How to make apricot jam. Five-minute pitted apricot jam

This recipe is quite simple - it does not differ in any original additives or complex cooking technology.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg apricots;
  • 2 kg sugar.


Wash and sort the apricots, removing spoiled and wrinkled fruits, otherwise the taste of the jam will be hopelessly spoiled. Divide the apricots into halves and remove the pits. Place some of the chopped fruits in a cooking container with the core on top, sprinkle generously with sugar, then lay out a layer of the remaining apricots. Let the fruit sit at room temperature for several hours.

When the apricots have released enough juice, place the pan over low heat and cook until boiling, stirring occasionally. When the apricot mass boils, set the timer for 5 minutes and after the specified time, remove the pan from the heat. Leave the jam for a day.

The next day, place the container with apricots on the fire again, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for exactly 5 more minutes. Leave the resulting mixture again for a day. On the third day, as on the previous days, cook the delicacy until boiling plus 5 minutes. Place hot apricot jam into jars and close with lids.

Apricot jam with pits

This fragrant and tender delicacy can be stored for several years. It can be consumed as an independent dessert and used in home baking.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 0.6 kg granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 glasses of water.


Wash the apricots under running water and let them dry a little. At this time, we begin to prepare the sweet syrup - to do this, we dilute the sugar in the water and bring it to a boil. Dip the apricots with their pits into boiling syrup and cook the fruits for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam brew for 12 hours. Then put the container with apricots back on the fire and cook the mass until thickened. Pour the finished apricot jam into sterilized jars, let it cool slightly, then close the lids and turn them upside down.

Apricot jam with oranges and currants

If we add oranges and red currants to apricots, we will get an unusual and vitamin-rich delicacy that will be an excellent remedy for the prevention of flu and colds.

Required ingredients:

  • 1.2 kg apricots;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 200 g red currants;
  • 1 pack of gelatin.


Wash the apricots, cut them into halves and remove the pits. Wash the oranges and grate the zest using a small grater. Peel one citrus and divide it into slices. Wash the currants, dry them and carefully remove the stems from the berries.

Place all the fruits in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar and squeeze out the juice from the remaining orange. Leave the resulting mixture for 1 hour. After the specified time has passed, add the grated zest and place the pan on the stove. Add 1 package of gelatin and mix gently so as not to disturb the integrity of the fruit. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.

At 10 minutes, add red currants to the pan and boil everything together for 5 minutes. Remove the jam from the heat and leave it to steep for 10 hours at room temperature. After 10 hours, bring the jam to a boil again and cook for 10-15 minutes. Pour the finished apricot delicacy into clean jars and roll up.

Apricot jam with peaches

Jam prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tender and aromatic. This delicacy tastes like a fruit dessert with caramel.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg apricots;
  • 2 kg of peaches;
  • 1 kg sugar.


Wash the fruits thoroughly, dry them with a paper towel and remove the seeds. Cut the apricots and peaches into small, neat slices, then place them in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Place the pan with the infused fruit on low heat, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove the fruit mixture from the heat and let it cool. We repeat this procedure 5 more times. Thanks to this preparation technology, the jam will acquire a viscous consistency with a characteristic caramel taste. Pour the finished orange delicacy into sterilized jars and close with lids.

Apricot jam

Preparing apricot jam will not take much time, and the result will meet your best expectations. The finished dessert has an incredibly delicate taste and unsurpassed aroma.

Required ingredients:

  • 2 kg apricots;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.


For this recipe, you need to use only ripe and soft fruits. It is best to choose overripe fruits, as they can be used to achieve the desired consistency. Selected apricots should be washed, cut into halves and pitted. Place the chopped fruits in a deep container, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and add sugar. Leave the apricots in this form for 4 hours so that they release the juice.

When the fruits have released enough liquid, put the pan on low heat and bring to a boil, then remove the apricots from the heat and remove the foam that has formed on the surface. Grind the hot fruits with a blender until smooth and puree and place the mixture on low heat. Cook the jam for about an hour, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. When the mass becomes thick and viscous, remove it from the heat, pour it into jars and roll up the lids.

Apricot jam with citrus fruits

The combination of apricots and citrus fruits will make the jam not only tasty, but also very healthy. This delicacy will become an indispensable source of vitamin C and will take care of your immunity during the cold season.

