Exercises for the pectoral muscles for women. Exercises for breast enlargement and tightening

The stronger the chest muscles are, the more proportional the figure will be. In addition, strengthened thoracic muscles improve the quality of training, reduce the risk of injury, and help pump up other muscle groups, such as biceps and triceps. For men and women involved in fitness, great importance has elaboration pectoral muscles. This group of muscles is one of the largest on the body, and therefore needs special attention.

The training program should be designed taking into account individual characteristics athlete, as well as knowledge of anatomy. The chest consists of two parts - the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Also, this area is conventionally divided into bottom and top. There are no separate exercises for the internal and external parts; pumping of these zones is carried out together, but for the upper and lower parts the exercises will be different. You can exercise to strengthen and tighten the pectoral muscles at home or in gym.

To achieve enlargement and development of the pectoral muscles at home or in the gym, it is important not to overload the muscles. You can often hear from girls and boys that even systematic training does not bring results. This can happen for one of two reasons:

  1. you train the same areas;
  2. chase after large scales to the detriment of exercise technique.

Even the most effective exercises will be useless if you don’t stick to them. important rules conducting training. To avoid serious mistakes it is possible if you study carefully general recommendations pumping up the pectoral muscles:

  • When performing exercises on the pectoral muscles, remember that such training requires large quantity calories consumed during exercise. This must be taken into account when planning a diet.
  • Training the upper areas and classes on the lower part are closely intertwined with the muscles of the arms. Therefore, do not combine isolation and chest tightening movements in one complex. By pumping your chest, you indirectly engage your triceps.
  • An important question is how much you need to exercise to give the pectoral muscles volume and relief. Remember not to overuse. Beginners are advised to pay attention to this area no more than 2 times a week. The minimum break between classes is 48 hours.
  • When conducting home workouts or classes in the gym, you must take into account that total All chest exercises should not exceed 6-8 approaches. If you are looking for muscle growth, one set should be 10-12 repetitions. Working on strength and endurance – 6-8. To lose weight, do 10-15.

Basic exercises pump up the chest best - bench press, dips, exercises with barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, i.e. working with your own weight and free weights. It is better not to use isolated options for athletes whose experience is less than two years. All movements must be performed slowly. Focus on correct technique. First hone your skills, and then increase the load and intensity of your training. When the body adapts to the load, try to diversify the training.

Upper training

Beginner athletes often wonder what exercises can strengthen the upper pectoral muscle. If you want to focus on the upper part, know that the best movements are:

  • Bench press while lying on incline bench(head edge raised). Set the back of the bench at a 35 degree angle. Lie on a bench with your hips and lower back pressed tightly against it. The legs are spread wide and rest on the surface of the floor. Grasp the barbell with a medium grip (slightly wider than shoulder width). Inhale, hold your breath and lower the bar to your chest, then press the bar up.

  • Dumbbell flyes (can be done with a chest expander). The starting position is similar to the previous exercise, only your feet are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in outstretched arms in front of us. Inhale, spread your arms to the sides, elbows slightly bent. Then we go back. We don’t relax our hands, we move smoothly and slowly, without jerking.

  • . A simple and well-known exercise, but you need to know how to do push-ups correctly to pump up your chest. We take a lying position, the position of the hands should be average, the toes rest on the floor. We bend our elbows and straighten them, the back is straight, the whole body is tense. There are many variations of push-ups, but which ones should you do for your upper chest? The best decision– head down technique.
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you (can be done with a barbell or with kettlebells). To perform do not take heavy weight. Starting position – stand straight, dumbbells in your hands are lowered down along your hips. We inhale and raise our arms until they are parallel to the floor, while exhaling we lower our limbs. You can do lifts with each hand in turn or simultaneously.

Women and men need to remember that the shape of the breast largely depends on genetics, but with a properly designed training program, you can give the muscles not only shape, but also elasticity. Train systematically and do not forget about stretching before training.

Strengthening the bottom

To pump up the lower part, you can perform a barbell press or raise your arms to the sides on an inclined bench, if you change the position of the bench, lowering the head edge down. The following exercises are also effective:

  • Hummer. You need to do a chest press. The advantage of exercise in a simulator is that the athlete cannot change the amplitude of movement, which has a positive effect on the focus of the load. Holding the handrails of the machine, you need to straighten your arms and then bend them again, moving as smoothly as possible.

