Why do you dream about a broken phone? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about broken glass?

Dialing a phone number in a dream and getting stuck on the number “9” means that in reality you will be left in the cold, since those around you are weaving all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who comes to you first or calls you on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the bonds of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it’s hard for you to turn the disk or you can’t get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of hardship and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck is in your life will pass quickly and will not leave a trace.

Dialing a phone number in a dream and remembering only the number “9” means needing the help of a person who is smarter than you.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or telephone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, they will give you Nobel Prize or they will go to jail.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make the calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, but if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Telephone

The telephone appeared quite a long time ago, but even in the most popular messages this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the appearance of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the telephone is an indispensable attribute of our lives, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone: it means that you will soon be entrusted with confidential information, but, unfortunately, you will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about that person, around which these gossips swirl.

Interpretation of dreams from

A telephone in a dream always symbolizes an attempt by the subconscious to contact the dreamer or a telepathic connection with other people. Dream books will analyze the image in detail and give a comprehensive answer as to why it is being dreamed about.

Interpretation according to Miller

Did you dream about a phone? In reality, you will meet a person who will literally confuse you. Especially if in a dream the telephone conversation was unsuccessful and was constantly interrupted.

Why does a woman dream of talking on the phone? This is an indication of large number envious people, but the dream book is sure: you will cope with this problem. If you have difficulty hearing what is being said on the phone, you risk losing a loved one or becoming the target of gossip.

In general, if you dreamed of a telephone, then you have a close mental connection with the person who is on the other end of the line. Regardless of what relationship you are in with him at the current period. Moreover, this personality has a serious influence on your destiny, even if this is practically not manifested in reality.

Opinion of D. Loff's dream book

This dream book authoritatively states that in a dream the telephone acts as a connecting link between the dreamer and people with whom, for various reasons, there is no close contact in reality. Moreover, the conversation with the deceased deserves special attention. Try to remember exactly what they tell you and be sure to use this hint. Any interference during conversation or a broken device indicates an inability to communicate with your own subconscious.

Interpretation according to the New Era dream book

Why do you dream about a telephone? In a dream, it symbolizes the need for information and its exchange. This is the desire or, on the contrary, the dreamer’s fear, to learn something forbidden. Did you dream about a phone? In real life, you clearly lack communication. Moreover, you sincerely want to draw someone's attention to a certain problem or to your own person.

What does the dream book of the Winter spouses think?

According to this dream book, in a dream a telephone symbolizes the remoteness of a certain event or person, as well as the need to wait. Why do you dream of a conversation with a relative or friend? There will be some coldness or tension in your relationship with him.

I dreamed that you were trying to call to a loved one but couldn't do it? You urgently need to establish contact with some real person, otherwise major troubles will happen. A dreaming telephone also means that unforeseen events or strangers may interfere with planned activities.

Answer dream book from A to Z

Did the woman dream that even in her sleep she chatted on the phone with her friend for a long time? The dream book believes that in reality your loved one or husband will experience a lack of your attention and will be very upset.

Why do you dream that you wanted to call from a street pay phone, but it turned out to be broken? Try to check all the information that will arrive in the near future, and do not succumb to the first judgment.

Did you happen to see that someone or you yourself threw your phone in a dream in your hearts? Get ready for domestic quarrels and general troubles.

Decoding the image according to Denise Lynn's dream book

Did you dream about a phone? The dream book is sure: someone in real world desperate to get your attention. The same plot indicates that the subconscious has a lot for you. important information. Try to more carefully remember your own night visions and interpret them correctly. There will definitely be something useful in them.

Why do you dream about the phone ringing and you don’t want to answer? There is some information stored deep in your soul that you do not want or are afraid to know. A more mundane interpretation of the dream means that you are afraid of some person or situation.

The dream book advises not to run away from your own fears, but, on the contrary, to fight them. After all, a panicked mood quietly eats up your vitality, which obviously leads to failures and difficulties in reality.

Why do you dream about a new, broken, mobile phone?

Dreamed of a completely new phone? In real life, you will meet a person who will bring complete confusion and even despair into your life.

