Controlling water magic is truly a learning experience. How to learn fire magic

Water is the universal substance of our planet in which life originated. The transparent liquid can soothe the soul and heal the body, but sometimes it can destroy entire cities. Knowing about such unusual possibilities, ancient sorcerers and healers skillfully used the magic of water and its unique abilities to achieve their goals. In the modern world this is a rather rare skill, but it is not forgotten.

Elemental magic

The element of water is open to study and knowledge, and anyone can master the technique of communicating with it. It is worth remembering that magical abilities and the ability to conjure are inherent in every person, and they can actively manifest themselves in childhood, but over time, the ability to use power atrophies as unnecessary. Do not despair, since any abilities can be returned, and they can be restored with daily hard training.

Magic is not only witchcraft and spells, but also every minute work on oneself and improvement, first of all, of the magician himself. Only by knowing yourself and learning to use the capabilities of your body can you master the elements of nature.

Having decided to radically change your life and begin to master the secret knowledge and capabilities of nature, you should first perform a small ritual and determine which of the four elements will submit to you first. Let us recall that on our planet there are four main elements:

  • water;
  • fire;
  • air;
  • Earth.

Initiation ritual

The determination ritual can be carried out at any convenient time of day and phase of the moon. For this you will need:

  • candle;
  • water;
  • Earth;
  • ash.

Before performing the ritual, you must remain in the room completely alone, unplugging all electrical appliances and other external irritants that may distract from the action. Light a candle, and place earth, liquid and ashes at equal distances from it.

After this, you should mentally turn to the spirits of the elements present on the table. In your own words, you need to ask them for help in choosing exactly your direction in magic. While doing all this, carefully monitor the candle flame, since after a while it should point to the required element.

The direction in which the fire deviates will indicate exactly your element of nature, which will allow you to control yourself in the first place. If the flame remains burning evenly, then the element of the one performing the ritual is air. After the answer received, you should again turn to the spirits of nature with gratitude and complete the rite of determination.

So, the candle fire pointed to the liquid, therefore, it is worth studying the magic of water and starting to communicate with this liquid and getting to know yourself through it. The answer to the question of how to truly get the power of water will come with time.

Start of training

Experienced magicians recommend first drinking a sufficient amount of clean, unboiled liquid every day. After some time, a person will feel its true taste, and he will really like it. You should listen to yourself and drink as much fluid as your body requires. without paying attention to generally accepted rules and regulations.

Every morning you can start with a simple ritual to master the magic of water, the training of which has already begun at home. Having woken up, you should take half a transparent glass glass - this condition is mandatory - unboiled raw liquid and say the following words to it for 5 minutes: “Water, water, heal me. Amen” or “I’ll drink some water and I’ll be healed right away. Amen". After which you should drink the contents of the glass.

Carrying out a similar ritual every morning, after a while you will notice visible improvements in the condition of the body. This will mean that the liquid element has heard you and is now cooperating with you. Now you know how to learn water magic in 5 minutes at home.

To learn the element, it is also recommended to visit bodies of water more often, listen to the sound of a river or a rushing mountain stream. It is necessary to bathe more in the natural reservoirs of this magical living liquid, or, in the absence of such an opportunity, take a shower or bath more often.

Masters of self-knowledge recommend that beginners study all states of liquid. In addition to observing the flowing liquid, it is also worth studying the behavior of steam and examining ice, penetrating with your gaze and consciousness inside an ice cube or a cube of frozen water.

Home activities

A water magician must feel this liquid well and be able to pass its energy through himself or get rid of accumulated negativity. The simplest exercise on how to control water in real life with your hands would be daily training with a bowl of cold liquid from the tap.

Fill a basin with cold liquid and place it on a hill, so that you can comfortably hold your arms outstretched over it. Observe how the substance in the vessel calms down and your inner emotions subside along with it. Extend your arms so that your palms are directly above the water, close your eyes. Feel the cold emanating from the container, now turn your hands around and try to feel the same with the back of your hand.

