Large balloon with a basket dream book reviews. Dream Interpretation - soar in the skies, fly, balloon, parachute

Bright and balloons Many of us associate them with childhood and holidays.

But the interpretations about what a balloon means in dreams are not always so rosy in the dream book.

What does it mean

The shape of the sphere that the balloon has is considered the standard. That is why many interpreters characterize people who have dreams of this kind as integral and harmonious individuals. The ball can also symbolize participation in a vibrant public event.

  • Seeing a large balloon in a dream means the dreamer’s unreasonable hopes for success. Your expectations have no basis and can burst at any moment like a balloon;
  • The ball falls from the sky - vain hopes for marriage and happy love. Personal life will only bring disappointment, accompanied by jealousy and mistrust of a loved one;
  • Seeing a pink balloon in a dream means disappointment in your significant other. The bonds of love between you are very fragile and can break at any moment, bringing with them bitterness and regret;
  • An unusual ball of enormous size means the appearance of a talkative and unnecessary friend. Beware of this man, he will bring you a lot of problems;
  • The blue ball is a closed future. There is no point in turning to fortune tellers and clairvoyants: their predictions will be incorrect;
  • Seeing a hot air balloon flying in the sky is unexpected news;
  • The ball rises sharply and disappears from sight - sudden success in business.

A ball decorated with inscriptions and bright multi-colored ribbons can mean unexpected surprise, which the dreamer will win in the near future. burst balloon in the dream book takes on a negative meaning. Most likely, in the near future the sleeper will face the collapse of all plans and hopes. You have to return to a bleak reality, but you have the power to make your life a little brighter. The dream in which you release a ball from your hands has a hidden meaning. This vision warns of lost luck due to carelessness and frivolity. If a dream in which this object was present caused you unpleasant feelings, it means that you will be disappointed in life.

Flying in a hot air balloon - dream interpretation

Flying in a dream is a very ambiguous sign. It can symbolize spiritual career growth the dreamer, but at the same time indicate a thirst for power or a person’s inability to cope with difficulties along the way. Unfortunately, most often flying on aircraft, including balloons, takes on a negative meaning in dreams.

  • Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a bad trip. A dream can also warn of problems at work, serious mistakes and broken hopes;
  • To feel that the ball is falling down under the load is a strong disappointment awaiting the dreamer in real life;
  • Flying up quickly on a balloon means a profitable deal, making a profit and other material benefits;
  • Crash in a hot air balloon - major losses, difficulties in business. You will begin to make mistakes in important situations;
  • Relieving excess weight while flying in a balloon means liberation from the persecution of ill-wishers.

Freud interprets a bursting balloon as indifference to a sexual partner or the presence of problems in intimate life. If in your dream flying brought you pleasure, then you are probably dreaming of dying while making love. A well-inflated balloon represents beauty sexual health dreamer, and seeing a deflated ball lying on the ground can warn about possible problems in sexual life. A dream in which you have to sleep inside a balloon indicates a desire to isolate yourself from the outside world and thereby find peace.

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains why a balloon is dreamed of more optimistically. Soaring in a ball above the ground means the emergence of a brilliant idea and the solution of complex problems. And quickly rising into the sky on it promises large-scale achievements in the professional sphere, as well as mutual and happy love. Flying alone in a hot air balloon is a symbol of starting a new business. However, do not expect support and help from friends or like-minded people. Flight to aircraft in a large company will mean that you will get down to business together with colleagues and faithful comrades.

Why do you dream of flying in a Hot Air Balloon in a dream according to the dream book?

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes a trip that will not live up to expectations, will leave unpleasant memories, and will bring losses.

Don’t get hung up on minor misfortunes; among failures and disappointments, look for positive impressions of what you see.

I saw a hot air balloon. Why do you dream? Reading the dream book

Happiness, joy, fun... These are the words that a balloon is associated with. Why do we dream about this attribute of almost every holiday? The answers vary widely. And they depend on the dream book, as well as on the circumstances of the vision. And in order to answer the above question, it is worth turning to the most authoritative dream interpreters.

