How not to freeze outside in winter. How to dress in the cold

When we get sick, it is natural to feel chills. Warm clothes and even a few blankets do not become a salvation until the body temperature begins to rise. As it grows they die pathogenic bacteria, and the person begins to feel feverish. Everything is clear here. And if an outwardly healthy person turns to a doctor and asks to explain what is happening to him. "Help, I'm constantly freezing." There may be more than one reason, so today we decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Gender characteristics

Let's remember who makes such complaints most often? That's right, from older people. Everyone has seen grandmothers in warm sweaters or even coats hot weather on the street. This does not surprise anyone, because you can often hear from them: “I’m constantly freezing.” The reason lies in poor circulation, which has age-related causes. However, even among young women this phenomenon occurs much more often than among men. At the same time, such a condition is often attributed to individual characteristics body, and the only recommendation given is to dress warmer. However, the roots can lie much deeper, and we will deal with them today.

Alarm bell

You can laugh at a person who repeats: “I’m always cold.” The reason for this, however, may not be the desire to show off one’s effeminacy and attract attention. At the same time, it can be noted that very rarely such a symptom is an independent manifestation of the disease. Most often this is a symptom of some kind of disorder in the body. But here you will have to spend a lot of time to find the true reason.

Tea, warm bath and woolen socks

Have you ever come home from the cold and long time feel cold in your extremities? It was as if the blood had stopped circulating through them. This phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, it is enough to take a hot bath, drink tea and put on warm clothes, and the condition returns to normal. It turns out much more interesting if, being in a warm room, you still cannot get rid of the feeling of chilliness. In this case, you should definitely visit the doctor and tell him: “I am constantly freezing.” The reason may lie in work internal organs, metabolic disorders and even poor diet. But a specialist should understand this.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

A mysterious disease whose cause is psychosomatic. That is, stress leads to disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative nervous system, and it, in turn, triggers a number of physiological processes that we ultimately try to treat. In particular, if your feet are constantly cold, then pay attention to the situations in which this happens. If you have an important meeting, a visit to the director, or significant event, and you observe a strange feeling of coldness in your body, then it is quite possible that this is your reaction to stress. A person with VSD may also complain of low blood pressure or heart problems, his hands are constantly freezing, but in fact the root of the trouble lies in instability to stressful situations.

Iron deficiency or anemia

Usually an adult knows well if he has a similar problem. However, if until now the blood tests were normal, but lately If your feet are constantly freezing, it is recommended to go to the laboratory again. A biochemical blood test will show hemoglobin content. Acute iron deficiency is the most common reason that your limbs are freezing. This is easy to explain: the tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen and muscle spasms occur. Accordingly, blood supply deteriorates. Even mechanical rubbing and hot baths give only a temporary effect of dilating blood vessels and filling them with blood.

Hypothyroidism or thyroid dysfunction

And we continue to talk about why a person is constantly freezing. The reasons may also lie in the activity of the glands internal secretion. In particular, doctors know well that when there is a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, a number of processes are triggered in the body that seriously change its functioning. In particular, there is weakness, a decrease blood pressure, low body temperature and a significant decrease in heart rate.

As a consequence of this, increased sweating of the extremities develops, but at the same time the body constantly freezes, and the hands and feet never warm up at all. Disorders of the thyroid gland are diagnosed by an endocrinologist based on blood tests and ultrasound of the gland.

Allergic reaction to cold

At first glance, this sounds strange, but this phenomenon really occurs. The mechanisms at work here are somewhat different, but in general it is the same allergy, only its cause is low air temperature. It is usually difficult for a suffering person to stay warm, no matter how many layers of clothing he or she is wearing. How can you understand that this is the reason? If, in addition to your limbs, your back is constantly cold, then this may be your case. At the same time, redness of the skin, cracking of the lips and the appearance of swelling under the eyes are observed.

Errors in diet

The heat exchange of our body is highly dependent on body weight. If your weight is normal, it means there is a thin layer of fat under the skin that perfectly retains heat. However, today girls are keen on losing weight, very often driving themselves to the point of exhaustion. By resorting to strict diets and overloading themselves with training, they try to achieve ideal parameters without thinking about the consequences. And as a result, they come to the doctor with complaints: “I’m constantly freezing, what’s wrong with me?” And everything is quite simple. lack of iron and iodine - this leads to such consequences.

