Shoulder exercise program. Huge deltas

Have you ever tried to compare photos of past and current Olympia champions? Surely a striking change in the volume of the deltoid muscles caught your eye. Let us remember that the textbooks of the past called the coincidence of the measurements of the arm and deltoid muscle exemplary, but nowadays such a proportion has completely lost its meaning. The pros take a different standard as a basis: deltas should be equal to... the size of the headdress. Even if such an extreme landmark is considered a curiosity, one thing is clear - let your deltas be as large as possible!



You have weak deltoids. More recently, you would have been advised to take a specialization course, i.e. train deltoids twice a week to the detriment of other muscles.

The optimal period for such specialization is one and a half to two months. There is no point in continuing the training - the results will begin to roll back. What increase in volumes will specialization bring? At most 2-4 cm, and the extreme figure is considered

great luck

. It is recommended to carry out specialization only once a year. Repetition Such extreme fatigue comes as a result of monotonous loads. To have “strong” shoulders, it is enough to regularly change the vector of load on the joint. This means that each delt workout needs to be done differently. As a result, the load will no longer be cumulative, i.e. will not hit one point, purposefully wearing out the area of ​​the stabilizer muscle ligament. The risk of injury will be reduced to a minimum.

The essence of the current revolution in the methodology of our sport comes down to the diversity of training. On the one hand, variety was always recommended, but on the other hand, it was about secondary training factors. Athletes of the past continued to pioneer chest training for years with the same bench press. From now on, the changes affected the foundation - basic exercises. Experts believe that at least 3 basic movements should be subject to regular rotation. In other words, you need to train a muscle with three consecutive workouts, different in the composition of basic exercises. Thanks to this technique, you will be able to maintain extremely high training intensity for a very long period, simply inaccessible to athletes of the past.

If we talk about our program, then you have to train delts only once a week, performing 3 different workouts, let's call them A, B and C. Workout B is considered a buffer, i.e. is responsible for the wave-like nature of loads. After completing the three-workout cycle, you need to repeat Workout B before starting the cycle again.


Research by sports scientists has shown that training cannot be equally intense. Loads must change according to the law of rhythm. For one hard workout there should be one or two light workouts. Reducing the level of load does not mean a rollback in the effectiveness of the training. Just the opposite! Over the same statistical period, an athlete training according to a wave schedule shows a much greater increase muscle mass!

Our program includes 3 workouts, of which one, intermediate, has a higher volume. Regular reduction in training loads serves additional guarantee full recovery and reduces the risk of injury.


Avoid the seated barbell press as your main compound exercise! This movement overloads the shoulder joints and cannot be used long time, otherwise everything will end in injury.

Long-term heavy training of the deltas requires replacing this exercise with a press in the Smith machine. Don't hesitate to deviate from this rule!

The barbell places a critical load on the rotator cuff muscles, which is all the more dangerous if you have a lot of training experience behind you. (Unfortunately, years do not add strength to the shoulders.) The Smith press has similar kinematics, but is gentle on the shoulder joints.

The barbell press is used in our program as an auxiliary exercise. Instead of a strength mode (6-8 repetitions), a multi-repetition mode (12 repetitions) is used. CORRECT SPLIT Bench presses and back work overload the deltoids, in addition, the triceps actively work together with the pectorals. Well, you will need it for heavy seated presses. A split that is designed incorrectly will jeopardize the success of the program.

If you decide to pump up your deltoids, it is better to combine training of the pectorals and triceps.

Between such a “chest” workout and the load on the deltoids, you need to leave at least 3 days of rest. If you pump your chest on Monday and your back on Tuesday, then you can work on your deltoids no earlier than Friday, or even Saturday. It is recommended to train the lagging muscle at the beginning of the week, but this rule only works for professionals. Monday is usually a difficult day, and therefore the evening workout is rarely high-intensity.

