Dream balls in the sky. Why do you dream of balloons: interpretation options

Multi-colored balloons are always associated with childhood, holidays, lightness and fun. Bright bunch of balloons in hands certainly makes you smile and improves your mood. But you shouldn’t completely trust children’s associations, because a balloon seen in a dream can also mean a frivolous life.

If you dreamed of inflatable balloons, you need to deeply analyze what you saw and carefully look at the details.

According to the general interpretation, if you saw in a dream many colorful balls- this means empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams. It is quite possible that you will experience great disappointment in your work or personal life.

But if you saw balls flying into a cloudless sky, this represents your elevation above society and separation from reality, remember this.

Multi-colored balls lying on the ground indicate a desire to fulfill a cherished dream or can symbolize an unexpected gift.

They mean the collapse of hopes and separation from reality. Perhaps you are looking at life through " rose-colored glasses“, are busy endlessly building “castles in the air” and have become too distant from solving pressing problems. Your dreams may take you too far.

What does a balloon with a basket mean when flying?

Dream about an unsuccessful trip.

Dreaming of changes in life. If you dump ballast, you will soon get rid of serious illness. If you crashed in a hot air balloon, this may portend major losses and even a threat to life.

Such a dream warns against wrong decisions and rash actions. If you see the basket rising, then it is sure sign success in business and new achievements, so rest assured.

They may talk about illness and poor health. Pay close attention to this and avoid stress and nervous exhaustion. If a girl dreams that she is holding a bunch of snow-white balls in her hands, it means a quick and happy marriage.

If a man dreams of a white ball, this indicates a surge of strength and victory over the enemy.

Warns of an impending disaster, global catastrophe or emergency. Sudden weather changes and deterioration in health are possible due to magnetic storms. For an elderly person, this symbolizes an imminent illness.

Light and positive sign in your life. It portends joy, fun and interesting events in life. In business, he brings profit and a good deal.

The color yellow symbolizes gold and wealth. For a girl, a yellow ball means the appearance of a respectable boyfriend and expensive gifts.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to him, balloons seen in a dream symbolize a conflict situation and troubles in business. Fears and old grievances will rule over you. But soon they will disappear, thereby ensuring a positive outcome.

Burst balloon portends dismissal from work and quickly obtaining a good source of income. IN family relationships balloons mean mutual understanding and resolution conflict situations. Your parents and children will help you in all matters.

If the girl dreamed of a balloon, which is carried away by the wind - this means unrequited love or the infidelity of her young man.

If she inflates the balloons, this indicates an imminent slight infatuation or flirting. If it bursts in your hands, your partner does not deserve attention and love, and it can also mean imminent betrayal.

Catching balloons in a dream portends disappointment in business. If the caught ball bursts, then this is a sure sign of the resolution of old problems. If a young woman holds it in her hand, she is waiting for imminent marriage or pregnancy, remember these differences.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a blue or green balloon, this promises her an easy birth and the birth of a boy. If he pink color- there will be a girl.

Balls falling to the ground symbolize jealousy and suspicion. Perhaps your fears are unfounded and you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved ones. Raising the ball means unexpected joy and an improvement in your financial situation.

Lying among a large number of multi-colored balls symbolizes the thirst for pleasure and entertainment. It is possible that there is not enough holiday in your life.

If you see bursting balloons, then unexpected problems at work are possible and you will have a difficult conversation with your boss or subordinate. Try to avoid conflict situations at work and in communication with colleagues.

If you saw in a dream children inflating bright balloons, this symbolizes the emergence of problems related to their health and upbringing. Or it is possible that in life you give them too little care and attention. Put aside pressing matters and devote the entire coming weekend to communicating with the kids.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

In it, a balloon symbolizes filling life with meaning and fullness of feelings. Blowing air bubbles embodies creative energy and the beginning of new achievements.

If you play with bright inflatable balls, this means that you are able to captivate other people with your work and create a light and relaxed atmosphere around you. If you throw it to other people, it may foretell rivalry and competition in business and personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See in a dream huge black ball, falling to Earth - to approaching troubles and disasters. Perhaps this portends an explosion at the plant or just a slight deterioration environmental situation in your region.

