken glass in a car?

If the dreamer saw a broken window in his home, in real life he will be praised by a high-ranking person.

At work, the sleeper will be able to attract attention to himself and show off his abilities very significant people, so those in front will appear in the best possible light.

Need to try to please the person having influence on others. As soon as this happens, the owner of the dream will receive very interesting and advantageous offer for a job that he had long dreamed of, but all attempts ended in failure.

Damaged window in the entrance - what does this mean?

Soon there will be a scandal between the dreamer and his neighbors staircase. Their behavior has long irritated the sleeper and finally all the negative emotions that he hid until recently will spill out.

Seemingly minor complaints will escalate into a very extensive conflict, in which other residents will intervene.

Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems at the place of work.

Ill-wishers will attempt to overthrow the sleeper from the position he occupies. Someone from the environment wants to take the place of the dreamer and has been hatching suitable plans for a long time.

Considering that the most convenient moment has come, this person will begin to act. In the near future, you should exercise maximum caution and attentiveness, fully concentrate on your work and try not to make mistakes. Any mistake will be very costly.

Dreaming with glass shards

Seeing fragments from a broken window in a dream in real life means getting rid of suffering. The sleeper is haunted by the event that happened for many months in a row. It torments him mentally and will not let go.

In the very near future, everything will be forgotten, as life changes are coming, in which there is no place for suffering and worries. Dreamer with a head plunge into new relationships, and will have an interesting time in good company.

If in a dream the window was completely broken by an impulse, then in real life the sleeper should prepare to receive bad news.

It will not be possible to cope with the situation on your own, however, if the glass is intact and only cracked, the problem can be solved and positive results can be achieved.

Disagreements may arise between lovers. The reason for this will be rumors and guesses arising from them. One of the couple will suspect your partner of, will stop trusting him.

What is the interpretation of Freud's dream book?

The dreamer will soon be involved in a scandal. It will affect the sexual relationship between the sleeping person and his partner. Maybe, secret connection becomes public knowledge and this will lead to conflict.

Knock out the window along with the frame - interpretation

Portends the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Fate will show favor to the owner of the vision and will soon follow a series of positive situations. You should not miss the moment, because there will be an opportunity to turn planned things into reality.

Break glass into pieces with a stone

To see in a dream how someone, being outside an apartment or house, is trying to break a window, in real life means that this person carries danger.

The ill-wisher is very negative and his intentions are criminal. If he manages to bring his plans to life. Then, as a result of such actions, the dreamer will have a very many big problems.

Watch someone break windows

If this is an office, in reality the owner of the dream will have problems in the workplace. It may happen that he will be demoted, his salary will be cut, he will be transferred to another office, or completely. Don't give up right away. Everything can be fixed if steps are taken in advance to prevent bad events from developing.

Fixing a broken window - what does it mean?

An attempt to collect and glue them together foreshadows an imminent separation from your soulmate. It will definitely not succeed, because the sleeping person will take actions aimed at preserving the relationship.

Collect and throw away fragments in a dream

Such a dream symbolizes deliverance from past life and transition to new level where there is room for interesting relationships. Trying to insert new ones in place of broken ones foreshadows the receipt of unexpected ones, but, nevertheless, pleasant surprises.

Cut yourself with a piece of broken window

In real life, the dreamer will be able to achieve recognition from others through incredible efforts. All the costs are worth it, because everyone will admire the sleeper, which will significantly elevate him in his own eyes.