How to do fitness exercises correctly. Basic rules when performing physical exercises. On an incline bench

Do you want to look slim? Then do some exercise.

But in this matter, what matters is not how many times you do the exercises, but whether you do them correctly.

1)Follow the instructions for performing the movements exactly. First, perform the main set of exercises. Then do all the other exercises once. And only then increase their number.

No matter what your goals are, what exercises you do or what equipment you use, training in gym must follow the same four-part procedure. From a proper warm-up, which may surprise you, to cool down and stretching, you can maximize the benefits of any workout you do.

Warm yourself up before your workout, whether you're doing strength, heart, endurance, toning, or interval training. Coordinate the functions of your heart, lungs, circulatory system and muscles so they work together from the start to create the most efficient muscle contractions. Start with dynamic stretching, which consists of moderate-intensity movements such as running or sliding in place, arm circles, kicks, and jumping jacks. Do this for at least two minutes until your heart rate and breathing increase and your muscles warm up and stretch.

2) Don't rush. If you want to do some part of the exercise faster, then perhaps you are doing this exercise incorrectly. Do the exercises slowly and precisely.

3) Don't be lazy and don't do yourself any favors. Always practice all exercises. Tighten your muscles from top to bottom.

4) Do exercises without sudden movements or jerks. This is not correct and may cause injury.

Do not perform static stretching - stretching for 20-30 seconds - this will not help prevent injury, but will temporarily reduce power and vertical jump. Your training will be determined by your goals. To build maximum muscle mass, use heavy weights or high resistance on machines and perform repetitions until it becomes difficult to do. Use enough weight that you cannot continue for more than 90 seconds. Stay at least two minutes before starting another set.

Leave at least 24 hours between resistance workouts or do one session of upper body training and lower body training to allow your muscles to recover and grow. For overall muscle health, essential for people who don't want to maintain strength for daily work at home and work, perform 10 to 15 repetitions of each resistance exercise, using only enough weight to challenge your muscles without causing you to fatigue to failure.

5) When doing exercises, maintain correct posture - your back should be straight, your stomach should be pulled in.

6) The muscle should be tense when performing exercises.

7) Breathe correctly. Breathing should be free and not held. If you are tired, take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

If you haven't exercised for a very long time, you shouldn't immediately put heavy loads on your body. Do a warm-up and start doing exercises.

To improve heart health and burn calories, train at the highest heart rate you can maintain for 30 minutes or longer. Choose an intensity that allows you to continue for at least 30 minutes, increasing your heart rate during subsequent workouts as you build endurance and endurance. If you can exercise for 10 minutes at an aerobic heart rate, reduce the intensity to get a longer workout.

For overall heart health, moderate-intensity exercise similar to brisk walking for 150 minutes each week, as recommended by the American Heart Association. If possible, monitor your intensity by checking your heart rate during exercise. Use a personal heart rate monitor, one on a cardio machine, or check your pulse every 5 to 10 minutes.

We have found out how to do the exercises correctly, and now let’s move on directly to them.

Exercises for the upper torso muscles. You need to perform the exercises eight to ten times.

1) Stand up. Bend your arms at shoulder level. When turning your torso, spread your arms to the side and turn your head in the opposite direction. Do the exercise slowly.

Fitness experts are divided on whether you need to cool down after a workout, but it can't hurt, especially if you're heading to cold weather or into an air-conditioned car directly from training. Cool down with slow, non-resistive movements such as walking, pedaling an exercise bike slowly, or raising and lowering your arms. Do this until your heart rate and breathing return to normal so that your body gradually reduces its temperature.

After cooling down, stretch the muscles by holding them for 20-30 seconds to help lengthen them - they contract during physical exercise- and increase flexibility for future workouts. Don't bounce while you are stretching or you may hurt yourself. Slowly move into a simple, comfortable range of motion and hold the stretch. If you're training with a partner, slowly move them a little further than you can on your own to maximize your stretch.

2) We make circular movements first with bent arms, and then straight. We make circles in one direction and then in the other ten times.

3) Push-ups. It's best to do push-ups against the wall. Start with the minimum angle of inclination and then increase the angle. Very soon you will be able to do push-ups on benches, chairs and the floor.