Universal explanation

So, here is the first answer to the question of why multi-colored balloons dream of: trouble. Various kinds. It would seem that there are a lot of balloons - so much positivity! But no. They can be a harbinger of problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, partners, and superiors. And in order to minimize the losses that a dream promises, a person will need to make a lot of effort. In the near future, we must try to be less conflictual and hot-tempered, and also work more.

What if you see a hot air balloon in the sky? Why do you dream about this? They say it leads to prolonged loneliness. But if there are a lot of balls, simply countless, then this is a different sign. Most likely, the dreamer is having almost no fun. And he should interrupt his ordinary existence and start having fun.

Modern dream book

He talks in detail about why you dream of a balloon with a basket. modern book interpretations. If a person saw this on earth, then it’s time for him to relax. In real life, he is too passionate about his problems, literally obsessed with them. The ball here personifies him, and the basket to which he is tied represents circumstances, problems. And by the way, the more filled it is, the more trouble a person has, from which he cannot free himself. It's time to untie the knot and release the ball into the sky. That is, free yourself from problems. Perhaps even far-fetched.

And if a person sees that he is flying in a hot air balloon (a big, real one), this is a sign of travel. Perhaps it wasn't even planned. And if you had any thoughts of going somewhere, then there is no doubt that your plans will be carried out. By the way, if the flight was long, it means that the dreamer will have to leave home for a long time.

Miller's Dream Book

He can also tell a lot about such a symbol as a balloon. Why do you dream about seeing him? Usually to conflicts and troubles. The more balls, the more unpleasant they will be. Perhaps certain fears and concerns of the dreamer will even come true. Difficulties at work are also likely. However, you should move forward and not give up without looking at the developing situation.

Seeing the balloons burst is also not good sign. Perhaps this means dismissal from work. There is nothing to hide: the period will not be easy. However, if the dreamer was a good worker who has proven himself well, finding a new place will be easy. It is possible that another job will be many times better and more promising than the previous one.

But relationships with loved ones and loved ones are not subject to anything bad. If you dream of balloons flying in the sky, then everything will be fine in this matter. A person is probably surrounded by kind and loving people, which in difficult situation they will not abandon him, but will support him - not only in word, but also in deed. And it is not recommended to hide your melancholy from them.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Another book of interpretations to listen to. She also goes into detail about what the balloon means. Why do you dream about this symbol? If a person inflates it in a dream, it means boundless happiness. And here the principle applies: the more balls, the more happiness. Perhaps the person will also have some good fun with friends soon. And it is possible that luck will simply follow him in all good meanings this word.

But seeing children inflate balloons is not good. This means that soon a person will have to solve someone else’s problems. And you will need to do this very carefully and with all responsibility. It is interesting that the dreamer will not even have time to understand how all the affairs have been transferred to him.

But if the balloons inflated by a person or other participants in his dream burst, then this means financial problems. A reduction in salary, deprivation of a bonus, a demotion, loss of money due to negligence... or even a person can be robbed. Also, the possibility of a sudden breakdown of expensive equipment cannot be ruled out. In general, in the near future the dreamer needs to handle things more carefully than ever, and, just in case, save on everything he can.

What else is worth knowing

So, above we talked about why you dream of flying in a balloon, inflating it, or just seeing it. But there are still a lot of nuances that you need to know about.

So, for example, if the ball pink color, this is a disappointment in your soulmate. It is quite possible that the love ties will soon break, which will bring a lot of suffering to both.

Large ball unusual shape- to the appearance of an overly talkative person in life. But he will only talk a lot and make a lot of promises.

Why do you dream of a hot air balloon in the sky? Slowly floating over the dreamer, it usually promises unexpected news. But if the ball suddenly and unexpectedly rushes upward and is lost from sight, this means success in business or at work.

Important Details

By the way, if there were inscriptions on the ball and it was tied with a golden ribbon, this is an unexpected smile of fortune. And when it quickly rises up and then suddenly stops, it means successful business and career development. Only further prosperity will require a lot of strength. However, it will be worth it.

Watching another person inflate balloons is a waste of time and unjustified dreams. And to see a bunch of children with balloons in a dream means that the dreamer will not be able to rest in the near future, no matter how much he dreams of silence and solitude. By the way, if he himself was holding the ball and suddenly released it, this means he missed a good chance or opportunity. It’s worth remembering this and trying to prevent this from happening in real life.