  • Butterfly. By exercising in this simulator, you can work on the middle of the pectoral muscle. Before training, you need to adjust the weight. Sitting on the bench, you need to inhale, and as you exhale, bring the handrails of the machine together. At the end point, hold the position for 2 seconds and slowly spread your arms to the sides. Don't throw your hands, keep your muscles tense.

  • Crossover. The exercise is performed standing, one leg slightly in front of the other. Stand in the middle of the blocks, grab the handrails. You need to bring your hands together until your palms touch, slightly bending your elbows.

Also worthy of attention is the “half-vert” in the simulator and. They also effectively work the pectoral muscles. You need to perform the “half-over” exercise in the simulator with straight arms. To do this, stand facing the machine, take the handrail with a straight grip and step back 30 cm. Inhale and pull the handrail towards your hips, fix the position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Training for ladies

Girls can do the same exercises as men - dumbbell raises, bench press, half-vert, pull-ups, dips. The secret to women's training is to use light weights when losing weight. Women's breasts contain mammary glands, so it is important to understand how to exercise in order to work out the muscle bundles. Exercises cannot affect the size and shape of the mammary glands, but constant training will make a girl’s breasts more elastic and toned.

Video for girls:

Often women notice that their chest and arms hurt after training. This is due to overstretching of muscles and tendons. If you feel discomfort, it means you are doing something wrong during the training. It is important to reconsider your approach to doing exercises and consult with a trainer and doctor.

Strengthening and pumping up chest muscles for boys and girls will not be difficult. You can perform exercises in machines, but movements with free weights are more effective. Don't miss training, do it at in a great mood and the result will not take long to arrive.

Many girls and women are interested in whether it is possible to change the shape and volume of their breasts with the help of physical activity. Can! We will tell you which chest exercises are the most effective and how often you should perform them.

What can be changed

The female breast is a mammary gland and a layer of adipose tissue, which create the main volume of the bust. Size and shape are genetically determined and can be radically changed appearance breasts are only possible through plastic surgery.

However, there is a more affordable option. Under the mammary gland is the pectoral muscle, increasing the volume of which will help “grow” the breasts. The result, of course, will not be as noticeable and fast as after surgical intervention, but more toned and higher breasts are certainly guaranteed.

The female body is designed in such a way that muscles grow much slower than those of men, unless, of course, you use special hormonal drugs. Therefore, to achieve results, you should tune in to long-term, systematic work.

What you need for exercise

When building up the pectoral muscle, you should tune in to serious physical exercise. The purpose of the training is to inflict microtraumas on the muscle fibers in the form of small tears. Muscle growth occurs during rest between workouts. Therefore it is extremely important:

When preparing to perform exercises for breast growth at home, you need to acquire a couple of collapsible dumbbells weighing up to 10–12 kilograms each. In the first stages, depending on your level of training, you should start working with a weight of 3–5 kg, and as the muscles get used to the working weight, add weights to dumbbells.

The second device that will be useful for home workouts is an athletic loop. It is an elastic band with a width of 1 to 7 centimeters, closed in a circle. The strength of its resistance depends on the width of the elastic band. For chest training a pair will do loops with a resistance of 3–18 kilograms.

The third type of training that can be done at home is bodyweight training. Such exercises are considered the safest and very effective.

Exercises with dumbbells for chest volume

To perform exercises with dumbbells most effectively, it is best to purchase an athletic bench, but if this is not possible, you can perform the exercises on the floor or use a pair of ottomans:

Bench press with dumbbells

It is better to start the exercise with a light weight for 15 repetitions, and then, gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbells, you can reduce the number to 8 times. There should be at least 4 approaches in total, with no more than 1 minute rest between them.

To make this exercise more effective, you can use a pair of stable ottomans or stools. One should be placed under the buttocks and the second on the upper back. It is important to fix them well on the floor so that they do not move apart. This design will allow you to lower the dumbbells lower so that they touch the chest, and, therefore, the range of motion will be full.

Bench press with dumbbells at an angle

Starting position: lying on the floor, a low ottoman should be placed under your upper back so that your torso forms an angle of about 30 degrees above the floor. Hands with dumbbells are spread to the sides, elbows are bent, fists are looking up.

