Why does chicken broth help cure colds and flu? Description of the benefits of chicken broth with photos, its calorie content, as well as a recipe for homemade broth

Modern nutritionists unanimously claim that all meat and chicken broths are harmful. Why? The original purpose of the broth is heat treatment piece of meat (not bones!). Even at the dawn of civilization primitive people energy costs for hunting were compensated only by rich and fatty foods, such as meat soups. To modern man There is no longer any need to actively work to get food for yourself. However, having gotten used to the taste of meat and rich broths, a person is still not able to give up bone broths.

What's good about meat broth?

As scientists have long proven, extractive substances that enter meat broth during the cooking process unnecessarily overload our digestive system and even make it difficult for the liver to function. A chemical substances(purine bases) contained in pork, lamb, beef, chicken broth are especially dangerous for the following diseases: arthritis, gout, blood diseases. What is used to weigh down, treat, preserve for transportation and storage, process pieces of meat (so-called chemical “additives”), easily pass into liquid, that is, into the broth during the cooking of meat: this is how antibiotics, preservatives, and growth hormones get into the soup .

Bone broth is considered the absolute record holder for the content of substances harmful and undesirable for the human body. Few people know, but it is in the bones that heavy metal salts are mainly deposited; mercury and arsenic compounds are present. Therefore, the thicker and more concentrated the meat broth, the more harm you will do to yourself, especially if you have digestive problems. But the meat itself, which was boiled in the broth, is precisely freed from most of the unwanted additives and excess fat. It is boiled meat that is recommended for dietary nutrition both adults and children.

And yet you shouldn’t give up. The broths that our parents fed us since childhood are not so harmful if they are prepared from high-quality meat and according to all culinary rules. Meat broths made from dietary meats are recommended by doctors during the period of recovery from severe infections and recovery from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In such patients, complex meals are not able to be fully digested, which becomes an obstacle to the recovering person receiving all the necessary nutrients and restoring energy. Good broths from chicken breast, which at all times was given to the sick and infirm patients. Concentrated beef broths indicated for patients with chronic gastritis with low acidity and anemia, as well as physical exhaustion.

Still, you shouldn’t give up soups completely. An excellent alternative to meat broths are vegetable soups. They are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They are completely free of harmful animal fat. Vegetable broths - dietary dishes, not contraindicated for anyone.

How to cook proper, healthy meat soup?

  • Choose only proven low-fat meat without any bones. Give preference to chickens, rabbits, veal.
  • Wash the meat thoroughly, cut off all veins and fat. Drop in cold water After bringing to a boil, cook for at least 10-15 minutes, drain all the broth. With the first water in which the meat boils, all dangerous extractive substances will disappear. Refill the meat with fresh water and continue cooking. If you want to achieve a lower concentration of the decoction, repeat the procedure again. Ready-made vegetable broth is ideal for re-cooking meat.
  • You can saturate the broth with vitamins, microelements and, of course, a pleasant aroma and taste by adding fresh herbs to it.

What water is best to cook broth with?

The broth will turn out really tasty and healthy if you choose the right meat and water for it. The fact is that tap water cannot always be used for cooking food and broths. In order for the broth to turn out perfect, it is better to use bottled, spring or well water for cooking it. In extreme cases, tap water can still be used, but before doing so it must be filtered. If there are no filters, let the water sit for several hours.

About the secrets of making delicious broth

To prepare the broth, the meat must only be poured cold water, and the cooking process should only take place with the lid tightly closed. The lid can be removed only when the broth boils, removing all the foam from its surface. Next, the cooking process should take place without a lid so that drops of moisture do not settle on it. Otherwise, they can seriously spoil the taste of the broth.

When a greasy film appears on the surface of the broth, it must be removed. Otherwise, the fat will simply dissolve in the broth, ruining its taste. There is no need to throw away fat. This is a very valuable product, so it must be collected in a bowl. Subsequently, this fat can be used in the frying process. It is also used to season main courses and make sauces.

As for the dishes, for preparing the broth it is better to choose a pan with thick walls and a bottom. In such a container, the heat is distributed evenly, and the broth itself will cook slowly. Gradually its taste will become more intense. You can add salt half an hour before the end of cooking. During the boiling process, some of the water boils away. If you add salt to the broth at the beginning, it may end up being too salty. It is also worth noting that in unsalted water, meat more actively releases its beneficial components.