Again, turn your hands palms down and lower them onto the liquid and only superficially touch the contents of the pelvis. Feel the softness and calmness that comes from the liquid, try to pass this feeling through your hands and through yourself. Drive the energy well and return it to the pelvis. Note that it will no longer be as clean, since the water has washed away all the accumulated negativity from the body.

Raise your palms from the surface of the liquid and again observe how the disturbance of the water that your hands left behind subsides. Daily training of this kind will not only cleanse the body, but also establish contact with your element. In the future, when you simply approach the substance with your hand, an imprint of your palm will appear on its surface.

Strengthening communication

To strengthen the natural connection with water, it is worth performing a ritual of communicating with liquid in nature at least once a year. Summer time, when the reservoirs are warm, is best suited for these purposes.

You need to buy 13 candles in the church and take some attractive container from home without cracks or scratches and come to the shore of the natural reservoir at night. At midnight you should undress and enter the water to the depth to which your growth will allow and stay there as long as possible. Then, returning to the shore and without dressing, light 13 church candles, placing them in a circle.

Scoop up water from the river where you swam into a container and enter the circle. Raise a basin or bowl of liquid and contact the spirits of the water element. The conversation should come from the heart and in your own words. Ask the patrons of water to help you master the element and beyond. If the candles flash brightly during the appeal, then the call is heard and the request will be fulfilled.

A bad sign is the sudden extinguishing of burning candles. With this gesture, the spirits of the elements gave you a refusal and this is a sign that you should switch to mastering the powers of other natural elements, such as air, earth and fire.

To master the forces of nature, it is worth remembering that you also need to possess suitable spiritual qualities or develop them in yourself. For example, water does not tolerate evil and envy. Fire will open only to those who are in harmony with themselves and do not deceive anyone.

The air will accept and allow itself to be known only by those who have freed themselves from hypocrisy. The element of earth will submit to a craftsman who has eradicated hatred in himself and loves to create with all his heart.

Now the answer to the question of how to become a water magician in 1 second appeared by itself. Mastering magic is not an easy task and no one becomes a full-fledged conqueror of the elements in a few minutes; this requires persistent daily training and work on oneself. For those who are ready to change, the doors to knowledge of themselves and nature are always open.

Attention, TODAY only!

The strongest earth magic... We encounter it every day, because it is the earthly element that is the fundamental basis of all things.

Our home planet is the Mother of all living things. She feeds humanity, fills plants with life-giving juices, and shares her wealth.

In the myths of different peoples of the world there are many tales that tell that the first people emerged from the bowels of the earth. And, leaving the world, a person returns to the earth again. This is the beginning and this is the end.

The symbol of earthly energy is a triangle in an inverted position, with a line drawn in the middle.

Eastern sages say that two more important elements come from the earthly elements - metal and wood. They help a person survive. These are excellent materials for building houses, for heating, and for production.

Properties of the element of earth

The most important and important property of the earthly element is that it gives life.

Ancient legends preserve a huge number of rituals and ceremonies that our ancestors performed. They asked the earth's energy to be more supportive - after all, life itself depended on the fertility of the earth.

People wouldn't survive without the harvest. But her salvation was received by those who were accustomed to working hard and going out into the fields day after day. The lazy people got nothing.

The Slavs especially revered the land - evidence of this can be seen in many legends. Makosh was considered the patroness of the elements - they worshiped her and read prayers. There are many references to rituals that were performed before sowing or before harvesting.

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Other properties of the element include all material aspects of life. Even if not directly, but indirectly, it manages financial resources, human health, and the productive sphere. Birth and death are closely related to earthly energy.

And even though this is the most clumsy element, it has a unique practicality. It’s not for nothing that stubborn and conservative people are said to be down to earth. Although they do not like innovations, their actions are slow, however, they will never go astray from the intended path. Their monotonous actions lead to the finish line.

