Why do you dream about changing your place of residence? You don't know where you will find it or where you will lose it

Changing our place of residence is almost always a way out of our comfort zone, which forces us to create a new picture of the world. A person may lose his close circle and acquaintances, so he will need to build a network of contacts from scratch. It's no surprise that people immediately turn to different sources to understand why you dream about moving to another house or apartment.

Where to find interpretation

In general, dream books tend to interpret moving in a positive way. Some of the most popular interpreters dreams in the twenty-first century are:

  • Miller;
  • Vanga;
  • Freud;
  • Hasse;
  • Juno;
  • Felomena.

Moving to another apartment

Dream interpreters advise remembering as many details from the dream as possible - this way you can find the most reliable answer to the question, Why do you dream about moving to a new apartment?.

Change city

Remember what the environment was like - this is important for understanding why you dream of moving to another city. Clean, beautiful city, illuminated by the rays of the sun, with interesting architecture and friendly townspeople? Or did you dream of slums, disadvantaged areas, unfriendly police officers, unfriendly residents? Attractive traits indicate positive changes, while repulsive ones indicate negative ones. Narrow alleys foreshadow something that will limit us in our actions. But a metropolis or just a big unfamiliar city, where it’s easy to get lost the first time, promises quick ways to solve problems.

I dreamed of a new house

When in a dream you move into a new beautiful house, expect success in your endeavors, says Miller’s dream book. Freud interprets the dream as a new addition to the family or a new relationship. A house can symbolize your inner world, and if it is good, you will gain firmness and strength. A damaged, dilapidated house is a sign of discord in the soul.

There is an opinion that moving to new home may mean a transition to new level consciousness from the past. As we know, old problems cannot be solved while we are at the level of understanding at which we encountered them or created them, which means that solutions to pressing issues will soon be found. If a person is sick, then he will probably be well soon. Loneliness will recede there's a meeting ahead who will become close. Creative stagnation will be replaced by a period of inspiration.

Moving to another country

This option promises the most sudden changes. They can affect any area of ​​your life. Get ready to let go of the past, part with the familiar - sometimes everyone in this world feels cramped in familiar comfortable conditions. Don’t be afraid, because they say that at least once in your life you should start from scratch, without old bindings and restrictions. It’s worth opening your eyes wider and throwing away your usual value system for a while, because new ones can bring a lot of good things into life.

Sometimes we dream about important changes in life, which in reality prophesy completely different events.

For example, moving to a new place of residence may mean both a reflection of your love experiences and a showdown with colleagues.

To correctly determine what you dream about moving, you need to remember all the details of your dream.

To another city

If you had a dream about moving to another city, expect events that will happen at your work. For example, packing things before a long journey to a new home means receiving a well-deserved bonus. And carrying things into the car means taking a new, highly paid position.

If in a dream you go to live in a neighboring city, then soon you will realize your plans. And a new place of residence in a distant city speaks of hard work.

  • Moving to a big, beautiful house means the envy of your colleagues.
  • To a small apartment - to an important conversation with the boss.
  • Packing things with friends means a new employee will arrive at work.
  • Moving to a completely unfamiliar city means a dubious offer from a colleague.
  • Bringing a pet with you means a lucrative contract.

Career growth and new prospects are what dreams of moving with strangers mean. And if there are children among them, then the authorities are betting big on you.

When in a dream you do not want to leave your old apartment, in reality you will face minor troubles at work. And if you move with joy, then you will solve all your professional problems without much effort.

In your city

As the dream book says, moving to a new apartment, which is located next door to the old one, dreams of meeting with interesting person. And if your new place of residence is far away, then get ready for a romantic walk with your loved one.

Taking a long time to pack your things before moving to a new home means waiting for your close relatives to return. And getting ready quickly and leaving the old place without regret means a trip to the countryside with friends.

  • A dream in which a move takes place in winter is a sign of jealousy and unsaid words.
  • Moving into the apartment of a friend or girlfriend means the successful completion of all the work started.
  • Collecting things that you were going to throw away is a sign of an unexpected visit from friends.
  • Move into a house with beautiful furniture- to long, happy love.
  • Moving for a while means a trip out of town.

