Write a teacher resume sample. Professional skills in a resume: examples of skills and knowledge

How important it is for the first teacher to be not only a professional in her field, but also a kind, understanding person. That’s why we look so carefully at our child’s first teacher. Our new member Alena works as a teacher primary classes and additionally wants to prepare children for school in summer period. Alena's resume is written in a very free form, so it needs to be put in order so that it attracts potential employers.

Original resume

Alena City: Nizhny Novgorod
Date of birth: July 11, 1989
Citizenship: RF
  • 1. Secondary professional. Sharya Pedagogical College, Kostroma Region. Specialty: social teacher, teacher in educational institutions.
  • 2. Student at the Regional Financial and Economic Institute. Specialty: Small business management.
Marital status Single
Work experience: 3-5 years 1. 2009- kindergarten teacher.
2. 2009 – 2010- teacher, All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok"
3. 2010 – 2013- primary school teacher, teacher-organizer - Municipal Educational Institution Kalininskaya Secondary School, Vetluzhsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region.
In November 2012, she passed certification for suitability for the position held.
Advanced training: During my work I completed course training:
1. Computer operator with the ability to work in the 1C: Enterprise program. Trade+Warehouse"
2. OC Linux - working with the program, 2010
3. “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture and secular ethics” - teaching methods, 2013
I am a confident PC user, I work in many programs.
Additional information: Achievements: During their work, the trainees took part in district and regional competitions, won prizes, and have personal certificates and letters of gratitude.
Contact information: Email: [email protected]
Contact phone: 8 920 XXX-XX-XX

Expert opinion

Irina Ivanshina, career development specialist at the website portal - Nizhny Novgorod, comments:

1. The resume is compiled in free form, this is good if we are counting on a small or already known circle of employers, but if the resume is posted for wide viewing, it is necessary to follow the established forms.

2. Therefore, it is necessary to structure Alena’s resume so that employers can more easily perceive the information.

3. A few words about contact information. They should be placed at the very beginning of the resume to make it easier to contact you. It is best to register a formal email containing your first and last name and use it for professional communications.

4. Work experience should be described in reverse order. It is important for the employer to see last place your work, track how your career has developed.

5. In your resume, you need to focus on the desired position, not the qualities and skills that characterize you as a promising candidate.

6. Alena has good experience in the field of education, but it is necessary to describe exactly what functions she performed in her positions.

Correct resume

Alena Floor: female
Date of birth: 24 years old (07/11/1989)
Marital status: not married, no children
Contact information: City: Nizhny Novgorod
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile phone: 8 (920) XXX-XX-XX
Preferred method of communication: mobile, email
Requirements for future work: Job title: Primary school teacher/tutor
Professional field: Education/Science
Salary (minimum): negotiable
Working hours: flexible
Possibility of business trips: There is
Experience: 2010 – 2013
Municipal educational institution Kalininskaya secondary school, Vetluzhsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region
Job title: primary school teacher, teacher-organizer
  • conducting the educational process in elementary school;
  • conducting comprehensive developmental activities with children.
  • In November 2012, she passed certification for suitability for the position held.
2009 – 2010
All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok"
Job title: teacher
  • child care;
Job title: teacher
  • child care;
  • organizing children's activities throughout the day;
  • implementation of the educational process with children;
  • organization of entertainment events.
Education: Basics: secondary special
Sharya Pedagogical College, Kostroma Region Faculty
Speciality: social teacher, educator in educational institutions.

Basics: higher
RFEI, Kursk
Speciality: Small business management.

Additional education: Computer operator with skills in the 1C: Enterprise program. Trade+Warehouse", courses
2010 OS Linux, courses
2013 Course of lectures “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture and secular ethics”- teaching methodology
Professional skills:
Special Skills: Computer proficiency level: confident user
Computer programs: Microsoft Office, 1C, Dia, Inkscape, skills in working with graphic editors, HR Plus 2012, Open Office
Proficiency in foreign languages: English beginner
Additional information: Personal qualities: attentiveness, learning ability, initiative, responsibility.

It is difficult to imagine the school curriculum without such subjects as Russian language and literature. They are undoubtedly very important and necessary in life - read, write, pronounce correctly, develop imagination, this is only a small part of the benefits. There will be many requirements for applicants for such a position, so write your resume correctly.

To begin with, show that for you “Teacher” is not just a profession, but your calling. Availability required necessary education– philological, you can also add the topic of your thesis, indicate the courses and trainings that you took during and after your studies. What follows is a description of your work experience and functional responsibilities in this position (no more than the last 3 places).

Considering the nobility and humanity of the profession of a teacher of Russian language and literature, it is worth dwelling on the “Personal Qualities” section. Make it clear what you can convey to children required material, to be a friend and advisor for them, to introduce them to the world of literature.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample resume for a teacher of Russian language and literature:

Kovalskaya Anna Sergeevna
(Anna S. Kovalskaia)

Target: Filling the position of teacher of Russian language and literature.


September 1990 – June 1993 Belgorod-Dnestrovsky Pedagogical College, specialty – “Teacher” junior classes", Associate's degree (full-time).
September 1999 – June 2004 Odessa Pedagogical Institute named after. Sukhomlinsky, Faculty of Philology, specialty - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Specialist Diploma (correspondence department).

