How to learn a foreign language in a short time. How to learn a foreign language

Many people dream of learning foreign language, but not everyone has the time and funds to attend courses. For this reason, the question of where to start in order to master the technique of speaking and writing at home becomes relevant. It's no secret that patience and perseverance - best guides, they set the tone for the entire process and do not allow you to stop there. To properly approach the study, you must strictly follow the recommendations. Let's look at the important aspects in order and provide step-by-step instructions.

Step #1. Set goals

First of all, you need to put specific goal. You must have a clear idea of ​​why you need to start learning a foreign language. Perhaps you are planning to visit a certain country or start traveling around the world, are going on an exchange tour, or are going on a business trip.

It is not uncommon for people to start studying at will as a hobby, not out of necessity. It is important to identify this moment, because a person is suffocating without a goal. Such a move will make it possible to create a specific foreign language learning program tailored to specific needs. A goal is a great motivator that helps you move forward.

Daily training will provide additional support. It doesn’t matter if you came home tired from work or spent your nerves in a traffic jam. Practice is fundamental successful study language, it is inextricably linked with a specific goal. Practice self-discipline to improve your memory every day. An ideal assistant is a diary, in which you need to create a detailed schedule of classes.

Step #2. Love the subject matter

You won't be able to learn a foreign language if you don't get into this area. It is important not to force yourself to work on the program, but to do it for fun. Try to tune in to the wave in which the learning process will act as a hobby, without unnecessary nerves. You need to get the idea into your head: learning a language will help you reach new level and improve quality of life. This move will not allow you to shirk your daily activities.

The right attitude does not involve memorizing, but analyzing important aspects in order. For example, it is initially necessary to master grammar, punctuation, stylistics, word formation techniques and complex sentences. When you understand the basic basics, feel free to start cramming. As for “blind learning”, without this it is impossible even to partially master the language. Understanding words alone is not enough; it is important to be able to pull what you need out of your head in time.

Step #3. Immerse yourself in language learning

You can often hear the phrase “A language must be learned in a natural environment,” and this expression is no coincidence. If, for example, you decide to learn English, it is better to carry out the procedure in America. In such an environment, everything improves: articulation, composing competent “conversational” sentences, the ability to memorize entire phrases.

For the most part, people do not have the opportunity to leave for the specific purpose of learning a language. There is only one way out - to create natural environment For curriculum at home. To do this correctly, you need to hang posters on the walls with inscriptions in an unfamiliar language; after memorizing, you need to replace one poster with another.

Of course, you won’t be able to achieve maximum results, but this method is worth considering as an additional incentive. Read textbooks adapted for Russian-speaking people, watch films in a foreign language, listen to audio books, chat with users of a specific country. Surround yourself with the material you are studying on all sides to make adaptation easier.

Step #4. Follow your daily plan

As in any other business, you need to start from the goal. Set yourself up to memorize 25-30 foreign words every day, with at least 7-10 of them being verbs.

Foreign language teachers unanimously insist that it is better to start studying in alphabetical order. For example, today we learned 5 words starting with the letter “A”, tomorrow - with “B” and so on. After that, go to the second circle. But usually this process is too long, so it is not necessary to make such a structured choice. You can write out the words in random order, the main thing is to focus on the verbs.

Cards will help you present information correctly. Write on one side Russian word, on the other - foreign. Look through the version in your native language and try to remember the translation, then test yourself by turning the sheet over. You can also download a special program on your smartphone that automatically covers a foreign transfer. You must enter the word yourself. This option is much better because it develops not only memory, but also written literacy.

Step #5. Copy the pronunciation

Listen to audio and video recordings in a foreign language, if possible, start communicating with a native speaker. Pay attention to the pronunciation technique, record the sounds in your head and try to repeat them. Over time, you will be able to catch the pronunciation trend and understand that one sound should be sharp, the other soft. It is necessary to pay attention even to the slightest features pronunciation, and then try to try this technique on yourself.

This move will help you easily enter the field of linguistics, as well as adapt to the articulation techniques of your native and foreign languages. The undeniable benefit of this technique is the expansion of the vocabulary, as a result of which correct pronunciation will be developed at an arbitrary level. Soon you will stop obsessing over sounds; it will become a kind of norm.

Step #6. Immerse yourself in what you read

When you have mastered a certain number of words, start reading easy books in a foreign language. Do not set yourself the goal of translating the entire text. Go through it thoughtfully, try to grasp the essence at least partially. There is no need to look up the translation of every expression in the dictionary; you will waste a lot of time and not remember anything.