Required ingredients:

  • 3 kg of apricots;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.


For this recipe, it is better to use firm and not overripe fruits. Wash the apricots and place in a colander to allow excess liquid to drain. We clean the washed and dried fruits from seeds (we do not throw away the seeds, but put them in a separate bowl).

Place the apricots in a saucepan and proceed to processing the citrus fruits. Pour boiling water over the lemon and orange, cut into medium-sized pieces and pass through a meat grinder along with the peel. Add the resulting citrus mass to the pan with the apricots and cover everything with granulated sugar. Leave the fruit in this form for several hours so that they release the juice. At this time, crush the apricot kernels so that the kernels remain intact.

Place the pan with the fruit over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. When the jam boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer the mixture for another 15-20 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the apricot jam for 10 hours.

After the specified time has passed, put the jam on the fire again, wait for it to boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. After the second cooking, leave the jam again for 10-12 hours. We repeat the cooking procedure one last time, adding apricot kernels to the jam. After boiling, cook the mixture for 15 minutes. Pour the finished apricot-citrus dessert into jars and wrap it in a towel. When the jam has cooled, put it in a cool and dark place.

Apricot jam with grapefruit

Apricot and grapefruit jam has an unusual taste and exquisite aroma. This delicacy will certainly please your family and guests.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 2 grapefruits;
  • 900 g sugar.


Wash the apricots, dry them with a paper towel and separate them from the seeds (it is better to use firm, slightly unripe fruits). Place the apricot slices in a saucepan, add sugar and leave for several hours. Pour boiling water over the grapefruits, cut into several parts and grind with a blender. Add the resulting citrus mass to the apricots that have already released their juice.

Place the fruit mixture on the fire, wait for it to boil and cook for exactly 5 minutes. Let the jam cool and cook again. We repeat this procedure 3 more times. We pack the finished apricot and grapefruit jam into jars, close the lids and leave to cool in a warm place.

Apricot jam with peanuts

This is a fairly simple, but at the same time very original recipe. Peanuts give apricot jam an interesting and piquant taste.

Required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg apricots;
  • 5 glasses of sugar;
  • 2/3 cup peanuts;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.


Pour boiling water over the peanuts, cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes - this is necessary in order to easily remove the skin from the nuts. Then drain the water and peel the peanuts. Wash the apricots, dry them and remove the pits. Place the processed fruits in an enamel container, add peeled peanuts and lemon juice to them, then cover everything with sugar and leave it like that for 2.5 hours.

When the apricots give juice, put the container on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. When the jam boils, cook it for another 30 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam. Place the prepared apricot and peanut jam into jars, roll it up and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Apricot jam without sugar

The recipe for this jam is intended for those who are contraindicated in consuming sugar and those on a diet.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg apricots.


Wash the apricots under running water and separate them from the seeds. Fill the apricots cut into halves with water, put them on the fire and wait for them to boil. After the water boils, cook the apricots for another 20 minutes. During this time, the fruit should soften slightly and acquire a thick consistency. During cooking, the apricot mass must be constantly stirred and the foam removed. Pour the finished apricot jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Apricot jam in a slow cooker

Apricot jam prepared in a slow cooker has a richer taste and color. In addition, this cooking option allows you to retain more nutrients.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 2 kg sugar.


Wash the apricots, let them dry a little, then separate the pulp from the seeds. Place the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl, add sugar, set the “Stewing” or “Baking” mode and cook the jam for 1 hour. We sterilize the jars and pour the still hot jam into them, then close the lids and put them in a warm place until they cool completely.

A friend told me this recipe. Previously, I had no idea that walnuts could also be preserved for the winter along with apricots. This jam goes great with tea and a sandwich with butter.

The walnuts in apricot jam are so delicious that I first pick out all the nuts from the jar and then start eating the jam itself. Therefore, I select the ingredients according to the principle “the more nuts, the better.”

Here is a list of the minimum amount of ingredients:

– 1 kg apricot (pitted)
- 300g shelled walnuts (or 1 kg unshelled)
- 600g sugar

I made jam for 8 kg apricots. I provide photos of the ingredients “in miniature”.

Cooking time: 4-5 hours (excluding breaks in cooking - 2-3 days)
Difficulty: medium

I remove the pits from apricots. This time I was lucky - the bone came off easily.

