Automatic mailing of mail. Mailchimp: advanced mailing automation methods

If the owner of a web resource has an extensive list of email addresses, then the standard type of notification, when emails are sent manually, will not work. Firstly, this is a rather labor-intensive process, and secondly, many electronic mail services have a limit on the number of messages sent during the day.

What is mass mailing

To send mass letters automatically, it is customary to use programs for sending letters to email addresses. In addition to fulfilling the main task, they provide the ability to create custom designs and personalize each message.

The medium of mass communication, group communication and advertising is actively used in all aspects of traditional Internet marketing. The essence of this tool is to provide the maximum possible number of recipients from a pre-prepared list with any information in the shortest possible time.

Any owner of an Internet project, be it a store, a blog or another type of commercial resource, understands that it is necessary to retain the attention and loyalty of the audience using standard marketing tools. These include various promotions, prize draws, discounts, interesting entertainment material, news and other business and socially useful content.

To inform a wide group of subscribers to the email address specified by the user during registration, email distribution programs are most often used. Their main advantage is the ability to simultaneously inform hundreds and thousands of people, regardless of their location.

Today, few people doubt the effectiveness of this tool. According to experts, in online sales, this type of communication gives more reliable results than search engine optimization or buying advertising on third-party sites: in some cases, the return on investment can be up to several thousand percent.

Benefits of email marketing programs

When a person wants to deliver one message to several addresses, he just needs to open one of the popular mail services, write and format the text, select recipients and click on the “Send” button. This process becomes somewhat more complicated if this person is the owner of an online store or other commercial project, and he needs to notify not ten people, but ten thousand, about something. In this case, the question of simultaneously sending letters to many addresses is quite relevant.

To solve the problem, it is customary to use mail distribution programs. They allow you to correspond simultaneously with an audience of many thousands, delivering them the same information, thereby saving time.

Today, users are offered a huge amount of different software for communicating with respondents: some are provided free of charge, others are available only after a paid subscription. For a novice webmaster, the question of which software is suitable for performing specific tasks is difficult. To do this, you need to find out what types and versions exist, what are their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

As already noted, unlike other marketing tools, be it search engine optimization or direct advertising on web resources, media and social networks, email programs are a more economical and effective option for increasing sales of goods or services. In Russia and the CIS countries, this method has become an effective method of communicating with the target audience. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Messages are sent exclusively to the interested part of users who voluntarily left contact information by subscribing to the project and agreeing to receive notifications.
  2. A base of potential customers is gradually being formed with whom you can maintain constant contact, informing them about the availability of promotions, sales, holding sweepstakes, arranging surveys and rewarding them with various prizes (free subscriptions, useful material, etc.).
  3. If the user is not interested in the proposed communication format, he can unsubscribe or mark messages as spam, as a result of which he will not receive notifications. The remaining truly interested people will gain loyalty and trust, which will lead the company to increase the level of direct sales.
  4. In email marketing programs, you can check the activity of recipients, collect relevant data and, based on this, optimize the process, making it even more attractive.
  5. Owners of Internet projects benefit from using the software due to the fast delivery of letters to a large number of addresses at the lowest possible cost.

In addition to the need to download a program for sending letters to an email address and install it, the user must have ready-made message templates. They should be readable, visually well-designed, and have their own style so that recipients can easily recognize who the sender is. The functionality of the software should provide the ability to analyze the behavior of recipients and provide the latter with the opportunity to provide feedback, be it gratitude or complaints about spam.

Mail program rating

Every person doing business on the Internet knows that having your own database of email addresses is the easiest and surest way to achieve success in advertising. This tool brings in most of the income. Therefore, every owner of an Internet project should think about collecting their own client base. To successfully deliver information to consumers, you should use paid or free programs for sending letters.

ePochta Mailer

This is a whole package of services for mass notifications. In the market of marketing tools, ePochta Mailer is ahead of its competitors, thanks to the availability of software for various types of notifications to users: via SMS, mobile messengers, etc.

Software for personalized bulk sending of messages to an email address is included in the ePochta Studio service package. It makes it possible to import addresses from various sources, verify their authenticity, group them into categories, remove duplicates, compose original texts and check the result of the work.