Fly in a hot air balloon

Dream Interpretation Flying in a Hot Air Balloon dreamed of why you dream about flying in a hot air balloon? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Flying balloons

Dream Interpretation Flying Balls dreamed of why you dream of Flying balloons in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Balloons flying in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Ball image.

The ball is luck and destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about the ball as follows.

If you saw in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream prophesies troubles for you.

If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the earth, then such a dream warns that in the future you will encounter something hitherto unknown to you, which will cause you great fear.

A dream in which you ran away from fireball, portends a major scandal.

Dream Interpretation - Billiard balls

To see balls on a billiard set in a position for breaking - in reality, be careful: a lawsuit is possible due to a professional mistake. Breaking a pyramid of balls means you will be responsible for the actions of your business partners. Play billiards - act as a witness in court. If you dream that you are losing a game, you will suffer material losses.

Imagine collecting billiard balls in a net and throwing them into the fireplace. They melt, then burn.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

This means that your health may suddenly be upset. A ball rolling towards you warns against the danger that threatens your material wealth. A motionless ball in a dream is a sign that a true treasure is very close to you.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

A ball seen in a dream symbolizes the desire to give, to sacrifice oneself and one’s own pleasures. The ball is a sign of submission, softness, warmth, plasticity. If a man dreams about it, it means that he lacks female warmth, naturalness and, quite possibly, that he is fed up with easy prey and accessible sex.

For a woman, such a dream means that she is physiologically and psychologically ripe for conceiving and giving birth to a child.

Seeing an inflatable balloon in a dream means that in real life you are engaged in empty activities and chores, while all the most important things pass by. Imaginary hopes and dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

"rolling balls" is an aimless pastime.

“at least roll a ball” emptiness, poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

A billiard ball is a loss in a game of chance.

Bad acquaintances.

Balloon - stupidity, illusions, dreams.

5th house of the horoscope.

Fly in a hot air balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Seeing the unrealizable in the sky, the collapse of all hopes. Climb yourself in it, happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

You tend to dream the impossible.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Useless dreams.

Separation for a short time.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

See Balloon.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Your dreams are impossible

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Seeing a balloon in a dream is a sign that unusual events or news await you. A balloon in a dream symbolizes your hopes or ambitious desires. If in a dream you try to inflate a balloon, but nothing works out for you, then be prepared for the fact that your plans will fail and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes.

If you dream that you are inflating a balloon or see others doing it, then you are wasting your time on empty dreams.

If you dream that a balloon is falling, then your hopes for happy love will be overshadowed by the pangs of jealousy.

Seeing a balloon rise into the air in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. But if in a dream a balloon hangs in one place, then expect a stop in your business. See interpretation: balloon.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Ball image.

Spheres in a dream have an ambiguous interpretation.

In ancient times, the ball was the personification of the power and strength of the gods.

In paintings and statues, deities usually hold it in their left hand.

In Christianity, a ball topped with a cross signifies the affirmation of faith in Christ.

The ball is luck and destiny.

If you hold a ball in a dream, fate will be favorable to you.

If the ball is inaccessible to you: it flew away somewhere, rolled away, disappeared. This means you will have to work hard before success comes to you.

The very fact of the appearance of a ball in a dream, albeit short-lived, already opens up hope for you.

If you dream of a ball or a ball in a game with someone, be prepared for alien intrusions. You are faced with an unexpected situation, the outcome of which depends on your resourcefulness.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

To see in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream indicates that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune.

If you dreamed globe, then this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but lies within the people themselves. The whole point is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence.

To see a huge dark ball approaching the Earth in a dream is a sign that the Earth is under threat environmental disaster and it will happen because of the emissions that poison the air from various factories. The time will come when a gray cloud will descend on Earth and people will experience a greater need for air.

If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the Earth, then such a dream prophesies a visit to the Earth by living beings from another planet, who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear.

Running away from a fireball in a dream is an omen terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer big losses in the war, and maybe even will take active participation in this terrible battle for life and death.

