Career, personal life and Timati’s parents: interesting facts. Alice's Instagram The process of raising Alice

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov is better known as Timati. This is a popular Russian showman, music producer, entrepreneur, actor and rap singer. He began his career with the popular show “Star Factory 4”. He is an Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic. Despite his young age, Timati managed to perform with such world-famous famous singers, like Snoop Dogg, Diddy, Busta Rayams, Mario Winens, Timbaland and Craig David. Among those who sang a duet with Timur Yunusov, one can highlight Bogdan Titomir.

You can often hear the opinion that Timati’s parents significantly influenced the development of his career, investing a lot of money in it. But this is not at all true, and the young singer claims that he achieved everything on his own. Timati's parents only pushed him in the right direction and helped him decide on his profession and occupation.

Childhood of a future star

Timur was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. Many people ask the question: “Timati’s parents - who are they?” His father, Ildar Yunusov, is one of the largest businessmen today, his mother, Simona Yakovlevna, is engaged in keeping the home warm. As a girl, she bore the surname Chernomorskaya. Timati often talks in his interviews about how his family members are very wealthy people, but his father raised him, constantly instilling in him the awareness that a man must achieve everything in life on his own. The singer owes his unusual and exotic appearance to the fact that everyone has completely different parents. The father is a purebred Tatar, and the mother is Jewish.

Recalling his childhood, Timur Yunusov says that he began to strive for success and independence very early. There were always crowds of girls his age and older around him. To impress them, the boy wanted to stand out from the crowd and show his individual character traits. As a teenager, Timati independently chose the clothes he would wear, and even then he dreamed of creating his own design house.

The star has a brother Artem, who is three and a half years younger. Now they are very friendly. Artem listens to a huge number of music tracks, selects new and bright compositions and gives them to his brother to listen to. Although in childhood they often competed with each other, and it even came to a fight.

The beginning of a creative journey

Timur Yunusov's creative abilities manifested themselves in childhood. To develop them, Timati's parents sent him to a music school (violin class). There he studied for four years. The singer recalls that he did not like playing this instrument at all, but what can you do if his mother and father insisted.

Simona Yakovlevna says that Timur had a very good and sonorous voice, which, unfortunately, broke during adolescence, and he had to switch to reading. The teenager became very interested in this musical genre when he was in Jamaica.

Upon completion high school the young man went to study at Moscow High school economy, but lasted only one trimester. Timati's parents became concerned about their son's future and sent him to the USA to continue his studies at a prestigious private university. It was in America that the musician’s passion for hip-hop culture became strongest, and he realized that this is what he wanted to do in his life.

Returning from the USA, Timati and his friends opened their own project VIP77. But at that time it very much resembled a child’s prank, so the group was unable to move beyond street performances and soon ceased to exist.

There was a casting for the fourth “Star Factory”, where producer Igor Krutoy was able to discern real talent in the eccentric boy. It was then that the whole country learned about rapper Timati.

Timati today

Timur Yunusov is currently engaged in creative career, releasing one hit after another. In addition, he tries his hand at cinema. He has his own music studio, where experienced professionals help stars create their masterpieces. Timati also has quite profitable business. A young man is developing a fashionable clothing line that is designed for young and athletic people. Models enjoy great success in teenagers.

Timati's family

The singer prefers not to talk about his personal life. For example, Timati’s parents practically do not appear with their son at celebrity parties and on television. Ildar Yunusov is an extremely busy man, and he simply does not have time for this.

On March 19 last year, Timati’s beloved Alena Shishkova gave birth to a lovely child who was born in Santo Domingo (the capital Dominican Republic) and received the name Alice.

Future plans

Timati has a lot of projects that he dreams of bringing to life. He wants to realize himself as a film actor, promote his fashion house, and also devote a lot of time to his family.

On August 15, rapper and owner of the Black Star label Timati (Timur Yunusov) celebrated his 35th birthday. In honor of the anniversary, his mother Simone published a post with a touching congratulation and remembered her 35th birthday.

Simone rarely shares details of her past personal life. Fans who page Yunusova has already gathered almost three million people; they often see photographs and videos of four-year-old Alisa, daughter of Timati and 26-year-old model Alena Shishkova. It is known that Simona gave birth to sons from businessman Ildar Yunusov. At the age of 23, the first-born Timur appeared in the family, and four years later Artem was born. In 1996, Simone and Ildar divorced.