Broth can be made from different types of meat different time. So, beef broth will cook for about three hours. The pork broth will take more than two hours to cook. But lamb can be cooked in an hour and a half. The least amount of time is needed to prepare broth from veal, rabbit and chicken - up to an hour and a half. However, the readiness of the broth is determined quite easily. You just need to pierce the meat with a knife or fork. If it is pierced, then the pan can be removed from the heat. It's important not to overdo it here. If the broth is overcooked, its taste will not be very pleasant. When the meat is ready, you need to take it out, separate it from the bones, and then cut it up and put it on a dish. You can make soup from this meat or add it to a main course. All that remains after straining the broth - spices and bones - can simply be thrown away.

Speaking of spices. To give the broth a special taste, add carrots, onions, celery, garlic, black pepper, parsley, cloves, Bay leaf. But all this does not apply to chicken broth. All these spices can only interrupt its natural taste. You can only add fresh parsley and carrots to the broth prepared with chicken. All spices are added to the dish thirty minutes before it is ready. The same applies to vegetables. It gives the broth a golden color a large number of onion peel. And to make the broth more piquant, you can add a little hard cheese to it.

About the calorie content of the broth

Considering that the problem of obesity is one of the main medical problems Nowadays, it makes sense to understand the calorie content of meat broth. So, one hundred grams of chicken broth contains about twenty kilocalories. The same amount of beef broth contains forty-five kilocalories. As for pork and veal broths, they contain fifty-four and twenty-eight kilocalories, respectively. These data were derived by calculating the average value from three liters of broth prepared from one kilogram of meat.

How to prepare meat broth for a child?

To prepare broth for a child, you need to take only lean meat, from which you need to remove all the veins, and then rinse it thoroughly. When the meat comes to a boil, it should simmer for about ten minutes. After this, the liquid must be drained, pour fresh water over the meat, and cook until tender.

If the child is not yet a year old, then the meat for him needs to be cooked separately and added to the vegetable broth in the required quantity. If the child more than a year, then the soup for it can be immediately prepared using meat broth.

Grandmothers and mothers know how to help children recover from a cold. It’s not for nothing that as soon as we sneezed as children, we were immediately fed warm and tasty food. chicken broth. Parental feelings drove our mothers, grandmothers, and fathers to the other end of the city to buy fresh homemade chicken for the child’s broth. And indeed, after the plate fresh soup, it became much easier. What is the secret of this miraculous product? during treatment colds ? In the placebo effect or nutrients? Let's look at the details, benefits of chicken broth for treating colds and flu.

Benefits of chicken broth

Many years of observations by scientists, experiments and research have proven that this amazing soup is truly extremely healthy. Moreover, the benefits of broth do not end with the treatment of colds. Concentrated chicken broth helps with cough and also promotes speedy recovery during flu and sore throat.

Benefits of chicken broth for the body, especially weakened by disease, lies in his chemical composition, which is determined by the composition of chicken meat. Thus, rich soup contains glutamic acid, beneficial essential oils and nitrogen-containing substances. In addition, chicken meat is rich in potassium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. There's a lot in it useful vitamins: vitamin group B, C, E, A, PP.

Chicken broth calories

Per 100 grams of chicken broth (from chicken without skin and fat) there are 21 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates. Depending on the part of the chicken that was used in preparing the soup, its calorie content can range from 160 to 240 kcal (the calorie content of chicken breast broth is much less).

The benefits of broth for ARVI from a scientific point of view

During research, Japanese scientists discovered that chicken broth itself, even without the use healthy vegetables and herbs, can help with colds, sore throats and acute respiratory infections. It is also useful for hypertensive patients. So beneficial influence on the heart and respiratory system provides collagen, which is found in chicken bones and meat. But this only applies to broth or soup made from fresh, unfrozen meat and the same vegetables. Chicken cubes have nothing in common with real chicken broth. These foods are not nutritious and contain a lot of spices, chemical colors and sodium. When preparing broth, scientists advise keeping the pot of soup on the fire longer, adding more vegetables to the dish, and not trying to save time and money by adding broth cubes.