  1. We press up as we exhale, bringing the dumbbells to the top point, and lower them as we inhale.
  2. At the bottom point, the dumbbells should unfold in one line and touch the edge of the shoulder, and at the top point they should be brought together in parallel. This will allow maximum load on the pectoral muscle.
  3. We perform 10–12 repetitions in at least three approaches. The exercise is aimed at working the upper chest, so it will be especially useful for thin women.

For this exercise you will need a structure of two ottomans or stools.

You should perform at least 12 repetitions in 3-4 sets. The weight of the dumbbells can be taken a little less than for the bench press. If you need a pause to rest, you can do it for a couple of seconds at the top point. Pausing at the bottom will only strain the muscles even more.

If you use a structure made of ottomans for exercise different heights so that the angle is the same as in the previous exercise, the load will be redistributed to the upper chest and shoulders. Thus, the exercise will be useful not only for volume, but also for breast tightening.

Exercises with dumbbells to tighten your chest

In order for the chest to be toned, it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the ligaments, as well as the deltoids (shoulders) and arms.

Dumbbell press up

For this exercise, a slightly heavier weight of dumbbells is suitable than for the bench press. You need to perform 4 sets with the same weight, but the last repetitions should be done with all your strength. You can start the first approach with 12 repetitions and reduce them by two in each approach. For example, you get 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 repetitions.

Swing dumbbells forward

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells along the body, slightly bent at the elbows.

Alternately raise your arms forward to shoulder level or slightly higher. You can perform the exercise with both hands at once, but in this case the torso may sway a little, and the effectiveness of the training will be lower. The arms remain slightly bent at the elbows at all times so as not to put stress on the joints, but they should not be bent too much either.

With each hand you need to perform 12-15 swings in at least 3 approaches. This exercise targets the anterior deltoids and upper chest, making it one of the most effective exercises for tightening your breasts.

The most effective chest exercises with the athletic loop

The convenience of using an athletic loop is that it is suitable for training all muscles, while being very compact. It can be used not only in the gym or at home, but also on the sports field, on vacation, or even taken with you on a business trip:

For the first set of exercises, you need to attach two loops to the leg of a sofa or cabinet.

Press forward

Starting position: standing with your back to the place where the elastic bands are attached, take the free edges of the elastic band in each hand. Tilt your body forward a little; to do this, you can move one leg forward and place emphasis on it. Arms are bent at the elbows, fists with elastic bands are pulled up to the shoulders.

As you exhale, straighten your arms in front of you, simulating a bench press. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 10 in three approaches.

Swing forward through the bottom

  1. Starting position: standing at the place where the elastic bands are attached, arms with elastic bands are lowered along the body.
  2. As you exhale, bring your hands forward with your palms facing up.
  3. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. This exercise works well on the lower chest. The number of repetitions is at least 12 in three approaches.

The second set of exercises can be performed in the warm season on the sports ground. The elastic bands should be secured to the side supports of the horizontal bar at eye level.

Bringing hands together


  1. Starting position: lower the loops to the shoulder line, stand between the supports, back straight. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, spread your arms to the sides and take the free edges of the loops, elbows slightly bent.
  2. As you exhale, bring your arms in front of you, squeezing your pectoral muscles as much as possible. At the same time, the elbows move in one plane, looking outward.
  3. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. The exercise helps to tighten the chest and also put a good load on the ligaments. You need to do 12–15 repetitions and at least 3 approaches.

Light push-ups with elastic band

To perform this exercise, we fix the loops on the crossbar itself.

Starting position: lying down, hands in loops, back straight.

We perform push-ups, trying not to bend too much in the lower back. The wider your arms are, the more the pectoral muscle will be loaded. The elbows should be spread to the sides. There should be at least 10 repetitions in one approach.

Such push-ups are suitable even for those who do not have the best physical fitness - elastic bands stretch the torso upward, thereby simplifying regular push-ups. This exercise is used even by experienced athletes, as it allows you to work out your muscles more thoroughly.

Advanced push-ups with elastic band

This type of push-up is one of the most difficult and is suitable only for those who have good physical training.

Starting position: lying down, legs threaded into a suspended elastic band.

We perform push-ups, trying to get as low as possible. The number of repetitions depends on physical training, so the exercise should be performed to failure.

Exercises for tightening and growing breasts with your own weight

Bodyweight exercises have different level difficulties, so they are suitable for both those who have just started training and those with training experience.