Let's move on to exercises for shoulders, neck and chest. Perform 8 exercises each

We don't know too many people who worry about making boards. Typically, you look down the timer when the minute is up. And while we're being honest, let's just come out and say it: boards are destroying you. For fairly simple isometric exercises, planks strengthen your body—they tone your core, strengthen your lower back, and build your shoulders.

Get into a reclined position on the floor

Better yet, you, and you can increase the intensity by widening your stance and anchoring yourself with your hands rather than your forearms and elbows. J. Recommends conquering the board before attempting any exercise. You will feel better, guaranteed. Now bend your elbows 90° and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for as long as you can. Your goal should be to hold it for two minutes.

1) While standing, bend your elbows and move them back. Do it slowly twenty times. Maintain correct posture.

2) Raise your arms to chest level. Press your palms firmly against each other. Repeat 20 times. This is very good exercise for the chest muscles.

3) We do the previous exercise, only we raise our arms up. We strain all the muscles of our arms. Do 8 times.

"The plan helps develop strength in the core, shoulders, arms and glutes," says Scott, making it an excellent prerequisite for lifting heavy weights or active sports. Even though you're not moving or lifting the weight, you have to constantly squeeze your abs to maintain the position. Most people can't last 30 seconds on their first try.

Ways to Improve Whiteboard Time

The longer you can hold the plank, the more toned your lower back will be, and the better your abs will look as you burn fat. Follow these tips to increase your board time. Practice: Do planks several times a day, trying to hold the position a little longer each time. Use body weight exercises: push-ups and pull-ups will improve your core strength. Squats and Deadlifts: Guys who are strong on these specific lifts find the boards without a problem. If you don't already have the core strength to make a regular plank, you can create one by doing the bent knee plan.

4) Place your hands in front of you, palms facing each other. You need to spread your elbows so that there is a ninety-degree angle between the elbow and forearm.

5) Place your hands at chest level. Press your chin onto your folded palms. Don't lower your palms.

6) Stand against the wall and bend slightly at an angle. Do push-ups from the wall. The stomach is tucked, the back is straight. Perform the exercise 8 times.

If you can easily hold the board for more than two minutes, you can move on to these harder variations. By simply lifting one leg in the air, you dramatically increase the demand on your core to combat your body's natural tendency to rotate. Place your forearms on the ball and you will have to stabilize your body and stop the ball from underneath you.

  • Lift one leg up.
  • Raise one hand up.
  • Again, your body will want to fall to the side.
  • Use a Swiss ball.
The pectoralis major muscle is the pectoralis major muscle.

7) Take an expander or elastic band. Throw it behind your back. Extend your arms out to the side and straighten them to the side. Do 15 times.

To increase the load you can use dumbbells. But don't overdo it.

1) We perform the exercise standing with dumbbells in our hands. We lift them up. Bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells behind your back and up again. To avoid damaging your arm muscles, do the exercise slowly and without sudden movements. We do it 15 times.

How to pump up your upper abs correctly

Many people claim that they cannot train effectively pectoral muscles because they are too simple. Don't believe everything they tell you! 90 percent of people who claim to have done this exercise have never been properly completed. There are really well-trained athletes who create over fifty or even over a hundred movements. But most of them claim that they are doing it wrong. The correct version is important.

Kneel down and support yourself with your arms a little further than shoulder-width apart in front of your body. Your hands should be in the starting position at approximately chest height. Then stretch your legs back and place your feet on your toes. Look at two things: first, your legs, upper body and your head should be as straight as possible. That is, you can't push your butt but also keep your hip chest out. There is tension in the legs, and the head forms an extension of the spine. Figuratively speaking: if your body shape reminds you of a banana while reclining, you're doing something wrong.

2) Lying on your back, spread your arms to the side. Raise your arms very slowly and make a scissoring motion. Slowly lower your arms back. Perform 8 repetitions...

3) Sit down on the mat. Place your palms on the bottom of the floor. Legs are bent, bend and straighten your elbows, resting on the floor. Perform 8 times.

4) In the same position. Bend your elbows and lift them to shoulder level. Place the bags on your elbows. Extend and close your elbows 15 times.