As the dream book writes, moving to another apartment with relatives foreshadows a passionate, vibrant feeling. And if you are moving alone, you will soon receive a valuable gift.

A new house that looks the same as the old one is dependent on the opinions of others. And if you moved not to an ordinary apartment, but to another room, for example, to an office, then you will have a long business trip to another city. Gathering guests for a housewarming party is a sign of success in all matters.

Knowing what you dream about moving, it will not be difficult for you to understand what awaits you in the future. Author: Vera Drobnaya

A move seen in a dream is a harbinger of changes that will happen in the life of the sleeper, regardless of whether he wanted it or not. Nevertheless, he will have time left to mitigate the consequences of future changes, or even avoid them altogether. To do this, you will have to completely remake yourself: your habits, manners, relationships with others, aspirations and plans; experience the world in a new way, finding previously unnoticed facets.

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For more detailed interpretation you need to remember or write down all the details of the dream: who exactly moved and where, what the new home looked like, what happened with things on the way, and what the dreamer himself was doing at that time.

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    Who had the dream?

    A pregnant woman dreams of moving on the eve of giving birth. If the target date is still far away, such a dream indicates misconceptions that will become known over time. For example, during an ultrasound, the sex of the child was incorrectly determined or the doctor prescribed unnecessary medications.

    For someone suffering from a physical illness, moving to a new, well-equipped home predicts recovery. If the home is old and in a dilapidated state, the disease will progress.

    Someone who is upset or sad about something, real life will encounter events that will make you forget about what happened.

    The interpretation also depends on the gender of the dreamer and his marital status.

    Man Woman
    • Married moving to another country promises meeting a woman who matches his ideal, and a subsequent divorce from his wife. If a box of valuables goes missing during luggage transportation, such drastic changes will require a lot of effort, and the wife will sue most of the property for herself.
    • Single about to get married. If the decision to change the place of residence was made by someone else, and he is forced to obey, it means that the woman will cunningly force him to legitimize the relationship. Moving to an apartment where living conditions are worse than the current ones indicates that the man will not be happy in his marriage.
    • Divorced You don’t have to worry about financial claims from your ex-wife. If in a dream he moved to a beautiful, recently purchased house, he will soon have a wedding with his new chosen one
    • Married You should prepare for a redistribution of roles. If in a dream she had to move alone, in reality the burden of financially providing for her family would fall on her shoulders. Seeing your husband packing his things means separation; helping him means ruining the marriage with scandals and nagging.
    • Free moving promises an acquaintance with a person who will later become her husband. Moving from parents to a rented apartment means rejection of any relationship at this stage; the woman wants to be alone. If you have problems transporting things, you shouldn’t trust a gentleman who promises to marry you.
    • Divorced it will no longer be possible to resume communication with ex-husband, he's gone forever. Moving to a neighboring city or to where a woman lived before promises an affair with a person who was always nearby, but to whom she did not pay attention.

    Circumstances of the move

    The dreamer was organizing the move himself - in reality he wants to make an important decision, relying only on his own ideas about the essence of what is happening and possible consequences. If he received help, but arrived at his new place of residence alone, this person will soon receive the gift he has dreamed of all his life.

    To interpret the dream, it is important who exactly the dreamer moved with.