Push ups - basic exercise for chest and arms. There are many variations of this exercise, which, accordingly, they can, to one degree or another, place more stress on the biceps, triceps, chest or even shoulders.

In order to make muscles grow, you should ensure maximum blood flow during training. Among athletes, this concept is called productive pumping. It can be achieved repeatedly and intensively by performing a monotonous movement. The following exercises are great for “finishing off”, that is, they should be performed at the end of the workout:

Rules for performing exercises and drawing up training programs

When creating a training program, you should include different exercises in it: basic, for working several muscle groups at once, exercises for a specific muscle, for refinement.

It is also important to constantly change something in your training and gradually increase the load. You can also change the intensity of your training. The main task is not to let the muscles get used to it and load them as much as possible each time.

At the beginning of the training there should be basic, more complex exercises that are performed slowly, with pauses. As your muscles tire, you can move on to lighter and more intense exercises.

It is very important to follow the exercise technique and breathe correctly during training. Improper execution of exercises can not only not bring the desired result, but also harm joints and ligaments.

To make your breasts look beautiful, you should not forget about your posture: your back should always be straight and your shoulders should be straightened. To stay in shape, you need to add back exercises to your training program:

In addition to home workouts, you can also work out in the gym with a personal trainer. Tennis, swimming, and skiing also help strengthen the pectoral muscles.

When setting a goal to tighten and increase the volume of your breasts, you should remember that the muscles in female body They don't grow very quickly. Therefore, you should not hope to get results in a week. You need to do chest exercises regularly, correctly, and give your muscles enough time and resources to recover. Only this approach will help achieve the desired result.

Since the chest is one of the largest muscle groups of the body, in addition to the obligatory progress in working weights, it is important to pay attention not only to the correct exercise technique, but also to their variety, loading the pectoral muscles at different angles for their uniform development.

We also note that when performing any exercise on the chest, not only the pectoral muscles themselves work, but also the muscles upper press, arms (biceps, triceps), back and deltoid muscles of the shoulders. This is why the entire upper body is usually worked in one workout.

Creating a chest training program:

How often to pump your breasts?No more than once every 72 hours (3 days) - or twice a week.
What muscles can it be combined with?It is recommended to combine training of the pectoral muscles with triceps, shoulder muscles and abs.
How many exercises and repetitions should I do?For beginners, 1-2 basic exercises (with heavy weight and 5-7 repetitions) and 1-2 isolation exercises (with lighter weight and 12-15 repetitions) are enough.
Push-ups or dumbbell exercises?Since only 5-7 repetitions of the exercise are needed to grow the pectoral muscles, when this result is achieved in push-ups, you need to move on to dumbbells and a barbell.
How fast do pectoral muscles grow?Because the pectoral muscles are among the largest in the human body, they quickly respond to strength training and increase in size.

Pectoral muscles: anatomy

Training the chest muscles is considered the most important in bodybuilding, since a powerful and developed chest is a key characteristic of a sporty and athletic physique. It is also important that strong pectoral muscles help in training the rest of the core muscles, since they are anatomically connected.

The pectoral muscles are divided into major and minor. The pectoralis major muscle has a triangular shape and is woven into the shoulder at one of its bases, due to which the muscles of the chest and shoulders are connected. The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle and is more of a stabilizing muscle than a working muscle.

The best exercises for chest muscles

Most chest exercises can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to use stabilizer muscles in the exercise, focusing on individual bundles, and the barbell is less traumatic for the joints when working with large working weights.

1. Push-ups- the most important anatomical exercise for the chest muscles. If you want to pump up your chest, you just need to learn and be able to feel the pectoral muscles at work. However, push-ups have a limited resource for muscle growth, since they do not allow you to work with additional weight.

2. Dips- one of the best exercises for comprehensive development of the upper body, and, in particular, the shoulder girdle and triceps. When going down, the movement should be slow and controlled, when going up, it should be powerful and jerky (as if you are pushing your body up).

3. Bench press- . When performing the bench press, it is important to monitor your technique - do not relax your chest muscles at the top and bottom points of the movement, do not straighten your elbows and do not touch the barbell to your chest. Raise the barbell up for a count of 1-2, hold for 3-4 and lower for a count of 5-6.

4. Lying dumbbell flyes- a key exercise for working out the shape of the chest and giving it the correct “square” shape. Use light weights on the dumbbells, focusing primarily on the feeling of the muscle stretching. At the bottom of the movement, do not drop your elbows too low or spread your arms too wide.