An amateur should plan the most important workout on the weekend. You can get a good night's sleep and go to the club in the middle of the day when you have the most energy. Besides, you will have nowhere to rush. You will be able to give your 100%!


Smith machine seated press

seated barbell press

WIDER PRINCIPLES: Use a reverse pyramid for this exercise. After the final set with the maximum weight, gradually reduce the weight and do 2-3 descending sets.

GOAL: All beams (with emphasis on the front and middle).

START: Place a bench with a short straight back under the barbell lying on the racks.

Sit on a bench and grab the barbell with a wide grip. Spread your feet and rest their entire surface on the floor. Remove the barbell from the racks and slowly lower it to the height of your collarbones. If the barbell balances in your hands, the weight is too heavy.

EXECUTION: With a powerful dynamic force, press the barbell with straight arms along an inclined path. At the end of the movement, the bar should be directly above your head. Without stopping, return the barbell to the starting position under control.

NOTES: This exercise is used in a high repetition mode after heavy dumbbell bench presses.

WIDER'S PRINCIPLES: No increasing intensity techniques should be used in this exercise. It's too dangerous.

raises in front of you on a block seated dumbbell press seated bent over raises

GOAL: Anterior bundle.

START: Attach a short straight handle to the end of the pulley cable. Stand with your back to the block and pass the cable of the block between your legs. Grasp the handle of the pulley with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart, and hold it near your hips. To tighten the cable, take a step forward.

EXECUTION: Using a powerful and controlled movement in an arc, lift the handle to the level of your collarbones. Without stopping, slowly return the handle to its original position. Do not allow the weight to rest on the support. Keep it suspended.

NOTES: This exercise has an advantage over free weights, particularly the barbell. During the entire repetition, the anterior delta band experiences constant pressure. This exercise can be used unilaterally with a D-handle.

WIDER PRINCIPLES: Use a drop set for this exercise. After failure on the last set, reduce the weight by 30% and perform an additional set until failure.

GOAL: All beams (with emphasis on the front and middle). START: Take a sitting position on a bench with a short, straight back. Straighten your back. Pull your stomach in. Fill your chest with inhalation.

Bend your elbows and hold dumbbells at your shoulders. Turn the dumbbells “in a line”. Place your feet wide apart and rest their entire surface on the floor. EXECUTION: Using a powerful and controlled movement in arcs, press the dumbbells into straight arms. Without stopping, slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position. Don't lower the dumbbells too low. This can cause hyperextension of the shoulder joint ligaments.

NOTES: This exercise is basic and serves as a complete replacement for the seated barbell press.

WIDER PRINCIPLES: This exercise can be performed alternately with each hand. This option provides a higher concentration on working deltas.

GOAL: Posterior bundle. START: Sit on the edge of a horizontal bench. Place your feet one next to the other. Take a deep forward bend position.

Hold the dumbbells with straight arms as close to your hips as possible.

EXECUTION: Using a powerful and controlled movement in arcs, lift the dumbbells to the sides as high as possible. Without stopping, slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position under your hips. NOTES: Most common mistake

- assistance with a jerk of the body at the start of the movement. If you don't have enough strength to raise your arms, you need to take lighter weight dumbbells. There is no point in performing the exercise sloppily. The back will take away the entire load from the rear deltas. This exercise can be performed in a standing position. In this case, it is better to withdraw only one hand.

WIDER PRINCIPLES: Use a drop set for this exercise.

Drop sets. Step-down approaches.

GOAL: Medium beam.

START: Sit on the edge of a horizontal bench.

Place your feet firmly apart. Hold dumbbells in straight arms at the sides of your body.

EXECUTION: Using a powerful and controlled movement in arcs, lift the dumbbells out to the sides to shoulder level. Without stopping, slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position.

NOTES: To increase the degree of contraction of the middle delta beams, raise your arms not to parallel with the floor, but slightly higher, at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal.

WIDER PRINCIPLES: This exercise can also be performed while standing. However, in this situation there is a higher risk of cheating, i.e. involuntary assistance from the body.