How to learn earth magic?

Spirits of earthly energy are the very first entities that arose in our reality. They saw what no one else saw. They know all the secrets of the Universe, all its mysteries.

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To learn how to master the magic of the earth, you need to move with it in a single rhythm. Regular and methodical performance of a few simple exercises will help with this.

First in line are practices with associations .

For seven days, patiently write down in a notebook all the feelings and experiences that you have with the earthly element. Write about everything - even if at first it seems like a frivolous task, the result will surprise you.

Your second task is tactile communication . Don’t be afraid to walk on damp ground barefoot, touch its surface as often as possible. And in the warm season, follow the following procedure.

Find a quiet and peaceful place (for example, a forest clearing) and lie down straight on the ground. Look at the passing clouds, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the breeze. Let nature share its warmth and tranquility with you. Feel how the strongest energy flows come out of the earth - they penetrate your body and fill you with heroic strength. Your muscles are filled with powerful energy, and you have a desire to create, work, and do good deeds.

Third exercise - visualization .

Your task is to feel like the earth. Lower your eyelids and for several minutes try to feel its heaviness, its strength, its coolness. Every movement is difficult for you, but you don’t need to move - the whole world already worships you. Do this practice every day, and soon the great secrets of earth magic will be revealed to you.

But never try to speed up the learning process - everything should go as usual. How can you learn earth magic in 5 minutes at home? Yes, no way - practice requires patience and perseverance.

Some people are lucky - they have magical abilities from birth. But in this case, you also shouldn’t leave all processes to chance: the gift requires constant development and support.

It is believed that people who have a gentle character can find contact with earthly energy. The main features of such a person should be balance, calmness, and tranquility. An earthbender must have an orderly life charter.

If you are not one of those people, you should not try to establish a connection with the natural elements. The earth does not tolerate aggression or excessive emotionality. She is frightened by screams and scandals.

If you still have the desire to become a mage of the earth element, you will need to perform a special ritual.

Early in the morning, go out into a freshly plowed field. Line up seven church candles in a circle and light them. Now stand in the center of the circle, take a handful of fresh land, and say the magic spell:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities,

Make me an earthbender!

The enchanted land is your personal amulet. Put it in a special bag. It will protect you from all the evil that exists in the world, from envious people, from failures and from illnesses.

And remember: if you have already embarked on the mystical path, never stop developing your abilities. Earth magic requires slow and patient learning. Otherwise, you may anger the forces of nature, and they will take revenge on you.

Tools for controlling the earth element

The first and most important tool when working with any of the elements is internal concentration. But sometimes, it is not enough to use earthly power to the maximum.

There are a number of magical artifacts that will help you achieve results much faster:

  • earth sign– usually use Mokosh’s amulet
  • Tarot cards
  • pentagram (metal, wood or stone)
  • pine or cypress branches
  • aromatic oils
  • natural minerals (tiger eye or agate)

Earth magic rituals

The earth has the unique property of absorbing absolutely everything - this can be used in many rituals.

For example, you need to get rid of negative energy or illness.

Take a large apple and cut it into two equal parts. Place one of them on the area that hurts. Imagine how bad energy is drawn out of your body - its dirty threads come out of the diseased organ. When your inner voice tells you that the procedure is over, quickly bury the apple in the ground. It's better if you don't touch it again. Prepare a hole in advance and throw the fruit into it.

The effect will come faster if there is a water source near the selected location.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


How to master magic: 5 ways + 5 useful tips + description of the four elements that you can subjugate.

Magical abilities are usually inherited by a person from birth. Already from an early age, the child begins to understand that he is not like everyone else who belongs to the circle of the elite.

What to do if supernatural talents are in no hurry to manifest themselves, but you really want to become a wizard? Figure out how to master magic.

Nothing is impossible in the world, and if you really want to become a magician not by birthright, then everything will work out after fulfilling certain conditions.