If you want to know how a word is translated, do not use an online translator. It’s better to spend your time, find a picture that will depict this or that object. Visualize the process.

After 2-3 such manipulations, you will be able to identify the meaning of the word from the context, this is exactly what will be the starting point - a guess, but general meaning you will understand. In addition to the fact that you will well develop inductive and associative thinking, visual memory will improve, as a result of which grammar and writing will be learned faster. It is important to understand that this technology Suitable only for people who have already learned the basics of a foreign language.

Step #7. Use a phrasebook

In every stationery store you can buy a phrasebook in specific language. As a rule, such literature includes not only words, but also entire sentences. It is enough to choose the simplest phrases and memorize them, gradually combining them with each other and composing a dialogue. Start with the usual forms of greeting and farewell, wishes, introductions, standard questions “How are you?” and answers to them.

If you are planning to visit new country In the near future, the phrases “How to get to the street...” or “How much does juice cost?” will not be out of place. Adapt the acquired knowledge to specific needs, choose phrases for all occasions. An interesting fact is that working with a phrasebook is an exciting activity. Before you know it, you’ll have already begun to absorb the material like a sponge.

If possible, pronounce phrases/words out loud so that you are not embarrassed about pronunciation and can get used to unfamiliar speech. You should not be confused by the incorrect use of sounds; this is a matter of constant practice.

It is not difficult to learn a foreign language at home if you have basic knowledge regarding the preparation of the program. First, decide on your goal, and then try to create a “natural environment” in your apartment. Learn 25 words a day, focus on verbs. Start communicating with the native speaker, memorize and interpret the method of pronunciation of sounds in your own way. Don’t try to keep up with everything at once, act gradually, use a phrasebook.

Video: how to learn any foreign language

Elena Devos

Journalist, writer, teacher of Russian, English and French. Author of the novel “Russian Lessons,” which talks about teaching Russian to foreigners in modern Paris.

1. Motivate yourself every day

There is no age limit for learning a language. The only thing a person of any age needs is motivation. It’s great if you have an interest in the language itself or, if you like, in a certain reality that is in this language (when you like films or books, songs or video games, an artist or writer, or just a young man or girl).

Let us recall that Ludwig Wittgenstein learned Russian in order to read Dostoevsky in the original (and in the process of studying, he added all the accents in the novel “Crime and Punishment”). And Leo Tolstoy also studied Hebrew because of the book: he became interested in how the Bible was actually written.

Sometimes there is no interest in a language, but you need to learn it: for work, for business trips, to live in another country. Take the time to jot down a list of what you generally like in life and connect these hobbies with language. Do the same thing you always liked, but now using your new - foreign - language.

2. Don't be afraid to experiment

There is also no ideal method of learning a language that suits everyone. A variety of methods flourish and compete, become fashionable and are forgotten. language schools, different theories. So far, none have defeated the others.

Try several tutorials before settling on one. For lessons with a tutor, take part in choosing a textbook. If you realized that you made a mistake (even if others are happy, but you are uncomfortable), change it. If there is no choice (at school, in group classes), and you don’t like the textbook, find another one and read it yourself - as a mandatory dessert for classes.

In general, try to personalize your approach to language as much as possible. Explore websites, YouTube channels, films that interest you. Look for like-minded people, exchange experiences, communicate: language, whatever one may say, is a social phenomenon.

3. Choose a teacher

The person with whom you study the language will have a huge impact on the effectiveness and result of your lessons. If you are uncomfortable with this person, he is unfair to you, you do not understand him - without any hesitation, look for another. Especially if we are talking about a tutor for children: the child’s opinion will be decisive here, even if you like the teacher for his rigor, responsibility and all sorts of other adult qualities.

Again, if there is no choice, and you don’t like the teacher, be sure to find a way to learn the language at the same time in an environment where you feel comfortable and comfortable. These could be Skype classes, private lessons, and so on. Do not believe the prejudice that the best teacher is a native speaker. On the contrary, sometimes grammatical subtleties and rules can be better explained to you by a person for whom, like you, this language was not native.

Be careful about lessons with close people (when the teacher is a parent, husband, wife, sister, and so on): nothing good comes out of them if the “professor” bluntly criticizes and ridicules the “student.”

Everyone has good teachers There is common feature: they don’t scold for off-topic questions (and don’t scold at all) and if they don’t know something, they say so. And they come to the next lesson with an answer to your question. This is sacred.