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Balloon. Airship. All these are symbols of ghostly dreams.

The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

The shape of a ball in a dream: symbolizes the desire for perfection, most often excessive or in vain.

If you dream of a certain spherical object that seems strange, then after such a dream you should think about it - maybe, by trying to achieve the ideal, you are only harming your business? A dream in which a spherical object causes some kind of destruction has the same meaning: this dream reminds us that in pursuit of the best we should not destroy the good.

A balloon in a dream: suggests that in reality you are making unrealistic plans that do not have the slightest chance of success.

How larger size ball and the higher it flies, the greater value you attach to your plans and the greater your disappointment may be.

Seeing the globe from space is an expansion of consciousness, spiritual revelation, a breakthrough in development.

Seeing a hot air balloon in the sky is a pipe dream, the collapse of all hopes.

Climbing in it yourself means happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

Flying hot air balloon

Dream Interpretation Flying in a hot air balloon dreamed of why you dream about flying in a hot air balloon? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a balloon flying in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip. Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love. Dropping ballast from a balloon means you will soon be cured of chronic illness. Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon (balloon)

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you're looking at flying balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Launch in a dream kite- means that you are not suitable for your position.

Although it appears durable, it's actually filled with air—don't let the bright colors distract you.

Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure they are worth a hot air balloon.

If the ball flies upward, this means quick profit.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Your activity is awaited serious shocks. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

If the ball bursts, it means that the illusions have scattered to dust.

A balloon rising into the sky means that you are at the mercy of the winds of change.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Yours business life will clearly be in decline.

Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Balloon - pipe dreams.

Dream anyway, it’s much more interesting to live.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Your problems will resolve themselves, don’t worry.

Imagine a balloon flying into the sky.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

useless and unrealistic dreams

Balloons flying balloons

Dream Interpretation Balloons flying balloons dreamed of why you dream about balloons flying? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see balloons flying in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Dream Interpretation - Balloon (balloon)

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Dream Interpretation - Inflatable Ball

Dream Interpretation - Ball

See Balloon.

Dream Interpretation - Balls

Meeting with an old friend.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip. Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love. Dropping ballast from a balloon means soon recovering from a chronic illness. Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Dream Interpretation - Kite

Dream Interpretation - Kite

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Balloons flying

Dream Interpretation Balloons fly dreamed of why you dream about balloons flying? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Balloons flying in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

You have a chatty boyfriend or girlfriend.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon (balloon)

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip. Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love. Dropping ballast from a balloon means soon recovering from a chronic illness. Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Dream Interpretation - Kite

If you dreamed of a kite flying in the sky, you will have a chance to get rich, which you may miss by underestimating the consequences of your action.

A kite falling to the ground and breaking portends disappointment and failure. Watching in a dream how children fly a kite into the sky - having sufficient funds, you will spend them unwisely, trying to show off the eyes of the person whose heart you are trying to win.

Holding a kite by a string and running, trying to lift it, means in reality you will be able to relax well and have a good rest. If you dreamed that the snake, having soared high, disappeared from sight, it means that excessive fuss and impatience will bring you a result that is the opposite of what you expected.

Dream Interpretation - Kite

A kite is a symbol of the penis, and seeing it in a dream means having some problem or worry about erection.

A well-flying kite with a tight rope indicates the absence of erection problems.

If the kite flies unevenly and falls, then this indicates that you are constantly subconsciously tormented by worries about your erection and, most likely, not in vain.

If a woman sees a kite, then this indicates problems with her erection. sexual partner; the sight of the kite flying will give her the answer to the question: are her worries in vain or not.

If children see a kite, then this indicates their awakening sexuality, and for boys, the beginning of wet dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Inflatable Ball

The dream means empty chores and a waste of time. You fuss too much, but this fuss will not bring any useful results. Stop doing nonsense and get down to business.

Imagine that you release a ball into the sky - it flies away and is lost from sight.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

Flying a kite in a dream means that you are not suitable for your position.

Although it appears durable, it's actually filled with air—don't let the bright colors distract you.

Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure they are worth a hot air balloon.

If the ball flies upward, this means quick profit.