  • By installing a mail distribution program on a computer, the user will not need additional utilities: ePochta Mailer is a full-fledged tool that has everything you need.
  • There is a network protocol designed for transmitting email over TCP/IP networks. It ensures uninterrupted operation of the software, regardless of the provider. Therefore, letters will be sent at exactly the appointed time.
  • Multithreaded mode does not create problems with the queue of sent messages.

To use the software, you need to download the program from the official website, install it on a PC or laptop, import addresses from your own database, compose the text of the letter and format it accordingly, and then start sending.

It’s easy to manage the work process thanks to an intuitive interface - even an inexperienced user can understand the functions. For specialists, there are various types of settings to help optimize the delivery process.

Advanced Direct Remailer (ADR)

If sending is carried out from ordinary software in a single copy, the delivery process occurs as follows: the mail client sends the message, after which it goes to the provider’s server. He puts it in a queue with other letters and waits until his turn comes. Only after this the correspondent will receive a delivery notification.

As a rule, the wait lasts no more than 2-3 seconds. If there are several thousand letters, the process may take 2–3 hours. There is no such thing in ADR. It uses direct multi-threaded sending, which significantly reduces delivery time.

Advanced Direct Remailer allows you to run several projects at the same time, set up a schedule for sending emails, and collect and analyze information about work efficiency in general and the number of clicks on a link in particular.

Send-Safe Enterprise

This mailing program consists of several parts: a set of tools for managing mail and the software itself, which ensures the establishment of a communication session and the exchange of mail packets. You can perform a wide range of tasks using mailer. Firstly, the user can create and manage campaigns. Each of them can contain thousands of messages that differ from each other in text content and design. Secondly, the available tools can be used to change settings at any stage of work.

Can programs be used to send spam?

Any of the above software can be used to mass send advertising correspondence to people who have not consented to receive it. Naturally, spam is one of the prohibited methods of conveying any information. Email marketing is constantly evolving, placing new demands on paid and free email marketing programs. However, it is not always possible to prevent aggressive advertising policies for goods or services.

Most ordinary users work with email directly on the site. The functionality it provides is quite sufficient for creating and receiving letters. But what to do if you need to send the same letter to a large number of people, you need to send a specific message at a specific time, or you want to continue sending letters without a person’s intervention while he is lounging on the beach on vacation? In such cases, all kinds of automatic mailing programs and services come to the rescue. They differ in functionality, paid/free, features of work and many other factors, but what they have in common is that they do not require the constant presence of a person to work. Emails can be sent around the clock at various customizable intervals.

Why do we need newsletters?

The opinion that the main and most effective marketing tool is a website is far from the truth. Most buyers of a product or service are not yet ready to make a decision to make a purchase after a single visit to a web page. The reasons may be different, and not least of all is simple forgetfulness. Customers simply don't remember seeing something that caught their attention. Some potential buyers have to be reminded repeatedly until they finally make a purchase. And an automatic letter sent by email serves as such a reminder.

Features and services

There are many programs and services for automatically sending correspondence, both paid and free. Their functionality is not limited to sending letters without human intervention; its capabilities are much broader:

  1. Before mass mailing, the effectiveness of letters can be tested on a selected group of users by studying the statistics on the sending and delivery of these letters, and the activity of clients after receiving them.
  2. Services allow you to regularly update the list of subscribers by processing service messages about delivery errors. Thus, system resources are not wasted on useless actions of sending to addresses that no longer exist.
  3. Statistics on clicks on links in emails will help evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
  4. Built-in technology for determining the location of subscribers will allow you to select letters for mailing based on geography.
  5. The database for sending letters can be replenished in various automatic ways, for example, by scanning sites on the network.

Automatic replies to letters can also be configured. This will be useful, for example, when leaving. You can inform the writer that the letter has been received, but it will take some time for the answer to come back. If your email address has changed, it is very easy to receive mail sent to your old address - just set up forwarding. But how to inform everyone who writes that the old address is no longer relevant, and next time it is better to write directly to a different one? And automatic writing will help with this.

Such programs usually have templates for typical letters that can easily be modified to suit your needs. Thanks to all this, automatic mailing allows you to promote goods and services with minimal time and money spent on advertising, processing and analysis of correspondence.

What to send?