“I remember well when I was 35. It was turning point. I separated from my husband, and my dad died soon after. I lost my support, and I grew up sharply... And yet, this is an amazing age! By this moment, a person has already decided on his purpose, and comes to understand who is next to you. There are fewer friends and more buddies. You begin to appreciate your parents. There is an anxious desire to see them more often, to press your cheek against the wrinkles that have come from out of nowhere...” Simone shared in Instagram(Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author's. - Note ed.).


After the separation, Ildar and Simone remained on friendly terms and keep in touch, but the businessman avoids the media. Timati himself admitted that he still does not know the reasons for his parents’ divorce.

Simone accepts active participation in raising her granddaughter and is proud of her popular son. “My first son! Your appearance made me a Mother, but not just a Mother, but a Wolf Mother, ready to do anything for the sake of her offspring! Of course, I don’t agree with something in your life, something scares me, but this is Your School, Your exams... I let you “do your stupid things”, you won’t grow up without it))) Be stubborn, prove, choose, make mistakes, and I will always be an observer and a participant if you need it... Happy Birthday, my Timka!” — wrote Simona Yunusova.

Simona Yakovlevna Chernomorskaya (Timati's mother), Jewish, was born on November 6, 1959 in Moscow. Simone's father was a musician, and many relatives were involved in music. Mom was a restorer. Simone had very warm relations with her father, at the age of three she already showed musical abilities. But she didn’t study music seriously, she only mastered playing the guitar. Simone graduated from the Humanitarian Institute and married Ildar Yunusov. Simone's husband, a Tatar by nationality, is a major businessman in the field of investments.

Raising children

In 1983, Simone gave birth to a son, Timur, who is currently a famous rap artist in Russia. In 1987, another son, Artem, appeared in the family. After the birth of her children, Simone took care of their upbringing and home. She showed great interest in pediatrics and child psychology. Raising the children was entirely Simon's responsibility.

WITH early childhood she paid a lot of attention and time to their health and hardening. The boys were pouring themselves cold water, did swimming and gymnastics, and went ice skating. Creative development sons also received from childhood. They learned to play the piano and violin. Despite the fact that when the children grew up, the Yusupov family was already rich, Simone raised her sons to achieve their goals themselves. She taught them to cope with defeats and victories with dignity.

Personal life at the moment

Simona Yusupova is currently raising her granddaughter, 4-year-old daughter Timati. She runs Instagram, gives advice on raising children on her blog, and is no less famous than her son. She has more than 2 million subscribers. Simone gives recommendations on how to raise a happy child. She talks about various techniques, which she herself used in raising her sons, and now successfully uses in raising her granddaughter.

Simona Yunusova does not like to make her personal life public; her husband is very closed person, she doesn't give interviews either. as she herself says, she blogs on Instagram for the sake of her granddaughter. Simone has an excellent relationship with Alice's mother, with whom Timati broke up.
Timati's mother is a cheerful, positive person. She looks great, leads an active lifestyle, loves her children and granddaughter very much. Simone can wear miniskirts, jeans and elegant dresses, and always looks luxurious. Simona is a wonderful housewife and loves to cook herself. She often posts recipes for her dishes on Instagram.

Alice's education process

Grandmother and granddaughter go to the pool and sauna, travel to different countries. They also develop Alice’s creative abilities by doing dancing and gymnastics. On Instagram, Simone often posts photos of her granddaughter. She shares with her subscribers about her great love to Alice. And as she herself says: “This is love for a son, embodied in a new life.”

  • instagram@simona280

The daughter of rapper Timati and model Alena Shishkova Alisa will turn 4 years old in the spring. The girl spends a lot of time with her mom and dad, but the main burden of raising her lies with her grandmother Simone, whom the little girl idolizes.

The star rapper's mother calls the girl her heart. She regularly publishes Alice’s achievements, even the smallest ones, on her microblog. Simona Yakovlevna also often gives her Instagram subscribers advice on raising children.

Alice is being raised by her grandmother Simone

According to Simona Yunusova, a child needs to be loved, but at the same time be an authority. It is important to stop whims, stubbornness, hysterics and tears so that this does not become a habit for the child.

