Soap making recipes at home. Soap for problem skin

Before you make your own soap at home, you must take care of the soap base - the most important ingredient in soap making. The base has washing properties, but nothing more: to turn it into real soap, you should give it aroma and color, enrich it useful supplements and oils.

There are three ways to obtain soap base.

Second way

Use a special soap base which can be bought in a specialized store or ordered from an online soap-making store. Soap base can be three types: transparent, white and organic. Titanium dioxide, which is used in the food and cosmetics industries, is added to the white base. Organic soap base contains minimal addition of chemicals and uses natural oils- usually coconut and palm. The organic origin of this soap base and its environmental safety make it suitable for the most sensitive skin.

Based on consistency, soap base is divided into hard, soft and liquid. Hard is used for making bar soap self made, soft, well suited for making scrubs, cream soaps, and makeup removers. Shower gels, shampoos, liquid soap. The finished soap base has a very slight odor, melts well and hardens quickly, which makes it very convenient to use.

Third way

Make the base from scratch yourself. You may ask: how to make soap base at home, since this is a chemical process? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, you just need do not forget about safety precautions. Prepare a respirator, special latex gloves, and safety glasses. Make sure the area is well ventilated. You should have a weak solution on hand citric acid or vinegar to neutralize the alkali if it gets on your skin. Use only glass, wood or plastic heat-resistant containers. Stir the soap mixture with a wooden spatula. Always pour the lye into the water, not the other way around - otherwise the reaction may be too strong! Be sure to store all substances used in tightly closed containers, away from children and animals.

Now let's move on to how to actually make a soap base.

You will need: alkali in the form of caustic soda NaOH (for a solid base) or potassium hydroxide KOH (for a liquid base), vegetable oils (or animal fats), water, glycerin (which allows you to make the soap base transparent). The approximate ratio of components is:
  • Coconut oil – 1 part
  • Palm or castor oil – 1 part
  • Water and lye - according to the soap calculator, water should be 33%
  • Overfat – 1-3%
  • Glycerol– 25-100% of the soap weight before adding glycerin.

Using a special soap calculator, you will find the required amount of alkali per mass of finished soap. It is very important to carefully measure the amount of alkali - if you overdo it, the soap will turn out to be too brittle, if there is too little - on the contrary, the soap may not thicken. To do this, use a scale with an accuracy of at least 0.1 g. Pour the lye into the water. You can even freeze some of the water you use to make the formation of the alkaline solution less violent. Stir until completely dissolved.

Now prepare the oil base. The soap calculator allows you to calculate the exact proportion of oils required for a soap base of a certain mass. However, given that the ingredients can be of different quality, and the actual saponification number of each oil is a value that fluctuates within certain limits, you need to leave yourself “room for maneuver”, which consists in the percentage of the so-called superfat. Superfat is additional oils that do not react with alkali, thus moisturizing the skin. The percentage of superfat varies depending on the purpose of the soap - for example, to make laundry soap, 2-3% of superfat by weight of oils is enough, and for toilet soap you need 5-10%. Since the soap base requires a minimum of additional oils, it makes sense to add only a safety 0.5-2% superfat in order to exclude the possibility of obtaining a base with excess different numbers saponification of various oils with alkali.

Melt solid oils in a water bath, add liquid oils. Carefully pour the lye solution into the oil base, stirring wooden spoon. It is important that the alkaline solution and oils are at approximately the same temperature, about 40-50 degrees. If there are lumps in the alkaline solution, strain it. Continue stirring (or use a blender) until a thick trail forms. Transfer the mixture to a water bath and cook the soap until completely cooked. Readiness can be determined using a pH tester (ph of the finished soap is 7-8), or you can taste the base - if your tongue does not sting, your soap base is ready.

Now you can make soap at home using a natural base, the quality and composition of which you are confident in!

