How to make wheat moonshine without yeast. Moonshine from grain: recipes for strong drinks

Vodka made from grain raw materials is a real product that cannot be compared with seasoned sugar moonshine. Transformation of a living sprout into an organism capable of a short time to break down starch into sugar molecules, to extract from the “bread” a living note of a product that will subsequently delight hosts and guests, all this is GRAIN. It grows, it transforms and gives, it is alive, like the living product from it - MOONHOON. But as much as the grain is fertile, it needs to be approached with love, otherwise a fiasco is just around the corner. To love, to realize, to work hard together with knowledge, and this living and eternal will thank and inspire. Laziness is not applicable to the process of turning grain into moonshine, and therefore I would like to see true connoisseurs next to this article of this product, sparing no effort and effort for a noble cause.

So - alcohol is formed from fermentation simple sugars yeast, which means we need sugar. Sugar can be obtained from grains by converting the starch it contains. This is achieved with the help of enzymes.
There are ready-made enzymes, but supporters natural product I recommend the method presented below.
Having converted the starch from grain raw materials into sugar, we put it for fermentation, and after some time, we get a mash with a certain amount of alcohol, which, depending on technological aspects, can range from a minimum to 12%.
The mash is distilled, and we obtain a saturated alcohol solution - moonshine (SM).

Process sequence:

  1. malt preparation;
  2. preparation of wort from starch-containing raw materials;
  3. boiling the wort;
  4. preparation of malted milk;
  5. wort saccharification;
  6. preparing yeast mash;
  7. wort fermentation;
  8. distillation of the finished mash.

Obtaining malt.

Malt is needed to convert starch into sugar.
It contains enzymes that stimulate this process.

Malt growth takes place in several stages:

  1. Grain selection(grain for malt SHOULD NOT be fresh; after a new harvest, the grain must rest for at least 2 months).
    The grain must be clean, light, without impurities, and sifted.
  2. Soaking grain.
    The goal is to activate growth, incl. biochemical and other processes.
  3. Growing.
    By sprouting grain, the maximum amount of enzymes it contains is achieved.
  4. Languor.
    Strengthening and strengthening the enzyme base in grain. The grain withers without moisture.

Soaking grain.

Cleaned and sifted grain is poured into boxes about 10 cm high. Household polyethylene boxes (pictured) are suitable for these purposes. After a few hours, we remove the floating debris and low-quality grain, drain the water, rinse the grain, and fill it with fresh water. It is advisable to soak in slightly hard water, because... Excessive amounts of salts slow down grain growth and enzyme activity. We pour water 3-5 cm above the grain level. To enhance the germination process, the water should be changed - in the summer 2-3 times a day, in the winter - stirring 2-3 times a day is enough. Soaking time 1 day.

The water from the grain must be completely drained.
The grain should look and feel moist, but not wet.
The moisture content of the grain after soaking increases to 35-49%%.
If the soaking is longer, which is also possible, the main thing is to prevent white liquid from escaping from the grain at the break - this is the first sign that the grain has been kept in water and is not suitable for malt.
Such grain is definitely thrown away.

Growing grain.

After soaking, the grain should “breathe”. To do this, distribute moist, but not wet grain into boxes in a layer of 5-10 cm. for 6-8 hours.
Every 2-3 hours we mix the grain with our hands, lifting it above the boxes and blowing it with air in order to reduce the amount of grain in it. carbon dioxide.
The growing process is different for each type of grain. Often the duration of this process depends on the method of cultivation, quality of raw materials, temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, and can last from 4 to 12 days.

We pour the soaked grain into the boxes, which has “breathed” in a 10cm layer. Leave for 8-12 hours. For this purpose, boxes can be used either monolithic or with a mesh bottom, in which the amount of further mixing can be reduced.
Boxes with grain can be either covered with a damp cloth or left open. For clarity, the left side of the photo will have drawers covered with a damp cloth, the right side will have an open drawer.

After the first 8-12 hours of germination, the grain is turned, for which the boxes are shaken, the grain is lifted by hand, and blown to remove carbon dioxide. If the grain is dry, it is sprayed, but not soaked in any way. For 5 kg of dry grain at the time of growth, no more than 50-70 g of water is spent on spraying.

