The Empress and the Dancer. “An Unfinished Novel” by Irina Allegrova

The singer's longest marriage - with the handsome dancer Igor KAPUSTA - lasted eight years. They were connected by true love, but at some point the husband decided to separate: he left the house he built with his own hands, and the woman he was married to. After a divorce about a talented dancer for many years neither his friends nor colleagues heard. We managed to find Igor and persuade him to talk about his marriage to Allegrova for the first time.
I spotted Igor in the crowd at first sight. A tall, handsome man entered the cafe on Tverskaya, where Kapusta had made an appointment. The age of “nearly fifty” did not affect him - he has practically not changed since the time of Irina Allegrova’s video for the song “Wedding Flowers”, where footage of the real wedding of this couple was used. I started the conversation with his disappearance from the world of show business.
- Igor, people in the party still remember you. They call you a talented dancer, stage director and wonder where you disappeared to.
- I completely changed my social circle when I left Irina in 2001. I am involved in business, got married, and my daughter Sashenka is five years old. I recently became a grandfather: my son from his first marriage, Stanislav, gave birth to a daughter, I came from St. Petersburg to visit them in Moscow.
- After the famous Vaganova School, from which you graduated, and the Leningrad Music Hall, where you began your career, you danced for four years in the Recital group with Alla Pugacheva. How did you get into Allegrova’s team?
- “Recital” was the happiest time in my work. We earned very good money, and working with Alla was a pleasure. But one day, during a tour in Greece, almost the entire cast decided to stay there. I also stayed abroad for some time, and when I returned, I ended up in a completely different country.

He left the Union and came to Russia. A familiar masseuse who worked for Allegrova advised me to go to Ira. I came to her team together with a girl Tatyana from Recital, with whom I had lived together for several years. I soon discovered that Irina Alexandrovna had feelings for me. I admit that I suffered from her excessive attention and pretended not to notice anything. And that masseuse, Marina, constantly asked me: how do you like Allegrova? Is it true, beautiful woman? Thus, he and Ira reconnoitered the situation. My Tanya began to throw hysterics and scenes of jealousy. One day, after another showdown, I jumped out of the entrance, saw Allegrova’s “nine,” got into it, and we left. By the way, Ira’s song “The Hijacker” is just about that incident: she recorded it the very next day after the incident, and a week later she performed it on stage. Ira generally did everything quickly. A woman so strong that she can move a pillar with her gaze.

- It is known that in 1993 you got married without going through the registry office.
- According to the law, people can’t get married without a stamp in their passport, so we went to church with our friends’ documents. Although eight years later we never made it to the registry office - those were very happy years.

Ira simply flew, and creatively she reached the peak of her popularity during her emotional takeoff. Before me, she never rested, but only worked. We bought our first good car- a Mercedes and went on a honeymoon to travel around Europe.
- Did you have family traditions?
- Certainly. At any time of the day I met Ira from tour. I wanted to go home together, without a driver. She gave the housekeeper a day off and cooked herself - tasty, elegant. In fact, Irina is a homebody and during the break between concerts she could not leave her apartment for weeks. I drew sketches of costumes and designed makeup. We had such a good time together! And as a woman she is magnificent. In our intimate relationships there was everything in abundance, even when she was very tired after the concert. I am grateful to Irina for many things.

The caring housewife Lala loves to pamper her relatives with delicious things: mother and grandmother Serafima Mikhailovna - pancakes, son Sasha - soup:

Why did you break up?
- Ira - luxury man, but with all its advantages there is also a disadvantage. Her big mistake is that she lets everyone into her life. Drivers, masseuses, housewives instantly became her friends, forgot about their responsibilities and began to give her “practical” advice, which she appreciated. Some tried to get close to her because of money, others needed connections. I'm with it for a long time I struggled and then got tired of it. Trying to build everyone up, I began to disturb everyone in her house.
At the same time, she drove away those people who really treated Allegrova well. For example, a unique person, Igor Krutoy, was a frequent guest in our house, but I constantly had to reconcile them. As soon as I left my wife, they quarreled. One day I realized that I didn’t want anything anymore. Completed our country house and left. At the very beginning of our relationship, I told Irina: I came to you with one toothbrush, with one brush and I’ll leave. And so it happened.