Often trained witches are much stronger than those who received their gift from birth. This is explained by the fact that the second group has to work a lot, while native sorcerers come to everything ready-made, developed by their ancestors.

Almost anyone can master magic. It’s just that some people have more pronounced abilities for this and, as a result, the speedy realization of their dreams, while others will have to look for magical talents for many years.

You must prepare for the difficulties that will come your way. If you do not intend to endure and suffer, then it is better not to start.

Here are some useful tips for those who want to master magic:

  1. Decide why you need it. If you clearly understand why you need magical abilities, it will be much easier to achieve what you want. It’s one thing if you’re trying to master a spell because you have nothing to do, but it’s quite another when you have a noble goal: to help people. In the second case, you can count on the help of higher powers.
  2. Set realistic goals for yourself. You won’t be able to become a sorcerer from fairy tales with a whole arsenal of magical skills. But you can find your own specialization, for example, healing people, predicting the future, communicating with spirits, making potions, etc.
  3. Study the theory, but don't forget about practice. You need to start mastering magic by studying the theory. In any library, bookstore, and on the Internet there are enough books and articles about magic. Gradually move from theory to practice.
  4. Learn to concentrate. During any ritual, even the simplest one, one must not be distracted, otherwise it will lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Therefore, before you try to master magic, you need to learn to concentrate on what you are doing. You can perform exercises with a candle flame or a clock hand, focusing on them and throwing everything unnecessary out of your head.
  5. Visualization will help you discover your talents. Much in a magical ritual depends on how well you can imagine the end result. You can do this simple but effective exercise. Place an object with small details in front of you, for example, a vessel with a pattern. Look at it for a while, and then, closing your eyes, try to visualize it in front of you. Gradually, it will take you less and less time to recreate the item.

It is important not to rush to master magic. Let everything take its course, without violence against human nature.

Ways to master magic

The easiest way to gain magical abilities is to be born with them. If you had witches in your family, then there is a high probability that you will also be born with a piece of magic, which can gradually be increased.

There are other ways to master magic:

  1. Accept it as an inheritance. You've probably heard that a witch cannot die in peace until she gives her gift to someone. You just need to find such a sorceress without heirs. Ask around in the villages - there are still women there who have ancient wisdom.
  2. Learn from a mentor. Hang out a little on magic forums (here are a few links for you:,,, http://forum-magik. ru/) and look for a mentor among the users who will want to teach you the art of magic. It is unlikely that his services will be free, so collect money.
  3. Find yourself on the verge of life and death. Many psychics claim that they were able to master abilities after surviving a threat to their life or experiencing clinical death. Of course, there is no need to risk yourself and specifically seek death. Everything should happen naturally.
  4. Go through the ritual. I will say right away that I will not recommend rituals that will help you master charms, since I could not be convinced of their effectiveness. Perhaps there are such rituals, but if everything were so simple, then every second person would become a magician. And so - the ability to conjure must be earned.
  5. Gradually develop your abilities. This is perhaps the most effective and safest way. Begin to gradually master various magical skills, subjugate the elements one after another, learn spells and prayers, practice rituals, etc. Yes, learning will not be quick, but with due diligence it will definitely work.

Another way is to sell your soul to the Devil, who will give you magic, but this is a completely stupid and dangerous method that will destroy you.

How to master the magic of different elements

The easiest way to become a sorcerer is to master the magic of one or four elements at once. If you subjugate earth, water, fire and air, you will gain powerful abilities that no one can take away from you.

How to master earth magic

It is easiest to establish a connection with the earth, because we walk on it with our feet, which means we have some kind of communication with it. In addition, the earth is not as changeable as, for example, water or fire (let alone such a windy element as air), therefore it is easiest to master its magic.