For high-quality and rapid growth of malt, the grain is turned every 6-8 hours and sprayed accordingly, slightly moistening it. If moisture has accumulated at the bottom of the box, the grain must be dried and the water removed.

The first 1.5 days of germination.

After 2-3 days, the temperature inside the grain begins to rise to 20-24 degrees. It is advisable not to allow it to rise higher (sweating of the grain), for which the grain is turned, blown and moistened. It can be recommended to reduce the layer of sprouted grain to 3-5 cm.

Third day of germination.

Seventh day of germination.

The oats have increased in volume by about 1.5 times, the roots reach 1 cm, and sprouts are visible. After three days, with proper moisture, the grain will be ready as malt.

The barley has sprouted confidently, the roots are intertwined and when lifted, they pull several grains with them. The sprouts reached a length of 5-7mm. The grain smells of a distant cucumber smell. The process of germinating barley for malt is complete. Bittersweet to bite into.

The wheat grain has sprouted confidently, the roots are more than a centimeter long, the sprouts are 5-7mm, some are more than a centimeter. Smell fresh cucumbers superior to this grain. The grain tastes confidently sweet. The germination process has stopped.

Some aspects of germination.

Cereals with husks retain moisture more than those without them. Therefore, the moistening of each type should be done selectively, without allowing the grain to be oversaturated with water again. It is better to under-water than to give excess water to the sprouted grain.

Disinfection of malt.
There are many harmful bacteria on the surface of the grain. It is advisable to remove them. For this purpose, before grinding the malt into malted milk or before drying, it is recommended to soak the malt for 0.5-1 hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
A disinfectant solution of sulfuric acid (1%) shows good results.

After 7 days, we received already sprouted grains of barley and wheat as malt for saccharification of starchy grains.
But still, I recommend keeping it for about 2 more days without adding moisture and stirring after -10 hours.
Malted oat grain is ready on the 10th day.

Cooked malt is green. The weight of malt to grain before germination increased by 1.5 times. This malt has the highest activity. Green malt can be stored for no more than a few days, and if so, then temp. storage reduce to 2-5 degrees.
Green malt can be dried for storage.
To do this, it is dried with constant stirring at temp. no more than 40 degrees. When the temp increases. drying enzymes die.
The malt is dried until it is “white” until it has hardened to its full depth and has a moisture content of up to 3%. Can be stored for years in a tightly closed container.
The weight of white malt in relation to the weight of sprouted grain is 0.9/1.
The activity of white malt is slightly lower than green malt, and is about 80%. Therefore, when adding it to the wort, this point must be taken into account.

Preparing malted milk

Malted milk is a mixture of malt and water.
The essence of the process is the complete extraction of enzymes into liquid (water) with further mixing with starch-containing wort. Because There are a number of enzymes; for high-quality and complete saccharification of starchy wort, it is advisable to use a mixture of several malts. Using malt from the same grain that is processed,.

Not recommended

  • Approximate malt composition for some types of basic raw materials
    50% barley, 25% oat, and 25% rye malt.
    A good result also comes from replacing barley with rye as a percentage.
  • You can also use a mixture of rye and barley 50/50, barley and millet 50/50, etc.
    wheat - 50%, barley - 25%, oats - 25%.
    wheat - 50%, barley - 40%, oats - 10%.

barley and oats 50% each, etc.
So, we chose the malt composition. Grind it, the finer the better. Dissolve in warm, about 30 degrees. water.
Green - 1kg in 2l of water, white - 1kg in 3l of water.
We received ready-made malted milk.

Its storage time is very short, but when the temp. closer to zero, it can be stored for several days.

Wort preparation

Boiling is done using steam. Open fire causes burning and is not suitable for grains.
For this we use a steam generator (steam generator).
A STEAM GENERATOR is a sealed container with water, heated by heating elements or another heat source.
The outlet from the steam generator is a steam line, the end of which is a BUBPER.

BUBPER - a straight pipe, or curved: spiral, accordion, etc., in which holes are made for the release of hot steam coming from the bubbler. The emanating hot steam from the bubbler is the source of heating + boiling of starch-containing mixtures.
Wort container.