Dream Interpretation - Balloon

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Fear of flying

Dream Interpretation Fear of flying in a plane dreamed of why you dream about the fear of flying in a plane? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fear of flying on a plane in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions. If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve this. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone. Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business. Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participating in important matters and respect from others. In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you discover the meaning of the dream. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.) Flying and seeing the sun in a dream portends good changes. Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters. Flying from rooftop to rooftop in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and are still trying to improve your affairs, doing one thing and then doing another. Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house. Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger long journey, from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business. Flying with wings in a dream is better than flying without them. In this case, wings mean support or outside help. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some matter. Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk. Flying too high in a dream means that your desire cannot be fulfilled. Soaring in the skies in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: airplane, balloon.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Caterpillars are flying silkworm without turning into cocoons - portends happiness for people.

Fly in a boat - great wealth and nobility.

Flying on a crane is a significant advancement up the career ladder.

A flock is flying bats- secret affairs will be done successfully.

Flying in a boat - portends great wealth and nobility.

Flying on a crane - portends a significant advancement up the career ladder.

A flying bird climbs into your bosom - happiness.

Flying dragon - your appointment to the place will be announced.

A moth flying towards the fire of a lamp is the defeat of another person.

Wings grow on your body and you fly - great happiness.

Catching a bird in flight is a letter from afar.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the matter will not end in success.

A fish flies over the water - all matters will be resolved.

Watch dragonflies fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Dream Interpretation - Summer

If the events in your dream take place at the beginning of summer, this promises you frivolity in your actions, which you will later have to repent of more than once.

The crown, or height, of summer - your hopes will be unrealistic for some time, but quite unexpectedly, success will come, as they say, from where you did not expect it.

The end of summer, closer to autumn, is a sign that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in relationships with unfamiliar people, but the people closest to you will suffer the most.

A hot, sultry, dry summer means that you may be subject to ridicule because of your careless, sometimes tactless behavior.

A cold and windy summer foretells that you will be unusually happy in your new acquaintance; fun and pleasure await you with a man faithful to you, devoid of selfish jealousy that destroys love.

A rainy and damp summer foreshadows dishonest wealth; the way you acquire it will cause bitter regret and condemnation of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Fly arbitrarily

We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly spontaneously, so to speak, and in other cases we see a CONSCIOUS dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like flapping your arms with wings - to stay in the air. However, many people dream that they are picked up by an unknown force while floating. Typically, such dreams occur when we really want to TRAVEL or in anticipation of a danger that requires ESCAPE. During a lucid dream, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one type of astral OUT OF BODY experience.

Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions.

What caused the desire to fly - danger or euphoria? What did this flight lead to?

Unusual means of travel. In a dream, a person can fly by himself, on a bicycle, car, boat or other “non-flying” means of transportation. Such flights are typically the result of circumstances in which the normal vehicle becomes unusable or simply dangerous. For example, you prefer to fly on a bicycle rather than drive a car and get into an accident. At the same time, the dream says that you see all the illogicality and inconsistency of the emerging danger. But this could also be a dream involving the archetypal image of a HERO.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

If in a dream you soar upward like a bird, this in reality will bring you the fulfillment of your hopes, success in business and love. If, on the contrary, you plan from heaven to earth, you will become the cause and at the same time the victim of a family quarrel. Flying through the air low above the ground portends a long journey.

If in a dream you fly far, far away and for quite a long time, in reality you are guaranteed love experiences, that is, joy interspersed with tears. If you dream that you are flying through the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals, amazed at this, all the grief that has accumulated in your soul will melt away like smoke. Seeing other people flying in a dream means trouble. Flying on an airplane portends happiness in your personal life, on a helicopter - you will get into an accident, on an airship - you will perform a brave act, on a hot air balloon - you will experience regret about a missed opportunity, on a hang glider - you will have a fun time.

Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you will soon receive news from a friend that he is in an unpleasant situation. Larks flying in a dream mean high goals, having achieved which, you will get rid of selfishness and develop good qualities of both soul and mind. If a lark, flying around, falls on you, luck will turn to face you.

Seeing cranes flying in a dream foretells gloomy prospects in commercial affairs. If flying cranes fall to the ground, this portends unusual events in reality. Seeing a flying turkey in a dream foretells you success and fame, which will happen in the very near future.