Simone advises stopping a child's whims

“I try to clearly explain to Alice what she did wrong. If something is not allowed, then it remains prohibited even after tears or hysterics.”

Alisa with her mother Alena Shishkova

IN modern world When couples often break up, the child needs to be explained what divorce is. If this happens, both parents should be equally involved with the common baby.

Simone and Alisa's mother have a great relationship

Otherwise, the child feels unwanted. By the way, Simone has an excellent relationship with ex-girlfriend son, Alisa's mother - Alena Shishkova.

“I have a warm attitude towards Alena. She gave me a wonderful granddaughter. I’m sure Alice will be proud of both mom and dad.”

Timati's mother is sure that intelligence is more important for a woman than appearance. You need to understand that there are a lot of envious people around who want evil. It is important to live with your head, heart and principles, and not by public opinion.

For Timati, his daughter is above all else

Timati often talks about his mother. He dedicates songs to her and writes posts in her honor. According to the star Russian stage, his mother is the wisest and most purposeful of all the women he knows.

Human relations - what is it? I'm not talking about a man and a woman, I'm talking about work, about friendship, about the ability to build interpersonal connections. It so happened that I communicate a lot with young people and observe large number disappointments from lack of experience. Friendship to break, when you thoughtlessly rush into relationships, daily calls and conversations about nothing, in my opinion, all this should remain in childhood... With age, life and rules change, and most importantly the main thing is attitude to them. If you have grown physically, but emotionally continue to get stuck in a fictitious image, then you will inevitably be dashed by empty expectations... Friendship is people, not hidden grievances, a willingness to discuss problems looking into the eyes. This is trust, not someone's gossip and speculation. A friend is someone who will listen, help, give advice if necessary, but will not live for you. Friend, not a babysitter! This is a person who just walks next to you, but you shouldn’t identify him with yourself. He has a soul and his own problems. Friendship should not become an addiction... I know how to be friends, but my space has clearly defined boundaries. I always want to hug these disillusioned young people, but I understand that they must go through their own path of learning... I have no need for constant communication. I can see flattery a mile away and am very skeptical of it. I learned a long time ago to filter people on my path, which is probably why there are fewer and fewer disappointments and expectations. I have a constant interlocutor from whom you don’t expect surprises or betrayal - I myself... and this is not loneliness, but a form of growing up... 🤔

Hurray!!! We are packing our bags and very soon flying to the “Generation Next” festival, which is held by the famous producer Evgeny Orlov, and part-time ideological inspirer"Respublikakids". The funny thing is that this man brought my son to the “Star Factory” many years ago, and we began to be friends after Alice appeared! The ways of the Lord are mysterious! 🤷‍♀️ Next, we smoothly move to the ballet camp, which will be held in the same place))) Group classes, individual excursions, performances, all this has nothing to do with relaxation, the intensity even exceeds our Moscow schedule 🙈 Alice's dad honestly tried to cancel all my plans and offered to fly away to surf instead... To my surprise, Alice said that she could not miss classes!!! I understand that it won’t always be like this, but for now, this is our small VICTORY!!!👊😜💃🏿

Throughout my life, there were many moments along my path when I did not know what to do due to age, experience, and also a catastrophic lack of information. It is now possible to find an answer to any question, but only from a scientific point of view. But what to do with the heart? I lacked knowledge; many topics were simply not discussed with teenagers. I wandered in the dark and hurt my body and soul. Even now, among you, and among my acquaintances of the same age, there are people who sincerely do not understand why I do “spiritual striptease.” I answered this question for myself, but before I write further, I want to hear how acceptable my frankness is for you... I have no goal of drawing attention to myself and sharing the “rich inner world" Social networks are not just statuses, photos and posts about nothing. Behind them are the people who write them, and this increases my personal responsibility to the reader. I tell my story for those who may be on the verge of making decisions, see themselves in my stories and it makes them think. I am not God or a Prophet, but if I could read my story in my youth, I would have avoided a lot of pain... To requests to write more often and more, I will answer this way: I am not a professional and I have no experience in protecting my heart. Memories and frankness are given by strong emotional involvement. It’s very easy to “spit into eternity” with a negative comment, but not everyone can think and stop their punishing hand... I ordinary person and I get hurt and scared, so I ask you to be generous in your judgments and assessments. Thanks to those who are sincerely with Simona, and not with Timati’s mother, or Alice’s grandmother...🙏💜