A landline telephone warns: listen to others and your intuition, pay attention to dream and real signs - they want to contact you Higher powers and give tips.

Why do you dream mobile phone? In a dream, it symbolizes independence, freedom or power. As well as the desire to completely control a situation or an individual. If a mobile phone appeared in a dream, then you want to improve your financial situation and improve your status.

A broken, broken and non-functional phone indicates the impossibility of all of the above. Moreover, this is a clear call to the fact that the time has come to thoroughly understand yourself and choose other life guidelines.

Why in a dream the phone was stolen, lost, fell and broke, fell into the water

In a dream, a telephone symbolizes a spiritual connection with other people. Any malfunctions of the product or difficulties in operation indicate that this connection is broken for various reasons. Moreover, your subconscious is literally incapable of shouting to you.

Did you dream that you managed to lose or drop your phone? All future problems will happen solely through your fault or negligence. If the phone fell and broke, then you will be able to resist gossip and gossip behind your back. Approximately the same interpretation of a dream is appropriate when a phone falls into water.

Why do you dream that your phone suddenly works, or that you were lucky enough to find a working model in a dream? You have an excellent chance of making contact with some person or event. In addition, you will soon be able to understand something extremely important.

I dreamed of a conversation on the phone

Why does a woman dream about a telephone conversation? This is a symbol of the envy and anger of others because of her success. For a man, this means that he is ready to commit some act that will give impetus to unpredictable events.

If during a conversation on the phone you hear your interlocutor poorly or not at all, then in reality you may lose your loved one due to misunderstanding or absurd suspicions. If you regularly receive phone calls in a dream, then you are clearly a very reserved person. Perhaps the moment has come when you should open up to the world?

What does a phone number mean?

Did you hear or see a certain phone number in a dream? In reality you will receive important news. Did you dream that you changed your number? In reality, you will lose a friend.

Why do you dream that you had to write down an unfamiliar number? Get ready for overtime work or a new previously unknown case. If in a dream you cannot remember a phone number and constantly cross out numbers on paper, then you will be overcome by serious doubts about the correctness of your judgments or decisions.

In general, if you happen to see a certain number, then try to remember it as accurately as possible. These numbers will certainly bring happiness and good luck, or help you find out exactly when a planned event or dream prophecy will occur.

Telephone in a dream - examples

  • mobile, unusual - pride in one’s own merits and abilities
  • yours - hope
  • stationary – business as usual
  • many phones - big plans, connections
  • serviceable - excellent health, successful implementation of plans
  • faulty - loss of strength, bad luck
  • incoming call - difficulties, troubles
  • call yourself - quick solution problems
  • talking on the phone is a victory over envious people
  • dialing a number - fruitless attempts
  • to lose - getting rid of problems
  • buy - extra hassle, worries
  • break - bad news, obstacles
  • cut cord - spiritual death

Did you dream that you reached the subscriber? In reality, a meeting is coming with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. If you were unable to get through in a dream, then you should not exaggerate the significance of your defeats. Things could still change dramatically.

The telephone is a relatively new invention of mankind, and therefore its interpretation cannot always be found in dream books. But figuring out why a broken phone is dreamed of, although difficult, is quite possible. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream.

Telephone - connection with the world

To begin with, it is worth understanding that in a dream a telephone set symbolizes the connection between the dreamer and the world around him. If in reality you have difficulties communicating with people, unresolved problems or you are overcome by doubts, then it is not surprising that at night you have to call on a faulty phone.

If during your nightly adventure you were unable to contact the right person, because the phone was broken, then this is a clear indication that you need to improve your relationship with him. Perhaps you had a quarrel, minor conflict or misunderstanding. For a woman, such a dream means a quick break with her lover.

I dreamed about a broken phone - everything will work out

Personally breaking a phone in a dream means getting rid of a boring problem in reality, and buying a broken device, on the contrary, acquiring it. If you threw the phone down at night with all your might and it broke, then in reality there will be a domestic quarrel.

And if you tried to call, but the phone cracked, then you attach too much importance to your failures. great value. Very soon everything will work out on its own.

