Where is the poplar, where is the aspen? Common aspen in medicine: properties, composition, use for diabetes, prostatitis, parasitic infections What leaf does aspen have.

Aspen is one of the most common trees in Central Russia. Her characteristic feature- light green smooth bark. In the dark, it can be confused with birch, although if you touch the bark with your hands, the difference from birch bark is noticeable.

Aspen wood - characteristics, properties, application

Aspen is a tree that lives relatively short - usually 80-90 years. Only a few specimens live up to 120-140 years. One of the reasons is that the trunk core is easily affected by rot.

About the distribution, significance in nature and legends about aspen here

Aspen tree. Description

Tree 25-30 m high, up to 1 m in diameter. The crown is round, the trunk is cylindrical and columnar, the bark is greenish-gray. The leaves are round (in the crown of the tree), on long petioles, with palmate venation and a crenate-toothed edge. On coppice shoots, the leaves are larger, triangular-ovate with a pointed tip. Flower buds open in January, but bloom in March - May, before the leaves bloom.

Distributed from forest-steppe to northern taiga in Western Europe, in the Caucasus, in the Front, Middle and Central Asia. In Russia it grows in the European part, Siberia, on Far East. Produces abundant root shoots. The wood is white, with a greenish tint, splits well, bends, and is easy to process. Burns quickly (although produces little heat).

The trunk is dark gray only below, above it is painted gray green color.

The trunks look most vibrant on young trees when their bark is wet with rain. In autumn, the crowns of aspen trees become very elegant: before they fall, the leaves turn different colors - from yellow to crimson-red.

Aspen in autumn

By the age of thirty, aspen is capable of producing more than 300 cubic meters of wood per hectare, the same as pine and spruce by 100 years. It turns out that in the time it takes coniferous forest, you can get three aspen crops.
It reproduces like all poplars: it reproduces by seeds, root suckers, and stump shoots. In our forests there are about 18 million hectares occupied by aspen trees; on 150 million hectares, aspen grows in proximity to other species. Experts say that the areas occupied by this breed will increase. After all, after cutting down a mixed forest, which included at least one representative of aspen, its numerous offspring immediately occupy the cutting area.

The roots of the aspen, the one that grew as an impurity in the forest, spread wide and for decades, half asleep, remained viable, as if biding their time. When a forest is cut down, a lot of moisture, light and heat appear. The roots awaken, and wild shoots emerge from dormant buds. Tiny flying aspen seeds are carried by the wind for tens of kilometers. Aspen and birch are always the first to populate open, free spaces, for which they are called pioneer trees. Only shade-tolerant spruce can survive aspen from the forest. The fact is that aspen is a light-loving plant, and its shoots are not capable of living under the canopy of other trees.

In winter, in the absence of leaves, aspen can be confused with poplar. Differences in location - poplars are usually not found in our forests, but aspens are rarely found in urban plantings. A more reliable difference is the kidneys. Poplars, typical of our urban plantings, have longer ones.

In summer, aspen can be confidently recognized by its rounded leaves with an uneven, notched edge. The leaf is dark green above, light gray-green below, smooth on both sides. The arrangement of leaves and branches is regular.

Aspen leaves tremble at the slightest wind. The explanation lies in their structure. The long petioles are flattened and thinner in the middle.
Aspen is a bisexual tree, pollinated by the wind. Small female and male flowers are collected in greenish earrings. Aspen blooms in late April - early May, even before the leaves bloom. The fruits are small boxes covered with down, which allows the seeds to stay in the air longer and fly further from the tree that gave them birth.

Aspen is a tree that lives relatively short - usually 80-90 years. Only a few specimens live up to 120-140 years.

What does an aspen tree look like (photo)?

One of the reasons is that the trunk core is easily affected by rot.