The most popular are greeting letters (for example, after registering on a resource) and thank you letters (for example, for a completed order or long-term cooperation with a company).

Greetings are the most read emails. People are used to seeing them; most open them in search of some useful or interesting information.

Thank you letters may contain information about the order, delivery method, various promotions and discounts for regular customers. All this attracts people, and such letters, as a rule, are also read or at least glanced at.

An automated letter can suggest products related to those that the person purchased or was interested in. Letters will allow you to congratulate, for example, a happy birthday, making an individual lucrative offer.

To work with complex customer problems, of course, you will already need specialists. But simpler questions, thanks to automatic letters, can be resolved around the clock and every day when users need them.

Among the variety of programs and services, the Outlook program from Microsoft is well known, so methods for creating mailings, automatic replies and forwarding certain letters to other addresses will be discussed using its example.


To a large group of people, there is no need to manually add them to the mailing list each time. To do this, you can create a mailing list. On the “home” tab in the program, you need to select “create a contact group”, then specify a name for this group and add members to it. The list of participants and group name are edited or deleted completely if necessary. The same contact can be included in an arbitrarily large number of user groups to which letters will be sent automatically. This saves a lot of time.

Automatic writing: how to do it

Sometimes there is a need to send an automatic letter at a strictly defined time, and in the absence of the sender at the computer. Outlook's automatic email sending allows you to do this too. You should write a regular letter, if necessary, attach the necessary files to it, specify the addressee(s) or mailing list, and then go to the “options” menu section. Next in this section, select the “delay in delivery” option, and then select “do not deliver by.” Then all the necessary parameters are configured, including the date and time the letter was sent, the presence or absence of delivery and read notifications, etc.

After specifying all the necessary data, you should send the letter. It will be saved in the folder of sent letters, but will actually go to the recipient only on the specified day and time. It is important that at this time the computer is turned on, the program is running on it, and there is an Internet connection. If these conditions were not created at the right time, then automatic sending of letters will occur at the moment when they are finally met. This is not very convenient, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Automatic forwarding of Outlook emails

Letters can be forwarded from the first addressee to others in two ways - forwarding and redirection. Forwarded letters are distinguished by the presence of the abbreviation FW in the subject, and the recipient sees from which address the letter was originally sent, and from which it was later forwarded to him. The redirection is not noticeable to the recipient; he sees the letter as sent by the first sender.

Forwarding management

You can configure either the forwarding of absolutely all letters, or create rules regulating what should be forwarded and when. In this case, forwarded emails are saved in the Inbox folder. The program analyzes the sent letter, and if it meets the conditions specified in the rules, then it performs the action specified by this rule. This can be not only automatic forwarding of letters or replying to them, but also moving it to a specific folder, i.e. sorting, deleting, etc.

To create rules for processing incoming correspondence, you must select the “rules” item on the main tab of the program. Next, in the “manage rules and alerts” menu, the algorithms for processing received letters are directly configured.

Forwarding prohibited

Some emails cannot be forwarded - this happens when the sender has installed protection on the correspondence he sends, preventing the recipient from sharing this information with anyone else. This restriction can only be lifted by the sender; the recipient will not be able to do this in any way.

Also in companies, the system administrator can set his own rules that limit or completely prohibit the sending of letters outside the enterprise network, and sometimes within it. This is done to protect corporate information.

Auto replies

If the addressee is absent due to a business trip, vacation, illness, or for some other reason, automatic replies to letters can be configured. If the mail is located on a corporate account, then you can also create different responses to letters coming from other employees of the company, and to those received from outside.

To enable this function, in the program menu, in the “file” section, select the “auto-responses” item, where you must select “send auto-responses”. In this section, the text of the letters itself is written, and the period during which these replies will be sent is also indicated. If the user appears online before the end of this period, he will be asked to disable the function.

During the validity period of auto-replies, you can set rules for processing mail, for example, for forwarding them to other company employees who can resolve issues that arise, etc.

The program provides detailed help, as well as help to avoid common mistakes when working with it.