Here are a few rituals that will help you master earth magic:

  1. Walk barefoot on the ground more often, imagining how you are saturated with its juices, how strength flows into you. The ability to visualize will help well in this matter.
  2. Wear a bag of earth around your neck. For example, it could be soil from holy places or from an area dear to you, or some other ritual land that has magic. Such a bag will simultaneously serve as an amulet and an assistant in witchcraft.
  3. On Ivan Kupala, before the sun rises, you need to find a place where no one will see you, undress, lie on the ground (not on the road surface, but on the ground) and as soon as the sun begins to rise, start asking the earth to help you master charms. The text can be arbitrary, the main thing is that you speak confidently and sincerely.

When you master the magic of the earth element, you will be able to:

  • treat people;
  • protect your home and your loved ones from harm;
  • get rid of difficulties by burying them in the ground, etc.

Depending on what kind of land is used for rituals (bad, for example, from a cemetery, or light, consecrated), you can do both good and evil deeds.

How to master fire magic

Fire is one of the most powerful elements, promoting the manifestation of the invisible and purification. You definitely need to master it if you want to become a magician.

Fire is almost always used by sorcerers in their rituals, although it is very difficult to make it work for yourself.

The most basic way to master the magic of this element is to look at the flame and absorb its power, imagine how its warmth enters your body.

Gradually you can move on to more complex exercises:

  1. predict how the flames will move in order to relentlessly follow them with your gaze;
  2. control the magic of fire, directing the flame where you need it.

You can start training with a candle, but gradually you will have to look for a more powerful fiery source, for example, the flame of a fireplace.

The first magical ritual that can be performed with fire is to cleanse yourself of damage, the evil eye and other negative energy.

Candles are often used for:

  • performing love spells;
  • treating people;
  • attracting money, etc.

In any case, a source of fire will not be superfluous in almost any magical ritual, which is why this element must be mastered so that it helps you and does not create obstacles.

How to master water magic

Water is the main source of cleansing not only our body, but also our spirit.
  • relax;
  • rest;
  • get rid of a bad mood;
  • cheer up:
  • recover from illnesses, etc.

Mastering the magic of water is not easy, because this element is changeable. In its natural environment, it is in motion, therefore, with it you can send away all the bad things that accumulate in a person.

Sacred or well water is used in many rituals (love, money, cleansing, etc.).

If you are trying to master magical abilities, ask the water element for strength. This is best done in open, clean bodies of water: lakes, rivers, streams, etc. If you have difficulty finding a natural body of water, you can get by with a bath, although the effect of such a replacement will be worse.

You need to completely undress, immerse yourself in the water and imagine how the power penetrates your skin and spreads through your veins. All the bad things are washed away and flow away, but you become stronger and rejuvenated.

Train yourself to start every day with a glass of clean water over which you read a prayer (“Our Father” is quite suitable). Just imagine that you are drinking not just water, but a life-giving elixir that gives you strength and magical abilities.

How to master magic: practical lessons

How to master air magic

The element of air is the most difficult to master, because how can you control the wind? But, if you achieve success with earth, water and fire, then you can gradually move on to air.

There are several effective exercises that will help you master air magic:

  1. Associations. Throughout the week, think about what you associate air with and write down the answers. It is advisable to select not only abstract concepts, but also substantive ones. This will allow the air element to materialize, and as a result, it will be easier to control.
  2. Let's absorb the magic. Sit comfortably outside, close your eyes and absorb the air with every cell of your body for 10 minutes. It’s better to start the exercise in warm, windy weather - it’s easier to imagine how oxygen permeates you through and through. If you are doing the exercise in a deserted place or in your own yard, it is better to undress.
  3. Meditation. Take a comfortable position in a secluded corner of nature, eliminate any noise interference as much as possible outdoors. During meditation, imagine that your body is woven with air, that you are soaring above the ground, saturating everything around with oxygen, and people, animals, and plants are grateful to you, because thanks to you they are alive, etc.

Since mastering the air is not easy, use magical assistants, the most effective of which are:

You can call upon sylphs - spirits of the air element - to help. When you cast a spell, look at the image or figurine of sylphs.