If it is engulfed in flames, this is a warning about international bloody wars and irreparable losses.

Balls that appear in a dream are harbingers of deteriorating health. Pay attention to the functioning of the bladder and pelvic organs.

A shiny and iridescent ball means illusion and disappointment in love. But if it hangs motionless, it means that luck is very close and all your secret fears and concerns will be in vain.

Did you dream about a ball? Check your business partners carefully; perhaps you trust them too much. A bright balloon symbolizes illusions and the destruction of hopes.

If it flies upward, expect great luck in money, perhaps even receiving a large inheritance. Ball falling to the ground may mean that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared among your friends.

View balloons strongly associated with celebration, relaxation and children's laughter. It would seem that interpretations of dreams with bright balls should give joy and a feeling of happiness. But oddly enough, dream books provide an unexpected explanation for such dreams. Let's try to figure out what this or that vision means.

Based on numerous sources, we can confidently say that balloons in a dream often indicate an acute situation, accompanied by scandals and quarrels, after which the dreamer will feel bewilderment and resentment. But do not despair, some interpretations give a positive assessment of what is happening.

Ball with basket in a dream

Has a double meaning.

  1. The first warns that the upcoming trip will be a failure.
  2. Second - to changes in life.

Seeing how the basket strives upward is a sure sign that success in your endeavors is guaranteed. Seeing that the basket is empty means that those close to you do not share the dreamer’s position. The accumulation of people in the basket of a balloon means the appearance of comrades-in-arms.

Multicolor and number of balls

Balloons are an abundance of colors and air. There is no doubt that each color carries its own symbolism. So.

Multi-colored balls

Alas, they mean pipe dreams and dashed hopes in your personal life and in building a career. Perhaps the dreamer is an idealistic dreamer and his plans simply cannot come true.

Colorful balloons flying in the sky signify interesting acquaintances and pleasant meetings, while those lying on the ground signify a pleasant surprise. Selling a ball is a sign of success in trading.

One color: white, red and others

  • Red balls hint at the exceptional nature of the dreamer. Perhaps in the future the sleeper will have a career as an arbiter of destinies. At the same time, red balls warn that the love story has no continuation.
  • Black ball - to sorrows and sorrows.
  • The color pink symbolizes dreams and romance that will never come true.
  • Blue, on the contrary, brings peace and tranquility. Blue - increased mood, positive energy and excellent well-being. The likelihood of new ideas and plans emerging.
  • The white ball is a bad symbol. Indicates deterioration in health global changes weather conditions or a disaster.

  • Yellow ball - good luck and quick enrichment.
  • Shiny, iridescent balls - to disappointment in the chosen one. But if the ball hangs motionless, then I have no reason to fear.
  • Balls with stickers and drawings mean wasting time and chatting about nothing.

Seeing one ball in a dream means a period of difficulties and confusion. But don’t be discouraged, difficulties will pass, just make a little effort. A flying lonely ball - an era of change is coming and everything depends on the dreamer. Releasing the ball into the sky means fussing, solving current affairs.

A lot of balls warn of the formation of obstacles. Out of nowhere, difficulties and troubles will arise in relationships. Correcting the situation will require a lot of effort.

Hangs like a load and low emotional state sleeping, you should shake yourself up and roll up your sleeves. Balls scattering around - achieving unprecedented heights in work, but success will hit family relationships.

Passively observing the state of affairs will not change the condition; delay threatens to fall into depression.

What does it mean to fly, inflate or play with balloons?

Actions with balls in a dream have the most interesting interpretation, and whether they are positive or negative is up to the dreamer to decide.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream

Considered a positive sign. Strong, trusting relationships will be established in the family. New sides will be revealed in love, striking sensuality.

In your career, you will have a chance to prove yourself to your advantage, and thereby strengthen your chances of promotion. Flying in a basket is possible change of residence, and if the flight is long, then this means emigration or a business trip to another country.

Having a companion on a flight means the appearance of a reliable partner; flying alone means an attack of acute melancholy.