Secondly, the weapon should never be fully extended. Always keep a slight bend in your elbow joints to relieve them. Now lower your body down. At the same time, you maintain tension and do not bend your body. The work is done entirely with the chest and arms, elbows pointing outward. Descend so far that your nose almost touches the ground. Then you pull out again and exhale.

Hand care - right hand position

The speed of movement is important: the downward movement phase should take at least one second. Returning to the starting position takes so long. The full folding strip takes at least two seconds. The vast majority do this exercise with their hands flat on the ground, which is worst case scenario. The arms are stretched, which is not very healthy.

The following exercises are useful to strengthen back muscles.

1) To acquire beautiful posture, there is an excellent exercise. Stand near a wall. Place a book on your head. Remember this position. Always try to fix this posture when you walk.

2) We perform the exercise while standing. Place your feet together, legs slightly bent at the knees. Put your hands down. Bend forward. Bend your elbows and slowly move them back until the dumbbells are at hip level. Perform 8 times.

Additionally, you may not be able to optimally use your chest muscles with this guide. It makes more sense to wear support on your fists. This way you can keep your wrists straight during the exercise. Admittedly, it hurts for many to put so much pressure on their fingers, but it is ultimately a habit. Additionally, you may want to look for a soft pillow to relieve mild pressure pain.

However, the best handmade allows you to use special grips that can be purchased at any sports store. They allow you to perform a stretcher without unhealthy overlap of the wrist. At least in theory, these pens could be replaced by two transcripts placed on the ground. However, you must be careful not to slip or roll.

3) Sit on a chair. Place your legs on top of each other. Bend forward. Keep your back straight. Perform 8 times.

5) Perform the exercise while standing. Right leg pushed forward, left - back. You need to shift your body weight to your front leg. Cross your arms in front of you and place them on your knee. Sit down and hold for a few seconds. slowly return to the starting position. Do ten squats.

Steen also shows in his video a variation in which lie support is performed on medicine balls. This balancing act activates numerous muscles and creates additional arousal. Additionally, the elevated position allows you to increase the stretch by lowering yourself further. For this variation, make sure that the medicine balls are resting in the palms of your hands and that you are not resting with just your fingers. Otherwise, you are stretching your wrists.

Should leagues support additional weight?

Regular training and a healthy diet allow each machine to produce more than 25 reps relatively quickly. Then of course you want to make the seat more demanding with more weight. It is often recommended to load a backpack with weights on the back. This is theoretically possible, but it becomes very difficult to keep the body straight and perform the exercise correctly.

Leg exercises.

1) Perform the exercise while standing. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, toes apart. Straighten your arms forward. Squat down slowly and stand up slowly. Try to keep your back straight. Perform the exercise 8 times.

2) Lean your back against the wall. Slowly slide down the wall. Make sure your knees are together. Stay in this position for a few minutes and straighten up. Then repeat 8 times. You can do this exercise in this variation: place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your knees in a half-squat. Slide down the wall slowly and rise up. Do 8 of these squats.

3) You need to put your hand on the support. Bend one leg back and take your foot in your hand. Pull your heel toward your buttocks. Stay in this position for a few minutes. The heel should not touch the back. Only the legs are involved in the work.

4) Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Take the foot that lies on top in your hand and slowly pull it up. These exercises need to be done 10 times for each leg.

5) Lie on your side. Pull your knees towards your stomach. Slowly lift your hip and knee up. Stay in this position for a few minutes. We don't lift our feet. Perform this exercise 10 times on one side, and then on the other.

6) Lie on your side. Place your head on your bent arm. Bend your upper leg and place it on the floor. Lean on this leg and try to lift the other leg straight. Then lower it. There is no need to touch the floor. Do 10 times and turn to the other side. Continue doing this exercise for the other leg. The exercise can be made a little more complicated. To do this, hold your leg for a few minutes. Or increase the number of movements.

Exercises for the buttocks.

1)Lying on the floor, bend your knees. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms along your body. Tighten your butt muscles as you lift your upper body up. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Slowly lower yourself back, but not all the way. And get up again. Repeat the exercise 10 times. You can alternate this exercise with pulling your knees to your chest.