    Moving Meaning
    With parentsOne of the older relatives is trying to control the life of the sleeping person, which he would like to prevent, but does not know by what methods to achieve this. If in reality the dreamer lives separately from his parents, but in a dream he moved into the same house with them, then he lacks care from his significant other or he feels lonely in a crowd
    With my husbandA sign of a strong marriage. To quarrel with your spouse halfway through the journey and arrive at your new home alone - to life's trials, after which the family will fall apart. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, her husband is ready to support her during childbirth
    With your loved oneIf sleeping in given time is not in a relationship, there is someone who would not mind brightening up his loneliness, but is embarrassed to say so. It’s worth taking a closer look at your colleagues and friends, perhaps some of them are showing unobtrusive signs of attention
    With a friendMeeting a person who is close in spirit and interests. If a friendship develops with him, then no amount of money can destroy it. life difficulties, he will be there in both sorrow and joy. If a girl dreams that she is moving into a jointly rented apartment with a male friend, she will soon meet a guy with whom she will marry
    With a dead manFor the visit of guests whom the dreamer is not happy to see in his home. They will bring bad news or behave badly. Transporting an urn with the ashes of a deceased grandfather to a new apartment means trouble that will come from the neighbors (they will flood, leave the gas tap open, etc.)
    With familyIf you dream of moving with a family where there are older relatives (grandparents or elderly parents), you should listen to the advice of more experienced people.
    With childrenOne of the parents with their children moves to another city in a dream, and the second remains in place - to disputes over how to raise a child. For a childless person, such a dream promises a promotion; the boss has already noticed him, but is still weighing the pros and cons, so you need to show your best side at work
    With an animalYou will be able to sign a lucrative contract. If you had to take a cat or dog with you because you couldn’t find a home for it, the person will receive responsibilities that will become a burden for him. The animal ran away on the way - to pay a penalty for untimely work done.

    If a person sees in a dream how his neighbors are moving, it will not be possible to avoid a conflict with them in reality. Relationships will be irrevocably damaged because of some trifle.

    An unmarried relative dreams of moving for her wedding, and her adult children moving symbolizes their desire for their parents to stop obsessive control.

    Moving direction

    Moving without any purpose and a pre-planned route, taking with you only a small bag of things, is an insult to someone who did not live up to the dreamer’s hopes. Most likely, the person did not even realize that something was required of him, so there is no point in spoiling your relationship with him.

    The place where a person was planning to move in a dream indicates what to expect in real life.

    Where did the dreamer move? Interpretation
    Within your countryIf the city in which you will live is clean and bright, and the weather on the day of arrival is sunny, a person can expect positive changes in life. If the streets are dirty and the clouds are thick in the sky, you should prepare for trouble
    To another countryIn order to find a job there, the sleeper feels undervalued in his current position. If he is stopped at the border, the employer will soon offer to reconsider the terms of the contract and make them more profitable. If the move is successful, you should think about finding more suitable job. Moving to another country after marrying a foreigner indicates excessive gullibility. This quality of the dreamer can be taken advantage of by ill-wishers
    To a neighboring cityVery soon a person will have the opportunity to realize his plans. Moving forever means an act whose consequences cannot be corrected and which will have an impact not only on the dreamer himself, but also on his relatives
    For a rented apartmentNew hobbies will appear. If the apartment is well-kept, the sleeper will be able to make a profit from his occupation, and if the apartment is in a state of disrepair, the hobby will cause ruin
    To a new homeChanges for the better. If the house was purchased, you will have to achieve everything through your own efforts, and if it was donated - financial well-being will be the result of a combination of circumstances. The house was inherited - someone will help in implementing the plans
    To the villageA person has worked long and hard, and now he wants to relax or radically change his field of activity. A dream in which farm animals are encountered on the way to a new home promises good luck in business and trade.
    To parentsFor a while, it will seem to the dreamer that his friends and acquaintances have turned their backs on him, but in reality they were busy with their own problems and did not have time to communicate. To those who close person is in prison, it's time to contact him - now more than ever he needs help
    To the hostelThere will be communication with many strangers in an unusual environment for the dreamer. For an unemployed person, such a dream promises employment as a guide in a travel agency or administrator of a restaurant or hotel.
    From apartment to private house Soon a person will receive confirmation that his significant other is cheating on him, or will learn about a friend’s betrayal. Moving from an old apartment without renovation to a new comfortable house portends a joyful event
    To the guyTo see in a dream not only your departure from home, but also your arrival to where your chosen one lives is a sign of a marriage proposal. If the dream ended, the guy still doubts whether this girl is destined for him
    To my ex-husbandHe would like to restore the relationship. If this is excluded, then it new passion suspects the dreamer of secret meetings with her ex-husband

    Moving in order to hide from someone symbolizes mental anguish before acceptance important decision. A person fears for his future, or he lacks support and encouraging words. If the new address nevertheless becomes known to other people, colleagues or friends spread gossip about the dreamer.