Seeing the earth from above means thinking about the meaning of life and engaging in introspection. A meteoric rise means a sharp rise in one's career, entering open space on the ball - to be a leader.

Blowing up balloons in night visions

Means an increase in work, which must be completed as quickly as possible.

  • To cheat one after another - unreliable characters have recently appeared in the close circle who can put a spoke in the wheel.
  • Cheating in the company of strangers is a waste of time.
  • Making efforts when inflating dreams that the labor and money invested will not bring income.
  • Inflating balloons to decorate the interior means secrecy, because the dreamer is trying to protect the secret from prying ears or he will be asked not to divulge other people's secrets.
  • Inflate the balloon and give it as a gift - the sleeping person is a very clever person, capable of pulling off a scam in pursuit of profit.

See the balloons bursting

To unnecessarily large material costs, sudden difficulties in work or unpleasant bullying by superiors. You should avoid conflict situations, not take part in them in any way, and try to protect yourself from being drawn into a scandal. Seeing a balloon crash means suffering losses.

Play with balls in a dream

This means that the dreamer is a bright and extraordinary person, capable of turning the atmosphere around him into a large-scale celebration.

  • Throwing balls at people means participating in competition for a position or other half.
  • To receive it as a gift is to expect a vile lie, and to blow it away means exposing the enemy.
  • Preparing an inflated balloon for flight is a reassessment of values, desires and dreams.

See the ball explode and fall

Means sudden troubles in your career, up to dismissal with a wolf ticket. The situation will hit the dreamer painfully and can lead to a long state of blues. However, if the sleeper is considered a strong professional, then there is no need to despair; a new position will soon be found and, perhaps, with much favorable conditions.

Note to ladies and gentlemen

What do dream books promise to the most beautiful creatures on earth? Let's try to figure out what the subconscious suggests when it reveals aerial images in a dream.

For a young, unmarried girl

Holding an armful of balloons in your hands promises boundless feeling of mutual love, but if the ball is carried away by a stream of wind, then the chosen one will not respond to the passion. Bursting balloons dream of an unsuccessful outcome.

To cheat - you have to spend the day swimming in flirtation and coquetry. Holding one ball in your hand means a quick marriage and possible pregnancy. Flying in a hot air balloon in the company of young people is enough to turn the heads of several men.

Married woman

The subconscious mind tells you that you need to be prepared for the upcoming difficulties in family life. Unfortunately, it is necessary to stop making plans for the future and think about how to preserve what is still in your hands now. Due to an excess of problems and troubles, you may experience shock.

If a woman holds a ball in her hand, this means her loyal attitude to the situation, flexibility of nature and, to some extent, submission. The dream also warns of the onset of poor health.

Despite the negative connotation, such a dream is a signal to conceive a child.

Interpretation of popular dream books

Very interesting versions of dreams from famous somnologists who have earned their authority by deciphering dreams.

According to Freud's dream book

The balloon is a symbol of isolation from real life, a kind of constant head in the clouds. Admiring a flying ball means having a tendency to fantasize and dream until a very old age, and if the ball flies without obstacles, then the dreamer has no end to admirers.

The ball also means love for flirting and meaningless relationships.

A deflated balloon warns of failure in the intimate sphere.

Miller's Dream Book

Gives a hint that traveling on a balloon means pushing desires into the background. Flight can dream of overwork and accumulated fatigue. Inflating a product means uncontrollable expenses; you should save your budget. Many small balls are interpreted as accumulated problems, which in themselves are not terrible, but require a solution to be implemented. You may need support from friends.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

He explains that a ball with a basket is seen by dreamers who have suffered a separation from a loved one.

  • To observe from the outside means to find yourself without the help of relatives in a difficult life situation. Unfortunately, due to a disregard for loved ones, the dreamer will face adversity alone.
  • A sharp lift off the ground predicts disaster at work and in personal relationships.
  • Flying alone means correcting the shortcomings yourself.
  • The balloon burst before our eyes - the real state of affairs will emerge, albeit unsightly, but the deception will be revealed.

