Common aspen: properties, use of wood. Aspen photo, medicinal properties, application, treatment

  • PFAF rating medicinal properties: 2
  • Action: hemostatic, astringent, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, choleretic, antiparasitic, diaphoretic and expectorant, mild analgesic.
  • Traditional medicine uses bark, young shoots, buds and leaves as medicinal raw materials.
  • IN leaves contains carbohydrates, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, phenol glycosides, anthocyanins and tannins. They have a weak diaphoretic, expectorant and stimulating effect.
  • Leaves Aspens are used to treat hemorrhoids.
  • Bark contains carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.), aromatic acids, phenol glycosides, tannins, higher fatty acids (capric, lauric, arachidic, behenic, etc.), bitter glycosides populin and salicin. In addition, a whole range of microelements was found in aspen bark (in mg/kg of dry matter): 23-28 copper, 0.03 molybdenum, 0.06 cobalt, 138-148 zinc, 83-90 iron, 0.1-0. 3 iodine, 0.7-1.0 nickel. It has a weak diaphoretic, expectorant and stimulating effect.
  • Young decoction bark used for kidney diseases, cystitis and other bladder diseases, urinary retention and salt deposition in joints, gout, urinary incontinence, colitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, cold cough, nephritis, gastritis and poor digestion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, coughing, and also as an appetite stimulant. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.
  • The combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in bark Aspen makes it promising in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, pneumonia, coughs of various origins, rheumatism and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  • IN kidneys carbohydrates (raffinose, fructose, etc.), aromatic acids, tannins, essential oil and triglycerides of phenolcarboxylic acids.
  • Tincture kidney in 70% alcohol or vodka and a water infusion of the kidneys has pronounced antimicrobial properties and is used as a diaphoretic or anti-inflammatory for colds. An infusion or decoction of buds is a popular remedy for fever, old colds, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • IN wood Aspen contains cellulose, nectasan, and resin.
  • Young shoots, buds, bark, leaves used as a hemostatic and astringent. A decoction of buds, young leaves, and shoots is used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent for feverish conditions and gastritis. Steamed buds and leaves are applied for joint pain.
  • Alcohol tincture, ointment (aspen bark or ash with fresh pork fat), fresh juice are used externally to treat burns, eczema, and boils.
  • According to some data, salicin contained in parts of the plant acts as a natural aspirin in the human body.
  • Medicinal raw materials of aspen are used in herbal treatment of people’s state of mind (as part of drugs that relieve fears, anxiety, anxiety).
  • Dendrotherapy. Aspen helps well with inflammation and in cases where you want to quickly get rid of mental turmoil. It is necessary to avoid prolonged contact with aspen: headaches, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, nausea and even loss of consciousness may occur. Aspen is active from 14:00 to 18:00 and in cool weather. The energy of aspen can be compared to a strong cold shower.

This tree is widespread throughout the world. Trembling poplar (common aspen) is found everywhere. And yet, this powerful, beautiful tree did not become a favorite of landscapers and gardeners. Few people consider even his rapid growth a virtue.

The reason for such a negative attitude towards wood is poplar fluff, which causes people many problems. Today we will introduce trembling poplar (poplar genus). This is one of the representatives of a large family, which includes about 90 species. All of them are divided into six sections.

1. Abaso (Mexican Mexican.

2. Aigeiros (delta poplars):

  • sedum (black poplar);
  • deltoid;
  • pyramidal;
  • More

3. Leucoides (leucoid poplars):

  • variegated;
  • white (or silver);
  • trembling (or aspen).

4. Tacamahaca (balsam poplar):

  • balsamic;
  • laurel leaf;
  • Poplar Maksimovich.

5. Turanga: Turanga Euphrates.

6. Hybrids:

  • Berlin;
  • Moscow;
  • Canadian.