    The dreamer's actions

    What a person was doing in a dream has a huge impact on deciphering the dream, helping to identify the cause of future events.

    Action Meaning
    Collect thingsThe dreamer is reluctant to part with his past. He constantly compares what happened before with what is happening now; stores old and unnecessary items; applies outdated rules to the assessment of phenomena and people
    Talk about movingAbout your own - to heavy or fatal disease; about someone else’s - the sleeper is used to controlling other people and cannot stop this, despite requests
    Prepare documentsYour health will improve. The move was disrupted due to the lack of some kind of certificate or seal - surgical intervention or instrumental examination will be required. Relocation documents in connection with family reunification symbolize the reconciliation of spouses or the return of one of them from a long business trip
    Search for lost luggageSolve sudden financial problems. If things were found quickly, you will be able to resolve the troubles yourself; the police or transportation agency employees had to be involved in the search - it’s impossible to do without a loan or a loan
    Unpacking thingsA person will receive an expensive but unnecessary item as a gift. Unpacking other people's boxes or suitcases - re-gifting an item that is superfluous in the house; if the owner of the things is present, the new owner of the gift will recognize him, and the dreamer will have to experience awkwardness
    Making repairs in a new homeWith your own hands - to family quarrels and lack of money; hire a team of builders - the sleeper will be carried away by something that will completely change his worldview
    Load furnitureIn real life, the sleeper is determined to defend his interests. If a woman dreams that her husband is carrying a sofa or bed into the back of a truck, this means adultery. Loading other people's furniture that belongs to other people - taking on other people's chores

    Watching someone else move is a sign of being appointed to a new position. If a person familiar to the dreamer changes his place of residence, he will soon have to travel.

    Throwing away things that do not fit into boxes or bags means getting rid of a burden, anxious thoughts or problems that long time chased the sleeping man.

    Preparing for a move, planning the time and route - a person feels that he has made a mistake somewhere and is trying to correct it.

    What was the new housing like?

    A house or apartment without renovation symbolizes the chaos that will soon come in life. However, the dreamer will have every opportunity to influence the situation in a way that is beneficial to him.

    You dream about housing with unfinished repairs as a hint that something needs to be done to improve your household or personal living conditions. If the floor has not yet been laid, it is important to create financial savings that will help in the future. There is no plumbing or it has not yet been connected - this indicates the dreamer as the instigator of family conflicts; you need to learn to find compromises. Bare walls hint that it’s time to decide on your profession or desired place of work.

    A room with much worse conditions than before warns of financial problems (dismissal from work, receiving a fine, the need to pay for expensive treatment).

    A luxurious cottage suggests that a woman will have a protector or sponsor, and a man will make a dizzying career that he could not even hope for. If the previous tenants refuse to move out, but the dreamer has decided to move into the cottage and live there, in reality he will be able to overcome himself and do what he has been putting off for a long time.

    Dugout in the forest or underground bunker show a desire to abstract from pressing problems.

    Interpretation from dream books

    Values ​​specified in different dream books, may differ due to the fact that their authors used different dream interpretation systems accepted in their culture and during their lives.