5. Incline Dumbbell Press- an exercise to work the upper part of the pectoral muscles. When performing the exercise, do not lift your feet off the floor and make sure that the core muscles (especially the abs) are in constant slight tension - when lifting the dumbbells, you should feel how this helps you push the weight up.

Chest muscle development program

Since the chest is a large muscle, its mass is best increased by constantly increasing the working weight. Negative repetition techniques are effective, when they help you lift the barbell, but you lower it yourself, as well as the technique of achieving failure and pumping.

In a simplified form, a training program for the chest muscles of a beginner may look like this:

  • Dips - 2 sets and max. number of repetitions.
  • Bench press – 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Incline dumbbell press - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Lying dumbbell raises - 4 sets of 12 reps.

Breast shaping

The shape of the pectoral muscles largely depends on genetics, but the tilt of the body during exercise and the width of the arms affect how the muscles develop. The outer part of the chest, the most massive, is worked with a horizontal bench press with dumbbells or a barbell.

The upper chest is done with a dumbbell or barbell press on a bench with an incline of 45 degrees, the lower part is done with dips or a barbell press with a reverse incline. Center the pectoral muscles - using dumbbell flyes or butterfly flyes, as well as when bench pressing with a narrower grip.

Why breasts don't grow - main mistakes

If you are training your chest intensely, but the muscles are not growing and the chest is not taking on the desired shape, most likely you are doing one of two things: typical mistakes- either chase excessively large working weights to the detriment of technique, or train the same bundles of the pectoral muscle.

Change the equipment periodically so that each workout contains two or three non-repetitive exercises. In addition, give preference to free weights rather than focusing on machines that are more suitable for completing a workout or for warming up.


Training the pectoral muscles is one of the favorite workouts for bodybuilders, since these are the muscles that create a strong and massive body. The main secrets of successful breast pumping are constant progress of working weights, a variety of exercises and correct technique execution.

This article talks about all the most best exercises for pectoral muscles, with detailed description techniques for their implementation, all with photos and videos.

In general, in order to try the exercises listed below in practice, you will need a gym, because only there there is everything you need for this.

In case you intend to train at home, you will need the following:

  1. Adjustable bench for bench press (price from 5000 rubles)
  2. Olympic bar (price from 1300 to 28000 rubles)
  3. Dumbbells or collapsible dumbbells (price from 1000 rubles for one 10 kg dumbbell)
  4. Barbell plates (discs, weights, price depends on manufacturer and weight, approximately 3,500 rubles per 25 kg)
  5. Simulator: Smith machine (price from 20,000 rubles)
  6. Parallel bars simulator (price from 5,000 rubles), or a complex simulator: “horizontal bar, parallel bars, press” (price from 5,000 rubles)
  7. Crossover trainer (price from 15,000 rubles).

1. Incline barbell press (30 degree incline)

This exercise is designed to develop strength and mass in the upper pectoral muscles. This exercise uses the highest working weights, which makes it very effective for working the muscles of the pectoral mass. In my opinion, this is the most effective, powerful, on the chest.

Execution technique: The inclination of the bench is no more than 20-30 degrees (this is why an adjustable bench is needed, because on a regular incline bench the inclination is more than 45 degrees, this significantly reduces the effectiveness of this exercise). Lie down on a bench and raise your legs onto the bench so that there is no bridge; when you lift your legs, your back will immediately press against the bench, thereby making the exercise even more difficult. Take a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, remove the bar from the racks and lower it down.

Important : Do not touch the barbell to your chest at the lowest point and do not straighten your arms completely at the highest point. This is done in order to lowest point Maximum tension in the pectoral muscles was maintained, and the triceps were not engaged at the top point. Thus, the chest is constantly tense.

You can try to perform this exercise in a Smith machine. Because there the barbell is fixed (it moves up and down along a given path), it will be easier for you to learn the technique of performing this exercise, I personally perform this exercise here, therefore I recommend it!

This exercise effective exercise to develop volume and give the chest muscles a good shape. Just like the barbell bench press, it develops the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle in general well, although the main emphasis of the load is on the upper chest. When pressing dumbbells, do not shorten the amplitude. Stretching in the lower position is mandatory. And for this you need to choose a heavy but manageable weight of dumbbells. The incline is usually the same as in incline barbell presses, 20-30 degrees.