Trembling poplar: description

This is a dioecious deciduous tree with a powerful, well-developed root system. Trembling poplar (Latin - Pópulus trémula) grows up to 35 meters in height and lives up to 90 years. The bark is grey-green and smooth. Over time, it darkens and becomes covered with small cracks. The branches are long, with small, sticky, pointed buds.


Trembling poplar (willow family) is densely covered with alternate, round, long-petioled leaves with pinnate venation. Their length is from 3 to 7 cm, the upper surface is green, the bottom is bluish, and there are uneven large teeth along the edge.

In autumn the leaves turn bright yellow or Note the trembling poplar (aspen). Even in completely calm, windless weather, its leaves are constantly in motion and trembling. This mobility is explained by flattened petioles, thinner in the center than at the edges.


Trembling poplar (you can see the photo in the article) blooms in the last ten days of April or early May (depending on the region of growth). The tree is covered with catkins: massive male (stamen) catkins up to 15 cm long and thinner, small, pistillate female ones. Flowers of both types are simple. They lack a perianth. Male flowers have 5-8 stamens and red anthers, while female flowers have only a pistil with two stigmas. Flowering continues until the leaves completely open.


Fruit ripening occurs approximately thirty days after flowering. They open in early June. These are double-leaf boxes with big amount small seeds that are equipped with fluffy tufts of hairs. A thousand poplar seeds weigh tenths of a gram. They easily fly over long distances.

Root system

Trembling poplar is a tree with powerful scattered seeds begin to germinate literally after a few hours, falling on wet soil. The seed coat bursts, revealing two tiny cotyledons. After about a day, a root appears on the seed.

K is a small stem (no larger than a pencil) and a tap root, the length of which reaches 30 cm. It should be noted that trembling poplar (aspen) grows very quickly, especially in the first years. By the age of 20, the tree grows up to 10 meters, and by the age of 40 its height reaches its maximum size.

In the first years, the poplar has a more pronounced tap root. Over time, it slows down and soon stops growing altogether. During this period, the lateral processes begin to actively grow. They lie shallow, in top layer soils extend quite far from the mother plant and produce abundant growth. The shoots grow rapidly - in the first year they already reach a height of 50 cm.


Trembling poplar is quite widespread. Its habitat is Eurasia, mountainous regions North Africa. Most of its range is in our country. In Russia, aspen is distributed almost everywhere. In the north it grows right up to the borders of the forest and tundra, in the south - to the arid steppes.

In the forest-steppe, trembling poplar forms island groves. On saline soils it can take on a bush-like form. In the Alps it grows in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level. The tree requires light, so if other trees shade the poplar, it dies. Often aspen becomes an admixture in birch forests.

Growing conditions

Trembling poplar is unpretentious to soils and climatic conditions. However, it develops more actively in fertile, mineral-rich, well-aerated soils.

Use of poplar

With a beautiful decorative crown it is used in landscape design. Almost all of its many varieties are excellent for both single and group plantings. Everyone knows that poplar alleys are classics of park landscapes.

The trembling poplar is real air filter, which has found application in urban landscaping, as well as as a forest-forming species. Its wood is used in many industries - in the furniture, paper and construction industries.

Excellent natural dyes are made from poplar leaves and inflorescences. Kidneys are used in folk medicine. Aspen wood is light and soft, but not very strong. Therefore, most often it is used to make household items (shovels, ladles, spoons, other dugout utensils). It is used to make plywood and wood chips (shingles), which are used in roofing production. In sparsely forested areas, poplar wood is used as building material for the construction of outbuildings.

But we cannot help but say that it is easily affected by fungi that cause rotting, so it is not recommended to use such material for the construction of residential buildings.

Aspen wood is widely used in the production of matches. Why did poplar attract manufacturers of much-needed products? In this case, its main advantage was taken into account - the absence of tannins and resins in the wood, which give off a smell when burned. In addition, it is very light, burns perfectly, without soot, in a dry state. Match manufacturers also appreciated the fact that poplar wood splits in the desired direction.