4. Five minute rule

To learn and maintain a language, two conditions are needed:

  • you use it;
  • you do this regularly.

A person who devotes 30 minutes a day to studying will progress faster than someone who sits over a textbook for three hours every Saturday and does not open the textbook the rest of the time.

Moreover, just 5 minutes in the morning and evening can work wonders. Place your textbook next to your toothpaste. Brush your teeth - look at the rule, at the conjugation table. Use your smartphone to take a photo of the page with your homework or dictionary. If you're standing in line, look at your phone and check yourself. Before going to bed, write two or three phrases (if you do two or three exercises, then it’s absolutely wonderful). And so on. Little by little, but often is better than a lot and never.

5. Don't cram - learn

There is no need to cram the rules and names of cases - you just need to know how they work. But you must learn the correct phrases, words, sentences, language structures, its conjugations and declinations by heart.

Try not to cram, but to learn: to understand and use it in practice. Learn poems, sayings, lyrics. And not those that the teacher asked, but those that you yourself like. This will be an excellent lexical aid, and in general will have a beneficial effect on the ability to speak and think, including in your native language.

6. Correct the error immediately

The sooner you correct a mistake, the less time it will remain in your head. Therefore, when studying on your own, do not start with long tests where the correct answers are given only at the very end. They only suffer like this during exams.

Ideally, after an error, you should absorb the correct version immediately, that is, correct it with the help of a teacher, textbook, or language program. Especially it concerns independent work: exercises and tests.

Everything should go according to the scheme “your option is the right option.” This method is very effective for several reasons: you reinforce the rule unless you have an error. And if there is an error, you see what it is, and your next step will be correct.

Do not trust textbooks without keys (correct answers to exercises). At the same time, it is advisable to show your work to the teacher or native speakers from time to time. After all, even in high-quality textbooks there are typos and errors, unnatural expressions of the language.

7. Write more

Write and type in the language you are learning. Do not correct what you have written, it is better to cross it out and write the word again. When spellcheck shows you a misspelled word, take three seconds to type the word again - correctly.

Memory of correct spelling always remains at our fingertips.

8. Praise and encourage yourself

And one last thing. Whatever your teacher, whatever book you study from, whatever language you learn - praise yourself. For every task completed correctly, for taking the time today to open a book, for every success, even the smallest one. If you are unlucky with the teacher, praise him doubly. For perseverance and patience.

“A person needs to be complimented every 15 minutes,” said Carlson, and he was absolutely right. This is another type of motivation, only subconscious. Therefore, if you want to learn a language easily and joyfully, celebrate each of your achievements. Don't compare yourself to others. Compare only with yourself: how much you knew yesterday and how much you know today. And enjoy the difference.

Incredible facts

1. How to start speaking the desired language today;

2. How to master fluent speech and succeed in this matter in just a few months;

3. How easy it is to impersonate a native speaker of the target language;

In this case, it is more appropriate than ever to use Pareto principle, which says that 20 percent of the effort spent on developing a new vocabulary will help you understand 80 percent of what you hear.

For example, in English, as in many others, 65 percent of any text consists on average of 300 repeated words. This set of words exists in almost any language, and native speakers often use it.

Language learning cards

It doesn't cost you anything to find pre-prepared cards with this set of the most frequently used words (or with words on the topics you plan to communicate about).

For example, the application can help you with this Anki , which can be easily downloaded to both a smartphone and a computer.

This application is convenient work with cards, the functioning mechanism of which is combined with a system of repetitions after a certain period of time.

That is, instead of trying to remember words using a dictionary and repeating them in the same order, the user can view them at specified intervals, specially selected so as not to forget the learned words.

Many people like to make cards themselves.

How to learn a language quickly

2) Your friends in a new language are related words

Believe it or not, even now, when you are just planning to start studying new language, you already have a huge database of words at your disposal.

You know a few words from each language before you start learning it.

In other words, a person does not start learning a language from scratch because he already knows a sufficient number of related words.

Related words are what you need initially because they - best friends words words that sound similar to words in your native language and mean the same thing in a foreign language.

For example, the Romance languages ​​have a lot in common. This is why many words from the English language are so similar to French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.

During the conquest of England, which lasted several hundred years, The English borrowed many words from the Normans.

Number of borrowed words in languages

For example, " action", "nation", "precipitation", "solution", "frustration", "tradition", "communication", "extinction", as well as a huge number of other words that end in –tion are also written in French, but you quickly get used to the slightly different pronunciation.