Of course, after reading the interpretations, you can come to the conclusion that dreams about balloons are entirely negative. However, it is worth considering that a dream is a hint from the subconscious, that is, the dreamer, at the level of intuition, can sense impending troubles, but not realize the severity. However, by analyzing the dream, you can prepare and prevent events from developing.

According to tradition, multi-colored balloons are indispensable companions of any festive event: weddings, birthdays, memorable date. Why do you dream balloons?

Likewise, dreams with balloons leave behind a feeling of happiness, fun and high spirits. We rejoice at the dream and believe that it is intended to bring positive events into our lives.

But dream interpreters have a different opinion: dreams with balloons bring problems and troubles to a person’s life. What do balloons mean in dreams, according to the most popular dream books?

Inflatable balloons are a symbol of decline, misfortune, sorrow in various fields life.

In love, at work, in everyday life, you will be haunted by continuous troubles. Your self-esteem will drop significantly financial situation will worsen, and a bad mood will haunt you everywhere.

The meaning of dreams with balloons in Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud believed that a balloon in a dream is a symbol of serious relationship, flirting.

  • A ball floating casually in the sky - this dream indicates that you are too dismissive of the topic of a serious relationship. Frequent changes of partners, many love affairs - this is what gives you true joy.
  • A weakly inflated, nondescript balloon represents problems in the intimate sphere.

Balloons in Miss Hasse's dream book

Vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams, collapse of hope - this is the disappointing interpretation with funny balls that can be found in the dream book of the famous medium.

  • If the ball flew up, despite all your efforts to hold it, the dream represents your complete inability to control the current situation. All attempts to influence this or that process will be unsuccessful.
  • The ball suddenly burst - an unhappy dream, promising sorrows and disappointments. If you decide to implement some grandiose idea, then after such a dream you can not expect that your plans will come true.

The meaning of dreams with balls in the Esoteric Dream Book

  • Inflating a lot of balloons in a dream - in real life you cherish dreams of a better life, although your current existence cannot be called dull and joyless. The dream encourages you to appreciate what you have: the alluring future is unpredictable, and you can more than once remember with gratitude what seems insignificant now.
  • Decorating a house or car with multi-colored balls - a dream tells you about your inexhaustible optimism. Let various troubles await you ahead - your cheerfulness will allow you to easily cope with any obstacles.
  • Accepting a balloon as a gift or giving it yourself is a sign of small surprises that will bring a spark of joy into your life.

Dreams with balloons in the Gypsy dream book

Dreams with colorful balls are intended to convey to you the idea that you yourself are the master of your own destiny.

Yes, there are people around you who inflate problems, exaggerate the significance of your misdeeds and in different ways point out your inadequacy. You shouldn’t follow their lead: assess the state of current affairs, don’t be distracted by trifles, look non-standard methods solving the problem. You can do anything, you just have to want it well!

What else do dreams with balloons mean?

  • If in a dream you see a large number of balloons being inflated by children, say goodbye mentally to your vacation plans. There will definitely be a reason that will ruin your weekend or vacation.
  • Multi-colored balls fall to the ground - there is no reasonable explanation for your jealousy. You harass your partner with made-up facts about his cheating. Remember that for some time he will be able to bear accusations against himself, but then retribution will come. His love for you may fade.
  • Releasing balloons into the sky means there is a possibility that problems will arise in the family and at work. Also similar dream means little troubles associated with housekeeping.
  • Inflating a lot of balloons in the company of people you don’t know - this slightly strange dream is intended to tell you that in real life you are not doing what you are passionate about. You are engaged in unpromising work that takes all your strength.
  • If in a dream you inflate balloons one after another and then release them into the sky, take a closer look at your friends: there is a chance that someone does not value your friendship too much.

Although the interpretation of dreams with indisputable “symbols of the holiday” cannot be called life-affirming, they are still intended to lift the veil of secrecy over the problems awaiting us. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Choose your option from a variety of omens and boldly confront the waiting misfortunes.

Most people associate it with celebration, fun, and joy. However, it is not always necessary for a person to prepare for positive changes in life after seeing multi-colored products in a dream. if we are guided by the opinion of the authors of dream books, modern and ancient? The details of the dream, which are important to remember, will help you figure this out.