2) Sit down a little, stomach pulled in. One hand lies on the stomach and the other on the buttocks. Squeeze your buttock muscles while pushing your pelvis forward. Stay in this position for a while and relax. Do the exercise 8 times. Then pull your knees to your chest several times.

3) Get on all fours. Place your hands well on the floor. Put left leg to the right. Raise your left leg, squeezing your buttock muscles. We don’t pull the toe off. Pause for a moment and slowly lower your knee back. The number of repetitions is 20 times for both legs.

Do all these exercises every day and you will soon get your butt in shape.

Exercises for the waist.

1) Lying on the floor, bend your legs and lift them slightly. Hands are spread to the sides. Turn your legs into different sides. Do not touch the floor with your feet. You can increase the pace of movement. Do 18 times.

2) Lying on your back, lower your arms. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your feet on the floor. Bend your legs in different directions. Repeat 20 times.

3) Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the back of your head. Bend over and make turns in different directions. Spread your elbows as far to the sides as possible.

4) Sit on a bench. Strengthen your feet as if you were doing an abs swing. Lean back and turn your torso in different directions. Can be repeated 20 times.

5) Attach one end of the expander to the wall and take the other in your hand. Stretch the expander by rotating your torso. Do this exercise for each arm 15 times.

To make your waist thin, start spinning a hula hoop every day, or exercise on a “health” disc. Just stand on the disc and spin in different directions.

Abdominal exercises.

1) Sit on the floor. Bend your knees. Lower your head to your chest. Place your hands on your chest. Pull in your lower abdomen. and round your back. Get down on the floor. Stay in this position for a few minutes and sit on the floor again. You cannot help yourself with your hands and feet. Try doing the exercise without going all the way to the floor. This will complicate it a little. Do the exercise 8 times.

2) Lie down on the floor. Legs - shoulder width apart. Place your feet on the floor. Knees bent. Straighten your arms along your body. Pull in your lower abdomen. In this case, you need to raise your pelvis. Stay in the elevated position for a while and lower down. Do 8 times.

3) Lying on your back, clasp your bent knees with your hands. Try to pull them up without lifting your head from the floor and lower them back. The exercise should be done slowly 8 times.

By doing this set of exercises as often as possible, you will soon be in great shape again.

How to properly perform bodybuilding exercises to harmoniously build muscle? Find out the main secrets of successful training!

Everybody wants to have beautiful muscles and enthusiastically perform the exercises of bodybuilding programs, doing exercises for mass and. However, not everyone follows this correct technique execution, which leads to errors and lack of progress. Read this article and you will learn the main mistakes in performing bodybuilding exercises, as well as the main secrets of successful training!

Pull bodybuilding exercises

When you perform bodybuilding pulling exercises for the upper or midsection (rowing machine exercises, overhead rows), you should start the movement from the shoulder blade, not the biceps.

It's natural to initiate a pulling movement with your arms (i.e., biceps), but if you want to work your back muscles, you should forget about this. Before starting the exercise, grasp the barbell with your hands, keep your body straight, and twist your shoulders and shoulder blades slightly forward (for exercises on a rowing machine) or upward (for overhead rows or pull-ups).

Hold with an overhand grip, this will provide more grip. In addition, this grip reduces the impact on the forearm.

Rowing machine exercises

Start doing them by bringing your shoulder blades towards your spine. A similar recommendation applies to performing overhead pull-ups or pull-ups, with the exception of the angle of tension. The shoulder blades should be lowered and pulled back; in this position, tense your back for a few seconds. Keep your chest high throughout the movement and maintain a natural angle in your lower back.

Once you master this movement, you will feel the difference! You may have to lighten the weight at first, but you'll be rewarded with incredible fatigue and tension in your back, and you'll realize that you weren't training as effectively before. The next day your back should not hurt.

Perform mass exercises correctly

If your goal is, you shouldn’t spend a lot of time on isolation exercises and bodybuilding exercises to build muscles.

Your program should include multi-joint exercises that target multiple muscle groups and allow you to lift heavier weights for maximum challenge.

Instead of triceps isolation exercises such as one-arm or two-arm cable extensions, which target a specific triceps head (depending on technique), you should do triceps exercises that promote muscle growth. For example, close-grip presses, dips, standard arm extensions, and bench extensions.