A phone seen in a dream means a lack of information

Why else do you dream about a broken phone? Modern apparatus reflects information in pure form. Perhaps in reality you are puzzled by some matter and are trying to find a solution to a complex issue.

In this case, a broken or non-functioning phone indicates a lack of information. As soon as you receive the necessary information in full, everything will work out.

A similar dream can also occur if you really want to communicate something. But either you do not have the opportunity to do this or you are keeping someone else’s secret, which simply cannot be disclosed.

Another interpretation of the dream - Expression of emotions

If you try to make a call in a dream, but the phone turns out to be faulty or broken, then perhaps you cannot fully express your feelings and emotions.

This happens either to unrequited lovers, or to people in a state of rage, resentment, etc. negative emotions. At the same time, a mobile phone is a symbol of commitment. If you broke it yourself, then you probably don't want to do what is being forced on you.

The dream book warns: Be careful!

Why else do you dream about a broken phone? The mobile device itself helps to keep everything under control in the real world. A dream in which a mobile phone is broken indicates the impossibility of this.

A screen with cracks and a non-working phone also indicates insufficient protection in energy or physical terms. Most likely, in reality you subconsciously feel some kind of danger. Therefore, in the near future you should exercise maximum caution.

Telephone, talking on the phone is an important detail of our dreams. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that when talking on the phone we do not see the interlocutor, so it is often much easier for us to convey some information to him. Moreover, during a telephone call, our interlocutor does not see our face, so a dream in which we happen to speak on the telephone must be interpreted taking into account these features.

IN modern world In dreams, a person more often has to talk on a cell phone. On the one hand, this is just a sign of the times and nothing more, but on the other hand, it indicates freedom of communication and movement during the events that the dream is interpreting.

In this regard, if you dream of a telephone call to a home or work landline, the plot may indicate two features. First of all - that the sleeper will be limited in freedom of choice or something else, secondly - that the events are connected with certain place. For example, a telephone call to a home telephone should be interpreted in a dream regarding family affairs, and if in a dream you happened to call a telephone installed in an office or at work, the events of the dream will be related to this area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

It is important to take into account this point: someone called you in a dream or you yourself are calling someone. This will indicate the person from whom the initiative comes in terms of predicted events.

And, of course, the most important thing is who is on the other end of the line and what the conversation is about.

If a mobile communication device appears in a dream, then the actions that happen to it are also important. In dreams, we can find a mobile phone, lose it, have it stolen, we may dream of a phone being stolen from us, and also see a broken phone, a broken screen, etc. All these dream plots should be considered separately.

Finding a phone in a dream may indicate a lack of communication and friends.

If you dreamed that your phone was stolen - perhaps you are very afraid of losing a connection with someone, a relationship, but in this case not a very close one.

Losing a phone in a dream has a similar interpretation, with the difference that when a phone is stolen, the action of third parties is implied, and in the latter case, you yourself are or will be the culprit of what happened.

A call from a loved one is dreamed of as a reflection of concern about him, in in a general sense it does not contain important information.

But if, for example, you had to talk on the phone with your loved one in a dream in front of unwanted witnesses, you should pay attention to this face. Perhaps he has some role to play in your relationship.

I dream about a phone that was stolen in real life- there may be a need to contact someone whose contact was lost along with him.

A very interesting dream is one in which there is an overheard telephone conversation. This is important information for the dreamer and should not be neglected.

Silence on the phone in a dream provides rich food for thought. Was this call unexpected or were you expecting it? Can you guess or guess from other signs who it could be? Has this dream been repeated? In most cases, the plot talks about something unsaid, about some information that they want to convey to you, but for some reason they cannot.

Dreams often feature a phone call from a deceased person. Such dreams frighten us, however, they do not always carry negativity. If you dreamed that your deceased father or deceased mother was calling, you should treat their words as a hint that was given to you from above. Native person in this dream - only a guide whom you trust.

If the deceased father (mother) called and gave a certain date, it should not be taken literally. Digital values ​​in dreams are usually encrypted and are usually very difficult to unravel. They can indicate a period of time, lottery ticket numbers, airplane flights, car numbers and much more. However, these numbers certainly make sense.