Why do you dream of balloons: Miller’s dream book

Disappointments, conflicts, unpleasant incidents - these are the predictions made by the dream book compiled by Gustav Miller. Why believe the interpretation of a famous psychologist? Various fears sitting in the dreamer’s subconscious can come true. Very likely serious problems at work that could have a negative impact on career growth. The outcome depends on whether a person can fight or prefers to let everything take its course.

Balloons bursting in night dreams promise job loss or demotion in the near future. A person will have a difficult period and will need help. However, the search for a new job will certainly be crowned with success if the dreamer concentrates on his problem.

Besides this, why do you dream about balloons? Miller's dream book promises not only troubles in the professional sphere, but also an idyll in family relationships. It is possible that it is the support of relatives that will help the “owner” of the dream survive. You should not hide your problems from your household.

Heaven and earth

If you see balls lying on the ground in a dream, you should think about your attitude towards life. It is likely that the dreamer views the world too negatively, is mired in problems and does not find time for pleasure. Everything will change if a person can allow himself optimism, hope for the best.

Why do you dream of balloons floating in the sky? Night dreams with a similar plot signal that the dreamer is in real life. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, to see not only useful people, but also those with whom it’s nice to just talk. It is also recommended to attend a party or even organize one yourself.

Inflate balloons

If multi-colored balloons appear in night dreams, a person can not only see them, but also inflate them. If the dreamer copes with this on his own, happily inflates one product after another, such a dream is a good omen. It is possible that soon old friends will offer to spend time together. The dream also means that it is time to believe in your luck.

It’s bad if the dreamer asks his children to help inflate the balloons. It is likely that your son or daughter will soon have problems that they cannot solve on their own. It is definitely worth offering them help in a difficult situation, whether we are talking about small or adult children.

Quantity and color

Balls in large quantities Why do you dream? A person who in reality is worried about his relationship with his chosen one can see a lot of balloons in his night dreams. You should be wary of conflicts and avoid wrong words and actions. For businessmen, such a dream promises losses and quarrels with business partners. It is likely that even caution will not avoid unpleasant events.

Should I worry if all the balls white? For a male representative, such night dreams predict changes for the better. It is possible that he will feel a surge of energy and emerge victorious from the fight against competitors and enemies. For girls, a bunch of snow-white balls in their hands promises a happy marriage.

It’s great if the balls are yellow in a dream. The dreamer will receive unexpected profits, an expensive gift. Black items, on the contrary, predict diseases that can threaten not only the “owner” of the dream, but also his loved ones.


Should I be worried if a person dreams about a balloon from time to time? Flying in a hot air balloon in your dreams means going on a trip in reality in the near future. However have a nice trip It is unlikely to turn out, so if you are planning a business trip, it is better to postpone it for a while.

Long says that the dreamer will soon be forced to say goodbye to his home for quite a long time.

Other stories

Why do you dream about big balloons? It is quite possible that a person is surrounded by an unreliable character whom he trusts in vain. In the near future, an imaginary friend may seriously let you down and reveal an important secret.

If the balloons that the “owner” of the dream is trying to inflate burst one after another, in reality he should prepare for a significant financial loss. It is possible that a large sum will have to allocate money for car repairs, household appliances. If a person catches balls in his night dreams, he will be disappointed in real life. He should also be wary of conflicts with family and friends, the consequences of which could be very serious.

Lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Yours business life will clearly be in decline.

Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Balloon mean?

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip.

Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love.

Dropping ballast from a balloon means you will soon be cured of chronic illness.

Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have.

Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing a Balloon in a Dream

A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Your activity is awaited serious shocks. Dreaming of ascent in a hot air balloon signifies an unsuccessful trip.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Balloon

Seeing the impossible in the sky, the collapse of all hopes. To rise in it yourself, happiness in love and achievement professional success.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does a Balloon mean in a dream?

Symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of dreams Balloon

Launch in a dream kite- means that you are not suitable for your position.

Although it appears durable, it's actually filled with air—don't let the bright colors distract you.

Carefully study any business or personal proposals, make sure they are worth a hot air balloon.

If the ball flies upward, this means quick profit.

Interpretation of dreams from