1) ALWAYS START YOUR DELTO TRAINING WITH A BASIC PRESS. In our program, instead of the traditional seated barbell press, the first number is the Smith seated press. This version of the bench press is more productive because it relieves the athlete of the need to maintain balance. As a result, the effort becomes more isolated. In addition, mental concentration increases. The athlete focuses entirely on achieving maximum strength results in the first two sets of 8 repetitions.

The other two sets contain 10 repetitions, and in the last set you should use the so-called. descending step sets (reverse pyramid).

For your next workout, replace the Smith press with a dumbbell press. This exercise requires good muscle coordination. The working weight here is objectively lower, but the exercise has its advantage: the range of movement is much wider. The reduction in working weight compensates for the use of the second basic exercise - the seated barbell press. This exercise should not overload the shoulder joints, so it is performed in a multi-repetition mode. Basic option 2 Sets 1
Replays 3 8,8
Seated dumbbell press 3 12,12,12
Seated barbell press

1- Not including warm-up sets.

2) THE TURN OF ISOLATION EXERCISES comes at the end of the complex, after the basic presses. Isolation exercises should give equal load to all three deltoids: front, middle and back. Such movements are performed on blocks or with relatively light dumbbells in 10-12 repetitions. Only the very last set of an isolation exercise is brought to failure. Next, you need to reduce the working weight by 30% and perform one more set until failure. Insulating option 1 Sets 1
Sets 3 10-12 3
Bent-over side raises 3 10-12 3
Pull-ups in front of you 3 10-12 3

Seated dumbbell raises

At the next training session, the set of isolation exercises needs to be radically changed. Insulating option 1 Sets 1
All exercises are performed unilaterally. 3 10-12 3
Insulating option 2 3 10-12 3
Bent over dumbbell raise 3 10-12 3
Raising your hand on a block in front of you

Dumbbell lateral raises 3- In the last set after “failure”, the working weight should be reduced by 30%, and perform another set until “failure”. 3) SINCE OUR ORGANISM LIVES BY THE LAW OF RHYTHM. The order of isolation exercises also needs to undergo a cyclic change. You cannot start isolating work from the same bunch of deltas. When you complete the first cycle, rotate isolation movements within each complex during each workout. The beams must change places, otherwise the one that is last in the order of exercises will not receive enough load due to fatigue and will lag behind in development.

Workout A Bun Basic option 2 Sets 1
Smith machine seated press All 4 6,6,10,10 2
Seated bent over raises rear 3 10-12 3
front 3 10-12 3
Seated lateral raises 10-12 3
Workout B Bun Basic option 2 Sets 1
Replays All 3 8,8,8
Seated dumbbell press rear 3 12,12,12
One-arm front raises on a block front 3 10-12 3
Seated side dumbbell raises average 3 10-12 3
Bent-over dumbbell raises rear 3 10-12 3
Workout C Bun Basic option 2 Sets 1
Smith machine seated press All 4 6,6,10,10 2
Seated lateral raises average 3 10-12 3
Seated bent over raises rear 3 10-12 3
Pull-ups in front of you front 3 10-12 3
1- not counting warm-up sets

2- Reverse "pyramid".

3- In the last set after “failure”, the working weight should be reduced by 30%, and perform another set until “failure”.

Find out how to build beautiful shoulders without the risk of injury, important tips, recommendations proven by experience and time.

Everyone who is involved in fitness and bodybuilding has exercises related to pumping. A beautiful shoulder joint is not only visual attractiveness, but the strength and health of the entire shoulder girdle, without which all movements will be difficult.

We often do not notice what an important role the deltoids play in our lives, how much work they do, but as soon as they get injured, you will immediately feel where the shoulders work and what they do. To prevent this from happening, learn the 9 main mistakes to avoid injury.

1.Not all presses are the same

Many people associate the concept with a rough basic exercise that is aimed at increasing strength and mass; of course there is some truth in this, but the bench press is different.