The container can be either a stainless steel tank or others. The main condition is to prevent reaction products from the container, catalysts, etc., used in the production of the material in this container, from getting into the mixture. The crushed grain (crushed grain, flour) is poured at temp. about 50 degrees. The entire mixture is constantly stirred to prevent the formation of lumps.
Per kilogram of raw materials, add 4 liters of water. We bring the temperature of the mixture to 55-60 degrees. We fix the temperature for 15 minutes so that the enzymes contained in the crushed grain itself begin their work. If the wort is thick, you can pour some already prepared malted milk into it and stir. This is approximately 1/10-1/5 of the total prepared.

Next, turn on the PG to full. Let's pick up the pace. wort by another 5 degrees. and pause for 15 minutes. After this, while stirring every 10-15 minutes, turn on the steam generator at full speed and bring the wort to a boil.
We set the power of the steam generator so that the mixture boils. The boiling time is from 1.5 to 2 hours. The worse the raw material (soaked, spoiled grain), and the coarser the grind, the longer the boiling time. During boiling/boiling, if the process is violent, the stirring process can be stopped.


Cool the boiled wort (preferably quickly, without leaving it to cool on its own) to a temperature of 65 degrees and add malted milk. Stir thoroughly. A drill with an attachment is suitable for this.
The amount of malt milk is added at the rate of 1 kg of green malt per 4-5 kg ​​of base. raw materials, “white”, are correspondingly 20% more (mass of not yet dried malt).
Close the container with the raw materials and the malt added to it, insulate it and mix thoroughly every 15-30 minutes. Saccharification time is from 1.5 to 2 hours. During this period, it is very important not to lower the temperature, because... the chances of bacteria developing increase. Temperature increase above 70 degrees. in turn leads to the destruction of enzymes and the cessation of saccharification.
After the specified time, the wort acquires a confident sweet taste. This means that the saccharification process is successful. The iodine test as an indicator of complete saccharification is not an indicator in this case.


We prepare the sugared mass for fermentation. To do this, cool it very quickly to a temperature of 28-30 degrees. and add the yeast. Passive cooling is not allowed.
For cooling, you can use a copper tube dia. 10-20mm, which is twisted into a spiral. It is lowered into the jam, which is constantly stirring, and passes through the tube with maximum pressure. cold water. The rapid cooling process is VERY important because... its slowdown contributes to the rapid proliferation of bacteria in the nutrient medium of the saccharified mixture.

Adding yeast.

For normal yeast operation, a temperature of 28-30 degrees is required. A decrease in temperature slows down the fermentation process, until it stops, and an increase in temperature promotes the proliferation of wild yeast, which in turn reduces the yield of alcohols. Increase temp. fermentation up to 32 degrees, increases the coefficient. reproduction of wild yeast 2-3 times, at 37-38 degrees. they reproduce 6-8 times faster.

Amount of yeast added:

  • dry, for example, SAF-LEVUR - 1g per 300-350g of initial, main raw materials.
  • pressed, for example, LVOVSKIE - 1 g per 60-80 g of raw materials.

In order to increase the rapid and high-quality capture of saccharified wort by cultivated yeast, it is recommended to introduce yeast not directly, but to pre-mash the yeast. To do this, yeast is bred in a warm room, about 30 degrees. water. For a kilogram of pressed yeast you can take about 10-14 liters of water.
At the same time, ensuring the activity of the yeast mash, the yeast can be pre-fermented. For this purpose, a certain amount of sugar (half a liter per kilo of pressed yeast) and half a liter of malt, previously left for these purposes, are added to the prepared yeast mash. Mix all this, and after half an hour, we observe foam on the surface of the solution. This is the work of yeast. Floor hour-hour, and fermented yeast mash, pour into the wort, cooled to 28-30 degrees. Mix thoroughly and set for fermentation in a cool place.
Close the container hermetically and install a water seal.

In order to prevent foam from escaping through the water seal, it is recommended to fill the container taking into account foaming. In terms of volume units, this is about 10-15% of the wort volume. So, for example, it is not advisable to fill a 200 liter container with more than 170 liters.
During the fermentation period, it is important that the wort does not overheat. Normal operation occurs at 28-30 degrees. We reduce the temperature rise by blowing air or pouring cold water over the fermentation tank.