Financially, our family lived very difficultly; cultural figures were paid little. I remember how on weekends Mom baked pies with cabbage and elm. You probably don’t know what it is, so I’ll tell you. There was no fish on sale except “ice” and “navaga”, but they sold dried chord - the dorsal string from the spine of sturgeon. The vein was boiled, cut into pieces and added to the filling of pies and kulebyak. Then it seemed incredibly tasty and satisfying! By default, my mother did not allow me to bring friends home. Now I think because there was nothing to treat and all the food was paid for. Mom came home from work tired and did not hide her irritation; I didn’t want my friends to see her like that. I rushed out of the house, and no one stopped me. The only condition was to arrive no later than 21:00 and always return. It’s interesting that it’s ingrained in me so deeply that to this day, I don’t like spending the night away from home))). But at Berta Lvovna’s I was always welcome. We were fed to our heart's content with all sorts of delicacies, allowed to use the excellent home library and got tickets to Lenkom and Taganka, which were then unattainable! After the play “Til Eulenspiegel” my hero brought a puppy to show, whom we named Til)). I felt the support of his family and gradually realized that even my name has diminutive form... Our trio happily went to visit my kindergarten fiance and now our mutual friend. His father was famous journalist newspaper "Pravda", who visited all the "hot spots". With bated breath we listened to his stories, there I tried the real thing for the first time loose leaf tea, brought from China and learned to eat with chopsticks))). We talked a lot, and I sang with a guitar and thought that B. Okudzhava composed his prayer especially for me: “Lord, my God, my green-eyed one, while the earth is still spinning, And this is strange to her, While there is still enough time and fire, Give everyone a little... And don’t forget about me...” I felt his burning gaze on me green eyes, my head was spinning, and my voice was breaking. Unfortunately, this only happens at 15...)))✍️

Don't you think that animals are very similar to their owners?) I am indifferent to cats, but dogs have lived in my house all my life. I recently analyzed it and realized that the dogs changed along with my character.🙈 At first there was a very beautiful but stupid “girl”, she was replaced by a very smart but evil one. It ended with the good-natured Chuck, very loyal, with fantastic patience, but if it seems to him that someone is encroaching on family members, then they can take it seriously!🐶😼😉

Dear subscribers! To avoid questions and various kinds statements, I want to say that this page is about My life and Alice’s life. Perhaps one day another page will appear, but... it will be a completely different story))) Thank you for your understanding 🙏

I love parents with many children. Usually this is already calm people with a good sense of humor and a philosophical outlook on life. With each subsequent child comes experience and understanding of how important it is to pay attention to all children and each individual. It’s not just sitting next to you and “sticking” into your phone, making excuses that it’s work, but communication eye to eye... Remember, I once recommended that you pay attention to the guys who later became my friends @school_trips. They spend most interesting excursions for children starting from the Fire Station and ending with the Bolshoi Theater. But that's not all. A large family decided to organize summer camp with an exciting program for children with parents to teach adults how to communicate well with their kids. These will be joint searches for treasures, adventures and learning teamwork in the form of games among other children and parents. I hope that after the ballet camp Alisa and I will also visit our friends, and for more complete information, take a look at the camp website and spare no time for quality communication with your kids. @school_trips 🙌❤️

The hippie movement originated in America in the 60s, and the reason was the Vietnam War. Not wanting a massacre, people united and went on strike in the name of peace. The main principle of the hippies was pacifism: non-violence, renunciation of war, inner freedom and creativity. “Flower Children” is another name for the movement. Adherents of this style wore bright clothes made of natural fabrics, wove flowers and feathers into their hair, and proclaimed the main slogan - “Make love, not war.” This trend came to me in the seventies with the film “Generals of the Sand Quarries.” I liked the romance of this movement, and especially the bright, unusual clothes for our latitude. I remember my first flared jeans, white gauze and cork platform sandals. Oh, and I was good!!!))) Many years passed and I wanted to see all this on Alice so much that a collaboration with DNK “Hippie DNK by Simona” was born. On June 26, as part of the fashion show "Cirque du Soleil" - Sochi, Rosa Khutor ("Rosa Hall", small hall) @festnext our collection will be presented. ------------------- And after the show, everything will be available for purchase at @dnk.russia Let's get hippy this summer? 😜💚💜