All you have to do is change –tion to –cion, and it’s Spanish, to –zione – Italian, to –ção – Portuguese.

Many languages ​​have common Greek, Latin or other roots. They can be spelled differently from each other, but you would have to try very hard not to recognize, for example, "exemple", "hélicoptère" (French), "porto", "capitano" (Italian), "astronomía", " Saturno" (Spanish).

The German language has gone a little further, it shares quite a large number of words with Old English.

To find common words in the foreign language you are studying, you just need to set the search conditions - “related words (or borrowing) x (x is the name of the language).” This way you will find the words that were borrowed.

Of course, look for more “x (x is the name of the language) words in your native language.” So you will know that your language came from a foreign language.

This system works very well when studying European languages, but what about when it comes to more distant language families?

It turns out that even languages ​​as distant as Japanese have many words that are familiar to native English speakers.

As proof of this, just watch the video below, the song in which is “sung” in Japanese, but knowing English language a person will still understand much of what is sung in it.

And all because quite a large number of languages borrowed from English word, adding them to yours, only changing the emphasis or pronunciation.

Therefore, in order to significantly facilitate the process of learning a new language, it should begin with the analysis of borrowed or related words in a foreign language. There are quite a lot of them in almost any language pair.

How to learn a language on your own

3. You need to communicate every day in a foreign language, and you don’t have to travel to do this.

This is another reason (or reason) that people voice when explaining their reluctance to learn languages. Allegedly, they have neither the money nor the time to travel to the country of the language they are studying.

It is important to note that there is absolutely nothing in the air of a foreign language country that will make you magically speak in a new language.

There are a huge number of examples demonstrating this. For example, the author of this article, the famous polyglot Benny Lewis, whose native language is English, While living in Brazil, he learned Arabic.

But there are also people who have lived abroad for many years and do not even try to master the local language. Living abroad and immersing yourself in the language - these are not equivalent concepts.

If a person needs to hear and use language in order to be saturated with it, then wouldn’t communication via the Internet be just as effective?

The answer is clear - there will be. Today's technologies make it easy to immerse yourself in a foreign language without spending money on buying an air ticket.

How to easily learn a language

For that, to gain audio practice, it would be useful to look, for example, usingYoutube , which is now trending in a native-speaking country.

On Amazon or Ebayyou can purchase your favorite TV series or movies dubbed into the desired language.

Various news sources offer a variety of videos on their Internet resources, translated into various languages. For example, you can refer to France24, Deutsche Welle, CNN Español and to others.

To practice reading practice, you should read not only news sites, but also interesting blogs, and other popular sites in the country of the language you are learning.

To achieve complete immersion in the language, you can use Chrome browser, download special plugins, which will help you translate any page into the required language.

Language learning methods

4. Start talking on Skype today to get into daily practice.

You are already watching, listening, reading and perhaps even writing in the language you are learning. You do all this without leaving the walls of your home. It's time to do new stepspeak live with a person who is a native speaker of the desired language.

This advice is, according to the author, the most controversial, but, nevertheless, he always gives it to beginners. It is necessary to start speaking the language from the very first day of learning if your goal is to be able to speak, not solely to understand.

Communication for language learning

A lot of different language programs and courses do not work according to such a system, and this is their big mistake. There are only seven days in a week, and among them there is not one that would be called “one fine day.”

Use the tips described above to practice basic lexicon and understand which words you have already memorized. This should be done over several hours.

After that, you should be ready to have a conversation with someone who has spoken the language you've been studying all your life. You only need to learn the words for the first conversation.

If you start using them right away, you will immediately be able to understand what you are missing and begin to gradually add what you need. You cannot and should not learn a language in isolation, trying to "prepare" for communication.

For the first communication it is better to learn words like “hello”, “thank you”, “I don’t understand”, “could you repeat”, etc. You can find many of them in a special list.

This raises the question, where exactly can you find a native speaker if you are not in the right country?

Today this is not a problem because thousands of native speakers are already waiting to talk with you. You can take private lessons from such people who leave their contact information on special resources.

For example, one of these multifaceted resources is Here everyone will find something to suit their pocket.

If you feel that you are not yet ready for conversations on Skype, then think about this: The faster you start speaking, the easier it will be to achieve your goal. You can always keep the window open during a conversation, where the necessary words are already loaded.

At first you will peek through this window until you finally remember the vocabulary. You can even refer to the dictionary during a conversation to learn new words as you need them.