I sprinkle the fruit with sugar.

I stir. I leave it for several hours so that the apricots release their juice. This time I left it overnight.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. I let it sit for a few hours. I bring it to a boil again and boil it a little.

And I repeat this procedure for the third time. The fruits were slightly greenish, with dense pulp, so without much effort the apricot halves remained intact and did not become overcooked.

I peel the required amount of nuts.

So I'm clearing out all of my nut stock from last year, preparing the pantry for the new harvest.

I break very large pieces of kernels in half.

I bring the jam to a boil for the fourth time and add the nut kernels.
I stir. This is the last brew.

The jam boils for about 20 minutes along with the nuts.

I pour it hot into pre-sterilized jars and seal it. The jam still needs to sit so that the walnuts are well soaked in the apricot syrup.

So you’ll have to look forward to winter or look for another excuse to enjoy such an amazing dessert.

Apricot jam with kiwi

This is the most unusual recipe for making apricot jam, which has an original and very pleasant taste.

- 450 grams of kiwi,
- 1.3 kilograms of apricot,
- 130 grams of brandy,
- Gelatin,
- A few tablespoons of citric acid,
- 1.6 kilograms of sugar,

Kiwis and apricots need to be peeled and pitted. Cut the apricots and kiwis into small pieces of the same size, after which the fruits need to be covered with sugar so that they are completely covered with it, add a little citric acid and put them on the fire to cook. Bring the mixture to a full boil and cook the jam for another ten minutes, stirring the jam all the time. Dissolve a little gelatin in water and pour into the jam, and bring to a boil one more time. When the apricot jam is completely ready, you need to remove it from the stove, add brandy, mix everything and put it in pre-prepared jars.

Easiest to prepare apricot jam recipe which is given below, does not require special skills and knowledge.
To prepare it you will need:
- 1 kg of ripe and juicy apricots;
- 1.4 kg granulated sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid;
- 0.5 l. water.

The fragrant apricots are thoroughly washed and punctures are made in several places with a wooden toothpick (or a wooden pin). Then the prepared fruits are placed in boiling water for one minute, after which they are quickly cooled. Small apricots can be boiled whole, large fruits will need to be divided in half along the groove in advance, removing the pit.

Apricots are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup and boiled in several steps: fruits with seeds - in 3-4 steps at intervals, without seeds - in 2 steps.
During preparation of the jam, it is recommended to add citric acid so that later the delicacy does not become sugary and lose its taste.

Another popular recipe for apricot jam will require:

1 kg of ripe fruits;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 teaspoons of citric acid.

Fragrant ripe apricots will need to be sorted, washed thoroughly in running water, dried on a napkin, pits removed and divided into parts along the groove. Then place the fruit halves on the bottom of a cooking vessel with wide and low sides, cups up, and cover with granulated sugar so that all the halves are filled with sugar. Next, lay another layer of apricots and cover with sugar again. Do this until all the fruits are in the cooking vessel. After finishing all the work, the dishes with apricots sprinkled with sugar need to be left for a day.

Next, place the container with apricots on the fire and, stirring gently, dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. Bring the jam to a boil over low heat, constantly skimming off any foam that appears. About half an hour before removing the jam from the heat, add citric acid to it and mix well.

Unusual apricot jam with ginger, almonds and carrots

For this beautiful, unusual and very tasty jam you will need 100 grams of peeled and grated carrots, 600 grams of fresh apricots, 5 centimeter grated piece of ginger, 400 grams of powdered sugar, juice from one lemon, 50 grams of chopped almonds.

Place the grated carrots in a saucepan and add 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer until the carrots are soft. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pit and add to the boiled carrots. Cook everything together for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add ginger, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Place almonds in hot jam. Let it cool slightly and put it into sterilized jars.

Apricot jam is one of the most delicious desserts with an extraordinary aroma, which I always prepare for the winter. In order to prepare apricot jam, you will need a little effort and time.

You can prepare this delicacy without seeds or with them, but it’s tastier. Apricot halves retain vitamins, and the sweetness itself looks very beautiful.

Pitted apricot jam - a recipe for the winter

This dessert delicacy will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. And if you have a sweet tooth, then you won’t be able to get enough of this apricot delicacy.