- It turns out that you built a love nest and flew away.
- We bought a small dacha from Oscar Feltsman. The energy there was amazing, but there were no conditions. A bucket served as a toilet. The snow is knee-deep in winter, and in spring we get stuck in mud. But we still had a good time together. Ira left her two-room apartment to her daughter Lala. We didn't plan to build huge house, they only wanted to make repairs, but then they went on vacation, during which Ira’s close circle launched a grandiose construction project. With the purchase of the dacha, we got into debt, plus the builders cheated us out of a lot of money. I had to take control of everything. “Ira, go on tour, and I’ll quit work and take care of the house,” I told my wife. I was pleased to build our nest. Considering the house our fortress, I asked Ira that we should live there just the two of us. In fact, the “nest” turned into a hostel. As soon as I flew to Odessa, we had small business, Allegrova’s entourage gathered at the dacha. The relationship with her daughter was especially difficult. Lala ruined our marriage. She is an extremely complex person and barged into our lives whenever she wanted. IN big house It was impossible to be alone, she turned my mother against me. At that time, Lala was 28 years old, and this child had never worked anywhere. Although she was already married and gave birth to Sasha. Ira, by the way, was categorically against her husband, but her daughter did as she liked.
- Why should a daughter interfere with her mother’s happiness?
- Do you know what women's envy is? The toad was strangling Lalu. She couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she lived in a two-room apartment, and we were in a mansion. But now all Irina’s love and the rest goes to her daughter. They say that water wears away stones - Lala became that water...
- After the breakup, did you see Allegrova?
- I maintain relationships with all my women, but I have never called Ira. The year before last she had a tour in St. Petersburg. I bought a front row ticket and listened to the entire concert. Ira saw me from the stage, but never looked me in the eyes.
- Tell me, have you ever been jealous of your ex-wife? She is such a beautiful, bright woman.
- She never gave reasons for jealousy. I admit that I cheated on her. But he did it so that Irina would not know about it. I didn't want her to get hurt. I always treated this man with great respect. Why did he change? Don't know. It’s hard for anyone to compare with Ira, but it’s not just me. We both missed something...

The relationship between CABBAGE and ALLEGROVA developed before our eyes older sister Igor - Galina, a famous St. Petersburg choreographer. In her opinion, real reasons parting beautiful couple much more serious than what the singer’s ex-husband told us.
“Igor took his wife to New Zealand shamans,” says Kapusta’s sister, Galina.
“Our mother, Roza Nikolaevna, still adores her former daughter-in-law, collects articles about her, takes care of photographs despite the fact that Allegrova broke up with Igor badly,” Galina Dmitrievna began the story. - Irina has a difficult character, but if she likes a person, she will give him everything. We were sure that this marriage of Igor was for life. No one was embarrassed that his wife was eight years older than him; the difference was not noticeable. Their relationship could be strengthened common child, but Ira could not give birth. She went to doctors for a long time. I even went with Igor to the shaman in New Zealand, where I stood under some magic tree, but nothing helped.
- Do you know why they started the conflict?
- As a rule, it all came down to alcohol. Igor could not see his wife drunk. She became very angry as the temperature increased, as if her brain was turning in the other direction. Countless times she wrote Igor a receipt that she would not drink again. “Igorechka,” she said, “I’ll just drink a little champagne.” More people always went for champagne strong drinks. I come to their wedding, and on the table there is a huge bottle of cognac, which I won’t be able to drink in six months. Irina’s narrow circle of friends drained her at once, after which everyone lay down and slept through the wedding. An hour and a half late! I remember how everyone jumped up and started looking all over the house for pants, bowties, and jewelry. Ira in the car a quick fix put on makeup.
- Did Irina love Igor very much?
- She was happy because she really won her husband back. Igor had another woman, Tatyana. Allegrova called her to a frank conversation and demanded that she give up her beloved man. Ira gave her money and asked her to leave the team. She provided her with work - she arranged for her lover to sing along with Kirkorov. After the breakup with my brother, Allegrova, as her employees said, could not come to her senses for two years and drank. There was no one else to hold her back.
Ira stayed with her grandson, mother and Lala. It’s unpleasant to remember, but Lala was always jealous of her mother. The girl was haunted by the fact that there was a man living nearby who knew how to do everything: all a man’s work, and also sewing, knitting, and cooking. At the same time, he is beautiful, but does not belong to her. Lala's character is much heavier than her mother's. There was such a case. When they bought a house from Feltsman, the composer asked to keep his housekeeper Tonya, who had lived there all her life, with them. A sweet, efficient woman did her job perfectly, without being annoying - she only spoke when she was asked questions. Igor and I loved to go into her little room, talk, and unwind. But one day my brother left for a long time, and when he returned, he found out that Lala had sent Tonya to a nursing home.
Over time, cameras appeared in Allegrova’s house, everything was monitored, and the person felt like he was in a golden cage. My brother calls the isolated cases when Igor and Ira were alone the happiest moments in their lives.