Benefits of chicken broth for the body:

  • it improves bronchial patency;
  • chicken contains cysteine, a natural amino acid that helps thin sputum and successfully expectorate mucus;
  • broth has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract
  • warm and liquid chicken soup with a high fat content helps to “sweat”, that is, remove toxins with sweat.

Chicken bouillon useful if you suspect any respiratory tract infection. It should also be taken if you are severely dehydrated. It has a beneficial effect on sore throat.

Contraindications: who should not eat chicken broth?

Despite all the benefits of the dish, chicken broth is not considered the easiest food. In particular, concentrated broth can provoke serious allergies, especially in young children whose immunity is still poorly developed. During the long, slow cooking process, the water absorbs everything in the meat. Therefore, in addition to useful substances, hormones accumulated by animals, antibiotics, and heavy metals with which they were injected (in broiler chickens from untested poultry farms) can get into the broth. This is why chicken broth is not recommended for children under 7-8 months of age.

In addition, it is better to cook the meat until the third water - drain the water twice after boiling and add new water.

There is also a direct relationship between harmful broth and cooking time: the longer the chicken is cooked, the more harmful it can be, especially if the chicken is not homemade.

Avoid chicken broth if you suffer from liver disease or gallbladder, chronic diseases pancreas or large intestine or during exacerbation of the condition of these organs. Men suffering from gout should not get carried away with broth.

Photo source - pinterest.com

Perhaps no remedy has any effect better help in fighting disease than chicken broth. Its restorative properties are known to everyone who has ever been sick. Chicken broth is especially beneficial for colds or viral diseases. If in ancient times sick people were fed chicken broth rather according to tradition, today there is scientifically based evidence of the advisability of such nutrition for many diseases.

Fresh chicken broth prepared at home significantly improves bronchial patency in case of viral and colds. The amino acid cysteine ​​helps thin mucus much better than traditional ones. medications giving side effects. The healing combination of hot broth, fatty substances and spicy seasonings has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. The effectiveness of the broth during epidemics of colds will be increased by grated garlic added to it in small quantities. Antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral and others have been known for a very long time.

Chicken broth is extremely useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The extractive substances included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the “lazy stomach” and make it work more intensely. With gastritis, chicken fibers “pull out” excess acid from gastric juice; it helps with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Fresh chicken broth is also good for illnesses of cardio-vascular system, since it contains substances that significantly contribute to normal heartbeat. It also contains peptides that help restore the heart muscle.

Some housewives quite rightly believe that in order for chicken broth to bring even greater benefits, in addition to chicken meat, it is necessary to put onions in it, sweet potato, parsnips, turnips, celery stalks, parsley. Salt must be excluded.

Thanks to the inclusion of chicken broth in the diet, the patient receives a loading dose of vitamins. Chicken contains a large amount of substances that affect the body’s metabolic processes and take Active participation in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. These vitamins normalize the activity of the central nervous system, participate in the process of hematopoiesis, and increase the body’s resistance to negative impact environment.

One of important factors Confirming the benefits of chicken broth is the high content of iron it contains in an easily digestible form. The same applies to its constituents magnesium, selenium, calcium, and copper. Chicken broth promotes maximum blood thinning when high level hemoglobin.

Of course, the healthiest and most delicious chicken broth comes from village chickens, and there is nothing surprising in this, since these birds are not stuffed with antibiotics and other additives in order to increase their body weight at an accelerated pace. If possible, try to purchase poultry for a sick person. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam, and after cooking, the broth should be strained. If all the above conditions are met, you will get a truly tasty and healthy broth. Bon appetit!

We are used to living according to certain rules, some of them are passed down from generation to generation and do not cause any desire to doubt their correctness, reasonableness, and validity. But meanwhile, these age-old attitudes can be banal stereotypes and, in fact, turn out to be not at all useful, but on the contrary, harmful. How many times have you heard that if a person is sick, he needs to eat chicken broth? That it is very good for the stomach, that it is necessary after surgery and for small children, that it helps to warm up and get rid of colds? Is this really so? What are the incredible benefits of chicken broth, let's figure it out.

First of all, it should be noted that broth is different from broth. You cannot compare chicken broth made from chicken legs and from domestic chicken, there is also a significant difference between broths made from breast and soup set.