Wood is used to make matches, plywood, containers, cellulose and paper, and rayon. Aspen is frost-resistant and light-loving, but in this respect it is somewhat inferior to birch. It is more demanding of soil fertility and moisture; it grows well on sandy loam, clayey, loamy fresh soils. Lives 60-80(150) years. Trees emerging from root suckers are easily affected by rot; dried wood is durable and resistant to rot. Decoctions and infusions of buds, leaves and bark are used in medicine.

Let's look at the main ways to plant aspen

Now let's look at the answers to questions that usually arise at the initial stage: when to plant, when to replant, how to plant a new pet?

This pet is moisture-loving, but not cold-resistant; it cannot withstand prolonged flooding.

Caring for aspen is limited only to choosing a decent place and providing periodic watering. Planting can be done with seeds or seedlings in the form of sprouts that have sprouted in nature. They are usually transplanted in the spring, so that during the growing season they have time to adapt and take root. Planting is not difficult and therefore no special instructions are necessary. But there is still strict advice to follow: it is recommended to water the beauty regularly. Rot may appear as a disease. But this applies to adult specimens. Most often, the inner part of the trunk rots, so the plant is usually cut off at the age of 40-45 years. For this reason, in cities they try to cut off these beauties early, as they may rot and collapse. And earlier, for the same reason, people tried to plant this representative of the flora away from their homes in order to avoid accidents in strong winds. But there are also benefits from it. "Green Friend" absorbs very quickly carbon dioxide and therefore it was often planted within the boundaries of large cities. But when flowering, it throws out fluff, which is an allergen for many people.

Medicinal plants, having special properties, do not allow pests to attack them. This is the peculiarity of my favorite.

Regular watering

At artificial breeding You definitely need to pay attention to watering. IN summer period When there is a lack of moisture, hydration should be plentiful and regular. Then the pet will be able to grow quickly and develop correctly.

Fertilizing as an additional measure

Feeding during artificial cultivation is irrelevant. Possible use organic fertilizer at the stage of disembarkation or transplantation. The charming girl takes care of herself.

Aspen: healing properties and recipes for use

A powerful root system allows you to find the necessary nutrients far from the place of growth.

Collection of photos and benefits of your favorite

Aspen is a leaf-like species with a smooth, erect trunk, reaching 35 meters in height, and living for about 90-100 years. The leaves have a round or diamond-shaped shape. In summer they are colored green, but in autumn they can be of various shades: from yellow to red. Shown in the photo common aspen, found in deciduous and mixed forests, along roads and rivers. Since it grows quickly, it is often planted in cities for landscaping. In another way, this representative of the flora is also called “trembling poplar”. This name comes from the fact that the foliage does not sway in the wind, but seems to tremble. The visual impression is created that the tree is cold or upset about something.

The trunks of this beauty are suitable for the construction industry. In ancient times, they built good and durable houses from it, and covered the domes of churches with planks. Aspen wood is equal in strength to oak. Its characteristics depend on where the tree grows. Unfortunately, now they have forgotten about aspen and more often in construction they prefer to work with pine and spruce. But this beauty has found application in the activities of artisans: they cut spoons and bowls from it. It turns out that before starting to create a product, craftsmen steam its pieces in hot water and after that it is cut like a turnip. There are even legends that food is preserved in such dishes much longer. That’s why even housewives used to put aspen logs in sauerkraut. The main properties and advantages of wood are its white color, resistance to water, and the fact that it does not crack or change shape (warp) when dried. It is also made from Decoration Materials: lining, round timber, indispensable in creating the interior of premises.

Even in ancient times, man discovered medicinal properties plants. Leaves, buds, bark - all this is the raw material for creating medicines. Infusions and decoctions from the buds are used for gout, hemorrhoids, in the treatment of the prostate gland, cystitis, etc. The juice of the leaves helps get rid of warts and lichen. The most popular is the bark, which is used for fever, diarrhea, toothache, urinary retention, and it is also used as a septic tank, etc. Those who like to take a steam bath knit brooms, which they then use in the bathhouse for preventive purposes.