    Dream Interpretation Decoding
    MillerWe managed to transport things safe and sound - changes for the better will come; if something is lost or damaged on the road, it is better not to plan important matters and negotiations regarding new projects for the near future
    WandererInterest in another type of activity, retraining. The student will find his calling and want to pick up documents from the university to enter another faculty
    FreudMoving is inseparably connected with the concept of a road, which, in turn, is perceived by the subconscious as a departure from this world. Such dreams are interpreted as a fear of death or the disclosure of the dreamer’s secret preferences
    ModernChange marital status. A single man will marry, a married man will leave his wife. If a trunk or a box with belongings was lost in a dream, you should not count on outside help
    AzaraReassessment of life values. If previously a person gave preference to material things, now he will be more interested in spiritual things.
    OrientalThe dreamer will lose interest in his current passion and become interested in another woman. If a girl has a dream, she will have to choose from several suitors. Moving alone symbolizes a quarrel with relatives

Sometimes the most amazing pictures come to us in our dreams. These can be pleasant meetings, and long journeys. Why do you dream about moving? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about moving - the main interpretation

Moving is always dreamed of as a sign of changes, but what kind of changes they will be is worth finding out thanks to the dream book interpreter. It is important to remember the following details of the dream:

· Who is going to move;

· Where are you moving to?

· How long does the move take?

· What emotions accompany moving.

If you dream of your own move, which does not bring you joy, the changes that will come into your life will also not bring you pleasure. It is important to understand that dreams only provide directions for making decisions. You should not shift responsibility for your own life onto them.

If you dreamed of moving to a new apartment, this is a wonderful dream. It may even be taken literally by you. But don't get too excited in advance. Most likely, you will expect only minor changes in material terms.

It is also important to remember the conditions that were in the new housing. If you are moving into an old building with shabby walls and no repairs, such a dream promises you a deterioration financial situation. You will most likely have to wait out the need temporarily. If you dream that you are moving to an old building, but the renovation of the apartment is wonderful.

Such a dream foreshadows positive changes in your life, despite temporary difficulties at the beginning of your journey. You will get everything you want and in the right time. You don't even have to worry about trifles. Everything in life will work out for the best.

If you dream about how someone will try to move into your apartment while you are still living in it, such a dream means that someone has long had their eye on your merits. But don't be upset. You will be able to defend your professional reputation, you will lose face to it.

If you dream about how you yourself are preparing to move and at the same time, you are overcome only positive emotions- it's time to let positive changes into your life. You have been waiting for them for a long time, and now the time has come to implement your plans.

Packing things for moving means preparing to make an important decision. Trying to find things to move means trying to establish old connections. Perhaps you need them in order to improve your life or resolve a difficult issue. The dream book assures you that all the contacts you need will be restored.

To see someone else moving in a dream is to prepare for significant changes associated with another person. Perhaps you have been waiting for a favorable time for a long time to conclude a deal, for cooperation - now this time has come.

The dream in which you for a long time If you can’t move things from your home to a new home, it means that you won’t be able to decide to make changes for a long time. You will be almost ready for such an important step, but constant unreasonable little things will prevent you from doing this. A dream in which you hastily pack your things for moving means that the bustle will change your plans. You will not be able to bring the negotiations to an end, you will not be able to get the desired result.

Helping a friend pack things for moving in a dream means helping him in reality. Your friend will need help in an important matter. The effectiveness of your help in reality depends on how effectively and quickly you help him pack his things in a dream. If you see that you are only preventing him from getting ready, such a dream means that in reality you will bring some chaos into his decision-making.

Why do you dream about moving to another country? Such a dream promises you far-reaching plans that you will be able to implement. But, if in a dream you move to another country without a suitcase, in reality you will temporarily leave home. You'll be back soon.

If you dream that you are moving home to your parents, such a dream means that they will need help. They themselves may not tell you about such a need, so as not to disturb you. Therefore, you will have to independently check with your relatives what they need.

A dream in which you cancel a move promises a wrong decision. You will make a mistake due to your own negligence. So, if in a dream you see someone else moving instead of you, in reality you will miss a wonderful chance to assert yourself.

Refusing to move in a dream due to illness - such a dream promises you good and good health. The period of disappointments and losses will soon end, and you will be able to very quickly regain lost ground.

Why do you dream about moving according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that if a girl dreams of moving, she is ready for changes in her personal life. Even if everything is great in her relationship with her partner, she needs to decide whether she really wants this relationship. Perhaps she needs a completely different partner and she realizes this.