Aspen bark has a bitter taste, but this does not prevent it from being used as food for game animals. Moose enjoy gnawing the bark from young trees. Hares prefer to clean it from fallen trunks.

During flowering, bees collect pollen and resinous bud fluid from flowers, turning it into propolis.

Diseases and pests

The most common diseases of trembling poplar are some types of necrosis and wood cancer. In this case, the affected trees must be eliminated, and the remaining stumps must be treated with fuel oil and creosol.

Young poplar seedlings are sometimes subject to fungal diseases. Silvicultural and agrotechnical measures are used against them, and efforts are made to reduce soil moisture. Poplar pests are a large number of insects that lay larvae on the leaves. Insecticides are used to control pests. But before choosing the necessary drug, you need to find out what kind of pest attacked the tree.

Medicinal properties and uses

Trembling poplar (aspen) has not yet found use in traditional medicine. And in folk medicine it has been used for a long time and very successfully. For the production of medicinal drugs traditional healers bark, leaves, buds are used.

Perhaps not everyone knows that in paganism, aspen was considered a tree overflowing with vitality - its leaves always rustle, as if they were having a leisurely conversation. That is why this tree began to be considered salvation from all evil spirits. Thanks to numerous horror films and our contemporaries, it became known that it is necessary to fight vampires with the help of a wasp stake.

Traditional healers claim that preparations based on aspen (trembling poplar) have analgesic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. The buds contain bitter glycosides, tannins, and benzoic acid. An alcoholic extract from poplar buds has a bactericidal effect on some types of dangerous microbes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus). Buds are usually harvested in the spring, they are collected from young trees.

Kidney infusion

Aspen buds can be infused with vodka, but it is better to use 70 percent alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The infusion is prepared over seven days. This tincture is recommended for use in chronic and acute cystitis, rheumatism and padagre. Dilute 25-30 drops of the product in a third of a glass of water and take three times a day after meals.


A decoction of the greenish young bark, according to doctors and reviews from their patients, has a beneficial effect on the inflamed bladder and kidneys. It’s easy to make: add 250 ml of water to a tablespoon (tablespoon) of dry crushed bark and boil the resulting mixture for fifteen minutes over low heat under a lid. Take two tablespoons (tablespoons) three times a day (before meals).

For coughs and colds, another composition is used as a diuretic. Pour one spoon of dry bark into two glasses of water and boil for half an hour. Let the product sit for at least three hours.

Leaf decoction

A very effective vitamin decoction is prepared from aspen leaves. To do this, you will need one part of dry crushed leaves, which must be poured with four parts of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil and left on low heat for fifteen minutes. Then you need to cool it, add a few drops of lemon and take a tablespoon four times a day.

You need to know that a decoction from leaves collected in the fall contains almost half as much vitamin C as from spring and even summer foliage.

Bark tincture

Traditional healers different countries It is recommended that patients suffering from prostate hypertrophy take an alcohol tincture. Pour five tablespoons of dry bark into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks. An important detail - the young bark must be collected in early spring when it still has a greenish color.

Take this composition according to dessert spoon twice a day, before meals. In this way you can infuse the kidneys. A tincture of them is taken twenty drops three times a day.


Medicinal ointments are also prepared from poplar buds, which help nursing mothers get rid of cracked nipples. To do this, you need to mix one part of the kidneys with two parts of pork fat, grind well and cook over low heat, stirring until all the moisture is removed from the mass. The same ointment gives excellent results in the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones.

Powdered dried poplar buds mixed with quality butter, is an excellent wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent for non-healing ulcers and burns. The ointment is also used to soften hemorrhoids.

Almost every person knows what aspen looks like. Its round leaves are easy to recognize among all the variety of trees. The tree grows in almost every yard. For many centuries, healers used parts of aspen for medicinal purposes, and craftsmen highly valued the qualities of the wood. Interestingly, there are many signs and superstitions associated with aspen.

Almost every person knows what aspen looks like.

What does aspen look like?