Independent reproduction

Reproduction occurs by seeds and shoots. The seeds are located in peduncles - “earrings”, which, after ripening, are scattered throughout the territory. Growing aspen using this method occurs naturally. Propagation by shoots is also spontaneous. The root system of the pet is very massive and is located deep in the ground. Roots sprout shoots that can appear at a distance of 40 m from the tree and continue to spread by a meter per year.


Aspen(populus tremula) - Aspen is in second place in terms of area among deciduous species (1/10 of this area), grows almost everywhere. Aspen is a kernel-free species. The wood is white, with a greenish tint; the annual layers are faintly visible, the medullary rays are not visible. Aspen wood has a uniform structure, is easily peeled, impregnated and does not produce a highly smoky flame (raw material for the match industry).

Aspen used in agriculture(wells, cellars, roofing shingles, etc.), as well as for the production of fiberboards, cellulose, cardboard, plywood, forest chemicals and other industries. Application is limited due to heart rot, which is often found in growing trees. They don't like aspen wood ornamental material V specialized literature woodworking: at one of last places it is worth it based on the percentage of excellent parts yield and good quality during processing - planing, milling, turning, drilling. And woodcarvers love aspen, like linden, for its ease of processing, light tone, fine fiber texture, and because it is accessible and even more common than linden. In the handicraft industry, aspen is also “respected” for the fact that it is not afraid of moisture and for its low density. Only Siberian fir and poplar have a density less than that of aspen, and linden has the same density. Therefore, aspen is used to make lightweight toys and dishes. Previously, troughs, tubs, and gangs were made from it. In addition, it does not crack or prick from impact. In addition, aspen peels well - it is used to make shingles and matches.

Aspen also has one more completely unexpected property - a strong increase in strength during aging. With its lightness! The practice of our ancestors confirms what has been said, although it does not fully reveal all the reasons and secrets. It turns out that the walls of the huts, built from aspen many years ago, still amaze with their strength, whiteness and cleanliness.

Aspen: description of the tree

The ax bounces off such wood and, at best, penetrates only shallowly. It is not for nothing that aspen is now used in villages for making shelves and benches in bathhouses, and for lining their walls - it is hygienic, light and clean, not afraid of moisture, does not warp or crack. It also turns out that experienced villagers make handles and handles for agricultural implements, when the combination of lightness and strength, just from aspen, is worth its weight in gold. Only for this purpose it is necessary to cut down a young aspen in the spring, when the wood is filled with sap, and give it the opportunity to dry well in the shade - to wither. Then it will become both light and strong, like bone. Obviously, the aspen does not just dry out, some kind of polymerization occurs under the influence of the components of its juice. Oral legends say that they did the same thing with the preparation of aspen logs for construction, only on each of them two or three grooves were made along the log on the bark so that the wood would not rot when drying, and the necessary juice would be preserved in moderation. For the same reasons, when drying an unsanded aspen trunk, some branches were sometimes left on its top, which drew excess moisture from the wood. To obtain ideal aspen wood, its trunks were harvested together with the birth of a son in the family, and it dried until the son separated from the family and a house was built for him. The best ax handle for the carpenter and joiner, as well as for the home craftsman, is also made from well-seasoned aspen. It is not only light, but also does not crush your hand or cause calluses, which usually happens when working with a birch ax handle that gets polished and slips out of your hands (however, it is better to buy an ax handle for an ax for chopping wood from birch: its breaking strength does not depend I slept depending on the time of year).

Another property of aspen deserves attention, which is a defect in woodworking. This is the presence of hollows and rot in the middle of large trunks.