Additional education:

April 2010 – advanced training courses at the Pedagogical Institute, Odessa.
since 2010 every October – organization and participation in literary evenings, City Library No. 3, Odessa


September 2000 – August 2008 Boarding school No. 7, Odessa.
Functional responsibilities:
— conducting Russian language and literature lessons in grades 5-11;
— preparing students for Olympiads;
- excellent management;
— planning the educational process.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

August 2008 – May 2012 General education lyceum No. 17, Odessa.
Functional responsibilities:

— drawing up work schedules;
- leading an additional group.

Teacher of Russian language and literature

October 2012 – present, School No. 23, Odessa.
Functional responsibilities:
— teaching Russian language and literature;
- excellent management;
— participation in organizing events;
- fulfilling the duties of the head teacher of the school (vacation, sick leave, courses, business trips).

Professional skills:

— PC knowledge - basic;
— Classroom management skills;
— Focus on results;
— Knowledge of teaching methods;
— Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian – fluent.

Personal qualities:

Attentiveness, love for children, desire to work.
Tactfulness, patience, perseverance and restraint.
Competent oral and written communication.

Additional information:

Marital status: married.
Children: yes.
Possibility of business trips: no.
Bad habits: no.

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Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

Recruitment Manager

The teacher is a guiding star, illuminating with his experience and education the dark and unclear corners of young minds, opening doors to new distances, conquering non-criminal horizons.

A primary school teacher is one of the most difficult and demanding professions in existence. The work is very common nowadays and has many directions, among which the most popular are:

  • Teacher English language , since knowledge of English is no longer a luxury, but is now a mandatory requirement of the modern world, when most information is transmitted in a foreign language.
  • Russian teacher, more complex, but no less important language, since Russian combines unique properties a variety of words that few can boast of.
  • Story- another subject that is extremely popular and knowledge of which makes life easier in the present and future tense.
  • Not the least important - mathematics, putting things in order not only in the head, but also in the life of the individual.

Have excellent self-control, know the basics of psychology in communicating with children and experience love, kindness and compassion for them. It is the part of every self-respecting teacher to live up to, or strive to live up to, noble qualities.

A good teacher must have the following moral values:

  • Be emotionally strong
  • Have a clear political position and be highly developed in your subject.
  • Be responsible.
  • Morally honest and pure.
  • To be an example for students and that highly moral ideal from which the younger generation will want to follow an example.

You need to understand organizational issues, since you often have to deal school events and concerts. Often you have to draw up the necessary lesson plans. All this is taught at pedagogical universities.

A much-needed vacancy can always be found in any corner globe. First of all, of course, these are schools and lyceums, then colleges and universities, it all depends on.

Sample of a ready-made resume

For the position of teacher

Last name First name Patronymic

  • Date of birth:
  • Marital status:
  • Home address:
  • Contact phone:
  • Email Mail:


Apply for a vacancy as an English teacher.

  • 15 years of practical successful experience in the field of education and upbringing.
  • No bad habits.
  • The ability to independently make extraordinary decisions in critical and difficult situations.
  • I have professional mobility and easily adapt to new working conditions.
  • Communication skills (verbal and non-verbal).
  • Individual approach to each child.
  • Ability to build relationships with children.
  • High responsibility.
  • I have recommendations.
  • Impeccable reputation.

Achievements and skills

  • I have the qualifications of a teacher of the highest category.
  • Knowledge of psychology.
  • In 2012 and 2014, my students took first place in the city Olympiad in English.
  • Development of student testing. Author of 5 articles for scientific collections on philology.


200_-200_ Kyiv Humanitarian University. Faculty of Philology.

  • Foreign philology and teaching methods.
  • Qualification: teacher of English language and literature,
  • French teacher,
  • philologist.

Additional education

200_ g. Refresher courses. Received the qualification of a teacher of the highest category.

200_ g. Training “Psychology and Pedagogy”. Training center at the National Pedagogical University.


By compiling, having the proper knowledge, you can safely count on working in an elementary school.

200_-200_ Kyiv high school No. 15. English teacher.

  • Office management.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • Writing tutorials.

200_-200_ University foreign languages. Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages.

  • Teaching English.
  • Methodological work ( training programs and benefits).
  • Scientific work.

Personal qualities and character traits

  • Organizational and leadership skills (the ability to interest and captivate children).
  • Psycho-emotional stability, stress resistance.
  • Patience, kindness, sensitivity, love for children.
  • I am active healthy image life.

Additional information

  • Availability of a health certificate.
  • Advanced PC user

Knowledge of foreign languages: I am fluent in Russian, Ukrainian, English, French.

Examples of resume formatting

A resume plays a huge role for job seekers. Each vacancy usually has its own characteristics. What is a good teacher's resume? What features should be indicated here, and what can be kept silent? There is no exact template; everyone independently describes their personality for employment. But some recommendations will help you make good resume for the teacher. It's not as difficult as it seems.