3. Barbell bench press

Technique: Lie down on the bench. In the starting position, the barbell is in front of the eyes. During the exercise, the body should maintain contact with the bench at three points: feet firmly planted on the floor, buttocks firmly pressed against the bench, and upper back also pressed firmly against the bench. At the same time, the back naturally bends in the area between the shoulder blades and buttocks. Grip the barbell shoulder-width apart at an even distance from the ends of the bar. Remove the weight from the racks and, while maintaining control of the weight, slowly lower it to the center of your chest. With a powerful but controlled movement, return the bar to its starting position. Work with full range of motion, don't sacrifice it to use heavy weight.

There is a “classic” bench press, used in bodybuilding to develop chest muscles, and a “lifter” bench press, which allows you to press much larger weights per repetition.

  1. The purpose of performing the lift press is to start pressing more, and learn to include the chest muscles, triceps, latissimus and anterior deltoids at the same time!
  2. But for bodybuilding definitely only classic bench press lying down, because our goal is not to lift a huge weight for 1 repetition, but to work the muscle as much as possible.

Attention: If you were vigilant, you probably already noticed that in the video an open grip is used, due to an injury to the athlete’s hand. Carefully avoid doing this, the grip should be closed!

Read more about this exercise in the article:

4. Dips (with emphasis on the chest)

Dips are an excellent basic exercise for the outer and lower chest muscles.

Technique: Sit on wide bars (palms facing each other). Ideally, the bars should diverge slightly to the sides so that your elbows also look a little to the sides. Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees, and constantly maintain this angle. Bend your head slightly down to slightly round your back and thereby emphasize contraction of the chest muscles. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, tilt your body forward, and move your pelvis back (to engage the chest muscles, not the arm muscles). As you exhale, push up and return to the starting position.

5. Raises of arms on inclined or horizontal benches

This is a formative exercise for the upper chest. After squeezing the dumbbells, try very slowly, without losing balance, to lower them with straight arms down towards the pelvis. Performing chest exercises in this movement plane puts a good load on the upper pectoral muscles, especially in a stretched position. Amplitude- full. Stretching in the lower position is mandatory. Bench inclinations can be very different. From negative (-30 degrees) to classic positive (35 -45 degrees). It is recommended to alternate inclinations and the most IMPORTANT thing is NOT TO CHANCE THE WEIGHT.

The best chest shaping exercise to complete your workout. However, in the first year of classes you should forget about it until you have gained enough muscle mass. The exercise stretches the upper pectoral muscles as much as possible without loading the joints. It is performed both standing and on an inclined bench. In the latter version, the most difficult to grow area of ​​the “collar” (the middle upper part of the pectorals next to the neck) is extremely loaded. The pace of this chest exercise is slow. In the contracted position, there is a pause for peak muscle contraction. In principle, this exercise is performed from both the upper and lower rollers.

With this, I end this issue. I hope you found it INTERESTING and INFORMATIVE.

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For dessert - video: chest muscle training for MEN and WOMEN separately:

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Toned breasts make a woman seductive and attractive. To maintain her beauty, you can resort to expensive services plastic surgery specialists, or you can perform special exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles, which are designed for women.

The breast complex keeps the body in good shape, ensuring an attractive and sexy figure.

How breast lift exercises work

There are no muscles in the chest itself, so you should not think that correct exercises will allow you to increase its size. By performing such specialized exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women, the muscles that support and are responsible for the tone of the mammary gland will only be involved.

Exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles for women help prevent breast atrophy and sagging.

These are a kind of corrective and supportive exercises that prevent breast atrophy and sagging.

General rules for performing exercises for breast lift

Exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles for women are not particularly difficult, but to perform them you will only need small dumbbells weighing 1–1.5 kg and a special mat for practicing on the floor.

One of the mandatory rules for performing any complex for physical development is the need for a light warm-up, which will warm up the body, ensuring mobility and elasticity of the muscles.

To warm up, do a few bends, arm swings and squats. Usually, a 5-minute warm-up is enough, after which you can proceed directly to performing the complex.

It is necessary to perform exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles (for women) on a regular basis, which will be the key to a beautiful figure.