Common aspen (Populus tremula) belongs to the willow family of the Poplar genus. People often call it the whispering tree, the shaking tree. Mature plant it can reach a height of 35 m and a diameter of 1 m. Young trees have smooth light green bark. In those that are older, it is dark gray and has numerous cracks and internodes. Thanks to this feature, aspen is easy to recognize among other trees after the autumn leaves fall.

The root is very powerful, going deep into the ground, with a large number of shoots. Thanks to such a root system, it is aspen forests that most often form in places after forest fires. After all, even if the trunk was burnt, the roots remained alive and young shoots very soon appeared from them. And since the tree belongs to the fast-growing category, restoration occurs in just a few years.

The aspen tree is decorated with its unusual foliage. The tree's ovoid crown consists of many round, heart-shaped leaves with a serrated edge that look like coins. Each leaf “sits” on a long petiole, flattened at the top. This structural feature explains the fact that all aspen leaves begin to move at the slightest breath of wind. On an adult tree, foliage appears 3 weeks after flowering. At the beginning of autumn, it acquires bright warm colors - from yellow-lemon to purple-red and crimson. It is the aspen with its fluttering multi-colored crown that becomes the main decoration of the forests before the leaves fall.

Medicinal properties of horseradish root and leaves

Common aspen (Populus tremula) belongs to the willow family of the Poplar genus

The tree's buds are large and ovoid. In the spring, fragrant earrings with small, inconspicuous flowers from 5 to 15 cm long bloom from them. Aspen blooms in April-May, while the branches are still bare. Since this plant is bisexual, the colors of the earrings are different. In males, it takes on a pink, reddish tint, and in females, from white to pale green. A month after the start of flowering, numerous small seeds are formed, which are carried by the wind over long distances. They germinate quickly, which explains such a wide distribution of aspen.

In addition to Russia, it forms deciduous forests in Kazakhstan, Korea, China, Mongolia, as well as in Western Europe.

Gallery: aspen (25 photos)

Healing properties of aspen (video)

It is believed that the name aspen itself comes from the word “blue”. Our ancestors also noticed that the place where a tree was cut turns blue. In ancient times this was given magical meaning. However, modern scientists have found that this chemical reaction on the interaction of tannins contained in wood with the metal of an ax or saw. The interesting texture of wood is highly valued by craftsmen, who use wood as a material to create objects for various purposes.

The Latin name of aspen – Populus tremula – is translated into Russian as “trembling man”. This is what they say about a frozen or frightened person - he trembles like an aspen leaf. There is a widespread belief that the property of a tree to flutter its leaves even in calm weather is due to the fact that the traitor of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot, once hanged himself on it. And, according to superstition, with every memory of this terrible event, the aspen tree begins to tremble in fear.

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However, as scientists have found out, this tree never grew in Palestine: neither in biblical times, nor in our days.

Experts explain the property of leaves to flutter simply. It's all about the structure of the leaf. Anyone who has looked closely at what an aspen tree looks like has noticed that its leaves are relatively wide and dense to the touch, while the petioles are very long and flexible. That's why they can't keep their leaves straight. This simple fact and explains the sensitivity of aspen to any air movement.

Aspen is the most common type of tree. Despite its rapid development and growth, it is quite painful. Under favorable conditions, it reaches an age of no more than 100 years. Grows in cold temperate climate on wet soil. Found in many countries in Europe and Asia.

The specific name of the tree comes from the word “to tremble” - “tremere”. Due to the peculiar structure of aspen leaves, they characteristically tremble even in a slight wind. The plant develops well in mixed forests.

Features of the tree

Aspen represents slender deciduous tree from the Poplar genus of the Willow family. In height, like, it can reach up to 35 meters, and the trunk diameter is 1 m. The plant is dioecious, has a sparse crown and light greenish-gray bark. Young shoots have a cylindrical, round shape; old branches have clearly visible leaf scars.