I present to you the third generation of the XSpamer application, free and entirely in Russian. You can download it for free from the official website: XSpamer – III

This program for sending letters to email can send any number of emails to your recipients. The newly rewritten program code implements new methods of bypassing spam filters, simplifies the use of the application and gives you new opportunities. You can very subtly, and I would even say cleverly, customize your mailings. The functionality is constantly updated, and you can get the latest versions of XSpamer absolutely free.

What are the advantages of the program?

  • For free.Get the free version of the program. it is already able to satisfy all your needs. In any case, there will be enough for a database of 10,000 addresses.
  • Do you want super functionality? Million dollar bases are you a gift for example? Purchase a license. You understand that one mailing to 1 million addresses will already cover all costs.
  • In Russian. Not just in Russian, but a Russian program, our Russian developers, with their personal online support!
  • Easy launch of a newsletter. A convenient editor will help you create a letter template for mailing. You can choose a transport for your mailings right during their creation or order a configured and ready-to-use SMTP server from us.
  • Dynamic IP. Previously, you may have encountered the problem of IP address blocking. We have solved this problem and now you can manage IP addresses for mailing or entrust this to a trained XSpamer system.
  • Get ready-made databases for mailing. Even if you do not have your own recipient database, you can still send letters using the recipient database that we will provide you with. All you need to do is select your audience based on several parameters right when creating your newsletter.
  • Uniqueness of mailings. A large selection of tools for uniqueizing images and text. Generators of text, letter subjects and sender names.
  • Substitution of links. To save your links in emails, we have developed a tool for replacing links on the fly. Now all your links will be saved from blocking.


  • Now you can create your own SMTP server for mailing with the XServers v1.0 program
  • Now you can parse free domains and use them XDomains v1.0

XSpamer Features

Fast mailing

See how you can quickly and easily send out a newsletter without having to tediously configure all the parameters. This method is suitable for small, quick mailings, for example, to notify your subscribers about news.

  • Addressees: 500
  • Time spent: 10 minutes

Use XSpamer 3

Download XSpamer - III and get a serious tool for performing email campaigns absolutely free of charge and launch emails with a high inbox.

In general, download, try it yourself and understand everything: XSpamer - III.

I haven't given you any bad advice yet. Good luck, friends!

In the modern world, for many people, the Internet is not just a means of communication and entertainment, but also a tool for business, since it allows you to make sales and convey information to the audience even at a fairly decent distance. For the purpose of marketing promotion, various methods are used, not least of which is mailing lists. With their help, you can significantly expand your customer base, and it doesn’t matter what exactly you are selling, goods, services or information. To successfully conduct your business, the number of people you involve in it matters.

It is clear that manually sending letters is quite a tedious and time-consuming task, especially when it comes to large-scale mailings, where you need to deliver messages to more than one thousand recipients. For this purpose, special web services and programs are used for sending letters to Email, which will help you inform a large number of real and potential clients in a short time with just a few clicks, significantly saving your time. Such tools do not require large amounts of money, and the results bring impressive results.

To get the maximum effect in creating mass sending of letters by e-mail, you need good software that specializes in this. Let's look at the best software solutions for this problem today.

Among the variety of automatic mailing tools, ePochta Mailer occupies a leading position; in this niche it is one of the most popular and effective programs. The software is included in the ePochta Studio set, but can be downloaded separately. The tool is a full-fledged assistant in sending letters; no installation of auxiliary utilities is required. The program has an integrated SMTP server, which provides independence from the provider and guarantees the delivery of letters as scheduled, but you can also use your own.

Mailer is a powerful tool that works in multi-threaded mode, so messages are not queued and the sending speed is quite high. After installation, you need to import a list of email addresses to which the mailing will be carried out, and then create a letter (text and HTML format is supported) and click on the button that will start delivering it to recipients. The functionality of the program is at the highest level; thanks to the available options, Mailer is also able to send spam without hindrance.

The interface is friendly and it’s easy to understand the tools even for an inexperienced user; moreover, there is support for the Russian language. Advanced users can customize settings; it is also possible to personalize messages, so the recipient will be able to see their name in the message. The software is distributed on a commercial basis.

A program for mass mailing of letters with rich functionality that delivers mail directly to the recipient's server, bypassing the provider. The utility has an integrated SMTP server; it is possible to create messages in any format, including various email applications. The tool can act as a remailer for other software, sending letters or a mail server.