It is not so easy to figure out how to master magic if you are not given special abilities from birth. But still, every person can get at least a little closer to the world of enchantment.

For a long time people have been looking for a way to solve their problems, and one of the solutions for them is magical power, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Despite this, there have always been and will be those who want to master magic. And since some have psychic abilities, you can try to become a magician.

Magic and people

Since ancient times, people have wanted to become magicians. And it is worth defining the difference between sorcerers, wizards and magicians. A magician is a more noble status because, in addition to strength, he possesses knowledge and constantly improves it. The sorcerer is presented in a negative way because his specialty is black magic. Wizards do not harm people, but they have much less power and knowledge compared to a magician. The magicians themselves are black and white. But they are all united by the presence of a great and unknown power.

The secret of magic is in the power of human thought. But developing this power will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people give up training because the results do not come immediately. But this is the natural order of things - you always need to invest a lot of effort to achieve something. And magic is no exception.

Magicians must keep their emotions under control, directing them in the direction they need. Those who stimulate positive emotions in themselves will become white magicians, and those who stimulate negative ones will become black magicians.

It often happens that black magicians go crazy, as they are forced to constantly stimulate emotions such as the desire to kill, hatred, envy, lust and others.

White sorcerers

Both black and white wizards were equal at the beginning of their journey and did not know what would await them next. Only after completing the training, when the initiation ritual takes place, do some separate and devote themselves to serving the darkness. Others act for the benefit of people. White magicians are divided into several categories:

Stimulating positive emotions helps them do good and help people. You can distinguish a white magician from thousands of other people by the feeling of power that emanates from him. You want to be close to such a person on a subconscious level, and it often happens that people feel calm next to a white magician. A white magician differs from a black one only in that the light one uses his abilities for the benefit of people, and the evil one uses his abilities to do terrible things. But the operating mechanism is the same.

The division can also be carried out according to initiation rituals. Someone may choose a dark initiation ritual for themselves in the hope that it will make them omnipotent. But this is not so, since these magicians are equal in strength, it’s just that the dark ones can harm a person, destroy his life, and therefore everyone thinks that they are stronger.

Black magicians

Just as you can pick out a white magician from a crowd, you can spot a black one. He smells of darkness, people feel bad around him, you always want to look down when such a person passes by. Black magicians constantly live in a terrible emotional state. Hatred, anger, lust - this is what dark wizards accumulate in their rituals, because without them magic will not receive its power. They are divided into the following categories:

Now dark magicians are only a shadow of the great medieval warlocks, not to mention the black magicians of the ancient East. The powers of magicians are weakening because they are driven not by a desire for knowledge, but by satisfying their own needs.

It is quite possible to learn how to become a magician in real life. You don’t need to go on a pilgrimage or leave civilization for this. Rest is certainly required, but everything can be done at home. The main thing, as already said, is to be patient, because this process is difficult and long. You need to learn to control the power of thought, which is not so easy to do given its speed. First of all you need to know A few things to help with the learning process:

Flow of energy

The main component of magic is the flow of energy, which is controlled by the power of thought. This flow of energy is like a beam that must be directed at an object in order to have an effect on it. There are light and dark energies, which differ in their effects. First of all, you need to learn to meditate.

With the help of meditation, you can keep your consciousness and thoughts under control and direct them the way you want. A common mistake that beginners make during a ritual is that they think sequentially using linking thoughts: “So, now I’ll take this knife, then I need to read the spell, then hit my hand with it and drip blood onto the photo. And you have to get angry before you start reading...”

This is fundamentally wrong. Thought should not interfere, but, on the contrary, help during rituals. Its purpose is to support emotional control. You need to combine thought and energy into one stream for the magic to work. If you think about something else for even a minute during the ritual, it will not work.