Some may think this is a scam. But in reality this is not the case, because your goal is to learn the language, and not to imitate outdated teaching methods.

How to learn a language for free

5. Remember that best resources not worth the money. Save your money

There is no point in wasting hundreds of dollars on learning a foreign language. It is only appropriate to pay for your communication with a native speaker of the desired language.

The Internet is full of various sources that, in addition to being great, are also free. Moreover, they are constantly improving.

Websites for learning foreign languages

An excellent example is Duolingo . The resource provides great choice European languages, the list of which is constantly being updated.

There is a lot of information here that will help you start mastering the language without spending a penny. Here are some other very interesting alternatives:

If you search, in fact, you will see that there are a lot of options for free resources, so it is best to test several and choose what suits you.

For example, the aforementioned Italki is excellent base for language exchange and lessons, however, no less interesting will be My Language Exchange, And Interpals .

You can also work offline, find or create language meetings in your city, or go to a meeting Couchsurfing,, Internations.

Similar meetings - a great opportunity meet native speakers and international enthusiasts.

But that's not all. You can improve your language skills using a huge database absolutely free of charge. Here you will hear any word or expression in different languages, and everything was written down by native speakers. This is a resource - Forvo .

Moreover, you can check your written text for free for errors using Lang 8 . In other words, the possibilities for free practice know no bounds.

6. Adults are actually much better at learning languages ​​than children.

Now that you have a lot of sources and resources at your disposal, you can begin one of the most important issues. This does not concern either grammar, or lack of literature, or the amount of vocabulary.

It's about your negative attitude towards your own potential.

There is a very common misconception in our society, which often makes us give up: " I’m too old to learn a new language and speak it fluently.”

However, a recent study confirmed the information that, compared to children, adults can be much more effective and more productive in matters of language learning.

The study was conducted by scientists from the University of Haifa. Experts have been able to demonstrate that under certain circumstances an adult had a much better intuitive understanding of the grammar of a foreign language compared to a child.

In addition, no previous studies have analyzed the relationship between increasing age and decreasing language learning abilities.

There is only a general tendency regarding the study of foreign languages ​​by adults, which in to a greater extent depends on external factors (for example, limited time due to work activities).

And creating an immersive environment is very easy, without spending money on travel and without the need to return to childhood.

Free language learning online

7. Don't forget to expand your mnemonic vocabulary

It is important to remember that cramming alone is not enough. Of course, with endless repetitions, a word sometimes simply gets ingrained into memory and remains there forever.

But sometimes it happens that a word or phrase repeated more than a dozen times simply flies out of memory.

Try using a technique like this to memorize words: mnemonics. It will help the vocabulary stick to your memory much faster and be remembered for a long time.

You must tell yourself out loud some short, funny, and most importantly, memorable story that you associate with a certain word.

Some may think that this will only greatly increase the time it takes to learn a language, but after trying it once, you will understandhow effective is it?Moreover, you will only need to remember the association a few times, and then the word will become an integral part of your vocabulary.

Language learning: where to start?

8. Accept your mistakes

More than half of all inhabitants of our planet speak several languages. This suggests that monolingualism is a cultural consequence, not a biological one.

Therefore, when an adult fails to learn a language, the problem is not at all that he lacks the necessary genes. All because His language acquisition system is broken.

Standard methods of language learning are based on an approach that has not changed since the time Charles Dickenson studied Latin.

The differences between your native language and the target language are presented vocabulary and grammar for memorization. Traditional approach: learn everything and you will know the language. The logic is clear, isn't it?

However, the whole problem is that you can never really “learn” a language, because it is not something you can know or not know. It is a means of people communicating with each other.

A language cannot be learned by rote learning; it must be used.

When you first start learning a language, the emphasis should be on communication rather than honing in on details. This is what it's all about key difference.

Of course, you have the right to learn a language until you can say in one breath: “I beg your pardon, dear sir, would you be so kind as to point me to the location of the nearest restroom?”, but the usual “Where is the toilet?” carries the same semantic load, but without unnecessary words.

You will probably be forgiven for such spontaneity, because they will see that you are learning. Don't worry about offending native speakers because your "chutzpah" allowed you to speak to them in their native language.

The best thing you can do when you first start learning a language is to recognize that mistakes need to be made, but trying to make everything perfect is not.

Set yourself some kind of standard, for example, no more than 200 mistakes a day, but the main thing is to remember that you are practicing and using the language!