IN Lately home soap making is becoming more popular. Soap made from natural ingredients is environmentally friendly and beneficial for the skin. There are two options for making soap. In the first case, the soap base is made by hand, but you have to work with lye and follow precise instructions. The simplest option is soap making using a ready-made soap base. For those who decide to make soap for the first time, it is better to opt for the second method, the technology of which is described in this article.

Selection of ingredients

Professionals add various components to soap, depending on what skin type the soap is intended for. The main components include:

  1. Soap base. For homemade The ideal option is simple baby soap. It contains glycerin, lanolin, and natural oils that moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. For soap making, it is better to choose unscented soap.
  2. A base oil that improves the quality of soap. The most popular oils are jojoba, olive, and peach.
  3. Special or food colorings To give a rich shade, as well as fruit and vegetable juice, chocolate.
  4. Additives are used depending on the recipe. As additional ingredients you can take: honey, dried herbs and flowers, cream, ground coffee.


In addition to the listed ingredients, for soap making you will need:

  1. Grater. It is better to choose a grater that produces smaller chips.
  2. Iron pan.
  3. Two plates. One glass or porcelain plate for the water bath, the plate must fit into the pan. Another plate is needed to melt the butter.
  4. Knife for cutting soap.
  5. A few spoons.
  6. Buy molds for filling in a specialized store, or you can use disposable jars and baking dishes.


The soap making process of any soap consists of the following stages:

  1. Rub baby soap on a grater.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan on the stove. After the water boils, place a plate with shavings in it. The edges of the plate should not be filled with water.
  3. Stir the mixture periodically; the soap should not boil.
  4. When all the chips have dissolved, add 3 teaspoons of oil per 100 g of chips, half a glass of hot milk or water.
  5. Later we add additional ingredients according to the recipe: herbs, flowers, honey or chocolate. Cook the resulting mixture for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the plate from the water bath, then add essential oil and dye.
  7. Pour the hot soap mixture into the molds. Moreover, you can combine different colors, resulting in beautiful curls.
  8. We put the molds in the refrigerator so that the soap becomes solid. When the soap hardens, take it out of the molds and leave it to dry for two to seven days.

Pine massage soap recipe

Natural pine soap is one of the most useful. It gently cleanses pores and removes toxins. Also, pine soap has exfoliating, soothing and bactericidal properties. To create this soap you will need:

  1. 100 g of soap or soap base, preferably transparent;
  2. Chopped spruce and pine needles - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Loofah;
  4. Alcohol;
  5. Fir essential oil;
  6. Green dye;
  7. Molds.

The preparation technology is the same as for regular soap. During the cooking process, sprinkle pine needles or add pine decoction instead of water. At the end of cooking, add fir oil and dye. Pour into loofah molds. Sprinkle alcohol on top.

Cherry soap recipe

Cherry soap has a pleasant aroma and makes the skin silky. Compound:

  1. Transparent soap base – 100 g.
  2. Rosehip, fucus, grape seed, rose oil. Each oil – 1/3 teaspoon.
  3. Freshly squeezed cherry juice – 10-20 ml.
  4. Sugar – 1/2 teaspoon.
  5. Dyes: pink, red, burgundy.

Pour warmed cherry juice with sugar into the melted soap base, add oil and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into three glasses and add a different coloring to each. Then pour the soap from the glasses into the molds, mixing the colors.

Soap making does not require any special skills. The variety of recipes, forms, additives makes the process fun and interesting.

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed those who like to do something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. Yes and benefits natural soap much more than a store-bought one, full of chemical components.

Therefore, we suggest learning how to make soap yourself. Step by step instructions and the accessible explanation that you will find below will certainly help in this fascinating matter.

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the areas of modern Hand made, which involves making useful things yourself. What should you stock up on before you start making soap?