  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

1. Wash the apricots thoroughly, then divide them into two parts and remove the pits.
2. Transfer the fruits to an enamel container, and add sugar here. Set the container with the possessed aside and let it sit all night. The fruits should release juice.
3. In the morning, shake the contents and put on fire.
4. Boil the apricot halves in their own juice, cook for 5 minutes, stir constantly. Use a wooden spoon or spatula.

Remove any foam that will form.

5. Turn off the heat, let the dessert sit until the evening, then boil it again for another 5 minutes and leave until the morning.
6. In the morning, the jam needs to be boiled again for 10 minutes.

Then pour the sweetness into sterilized jars, roll up the lids and leave to cool.

Royal apricot jam recipe

This version of apricot jam turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, and the cooking process itself is simple and easy. This royal delicacy will win your heart with its taste from the first spoon.


  • water – 600 ml;
  • apricots – 4 kg;
  • citric acid – 5 g;
  • finely ground granulated sugar – 3 kg.

1. Wash the apricots thoroughly and remove the pits.
2. Then boil the syrup. To do this, boil water with sugar. When the syrup boils, simmer for another 10 minutes.
3. Place the apricot halves into a bowl, pour in the syrup, and cook the sweetness for two minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam and remove the jam from the heat. Let it sit for 10 hours.
4. Then boil the jam again and leave to cool again. Thus, repeat the procedure three more times.

Pour the finished jam into jars, roll up the lids, cool and lower into the basement for storage.

Recipe for thick apricot jam in slices

If you like thick jam, then this is the recipe for you. This sweet is so tasty and aromatic that you won’t be able to pull your household members away from the table after tea until they have emptied all the plates of jam.


  • apricots – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g.

1. Wash and dry the apricots, divide them into two halves, and remove the pits.
2. Place some of the fruit in a bowl.
3. Add sugar here, each half of the fruit should be filled with sugar crystals.
4. Then place another apricot layer on top, add sugar again.
5. Set the container with the contents aside overnight; juice should appear and the slices should become firm.
6. In the morning, place the container with the contents on low heat and boil.

Then carefully rotate the container, shake a couple of times, just do not mix the contents. Be sure to collect any foam that forms.

7. Let the treat cook for 5 minutes.
8. Turn off the heat and let the jam brew for 12 hours.
9. Then you need to repeat the cooking again for 5 minutes, remove, and leave again for 12 hours.
10. After the third cooking, the sweetness will receive a beautiful amber color and become the thickness you need.

Place the finished sweet into jars, roll up the lids, cool and put into the basement for storage.

Delicious apricot jam with kernels

This incredibly tasty jam will give you a good and bright mood on cold winter evenings while drinking tea!


  • sugar – 750 g;
  • apricots – 1 kg.

1. Rinse the apricots, divide them in half, remove the kernels from the pits.
2. Place the apricot halves into a container, add sugar, and let them sit for 6 hours.
3. Boil the fruit, then let it cool.
4. Then boil again, cook for 20 minutes, let the jam cool again.
5. Next you need to add apricot kernels and cook until fully cooked.

The finished treat must be poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

Recipe for apricot jam with lemon juice

This delicacy will captivate you with its amazing light citrus aroma and unusual taste.


  • apricots – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar 0 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - quarter.


1. Sort the apricots, wash them, place them in a colander, and let the liquid drain thoroughly.
2. Cut all apricots into two halves, remove the pits. Place the finished fruits in layers in a container, sprinkle each with sugar.
3. Cover the container with a lid, let the apricots stand for 7 hours, juice should appear.
4. Then stir the apricots, place on the stove, boil, and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
Be sure to skim off any foam that forms.
5. 10 minutes before complete cooking, squeeze lemon juice into a container.

Place the finished apricot jam in clean, dry jars, screw on the lids, turn them over, let them cool, and then put them in the basement for storage.

Apricot jam with nuts

That's all, now you can enjoy delicious sunny, and most importantly healthy apricot jam every day in the cold winter! Bon appetit and see you new recipes!

One of the summer activities is preparing berries and vegetables for the winter. There is nothing better than when you open your jam or pickles in the cold season. Today we’ll just talk about apricots. We will prepare apricot jam for the winter. Let's learn how to cook without seeds, and with them and slices. Let's look at the royal recipe. Our jam will be thick and tasty. And creating such a masterpiece is very simple and easy.