Raynaud's disease

It doesn't happen often, but that doesn't mean it can be ignored. The fact is that in this case, the hands and feet freeze due to spasms that occur in the small capillaries of the limbs. The origin of this disease is unknown, and many times researchers have refused to classify it as a separate disease, considering such a manifestation to be a symptom of some other ailment. But with the development of medicine, enough empirical material has accumulated to understand that this is truly an independent disease that has its own clinical picture.

Raynaud's disease leads to very serious consequences. This may include peeling of the fingers and loss of skin elasticity, but the main thing is intolerance to cold. A person does not enjoy walking in the fresh air, skiing, or swimming in the sea. This is not surprising, not only is he very cold outside. Also, the warming process is accompanied by severe pain. Hands and feet become swollen and red.

What can you do

As we found out, whatever the reason behind this phenomenon, it is associated with problems of capillaries and blood vessels. Impaired blood supply to tissues can be corrected to a certain extent. The procedure is not very simple, but useful. In order not to expose the body to severe stress, you should first take foot baths: hot or contrast.

To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to go to a sauna or bathhouse. After the steam room, you can swim in a cold pool, this is also very good for your health. A contrast shower is a procedure from the same opera. But we must remember that any such event is stressful for the body and must be approached with caution.

Let's give up bad habits

First and foremost is smoking. It causes your hands and feet to constantly feel cold. And all because nicotine causes vasospasm. The sooner you break this habit, the better. But that's not all. Also try to limit your consumption of coffee and strong drinks. alcoholic drinks, as well as soda. This will only add health to your body, and will also seriously improve your well-being. And before going outside, it is recommended to drink chicken or beef broth.

Nutrition and physical activity

Your diet should be complete, then you will not have a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12. This means that the table should always have dried apricots and raisins, nuts, pomegranates and oatmeal porridge, pumpkin and vegetable salads, fresh fruit. Don't forget about red meat and legumes, they are also rich in iron. But special attention need to focus on seafood. Red fish - salmon and mackerel, herring and trout - are perfect for your diet. Rich in iodine, they normalize the thyroid gland. Vitamin and herbal decoctions, compotes and fruit drinks increase blood circulation. That is why you need to drink them every day. And the last component is physical activity. You need exercise every day; this is an essential element of treatment.

1. Shorten curtains and curtains .
Curtains and drapes create a barrier to the penetration of heat from radiators into the room. The batteries are working, but you are cold. If you have a boiler in your home, you raise the temperature. If you have central heating, then turn on the additional heater. To avoid wasting money, just hang curtains in winter that are just below the window sill. And floor-length curtains can be hung in the summer to protect against the summer heat.

2. Use roller blinds or blinds.
Many of us are accustomed to using such curtains in the summer to block out the sun. But in winter, such curtains on the windows serve as another barrier to the penetration of cold from the window glass.

3. Do not use decorative battery screens.
Decorative screens for radiators are one of the most important obstacles to the flow of heat from the radiator into our room. It's better not to use them. And if you have already purchased them, then it is better to remove such screens for the winter.

4. Ventilate intensively.
Heat can escape through the window. Most of us avoid opening the windows completely in winter and limit ourselves to a slightly open window. This is not true. The heat goes away and the house is always cold. It is better to open the window completely for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening and ventilate the room well. After you close the window, fresh air will heat up quickly warm walls and furniture in the room.

5. Tape and seal the windows .
A large amount of heat escapes from the small cracks between the window frame and the wall, and between the glass and the frame. In order to seal and seal the windows it is not necessary big money. Don't waste your time fixing these leaks.

6. Comfortable warmth no need for an empty apartment.
When no one is home - and this can be almost the entire daylight hours - reduce the temperature in the heating system. Just turn the tap.

7. Follow temperature recommendations.
Believe me, we throw away too much money in pursuit of excess heat. No one needs twenty-five degrees in the bedroom. Doctors recommend for all rooms except the bedroom from 20 to 22 degrees. For the bathroom this temperature rises to 24 degrees, for the bedroom it drops to 18.

8. Surround yourself with orange and yellow.
According to psychologists, warm colors in the interior can subjectively increase the feeling of warmth in an apartment by up to five degrees. Experiment with winter a large number red, brown, yellow and orange in the interior.