The dream book does not advise holding on to the past, otherwise you will become a hostage to your own fears and concerns. If you dream that you are canceling a move at the last moment, such a dream means that you will also give up your relationship at the last moment. It is worth understanding the reasons for canceling a move in a dream in order to understand why you are abandoning a relationship in reality.

If you not only canceled the move, but postponed it in a dream for an indefinite period, then you have not yet made a decision in your personal life. You can postpone an important conversation indefinitely, you can postpone a meeting, a truce. But this will not fundamentally solve your problem. In any case, sooner or later, you will have to make a decision.

If in a dream you are forced to move away from your lover, do not panic. In reality, you won’t need to move at all. You are more likely to look for a friend, someone who understands you. You lack intimacy and sincerity with your partner. You just need someone to listen to you. If you dream about your partner moving away from you, this is a warning sign. Something has most likely been gnawing at him for a long time. You need to figure out what exactly it is. If you don't understand this, a quarrel is inevitable.

If you dream that you are organizing relocations and helping many people with this, in reality you will become the cause of global changes in the lives of those around you. Perhaps you can give them the hint they need, or provide them with the help they need. In any case, after such a dream you will make a huge number of friends.

Why do you dream about moving according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that moving in a dream promises significant changes in reality. If you dream that you are moving far abroad, they are waiting for you global changes in the professional field. But are you ready for them?

If in a dream you don’t know what to take with you, what to pack with you on a trip, such a dream means that you will hesitate in making an important decision. You won’t be able to accept it because you won’t want to take all the responsibility on yourself.

If in a dream you are trying to move and cannot find one of the suitcases, such a dream means that you will lose the trust and favor of one of your friends. A dream in which you are trying to open a suitcase with things, and you are not succeeding, means that you will want to reveal a secret, but you will not be able to do it well.

A dream in which you try to bring things into a new house, and they fall out of your hands, means that you will ruin your reputation on your own. You will not be able to prove your authority and professionalism.

Why do you dream about moving according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says that moving is a sign of imminent changes in life. If you see how one of your close people is going to move from home, something has not suited him for a long time, and the person could not admit it to you. It is worth listening to all the words that a person tells you. There is often a lot of truth in them.

Miller’s dream book says that if you have been planning a promotion for a long time and you had a dream about moving, then you will soon have the opportunity to increase your salary. A dream in which you are worried about someone moving means that you will care more about other people's interests, and this will affect yours.

The dream book does not advise providing someone with services or lending money in the coming days after sleep. Try to stay true to your interests, otherwise you will lose a lot. A dream in which you cry because you are moving does not promise you very good changes. It’s worth not doing anything in the near future.

In reality, moving for any person is a tedious undertaking associated with a huge number of household chores. Therefore, the question of why such an event is dreamed of in night dreams is very relevant. It should be noted that such a dream never foreshadows a move in reality; most likely it is associated with a change in state inner world dreamer Sometimes such a dream indicates that changes are planned in a person’s life, but what they will be can be judged only by analyzing the plot of the dream and studying the interpretation of various dream books.

It is important, in the plot of the dream, to pay attention to where you are moving. Often a dream in which one sees a move to another city is associated with the fact that a person dreams about it in reality. That is, if your dreams coincided with the plot of the dream, then this can hardly mean anything. It’s just that your subconscious thus reflected what you wanted. But, if in reality you have never thought about moving, then you need to try to correctly decipher the dream using information from dream books. But if you move from house to house without changing locality, then such a dream is interpreted differently in dream books, and the smallest nuances are important for its interpretation.

Why do you dream about moving to another city?

So, why do you dream about moving to another city? In most dream books, the interpretation of such a plot is associated with changes at work. So, if before moving you pack your things for a long time and carefully in your night dreams, then this is a favorable sign that foreshadows the receipt of a well-deserved bonus. And if you see yourself loading a car with things, then in reality you should expect a promotion. And when your friends help you pack your things for moving, soon a new employee will appear in your team. If, along with things in a dream, you take your pet, this means that you will soon be offered a lucrative contract in reality. It is important to pay attention to other nuances of dreams.