The article describes the following recipes:

  1. Classic: pitted
  2. Quick recipe Five minutes
  3. Cook in slices: simple and tasty
  4. Royal recipe
  5. Cooking in a slow cooker: video

You can see how to make strawberry jam for the winter. It turns out thick, tasty and aromatic.

Recipe for pitted apricot jam: preparing for the winter

The first to be brought to your attention is the classic cooking method. We will cook the apricots in 3 stages. This will allow us to preserve the maximum of nutrients and at the same time preserve the fresh taste and summer aroma of the berries. The jam will turn out to be a bright natural color.

For cooking we need:

  • Apricots - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
As you can see from the composition, the ratio is 1 to 1!


1. Prepare the berries. Apricots need to be washed and dried. Separate from the seeds.

2. Transfer to a large saucepan. Add sugar. And we leave it from evening until tomorrow morning in our case. Let's see how much juice it produces. And then let's start cooking.

3. In the morning the apricots gave juice. The sugar has almost dissolved. We put it on fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Reduce heat and keep for literally 2-3 minutes. We leave it for the next day.

4. Second day. As you can see in the picture, they are all soaked through. Place on low heat and wait for it to boil. Remove from heat and leave for the next day.

5. Third day. The jam is transparent. The berries are soaked. There are intact ones. Place on low heat. When it boils, cook for five minutes. Then we put it in sterilized jars.

When boiling, foam forms. We collect it from the surface.

6. Once the jars are closed, they need to be turned upside down. They will stand like this until they cool completely.

The jam is ready!

Apricot jam “Pyatiminutka” without seeds: prepared quickly and tasty

The recipe has been tested for years. Only we will significantly reduce the sugar intake. According to the classical method, we take 1 to 1. This jam was well stored even at room temperature. In theory this is correct. But it turned out very sweet. Therefore, we will take 400-500 grams of sugar per 1 kilogram of apricots.

Preparing the jam:

1. First of all, wash and dry the berries. Then cut it in half lengthwise. We take out the bone. Our apricots are large, so we also cut them in half.

Let's weigh it without seeds!

Sprinkle the apricot with sugar. Let's level it out a little. Cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Apricots should give juice.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the jars. You can sterilize them in the oven. Wash the jars and put them in a cold oven. We set the temperature to 120-130 degrees. After it heats up, let it sit for 5-7 minutes. The jars need to be completely dry. Then let them cool down.

The lids can simply be filled with boiling water. Place them in a separate container and leave for 7-10 minutes.

3. 4 hours have passed. Place on low heat and slowly warm up. There is no need to interfere. As the apricots warm up, you can slowly stir them from bottom to top.

4. Warm up further. We need the sugar to completely dissolve. Don't forget to stir, but not often, as needed. The jam was almost boiling. This can be seen from the first bubbles. After it boils, cook for 5-7 minutes. And we can pour it into jars.

5. Pour hot jam into jars. We fill them to the very brim. Close and immediately turn over. Wrap it up and leave it to cool.

6. The jam is ready. Since it contains little sugar, it is better to store it in a cool place.

Recipe for delicious apricot jam: cook in slices

The second recipe is slightly different from the first. The jam is practically not cooked, but only poured with syrup. This is done within three days.

The composition is the same:

  • 1 kilogram of apricots
  • 1 kilogram of sugar

Cooking process:

1. Wash the berries. We dry them. Separate from the seeds.

You can take a little green berries, not quite ripe. They are even easier to clean.

2. Pour sugar into a saucepan. Pour in about 15 milliliters of water per 1 kilogram. And put it on fire. Stir. The sugar should dissolve and boil. Once it boils, simmer for about 5 minutes.

Don't forget to stir so it doesn't stick to the bottom.

3. To prepare the syrup, immediately pour it over the apricots. Carefully distribute the berries throughout the volume.

4. Cover with a lid or cling film. And leave it like this for a day.

5. The jam let out the juice. It must be carefully poured into a saucepan. Set the apricots aside. And put the saucepan on the fire. Stir the syrup and wait until it boils. It takes 2-3 minutes for it to boil well.

