Everything about the month of April for children.

April is approaching - a month of contrasts, when the bright sun gives way to drizzling rain, when it starts dripping, but there is still snow in the forest (and may lie until May), when green grass is already breaking through from under the snow, snowdrops are blooming, and sometimes it starts snowing again . Not in vain folk signs April are mostly related to the weather during this spring month. What folk signs of April exist? And what is the history behind the name of this month?

History of the origin of the name of the month

The very name of the month “April” comes from the Latin “aprecus” or “aperire” (there is still no consensus). “Aprecus” translated from Latin means “warmed by the sun”, “the month of Aphrodite”, and “aperire” means “to open”, that is, the month when the first grass begins to emerge, spring actually “opens” and flowering begins.

The Romans dedicated all their months to various gods, and April was dedicated to the goddess Venus (or Greek Aphrodite) - the goddess of love and beauty. In addition, with the arrival of April, the season opened, dedicated to the gods and being the longest among the Romans (19 days). During these 19 days, all judicial institutions were closed.

In various European countries April had its own names, and there was even an opinion that the name of the month was based on the name of the Easter holiday. In Rus', April was called “pollen”, “snow fly”, “aquarius”, “caddis fly”, “birch zol”, etc.

And every name of April in Rus' reminded of natural features during this period, which, as already mentioned, forms the basis of the folk signs of April.

It is the folk signs of April that tell us that this month the snow finally melts and grass and snowdrops appear:

  • “April the snow is dying - the snowdrift is burning,”
  • “April picks up water, opens flowers,”
  • "April streams awaken the earth"
  • “February is rich in snow, April – in water.”

But, despite this, folk signs of April also warn that this month is very fickle and the bright, warm sun can always be replaced by cold:

  • “Don’t break the stove - it’s still April”
  • “April is neither colder than March nor warmer than May,”
  • “April is wheezing and blowing, promising warmth to the woman; and the man looks: something else will happen,”
  • “April will deceive, May will let you down. And the month of May, ah, ah, is both warm and cold.”

In addition, April was considered an important time for starting field work, which could not but be reflected in the folk signs of April:

  • “April worries will drive away from the stove”
  • “April does not like the lazy, but loves the agile one,”
  • “If you sow deeper in the spring, you will have bread in the winter,”
  • “Wet April is good arable land.”

Well, what are the folk signs of April without predicting the weather for the future? Based on the April weather, it was easy to predict what awaits us ahead:

  • “In April it’s wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to warm summer, to the mushroom harvest,”
  • “Thunderstorm in early April - for a warm summer and a nut harvest,”
  • “At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest,”
  • “What’s the weather like on April 1st, will it be the same on October 1st,”
  • “It’s hot during the day in April and cool at night - good weather,”
  • “The night of the Annunciation (April 7) is warm - the whole spring will be the same,”
  • “In April, spring finally overcomes winter: the snow cover completely disappears in the city, and the first mosquitoes appear. But if the swallows haven’t arrived yet, the whole spring will be cold.”

Folk signs of April by day

Literally every day of April has its own signs that help predict the weather for the future, the richness of the harvest, or some other natural phenomena. Folk signs of April, distributed by day, help you navigate the long list of signs and know what you should pay attention to on a given day.

This day was popularly called “Daria Dirty Ice Holes”, because it was on April 1, according to popular superstitions, that the snow began to actively melt. An important folk sign of April on this day was this: “If spring water It comes to Daria with noise - there are good herbs, but when it’s quiet, bad grass grows.” Most likely, this was due to how saturated the earth was with water. If the waters flow noisily, it means there is a lot of water, and it will fertilize and moisten the earth well, and if the waters flow quietly, it means there are few of them.

This day was popularly called the day of Photinia. There is such a folk sign associated with this day: “If the day of Photinia is not frosty, but the birds start mating games“The summer will be warm.”

This is the day of Nikita the Confessor, on which, according to folk signs of April, the ice was supposed to disappear from the reservoirs. If it hasn’t gone down yet, the fishermen won’t see any spring fishing!

This day in Rus' was called Warm Basil, and the folk sign of April associated with this day read: “The dawn sun in the sky on Warm Basil in red circles - this year there will be a good harvest of vegetables.”

Among the people, this day was the day of Fedul - and any natural phenomena were mentioned using his name. For example, if it was sunny and warm, they opened all the windows and said: “Fedul came - the heat blew.” If it was cool that day, they said: “Fedul pouted his lips.” Folk omens of April include the following pattern, noticed by people in the old days: “It is blowing north towards Fedul ( north wind), Fedula feels warm.”

In addition, April 5 in Rus' was also Nikon’s day, when, according to folk signs of April, finches arrived. On this day, the birds were attracted to their porch and fed bread crumbs, grains and seeds.