Exercises to increase muscle mass affect several muscle groups, allowing you to lift heavy weights and successfully load the involved muscles. The main thing is to perform the correct and proven mass exercises that are guaranteed to increase all the triceps muscles or that also work the chest.

Exercises with the correct grip

If you are bench pressing for big and strong, make sure you have the optimal grip width.

Most people hold the barbell too narrow and push their elbows out to the sides. To correct your technique, lie down on a bench and place a loose bar on your chest near the nipples or just below (you can ask a partner to help you). Place your elbows in line with your shoulders and forearms perpendicular to the floor. Remember where your hands and fingers are located on the bar.

When you are ready to start, place your hands in the appropriate place and begin the exercise! If within for long years you used narrow grip, there is a chance that you may not be able to lift your usual weight initially. After just one approach, you will feel how changing the technique affected the sensations in the pectoral muscles.

Keep in mind that keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders can cause discomfort for people with shoulder problems, especially if you lower the bar below nipple level. The priority of bodybuilding exercises should be comfort and preventing joint injury. To avoid impact on the shoulder girdle, simply place your elbows in a comfortable position.

Don't get tired before a bodybuilding workout

And this is provided that you have a good warm-up before starting your work workout. However, some athletes make the mistake of warming up with too much weight or too much weight. big amount approaches.

When you do this, warm up naturally turns into work training. The purpose of a warm-up is to prepare your muscles, body and mind for stress and prevent injury. The problem with overloading before starting your work sets is that by the time you get to them, you're not only warmed up, but also tired.

Basic full body workout program

If your muscles are tired, you won't be able to lift the weights you could if they were completely fresh, and you won't be able to apply optimal progressive load to your muscles. Therefore, your results will not be as good as they could potentially be if correct execution bodybuilding exercises.

Instead, warm up with light weights and high reps (12-15) at a slow, controlled pace, performing full-body exercises for no more than 2 sets. When warming up, never get yourself to the point of fatigue or even close to it - you just want to get blood flowing to the muscles and prepare the ligaments and tendons for stress.

However, if you use low reps in your workout and really heavy weight(typical of powerlifting or strength training), you need an additional warm-up set called a “weight acclimation set.” It involves using relatively heavy weights and high reps, typical of a working set (8-10), which will force you to exert some effort without causing you to fatigue.

The goal of weight acclimatization is to move from light warm-up resistance to very hard and strenuous work. It will prevent shock and injury to the body when you perform your first working set with weights.

If you don't do a weight acclimatization set before bodybuilding exercises like heavy bench presses, you run the risk of injury.

It is necessary to warm up for the muscle groups that are involved in the first exercise of the working approach. The remaining muscles will be fully warmed up due to the previous exercises, and extra warm-up sets will only lead to fatigue and will not provide a progressive load for muscle strength and growth.

You must focus on a work approach. Think of a new way to warm up as an energy-saving way to lift more weight and show better results.

Less crunching for better exercise results

In a good workout, the quality of execution is much more important than the number of repetitions.

Frankly, it doesn't matter how many hundreds or thousands of times a day you do abs. If you do it correctly, there won't be a need for as many repetitions - unless you have nowhere to put your time and energy, or your goal is to impress someone.

The abdominal muscles have stronger fibers and they tend to respond better to high reps. However, if you can do more than 20-25 repetitions of any bodybuilding exercise, then you are either doing it incorrectly or working with insufficient resistance. In addition, the abdominal muscles are more trained and get tired from maintaining DC voltage. This means that even when you return to the starting position, the abdominal muscles are still tense and contracting isometrically (contraction without movement).

Another key to training is to contract the muscles as much as possible at the top of the movement for 1-2 seconds (also isometric contraction or so-called peak contraction).

After properly performed mass exercises, you should allow your abs to rest and recover, just like other muscle groups. At proper training You should not put stress on your abdominal muscles more than 2-3 times a week. You should experience muscle soreness the next day just like you would after any other productive workout. If you experience pain, even with a strong desire, you will not be able to train your abdominal muscles. In addition, you will not achieve your goals because you will not be able to create a progressive load.

Now you can correct your mistakes when performing bodybuilding exercises, improving your progress and becoming one step closer to the body of your dreams!