The fermentation time of grains depends on many factors, incl. on the quality of the yeast, temp. premises, etc. The average time can be called from 4 to 5 days. An indicator of complete fermentation is the cessation of gas emission from the water seal tube. The mash becomes almost motionless, solid parts of the grain can float on top of it, and the liquid itself has become lighter, often with a hint of the color of the grain. If you take the mash to test its acidity, it will be in the range of 4.8-5.5. The mash tastes pleasant and has a bitter-sour taste.
The amount of alcohol in the mash depends both on the technology of the wort preparation process and on the quality of the ingredients. This percentage can be in the range of 5-12%.

Simple distillation of mash.

The finished grain mash is distilled using steam. For this we use the same steam generator.
The mash boils with the help of steam coming from the bubbler. For distillation, we use a stainless container, which is filled to no more than 2/3 of the total volume to prevent the release of foam into the selection. Until the moment of boiling, the heating process is carried out as quickly as possible, but at the first signs of boiling, we reduce the power. For condensation of outgoing vapors, incl. and the alcohol included in their composition, we can use a simple distillation apparatus.

If moonshine will be used as a drink in the future, in this case it is necessary to take a more careful approach to the separation of the head and tail fractions. For this purpose, at low speed with minimal PG power, we slowly select the heads. The percentage of goals selected can be considered within 3-5 of total number expected alcohol (according to absolute value). It is more accurately determined organoleptically by smell, rubbing in the palm of the hand, and taste. The heads are PROHIBITED to be used as a food product in the future.

We select the food fraction of moonshine at a higher speed, but we control that splashes from the boiling mash do not get into the selection, which, by the appearance of the moonshine, make it cloudy and with a corresponding taste of mash. As a food grade, moonshine of the first distillation can be considered one that has a density of at least 40% alcohol content, in the old days - “while it burns.” Further condensate contains a significant amount of heavy fractions, and it can be used for subsequent distillation. The temperature of the mash, to which simple distillation is carried out, is 97-98 degrees. Further selection is accompanied by a significantly greater release of fusel oils.

If moonshine, also known as raw alcohol (SS), is subsequently intended for rectification, then the separation of heads and tails can be neglected. We mix the entire shoulder strap into the selection.

Taste properties of moonshine from different types raw materials.

Wheat mash. When using wheat as the main raw material, the vodka turns out soft and sweeter. Using rye as malt increases the hardness and gives a certain “strength” to the drink. Barley in the form of malt adds to the taste of whiskey, adding echoes of beer to vodka. Oats are a grain for sharpness of taste.

Rye mash. Vodka made from this raw material will not be a soft drink. Although she is tough, she is pleasant. Comparing taste qualities Its approximate size is “Moskovskaya” vodka from the times of the USSR.

Vodka based on oats. This product is distinguished by its sharpness and sharpness. Purity of taste without “sweetening”, that’s a more accurate comparison. During the Soviet Union, Posolskaya vodka was similar.

Barley vodka. Barley vodka is a ready-made product with a whiskey flavor. Its double or triple distillation will eclipse many of the tastes of noble drinks.

Have fun and enjoy your drinks!

Useful information on the forum:

Not trusting liquor stores and retailers, many residents of our country are starting to make their own vodka at home. Some simply dilute the alcohol to the required degree with distilled water, while others, following numerous rules, make it from wheat grain.

Malt for vodka can be prepared not only from millet; peas, rye, and barley are quite suitable

Recipe for making wheat vodka

It just so happens that it is not customary to prepare vodka from wheat in small doses. It is unprofitable and labor-intensive, although the way to make vodka yourself is simple. You will need: - granulated sugar 1.5 kg, - wheat 5 kg, - yeast, - filtered water, - container 30 l.


Pour 2/3 of the grain with water and leave for half an hour, remove the husks and small dry debris from the surface. Rinse with a light solution of potassium permanganate. Soak the grain in a large tub for 8–12 hours and cover with a thick cloth.

Soaked grain needs to be germinated, to do this, scatter it on pallets in a layer of no more than 30 cm. Pour a little water on top and cover with a thick wet cloth. Keep in a damp but warm place for up to 5 days; at home this could be a utility room or basement. Don't forget to add water a couple of times a day without removing the fabric. Pass the sprouted grains through a meat grinder.


Crush the dry grain and fill the resulting mass with water in a ratio of 1:4. Place the pan over low heat and simmer for 3-4 hours. After cooling the solution, mix it with crushed malt.

For 10 liters of wort you need to take 1.5 kg of crushed grain, 0.5 kg of malt and about 10 liters of water.