Of course, we wanted to hear Allegrova’s opinion. Having called Irina Alexandrovna, we heard the voice of her daughter.
“Mom is away,” Lala answered. - She will talk to you if she wants, but only in two months. We are not Philip Kirkorovs or Alla Pugachevs - we don’t need PR, we pack the halls anyway. Now you can only write that their marriage with Igor Kapusta has long been debunked.

Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband, Igor Kapusta, was released. The man told the whole truth about his imprisonment, they report

It is reported that the man served his sentence in a maximum security colony in the village of Fornosovo in Leningrad region.


In a conversation with NTV journalists, Igor admitted that being in prison changed him a lot. The first minutes of freedom literally plunged him into shock: after five years of imprisonment, the man looked at the world around us differently.

“I came out stunned, looking at the street, at everything with completely different eyes,” he shared.

Allegrova’s ex-husband also admitted that it was not easy for him to survive recent years in prison. In total, his friends with whom he had contact there were released before him. As a result, the man had to immerse himself in reading. According to Igor, he was often silent for days, because there was simply no one to talk to.

It is noted that after breaking up with Irina Allegrova, Kapusta married new darling, who bore him a daughter. However, the woman did not wait for her chosen one.

Kapusta has a difficult relationship with his eldest son from his first marriage, and his young wife left him and took their little daughter after he went to prison. Now only his sister supports him

“In five years I’ve lost the habit of seeing women,” says Kapusta, who lost all his luster in prison. It is now difficult to recognize him as the elegant man with whom the empress of the Russian stage Irina Allegrova fell in love.

They tried to be a real family. Allegrova took care of Kapusta’s son as if she were her own. But Irina’s daughter Lala did not recognize her mother’s new husband. Kapusta himself believes that during all the years of marriage he never became his own big family Allegrova.

“I was disturbing everyone there, starting with the housekeeper and the security,” he recalls. The situation in the house only became more tense over the years. The last straw was Cabbage's betrayal. Although he himself is sure that “he did not change spiritually.”

Allegrova could not understand and forgive the betrayal.

“I got tired and ran away,” says Kapusta. But for many years he continued to follow the work of his ex-wife. “If it were possible to go back 20 years, everything would be different,” he is sure.

What happened to him in prison?

Former dancer Igor Kapusta, who was married to Irina Allegrova for eight years, went to prison after divorcing his second wife due to business problems.

While in prison, he became depressed and suffered a heart attack in October. The singer's ex-husband spent three months in a prison hospital, where he had to literally fight for his life.

“In their hospital, visits are allowed once a month. I came and looked at him through the bars. This is a nightmare! Lord, can this really happen to a person? All sick, dejected.

I lost ten kilograms. He was so skinny, but now only his eyes stick out. Horror. And the conditions in the hospital where prisoners are kept are terrible. It seems to me that pigs on farms are fed better than them. Over the years, I have seen so much... But now his condition has improved, at the end of December he got back on his feet, and before that he was on the verge of life and death. He has calmed down, his mood has improved, his depression is going away,” said his sister Galina.

By the way, Allegrova recently gave frank interview about personal life. The singer does not hide that she is strong woman, but it suffers from this. “I respect my courage, devotion and, as they say, core. True, my strength is my Achilles heel. I can call myself a strong woman, but there is nothing good here.

Sometimes you want to feel weak. To be like me is not given to everyone - only a few. A rare man can afford to have such a woman next to him, but I don’t have enough time to find one,” she shared.
Let us remember that Irina Allegrova had four husbands.

The singer divorced the dancer of her group, Igor Kapusta, in 2001 and never remarried.