1. Basic foundation. There are three basic options.

  • Baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try themselves in this business. Having filled your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is available for sale in handicraft stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap making professionals use oil and lye while preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. Their role is played by essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a fragrance, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example, orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree copes well with excess oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for coloring soap:

  • food coloring or a special dye for coloring soap, sold in the same craft store;
  • natural, herbal decoctions, vegetable and fruit juices come to the rescue here.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting soap base (milk, water, herbal infusions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Equipment for work. These are the dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and the molds where it will harden.

Fragrance and color additives for homemade soap

  • transparent soap base – 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil – 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another if desired);
  • food coloring, ours is blue;
  • black or yellow French clay – 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in marine theme, then it is better to give preference to fresh ocean aromas;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles to create decor;
  • Soap mold, we have a square silicone one.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

  1. Cut the base. You should get small pieces.

  2. Place them in a 1 liter jar. Place in a saucepan with water and place on the stove. The base is heated for 25–30 minutes. You can’t let it boil, so you need to monitor the combustion process.

  3. Add chamomile oil and 45–50 drops of your chosen flavoring to the melted base. Now cast the third part of the base for the lower part with clay, and drop 5 drops of dye into the remaining part. The color saturation will depend on how much dye you add.

  4. Treat the pebbles with alcohol and lower them to the bottom of the silicone mold.

  5. Pour the colored liquid into the mold with the stones.

  6. When the base with stones has hardened, remove it from the mold.

  7. Carefully remove the pebbles from the soap.

  8. Pour French clay into the previously cast transparent base.

  9. Return the blue piece without stones to the mold and pour the base with clay on top.

  10. As soon as a film appears on top, sprinkle with clay. top part soap

  11. After 25 minutes, the base will set and the soap can be taken out. Cut it into pieces and you can wash with pleasure.

Homemade clear soap recipe

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil – 120 g;
  • Coconut oil – 150 g;
  • Pork fat – 30 g;
  • Glycerin – 210 g;
  • Alkali – 45.7 g;
  • Water – 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Very cold water introduce alkali.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until smooth.
  5. Place the mixture in a water bath. Cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, use an indicator strip to measure the pH. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in glycerin. Continue simmering until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in approximately 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mixture into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to place clear soap in the refrigerator to harden, since under the influence cold temperature the base will become cloudy.

How to make baby soap at home?


Dear readers, I think you will agree how nice it is to pamper yourself with something as pleasant and fragrant as natural, high-quality cosmetics. And how happy ordinary, familiar soap can be! Although why does he have to be ordinary? And we can even make it completely extraordinary if we cook it ourselves.

Today Svetlana Sarycheva will tell you how to make handmade soap. Like many needlewomen, she took up soap making while on maternity leave and began regularly making homemade cosmetics, accepting orders, participating in fairs and conducting master classes. I think we will have a lot to learn from her. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva’s interesting and useful blog! I hope my recommendations and step-by-step master class with photos will help you master a new exciting activity - how to make soap.

Where to begin

Natural soap is useful. In addition, handmade soap is the same hand-made product that does not have to gather dust on distant shelves.

For some time it will remain as a decoration for the bathroom, but in the end it will certainly be used.

Making simple homemade soap is easy. I will tell you how to take your first steps in soap making without much expense. After which you can decide for yourself whether you are ready to seriously engage in this and whether you should purchase everything you need to create more complex versions of soap, peelings, scrubs and other types of home cosmetics.

What do you need for handmade soap?

  • cutting board;
  • knives;
  • cup or mug (plain inside);
  • spoons for stirring;
  • microwave or two saucepans for a water bath;
  • form;
  • soap base (or grated baby soap);
  • powdered sugar (optional);
  • food coloring;
  • spices or cosmetic clay;
  • oils, honey, tea broth, milk for adding to soap.

Soap base

In principle, kits for beginner soap makers can now be bought even in children's store. However, I advise starting differently. To make your own soap at home, purchase a small piece of soap base from a craft store.

This basic soap base is made from vegetable fats. It is not tested on fauna. This base does not contain free alkali, which can irritate the skin.

Essentially, this is a semi-finished soap without fragrance, which can be white or transparent.