For example, with, the load moves from the middle section to the front, and if you do the bench press not with a barbell, but with dumbbells, then the shoulders occupy a more advantageous anatomical position. The overhead barbell press is a more traumatic exercise if done incorrectly, but it allows you to lift a decent one, in which the entire load goes into the middle delta.

Also, do not forget about, of course, Schwartz did not invent it, but he performed it often, which is why it bears his name. This exercise allows you to work both the middle and front deltas at the same time, but still it is the front deltoids that receive more load.

8.Don't use huge weights when doing overhead presses.

The overhead barbell press is the only exercise in which it is possible to maximally load the middle delta, but this does not mean that critical weights need to be taken.

The whole problem is that the shoulders occupy an anatomically awkward position for the middle deltoids, lowering the barbell with a very large

weight, the shoulders are under critical tension and can easily get injured.

Therefore, set the weight so that you can do at least 5-6 repetitions and do not try to lift weights for 1-2 repetitions, this is a sure way to injury.

9.Don't arch your lower back while pressing

Having hung a decent weight on the barbell or taken fairly heavy dumbbells, in the last repetitions the back begins to deviate from the vertical, arching the lower back. This happens because the body begins to look for all possible ways to cope with the severity.

At this moment, you will squeeze out the weight, part of the load will transfer to the upper part of the pectorals, but the lower back will receive an unnatural deflection, which will lead to injury. Therefore, when performing a bench press, keep your lower back tightly pressed against the back of the gymnastic bench, if it still bends, there is only one way out - to reduce the weight.

Train your shoulders correctly and then injuries will bypass you. Happy training!

If you're wondering why your shoulders aren't growing, it's likely that they're just not hearing you. Increase your volume with this workout!

Many will recommend that you throw all your energy at lagging muscle groups. A classic “cut your pants to your knees to show off your calves.” Don't say anything like that to Tom Graff. The up-and-coming NPC Physicist will quickly answer that his shoulders are his trump card, but he continues to train them as intensely as if they were the worst in the world.

And you can’t argue with his reasoning. He emphasizes that hypertrophied deltas contribute to better development of the trunk muscles and improve the definition of the relief of the arms. In short, the shoulders are more important than any other muscle group for the shape and definition of your upper body.

Graff uses a unique high-volume, high-frequency training approach that will benefit anyone looking to add width and definition to their deltoids, not just competitive athletes getting ready to hit the stage.

Here are the principles that Graff finds particularly effective for shoulder training, and a program of exercises to put these principles into practice.

1. Train your delts more often

Graff's training split is designed to work the delts not once, but twice in 7 days. “Even so, there is not much growth incentive,” he says. “Increasing emphasis helps delts grow like never before.”

In addition to special training, individual bundles of deltoid muscles are worked out on days of other muscle groups. The posterior head is actively involved in rows on back day, the anterior head is recruited in chest presses, especially in the head-up press. For Graff, this regimen is no problem, and he even trains his chest, shoulders and back three days in a row without rest.

“The results speak for themselves,” he says, challenging the premise that a muscle group should rest for 48 hours before the next workout. - Of course, you cannot ignore recovery factors, so pay attention Special attention frequent, balanced, high-protein meals and good rest.”

2. For heavy bench presses, use machines, not free weights.

It may seem like it goes against every rule of thumb when designing a training program, but Graff believes the biggest downside to free weights is that the need to balance the machine leads to reduced tonnage. The main thing for him is to raise Weight Limit, allowing you to work in the intended repetition range.

“For bench presses, I prefer machines because I can use more weight, he says. “Because I don’t have to expend energy balancing the bar, my job becomes simpler: I just need to push as much weight as possible without having to guide it.”

3. Keep your volume high throughout your workout.

What really stands out about Tom Graff's shoulder workout is the volume; even his heavy sets consist of 12 repetitions. Although sports scientists agree that the ideal range for hypertrophy is 8-12 repetitions, Graff prefers to stay at the upper limit.