Allegrova has a 43-year-old daughter, Lala, from her first husband, basketball player Georgy Tairov.

The ex-husband of Russian pop star Irina Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, was released after five years in a maximum security colony in the village of Fornosovo in the Leningrad region. The man talked about how he survived imprisonment and his first impressions of freedom.

Journalists. Those who had the opportunity to evaluate what Igor Kapusta looks like after five years in a maximum security colony noted that it cannot be said that the imprisonment “broke” him. However, it is clear from the man that he will never be the same - imprisonment has changed him both internally and externally.


“Five years is a long time,” NTV quotes Igor Kapusta. “There are no sensations yet. I came out stunned, I look at the street, at all this with completely different eyes,” he said about his first impressions of free life.

While behind bars, the man, by his own admission, “didn’t go wild,” but he was sorely lacking in communication. “The lack of communication is scary, of course. All my friends left earlier, I was the only one left there. There was simply no one to communicate with. I had to be silent for days, I went into reading,” said Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband.

After his release, he met with journalists and revealed his secrets to them, including a quarrel with ex-lover. Let us remember that Allegrova broke up with Kapusta, convicting him of treason. After parting with the "empress" Russian stage married new lover, with whom he had a daughter. However, she could not wait for her husband to leave the colony.

Igor Kapusta went to jail after drugs were found in his car. Moreover, the male relatives blame Irina Allegrova for his broken life. "By by and large she ruined his life. He had an excellent profession: his brother graduated from a choreographic school and traveled with his team. But, the fool, he succumbed to her words. He apparently fell head over heels in love with her. You know what came of it,” said his sister Galina Kapusta.

Igor Kapusta is a dancer who has his own business. As soon as he turned 18, he decided to try an independent life away from his parents and their care. Igor Kapusta went to Tashkent to dance in the theater, but he immediately had to join the army. He returned married, with his own son, but later became single. He decided not to return to ballet. But thanks to the support of his sister, Igor went to the St. Petersburg Music Hall, where he was able to travel around the world in 6 years. On stage he gave his best and gave many concerts. Igor worked a lot, he had almost no free time. Then he began dancing in the fairly popular group “Retsial”. There Igor met Irina Allegrova.

At the time when Irina Allegrova began recruiting people into her group, she met Igor. She distinguished him from others, saw in him good qualities. They began an affair. At first they met secretly and did everything so that no one knew about their relationship. Then the couple stopped hiding their feelings. A little later, Igor moved into the singer’s house. He tried his best to take care of Irina and help her. Later they began to get married in church, and under other people's names. A couple of weeks after the wedding, Irina’s father passed away.

She was in a depressed mood for a long time. Igor supported her in difficult times and she continued her work with positive attitude. Irina Allegrova’s daughter named Lala could not accept her stepfather. Their relationship was not going very well, which made Igor very worried. He made many attempts to get close to her, but it never worked. Lala absolutely did not want Igor and Irina to live together.

But despite this, the couple’s relationship became better and better every day. The couple went everywhere together. Igor didn’t care what they would say about him. The couple loved each other very much. But at one point, their relationship began to deteriorate. They stopped understanding each other, which is why Igor packed his things and left his wife’s house for a rented apartment. Thanks to their unofficial marriage, they did not have to divide property. They lived only 5 years together, but then divorced.

The reason the couple separated was Igor’s betrayal. They haven't communicated for 10 years. Igor Kapusta stands out among others for his nobility and intelligence. He later married a woman named Vera and they had a daughter, Alexandra. He also has a son from his first marriage, Stanislav. The former spouses still fondly remember their relationship and their trip to Europe. However, Irina Allegrova still harbors a grudge against ex-spouse because of betrayal. Igor made an attempt to save at least friendly relations With ex-wife. He came to her house, but the guard did not let him in.


Igor Kapusta in St. Petersburg had 15 cellular terminals. He also worked in a dance group.


Igor Kapusta graduated from the Vaganova Ballet School, which is located in St. Petersburg.


In 2012, Igor was sent to prison. His sister named Galina helped him and also supported him. He served 5 years in prison. He was released in 2017. This situation had a bad impact on Igor. His health deteriorated sharply.