Nowadays, solid bases that already contain certain additions are becoming more and more widespread. natural origin(oils, crushed plants, etc.). There are also soft bases, suitable primarily for making shampoo, gel, mousse, milk, etc.

Look carefully at any soap base before purchasing. If it was carefully transported, stored and packaged, then the blocks should be clean, without small specks stuck to them. Opaque bubbles in a transparent base mean that it is spoiled (most likely, the base was kept in the cold).

The highest quality brands of hard bases for homemade soap melt evenly and quickly and completely accept aromatic oils.

Which soap base is best? What to choose?

Handmade soap made from them hardens and foams perfectly. To such basic principles High Quality experienced soap makers include the English Crystal, Belgian Tensianol and the German bases Activ and Zetessap. Regarding the latter, it is worth keeping in mind that it is produced exclusively in transparent form and without any additives.

Some sellers also offer a white solid Zetessap base, but in fact it is still the same transparent base that those who bought it at the factory independently melted in combination with titanium dioxide. This substance colors the base in White color and is practically insoluble in water.

Slightly above average level - Chinese basics. They may not be suitable for creators of complex cosmetic products, but for soap makers working with fatty oils, everything will work out. If you do not add the right amount of oils and fragrances to this handmade soap, it will noticeably smell like the “original” soap and dry out the skin a little. However, foam will still appear.

Malaysian soap bases are also considered quite satisfactory for handmade soap.

However, I do not recommend buying foundations Russian production(Myloff, DS-CLRC, ProLab, etc.) and Bulgaria (Re-St, Relina MSDS, etc.). These cheap bases can dry out or, on the contrary, release moisture, and also not completely harden in the molds.

The best temperature for storing solid base is +15..+20 ˚С.

You can save on soap base by using crushed baby soap instead. Although rubbing hard soap with a grater is a rather labor-intensive process. And you need to melt it in the same way as a soap base.

How to make soap

And now my master class with photos on how to make your own soap. Here's my recipe, let's get started! Cut a 100-gram piece of soap base (mine is white, without any additives) into cubes.

Prepare the molds. Since I’m talking about my first experience, including from a cost-saving point of view, existing silicone muffin molds are quite suitable. Rinse them with cold water first.

Let's return to the soap base. The cubes should be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Perhaps a microwave is more convenient. Just remember that you need to take not just durable dishes, but ones that have no patterns, shiny stripes, etc. inside.

Do not melt the base completely. At high power a couple of minutes is enough. The base should not boil! Otherwise, the moisture will evaporate and the required ph level (acid-base balance) in homemade soap will be disrupted.

If you don't have a microwave, make a water bath. To do this, take two pans - a larger one and a smaller one. Pour water into a large one and heat it. Place soap base cubes in a small bowl.

Important points:

Take a large saucepan with a thick bottom - this will help avoid strong boiling;
You can lay a linen or cotton napkin on the bottom;
do not place a small pan in a large one until the water has boiled;
Cover the small saucepan with a lid.

When placing a second pan in the first pan, make sure that its bottom only lightly touches the water. This is how you get a water bath: the future soap that you put in a small pan will heat up and soften due to the action of hot steam rising from the water from the large pan.

The remaining cubes will dissolve on their own during further stirring.

Stir the mixture and let it cool slightly. If you have food coloring in your kitchen, add a couple of drops.

We supplement the base with natural oils

Now you can add oil to the base. I have solid cocoa butter.

You may have previously purchased solid or liquid pharmaceutical oils for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For soap, a small piece or a few drops is enough. Will also work olive oil and glycerin.

Glycerin moisturizes well and protects the skin from adverse environmental factors.

Softens the skin and makes it soft. Forming an airtight barrier on the skin, it prevents it from drying out by retaining moisture. This oil is hypoallergenic and suitable for children.

Cocoa butter has softening and regenerative properties.

Oil apricot kernels has a regenerating, rejuvenating, tonic effect. It helps restore skin firmness and elasticity.