If you see an eagle soaring high in the sky, in real life this portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and ideals, which sooner or later will lead to the desired success. A flying eagle means good luck in business.

Seen in a dream bats foretell death loved one. Flying in large numbers above you, they mean an imminent separation from your loved one. Seeing a pilot in a dream means a pleasant change in your future destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

If you dreamed that you were soaring high above the ground, get ready for family troubles. Fly low - there are some ailments ahead. A dream in which you are flying over dirty water, encourages you to spend more time on your business. Competitors will take advantage of your inattention.

Flying over ruins can be a symbol of boredom.

If you look at it from above green grass, then temporary difficulties await you, which will soon give way to success.

A dream about a space flight to the Moon and other planets promises global cataclysms - wars, epidemics, famine.

A dream in which you fly on black wings foreshadows bitter disappointment.

If you fall during a flight, then you are in danger of falling in life. But if you woke up at the last moment, then you will be able to cope with the problems.

For a young woman, a dream in which she flies from one city to another and lands on the dome of a church means that she will have to defend her ideas and beliefs. She is also at risk of deteriorating health.

If she dreams that she was shot, then she should beware of the machinations of enemies on the path to success.

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “We often fly in a dream - this is a significant event, and sometimes we fly, so to speak, spontaneously, and in other cases we see a lucid dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like wings, flapping your arms to stay in the air. However, many people dream that they are picked up by an unknown force while floating. Typically, such dreams occur when we really want to travel or in anticipation of a danger that requires escape. In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one of the types of astral, out-of-body experience.

Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions.”

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Fly independently low to the ground.

Tip of the day: on at the moment ignore the advice of those close to you and do as your heart tells you.

Fly on your own up to the sky.

Tip of the day: your dreams are unlikely to come true anytime soon. Direct your interest to a specific cause.

Fly on an airplane.

Tip of the day: you are on the right track. A little more effort and victory will crown your aspiration.

Fly in a hot air balloon.

Tip of the day: don’t miss the person who shows you signs of attention.

Take off by ground transport.

Tip of the day: any business you take on now will succeed. Be more active.

Take off and fall.

Tip of the day: you have to accept defeat and accumulate strength for a new takeoff

Dream Interpretation - Summer

Summer symbolizes maturity, energy, and strength.

Out of season - success, good news, pleasure.

In summer the highest manifestation of solar activity is observed.

Summer starts from the summer solstice.

In the summer, the Feast of St. John the Baptist is celebrated, when bonfires are lit.

Dream Interpretation - Summer

To see a warm, fine summer, especially if this dream occurs in winter: foretells good current your affairs, and often the fulfillment of any desires.

Hot summer: a harbinger of certain emotional events that may tire you somewhat.

Dry summer in a dream: is a warning. Such a dream suggests that by succumbing to your passions and excessive desires, you risk suffering great losses.

Dream Interpretation - Fly

Seeing yourself flying means promotion and prosperity in business, which will cause discord with relatives.

If you see yourself flying on a plane with friends, this means success in business.

If you fly alone on a plane, your friends will envy your wealth.

A woman sees a stranger flying on a plane - foretells separation from her husband or illness of her children.

Why do you dream of balloons or just balls? Balloons are associated with celebration, childhood, joy and happiness. Multi-colored and bright, they create a cheerful, relaxed mood and evoke positive emotions. What do balloons mean in a dream?

The image of balloons does not have a clear interpretation. A dream can predict success and failure. The dream must be interpreted taking into account the peculiarities of the development of events. Mystical meaning balloon - dreams and dreams, as a rule, unrealizable. The balls look like rainbow soap bubbles that burst at the first contact with an obstacle.

Dream plots can be different:

  • balloons rise into the air;
  • the balls fly into different sides;
  • burst on contact;
  • inflate balloons;
  • fly in a hot air balloon.

Watch how colorful balloons fly in the sky- a good sign. For young girls, this prophesies interesting acquaintances; for married people, the dream foreshadows the resumption of fading feelings and a romantic mood. However red balls promise the unrealizability of love dreams.