In terms of chipping strength, aspen is similar to linden and is superior in this to coniferous species, as well as poplar. And in terms of resistance to splitting from impact, it stands next to birch and ash, even ahead of beech, oak, maple, walnut, linden, coniferous trees. This indicates the viscosity of aspen. Aspen is cut elastically, even tightly, with effort, but the surface is good in all directions, sanded and polished well. Considering the indicated properties of aspen, it is especially advantageous to use it for crafts with blind carvings, for making complex, solid-carved ornaments or such decorations. Let us also mention the famous property of the silvery glow of aspen, which we observe on the roofs of the cathedrals of wooden architecture of the North of our country covered with ploughshares (curly carved planks).

Any wood that is not protected with varnishes or paints becomes gray and gradually collapses and rots. Unpainted aspen also turns gray, but unlike other types of wood, it is more resistant to weathering and, having acquired its silvery, metallic tint grey colour for several years (according to some sources, for 8-10 years), preserves it for many decades. By appearance aspen can only be confused with its related poplar (aspen has a second name - trembling poplar). It, like the white poplar, has a smooth greenish-gray bark, brownish at the base, cracked (in old trees). But the aspen leaf, unlike the poplar leaf, is ovoid.

General view of the tree

Aspen fruits on the branches

Longitudinal and cross cuts

Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Thome “Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz”, 1885

Aspen growing north of the Arctic Circle in Norway

Aspen leaves

Willow and aspen are healers

As soon as the sun warms up, aspen and willow bloom in the river valleys where there is still snow. These trees are said to have medicinal properties. Is it so?
E. ROMOVA, Otradny

Green willow

Many people benefit from willow trees. Let us dwell on one of their medicinal uses. And let’s take the most common goat willow.
Goat willow, or bredina, willow (willow family), a small tree, up to 10 meters in height, with ovate leaves.

Aspen: what it looks like and how it differs from poplar

It grows in the European part of the country and is found in Siberia. Willow bark contains tannins, flavone glycosides, and vitamin C. It has been established that an infusion or tincture from the male inflorescences of goat willow good remedy for cardiac arrhythmia and tachycardia, regulating the neuromuscular apparatus of the heart, and an infusion of inflorescences, leaves or bark is drunk with increased heartbeat. In folk herbal medicine, it is known to use a decoction of willow bark for colds and lung diseases, as a gum strengthening agent, and as a sedative for neuropsychic disorders.
In addition, a decoction of willow bark is taken as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, hemostatic, and anthelmintic. It is effective for chronic diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach, spleen disease, tuberculosis, hemoptysis, acute rheumatism and other diseases. A concentrated decoction of the bark is used for sweating, as a gargle for inflammation of the throat and mouth. You can wash your hair if you have hair loss or dandruff. In Western Europe, preparations from willow are used in the treatment of fever, articular rheumatism, gout, dyspepsia, diseases of the stomach and intestines, and scrofula.
Take 15 g of finely chopped bark for 1 glass of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, filter. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

Trembling aspen

Aspen blossoms are one of the first joys of spring. It's nice to see luxurious dangling catkins on bare, leafless branches when there is snow all around. Aspen is found throughout the forest and forest-steppe zones countries. It has been established that aspen leaves contain glycosides, carotene and ascorbic acid. A lot of useful substances and in the cortex: glycosides, essential oil, pectin, tannins. An infusion or decoction of the buds is a popular remedy for fever, old colds, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. A decoction of young aspen bark is used for kidney disease, cystitis and other bladder diseases, urinary retention and salt deposition in joints. The decoction is recommended to be taken for gastritis and poor digestion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, as an appetite stimulant, and for coughs. Traditional medicine used ointment made from aspen wood ash to treat eczema.
Usually for 1 glass of boiling water take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of leaves or bark, boil for an hour in a steam bath; After straining, drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.
Of course, like all infusions, they can only be taken on the advice of your doctor.