Dissolve 50 grams of dry yeast in sweetened water, let it disperse and add to 10 liters of wort. Stir the mixture and pour into bottles with a water seal or rubber glove on the neck.

Leave in a cool, dark place for 8–10 days. The end of fermentation will be the clearing of the cloudy solution. All that remains is to distill the solution.


When choosing a device, give preference to one that has a thermostat. Distill at a temperature of 80°C, because ethyl alcohol boils at 78. Note. that the light fractions boil at a lower temperature, so the first portion of the distillate must be collected. At 85 degrees and above, fusel oils sublime. Therefore, pay special attention to collecting the middle fraction.

Experienced moonshiners know that grain moonshine is much better than regular sugar mash. But to prepare it you will have to spend more time and effort. We will look at how to make moonshine from wheat or other grains (barley, oats, millet or corn) at home. The technology is not very complicated, anyone can repeat it.

First, let's look at the taste of grain moonshine; it depends on the choice of culture. Wheat produces a soft drink. From rye you can distill strong and pungent moonshine; from barley you can make something similar to whiskey. The choice of raw materials is yours. Personally, I prefer wheat.


  • grain – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 25 liters;
  • sugar – 6 kg;
  • dry yeast – 100 grams (or 500 grams pressed);
  • Ryazhenka (kefir) with high fat content – ​​0.5 liters.

Before soaking, the grain must lie for at least 2 months. It is better to use alcohol yeast rather than baker's yeast, then the fermentation will be more intense. Sugar increases yield without compromising quality.

Wheat moonshine recipe

1. Making malt. Place the wheat in a layer of no more than 2 cm on flat trays, then soak in warm water. The water should only slightly cover the grain, otherwise it will not germinate. Place the pallets in a warm (18-25°C) dark place.

On the second or third day after soaking, the first shoots will appear. If they are not there, it means the grain is of poor quality and you will have to take another one. During germination, turn the wheat once a day so that it does not become moldy or sour.

When the sprouts reach 2 cm in length and begin to intertwine with each other, remove the grains from the water without separating them.

Wheat sprouting

2. Making mash. Add warm water (50-60°C) and sugar to a 40-liter container. Mix well. Wait until the water cools down to 28-30°C. Then add the malt made at the previous stage and yeast diluted according to the instructions on the package. Stir again, then install a water seal on the container. During fermentation, the room temperature should be in the range of 18-28°C.

3. Distillation. Strain the spent mash (it will taste bitter without sweetness) through a colander to filter out the wheat. The collected grain can be used 2-3 more times. The quality of moonshine will not deteriorate.

Add 0.5 liters of kefir or other fermented milk product to the wheat mash to eliminate the fusel odor.

Distill the mash using a moonshine still of any design, removing the distillate until the strength in the stream drops below 35 degrees.

4. Cleaning. This is an optional step, but many experienced moonshiners purify the moonshine with charcoal after distillation, even if it is not made from sugar, but from grain crops.

5. Re-distillation. Improves the quality of wheat moonshine. Measure the strength, determine the amount of pure alcohol. Dilute the distillate with water to 20% and distill a second time. Pour the first 8-15% of the yield from the amount of pure alcohol into a separate container. This is a harmful fraction that worsens the taste. When the strength in the stream drops below 40 degrees, stop selecting the main fraction.

To create tinctures, vodkas, liqueurs, the best alcoholic component is.

Moonshine, even purified, is not so suitable; store-bought vodka is low-proof.

Let's look at how you can make alcohol at home and what raw materials are suitable for this.

However, we immediately note that with a regular distiller you can only get moonshine, and for our purpose we need a distillation column, which is not difficult to purchase.

It is impossible to obtain alcohol free of impurities from poor raw materials. Therefore, immediately forget about processing rotten apples or moldy jam.

There will be a solution, but this product can hardly be called high quality. And since we still race for ourselves, we won’t lose our brand.

How to do it at home?

It's time to study popular recipes and strictly follow them.

Derived from wheat

You can find many recipes made from wheat, but we will present a simple and effective one. To implement it you will need:

  • 10 kg of crushed wheat (cereals), for which you can use a crusher or other available method;
  • 40 liters of water;
  • dry yeast (preferably alcoholic) - 50 g or 750 g pressed;
  • enzymes (can be purchased at special stores, Internet) 25 g each of A-Amylosubtilin and G-Glucavamorin.

