How to do push-ups correctly - classic and modified bench press technique (98 photos). How to do push-ups correctly and how to learn to do push-ups from scratch

There are many sports exercises that are highly effective and efficient. One of them is push-ups which are recommended not only for adults, but also for children. You can start doing push-ups from the age of six. This exercise is especially necessary for adults, because over the years physical activity decreases.

The high effectiveness of push-ups is beyond doubt. They are effective both in combination with other exercises, and separately, when limited only to their implementation.

Push-ups are mainly aimed at training the upper body:

  • biceps and triceps;
  • back muscles;
  • pectoral, serratus anterior, deltoid muscles.

They allow you to develop endurance and promote muscle growth. Push-ups should be done by everyone actively involved in any sport, as well as by everyone who wants to be in good physical shape.

How to do push-ups correctly?

Exercise brings maximum benefit only if the execution technique is followed. To do push-ups correctly, you need to adhere to the following scheme of actions:

Take starting position

Lie down on a horizontal, flat surface. In this case, your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and your feet should be hip-width apart. You need to make sure that your toes rest on the floor and your palms point up.

Perform a push-up

While inhaling, the arms bend at the elbow joints, the body lowers down so that it forms an even and straight line, which should be uniform and not break.

Any deflection violates the technique of execution. If the body bends, then push-ups become easier to perform, but this makes them ineffective.

Take the original position

Returning to the starting position is performed while exhaling.

There are many varieties of push-ups. This allows you not only to diversify your workouts, but also to choose, after trying different options, the most optimal ones for yourself. There are over fifty types of this exercise, but it is enough to dwell on the most popular ones.

Push-ups can be lightened or weighted. It depends on the position of the arms and legs. Using third-party equipment in an exercise can make the process easier or, conversely, complicate it.

Light push-ups

Best suited for beginners. The relief push-up complex consists of the following exercises:

The easiest push-up. To perform it, stand at a distance of 50 cm from the wall, support yourself with your hands, raise your heels, bend your arms as you inhale, approach the wall, and take the starting position at the exit.

To make push-ups easier and simpler, you can rest your hands on a bench or step.

If you press your knees rather than your toes into the floor, then doing push-ups becomes much easier.

This complex is ideal for initial muscle training, in preparation for stronger loads in the future.

Weighted push-ups

Much more effective than the basic ones. Strengthening occurs by alternating various types of push-ups:

Reducing the area of ​​support makes it more difficult to perform, but allows you to train your knuckles.

Suitable for those who are well prepared and trained.

The emphasis is on one hand, while the other is behind the back. Due to this, there is a significant increase in load.

It is more difficult to perform than on a horizontal plane. As the height of the bench increases, the center of gravity shifts even more, and, therefore, more effort is required.

One chair is placed under the feet, two - under the arms. You can limit yourself to using only a couple of chairs on which you place your palms. Doing push-ups this way is much more difficult, but also more effective.

Increases the load on the back muscles. You can use a special vest, weights from a barbell, dumbbells, or a backpack with a load in it.

Techniques such as changing the distance between the hands, clapping, or changing the stop can make push-ups on your fists more difficult. Another option is to do a circuit exercise. To do push-ups in this way, after lowering the body, move the weight onto one hand, moving to the center, transfer the load to the other hand, and then return to the starting position.

These exercises are great for doing not only in the gym, but also at home. This will not affect their effectiveness in any way.


It is best to start doing push-ups with weights after mastering the basic classical scheme execution. You shouldn't chase quantity. Much quality is more important- correct technique.

How many push-ups should you do?

You should exercise three to four times a week. This will give the muscles the opportunity to rest after each workout. Not only the intensity of the training matters, but also the number of push-ups. A special table allows you to understand the latter. It presents a complex designed for three and a half months, training in which consists of 5 approaches:

Week Number of push-ups
first 20/20/15/15/10
second 25/25/20/15/10
third 30/30/25/20/15
fourth 35/30/25/20/15
fifth 40/35/25/20/15
sixth 40/40/30/30/20
seventh 45/40/35/35/25
eighth 45/45/35/35/25
ninth 50/45/35/35/30
tenth 50/50/40/40/35
eleventh 55/50/40/40/35
twelve 60/55/40/40/35
thirteenth 60/60/45/45/40
fourteenth 65/60/45/45/40
fifteenth 65/65/45/45/40

The program allows you to increase the number of push-ups performed in one workout to 260. To increase the complexity of the training, you should not limit yourself to the basic execution. The complex can be varied with push-ups using weights, with narrow grip, with emphasis on chairs.

Greetings, my dear Kachatas! Just the other day I came across in the gym the fact that many, even the long-term residents, do not know how to do push-ups correctly. I looked and looked at this disgrace and thought that perhaps they were not so alone in their mistakes. The result of my contemplative process was the writing of this article “How to do push-ups correctly.” So, today we will talk about mistakes in push-ups, the correct technique for performing them, variations or, more correctly, types, and of course we will look at some practical tricks that will help you master this strength exercise once or twice.

Is everything assembled?...then let’s not drag the cat too long, let’s get straight to the point.

How to do push-ups correctly: the technical side of the issue

“Take a prone position!” – I think this phrase is familiar to many from physical education lessons, but in the army it’s probably like the “Our Father” prayer. Now it's outside 2013 , however, remembering my school years, I would like to say that almost every second guy had problems with this exercise. I won’t say that everyone was kind of weak - no, it’s just that some were familiar with the “spin-up” since childhood and constantly honed the correct technique for performing it, and someone “kicked the bulldozer” at the same time.

In general, the guys’ attitude towards push-ups can be characterized by the following succinct expression: “we were forced, we didn’t want to” :). Why didn’t they want to?...personally, I think that no one explained how to do it correctly, so almost everyone had modest results. After all, you must admit that it is much more pleasant when you enjoy the exercise (even overcoming the pain) than when you move, you don’t understand how and the strength goes, you don’t understand where.

How to do push-ups correctly: muscle atlas of exercises

Below I will provide a visual with alternative options performing push-ups that can be used by both sexes.

Push-up variations and training program

There are many variations of push-ups, and they depend on the tasks that the athlete sets for himself. Let's look at the most common push-up variations. At home it is (see image):

  • circular push-ups;

The abdominal muscles, triceps, as well as the pectoral and deltoid muscles are intensely loaded. They are done in a lying position, with the palms located slightly wider than the shoulders and at the same level as the heart. The body describes a circle; while inhaling, the lowering occurs, and when exhaling, lifting occurs.

  • with wide/narrow hand position;

In such push-ups, the emphasis is completely shifted to the chest (wide stance) or triceps (narrow setting). The technique is identical to the “classic”, only the arms are wider/narrower than the shoulders 2 times.

  • with a jump;

An exercise option from which allows you to develop explosive muscle strength. Lowering occurs while inhaling, while exhaling we push off powerfully, make a clap in flight and return to the starting position.

  • on chairs;

By increasing the range of motion, a greater load is placed on all participating muscle groups. Take two chairs (preferably steel), place them side by side and lie down on them. The technique is similar to classic push-ups.

Fist push-ups are also very common, which significantly strengthen the muscles of the hand.

In general, the execution technique remains the same, however, it must be taken into account that the main distribution of the body weight load should fall on the phalanges 2 And 3 fingers, not the entire fist. Also, in order not to get your hands bleeding, you need to place a soft cloth or towel under your fists. (although I personally don't bother with this).

Some may enjoy push-ups on the edge of the palm and even on the fingers. However, beginners should not do this, because... You can easily get serious injuries to your limbs. By changing the position of the legs together with the body, we work either the upper or lower bundles of the chest muscles. Try throwing your legs on the windowsill at home, and you will immediately feel increased tension in the upper chest.


Peddy Doyle holds the world record for push-ups (former bandit). He did push-ups in 24 hours (attention!) 37000 once. In one bar in England he did 7860 push-ups in a row.

In general, there are a wagon and a small cart of types of push-ups, and I think that very soon we will devote a separate article to them, so stay tuned.

In order to constantly progress in push-ups, you need to create a training plan for yourself. For beginners, it is best to adhere to the following training regimen: push-ups 2 once a week 3 approach to 10-12 reps, rest between sets 15 seconds For more advanced athletes, the following plan is suitable: 3-4 once a week after the main workout in the gym, 3 approach to 20 reps, rest with sets 10 seconds

For those who do not know how to do push-ups at all, but after reading the article they were inspired by this goal, it is best to start with lighter versions of push-ups - from the wall, from the knees. As soon as you feel the strength, switch to the classics and perform 2 approach to 7-9 repetitions, 1-2 once a week. You will be able to quickly master more complex “push-up” schemes.

For those who are stuck at a crossroads and can't seem to move the number of times, the following training scheme will help you increase the number of push-ups with 80 to 260 in just 15 weeks

And finally, if push-ups don’t work at all, then you can resort to some tricks:

  • Find it in the gym and place the bar at the bottom of it. Lie down under it and do push-ups about 10 times. Move the bar down one notch each time (until you choose the most difficult height for yourself) and repeat push-ups. Soon you will be able to easily master classic push-ups;
  • If your wrists hurt, then try using quad/octagonal dumbbells. Take them by the handles and begin to perform the exercise, making sure that the hand and forearms form one line. This will reduce discomfort in the wrist area.

Well, that’s basically all I wanted to talk about today, let’s sum up the final results.


Of course, to answer the question - how to do push-ups correctly? - it’s not enough to just watch a video or read smart books and training programs, the main thing here is practice. Therefore, let's finish reading this interesting article, we tear off the buttocks from the computer chair and begin to hone the technique and various options performing push-ups right at home.

With this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again my dear readers, success in sports to all!

PS. I am always glad to receive your comments and questions, please write them in the form below.

Push-ups are basic exercise, which must be present in every workout. It makes it possible to improve your physical performance, develop strength and endurance, and also tone your muscles. For the exercise to bring only benefits, a person must know how to do push-ups correctly.


Athletes who practice push-ups every day have repeatedly been convinced of the effectiveness of this exercise. Thanks to it, you can strengthen not only separate groups muscles, but also the whole body. And for this you don’t have to go to gym, since the lesson is easy to do at home, the exercise does not require any sports equipment, you can do it even without a mat. You just need to allocate a little free space for yourself, take the starting position and begin the exercise.

After exercising for some time, a person will begin to notice the following changes:

  • endurance will improve;
  • the muscles of the upper torso will increase significantly;
  • metabolic processes in the body will improve;
  • immunity will improve.

Regular exercise will also be the key to good health and good mood. This is worth spending a few minutes a day doing push-ups.


Not all athletes who practice this exercise know which muscles work during push-ups. It’s worth clarifying right away that during classes the load does not always fall on the same zones. The exercise has a lot of variations. Each type of push-up affects certain muscle groups. Usually the main load goes to the following parts of the body:

  • triceps The load on it varies depending on the width of the arms. The muscle itself is responsible for extension of the upper limbs;
  • serratus anterior muscle. It allows the torso to look most attractive. The muscle begins to grow and strengthen only through push-ups;
  • press. It helps a person hold his body for a long time while performing the exercise in a lying position. Thanks to push-ups, cubes can appear on it only if there is a minimal layer of fatty tissue on the stomach;
  • neck. During the exercise, this area is also affected, although to a lesser extent;
  • breast. Thanks to the pectoral muscle, a person can make pushing movements with the upper part of his body. When lifting and lowering the body during an exercise, it is this area that receives the greatest load. It may take a novice athlete a lot of time to enlarge the pectoral muscle, since in most people it is in an atrophied state.

This list cannot be called a complete answer to the question of which muscles swing during push-ups. After all, also during classes are underway impact on the back and biceps. But it is insignificant, so coaches and professional athletes usually do not mention these zones.


There are different types of push-ups. Each of them has its own characteristics. There are the following options:

  • wide, narrow and medium. The first are forced by external pectoral muscles work as hard as possible. Due to them, the required volume appears in this zone. Narrow push-ups, unlike wide ones, require the arms to be close to the body. In this case, there is less load on the chest, development in to a greater extent get triceps. With a medium grip, both the pectoral muscles and triceps develop;
  • on one hand. One of the most complex species exercises. During its execution, almost the entire part of the abdominal press works. These push-ups are the best way to develop strength;
  • tilted up or down. The first ones are recommended for beginners, as they give less load than the second ones. Both push-up options force the oblique and abdominal muscles to work actively and help straighten the spine;
  • push-ups on your knees. A lightweight version of the classic exercise, which is usually offered to beginners with poor physical fitness;
  • isometric. This is the name for strength training, during which there is no change in muscle length and joint movement. The person simply freezes in the desired position for a while. Isometric push-ups are good for training endurance and strengthening muscles.

Regardless of whether it is classic exercises or push-ups on the knees, these types of loads give excellent results. The main thing is to do them every day so that short terms get your own body in shape.


There is a standardized technique for performing the exercise that should be followed. After all, incorrect push-ups from the floor will not only not give the desired result, but will also lead to serious injury.

The classic exercise involves performing the following steps:

  • you need to kneel;
  • your hands should rest on the floor;
  • Next, you need to straighten your legs so that they create one line with your body;
  • should now be lowered top part torso, while bending your arms;
  • you need to lower yourself to a level from the floor that is equal to the width of your fist;
  • then you can return to the starting position;
  • the exercise is repeated the required number of times. In the first stages, 5-10 push-ups are enough. Each time it is advisable to increase the number of repetitions.