Aspen is not a simple tree. It is also popularly called mystical and cursed. And why they say so about him, you will definitely find out now. This is a large species belonging to the willow family, whose height can sometimes reach 35 meters. White wood has a characteristic greenish tint. And what’s most interesting is that the age of this tree is almost impossible to determine. After all, it is usually recognized by the rings on the cut, but in aspen they are not visible at all. But it is known that on average lives from 90 to 150 years. Aspen can be found most often in forests or on the banks of water bodies, rarely in dry sands, clearings and swamps. That's why she's very Lately This is what is used for landscaping areas. Aspen is a tree that lends itself well to sanding, so it is widely used in the manufacture of objects. Well log houses are also made from it, since such wood is not at all afraid of water. In the old days, village craftsmen made nesting hives, kitchen utensils and birdhouses from it.

Why is it believed that aspen is a cursed tree?

They talk about this for a reason, because any belief cannot arise out of nowhere. There are several Christian legends in which aspen behaved treacherously. For example, when the Mother of God and the Child were fleeing in the forest, all the green inhabitants fell silent and only the “cursed” tree gave her away and showed her the way.

And also, when Judas wanted to hang himself, not a single tree allowed him to do this: the birch lowered its branches, the pear scared away with its thorns, and the oak with its power. But the aspen did not contradict him and joyfully rustled its leaves. That's why people cursed her. It is also believed that aspen forest is an excellent means of protection against witchcraft. It absorbs and de-energizes all energy. No wonder they stick it in the heart of vampires


Aspen, a tree whose photographs you see in the article, is capable of absorbing negative energy. People usually go to her when they want to free themselves from problems and get rid of troubles. They say that if you touch her with a sore spot, she will take over the entire illness and the person will feel better. But at the same time, too much contact with aspen can cause headaches, nausea, depression and drowsiness. Therefore, contact with her should not exceed 15 minutes. In the old days, aspen wood was used to build thresholds. It was believed that they absorbed all negative energy guests entering the house, thereby protecting the owners of the home. Aspen trees cut down and stuck at the four ends of the village protected residents from various diseases, for example, a cholera epidemic.

Application in medicine

Aspen is a tree that is valued for its bark, leaves, buds and young shoots. Preparations made from this raw material have antimicrobial, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects. They are widely used in the treatment of smallpox, tuberculosis, diarrhea, cystitis, syphilis and many other diseases. They are used externally to heal wounds, burns and ulcers.

Well, now you know what an aspen tree is, where it grows and what unusual properties it has.

Aspen – healing tree that can help in unconventional treatment diseases associated with inflammatory processes and diabetes. This is an accessible plant material that anyone, if desired, can collect on their own and make from it. medicine. Its main advantages are naturalness, mild action and proven effectiveness.

What does aspen look like and where does it grow?

Aspen (also known as trembling poplar) is a wild growing tree. medium height, which can reach 35 m. The trunk diameter in rare cases reaches 1 m, although usually this figure is much smaller. Aspen has many varieties, but in folk medicine they traditionally use Ordinary, which can be found everywhere in mid-latitudes.

The edges of the leaves, which have a rounded shape, are cut with large teeth. Their petioles are long, but flattened in the middle, so with every breath of wind the foliage begins to tremble, which is characteristic feature tree. Trembling poplar is a dioecious plant. In males, earrings have a pink or reddish tint, while in females they are green.

Aspen grows quite quickly: after 50 years, its trunk rises 20 meters above the ground. But its lifespan is also short-lived: the life of a tree usually ends after 90 years. It is very rare to find specimens whose age is 130 years.

This tree is found in latitudes with temperate and cold climates throughout the entire European and Asian continent. Aspen often forms entire species tracts, either preferring edges or sunny glades of dense forests.

Composition and medicinal properties of aspen

The properties of common aspen are explained by its chemical composition, which contains a number of useful substances. The most valuable of them is salicyl, which is a natural analogue of aspirin. Once in the human body, it organic compound relieves inflammation and reduces the inflammation caused by it elevated temperature bodies. The highest concentration of salicyl is in the bark of the tree, so it is widely used in alternative medicine.