Independent language learning

9. Your goals must be smart.

Another important drawback that is present in most approaches to learning languages ​​is poor or incorrect setting of final goals.

Typically we tell ourselves: “I need to learn Spanish for the new year.” However, how do you know whether you have learned it or not? And if you set such a goal, then by what criteria will you understand whether you have achieved it or not?

Such vague goals can be endlessly unattainable, but a smart goal is specific, achievable, measurable, relevant and always time-bound.

To learn how to set smart language goals, you should definitely familiarize yourself with how the system works European Common Framework, which will provide invaluable assistance in determining your language level.

With this system, you will set a specific goal and be able to measure your progress.

To briefly summarize the essence, A is a beginner, B is a conversational level, C is an advanced level. Each level is divided into two categories: 1 – lower, 2 – upper.

Thus, a beginner student who has learned the basics is A2, and an advanced beginner is C1. Each level can be measured, so official institutions can test you and even issue you a diploma (of course, without enrolling in a course) for your knowledge of any European language.

You can also take tests for your knowledge of Chinese and Japanese.

So, now what is your goal? What level of practice corresponds to your stated “mastery” or “fluency”?

Many years of practice show that understanding fluent speech corresponds to level B2. In fact, this is social equivalence in a person’s native language.

In other words, you can easily understand common situations occurring in a foreign language. For example, friends talking at a bar, asking people about plans for the weekend, discussing news, etc.

One of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world was the Hungarian writer Kato Lomb. Being a certified chemist, she independently mastered 16 foreign languages. She began her acquaintance with the language with a dictionary - the Hungarian did not learn vocabulary, but tried to understand the structure of words and “feel” the language. Besides, she read a lot fiction and listened to the radio. Kato Lomb called her approach the method of “total immersion in the language.” She formulated 10 simple rules which help you quickly master any foreign language.

Exercise every day

To achieve good results, you need to devote at least 10-15 minutes to a foreign language every day. What you will devote this time to is up to you. You can read, learn new words or repeat what you have learned. A small amount of It’s easier to learn information, the main thing is to practice regularly.


Learning a language should be fun. Don't force yourself. Find an aspect of the language that you really enjoy. If you are bored with grammar, you can always watch a movie with subtitles or read a book. Variety will be good. To avoid monotony, take breaks - listen to music or go for a walk.

Pay attention to context

Learn not individual words, but entire phrases. Memorizing vocabulary out of context is pointless; you simply won’t be able to apply it later. In addition, some words may have different meanings in different contexts. If you learn entire phrases, you can avoid many mistakes.

Remember colloquial expressions

It is especially useful to learn colloquial expressions. This way, for many situations you will already have “blanks” and it will be easier to apply them in conversation. Remember, in order for a word or phrase to move from passive vocabulary to active, you need to use it in speech about 25 times.

Don't learn mistakes

If you learn texts and phrases by heart, then only the correct ones. Make sure that the design is written correctly, the dialogue does not contain errors, and the word is written correctly. Learned mistakes are wasted time.

Translate in your head

To fully immerse yourself in the language, try to mentally name the surrounding objects in a foreign language, as well as translate signs and posters, songs and newspaper headlines in your mind. This will help you learn to think in another language.

Learn phrases in first person

Memorize idioms and phrases (and verbs) in the first person. This way they will be better remembered and will always come to mind in the right situation. In addition, this helps many people learn to better understand spoken language.

A complex approach

It is best to develop all aspects of a foreign language simultaneously: reading, listening comprehension, writing and speaking. Just because you can understand printed text well doesn't mean you can do the opposite. Read books and magazines, listen to the radio, watch films and communicate with native speakers - this will give you a comprehensive understanding of a foreign language.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Many people are prevented from speaking a foreign language by fear. They are so afraid of saying something wrong that they prefer to remain silent. Don't be shy - we all make mistakes early on. Ask native speakers to correct you - this will speed up the learning process.

Believe in yourself

Don't doubt for a minute that you will achieve your goal. Be persistent, then you will definitely overcome soon the language barrier. And remember that each subsequent foreign language becomes much easier.

It is not a revelation to anyone that English is the language of international communication. Live in modern world It’s hard to imagine without knowledge of basic vocabulary, basic rules in English. Find out how to learn English yourself from scratch at home, thereby opening up new perspectives for yourself, in the article.

Knowledge of English is a necessary and relevant skill

English is widely used in education, science, and economics. The language of social and political life is English. Its study is necessary not only for matters of business life: it is impossible to imagine moving and traveling either to an English-speaking country or to any other country in the world without knowledge of the English language.