“I usually try to do 12-15 reps,” he says. - I tried to do less than twelve, but often, when I was limited to 8 repetitions in a set, there was a feeling that this was not enough. I'd rather sacrifice some tonnage but get more reps. This increases blood flow to the muscles, helps achieve a better pump, and the muscles hurt more the next day.”

Do you think the mirrors are in gym just to practice posing or admire yourself? Not at all. For Tom Graff, this is yet another functional tool that proves that his chosen training style is truly effective.

“I can see the striations of the muscles directly during the workout, and it tells me that the exercise is working,” he says. - If the striations increase with each approach, this is sure sign that the exercise is doing its job. For example, this is how I make sure that raising the arms in front of you or to the sides not to shoulder level, but above your head, is effective and forces the muscle to plow through an expanded range of motion.”

5. When the load is high, do fewer failure sets.

High-volume, high-frequency training forces Tom Graff to take a small step back. “I finish most sets on the verge of muscle failure, and only in the last set do I give it my all, doing either a little more or a little less repetitions than planned,” he says. “If you push almost every set to failure, the secretion of cortisol can increase, and this is a catabolic hormone.”

6. Additionally work on weak points

The deltoids may be Tom Graff's best muscle group, but he admits that the same can't be said for each individual deltoid head. His front delts are overdeveloped, which, in his opinion, is explained by their active participation in chest training.

“The rear delts are my weak link, so I might add another exercise for them or increase the volume,” he says. “And since the more massive your shoulders, the brighter the illusion that you are a tough bodybuilder, on shoulder training day I pay special attention to the middle buns.”

Shoulder workout by Tom Graff

Tom Graff begins his delt training with light warm-up sets and performs internal and external rotations on the shoulder joints, ligaments and muscles. Rest between sets 60-90 seconds. Use a weight that makes it difficult for you to reach your rep target. Warm-up approaches are not included in the exercise program.

Seated press in the simulator.“I sit not with my back, but with my face to the machine. This allows me to get into a deeper position and forces my hands to go further behind my head. Thus, the emphasis shifts to the rear and middle deltoids, and the load on the front bundle, which is already strong for me, is reduced.”

Pull to the chin.“I raise my elbows as high as possible. Very often people begin to shorten the range of motion with each subsequent repetition. I find that full-range repetitions help me develop my upper trapezius as well. I really like to pull my elbows up really high because that way I can really feel the traps working. To be honest, this is almost the only exercise for the upper trapezius muscles in my training program. I prefer to take the bar narrower, since it puts a little more stress on the front deltoids than with a wide arm position.”

Raising dumbbells in front of you incline bench. “I achieved much more definition in my front heads when I started doing this exercise on an incline bench and started raising my arms overhead, increasing my range of motion. Often I see in the mirror how the striations intensify and the muscles become more prominent as the range of motion expands. I consider this my key exercise for the front delts.”

Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides while standing.“I strive for my shoulders to not just be visually larger; I want to increase the volume of deltas both in width and depth, because this emphasizes the muscular relief of the upper arm. In this exercise, I raise my arms to about shoulder height. As an alternative, I can do a variation for medium delts, in which I lean on my side on an incline bench and lift the dumbbell over my head, performing the movement with a full amplitude.”

Abducting dumbbells to the side from the plank.“It’s two exercises for the price of one because it works both your core and rear deltoids. Essentially, you first stabilize your torso in a one-arm plank and then perform a dumbbell lateral raise. I start with a neutral grip, and when I raise my arm high, I rotate my hand so that thumb looked down. I feel like my rear delts are contracting more this way than if my arm remains in a neutral position for the entire rep.”

"Graff-ik" of change

This workout works for Tom Graff, but don't think this is the last workout in his—or yours— sports life. “Like most bodybuilders, I believe that training programs need changes,” he says. - I like to add variety by changing exercises to keep my delts from adapting to a particular movement pattern. I do some exercises almost every workout, and change the rest relatively often.”