Peculiarities. Enzymes can be replaced with dry ground brewing malt. This amount of water and wheat will require 2.5 kg of malt.

Attention. If you use malt instead of enzymes, then skip step 2, immediately cool the wort to 63-65°C, and add malt.

We distill the mash twice:

  • first time - in distillation mode, without separation into fractions, almost to water. The total strength of the resulting distillate will not exceed 30-35°;
  • secondary – using a distillation column, with mandatory separation into fractions to obtain alcohol.

Note. A pure product with a strength of 96°C at home can only be obtained in a column with a height of at least 120 cm (counting the height above the cube).

In ordinary household columns - 45-60 cm in height - the final strength rarely exceeds 80°C.

From potatoes

A cheap and accessible raw material for producing alcohol is the familiar potato, which contains a large number of starch.

In turn, starch under the influence of enzymes is converted into sugar. This can be achieved using malt Which one to buy is not a problem.

You can grow green malt yourself. To do this, you need to rinse and soak the wheat well. After three minutes, sprouts will appear, this is green malt.

To prepare the mash you will need:

  • green malt – 150 g;
  • peeled potatoes – 1 kg;
  • pressed yeast (it’s better to take alcoholic yeast) – 50 g;
  • water – 2 liters.

The potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater; it’s also a good idea to use a food processor.

Transfer the grated potatoes into a saucepan and stir, pour hot water (80°C). To avoid mistakes, it is easy to measure the temperature with a bimetallic, or even better, electronic thermometer, which is equipped with your moonshine still.

We pass the malt through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender bowl.

Cool the potato mixture to 62°C and add malt. Mix well again, cover with a lid and wrap in a blanket for 10 hours.

After infusion, filter the resulting mixture, squeeze it out and send it to a fermentation container.

We breed in small quantity yeast water and pour it into the fermentation container, on which we put on a glove or install a water seal.

Advice. Considering that you won’t get much mash, you can use a plastic water bottle with a volume of 6-9 liters as a fermentation container.

Fermentation lasts 10 days (see:). For the first 3-4 days it is stormy, then it gradually subsides and on the 10th day the glove is completely deflated, indicating that the mash is ripe. The remaining starch will settle to the bottom and the liquid will become clearer.

It must be removed from the sediment using a straw and poured into the distillation cube. Please note that potato mash has a sharp bad smell, which may leave a slight aroma after rectification.

As in the example with wheat mash, distillation is done twice: the first - in the distillation mode without selecting fractions. It is better to select approximately 750 ml of raw alcohol. It will be above 40° strength. You can take it higher, but the result of the second distillation may be a little disappointing, since the tailings are subject to worse cleaning.

We dilute the distillate with water to 25-30 degrees and re-distill it in rectification mode. We select 45 ml of heads, then we select the body. The result will be 250 ml of 75 degree alcohol.

To make potato vodka, you can dilute the alcohol with water to 40° and leave for a couple of days so that the ingredients combine well.

The smell of vodka created from potato alcohol may have a slightly bready smell due to the presence of wheat malt in the mash. The taste is not sharp, but peculiar, and cannot be called too refined. As they say - not for everyone. However, it is worth noting that in Belarus, potato moonshine is distilled everywhere and drunk in villages and cities.

From an earthen pear

Jerusalem artichoke is almost a weed and can grow without any care. If the harvest is large, some can be distilled into alcohol. Take:

  • 10 kg of washed Jerusalem artichoke tubers;
  • dry yeast – 25 g, if pressed – 300 g;
  • optional – 1-2 kg of sugar. You can do without it, but sugar will increase the yield;
  • water 5-10 liters plus 4 liters for every kilogram of sugar. The juicier the earthen pear, the less water is required, so the amounts indicated are approximate;
  • citric acid - 5 g for each liter of added water.

To prepare the wort, you need to grate the Jerusalem artichoke on a fine grater, put it in a saucepan, pour in half the water and boil for an hour and a half, stirring occasionally. The finished porridge is thick and fragrant baked apples. Water is added to it, sugar and citric acid are added.

When the temperature reaches 28-30°C, yeast is added. The wort matures for 3-10 days under a water seal. The finished mash is distilled twice, as in previous recipes.