Igor had very serious problems with health. He began to develop lung disease. His sister helped him in every possible way. He was in the hospital for three months. They fought for the dancer's life best doctors. Medicines for Igor are expensive. After a full recovery, he planned to go into business. Igor had his own enterprise, which then fell into disrepair. Later, he planned to live with his sister and her husband.


Popular Soviet and Russian pop singer Irina Allegrova won the hearts of listeners with frank songs about unrequited love, strong feelings, meetings and partings. Here is the personal life of the performer herself - a series of bright flashes and separations. On January 20, Irina Allegrova’s birthday, we’ll take a look at her secret album.

The singer's first husband was Georgy Tairov, a handsome basketball player. Irina was 19 years old at the time of the relationship. By that time, she had already dubbed for Indian films and worked in the Yerevan orchestra, conducted by Konstantin Orbelyan. As Irina herself admits, this marriage was doomed, as she got married out of revenge. The dream of all Baku girls, a real macho “with a stunning figure and emerald eyes. The real Alain Delon, only more courageous.” In this marriage, Allegrova’s only daughter, Lala, was born. A year and a half later, the couple divorced.

Irina leaves for Moscow, works in various VIAs, and tries to arrange her life. An attempt to enter GITIS (1975) was unsuccessful, and Allegrova gives private music lessons and also works as an accompanist at a choreographic school. In 1976, she was accepted into the Utesov Orchestra, and subsequently she became a soloist of the Inspiration ensemble at the Mosconcert. In 1977, she came as a soloist to the Young Voices VIA, which was then headed by talented musician Vladimir Blekher. Irina lived on stage, and Vladimir became more and more attached to the young soloist. Soon they got married. For his beloved, Blecher wrote the song “Flood,” which relatively recently entered the singer’s repertoire:

With the group “Young Voices” Irina toured a lot around the USSR, from a shy person she turned into a real singer, gaining not only invaluable performance experience, but also self-confidence. There was only no real love. But Blecher soon got burned out on currency speculation and left for places not so distant. By that time, Allegrova’s career had begun to improve, and in order to avoid falling into disgrace with the authorities, she initiated a break in relations. When Blecher received his sentence, “Young Voices” split into two independent groups, and Allegrova joined the VIA “Fakel” together with pianist I. Krutoy. There was a period in her life when she even decided to give up her singing career and went into the culinary business (1982), but her passion for music prevailed. In 1983, Irina met producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, who brought her to Oscar Feltsman, who made Allegrova a pop star.

And then she became a soloist of D. Tukhmanov’s “Electroclub”.

Vladimir Dubovitsky did everything possible and even impossible to make Irina famous, and then their life began to crack: the husband turned out to be a notorious womanizer. Irina could not forgive the betrayal. They divorced only in 1990. And in 1987, Igor Talkov entered Allegrova’s life. You could say that it was office romance, which flared up in working together over the songs.

The relationship did not last long and, apart from disappointments, did not bring anything to Irina. A temperamental woman needed strong man, but there were none on the horizon. The song “Wanderer” became a new stage in the singer’s career and personal life.

“Photography”, “There was no sadness”, “Don’t fly away, love!”, “Believe in love, girls” appear in Irina Allegrova’s repertoire, and she begins to perform solo.

It seems that at heart she remained a naive girl, like her heroines. And Irina Allegrova’s career took off. She is a regular participant in popular music television programs and cultural events: “Slavic Bazaar”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “50/50”, records discs. In 1993, she became the singer of the year, as well as the winner of the Ovation Award as the best pop diva. On the wave of success, Irina Alexandrovna falls in love with a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta. At the time the relationship developed, the guy was not free - he lived in civil marriage with a dancer. But Irina did everything possible to make Kapusta break up with the girl. She fired her from her team, but provided her with a job. The “young” were not registered at the registry office, but they got married before God.

This was Irina Allegrova’s longest marriage (1992-1997). The song “The Thief” refers to the singer’s whirlwind romance.

Rumor has it that the reason for the breakup was adult daughter Allegrova Lala, who was jealous of her mother’s happiness. In 1997, Igor and Irina broke up. And if she is with Dubovitsky good relations Until now, he doesn’t want to see Cabbage. In 2012, Igor was arrested for drug trafficking - he received no support from his former lover.
Now in the life of Irina Allegrova there is one a real man- grandson Alexander, who is already 18 years old. Three women put all their strength into him so that he grows up to be a worthy man.