In order for chicken broth to have any benefit at all, it must be cooked correctly; by the way, not all housewives realize this. Firstly, It is advisable to cook chicken broth from cartilage and bones, soup set, then it will contain much more valuable substances than in a decoction of pulp. If desired, you can add chicken breast there. But broth made only from chicken breast will be the most dietary, not as healthy as broth cooked with bones, but the lightest - which is also sometimes required. When cooking chicken broth, the first water must be drained, all harmful substances go with it. It is also recommended to add onions, carrots, parsley root, salt, and dill when cooking. When the broth is ready, the vegetables can be removed or chopped and returned to the broth.

Beneficial properties of chicken broth

Properly cooked chicken broth will contain enough beneficial substances that can have an effect on the body. positive influence. First of all we're talking about about protein, its content in the broth is quite high and this indicates the nutritional value of the dish. Once in the body, the broth delivers the protein necessary for all vital processes. At the same time, it does not burden the digestive organs and does not require large energy costs for digestion, as happens with meat. The protein in chicken broth is an order of magnitude greater than in beef or pork. That is why chicken broth is indicated in a weakened, painful state, when you need to eat intensely and maintain strength.

Chicken broth is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are known to be necessary for vascular health, maintaining cardiac function, and preventing heart attack and stroke. Chicken broth is useful after surgery to restore vascular communication and normal blood circulation in damaged areas. If the broth was cooked from cartilage and bones, then it will be beneficial for fractures and will contribute to the rapid healing of bone tissue.

Chicken broth contains many B vitamins, which are also needed by a person when they are sick. They take an active part in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, the process of hematopoiesis, and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. This helps to quickly restore strength and return to your previous starting positions in terms of health.

Chicken broth contains the trace element iron, which is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. It helps raise hemoglobin, helps eliminate anemia. The broth also contains other minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, manganese; they are good support for illness, weakness, and exhaustion.

For bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, taking chicken broth is recommended due to the amino acid cysteine ​​present in it. This substance acts on sputum and effectively dilutes it and promotes discharge. To increase the effectiveness of the broth, as well as when using it to prevent colds, add a little crushed garlic to it.

Chicken broth is useful for gastrointestinal diseases; it improves digestion, but at the same time binds excess stomach acid. Chicken broth is recommended for those who are contraindicated in eating solid, tough, cold foods.

How many calories are in chicken broth

The calorie content of chicken broth depends on how fatty the chicken was and how and what it was cooked from. On average, 100 grams of homemade chicken broth contains 50-250 calories.

The dangers of chicken broth

Chicken broth does not have any special harmful properties, but you should not abuse it and eat only it instead of other foods and dishes. It may arise allergic reaction in people who have chicken intolerance or a disorder in the absorption or metabolism of animal proteins. Chicken broth is administered to children after the first year of life; nursing mothers should avoid using it in the first months after childbirth, as it can cause allergies in the baby.

Broth is the basis of therapeutic nutrition. It was even called “Jewish penicillin” when everyone knew about its benefits. But today the question of the usefulness of broth has become controversial. To the question “Is broth healthy”, some answer that it is useful, others say that it is harmful. Let's try to figure this out.


Useful properties of broth

The broth is saturated with phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, it contains a lot of vitamins, especially group B. Magnesium helps to work properly nerve cells, this is an excellent remedy in the fight against fatigue, it relieves irritability, improves memory. Phosphorus helps strengthen muscles, bones and teeth. Zinc promotes rapid wound healing and is also beneficial for brain function.

Nutrients of broth:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins C, PP, H, C, E;
  • Microelements (iron, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and others).

The broth will increase the body's resistance to stress, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and also have a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems.

Is chicken broth healthy?

Chicken broth is not just a tasty first course, but also healthy food, strengthening the immune system. It has long been given to a person during illness. In terms of the amount of animal protein, chicken is superior to lean pork and beef. IN chicken meat a mass of healthy fatty acids that are perfectly absorbed by the body. This food is recommended for hypertensive patients and heart patients.

The high content of vitamin B2 in chicken meat regulates the speed of metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes central nervous system. Vitamin B6 is responsible for fat and protein metabolism and is responsible for the condition of the skin. Vitamin B9 is involved in the process of hematopoiesis; it plays a particularly important role in the body of a pregnant woman. Vitamin B12 normalizes arterial pressure, supports the functioning of the reproductive organs, calms the nervous system. Chicken broth is useful for strengthening the immune system.