9. Use radiators with a thermostat.
When you purchase radiators, buy ones with a thermostat. This will allow you to more flexibly and intelligently regulate the temperature in your home.

10.Heat-reflective energy-saving film for windows.
Such a film, without reducing the transparency of the glass, reflects heat into the room, while reducing overall heat loss by up to 25%. Such a film does not cost a lot of money and, in addition, in the summer it will help protect the room from the heat.

11. And last tip , select for home comfortable and warm home clothes . A beautiful house dress is, of course, elegant, but it is more practical to choose trousers and a thin sweater. This way you will feel more comfortable, and with the money you saved on heating, buy yourself something nice.

In most cases, cold weather comes to our apartments much earlier than the long-awaited heating season. Many, unfortunately, are familiar with such a question as: it’s cold in the apartment, what to do when even the walls can’t save you from it.

In order for your home not to be cold, but to have comfort and coziness, first of all, you need to at least reduce heat loss or eliminate it altogether; for this you need to take a close look at the windows. If allowed cash, then it’s best to simply replace them, becoming the happy owner of perfectly fitted frames and sealed double-glazed windows.

As is known, easy installation new windows will raise the temperature in the apartment by 4-6 degrees. But, there are other ways to improve the thermal protection of your home. Not everyone knows, in our country for several years now a special film has been produced that reflects infrared radiation. This means that in winter it does not release heat from the apartment, and in summer it does not let it in. Such a film can turn a single-chamber window into a double-chamber one, while reducing heat loss by at least 15-20 percent.

It's cold in the apartment, what should I do?

There is no point in filling the gaps between the window frame and the frame with all sorts of rubbish. It is much better to purchase special self-adhesive seals. Of course, their cost from $0.7 to $2.5 per linear meter may scare off some, but believe me, this one will quickly pay for itself.

Firstly, insulating a one-room, two-room, or three-room apartment will not take you the whole day, but only about two hours at most. Secondly, the seal will allow you to close and open windows without any problems, and most importantly the balcony door and vents. Agree, if the question is what to do if it’s cold, then this is a very good and convenient way out of the situation. And thirdly, a self-adhesive seal, if installed well, will last for several years.

However, all these clever tricks will only bring results if your heating system copes well with its responsibilities. If the question, it’s cold at home, what to do, remains unanswered, you need to create another heat source. It can be obtained by bringing it to full condition existing systems heating or by installing additional heat sources in the apartment.

It's cold at home, what should I do?

If you have enough cash and courage to seriously take on new installation system, we can only congratulate you on this. Of course, many residents of megacities have very little room for creative thoughts in this direction, and often things end with the simplest addition of additional batteries or their complete replacement with more advanced electrical appliances.

Sectional aluminum heaters will delight the esthete. Compared to the old cast iron "monsters", they look very efficient and stylish. And this is not surprising, since large number products of this type are brought to us from Italy, and it has long been famous for creating unique designs.

For those who are interested in the question, it’s cold in the apartment, what to do, there is another universal method- arrange a warm floor. It can be either an additional source of heating or the main one, in addition to water heating radiators. This is often used in children's rooms, as well as in rooms with tiled floors - kitchens and bathrooms.

Compared to conventional batteries, heated floors have more advantages. After all, the warm air that a water heating radiator creates rises high and the temperature at floor level can be 5-7 degrees lower than at the top, which can lead to a cold. In addition, when heating with a radiator, one half of the room may be warmer than the other.

The floor heats in a completely different way. The heat is distributed evenly over its entire plane, and therefore drafts simply do not occur. But the most important thing is that the temperature at foot level is slightly higher than at the ceiling. The famous Suvorov also said that you should always keep your feet warm and your head constantly cold. A person is then comfortable even at a temperature 3-5 degrees lower than usual.

Therefore, think carefully before you start insulating your apartment. The choice is yours! We hope that after reading this article, you will not have the following question in the future: what to do if it’s cold?

As a rule, we all live in comfortable apartments where the temperature is maintained within sanitary standards even in frosty winters.

But despite this, some people constantly feel that they are cold.

They have a desire to wrap themselves in a blanket or dress warmly even when everyone else feels quite comfortable.

What could this be connected with? Why do some people feel cold all the time? A symptom of what diseases can be a constant feeling of cold?