I dreamed of a phone call from the deceased, but he was silent - such a dream should be considered a warning. We can talk about both an incorrect lifestyle and an impending danger and the need to be on guard.

If you broke your phone in a dream, analyze how it happened. The phone fell accidentally or did you dream that you broke the phone in a fit of anger or resentment? Second important point is the result - the device has completely failed or you broke the screen of the phone, but it remained in working order? Analyze these details, then you will understand both the cause of future conflicts and what their result will be. Obviously, a broken phone screen will represent a cracked, but preserved relationship for the time being, and a broken, non-working phone will indicate a final breakup in a dream. Was the broken phone repairable?

It should be understood that in real life a device with broken screen It is used only for a short time, its owner soon tries to buy a new phone, if he has such an opportunity. The meaning of the dream in this case becomes transparent.

If you dreamed of a telephone according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A new phone in a dream symbolizes a new relationship.

Broken or broken - quarrel and rupture.

Find someone else's cell phone in a dream - an attempt to interfere in someone else’s life, to ruin other people’s relationships.

Finding a telephone in your own home in a dream is a sign that someone close to you has a relationship or connection that is kept secret from the sleeping person.

It’s especially bad if you find two phones in your own apartment - they are cheating on you.

Losing a cell phone - such a dream can speak of both the loss of some personal connections and the material damage that will have to be endured. To correctly interpret the meaning, think about what you were more sorry for in the dream - lost contacts or the loss of the phone, the device itself.

If your mobile phone was stolen in a dream, the meaning of the dream is similar, with the difference that someone else will be the culprit of what happens.

Talking on a mobile phone, talking to someone - such a dream says that you are hiding something from this person, or he is hiding something from you.

If you dream that you can’t get through to someone, in reality this person will avoid meeting you.

If a man talked to a person in a dream ex-wife over the phone - deep down he would really like to return to this family, but he is afraid of refusal.

An ex-husband who calls a woman in a dream is also not forgotten by her and the option of renewing the relationship is not excluded.

At the same time, the more the former spouses had a chance to swear on the phone in a dream, the stronger the connection between them in reality.

Talking on the phone with a dead person is a dream warning about something. It's important to remember what he said.

If in your dream a dead person gives the telephone receiver to someone who is still alive, this person is in mortal danger.

A telephone call about death (in which they tell you its date) does not give reason for despondency. Perhaps this is the start date new milestone in your life.

A phone in water dreams of oblivion.

If the sleeping person himself happened to drown the phone, he will try to forget someone. If someone else dropped your phone into the water in your dream, they will try to forget about you. In the latter case, the more you felt sorry for someone else’s device, the more painful someone else’s indifference will be.

Why do you dream about a telephone - esoteric dream book

In a dream, a telephone represents connections with people, including loved ones, as well as the desire to have additional communication capabilities.

If your phone was stolen in a dream, this indicates that you are afraid of losing your sense of security and connection with loved ones.

Losing a cell phone, looking for it - this dream says that you yourself will be the culprit of cooling or even breaking some relationships.

In addition, if you dream that you are looking for a cell phone and cannot find it, then this may be a hint that you should talk to someone close to you not just frankly, but also looking into each other’s eyes.

Dreaming of a phone call from an unfamiliar person means an invasion of your privacy.

Breaking a phone or smashing it in a dream means difficulties in communication.

For a woman, talking to a man on the phone, whose voice she can’t remember, dreams of a new secret admirer.

For young man talking on the phone with a girl in a dream means that she likes him.

If a girl calls in her night dreams from a guy she really likes, her hopes for him are in vain.

If you called one of your relatives, you will receive an invitation from them.

If you can’t reach someone on the phone in a dream, they won’t want to listen to you in reality.

Talk on the phone with ex-husband- such a dream reveals your desire to continue the relationship. And if you had to talk on the phone with your ex-partner in a raised tone, you will take some steps towards the former in reality.

A call from an ex in a dream has a similar interpretation.

If you dream that you are calling your friend, in reality you have not fulfilled some obligation to him.

Buying a phone in a dream means a long-term contract.