Enough common mistake When performing exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles, women do it by using excessively heavy dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​or more. For an unprepared body, such a load is unbearable, the best result cannot be achieved, and harm can be done with 100% certainty.

A fairly common mistake made by women when performing exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles is the use of overly heavy dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​or more.

It is important to know! Performing complexes simple exercises To tighten the pectoral muscles, which are designed for women, you should maintain correct posture. You cannot bend your shoulders and spread your elbows. It is correct posture that is the key to the success of performing the exercises in question.

Exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles, performed while standing

The next complex is performed standing. It is recommended to select several exercises that are most suitable for each woman.

An exercise such as wall push-ups is considered effective. It is necessary, bending slightly, to stand near the wall, lean on it with your hands and perform light push-ups.

In this case, you need to do push-ups by bending your elbows. The body should keep the line; you should not round or arch the lower back, as the necessary load on the chest is lost.

In a standing position, you need to bring your palms together in front of your chest. Next, squeeze your palms with force and hold this position for about 10 seconds. Relax your hands and then repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

The mill exercise shows excellent results, which can also be used as a warm-up. Having straightened up, bend forward 90 degrees and at the same time lift right hand up, and the left one is lowered down.

Alternately lower and raise your arms, rotating your body, making appropriate bends. As you complete this exercise, you should speed up the rotation.
Chest exercises performed on a bench

Exercises performed on a gymnastic bench are very popular.. In the absence of one, you can use several stools, which are put together and thereby create an impromptu bench.

Such exercises on a bench allow you to effectively develop the body and specifically affect the chest.

The bench press shows excellent results in developing the chest muscles. Since it is difficult for girls to perform such a bench press, you can use one bar or a bar with weights of 1-2 kg. This will be enough to load the desired muscle area. The press in question should be performed for 8 repetitions and 3 approaches.

Bench push-ups are another fairly simple and popular exercise.. To perform them, you need to stand with your back to the bench, rest your hands on it, and stretch your legs slightly forward. Next, slowly squat while bending your arms. Do 5-6 such squats for 2-3 approaches.

Exercises with dumbbells to tighten the pectoral muscles

Exercises with weights are considered the most effective. They give additional load. You can perform it both in the gym and at home, replacing dumbbells with bottles of sand.

You will need two small dumbbells weighing about a kilogram. Hands with dumbbells are freely lowered to hip level, hands directed towards the body. Next, slowly, carefully raise your arms up and inhale at the same time. This exercise is done in 3 sets of 10 executions. Between each approach, rest should be equal to a minute.

When performing the Pullover exercise, you need to monitor the pelvic area, which should not rise from the bench

Dumbbell forward swings are another simple yet effective exercise. It allows you to develop the deltoid muscle. This exercise can be performed standing or sitting.

When swinging, the arms are initially positioned parallel to the hips along the body. The dumbbells should be held so that when performing swings, the fingers move from the chest. As you inhale, the weights themselves must be raised to approximately shoulder level.

In this case, you should not make sudden jerks; you need to raise and lower your arms at an average smooth pace.

The most popular exercise that helps strengthen and tighten the pectoral muscle is the fly while lying down or in an inclined position on a bench. For the fly you will need dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. Take a comfortable position on the bench, bend your arms with the apparatus at the elbows at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Next, you should carefully bring and spread the dumbbells, as if trying to hug an invisible tree with your hands. Just after just a few approaches you can feel the load on your body. necessary groups muscles, and after a few weeks of such exercises the first results will be noticeable.

Carefully! You should correctly dose your efforts when performing this exercise with weights. It is necessary to control the movement of the hands, which should not deviate from the initial angle of 45 degrees. Efficiency is observed with 4-5 approaches.

You can also perform an exercise such as Pullover with dumbbells on a bench.. It simultaneously engages the muscles of the shoulders and chest. To perform this you will need dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. The exercise in question is performed lying down, with your back supported on the bench. The body is positioned perpendicular to the bench, the legs are bent at the knees at a right angle and rest on the floor.

The apparatus must be carefully grasped by the bar, after which, moving exclusively your arms at the shoulders, you should lift the dumbbells up and down. In this case, you need to monitor the pelvic area, which should not rise from the bench, otherwise the pectoral muscles will not be worked during this exercise.