Carefully. There is a statement that alcohol from Jerusalem artichoke contains a lot of methylene.

Therefore, before ingesting, check its quality with Lang's test(the method is described at the end of the article).

From flour

A budget-friendly method for distilling alcohol from flour is popular among us. Take:

  • 19 liters of water;
  • 4 kg of rye, wheat (or mixed) flour;
  • 100 g yeast.

Bring 8 liters of water to a boil and pour 2 liters of cold water into it. In this hot water With constant stirring you need to dissolve the flour. Leave the “dough” for 1.5 hours, covering the pan. Then add 3 liters of cold water to the mixture.

Stir and let it thicken for another 3 hours. Then add the remaining water, pour in the yeast diluted according to the instructions. There is no need to place it under a water seal, just cover the container (with a cloth). After 4 days of staying warm, the mash is ready for distillation.

From sugar beets

The raw materials for producing sugar are also suitable for making homemade alcohol. To make it drinkable, you must strictly follow the technology:

  1. Grind 5 kg of sugar beets (other types are not suitable!) into puree in a way convenient for you. You can grate, cut and twist into a meat grinder, etc.
  2. Place in a large saucepan, add 7 liters of water and cook for an hour.
  3. Cover with a lid and wait for self-cooling.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze out the sediment thoroughly.
  5. Put the resulting juice back on the fire and simmer until the mass becomes thick.
  6. When it cools down, pour it into a fermentation container and add the same amount of water, that is, 1:1.
  7. Dilute 50 g of dry yeast (250 g pressed) and add to the wort, stir.
  8. Install a water seal and leave it warm without getting in sun rays for 7-10 days until fermentation stops.

Attention. This recipe will require 10-15 liters of water.

Important. Beetroot mash has a strong, unpleasant odor. To completely get rid of it and not feel it in the final product, you need purify moonshine after the first distillation with coal or milk, dilute with water 1:1, and only after that distill through a distillation column with the selection of heads and tails.

From fruits and berries

From fruits - apples, plums, cherries, pears, cherry plums, etc., as well as grapes and berries, a pleasant-tasting moonshine is obtained while preserving the taste of the fruit. But you can also make alcohol.

Often, even after rectification at home easy conditions the aroma of the original raw materials remains. Braga is made both with and without yeast (using wild yeast on the fruit). Distilled twice.

From bread

It can be prepared with yeast, using enzymes, and also with mold. Let's talk about the last option.

Take 2 loaves of bread and cut into cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm. Fold into plastic bag, tie and leave in room conditions. In a week or two (it’s difficult to predict), the entire volume will be abundantly covered with mold.

The mass is transferred into a bottle, 7-8 liters of water are poured and under a water mash (glove). After a week you can distill. Twice, with intermediate cleaning.

From sugar

We put a classic sugar mash: for 30 liters of water - 6 kg of sugar and 0.5 kg of pressed yeast, after ripening we rectify through a column.

From jam

The mash is not particularly different from the previous one, you just need to correctly calculate the amount of sugar in the jam. If it is not too sweet, add sugar.

From apples

You can use yeast mash with added sugar and yeast for quick ripening. For homemade alcohol, that’s it. For 15 kg of chopped apples you need to take 10 liters of water, 2 kg of sugar and 20 g of dry yeast.

From dried fruits

Dried fruits are suitable for mash: apples, pears, plums, cherries. Proportions:

  • 2 kg of dried fruits (one type or assorted);
  • 2kg sugar;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 40 g dry (350 g pressed) yeast.

Boil dried fruits, invert sugar, add diluted yeast to the mixture cooled to 28-30°C.

From plums

If you have enough ripe, juicy sweet plums, you can use them to make mash without sugar and yeast.

Do not wash the plums, mash them into a puree, add a little water so that the wort is quite liquid and put on a water seal. After a week you can distill.

From wild pears

You will need:

  • 12 kg of wild pears;
  • 4 kg sugar;
  • 16 liters of soft water;
  • 100 g pressed or 20 g dry active yeast.

Cut out the seeds and stems from the pears. Grind. Mix with sugar (you can use syrup), water, and diluted yeast. Place under a water seal until ripe (about a week), distill twice.

Rules and shelf life

The resulting alcohol must be stored in an airtight container made of glass or food-grade stainless steel, out of light, at a temperature not exceeding +20°C. Plastic bottles- bad option. It happened that alcohol even burned through such containers, not to mention chemical compounds that arise there.