Your education plays a huge role in getting hired as a teacher. It must be, and the highest. The resume of a primary school teacher (and senior teachers too) cannot be called successful if it does not contain information about your education. It must be the highest.

It is necessary to complete "pedagogy". You can also graduate from any subject specialty: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, philology (Russian language). It all depends on what subject you plan to teach. Pedagogical education is essential for primary school teachers.

Important: it must be the highest. Technical schools and various courses are welcome, but only as an addition. Remember this. No one will hire a person without a higher education as a teacher.

Personal qualities

Your elementary or high school teacher resume should also reflect your positive personal qualities. Those that indicate communication skills with children. People who don't know how to communicate are worthless as teachers. They are unlikely to be hired to teach children.

What exactly should I write? In your personal qualities, be sure to indicate friendliness and sociability. Rare in modern world character traits inherent in teachers. They are especially important for elementary school teachers. With children you need to find common language to teach them something. In fact, make friends with every child.

Next comes stress resistance. Also an important point. Being a teacher is constant stress, eternal tension. Therefore, you should not give in to emotions. The ability to cope with stress and not succumb to it is highly valued by employers in any profession.

Quick learning and activity are the next items that should be on a teacher’s resume. These personal qualities are indicated for all professions. A person who grasps everything on the fly is always able to benefit the company. For teachers, the ability to teach is no less important than personal learning ability. If a person himself is able to learn quickly, then he can give knowledge to others.

Punctuality is something that employers value. Punctuality is especially important for a teacher. After all, such an employee will have to strictly follow the drawn up schedule. The ability to manage time is not very common, but it will definitely be appreciated by the employer on its merits.

Professional skills

What professional skills should any teacher have? A teacher's resume must include a paragraph entitled " competent speech". A person who speaks illiterately and cannot form sentences will never be able to teach children normally.

Legible handwriting is another point that will have to be taken into account. Its absence is not critical, but it is better to have it.

A teacher's resume, an example of which can be called successful, must necessarily contain a point that speaks of your love for children. This too professional quality teacher. It plays an important role. Especially for someone who wants to teach children in primary school.

Hard work is next important factor important for the teacher. A resume for a primary school teacher (including high school teachers), containing a mention of your hard work, will attract attention to the candidacy.


And now clear example "business card" teacher. First you must write information about yourself: last name, first name and patronymic, city of residence, home address, contact phone number and marital status. Then proceed according to the proposed plan:

Education: higher education, specialty "primary school teacher", IKBFU. Kant, 2000-2005, courses in child psychology were completed in 2006.

Personal qualities: punctuality, friendliness, stress resistance, activity, quick learner, ability to find a common language with people, openness, balance, responsibility.

Professional skills: clear and legible handwriting, love for children, hard work, PC knowledge, knowledge of psychology, discipline, competent speech.

The profession of a teacher is to teach a group of people one or another discipline. The selection criteria for this position are very strict, so to get it, you need to create the perfect resume.

A teacher is an educated and intelligent person, therefore the main requirement for him is to have a higher pedagogical education of a certain specialization. An additional advantage for you will be having a certificate or taking courses; this should be indicated in the additional education column. Experience in this field is also important, but keep in mind that young specialists are also in demand.

The job of a teacher is to teach, you have to be a good speaker, a psychologist, control discipline, convey knowledge in an accessible way - you must indicate all these skills in your resume for working as a teacher. It is also worth noting the personal qualities that a teacher should have - assertiveness, responsiveness, and sociability.

See also other resume examples:

Download a sample teacher's resume:

Belov Bogdan Alexandrovich
(Bogdan Belov)

Target: Filling a teaching position.


September 2000 – June 2005 Kyiv Pedagogical Institute named after. Frank, Faculty of Physics, specialty “physics teacher”, specialist diploma (full-time department).
September 2005 – January 2008 Postgraduate studies at the Kirovograd National Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Biology, specialty “physics”.

Additional education:

May 2007 Participation in the forum “Psychology and pedagogy in the field of exact disciplines”
July 2010 – August 2010 Advanced training courses for the specialty “Organic Physics”.


Laboratory assistant

October 2005 – August 2008 Kirovograd National Pedagogical Institute, Department of Physics, Kirovograd.
Functional responsibilities:
— assistance in preparing practical classes with students;
— carrying out laboratory work;
— maintaining documentation;
— testing and monitoring students’ knowledge.

Physics teacher

September 2008 – present Kirovograd National Pedagogical Institute, Department of Physics, Kirovograd.
Functional responsibilities:
— lecturing on the discipline;
— conducting practical classes;
— checking laboratory work;
— supervision theses;
— preparation of materials for conferences.

Professional skills:

— Excellent knowledge of PC and office programs;
— Proficiency in office equipment;
— Availability scientific works;
— Tutoring experience;
— Desire for professional growth;
— Language skills: Russian and Ukrainian languages free; English – intermediate (spoken, written); German intermediate (spoken, written).

Personal qualities:

Organized, sociable, responsive, attentive, good diction, ability to work with children, activity, comprehensive development, love of teaching.

Additional information:

Marital status: married.
Children: yes.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

We hope that the sample resume we compiled for the position of a university teacher helped you in creating your resume for work. Return to section..