Sometimes “prohibited techniques” are used when raising poultry. Therefore, there is a risk of concentration of heavy metal salts, antibiotics that protect the chicken from diseases, growth hormones and preservatives in the broth.

Is meat broth healthy?

Meat broth helps reduce blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots. Drinking a cup of broth at night will ensure a restful sleep.

Meat broth is also rich in phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and a whole range of vitamins, especially group B. But nutritionists recommend avoiding meat or bone broth, since it is especially rich in purine bases - nitrogenous extractive substances that provoke salt deposition. They are contained to a lesser extent in other types of protein broths, which is why chicken broth, for example, is less harmful to human health.

Is fish broth good for you?

The unique composition of fish broth makes this product beneficial for the human body. It contains vitamins of groups B, E, C, H, as well as PP, iron, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other compounds natural origin, saturate the body in the required quantity, ensuring normal human functioning.

However, you should be careful here too. Fish caught in environmentally unfavorable waters contain salts of harmful metals, toxic compounds, and carcinogens. Fish raised in artificial reservoirs, such as the salmon family, may contain dyes. Some fish species, such as perch or tuna, reach large sizes since during the growth process they are “enriched” with mercury.

Is beef broth healthy?

Beef broth will help maintain a normal gastrointestinal tract. This first dish saturates the body with protein, B vitamins, essential amino acids, it contains minimal amount fat and cholesterol. This is the first dish for children and dieters. Consuming it will help with digestion. Rich in iron beef broth indicated for anemia, exhaustion, loss of strength.

Nutritionists do not recommend cooking beef broth on bones, as heavy metal salts accumulate in them, and the high concentration of extractive substances in the broth overloads digestive tract, making it difficult for the liver to function.

What makes beef broth dangerous is the purine bases contained in poor-quality beef, as well as antibiotics, hormones and preservatives.

Broth is contraindicated:

  1. People with weakened pancreas;
  2. For stomach ulcers;
  3. Children under 2 years old;
  4. For gout;
  5. For metabolic arthritis;
  6. With increased secretion of the stomach;
  7. For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

How much broth can you eat per day?

For the normal functioning of the body, a serving of broth per day is enough.

How to cook broth

The best broth comes from proven, low-fat, boneless meat. Preference should be given to chickens, rabbits, and veal.

Before cooking, the meat should be washed and all veins and fat should be cut off. Place the meat in cold water, bring to a boil, then cook for another 10-15 minutes. Drain the first decoction - dangerous extractive substances will go away with it. Fill the meat with fresh water again and continue cooking.

By adding fresh herbs and vegetables to the broth, it will become more saturated with vitamins and microelements, the aroma will become more pleasant, and the taste will be richer.

Healthy Broth Recipes

Meat broth

Cut the beef into cubes, place it in a large saucepan, fill with cold water, and bring to a boil over low heat.

Remove the foam from the surface, add finely chopped onion, diced carrots, chopped chives and celery. Salt to taste.

Cook the broth over low heat for about 3-4 hours. Remove the pan from the heat and strain the broth. The dish is ready. The meat broth can be refrigerated and used to make soups, sauces, risotto or gravy.

Fish broth

Fill a saucepan with water, add herbs (thyme, parsley), diced carrots, chopped onions, celery. Pepper and salt to taste. Bring the water to a boil and place on low heat. Cook for another 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the vegetable broth to cool.

When it becomes warm, put the fish in it, put it back on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes.

Remove the fish broth from the heat and let it cool. The strained broth can be stored in the refrigerator and used to make soups and seafood risotto.

Chicken bouillon

Is chicken broth healthy? At proper preparation, it is extremely useful. For chicken broth, it is better to find home-grown chicken or hen. We remove the skin from it and excess fat, place in a saucepan with onions, carrots and celery and pour in enough water to completely cover the bird. Salt to taste. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat and cook the chicken at a gentle simmer for another 2 hours. Don't forget to remove the foam from time to time. The finished broth should be strained through a sieve and allowed to cool. This dish is served with dumplings, strips of vegetables, and noodles.

Bon appetit!