Top 5 most effective chest exercises

If we were to compile a kind of top 5 exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles for women, then we can note the following:

Exercise How to perform
Classic push-ups.Take the starting position: lying on a gymnastic mat. Place your hands exactly shoulder-width apart and turn your hands outward. The back is absolutely flat without deflection. It is necessary to perform push-ups slowly, lowering your body straight to the floor and bending your elbows. The chest practically drops, but you should not lie on the floor. Do 10 repetitions in 3 approaches.
Dumbbell bench press on the floor.Lie on your back, legs slightly bent. Take dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg in your hands. Arms spread to the sides, shoulders touch the floor. The dumbbells are raised vertically until the arms are straightened. Performed at least 6 times in 3 approaches.
Raises with dumbbells.Initial position: sitting or standing. You need to raise the dumbbells in front of you, with your arms slightly bent at the elbows. You should slowly open and close your arms. Repeat depending on the weight of the dumbbells from 10 to 20 times.
Dips.This exercise will require adequate physical strength. You should grasp the handrails as widely as possible, your body should be perpendicular to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, and at the entrance the body is slowly lowered down, supporting it exclusively with the hands. Then also slowly and carefully lift your body up. You should perform at least 5 repetitions.
Skier.Stand up straight, take small dumbbells in your hands. With their hands they imitate the movements of a skier and his swinging sticks. Hand movements from the hips, smooth. For good results, women are recommended to perform this exercise to tighten the pectoral muscles for at least 2 minutes.

Important to remember! Any, even the most effective, exercise must be performed correctly. This applies to both body position during such training and the intensity of repetitions, correct adherence to the number of approaches and maintaining the interval between each exercise and approach.

Yoga for tightening the pectoral muscles

Various yoga exercises are very popular today, which help improve health, and also correct the shape of the breasts and provide a seductive appearance to the figure.

Bow pose. You need to lie on your stomach and try to reach your ankles with your hand. As you inhale, bend and stretch upward for 5 seconds. As you exhale, relax and lower your arms.

Camel pose. Position on your knees, then rest your feet on the floor and keep your body straight. Starting from the waist, pull your arms up strongly. At the same time trying to lean back.

Yoga exercises can improve your health, correct the shape of your breasts, and provide a seductive appearance to your figure.

While sitting on a chair, you need to move your palms back and lean on the chair. You need to move to the very edge of the chair, then spread your shoulder joints and close your shoulder blades. The weight of the torso is concentrated on the arms.

A set of exercises for tightening the chest muscles from Camilla Wohler

Camilla Wohler is a well-known fitness specialist who has developed various gymnastics and effective exercises to support the female figure.

Exercise Elephant. You need to bend forward, your back parallel to the floor. Make active swings with both hands, while slowly turning your head behind them.

Exercise Albatross. You need to stand straight with your feet slightly apart. The arms are extended to the sides, the palms are turned upward. They move their hands behind their backs and actively stretch.

Tennis ball. To perform this exercise you will need a tennis ball., which must be taken in the hand and squeezed with force, the elbows should be directed to the sides. With some skill, you can perform this exercise even without a ball, squeezing your palms. Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise in question tightens the chest well.

Note! Camilla Voler's workouts can be found on the Internet, where not only a complex for strengthening the chest is presented, but also exercises for a beautiful and toned figure.

Exercises for tightening the pectoral muscles from oriental geishas

Since ancient times, it has been valued in the east female beauty. Oriental geishas were especially successful in this, they knew the secrets that allowed them to return their former beauty female breast and maintain its shape.

You need to stand on your toes, put your hands on your belt, and then rhythmically move your elbows back. It is recommended to repeat the exercise at least 30 times. It is extremely important to breathe correctly while moving your elbows back, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. The chest should be pushed forward when the elbows are abducted.

Another effective exercise that is popular in the east. It allows you to straighten and maintain posture and improve the shape of your breasts. While kneeling, you need to lean on a small and low support located a meter from the student.

Bend the body, touching the edge of the support with the chest. Then, using only the strength of the hands, they return to their original position. When performing this exercise, you should not bend at the lower back while holding your hands correctly.

Exercises to tighten the pectoral muscles (for women): in pictures

There are numerous effective complexes for correcting breast muscles in women. Such exercises are not complicated, so they can be easily performed at home. If you exercise correctly, you can notice the first effect literally a month after the start of training.

The best chest exercises for women that can be performed both at home and in the gym:

Exercises at home to tighten the pectoral muscles: