Lyrics (lyrics) We are Autumn2. Hug warmly This fall we were late in preparing

Read fragments of dictionary entries from the Dictionary of the Russian Language. Conclude why the merged or separate writing causes difficulties.

No..., prefix. Used in the formation of nouns and adjectives and means:

1) the complete opposite of what the word without a prefix expresses, for example: foe (enemy), gloomy (sad); 2) (when forming adjectives and full participles) the opposite with a hint of moderation, for example: not stupid (smart enough); 3) the absence of what a word without a prefix expresses, for example: groundlessness, unscientific.

No, the particle is denied.

  1. Tells the word it refers to the meaning of complete negation. Living life is not a field to cross. (Proverb)
  2. Attaches meaning to uncertainty, incomplete denial. For example: He is wearing something round: a frock coat is not a frock coat, a coat is not a coat, a tailcoat is not a tailcoat... (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

28. Words of these parts of speech (see table) are used only with negative particle Not. They are not formed with the prefix not-. Fill in the table with your examples.

The particle not and the prefix cannot- can be used with:

  • by nouns: Untruth (lie) and untruth, but lie;
  • by adjectives (qualitative): not an easy (hard) path and not easy, but the hard way;
  • participles: uncorrected errors and not corrected, but underlined errors;
  • adverbs ending in -o (-e): carelessly and not carefully, but decisively.

29. Rewrite the proverbs, opening parentheses and adding punctuation. Graphically justify your choice of spelling.

1. (Not) years, but grief ages. 2. The old horse (will not) step past. 3. Old age is a (un)joy. 4. Learning is light and (not) learning is darkness. 5. Every (un)truth is a sin. 6. (Not) work and care dries. 7. Even a strong army dies from (dis)order.

30. Explain graphically the spelling not with adjectives.

Immature thought; not beautiful, but ugly; gentle character; unknown countries; unskillful work; not an attentive, but an absent-minded student; careless handwriting; unflattering review; biased judgment.

31. Explain the combined and separate spelling of no. 1. This song is not funny, but sad. 2. Isn't this stupid? 3. We sang not loudly, but very quietly. 4. His story is not at all funny. 5. This film is not interesting at all. 6. This house is far from new. 7. The task is not difficult, but confusing. 8. The road is uneven, but the shortest. 9. The guys ate green apples, not ripe ones. 10. He didn’t say it loudly, as he should have, but in such a way that even the neighbor didn’t understand anything. 11. He spoke quietly, but very convincingly.

32. In the “Dictionary of Erroneous Spellings of Schoolchildren” by V. Ya. Bulokhov, among the frequency words, words with not are placed. Test yourself and write down, opening the brackets, only those words that are not used without. Indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling not.

(not) vast, (not) to hate, (not) far away, (necessary), (hate, (not) ordinary, (non) continuous, (not) how much, (not) cozy, (unnoticeable, (not) far away , (in)bending, (un)reconciliation, (impatience, (not)to love, (not)interesting, (not)slow, (not)clear, (not)seen, (not)freely, (not)when, ( in)numerable, (irreconcilable, (in)hateful, (in)invincible, (in)despair, (in)silent, (in)careless, (in)stupid.

33. Solemnly read the poem by Colonel General L. G. Ivashov. Find sentences in which the particle not is used. Which of these sentences, in your opinion, clearly characterizes modern officers?

      Officer brotherhood, officer honor
      There were, will be and are saints in the Russian army.
      At sharp turns, in the hard times of war,
      Officers of Russia, you are the hope of the country.
      You are from the Russian knights, from Peter’s pets,
      No, it’s not time for Russian glory to sink into eternity.
      This great glory and oath are faithful
      Officers of Russia, the honor and pride of the country.

      The brass of the orchestra and the banner again excite hearts
      A gray-haired general, a young lieutenant.
      They just don’t want a fight, but silence for everyone
      Russian officers, pain and conscience of the country.

34. Write down, separating parts with commas complex sentence, homogeneous members and opening the brackets. Outline the second sentence. Orally explain the meaning of phraseology from time immemorial.

The home seems to be complaining(?) about old age and asking for repairs. But I know that the renovation would be ruinous for the house. You can’t disturb old, hardened bones. Everything here has merged and boiled into one whole; it is better (not) to touch the related logs (not) to test their time-honored loyalty to each other.

In such (not) rare cases, it is better to build a new house side by side with the old one, which is what my ancestors did from time immemorial. And (not, not) it occurred to anyone (not) the (not) stupid idea to break it down to the ground old house before you start cutting a new one.

(According to V. Belov)

35. Copy, opening the brackets, explaining the choice of spelling and placing missing commas. Underline the participles as parts of the sentence. In the last sentence, underline the grammatical basis.

This fall we were behind on preparing the garden for winter. The fallen leaves are still (not) removed (n, nn) ​​from the earth (not) dug up (n, nn) ​​and the tree trunks are (not) white (n, nn)s. (Un)prepared fertilizers. At the beginning of September, (un)dig(n, nn)s holes for planting new rose bushes so that they strengthen before frost.

We went with the whole family to garden plot and got to work together. By evening, the collected leaves had already been taken out of the garden, the soil lay like a lush feather bed. Before planting, the stems of roses are cut short (n, nn) ​​on the shoots leaving (n, nn) ​​about 3-5 buds. Mix...(n, nn) ​​fertilizers and place(n, nn)s on the bottom of the excavation(n, nn) ​​holes. Roses are planted (n, nn)s. The white(n, nn) ​​tree trunks delight the eye with their whiteness. Os(n, nn)s work is finished(n, nn)s. Let's hope(?) that the garden will winter well and bloom profusely in the spring.

36. Essay.

[Verse 1, We]:
I'm afraid of winter coming,
And we kept guard over the summer;
We protected the rain from the snow,
Blows were exchanged from the chest.

And we dressed the foliage in bracelets -
We didn't let her wear yellow colors.
We asked the sunsets to be late,
They were attracted to the moon a hundred times.

Autumn very closely
Looks through your eyes.
When we were strangers -
We knew each other better.

The leaves are crumbling dry,
The leaves are crumbling dry;
Love was the summer sun
And now, love is an element!

[Verse 2, We]:
They are naked, sad and beautiful,
My neighbors are the trees in the window.
They paint sands and bays,
But just in my head.

Black and white are not everything, there is also gray;
There is brown and there is blue.
I sang about green to someone’s families,
And I wanted to be with you now.

Autumn very closely
Looks through your eyes.
When we were strangers -
We knew each other better.

The leaves are crumbling dry,
The leaves are crumbling dry;
Love was the summer sun
And now, love is an element!

[Verse 3, We]:
There's no one singing in my head
And no one sang -
This was my heart;
I didn't have time to save him.

Warming up with a special beat
I remember that I learned a lot of patterns.
It's very easy to do something and somewhere,
But more important is when you are and with whom!

Autumn very closely
Looks through your eyes.
When we were strangers -
We knew each other better.

The leaves are crumbling dry,
The leaves are crumbling dry;
Love was the summer sun
And now, love is an element!

Autumn very closely
Looks through your eyes.
When we were strangers -
We knew each other better.

The leaves are crumbling dry,
The leaves are crumbling dry;
Love was the summer sun
And now, love is an element!

About the song

  • In 2018, the duo WE have already managed to please their fan base with two fresh albums, but it looks like there is a lot of material that is waiting for its listener. So on the last day of autumn, the Artists presented their third release called WINTER. The released mixtape consists of five works, but the recordings contain almost no vocals from Eva Krause, who also managed to present her first “solo album” these days in the new project “MIREL”. Just one track signed as a fit raised a lot of questions among admirers of creativity because WE are the love of two people; However, the cover also caused a lot of surprise, over which everyone was guessing, but in the end they decided that the guy with dreadlocks was the image of Daniel Sheik. website

This fall we wrap ourselves in words.
This fall we are warmed only by phrases
and this is apparently not the same chapter at all
in which happiness will be revealed to us immediately

we often find refuge in words
bury ourselves in songs where memory hides
and let them sing not into the heart, but into the soul
but I believe that only songs will remain with us

autumn falls like an invisible burden in a dream
while we burn unseen, what
this happens, and, apparently, to me
the memory of those days is much more precious

there's someone eating strings there
others are waiting for their author to warm them up
because people are cold to be alone
in the crowd waiting for that same “tomorrow”

they are told that goodness does not require a reason
and hugs no longer warm many people
but why are you so cold,
hug warmly

and all those words that run behind
let them remain in summer forever
cool autumn and the dormant world
feeling like we

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 01.11.2014. Hug warmer

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