6. Remove from heat and immediately pour over our apricots. Cover with a lid or cling film. and Leave for the next day.

7. On the third day we repeat the procedure. Drain the syrup, boil and pour over the apricots. Leave it for a day.

On the fourth day, put the jam on the fire. Once it boils and cook for 5 minutes. Add a pinch of citric acid or squeeze a little lemon juice.

Then turn on the gas and immediately pour it into sterilized jars.

8. It turned out to be delicious sweet apricot jam for the winter.

Royal recipe for apricot jam with nuts

Let's make jam like a king. The method is unusual. Its essence is that the seeds are removed and some kind of nut is replaced. In our case, walnut. In this case, the berries remain intact. And if you don’t have nuts, you can cook it with seeds.


  • Apricot - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms
  • Water - 500-600 milliliters
  • Walnut kernels - 100 - 150 grams

Let's start cooking:

1. The berries must be washed and dried. For this jam, apricots should not be overripe, but of medium ripeness. In other words, tight. Now you need to remove the seeds. We make an incision along the berry and carefully remove the seed. And immediately put a walnut instead. And so with each berry.

You can use the seeds as a filling. But for this you need to take out the kernels and add them to the apricot instead of the nut. But remember that kernels can taste bitter. It's better to add nuts!)
And instead of walnut, you can use any other one.

2. Prepare the syrup. Pour water into the pan. Bring to a boil and add sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can add blackcurrant or cherry leaves for taste and aroma.

Cook for literally 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let it sit for 5-6 hours. During this time, the berries will be saturated with syrup.

3. Then put it on the fire again and bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, turn off the fire. Then carefully remove the foam. And leave it for 5-6 hours.

3. For the third time, after boiling, we cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove currant or cherry leaves if you added them. Then we put it into jars.

4. Apricot jam according to the royal recipe is ready. Two kilograms of apricots yielded 4 half-liter jars and one half-liter jar with syrup. Now the jars need to be turned over and covered until completely cooled. I wish you success in your preparation!

How to make pitted apricot jam in a slow cooker?

We will use a multicooker to help us prepare. I bring to your attention a detailed video recipe.

Product List:

  • Apricots without seeds - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Juice of half 1 lemon
  • Agar - 2 tablespoons

2 kg of pitted apricots + 1 kg of sugar + juice of half 1 lemon. cook in jam mode for 2 hours. at the end add 2 tbsp agar

Brief description of the video

Wash and dry the apricots. Naturally we remove the seeds. Place apricot, sugar and lemon in a multicooker bowl. Set the “Jam” mode and cook for 2 hours. Add agar at the end.

Apricot is one of the wonderful creations of nature. Not only is it delicious, but also healthy. What a pleasure it is to eat apricot jam in winter. When a piece of summer is on the table. Today we have discussed several recipes for apricot jam for the winter. Several options: with seeds, without seeds and slices. We learned how to make jam like a king. We sorted out a quick recipe 5 Five minutes. It turned out thick, aromatic, sweet and very tasty!

This year is richer than ever in the harvest of apricots and poles. By the way, many still do not know what the difference is between these two fruits, since they are very similar in appearance.

Zherdela is slightly smaller than its fellow apricot, has a less sweet taste and a more fibrous pulp structure. Apricots are juicier and the fruit is easier to separate from the pit.

In this article we will look at preparing apricot jam for the winter, however, the same recipes can also be used for jam from zherdels.

The juicy and fragrant apricot is reminiscent of our Soviet childhood, when a crowd of children, walking in the courtyards, picked the delicate, velvety fruits. Not only the pulp of apricots was used, but also their pits - they were dried in the sun, then the kernels were split with a hammer and eaten. By the way, we will also look at apricot jam with kernels in this article. So let's get started.

Features of preparing dessert

There are quite a few ways to make jam, jam or marmalade from apricots, and every housewife is looking for the simplest but most delicious recipe. Most often, apricot jam is prepared without any additives (except sugar), but you can use additions such as cinnamon, vanilla, citric acid, nuts and other fruits. You should not neglect the advice of experienced chefs, because it is their experience that allows you to create culinary masterpieces and make preparations so that they delight you with their taste all year round and do not spoil.