There is a common stereotype that quickly learning English from scratch on your own is an impossible mission. In reality, learning a foreign language, like mastering any other skill, is a challenge, not an insoluble problem. The main thing is to approach the issue comprehensively. An important aspect is the individual desire of the “student,” his motivation and willingness to work. So, how to learn English on your own from scratch at home? Be patient, get ready to work and take advantage the following secrets learning foreign languages. Let's get started!

Teacher Help

Statement thatlearn English quickly, easily and independentlyimpossible - lie. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate the contribution and influence that communication with a specialist has on a student. Besides, professional teacher is able to select the optimal teaching method exclusively for the student, which will allow him to master a foreign language in the shortest possible time.In most cases, the help of a specialist is necessary to obtain the basis on which knowledge will be developed.

Teacher services: pros and cons

In the first days of learning a foreign language, your head is spinning from the grammatical and lexical load. The process of mastering the basics of English is measured not only in the time spent, but alsonerves. Patience and diligence are the keys to the “heart” of English. Private teaching services are an interesting phenomenon that should be examined from all sides. So, to the positive features individual lessons teachers include:

    development of an individual curriculum;

    adjustment of the learning process according to the direction chosen by the student;

    personal approach;

    professional help;

    Pacquisition of knowledge of a systematic nature;

    the ability to develop a convenient lesson plan.

Perhaps one of the main advantages of learning a foreign language with a teacher is constant supervision by a professional. The point here is not only thata specialist will always find, correct and explain, say, a grammatical error - classes with him will discipline you and will allow you not to give up on your dreamsLearn a foreign language as soon as you encounter the first difficulties (which is how attempts to independently master a foreign language often end).

Lessons with a tutor also have certainsignificant aspects: for example,dependence on the teacherAndfinancial inaccessibility of teaching services.

The main principles of how to quickly learn English on your own

It is worth noting that despite the significant advantage of individual lessons with a tutor over self-study In terms of mastering a foreign language, self-study or self-development improves memory, attention, and broadens one’s horizons. This occurs as a result of the fact that the “student” independently searches for and selects materials, analyzesand systematizesinformation and also learns to useheron practice.

There are countless methods developed for effectively learning a foreign language, but the essence of the problem is that it is difficult to find an individual recipe for everyone who wants to learn English. An individual approach is what underlies the successful development of any skill. So, main secret Togo,how to quickly learn on your owncolloquialEnglish language: choose the optimal form of training.So, if you have a good visual memory, then you should pay attention to reading books in English, but if your advantage is a good ear for music, then it is recommended to listen to podcasts or audiobooks in English. For those with mechanical memory, the best option would be to systematically complete written tasks.

If you think reading books in the original is the domain of professional translators with years of experience behind them, you are mistaken. Don’t rush to throw away books in English, even if your vocabulary is barely 200-300 words. This amount is quite enough to start reading books in English. For example, pick up a collection of children's stories - funny stories will dilute the boring process of learning a language. In addition to the fact that reading books increases vocabulary through the so-called photographic memory, it also allows you to master grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.

Those who have managed to conquer the English language recommend not concentrating on every word. It should be read for pleasure. The main task is to understand the meaning of the sentence: meticulously translating every unfamiliar word is tedious and, frankly, ineffective.

Accept the fact that every person learning a foreign language faces difficulties and makes mistakes. Remember that the result does not come after the first two sessions. Language proficiency is a layering of many linguistic “layers.” Time and patience!

How to quickly learn spoken English on your own? Oddly enough, “open” your ears. Theory is powerless without practice. Phonetics, syntax, grammar - it is important to know this, but more significant is the ability to apply the information received during classes in real life. Even if you can construct sentences correctly and have a rich vocabulary, this is not a guarantee that you will be able to understand fluent English speech.

An excellent option for practicing listening comprehension is watching films in the original. The best option is TV series. In addition to the fact that the duration of the episodes, which average from 20 to 60 minutes, represents moderate load, the series requires periodic viewing. Thus, you can watch one episode of the famous sitcom “Friends” with subtitles every day, combining business with pleasure. Please note that subtitles must be in English! Here is a way to quickly learn English on your own and for free.

By the way, you should not neglect such video hosting as Youtube. Just select the optimal video topic that interests you and find a channel in English that you like. It’s interesting that almost every video on the resource contains either composed or auto-generated English subtitles, so you definitely won’t encounter the “I don’t understand what they’re talking about” situation! Great language practice in just 5-10 minutes a day.