IN favorable conditions Pure alcohol can be safely stored for up to 10 years, with additives - at least 3 years.

How to check the quality of alcohol at home?

Once you have alcohol at home, you can test it for impurities by performing a Lang test. Needed:

  • 3 fractions of one alcohol - heads, body and tails;
  • 3 flasks (clean jars will also do);
  • a strong solution of potassium permanganate (per 50 ml of distilled water - 0.1 g of potassium permanganate);
  • graduated pipette (syringe).

This is done like this:

  1. Add 0.4 ml of potassium permanganate to each of the three jars and add 20 ml of alcohol fractions: heads into the first jar, bodies into the second, tail fractions into the third.
  2. Literally within a minute, reactions occur: the heads become light yellow, the body remains pink, the tails remain brown.
  3. Immediately after breeding, time is noted and after what time the sample with the “body” acquires the color of salmon:
  • 10 minutes – first grade alcohol, not very high quality;
  • 15 minutes – premium;
  • 20 – “Basis”;
  • 22 – “Lux”.

If the alcohol turns the color of salmon earlier than 10 minutes, drinking it internally is dangerous to health.

The easiest way is to drop it on your hand and rub it. An unpleasant, pungent odor indicates that the alcohol is unsuitable for internal consumption.

A hundred years ago, bread vodka was used as a cure for many ailments. The drink was popular in Russia and Ukraine, where there are enough raw materials for its preparation. But then they forgot about the aromatic moonshine. We will revive the traditions of our ancestors by considering classic recipe bread vodka without yeast, which is no more difficult to make than regular moonshine.

Bread vodka (moonshine)- it's strong alcoholic drink(minimum 32 degrees alcohol), made from wheat, barley, oats or rye with wild yeast and added sugar. It has a characteristic taste that is not found in other types of moonshine.

In the USSR it was always difficult to get yeast, so many craftsmen, instead of sugar moonshine, prepared bread moonshine, the recipe of which does not require the addition of yeast, which is very convenient and has a good effect on the taste.

Properly made bread moonshine has a subtle taste of grain; it is drunk only well chilled. If wheat was used as a raw material, the taste will be very mild; if rye is used, the drink will be more rich and flavorful with spices. Some recipes call for the addition of spices: cloves, coriander, cinnamon and anise, but classic version there are none, so we won’t add anything extra either.


  • wheat (rye) - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • water - 20 liters.

Bread vodka recipe

1. Cultivation of yeast. Rinse 4 kg of wheat in running water and pour in an even layer into a 25-liter container. Fill the container with water 2 cm above the level of the wheat. Add 800 grams of sugar and stir.

Wheat filled with water should stand for 4-5 days in a dark place (do not cover the container with a lid). As soon as fermentation begins (a sour smell appears), the yeast is ready.

2. Preparation of the main syrup. 15-17 liters warm water dilute sugar (1 kg per 5 l). Pour the prepared syrup into a container with grain. Close the lid and place under the water seal. It is very important to maintain the fermentation temperature at 22-28°C. After 4-6 days the wort will be ready for distillation (fermentation will stop and there will be no sweetness left).

3. Distillation. Drain the finished bread mash from the sediment (filter) into a cube and distill it using a moonshine still of any design. From 17 liters of mash, up to 3 liters of bread moonshine with a strength of 79% is usually obtained.

Wild yeast prepared at the first stage can be used up to four times, you just need to add sugar syrup to the container with wheat and after 5-7 days drain the finished mash.

4. Dilution and cleaning. Dilute the finished bread vodka with water to 52-40% (optional).

The finished product needs to be cleaned from unpleasant odors, fusel oils and other impurities. To do this, you need to dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass and add it to a bottle of bread vodka. After a few days, black flakes will appear. You can also use any other purification methods or do double distillation.

After cleaning with potassium permanganate, the moonshine should be passed through a special filter: make several layers in a watering can, alternating cotton wool and crushed activated carbon. On upper layer Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of soda to cotton wool. Then pass the bread vodka through the filter in a small stream through a tube of minimal diameter. After filtering 3 liters, replace the filter with a new one. Before drinking, I advise you to let the vodka steep for 3-5 days, this will improve the taste.