Thyroid disease

One of the most common diseases with a constant feeling of cold is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the energy supply of our body.

As a result of various diseases, the body may begin to produce antibodies that inhibit the functioning of the thyroid gland. As a result, the content of the thyroid hormone T3 (T-three), which is involved in the process of thermoregulation, is disrupted.

In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and check the level of this hormone. Normally it should be > 0.9.

If, as a result of examination, a disorder of the thyroid gland is established, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed in the form of eutirox, a thyroid hormone.

A constant feeling of cold can also cause liver dysfunction. As a rule, in this case liver cirrhosis is diagnosed. Therefore, you should take the examination very seriously.

As is known, liver cirrhosis develops in the following cases:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • infection with hepatitis B or C virus;
  • excessive consumption of fat, leading to body obesity.

Cirrhosis leads to the death of liver cells, which are eventually replaced by connective tissue cells.

To establish liver disease, you should undergo special tests - ALT and AST for the content of the enzymes glutamyl-pyruvate transferase and aspartate aminotransferase in the blood.

It is with the help of these tests that liver disease can be diagnosed and timely treatment prescribed.


Another reason for the constant feeling of constant cold can be anemia.

Anemia is a disorder of blood supply caused by poor vascular patency and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Hemoglobin is necessary for the transport of oxygen by red blood cells, necessary for oxidative processes, without which the functioning of almost no system in our body is impossible.

When hemoglobin levels decrease, the amount of oxygen carried by red blood cells decreases. There is a feeling of weakness, lethargy, and drowsiness. Skin turn pale and become cold to the touch.

The cause of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood can be chronic stress, smoking, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Normally, hemoglobin in women should be in the range of 120-140 g/l, in men – 130-160 g/l. If these values ​​decrease, treatment is prescribed to increase hemoglobin. As a rule, these are iron supplements and vitamin C.

Anemia can also result from poor vascular patency as a result of the development of atherosclerosis. Most often, atherosclerotic plaques are the result of an unhealthy diet, including a large amount of animal fat, the undigested remains of which are deposited in the form of plaques in our blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis is a deadly disease that leads not only to anemia, but also to increased blood pressure, the risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as blockage of blood vessels leading to tissue necrosis and gangrene with subsequent amputation of limbs.

To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, you should, if possible, exclude from your menu all products containing animal fat - butter, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty cheeses, fatty meat.

You should also include fiber-rich foods in your diet. This allows you to cleanse the intestines, preventing undigested fat from re-entering the body.

If you are constantly cold but those around you are not, this can be an unpleasant situation. You may have to wear a jacket when the weather is warm for other people, or the pool and beach water where everyone swims may be too cold for you.

Along with the discomfort of feeling cold, you may wonder why your perception of temperature is not “normal” or “average.” Cold intolerance, also called cold hypersensitivity, is not uncommon and can be caused by a number of health conditions.

When it's always cold

You should tell your doctor if you feel cold all the time. Your doctor will ask you about other symptoms that may help determine the cause of this intolerance, including changes in appetite, weight changes, mood problems, or sleep problems. Below are some of the most common reasons why you may feel cold all the time.

Thyroid disease

Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is one of the most recognized causes of cold hypersensitivity. Thyroid disease requires evaluation and treatment.

There are many various types and reasons. If your symptoms are consistent with thyroid disease, your doctor will order blood tests that can determine what problem you may be experiencing with your hormones.

Thyroid disease can be treated with medication, and most people experience significant improvement in symptoms with treatment.


Anemia means your red blood cells are not functioning optimally. There are a number of causes and types of anemia, including hereditary, environmental and nutritional causes such as iron and vitamin B12 deficiency and. Your doctor can detect anemia through a simple blood test.

It is important for you to get proper treatment for anemia because without treatment the disease can get worse.


Malnutrition can be a little tricky because it doesn't necessarily mean you're not getting enough food. Malnutrition means that the food you eat does not provide the required amount nutrients.

In fact, an overweight person may experience nutritional deficiencies and deficiencies. essential vitamins and minerals. Likewise, a person may eat large amounts of food but become malnourished if a health problem such as malabsorption or diarrhea prevents some of the nutrients from being absorbed into the body.