The option of listening to podcasts is suitable for people who spend a lot of time traveling on public transport, walking or doing household chores. Don't you agree that washing dishes is much more enjoyable knowing that you are simultaneously studying a foreign language?

About two thousand years ago, Socrates said: “Speak so that I can see you.” In fact, we can adapt the famous expression to suit today's topic. How to quickly learn English on your own? Speak!

If you have the opportunity to communicate with those who are at the stage of learning or have already mastered a foreign language, then by all means start a dialogue with them. If there are no “friends in misfortune” nearby, do not be afraid to talk to yourself. No, this is not crazy at all! This is a deep love of language and a desire for self-development.

In the process of mastering a language, it is incredibly important to learn how to formulate your thoughts, regardless of whether you have enough lexical or grammatical knowledge for this. Just talk! It is impossible to build a live dialogue based on memorized texts: they can be used set expressions or phrases, thereby complementing your original speech.

There is an opinion that a person knows a language when he can translate texts with a dictionary at hand. However, a rich vocabulary is what serves as the basis for mastery of any foreign language.

How to quickly learn English at home on your own? The first thing to do is get a dictionary. Yes, in the era of high technology, mastering a foreign language is still impossible without paper dictionaries made from 48-sheet notebooks. Why is it important to have a paper dictionary? The capacity of human memory depends on many aspects. When writing an unfamiliar phrase into a dictionary, we use not only visual, but also mechanical memory, since we write each letter of the word ourselves. Usage electronic dictionaries, despite the fact that they provide us with high-quality and instant access to data, it implies a quick search for the meaning or translation of an unfamiliar word, pressing the “Save to dictionary” button - however, working according to this scheme, you will not be able to retain new lexemes in your memory for a long time.

For the same reason, you should not rely on the work of electronic translators. Yes, modern technologies allow a person to quickly and competently translate phrases from one language to another. But simply typing a phrase into Google.Translate and receiving its translation will not teach you how to translate on your own. Of course, you can use dictionaries in electronic form to look up translations individual words, but never entire phrases, because in this way you deprive yourself of the opportunity to practice the language.

Also remember to “challenge yourself” every day. For example, make a habit of learning at least 5 new words every day. This amount in the context of a day is quite insignificant, but just think: in a month you can learn up to 155 new words. In a year, this figure can reach 1830 words! This is despite the fact that the vocabulary of a person who speaks English at an average level, i.e., capable of maintaining a conversation on most everyday topics, ranges from 2 to 2.5 thousand words. Just imagine how quickly you can learn English on your own! In just one year you can raise your knowledge of a foreign language from zero to Intermediate(so desirable among employers).

There are countless ways to learn English. To be honest, this is quite difficult to do on your own. Why? Because mastering any skill requires practice. And practice in learning foreign languages ​​involves writing and speaking. Therefore, sooner or later, every person learning English asks for help. The most best help in mastering a foreign language - native speakers. Plunge into language environment- that’s what it sounds like effective advice regarding how to quickly learn English on your own. Almost on my own...

In fact, it is not at all necessary to go to the UK or the USA for this, although, you see, it would be interesting. To begin with, you can try to find pen pals, and later start communicating with them through telephone or video calls.

Of course, it all depends on your hobbies. Just introduce English into your hobby! If you consider yourself a music lover, and your playlist contains more than a dozen songs sung in English, then it’s time to arm yourself with a dictionary and open the lyrics to your favorite songs. Read, translate, memorize phrases and learn English - like this easy way how to learn English on your own. If you are a fan of video games, download the original, untranslated version of the game and develop your linguistic skills while enjoying a fun pastime.

A short course on how to learn English on your own

A few more tips that will allow you to master a foreign language in the shortest possible time:

    Use flash cards to memorize words, rules or phrases.

    Use apps for smartphones and tablets to learn English. Don’t forget from time to time to search the endless Internet for interesting resources for mastering a foreign language: take online tests, read interesting notes, correspond with foreigners.

    Find like-minded people and compare your language learning progress! The fact that you are going to learn English without a teacher does not exclude support from those whose goal is similar to yours.

Always keep in mind the reasons why you started learning English, what knowledge will do for you, and what opportunities this skill will open up for you.


Now all the secrets of how to learn English on your own have been revealed. All that remains is to apply the above tips in practice. Well, we can’t help but wish you success. Good luck! As they say, Never Give Up!