The remail function will also be useful when working with mobile phones, since letters are sent directly to the recipient. When operating on a local network, where one or more computers are connected to a modem, information will be accumulated on the device, and when connected to the Internet it will be sent to addresses. Remailer works in multi-threaded mode, which ensures fast mailing to addresses. The toolkit also includes the function of sending personalized letters, which will indicate the name of the recipient. The program interface is convenient and understandable, Russian language is supported, which will allow you to quickly become familiar with the software's capabilities.

Bullet Proof Mailer

Another program for sending letters to email with a powerful mail engine, which, with such rich functionality, is quite easy to learn. The software quickly delivers mail using your SMTP server, has a built-in message editor, and supports text and HTML formats. Messages saved in EML format can be read by any email client, but you can also save them as text files. The tool performs its task efficiently, allowing you to inform a large audience in the shortest possible time. Bullet Proof Mailer is a shareware application, and quite effective.

A software product that allows you to carry out mass mailings with the ability to personalize messages to an unlimited number of addresses. The program includes everything you need for preparation and the sending process itself. You can import a list of recipients from any source; there are tools for working with contacts, the ability to set a schedule for starting mailings, and automate the subscription and unsubscription of users. There is a built-in editor that allows you to format the letter, including adding attachments; text and HTML formats are supported. Process monitoring and detailed reports are also available. The software operates in multi-threaded mode, due to which high sending speed is achieved.

Some good free software solutions include Send Blaster, an application that also offers fast email sending. There are no restrictions on the number of recipients in the program; there is an automatic start of sending according to a given schedule and the ability to manage a list of addresses. In addition to mass mailing, the option of personalizing letters is available; text and HTML formats are supported. Send Blaster includes mailing monitoring and can provide detailed progress reports. To create messages, an integrated visual editor is used with the ability to add images and other attachments, it is also possible to connect an external editing tool, and the use of templates is available.

A free program for sending bulk emails, it's simple but has enough features to get the job done. Works with text formats and HTML, you can also attach files to messages. The NI Mail Agent tool allows you to work with sock-proxy, you can use templates, and the option to personalize messages is available. It has a simple and intuitive interface, supports the Russian language, so it will be convenient for users of any level.

A simple, easy-to-manage program for sending letters to email addresses with the ability to use the built-in mail server or SMTP provider (you must specify the protocol in the settings). The functionality includes tools for working with a contact list, a mailing directory, the ability to attach files to messages and other options. Thanks to sending messages to multiple threads, the sending speed is quite high. For the paid PRO version the number of addresses is unlimited, for the free version - a maximum of 300.

It is logical that all powerful tools for mailing are mostly paid products, and also have a trial period. Primitive utilities with a limited set of functions are distributed for free, although sometimes they are sufficient. As an alternative to free email distribution tools, web services are also used to organize the process, for which you do not need to download an installer, but just have a browser. Such online tools (for example, UniSender) completely contain everything you need to send messages and do not require downloading additional applications.

If you don’t know where to get the address database, the question also has a software solution. For this purpose, there is special software that allows you to extract email addresses from various sources on the network. Examples of such tools include Advanced Email Extractor, ePochta Extractor, Mailagent Parser and other similar utilities. Such applications are used in conjunction with mailing programs, allowing you to inform customers as effectively as possible and expand your customer base.

and little tricks

In today's article we will talk about what automatic mailing is, why it is needed and how to work with it. I have already promised to tell about this more than once - and now I’ve finally gotten around to it!

Automatic mailing - what is it and why?

So, the first question is: what is automatic mailing? I think it’s already clear from the name that this is a newsletter that occurs automatically. This is usually a series of letters (sometimes there is one letter), which is sent automatically when certain conditions are met.

What conditions exactly? In fact, very different. From subscribing to the newsletter until a certain period has passed after sending the previous letter. Much depends on the service through which the mailing is carried out and on its capabilities.

By the way, today we will consider automatic mailing using the GetResponse service as an example. I think that for most of our readers its capabilities will be quite sufficient.

Why is such a newsletter necessary? The main goal is to make the work of marketers easier. After all, it is much easier to automate your actions to get results than to do everything manually, monitoring the fulfillment of a wide variety of conditions by subscribers. But here everything is simple - set it up once and reap the benefits.