Leaf buds are bare, reaching 5-10 mm, flower buds - 12-15 mm. The oval leaves are gray-green in color and have wedge-shaped endings. The long petioles are flattened on both sides and slightly curved. The leaf blade ends with jagged edges; the young plant can secrete nectar on them.

The tree reproduces by the root system, seeds and stump shoots. The tree blooms in early spring. Lush inflorescences resemble earrings in shape. Male ones are 10 cm long and brownish-brown or bright purple in color, female ones are light green. The capsules are filled with small seeds with silky white hairs.
With their help they are transported over considerable distances. Aspen plays an important role in shaping landscapes.

The base of the tree is formed by several powerful surface roots, 30-40 m long. Numerous root shoots are formed on them. With increased influx nutrients Dormant buds are awakened. The length of the offspring can range from several meters to more than 10 m. Horizontal roots can grow together with the rhizomes of other trees, forming a single system with them. You can find out what it looks like in this article.

In the first year of life of young trees, their root system is characterized by increased intensity and duration of growth. The increase per day can be about 6 cm.

The plant has increased resistance to low temperatures and is not afraid of frost. Can grow in shaded areas in soil with increased acidity and humidity. Aspen is not picky and easily sprouts from an ordinary branch. Widely used in woodworking, chemical, paper industries. In winter, the bark of young trees becomes the main source of food for many animals.

The plant is classified as a medicinal plant and is widely used in folk medicine:

  • Kidney-based drugs are taken orally for cystitis and joint diseases;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes and fever, decoctions from the bark are used;
  • an infusion based on tree ash helps with adnexitis;
  • ash is added to various healing ointments;
  • infusion of buds with alcohol helps relieve pain from hemorrhoids and dysentery;
  • The leaves are used to create hot poultices for rheumatism; the juice is used to treat lichen and warts.

The tree is well known in folklore; it was used to drive away evil spirits from a person and his home.. People believe that it has magical properties and is capable of absorbing negative energy.

Main varieties of aspen

There are 7 varieties and one hybrid tree in the Poplar genus. These include:

  • common or Eurasian;

Common aspen

  • trembling or American;


  • large-toothed aspen;


  • Chinese;


  • Japanese;


  • sedge or black poplar;


  • white poplar

White poplar

There are many related species tree. These include laurel, hairy, fragrant, Maksimovich, Korean, Ussuri, Amur, balsam poplars, David's aspen and many others.

Each of them differs in the structural features of the root system, the shape and shades of the crown, trunk, leaves and peduncles.

Which varieties of morning glory flowers are the most common and most often grown, you can find out from this

Duration and stages of life On average, the lifespan of aspen is from 60 to 80 years.

Under favorable growth conditions, it can live up to 100, and in rare cases – 150 years. With age, the wood of a tree loses its useful qualities

. It is often affected by fungi, is prone to heart rot and becomes the target of attacks by various pests. For this reason, they are cut down at the age of 40-45. The formation of a mature aspen tree occurs quite quickly. The first year of life is determined rapid growth seedlings. They are capable of reaching a height of up to 1 meter. The root system is actively developing, the shoots even grow up to 2 m. Their leaves differ significantly from those of an adult tree. They are softer bigger size

and slightly pubescent. Rapid growth of aspen is observed for 50-60 years, then it slows down significantly. Ten-year-old plants reach a height of up to 8 meters. The foliage of the tree develops first, after which the shoots grow in length and thickness.

The active growth of aspen is influenced by two main factors - the amount of precipitation and air temperature. Its leaves can be yellow, fiery red or pink. It is worth noting the specific smell that appears only in aspen trees. It is reminiscent of bitter vanilla and lasts even after the leaves have fallen.

Tree care

Complete tree care consists of: making the right choice places for planting and watering. The plant is planted in the ground in the form of seedlings or seeds. Seedlings are transplanted in the spring to give them time to take root in a new location. Aspen is not picky and quickly takes root. It is planted away from residential structures, since due to the early appearance of rot in the trunk, the tree can easily collapse. The fluff during flowering causes allergic reaction

for some people.