Why do you dream about balloons that scatter in different directions? A career takeoff awaits you, however, achieving success at work can negatively affect family relationships: you will not be able to pay enough attention to your loved ones.

See colorful balloons at a celebration- let the holiday come into your life. You are so mired in everyday worries that you have stopped noticing the beauty of life around you.

If the balls burst before our eyes, your perception of life is far from reality. You are full of illusions, you have built castles in the air and outlined unrealistic plans. Unfortunately, what was planned is not realized, and the life lesson will cause heartache.

Bursting balloons can also portend dismissal from work, demotion, and various difficulties in relationships with partners/colleagues. If the balloons burst on the eve of an important financial event, do not rush to conclude a deal or make a large purchase.

The balloons are blown away by the wind from you? Love will remain unrequited; your loved one will never love you. However, you should not worry: life path a worthy candidate will meet to create a happy family.

If the balls fall down, expect disappointments in life. Trying to catch the ball is also frustrating. What is planned will not come true. This can affect any area of ​​life.

Actions in a dream

The dreamer can take an active part in the events of the dream. For example, inflate balloons. This is a sign of a meaningless pastime: you are wasting your energy on unnecessary things.

Also, inflating balloons can warn: there are two-faced people next to you, hiding behind the mask of sincere friendship. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, you will find them.

To see in a dream how children inflate balloons, - to complicate relationships in the family with their own children or younger blood relatives. Or you have to solve their problems.

If in a dream you filled the balloons with helium, this predicts good luck in business and endeavors. Everything that is planned is successfully implemented in life. Especially auspicious meaning has a dream in which helium-filled balloons soared into the sky.

Hot Air Balloon Flight may portend a journey. It could be temporary work in another city or business trip. If you threw ballast out of the basket during the flight, you will soon get rid of an annoying problem in your life. Also, this plot may portend getting rid of a chronic or lingering illness.

Interpretation of dream books about balls

Miller's Dream Book sees in the image of balloons a sign of future conflicts and misunderstandings with neighbors. Everything you feared will come true. A burst balloon may portend dismissal from work.

Esoteric dream book sees the image of a balloon as a positive symbol. If a dreamer inflates a balloon in a dream, in reality he will be able to independently realize his dreams. This is a symbol of self-sufficiency. However, a burst balloon promises failure.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova warns: if you inflate a balloon in a dream, you will soon fall in love with an unworthy person, or you have already fallen in love. If the balloon bursts, you will be involved in a risky business.

Modern dream predictor considers this image to be positive: the dreamer will be followed by luck, life will sparkle with multi-colored colors.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z predicts failures at work. Flying in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip. If the ball quickly flies away from the dreamer, this predicts unsuccessful love. Inflating balloons in a dream means reveling in the illusions of love. Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Modern dream book considers the image of a balloon to be a harbinger of illness and unrealizable dreams. You love to dream and build castles in the air. The red ball dreams of love without reciprocity.

Dream Book of the Wanderer considers a hot air balloon ride a harbinger of success at work and in his personal life. Flight also symbolizes a successful solution to complex problems. Looking at multi-colored balls means pleasant dreams and daydreams.

Freud's Dream Book compares a balloon to a penis. If it is elastic, everything is normal with potency. If you are deflated and hanging, expect failure in love affairs. The ball flies into the distance - to unfulfilled sexual desires. A bursting balloon portends problems in potency and relationships with a partner. Watching the balls fly is a sign of sexual fantasies.

Why do you dream about balloons? Psychologists consider frequent dreams with the image of a balloon to be a signal of fatigue of the body and psyche. You get little rest, are overloaded with worries and problems - the subconscious is trying to remind you of relaxation with images of multi-colored balloons.

A dream in which the sleeper himself inflates the balloons and releases them into the sky is considered happy. If none of them burst and fall to the ground, all wishes will come true, and problems will be resolved without difficulty.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The ball, as a rule, is a harbinger of unfavorable events in the life of the person who had the dream. If you look at all the interpretations of dream books, then the dream promises, as a rule, the loss of something important or something that gave the person who saw the dream, about balloons, a lot of joy and pleasure.