The second, but no less important task is to increase conversion and, accordingly, increase the number of sales. After all, mailing automation allows you to give each subscriber exactly what they need and are interested in specifically.

Did you click the first link? Get related information. On the second? This means that you need completely different information. Birthday? Congratulations! Read one letter - receive another. If you have completed your goal on the website, here is a letter for you!

In general, the number of different chains that we can offer to our subscribers, depending on the actions they take, is almost limitless.

Which email performs better once a certain condition is met? How much does a longer email chain lead to a larger average check? And so on and so forth - there are, in fact, a lot of opportunities for tests.

What are the conditions for activating a newsletter?

So, what conditions does GetResponse offer us for sending emails? There are only 8 basic conditions. This is sending a letter:

  • at a given time;
  • on click;
  • upon reading;
  • upon subscription;
  • upon achieving the goal;
  • when data changes;
  • together with another letter;
  • on your birthday.

Moreover, each of these options has additional settings.

Setting up automatic mailing

Let's see which ones, using the example of the first option - sending a letter at a given time. And at the same time, we’ll figure out exactly how automatic mailing is set up.

To begin with, we can choose exactly when the letter will be sent. As you can see, by default we have the option “On day 1”. This means that the email will be sent the next day after the contact enters the autoresponder cycle (that is, after a specific email address is on our list of those who receive automatic mailings).

If you want the letter to be sent on the first day, then enter the value “0” in this field.

The second field allows you to select which newsletter subscribers will receive this automatic series. As an example, I have the same e-mail campaign that our blog subscribers receive. By the way, if you have not yet subscribed to our newsletter, then it is not at all difficult to do so - just use the subscription form on the right.

Let's move on to the next form fields. So, what can you choose here? Firstly, the exact time of sending the letter. The default option is “at the time of subscription”. That is, the letter will be sent at the same time when the person subscribed to your mailing list.

You can also choose the options “delayed at” a certain number of hours after the moment of subscription and “exactly at” a certain time (however, a certain time does not provide minutes, only hours). By the way, when you select the last option, you can also enable time zone tracking. But I am not sure that it works correctly.

The next block allows you to select the days of the week when you need (or not need) to send letters. For example, only on weekends. Or, on the contrary, only on weekdays.

And finally, the final chord is the choice (or creation) of the letter that we will send. And also coming up with a service name for the letter (that is, a name that will only be visible to you). I recommend making it as descriptive as possible, so that you don’t get confused later in a bunch of letters with similar names when trying to view analytics.

As you can see, setting everything up is very simple. For other condition options, the settings look approximately the same—the corresponding items are simply added.

For example, when sending a click-to-click email, select the link that the subscriber should click on...

...and when sending a letter when the data changes - the data that it changes.

On the one hand, it seems that there is little choice. On the other hand, thanks to the ability to fine-tune, you can create very complex and intricate chains that intersect, continue, and transform into one another in different ways. The main thing is not to get confused and start sending the same emails to the same subscribers!

What does automatic mailing look like from the inside?

So, now you know what automatic mailing is and how it is set up. Let's look at a couple of examples of what a ready-made automatic mailing looks like.

All autoresponders are divided into two types - by time and by action. By time - these are those that are sent after a certain time after subscription. And by action - those whose conditions for sending are some kind of action.

GetRespose allows you to use two options for viewing automatic mailings - all results together (with the ability to select only specific types) or separate mailings by time, separately by action.

Here, for example, is a small automatic mailing of three letters:

As you can see, the first email is sent at the specified time, the second is sent when you click, and the third is sent when you subscribe. By the way, don’t pay attention to the 0 contacts in the first letter. For letters sent at a given time, this column indicates only the number of subscribers to whom the letter is sent today (that is, on the day of viewing).

But here is another sorting option - by type of letters. Here, in the first place are letters sent by time:

As you can see, everything is designed in the form of a calendar. And when you click on a specific day, you can add a letter for that day. And, of course, do not be surprised that there are 33 days in a “month” - after all, in fact, this is not a calendar, but simply a counter of days from the moment the contact entered the answering machine cycle.

This has come to the end of my story about what automatic mailing is. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and I will definitely answer them.