In the off-season, when the goal is to increase volume, he makes additional sacrifices for the sake of muscle growth. “For starters, I don’t do cardio at all. “I slow down the pace of my workouts and keep my heart rate no higher than 120,” he says. - I also force myself to eat even when I don’t feel like it, which is even more difficult when you adhere to the rules of “pure” mass gain. I have to prepare food in advance, and I devote about 2 hours to this every Sunday. There are so many food supplies for a week that they barely fit in the refrigerator.”

Do you want to build bigger shoulders? This is the kind of attitude this requires. Focus your efforts on muscle growth, and you will definitely get results!

SHOULDER TRAINING FOR MASS: 16 MAIN RULES Find out how to build broad shoulders as quickly as possible, with minimal risk of injury. Only proven advice from professionals! Many gym goers use the rule, lift more and you will get bigger, these words have some truth, but they need to be used wisely. Dumb lifting of weights will give initial results, but then you will not get the long-awaited effect and your results will stall, plus you will get injured. To do this, you need to connect your brains, use different training schemes, apply varying degrees loads and so on. We present to your attention 16 main rules for proper development perfectly works all 3 areas of the deltoids, triceps and other supporting muscles, it is very important to work in the range of 6-12 repetitions, this is where muscle hypertrophy comes into play. 6. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BEHIND THE HEAD PRESS Training shoulders for mass is impossible without the overhead press; this is a good exercise for creating large shoulders, allowing you to take on large working weights, but this is where a dangerous pitfall lies. When the barbell drops as low as possible towards the back of the head, the shoulders are in the most awkward anatomical position and are easily susceptible to injury. shoulders, with minimal possibility of injury, remember them so that shoulder training for weight will be successful. 1. STARTING WITH AN OVERHEAD PRESS Start working on your deltoids with a seated press while you are full of strength and energy, you can do it with both a barbell and dumbbells, it is better to alternate them, rather than focus on one of them. This basic exercise stabilizer muscles are activated well. 9. ROLLING THE REAR DELTA Usually the least time is spent on the back area, but its development looks impressive when viewed from the side and behind, making the shoulders round. To do this, perform dumbbell raises in an incline position, in a machine, or in crossovers. 10. MONITOR EVEN SHOULDER DEVELOPMENT Uneven shoulder development is not only noticeable and doesn’t look nice, but it can also cause injury to the rotator cuff. Guys who frequently train their chest and do other exercises to develop it have larger anterior deltoids. lateral. At the same time, they do not pay special attention to the sitting press, because the main thing is to have a beautiful, powerful chest. Because of this, the shoulders look underdeveloped in appearance, the chest is large, and the shoulders are not wide enough. Not liking traction exercises for the back leaves the rear part of the deltas out of work.. Few train it, it doesn’t matter how much you pump it, it’s not visible, but its main task is not to show off externally, but to balance the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff - consists of 4 muscles, always before training your shoulders, take small dumbbells in your hands and perform circular movements with your arms, slightly bending your elbows. Perform 10-15 rotations forward and then backward, repeat this for 2-3 approaches. 13. RESPOND INSTANTLY TO PAIN Sharp pain during exercise is bad pain and is nothing like muscle pain after exercise. If it occurs, immediately finish the exercise and move on to another, similar one.

For example, replacing a barbell bench press with a dumbbell press puts your shoulders in a more natural position, does not break them out as much and is less traumatic, although it does not allow you to take on such a large working weight.

Therefore, do different exercises, alternate load phases from heavy for 6 repetitions, to medium for 8-10 repetitions and light for 12-14 repetitions. Change the angles of inclination, body positions, use dumbbells, barbells, exercise machines and crossovers, you can see the full list of exercises here. 15. DIVIDE THE LOAD CORRECTLY You should not train your shoulders on the same day as your chest, the ideal option would be to train with your legs, worse with your back.