Doing push-ups this way will be very difficult at first. But over time, the body will get used to the load, and performing the exercise will become much easier.

Isometric push-ups are performed according to the same pattern, only it is supplemented by a short freeze in the middle of the exercise.

Those who are just starting to get their body in order will certainly wonder how to breathe correctly when doing push-ups. Indeed, during exercise it is very important that your breathing is correct when doing push-ups. The rhythm of breathing depends on the pace of the exercise. It is necessary to take in air through the nose, take calm inhalations and exhalations. As you lower yourself to the floor, you need to inhale through your nose. When lifting the body, exhale. A powerful exhalation helps straighten your arms. Correct breathing is extremely important when performing this exercise, so you need to pay maximum attention and perseverance to master it and in the future you will breathe correctly automatically.

But to the question “How many push-ups should you do per day?” there is no clear answer. Each person should have their own program depending on their initial physical fitness person. In addition, it is important to know for what purpose you are doing push-ups: to pump up muscles or simply to strengthen and heal the body. In the first case, the load is much higher.

Help me choose the best ways A competent trainer will help you with push-ups and the mode of their implementation. Following his recommendations, a beginner will quickly master the technology of performing the exercise and achieve the desired result, which is achieved by regular training. If you decide on your own training regimen, you need to be careful not to harm your health.

Push-ups are one of the most effective sports exercises. Push-ups are recommended even for children aged six years and older. Is it worth talking about the importance of these exercises for adults, who are often less mobile and whose muscles require much more work? There is no doubt about the benefits of push-ups - they give results, even if you limit yourself to them.

Push-ups train primarily the upper body - the body and arms, namely:

They develop endurance and stimulate growth muscle mass. Performing a set of push-ups is mandatory for those who are actively involved in any kind of sport. But also just for support physical health These are the necessary exercises.

The basic scheme of push-ups from the floor is as follows: you need to take an emphasis while lying on a flat surface, place your hands shoulder-width apart, palms pointing up, feet hip-width apart, toes resting on the floor. As you inhale, bend your elbows and move your body down. The body should form a straight line, and during tilting this line should not break: bending is a violation, they make push-ups not only easier, but also ineffective. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Numerous types of push-ups allow you to try different variations and choose the most optimal ones. There are more than fifty varieties in total, but you can limit yourself to a few of the most popular ones. So, depending on the position of the arms and legs, push-ups can be weighted or, on the contrary, lightened.

There is also another classification: without the use of third-party objects and with the use of inventory. It can either make the process easier or more difficult.

Light push-ups

Those who are just starting to train should form a set of push-ups from lightweight exercises.

  • The wall is the easiest option: stand at a distance of 0.5 m from the wall, support yourself with your hands, raise your heels. As you inhale, bend your arms, approach the wall, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Bench or steps - if you place your hands on a bench or step, it will be easier to do push-ups.
  • Push-ups that focus on your knees rather than your toes are much easier.

These exercises will allow you to initially train your muscles and prepare them for further, more serious loads.

Weighted push-ups

They are more effective than basic push-ups. To strengthen training of different muscle groups, it is worth alternating different types of push-ups.

  • Push-ups on your fists - the support area is smaller than when pushing on your palms, so doing the exercise is more difficult. This weighting additionally trains the knuckles;
  • Push-ups on the fingertips are an exercise for those who are prepared;
  • Push-ups on one hand (the second behind the back) also increase the load;
  • Bench or steps - if you place your feet on the equipment, it will be more difficult to do push-ups. The higher the bench, the more the center of gravity shifts, and the more effort you need to put into doing push-ups.
  • Chairs - three products are fulcrum points (that is, they are placed under the legs and under each of the arms). You can put two - just under the palms. Doing push-ups this way is much more difficult than doing push-ups on the floor. But also more effective.
  • Weights - dumbbells, weight plates, special vests or the like improvised means how a backpack with a load increases the load on the back muscles.

In addition to push-ups from the floor on your fists, you can make the exercises more difficult if after each push-up you change the distance between your hands, do a clap, and alternate the fulcrum between the floor and the bench. The exercise can be done in a circular manner: while inhaling, lower yourself and transfer the weight to one hand; move to the center; transfer weight to the other hand; while exhaling, return to the starting position.

These exercises are convenient because they can be done not only in a specially equipped gym, but also at home - this will not make them any less effective.