Aspen also contains:

  • vitamins;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • a number of glycosides;
  • complex fatty acids and other acids;
  • micro- and macroelements.
  • carbohydrates;
  • ethers, etc.

What aspen looks like (video)

Therefore, remedies prepared from leaves and especially tree bark help in treating diseases. They provide:

  • antipyretic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • blood thinner;
  • stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system;

Also, taking aspen increases sweating.

Therefore, the tree is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, primarily associated with inflammatory processes. Also aspen bark is an ingredient for folk remedy treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Photo gallery

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Crushed aspen bark, ready for preparation, is sold in pharmacies and herbal shops. But, having gone to the forest, you can collect and produce plant materials yourself: no special skills or knowledge are required for this.

The leaves of the tree are collected in May or June. After this, they need to be dried in a special dryer at a temperature of about 55 ° C or spread on paper in a dry, warm and well-ventilated room. You can also use the heat of a stove oven preheated to 60°. Trembling poplar buds are also harvested in a similar way. in early spring.

It is a little more difficult to collect aspen bark. For this you will need sharp knife to make your work easier. You need to go to the forest from approximately April 20 to June 1, because during this period there is an active movement of sap. You need to choose young trees whose trunk diameter is no more than 8 cm. Using a knife, make two round cuts around the tree at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Then the bark is cut vertically between them and carefully removed. You need to make sure that there are no pieces of wood left on it. The same manipulations can be repeated with branches.

When you get home, you should wash the bark and dry it in the oven, cutting it into small pieces of 3–4 cm. The temperature should not exceed 60 °C. Drying can also be done in a dry, ventilated area, but in this case the process will take up to a week.

It is forbidden to dry leaves and bark under straight sun rays sun. This way, most of the useful things will evaporate from the healing raw materials. Harvested aspen can be stored for up to 3 years, although it is considered most useful in the first year after harvest.

The healing properties of aspen (video)

The use of aspen in folk medicine

Mostly in folk medicine, aspen bark is used, which is most valuable due to its composition. Products are made from it in the most various forms: decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures and even ointments.

Decoctions and infusions from aspen

There are 3 main ways to make a decoction and infusion of aspen bark:

  1. Finely crushed bark is poured clean water in a ratio of 1:4. Place the container on low heat, wait until it boils and leave for another 30 minutes. After this time, the broth should sit for at least 6 more hours, tightly closed with a lid. This “greenhouse effect” will help the beneficial substances to be released into the water. If the bark was purchased at a pharmacy, then the boiling time is reduced to 5 minutes, since the raw materials have already passed heat treatment. This remedy is taken half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The decoction is especially useful for diabetes mellitus.
  2. Aspen bark infusion is very useful for pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammatory diseases. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials is poured into 0.5 l hot water and leave for 12 hours. Drink a glass in the morning and evening.
  3. Otherwise, prepare an infusion for the treatment of diabetes mellitus: The bark and boiling water are combined in a ratio of 1:3 and left for 10–12 hours. It is preferable to take the product in the morning on an empty stomach. Between courses of treatment, each of which lasts 3 weeks, there should be a 10-day break.

The most useful are decoctions and infusions immediately after preparation. Over time, beneficial substances disappear from them. Although the liquid may have an unpleasant aftertaste, it is not recommended to sweeten it even with sugar substitutes.

Aspen ointment

The ointment will help with areas of inflammation on the skin, burns and dermatitis. The bark should be burned, and the resulting ash (10 g) mixed with Vaseline (20 g). This remedy can be stored in the refrigerator and used if necessary until recovery. Very soon unpleasant symptoms will fade away.

Tincture of aspen with vodka

A universal tincture of aspen with vodka suppresses inflammatory processes in the body, enhances the functioning of the immune system and improves health thanks to vitamins and minerals. To prepare it, you need to mix the bark and vodka: for 100 g of raw materials you will need 200 ml.