Nourishes and softens dry skin.

Grapeseed oil reduces pores, tones and refreshes.

Gives a rejuvenating effect.

Calendula oil has an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, softening and moisturizing effect.

Suitable for supporting dry, damaged or aging skin. It promotes cell regeneration and strengthens capillaries, relieves swelling and redness, and eliminates flaking of the skin.

Other soap additives

You can also add tea infusion, honey or milk to handmade soap for smooth and soft skin.

If you supplement the soap with a mixture of spices (cinnamon, ginger, etc. - choose according to taste and desire) or a small amount cosmetic clay, it will have a slight peeling effect.

After all the additions, stir again so that there are no bubbles or lumps. If in the future you will prepare several bars of soap at once, a mixer or blender will come in handy. Don't worry: the soap base and other ingredients come off easily!

Pour the mixture into the mold.

In silicone form, homemade soap will harden quickly (you will have to wait a maximum of an hour), but then be sure to dry your fragrant creation for another hour or two.

How to make liquid soap at home

From the remains of solid soap you can make liquid soap, which will last for a long time. Dry the remaining soap and grate it. Boil water and mix it with soap. Add a few drops of glycerin (to achieve a gel consistency) and lemon or orange juice(for aroma).

Mix the solution again, and then pour it into a container with a dispenser. Leave for three days, remembering to shake periodically.

Soap making is very exciting and interesting process. This article will look at several master classes on soap making that even beginners can do. Today we will learn soap making for beginners at home and detailed master The class you will find below will help you take your first steps in this direction.

Making a skincare product using soap making technique for beginners

You can not only buy soap, but you can also easily make it yourself at home. For this you need alkali, animal and vegetable fats, oils.

In this case, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used as an alkali, which adds soapiness to fats. Instead, ash or lye based on it will do.

Before we start mastering soap making, let's look at the ingredients for making your own soap.

The first thing you need is a soap base. To do this, you can use baby soap or a ready-made soap base made from titanium dioxide.

Next, the base composition must be melted in a water bath. After this, add the main oils. They will play a major role in providing useful properties your skin, so you need to choose them according to your skin type. You can use coconut, almond, olive, castor or whatever you have on hand.

Let's start making soap.

Take the base and melt it in a water bath. To do this, you can use baby soap or a ready-made base.

The next step is to add the essential oils.

Gently mix and now you can proceed to the future design of the soap. To do this, add essential oils and dyes.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of essential oil, as large quantities it may cause more harm than good.

Now pour the resulting mixture into molds.

We put it in the refrigerator until it hardens and then give it a few more days to dry.

Our soap is ready to use.

Probably everyone has leftover soap at home and now they will be used as the main ingredient. In this master class on soap making at home we will look at the best option for a newbie in this business.

For this soap we will need:

  • Soap residues – 100-200 g
  • Transparent soap base 100-150 g
  • Dyes
  • The tools will be used:
  • Formic alcohol
  • Soap mold
  • Container for melting the base
  • Grater

The description of the ingredients does not contain base and essential oils, since all this is present in the debris and when mixed with esters it can form bad smell. Therefore these ingredients are not used.

Rub and form curls from the remaining soap. We cut the base for quick melting. Place everything in separate containers.

Melt all ingredients except curls.

Add dye to the transparent base

Sprinkle the reserved curls with formic alcohol. This will improve the adhesion of the melted base to the pieces.

Fill in the second layer. In our case it is gold. You don't have to wait for the first layer to harden.

Sprinkle with alcohol and fill in the third layer.

This is what the almost finished soap looks like:

Leave the soap in the refrigerator to harden. After this, remove from the mold.

We cut off the pieces on all sides. These fragments can be used in the next preparation.

The resulting soap has a unique pattern. This is why it is good; during the cooking process it is impossible to predict what will happen in the end.

Detailed video master classes can be viewed in the following video collection.

Video on the topic of the article