You should start doing push-ups with weights only after the basic pattern has been mastered. Quality is very important in this exercise: it is better to perform only two approaches, but using a really correct push-up technique.

How many times to do push-ups

This is also an important question. The table of push-ups from the floor will help you figure it out. You should exercise three to four times a week - this intensity will be enough, because the muscles need rest.

The program lasts 3.5 months, each workout consists of five approaches.

1 week - 20; 20; 15; 15; 10.

2 week - 25; 25; 20; 15; 10.

3 week - 30; 30; 25; 20; 15.

4 week - 35; 30; 25; 20; 15.

5 week - 40; 35; 25; 20; 15.

6 week - 40; 40; 30; 30; 20.

7 week - 45; 40; 35; 35; 25.

8 week - 45; 45; 35; 35; 25.

9 week - 50; 45; 35; 35; 30.

10 week - 50; 50; 40; 40; 35.

11 week - 55; 50; 40; 40; 35.

12 week - 60; 55; 40; 40; 35.

13 week - 60; 60; 45; 45; 40.

14 week - 65; 60; 45; 45; 40.

15 week - 65; 65; 45; 45; 40.

If you practice according to this table, you will eventually be able to increase the number of push-ups to 260. The program can be complicated if you do not only classic push-ups, but also push-ups from the floor with a narrow grip, push-ups with weights or on chairs.

Playing sports is beneficial not only for our physical health and figure, but also for the development of perseverance, fortitude and will. Back at school, during physical education lessons, they tried to instill in us a love for various types and forms of sports.

But not every school and not every physical education teacher was able to teach how to do push-ups correctly, and most importantly, with benefits for the body. There are a huge number of variations in performing this seemingly simple exercise.

After mastering the classic version (keep your hands shoulder-width apart, lying down), you can try various exercises with weights. In addition to them, there are many ways to perform this exercise, for example, on fists or even on the fingers of one hand.

For correct execution You will need very little of these types of exercises: only gender and the desire to achieve a high result. Willpower and timely training also don’t hurt.

Physical activity, including push-ups, is very beneficial for the body. They develop endurance, strength, correct body shape and improve mood.

With constant training, you will easily notice these pleasant effects and be able to feel the benefits of push-ups for yourself.

It is a common belief that push-ups can only pump up the pectoral muscles and arms, but this is not entirely true. In addition, various variations of the exercise can be aimed at working the abdominal and back muscles.

Before you start training, you should definitely evaluate your health and physical capabilities; for some people, push-ups may be contraindicated.

Such contraindications may include complications after any illness, problems with the heart and respiratory system.

How to learn to do push-ups

For correct push-ups you need to understand their essence. To begin, try to stand up straight, then press the back of your hand to your chest.

Make a pushing movement with your hand: forcefully push an imaginary object away from your chest. Try to feel which muscles are working at this moment, listen to your body. You can use your other hand to do this, placing it on your chest to better feel the tension.

We move on to a new stage: push-ups from the knees. The main goal of this exercise is to feel all the muscles involved in the exercise. To achieve this, you need to do push-ups very slowly.

Pay special attention to your body position: your entire torso, head and legs should form one straight line. Pay special attention to the pelvis: it should not be baked upward and should not sag: this is fraught with injuries.

If you perform the exercise correctly, you will feel tension in your abdominal muscles, in addition to the muscles of your arms and chest that we already know.

After mastering push-ups on your knees, you can move on to classic version. Remember the correct technique: watch your pelvis; the back and stomach should also not sag.

Do not do push-ups too deep and be sure to touch the floor with your chest. Push-ups deeper do not mean better or more correct, because in this position only the angle of the elbows is important, it should be equal to 90.

Pushups that are too deep are overrated. They are more likely to do more harm than good, since when your chest touches the floor, you bend your body. This is followed by gross errors in performing the exercise and even the risk of injury.

Extending your elbows too far in the upper position can also lead to injury. Do not bend your arms at the elbow joints too much - this is also a serious mistake in performing the exercise.

A little about breathing

Breathing: one of the most important components of any physical exercise, so you need to keep an eye on him. Inhalation should be done while bending over. Exhale when returning to the starting position.

Do not hold your breath under any circumstances - this is the main and very common mistake made by beginners.

If breathing becomes difficult, slow down or reduce the amount of exercise to a more comfortable level.

Many people are interested in how many push-ups should be done in one workout? The answer is simple: you need to start with small quantity, 3-4 push-ups are enough. Gradually increase the amount as you train, and you will see results very soon.

Photo of how to do push-ups correctly