The bottle is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this, you need to strain the liquid and consume 15–20 drops before meals. To make it easier to drink the tincture, it is diluted in a third of a glass of still mineral water.

How to brew aspen bark

Tea made from aspen bark is recommended for diabetics and people in the recovery period after infectious diseases, as well as for prevention with a tendency to increase blood sugar levels. It is enough to pour a couple of glasses of boiling water over the bark (2 tablespoons) and leave it in a teapot or thermos for 30–60 minutes. Drink immediately after preparation.

Kvass from aspen for the treatment of diabetes

Aspen kvass is not only good for health and lowers sugar, but also pleasant on hot days because it is very refreshing. To prepare it, you will need a 3 liter jar. It is filled with either dry bark (a third of the container) or fresh bark (half a jar). Also add 2/3 cup granulated sugar, water and 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream. In a couple of weeks, the unusual and healing drink will be ready.

Aspen and poplar, two trees that perform completely different functions in nature. But both are priceless in their own way. Aspen - for people's health. Poplar - for the environment. Aspen belongs to the willow family. Usually this tree grows in the forest, but there are exceptions. This is due to the fact that it is quite susceptible to tree diseases. The thicket of the forest is a reliable home for aspen, since dense plantings of plants form a kind of shield from the wind. After all, it is the wind that carries all existing bacteria and microbes that infect plant fauna. Despite this, healthy representatives of this plant are long-lived, the age of some specimens reaches 130 years.

Aspen has a slender and tall trunk; in appearance it is very similar to poplar; they belong to the same family. To understand how to distinguish an aspen from a poplar, just look at the base of its trunk, and if you can’t see the roots protruding outward, then it’s definitely not a poplar. When the weather is calm and the crown of the tree is swaying, there is no doubt - it is aspen. In the forest it is definitely impossible to confuse aspen with poplar, since it simply does not grow there. Poplar has a powerful trunk and a very strong root system, as mentioned above. Poplar roots are located almost at the surface of the soil. He is very prolific and you can see a lot of young offspring around. The roots of aspen are located deep underground.

Before getting rid of aspen, it would not be amiss to remember that aspen, according to ancient legend, drives away evil spirits from housing. And in general, you shouldn’t destroy trees unless absolutely necessary. But if there is a poplar on the site, this need may arise. The poplar will drown out any plant growing nearby with its roots. It is capable of lifting asphalt and destroying the foundations of residential buildings. This plant has only one advantage - thanks to the resinous surface of its leaves, it is an excellent air sanator.

If you walk through the forest after a fire, you need to pay attention to what the aspen looks like. Due to the structure of the root system, it is one of the few to survive fires. Due to the fact that aspen feeds deep underground, upper layer The soil around this tree is most fertile. That is why the boletus mushroom has chosen a place under the aspen. There is a popular saying “trembles like an aspen leaf”; it is used in speech patterns associated with the expression of fear. Botany says that thin cuttings cannot cope with the weight of a leaf, so the crowns of aspens are always in motion.

Aspen is an excellent natural antiseptic. Aspen as a medicine is applicable for many diseases, since its bark, wood, buds, and even leaves have antibacterial substances. In the old days, when there were no dentists and other doctors, people with headaches and toothaches went into the forest to “hugging the aspen tree.” They applied the sore side to the tree bark and waited for healing. If you have walls in a steam room made of aspen wood, the effect of the healing properties of a Russian bath increases significantly. For the same effect, it is necessary to have a tub for water made of aspen in the steam room. People with problem skin(psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema) an aspen broom in the steam room is a salvation from illness. So many useful properties carries this tree. He grows mushrooms, drives away evil spirits, and is a healer. It is worth taking care of the faithful guardian of humanity.

There was a double attitude.

On the one hand, the tree was considered cursed. The ancient Slavs believed that goblin, devils and other evil spirits lived in aspen groves. In myths ancient Greece Aspen grew in the afterlife.