Balloon - according to Freud's dream book

Why do you dream of a balloon? It means that you will soon experience an event that will open your eyes to what is happening around you and you will understand, as a result of this, how you were wrong before, as the Russian dream book says in particular.

According to the interpretation of the Indian dream book, a small balloon in a dream means that in reality you are inclined to exaggerate your problems, which only irritates the nervous system in vain.

The meaning of the dream is multi-colored balloons, and they can also be ordinary toy balloons, or just balloons: some of our most vivid and impossible desires, fantasies, also of an erotic nature. Which are different from everyday needs.

Seeing a hot air balloon in a dream - Miller's dream book

If you dream of a big balloon, this is a signal that you are too confident in yourself and people really don’t like this feature of you.

When you dream you are flying in a hot air balloon, eastern dream book this is a warning that you are about to involve yourself in some very risky enterprise, or perhaps you have already done this and that you are in danger of trouble due to this.

And when you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon in a dream, it means that you are moving further and further away from your goal, and you must fight for your dreams if you do not want baskets.

Why do you dream of a hot air balloon according to Vanga’s dream book?

If you dream of falling from a balloon, this means the end of illusions according to Vanga’s dream book. If in a dream you see a balloon filled with gas bursting, this is a harbinger that soon someone in your presence will be very nervous, and that you will be the reason for this. If a balloon with a basket flies from your dream, this is not a favorable omen for the future.

Ball - the meaning of the dream according to Nostradamus’ dream book

The best place to start is with the significance of balloons themselves. The dream book tells us that a balloon in a dream is an element of our dreams, as well as unexpressed sexual desires.

By popular dream books, if you dream of a balloon with a basket, such a dream means: what features does the balloon have, and what do we do with it, or what happens in the balloon. By far the most common dream depicting hot air balloons, as the dream book knows, a hot air balloon is explained as rising high into the mountains.

Hasse - dream book balloon in a dream

Balloons in the sky universal dream book mean that there are few fun and holidays. You need to eliminate some problems to make life easy.

Flying in a hot air balloon dream
This is a very specific dream, because the dream book says that by taking us from the ground, a balloon warns us against inattention. We move away from something, we lose something, although we stand still all the time and don’t really do anything. Something bad is happening in our lives, and if we don’t start confronting it, we will fly away from the important things, and these are the balloons that are thrown into the wind.

Dream Interpretation of flying in a hot air balloon, having seen this dream, you must be careful because they confuse this with a dream in which only we rise in a hot air balloon, but are not yet flying.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Flying a kite in a dream means that you are not suitable for your position. Although it appears durable, it's actually filled with air—don't let the bright colors distract you. Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure that...

Dream book online - Balloon

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Associated with fun and celebrations. What period are you in your life now? Is it really time for fun? In your dream, are the balloons flying or on the ground? Flying balloons are a symbol of high matters and cheerfulness. If the balloons are on...

How to interpret the dream “Balloon”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Your business life will obviously decline. Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip. Spinning top - Seeing a spinning top in a dream means that you will get entangled in empty chores. Seeing a spinning top means that you...

Balloon - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You have a chatty boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does a dream about a Balloon mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Useless and impossible dreams.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Balloon?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing in the sky is a pipe dream, the collapse of all hopes. Climbing in it yourself means happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

If you see a “Balloon” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Dreaming of "Balloon" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your problems will resolve themselves, don’t worry. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine a balloon flying into the sky.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Balloon?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unfulfilled dreams. Dream anyway, it’s much more interesting to live.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Balloon?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips. Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Decoding and interpretation of the dream Balloon

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Inflating a balloon - falling in love with an unworthy person; dreaming of a balloon bursting - in reality you will have to participate in a risky business.

If you dream of a Balloon, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Your business life will clearly be in decline. Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

Why do you dream about a Balloon?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life. Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip. A balloon quickly carried away by a current of air predicts unrequited love. Dropping ballast from a balloon means soon being cured of...

Balloon - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If the ball bursts, it means that the illusions have scattered to dust. A balloon rising into the sky means that you are at the mercy of the winds of change.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about an inflatable balloon, a balloon?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unbearable loads. Your strength is being tested. Need for revision or restructuring.