We came and left school together. In front of everyone, he carried my briefcase and this, translated from school, meant - Mine! Don't come near!!! Now I can’t imagine what we talked about for hours?! I walked without touching the ground, and the shine of my eyes could illuminate a small planet. The most surprising thing for me as an adult is that my parents didn’t notice anything! In one case it was possible not to see, if not to look at all... But the teachers showed enviable vigilance. We were caught in the act when the whole trio went to the cinema. This act served as a reason for calling my parents to the Teachers' Council... I was at a loss as to why they were calling me?! It seems that there were no tests and the number of failures in mathematics did not exceed the usual... I don’t remember why Mom went to school, as far as I remember, it was her first and last visit V educational institution. But I remembered the Teachers' Council for the rest of my life... In order for the picture to be complete, I will allow myself a lyrical digression. In Dahl's dictionary there is an ancient Russian term - “Pig”, which denoted an attacking formation of an army in the form of a wedge, intended to dismember the enemy. If the line was weak, then the “pig” broke through it, trampling no less than killing it with weapons... So, the teachers sat in a wedge, led by the director, under portraits of members of the Politburo, and in the middle, on blood red A fourteen-year-old girl stood on the carpet and did not understand the essence of what was happening... I remember how the spoken words flew out and hit sticky dirt on my cheeks. - “With three boys, one to the cinema!” She will grow up to be a PROSTITUTE!!! She is corrupting the pride of our school! He is the son of an honored teacher! He urgently needs to be saved!!!” I don’t remember how we went outside, I only remember my mother’s prickly eyes... She turned and... spat in my face with the words, “This is what your life is worth!”... Poor Mom, how ashamed she was, but I will understand this much later, and then, trampled by the “Pig” and a loved one, I went on to live...✍️ 

How important it is to find your teacher, who, despite obvious things, believes in the child! From a three-year-old “cloud”, Alice has turned into a graceful, flirtatious “kitty”. She no longer forgets why she went on stage and beats the beat with her heels in the “Russian Dance”... All the children and adults are great! The concert turned out to be bright and diverse, two hours flew by! I want to say about the amazing costumes! When everything is serious and for real, a high bar is set, which disciplines and gives children a sense of their stage image. And of course, the beginning of the concert brought me to tears))) I don’t know who came up with this, but your “pregnant polonaise” was the personification of grace, nobility, chastity, modesty and the natural continuation of life in our children! Bravo!!! The school year has come to an end. Curtain!

Timati's parents managed to get to their feet in difficult times young democracy and create quite a good business. Although Timati denies his parents’ investments in his success, he will not deny at least one inherited thing: upbringing.

As for Timati’s mother, she can now allow herself to relax. Simon Yunusova devotes most of her posts to family matters. It's not just the husband and star son, but also his brother Artyom, as well as Alisa, the daughter of Timati and Alena Shishkova.

And let Timur not think that, having parted with Alena, he crossed her out of his life! She is the mother of his daughter, which means she is part of the family. Therefore, on Simona Yunusova’s Instagram, quite a lot of attention is paid to her granddaughter.

Hey, Timati, I read your mother... on Instagram!

Why did Simone name Instagram 280 so unexpectedly? Mystery. However, this nickname clearly identifies Simona Yunusova, and the photographs on the blog leave no room for speculation.

As of March 2016, more than 840 thousand people have already subscribed to Simon 280’s Instagram. Where does this popularity come from? It's not just about star relationships. Simona Yunusova publishes many photographs of her daughter Timati, who is interesting to many not only as the offspring of an artist, but also simply as a little girl in a difficult situation.

How should parents who find themselves in divorce behave? What if parents have a busy schedule and don’t have enough time? How can grandma help, besides photos on Instagram? How to sing a lullaby correctly? All these questions can be discussed on Simone's blog. At simona280 you will find a real reference book. After all, a Jewish mother is a great epic force that only a Jewish grandmother can compete with.

Well, the photos and videos themselves with Alice (and sometimes with her parents) will also bring a lot of positive moments. Alisa’s mother, Alena Shishkova, as well as Simona herself sometimes appear on grandma’s blog.