If a man receives a very small phone as a gift in a dream, this is a hint that his worries about the size manhood his partner considers him untenable.

A call from a dead person dreams of a change in weather.

Why do we dream about phones, Longo’s dream book

Dreaming about a new mobile phone means making new acquaintances.

Seeing a white phone in a dream means envy.

Blue - to mystery.

The red phone is dreaming of new ones romantic relationships, in which you, however, will not be very close to each other spiritually.

If you really like the new phone in your dream, it is possible that the relationship that has arisen will last a long time.

Finding a mobile phone means getting into other people's relationships in reality.

If you dream of a found phone being broken, broken, then in reality you will take your partner away from your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Give the phone you found to its owner - show nobility in life.

Finding many telephones in a dream means promiscuous connections.

Losing your phone means a quarrel.

If a girl dreamed that she lost her phone, which contained a young man’s number, in reality it would be better for her to leave first so as not to have to worry about being offended.

Calling a guy in a dream is a warning that she is becoming obsessive. It’s even worse if you dream of calling a guy at night, and this conversation on the phone with the guy took place in a raised voice.

For a woman to call a man on work matters is a sign of an office romance.

If you dream of talking on your cell phone with your parents, your secrecy may cause danger.

If in a dream they cannot reach you by phone, urgently call or visit them in reality.

A missed call from a loved one is dreamed of as a hint of your alienation or unfair treatment of him, especially if they called you in a dream and you did not pick up the phone.

I dreamed of a call from relatives - you will hear from them in reality.

You dream of a mobile phone in water as a sign that they want to break off relations with you.

Hearing a phone call from a deceased person in a dream, talking to him on the phone - means sadness and melancholy.

Seeing a broken mobile phone means communication difficulties.

If you gave a phone in a dream, new opportunities for communication will appear and your circle of acquaintances will expand.

If you dreamed that you had a different phone, but you didn’t know where it came from - such a dream speaks of an unexpectedly new look at someone who for a long time remained unnoticed next to you.

Why do you dream about phones - a modern dream book

Buying a new phone in a dream symbolizes the desire to change something in your environment.

If you dreamed that you found a phone, this means a new interesting and very romantic acquaintance, however, the object of your attention will not be free.

If a married woman finds a phone in a dream, she will experience a great temptation in love.

Stealing a phone means disappointing someone.

If a sleeping person stole a phone from a friend in a dream, his reputation could be very damaged.

If you dreamed that you found a phone that was lost in reality, restore your old connections.

We spoke on the phone with relatives - expect them to visit.

If you dream of a telephone conversation with your parents, you are in danger, you are hiding something from them.

A call from a friend, talking on the phone with a friend - dreams of news about him.

If a girl calls the guy she loves, they will break up very soon, especially if you can’t get through to him in the dream.

A call from a former partner means a quarrel with your current partner.

Calling a person on the phone in a dream who is two steps away from you means a very difficult conversation with him.

Hearing the phone ring but not answering - such a dream suggests that in reality you will not dare to dot the i’s in a relationship. If the phone rings for a very long time and persistently, in real life this understatement will soon become unbearable.

A call to a phone whose subscriber you do not know symbolizes a dangerous acquaintance.

If you dream that your loved one calls and says that you should break up, this means that in reality you are tormenting him with unnecessary suspicions.

Dreaming of a deceased person holding a phone or calling dead person- you should pray for them and think about what they could tell you now if they were alive in reality.

A phone falls in a dream, it breaks - to alienation in a relationship.

The same meaning is conveyed by a dream in which the phone is broken. The more urgently you needed to call someone at that moment, the harder you will experience this period in reality.

Buying a new phone dreams of making new friends.

Buy a phone on Friday night - the dream promises a long and lasting relationship.

The girl was given a phone - she may receive a friendship proposal from a young man.

If the phone received as a gift was expensive and prestigious, we can also talk about marriage.

A dream in which a girl is asked to call by a guy indicates that she is too passive in real life.

If a guy dreams that he did not call his girlfriend, although she asked him to do so, then in reality they will quarrel strongly because of jealousy.

A phone case is a dream about the danger of unprotected sex.