Emotions, which are supported by thoughts, play an important role. To cause harm to a person, you must really want it, enjoy his suffering. If you need to cure someone, you need to evoke compassion and an altruistic desire to help. Therefore, dark magicians suffer from mental illnesses, which are caused by constant stimulation of negativity.

There are certain rules, following which you can learn magic at home. For example, at first there is no need to carry out any complex rites or rituals, since there is not enough experience, but gradually the power will increase and the rituals will become more and more complex. To master the magic of home, you must adhere to the following rules:

These are the basics you need to follow to learn magic.

Rite of Passage

In the literature devoted to magic and witchcraft, one can often find references to a certain inauguration rite that a neophyte must undergo in order to become a magician. The ritual is divided into black and white. Black - strictly specialized. But, in fact, most black magicians went through a white initiation ritual, and only then realized that white magic would not help them achieve what they wanted.

This ritual is the first serious undertaking for a beginner. In the white ritual, it is necessary to heal the disease. In a black ritual, this disease must be caused. That's why they are held almost together. Those who fail these tests must dedicate more time to studying. Those who successfully complete initiation will become full-fledged magicians from neophytes. But this is practiced only among those who study with a mentor. You can arrange such a ritual for yourself if you study alone.

Most of the ancient knowledge disappeared along with its bearers. Perhaps this is even good, because now information spreads very quickly, and everyone would know about such opportunities and want to have superpowers. There is no denying that modern magic is inferior to ancient magic, but if now people receive the kind of knowledge that was available to the magicians of the Ancient East, it is unknown in what direction this knowledge will be directed. This could be the end for humanity, so let the majority remain ignorant for their own good.

One way or another, magic is present in the world around us and in the people themselves. Therefore, with great desire and perseverance, you can learn to use magic. What needs to be done in order to master magic?

  • It's best to start with the theoretical foundations. There are a large number of books that will help you master white, black or other types of magic. Recently, video tutorials on some magical techniques have begun to appear, as well as courses, by signing up for which you can learn a lot of new things. And all this under the guidance of an experienced magician.
  • By the way, a wonderful way is to become a student of a magician. The method of transferring magical knowledge from teacher to student is not only the most ancient, but also the most effective.
  • In order to become a magician, you need dedication and a strong belief in your success.
  • In addition, you need to train your concentration skills and willpower. The best way to do this is to start with meditation.

One of the most interesting areas of magic is the magic of the elements. In order to master the magic of the elements, you need to immerse yourself in the chosen element and become part of it.

How to master water magic?

Water is a truly magical substance that can bring both life and death. Try to understand water. Step into it, relax, let it flow through you, become water. Now that you feel like water, you can increase your strength: imagine yourself as a stormy river or waterfall. Remember this feeling and learn to evoke it. Now you can begin to practice causing ripples on the surface of the water or changing its temperature.

How to master ice magic?

Ice is frozen water. If you managed to master water magic, then ice magic is the next step. Concentrate your energy on changing the temperature of the water, clear your head of extraneous thoughts, and calm down.

How to master fire magic?

At the first stage, it is important to feel your unity with the flame. A large fire in a secluded place is good for this. Look at the fire, absorb it, immerse yourself in it. When you realize that you have completely dissolved in it, imagine long tongues of flame rising from the fire. Try to control them, put out the fire or, conversely, rekindle it. After the fire, you can practice with a candle, and soon the flame will appear out of nowhere at your request. The main thing is perseverance and self-confidence.

How to master air magic?

Air magic is beautiful, free and very powerful. Air surrounds us everywhere, it is life itself.

First you need to learn how to breathe correctly, consciously, feeling every molecule of air and realizing its power and importance. Learn to feel the wind, perceive any air movement as the movement of a living creature. Try to evoke the feeling of wind in enclosed spaces and gradually direct it in the direction you want.

Remember that there are conspiracies and spells that will help you speed up the process of subjugating the elements. For more useful tips on how to master magic, read these articles.