If you plan to live in another city:

    In big beautiful house, then beware of envy from your colleagues in reality; In a small apartment - get ready for a conversation with your superiors.

Moving to an unfamiliar city

If in a dream you do not recognize the city to which you moved, then in real life you should be careful when communicating with colleagues, since there is a high probability that one of them will receive a dubious offer. You will need to think things through before giving an answer. If you see that the city you are moving to has wide, beautiful and clean streets, then this symbolizes that in reality great opportunities will open up for you, which you should definitely take advantage of. But if in your night dreams you see slums, dirty alleys and understand that this is where you will have to live, then this indicates that in real life you will have to overcome obstacles and solve a wide variety of problems. When they help you organize a move to another city strangers, then this portends career growth and new very profitable prospects. But if, according to the plot of your dream, you have a feeling of regret that you have to move, then in real life you will face minor troubles at work. If moving in a dream evokes positive emotions and joy, then you will be able to easily solve all the work problems that will arise in the upcoming period of life.

Moving to another country - interpretation of sleep

According to Vanga's dream book, moving to new country in night dreams is very good sign. It may portend rapid career growth, recognition of merit or receipt of awards. And it’s very bad if the move fails for some reason. This may be a harbinger of sad events in real life. Also, such a dream may warn that, for reasons beyond your control, you will have to abandon your plans. Many people are interested in the question, why dream of moving to a new place of residence? If you dream of moving to a new apartment or a private house in your own city, then this foreshadows a meeting in reality with an interesting person. But if in a dream you understand that your new place of residence is far from your home, then in real life you will have a pleasant walk with your loved one. Other storylines dreams associated with moving can be interpreted as follows:
    If you collect things for a long time, and you have no desire to leave the place you have acquired, then in reality your relatives will soon come to visit you; If you collect things very quickly and are happily preparing to move, then this foreshadows a trip out of town with friends in the near future; If in the plot of the dream, the move is carried out in winter time, then this portends that misunderstandings will arise with loved ones that could ruin relationships; When you move to a friends apartment, this indicates that you will be able to successfully complete the business you have started.

For girls and young women, moving to a new apartment in a dream can be a harbinger that a loved one will propose marriage. Moreover, the more beautiful the situation, the more successful the marriage will be. Such a dream is a harbinger that the future family life will be filled with happiness and joy. It is important to pay attention to the situation in the new apartment where you are moving according to the plot of the dream:

    If you see luxurious furniture, then this is a sign that you will live in love and harmony for many years with your partner; If you move to an empty apartment, then this is a sign of unpleasant life changes; If the situation in the new apartment is completely consistent with what is available in real life, then this emphasizes the fact that at this moment in life you are very dependent on the opinions of people around you ;When you see that new apartment is furnished with office furniture, then you have a long business trip ahead of you; If there is complete chaos in your new apartment, then in the near future you may have problems, and they can be related to any area of ​​life; When you dream that your new apartment is very bright and located on the upper floors of a multi-storey building, then this portends a life surprise and, most likely, it will be very pleasant.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, moving can be auspicious sign only if no things were lost during it. In addition, it is very important that all events that occur during the move according to the plot of the dream are accompanied by joy. Such a dream always portends good life changes. Other dream plots are also considered successful:
    If you dream of moving to an unfinished house, then this is evidence of the beginning of a white streak in life; When you pack things for moving into a small suitcase, and they don’t fit there, then this foreshadows a promotion.

Gathering friends for a housewarming party

It’s very good if, according to the plot of the dream, you have to gather friends for a housewarming party. Such a dream is a harbinger of success in all areas of life.

Help with moving - dream book

But if in a dream you help someone move, then this indicates that you may commit a rash act. And this will lead to people whose opinions you value very much being disappointed in you.

Why do you dream about moving with relatives?

If you have to move with your closest relatives, then in reality a funny thing may happen to you and this will force you to reconsider your own lifestyle.