Aspen seeds

The distance between each planting hole must be at least 2 meters. Otherwise, instead of trees, the seedlings will grow into a single bush. The recesses themselves should be shallow. It is important to have an additional drainage layer of 8-10 cm from crushed stone or pebbles . With its help, the soil will retain moisture and create favorable conditions

for aspen growth.

  • For the full development of seedlings, it is worth ensuring: correct choice of soil.

  • Aspen requires periodic soil moisture. During dry periods, watering should be plentiful. The tree cannot tolerate dry soil; feeding . It is applied at the stage of transplanting seedlings or planting them in the ground. Subsequent application of fertilizers is not required due to the powerful and well-developed root system.
  • More often, mullein is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 20 liters of water and superphosphate - 20 g per the same amount of liquid; pruning thick branches from February to April.

  • Young branches can be cut all year round; cutting down mature trees over 50 years old.

Young shoots quickly appear around their stumps. The soil at the site where the seedlings are planted needs additional loosening and weeding. Proper care

will accelerate the growth of young aspen and its healthy development in the future.


The method of pruning and removing aspen is shown in more detail in the video below.

Preparing aspen for winter An adult tree tolerates well low temperatures, frost. It sheds its leaves for the winter. Annual shoots freeze easily and require additional protection. IN When growing a plant at home, it is placed in a greenhouse or covered with film.

If it cannot be moved into the house, then the soil is covered with a thick layer of spruce branches. It is important to ensure humidity in areas where aspen grows. The soil is watered daily, without touching the plant itself with water.

Disease and pest control

Aspen is susceptible a large number fungal diseases. It can infect other nearby plants with them. Armiliaria mellea (Quell) can cause tree trunk and root rot. The fungus enters the trunk through wounds on its surface or through the passages of aspen beetle larvae. The root becomes infected through other affected rhizomes. As a result, old and too young trees wither.

Various fungi affect not only the roots, but also the trunk of aspen, its branches, leaves, fruits and seeds. They lead to withering of the tree and premature falling of its fruits. Diseased seedlings curl, turn black and die. To prevent the spread of rot, the affected plants are dug up and individual sections of them are cut off. Seedlings of young plants can be protected with a thick layer of sphagnum peat.

The result of a tree being infected by a fungus

Aspen is also subject to a large number of attacks from various pests. These include willow moth, aspen leafminer, red-winged leaf beetle, bouquet mite, serrated corydalis and many others.

They mainly affect the leaves of the plant. A common pest of seeds is the poplar catkin moth. Most insects are destroyed at the stage of formation of larvae and caterpillars by treating the wood with insecticides. Aspen roots attract mole crickets and water rat . Destruction is carried out using special poisons.

IN The grass around the trees should be mowed in advance. winter time

The bark of the plant attracts hares and moose. It becomes their main source of food. You just need to scare the animals away from the plantings. Despite the short lifespan of aspen, it has a fairly powerful root system and develops quickly. The appearance of new shoots contributes to the growth of trees over a large area.

The plant is not fussy and can be easily grown by novice gardeners. Easily affected by pests and fungal diseases, close attention to the condition of aspen is necessary. You will also be interested in our article “” and of course material about.

Aspen Name

: Common aspen. Other names

: Poplar trembling. Latin name

: Populus tremula L. Family

: Willows (Salicaceae): Aspen is a type of poplar with characteristic round, stiff leaves that sway with the slightest breeze. This feature of the tree is associated with the structure of the cuttings of its leaves, flattened and thin in the middle. Aspen is easily recognized by its light gray bark and reddish tint to the wood on the cut.

Lifespan: Photophilous, lives up to 150 years.

Plant type: Large deciduous tree.

Trunk (stem): The crown is rounded, broadly conical.

Height: Up to 35 meters high.

Leaves: The leaves are round, grayish-green, with jagged edges. The petioles are strongly flattened laterally, causing the leaves to sway even in light winds.