  1. For jam, choose slightly unripe fruits, otherwise during the cooking process they will simply boil and lose their shape. However, this item can be omitted if you are making jam or marmalade. For thickening, improvised means are used: gelatin, starch, agar-agar or pectin.
  2. To make jam or jam, apricot fruits can be twisted through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve and sent to the stove in this form.
  3. To make a sweet dessert thick, it is not necessary to cook it for 2-3 hours. Don’t think that the thickness depends on how long you cook the seedless jam. 10 minutes of cooking and 3 batches are enough, between which wait from 5 to 10 hours. Minimal heat treatment allows you to preserve most vitamins.
  4. It is better to cook apricots in a saucepan or large bowl with a thick bottom but a large evaporation surface. But aluminum cookware is not at all suitable for this purpose - the metal oxidizes and releases harmful substances that distort the taste of the dessert.
  5. During cooking, it is imperative to remove the foam from the surface, otherwise there is a high probability that the jam will ferment and sour right in the jars.
  6. To avoid sugaring of the product, add a little citric acid (1 g) or the juice of half a lemon per 1 kg of apricots just before the end of cooking.
  7. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids.

For utensils, choose not too large jars so that the amount of jam is enough for once or twice. But large jars are better used for vegetables.

Beginning housewives often ask the question: which apricots make the most delicious jam? To prepare such a dessert, choose bright orange fruits with a red side. But leave the pale yellow Armenian apricots for eating fresh.

Jam from poles (apricots) without seeds “Pyatiminutka”

Not only the fastest way to prepare apricot jam for the winter, but also the most useful, since heat treatment of the fruit is minimal, which allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances. This particular recipe is ideal for housewives who are looking for how to quickly make pitted apricot jam (or apricot jam), value their time and at the same time get an excellent result!

Why did we call this jam Zherdelov or Apricot? Because it can be prepared from both some fruits and others. The proportions of sugar and fruit are maintained.


  • 2 kg slightly unripe apricots (or poles)
  • 2 kg sugar

For most fruits, this proportion will be the most correct - 1:1, that is, 1 kg of granulated sugar is taken for 1 kg of fruit. But if you are not a sweet tooth, you can change the proportion slightly by reducing the amount of sugar to 700 g per 1 kg of fruit. You can also change the amount of sugar when using sweet fruits and berries, for example, strawberries, peaches, pears.

To ensure that our jam does not turn out soggy, and the fruits retain their attractive appearance, you should choose apricots that are not too ripe, without dents. You should not process more than 3 kg of fruit at a time, since when cooking you will have to use a large pan in which the lower part of the fruit will be too soft and the upper part will not have time to warm up.

Stages of preparing jam from poles (apricots):

1. Sort all the fruits, put the spoiled ones aside. Wash the fruits and dry them. Divide each fruit into halves and remove the seeds.

2. Place the halves in a saucepan or large bowl and cover with sugar. Shake the container a little so that the sugar is distributed evenly. Place in the refrigerator for several hours (overnight is possible) to allow the fruit to release its juice.

Place the container in a cool place, otherwise the future jam may ferment in the heat and sugar.

Additionally, no additional liquid should be added - we will cook the zherdels (apricots) in their own juice, otherwise the jam will turn out to be too liquid.

Now is the time to prepare the jars with lids. Use small sealing or screw-top jars with a capacity of no more than 500 ml. Experience shows that such a quantity of jam is easily eaten and does not have time to sour. Sterilize jars with lids in a convenient way and place them on a clean towel to drain excess water.

4. When the fruits have released enough juice so that the halves do not stick to the bottom of the pan (usually overnight is enough), put the pan on the fire.

5. With constant stirring, bring our pitted apricot jam to a boil and reduce the heat. It is better to stir with a wooden spatula. If foam forms on the surface of the jam, it must also be removed.

6. Pour hot jam into jars to the very top and roll up (or close with a lid).

Until they cool completely, turn the jars upside down, place them on a towel and wrap them in a blanket. Store finished jam from seedless poles (or apricots) in a cool, dark place, but not longer than a year.

Vvriant with nucleoli

Such jam made from whole fruits stuffed with kernels is considered the height of the housewife’s skill and is called “royal”. The kernels add a tart taste and a pleasant aroma, but can easily be replaced with almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts. And of course, they are eaten first.

To prepare jam with kernels, apricots must be taken not quite ripe so that they do not become soft during the cooking process. Before cooking, all fruits must be sorted and defective and rotten ones removed.