Malnutrition can cause anemia, but can also cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. If malnutrition is the result of an unhealthy diet, then changing your diet and possibly adding vitamin supplements is best way fix this problem. However, if you have a problem with malnutrition as a result of a problem with digestive system, then you may need medical and perhaps even surgical treatment.


Often thin people are hypersensitive to cold. This is because fat insulates the body and muscle helps the body produce heat through metabolism. If you are very skinny and lack muscle and/or body fat, you may experience hypersensitivity to cold.

However, not all thin people are hypersensitive to cold. For example, hyperthyroidism can cause a person to be very skinny and feel hot all the time. And athletes who may be very lean may also have a large amount of muscle as a result of physical training.

Circulation problems

If you are constantly cold, your friends may tell you that you have poor circulation. Problems with circulation can cause the temperature of your hands and fingers to drop. Often, circulation problems also cause pale hands and feet or even a bluish tint.

A specific circulatory condition called Raynaud's disease is characterized by episodic narrowing of blood vessels, resulting in pale or blue fingers or toes.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor. You cannot self-correct circulatory problems by shaking or massaging your arms or legs, so it is important to see a doctor for this problem.


Neuropathy, which is a disease of the nerves, can cause nerve hypersensitivity. This hypersensitivity can cause your hands or feet to feel cold all the time and can also cause increased sensitivity to cold.

Problems with the pituitary gland

The pituitary gland, located in the brain, regulates many of the body's hormones, including thyroid hormone. Any problem in the function of the pituitary gland that causes this gland to become overactive or underactive can cause problems with temperature regulation, causing you to feel too hot or too cold all the time.

Hypothalamic problems

The hypothalamus is a small area of ​​the brain that regulates hormones throughout the body and also regulates the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus controls several aspects of the body's health, including temperature, hydration, and blood pressure, and regulates the body's hormones to fine-tune these conditions. If the hypothalamus is not functioning properly, you may experience symptoms such as constant feeling cold.


Estrogen is a hormone that regulates female reproduction. Estrogen levels vary throughout life and throughout menstrual cycle women and pregnancy.

Fluctuations in estrogen levels can affect sensitivity to cold, causing women to feel colder than usual during some stages of the menstrual cycle.

Parkinson's disease

Feeling cold is one of the less recognized symptoms of Parkinson's disease. In general, this is due to changes in autonomic function that can occur in Parkinson's disease.


Many people suffer from symptoms that are inconsistent or fluctuate over time. Fibromyalgia can cause a variety of troubling symptoms, including feeling cold all the time or some of the time.

Nerve injury

Nerve damage is usually the result of a traumatic accident that damages all or part of the nerve, resulting in a lack of function. However, in addition to the lack nervous function, People who experience only partial recovery from nerve damage may experience a persistent feeling of coldness or hypersensitivity to cold in the area of ​​the body that is supplied by the damaged nerve.

Infectious disease

When you have an infection, such as a cold or "stomach upset," your body may feel cold, and you may even feel chills or shivers. Often when you have an infection, you may fluctuate between feeling hot and feeling cold, especially if you have a fever.

Feeling cold when you have an infection is largely due to the fact that your body is using so much energy to fight the infection.

Feeling cold as a result of an infection should be a temporary situation that resolves after the infection itself goes away. Many people find that they feel cold all the time for a few days before they notice more recognizable signs of infection, such as fever, cough and nausea.


Fatigue can also cause coldness. Some people notice that their entire body feels colder than usual when they haven't slept. If you feel cold as a result of fatigue or physical exhaustion, this feeling should go away as soon as your body can get sufficient rest.

Women are more likely to feel cold

Women are more likely to feel cold than men. Thyroid problems and fibromyalgia are more common in women, and of course estrogen fluctuations are only present in women. Women are also more likely to be thin than men.


Constantly feeling cold can be frustrating and even embarrassing if you always dress warmer than everyone around you or avoid active recreation that you think others like.

There are a number of diseases that can cause this condition. Often, even after undergoing tests, you may not receive a medical diagnosis.

You may be disappointed if you don't get an answer to the cause of your problem. However, rest assured that most people who feel cold all the time do not have any medical problem and completely healthy. If you do not have a disease that causes this intolerance, you can use practical methods to solve your problems, such as choosing comfortably warm clothes and shoes, sitting by the fireplace, consuming warm food and hot drinks.