Flowers, inflorescences: Flower earrings drooping, cylindrical.

Flowering time: Blooms in April, before the leaves bloom.

Fruit: The fruit is a capsule, seeds with a fluffy tuft.

Ripening time: Ripens in June.

Collection time: Branches and bark are harvested in early spring during the period of sap flow, buds - before blooming, leaves - in May-June.

Features of collection, drying and storage: Every 30 cm, circular cuts are made, which are connected longitudinally, after which the bark is easily removed. The bark is dried under a canopy or in a ventilated area. Aspen buds are collected at the beginning of tree flowering, breaking them off from the branches. The collected buds are dried in the shade in a draft or in a warm, ventilated room, spread in a thin (1-2 cm) layer on cloth or paper and stirring occasionally. Young, fully developed leaves are used fresh or dried.

Spreading: In Russia, common aspen is found throughout the entire territory (except for the Kuril Islands); in Ukraine – throughout the entire territory.

Habitats: Grows along the banks of reservoirs, in forests, along forest edges, on dry sands and clearings, in ravines, swamps and in the mountains.

Interesting Facts: Thanks to its light wood, this tree was widely used by people for making household items (skis, wheel rims, arches, runners, matches, etc.). Currently, aspen is used for finishing saunas, since its wood is resistant to rotting and does not emit resin. From flexible shoots of young shoots, plants weave baskets and furniture.
The ancient Russian village of Khokhloma became famous throughout the world for its skilled craftsmen making painted wooden jugs, dishes, cups, spoons, and toys. Many of these products are made from aspen! It cuts well with a knife and chops well with an axe.
Young shoots are the main food for moose, hares, deer, and beavers. The animals know about healing properties tree bark and carefully gnaw it in winter or eat rough young twigs, which is also useful for our pets. Thrifty owners have long collected aspen buds for poultry feed and knit brooms from its branches for goats, sheep and rabbits.

Signs, proverbs, legends: According to ancient beliefs, an aspen stake was the main weapon against evil spirits. When starting to build a hut, the peasants drove aspen pegs into the corners of the foundation. If a child suffered from insomnia, he was placed in an aspen cradle. When an epidemic of a dangerous disease was approaching the village, felled aspen trees were woven into the ground.

Medicinal parts: Medicinal raw materials are bark, leaves, young shoots and buds.

Useful content: The bark contains carbohydrates, aromatic acids, tannins, and higher fatty acids. Carbohydrates, aromatic acids, and tannins are found in the kidneys. The leaves contain carbohydrates, organic acids, carotene, vitamin C, flavonoids, phenol glycosides, anthocyanins and tannins.

Actions: Aspen preparations have diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, emollient, astringent and diuretic properties.

Infusion or decoction of kidneys prescribed orally for polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder, urinary incontinence and painful urination (especially during pregnancy and after surgery), in case of prostate enlargement and as an antipyretic for fever.

Dosage forms:

Kidney infusion . 2 teaspoons of crushed buds in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day.

Decoction of buds or bark . 45 grams of buds or bark per 500 ml of water, boil until the liquid has evaporated by half, strain, add honey or sugar to taste. Take ¼ cup 3 times a day.

Bud tincture . 1 part buds to 10 parts 40% alcohol. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

Ointment . 1 part raw material in powder form to 4 parts cow butter or petroleum jelly. Apply to sore spots.

External tincture of buds . 1 part buds to 5 parts 40% alcohol. Apply to sore spots.

Compress . Wrap 2-3 tablespoons of crushed leaves in gauze and immerse in boiling water. Apply the compress to sore spots.

Medicinal recipes:

Kidney infusion . 2 teaspoons of crushed buds in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day.
Haemorrhoids .

Aspen leaves Apply to hemorrhoidal cones and keep for about 2 hours if this does not cause concern. Then the leaves are removed and washed. After 1-2 days the procedure can be repeated.

Bark decoction . 1 tablespoon of raw material per 1 glass of water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals and in the form of baths.

Get well!