  • 2 kg slightly unripe apricots;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 300 g kernels from apricot kernels or almonds;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

Stages of preparing apricot jam with kernels:

1. Wash and dry the fruits. Using a special stick or an ordinary pencil, remove the seeds from the side of the stalk.

2. Remove the kernels from the apricot seeds. To peel them, immerse them in a hot 15-20% salt solution at the rate of 150-200 grams of table salt per liter of water. Then pour cold water over it and remove the brown shell. Insert the peeled apricot kernels into the apricots through the hole at the stem.

Instead of kernels, you can also use sweet almonds. Almonds are processed in the same way as kernels.

3. Now it’s time to prepare the sugar syrup in which we will cook the fruits. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid, put on fire and bring to a boil. The sugar needs to be completely dissolved!

4. Carefully pour sugar syrup (necessarily hot) over the prepared fruits and leave for several hours. During this time, the fruits should become soft, and the kernels should impart their aroma and taste.

5. We will cook the veus dessert in two or three batches over low heat, gradually bringing it to readiness. The waiting time between doses is about five hours, the last exposure is 8-12 hours. During cooking, the jam should not be stirred so as not to damage the integrity of the fruit. But the foam that appears on the surface must be removed with a wooden spoon or slotted spoon.

Place the finished sweet in a sterilized glass container at a temperature of 90-95 degrees and roll it up.

If the temperature during packaging was below the above mark, then the jam must be pasteurized at 95 degrees: liter jars - 20 minutes, half-liter jars - at least 15 minutes.

Interesting fact: if jam is prepared where there is an abundance of sun, then it is “cooked” in direct sunlight. Using the method described above, the prepared apricots are poured with 60% sugar syrup and boiled for 12-15 minutes. After boiling, pour into dishes made of earthenware or stainless steel and place in the sun under a gauze canopy. The jam is ready in 8-10 days. Then it is packaged in containers as usual.

In a slow cooker

Perhaps the easiest way to make any jam is in a slow cooker. As for previous recipes. For this method, we select firm, elastic fruits without dents.


  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 600 g granulated sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Also prepare sterilized jars with lids.

The process of preparing apricot dessert in a slow cooker will be as follows:

1. Wash the fruits, dry them and separate the pulp from the seeds. Place the apricot halves in a multicooker bowl and cover with sugar. Leave in this form for 2-3 hours.

2. When the fruits release juice, add the juice of half a lemon, close the lid and turn on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. After 10 minutes, open the lid and remove the foam.

3. Place the hot mass into clean jars and roll up.

Jam prepared in this way in a slow cooker can be stored in a cool place for no more than 1 year.

Original recipe with cognac

Cognac in this recipe plays the role of seasoning, adding a special aroma and piquant taste. But the alcohol contained in cognac evaporates during heat treatment, so do not think that this dish cannot be eaten by children. This jam also contains cinnamon and lemon as additives. If desired, you can also add a vanilla pod.

For work we will need products:

  • 1 kg of ripe apricot fruits;
  • 750 g granulated sugar;
  • 80 ml cognac or brandy;
  • 200 ml boiled water;
  • a couple of pinches of cinnamon;
  • half a lemon.

Stages of preparing apricot sweets

First of all, prepare the sweet syrup: pour water into a small container, add sugar and cook until the latter is completely dissolved.

We wash the apricots, dry them and separate the pulp from the pit. We put our fruits in a saucepan, fill them with boiling syrup and put them on the stove. Cook our jam for 5 minutes. When foam forms on the surface, it will need to be removed with a slotted spoon.

The boiled fruits must be cooled and refrigerated overnight (or for several hours during the day). Already at this stage you can notice that the jam has thickened a little. This is due to the presence of pectin substances in apricot fruits.

After our product has infused and been soaked in syrup, it needs to be brought to a boil again, pour in cognac, add cinnamon and boil for another 20-30 minutes. Remember to stir occasionally to prevent the fruit from sticking to the bottom.

10 minutes before readiness, add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture - it will prevent the jam from becoming sugary during the winter. Place the finished jam in clean, sterilized containers and roll up or close with lids. Now we will carefully turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a towel. Keep the jars of dessert in this form until they cool completely.

Whichever of the above methods you choose, now you know exactly how to cook pitted apricot jam and zherdel jam, and it will be an excellent addition to your diet in the winter.