The tree was a symbol of fear and indecision, so its leaves constantly shook in the wind.

At the same time, Aspen served partly for good. For example, a bed, like bath brooms made from Aspen, helped to cope with various ailments.

Aspen branches stuck into the fence did not allow entry into the garden evil spirits. Aspen stakes were used to fight evil spirits.

names of aspen trees

According to one version, the word “aspen” comes from the word “blue”.

The fact is that after the Aspen has been cut down or cut down, a blue stain forms at the site of the cut. This occurs due to tannins reacting with metal particles. This property is used by many carpenters and cabinetmakers when working with various species.

Since wood has a white tint, the blue tint is especially noticeable.

The Latin name for common aspen is populous tremula, which in literal translation With Latin language means "trembling man".


In autumn, after the leaves have fallen, Aspens stand out among the Russian black forests with their green trunks.

In clearings and forest edges the tree often grows with spreading, knotty branches and a lush crown, while in forest groves it stretches upward.

Aspen leaves look like coins with jagged edges and long petioles.

The tree grows very quickly and reaches a height of up to 35 meters. The lifespan is on average 100 years.

Aspen roots are very powerful and go deep into the soil. Thanks to this property, Aspen can easily survive Forest fires. Even if the tree trunk burns and dies, thanks to the surviving root system, new shoots will not take long to appear.

Where does Aspen grow?

In nature, Aspen is found in Korea, China, as well as in Europe, Kazakhstan and almost all regions of Russia.

Despite the fact that people are accustomed to meeting Aspen in mixed forests, the tree quite often forms pure aspen forests. These groves - favorite places mushroom pickers.

Aspens can grow in cleared areas, after fires and in ravines. Often used to strengthen slopes and landscaping parks and gardens.

The tree does not like swampy and heavily moist soil. Under such conditions, the tree quickly rots in the middle and dies.

When Aspen Blooms

Aspen blooms in mid-April. Reddish men's earrings look much more interesting than thin and green women's earrings.

Aspen blooms before the leaves bloom.

Medicinal properties of aspen

Aspen bark contains a huge amount of useful substances: antibiotics, tannins, glycerin, esters and others. That is why ointments, medicines, decoctions and even kvass are made from the bark.

Aspen is a source of elements such as copper, iron, zinc, and nickel. These substances are necessary for a person to strengthen the immune system.

A decoction of Aspen bark has an analgesic effect and helps with burns, eczema and other damage to the skin.

The decoction also has an astringent effect on the body and helps with gastritis and diarrhea, killing harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

For increased anxiety for recovery nervous system A decoction of aspen bark is also used.

Tincture from tree bark treats joint diseases and prostatitis.

Application of Aspen

Aspen is a fast-growing tree, therefore it is used for landscaping.

Tree wood – valuable material for carpenters. It has a soft structure and does not chip, can easily be compared to wood Linden trees, while growing much faster and occurring much more often.

In the old days, a decoction of Aspen was used to get rid of scale in samovars.

The most well-known use of wood is matches. Every day, several tons of material are used to make matches.

Aspen is used in the manufacture of packaging and decorative shavings, which can be painted in any color.


Aspen has no special contraindications, however, decoctions from the bark are not recommended for people with problems with the digestive system.

Cases of individual intolerance are also possible.

When using methods traditional medicine contact specialists.

Aspen bark is a favorite delicacy of hares and moose, so in the forest you can often find littered debarked tree trunks.

In the old days, when sauerkraut was sauerkraut, aspen twigs or logs were added to the knapsack to kill harmful microbes.

The wood of the tree is well preserved in water, which is why wells and bathhouses were previously built from Aspen.

Artificial vanillin is made from rotten Aspen wood.

The first aspirin was obtained from the bark of this tree.

Photo credits: djangalina, Tatiana , igor.zadvornyak and others.