April 6 was the day of Zechariah the Faster. Folk signs of April associated with this day advised on this day to cleanse the house “of evil spirits,” wash and clean, light fires outside the yards and walk around the huts in circles. And at night it was necessary to hang a wet towel in the yard so that you could look at it in the morning. If the towel was dry by morning, then, according to the folk signs of April, the summer was expected to be fruitful; if not, then it would be very rainy, at the end of which frost might even appear.

In addition, April 6 was the day of remembrance of the Monk Eutyches and the martyr Jeremiah. Folk signs for April did not advise sowing spring crops (oats, buckwheat, millet, etc.) if the day was stormy, and be sure to sow them if the day was good. It was also customary to sow peas on this day.

April 7 was the day of the Annunciation and was accompanied a large number various folk signs of April. According to folk signs in April, swallows were supposed to fly to the Annunciation, otherwise spring would be cold. If the snow has not yet melted from the roofs of houses on Annunciation, you should not expect that it will melt in the field until May 6 (Yegorya).

In general, a lot of folk signs are associated with the Annunciation:

  • “From the cold Annunciation there are 40 cold mornings left” (that is, even if April 7 is cold, the cold morning will not be endured for so long),
  • “Thunderstorm for the Annunciation - for a warm summer or a nut harvest,”
  • “It’s rainy for the Annunciation - in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms and a good harvest of rye,”
  • “The sun is shining brightly and cloudless on Annunciation - there will be thunderstorms in the summer,”
  • “If by the time of the Annunciation the birch leaves already appear, but the alder is still bare, it means that the summer will be very sunny and warm,”
  • “On the Annunciation, clouds with unclear contours, layers, halos - signify a change in weather,”
  • “If there is wind, frost and fog on Annunciation, expect a fruitful summer,”
  • “If it’s frosty on Annunciation, there will be a lot of milk mushrooms in the summer.”

According to the folk signs of April, on the Annunciation it was forbidden to comb your hair too thoroughly to avoid hair loss, and it was also forbidden to work. This folk sign of April resulted in the saying: “The bird does not build a nest on this day, the maiden does not braid her hair.”

Among the people, it was Rodion's day, dedicated to observing the “meeting of the sun and the month” (that is, in the morning hours). According to the folk signs of April, if this meeting was good, it means the day will be clear and the summer will be warm. If this meeting was rainy, the day was also expected to be rainy, and the summer would be rainy.

April 9 is the day of Matryona Nastovnitsa. According to folk signs of April, on this day the remnants of the snow melt away and the lapwing and oatmeal arrive. There was such a folk sign of April, associated with birds: “The lapwing screams in the evening - for clear weather”, “The oatmeal sang - leave the sleigh, take the cart” (that is, now it was necessary to move only on wheels).

If on April 10 the sun is blood-red at sunrise and then hides in the clouds, rain is possible during the day. According to another folk sign of April, if the voice of the cuckoo is heard on this day, it means that the frosts are over.
Folk signs of April also include the following:

  • “The road to Rufa is collapsing, the snow has melted, there is mud all around - it’s impossible to pass or pass,”
  • “Coltsfoot has bloomed - expect warm weather soon.”

Folk signs of April call this day Martin's Day. People believed that on this day the geese would go out onto the ice - it would still be cold. The explanation for this sign is very simple: the main feeding place for geese in cold times is considered to be a pond - therefore, when they arrive before the weather gets warm, they go out onto the ice, feeling that they will have to feed here for a very, very long time.

On the same day, the fox rutting season begins, when the foxes begin to move from old holes to new ones. According to folk signs of April, by the 11th the crows already have chicks.

According to folk signs of April, it was on this day, on average, that woodcocks (a breed of bird) began to crave. If there is no traction yet or it suddenly stops abruptly, this can be regarded as a symbol of an imminent cold snap or even snowfall!

In addition, April 12 is the day of Ivan Climacus. And the folk signs of April involve baking special cookies - ladders - on this day to call for rain.

April 13 was called “Ognishche” in Rus'. On this day, the firewoman - that is, the peasant woman who had her birthday on this day - collected all the coals in the house, carried them to the field, lit a fire and burned last year's grass.

This day in Rus' was the day of Mary of Egypt (Mary lit the snow). On this day, according to popular signs of April, the ice from the reservoirs and the snow from the fields completely disappeared. If this did not happen, the year promised to be difficult. And if the ice melted and a spill began, it was worth the wait rapid growth young grass.

Usually by this day the peasants no longer had any supplies left. sauerkraut- the most important ingredient of cabbage soup and simply a tasty dish, that’s why April 14 was called “empty cabbage soup.” On this day, it was customary to eat those very “empty cabbage soup”, “fasting” in this way - after all, Mary of Egypt was also the patroness of repentant fornicators and harlots at the Last Judgment, and also, she herself judged those who did not repent.

In addition, folk signs of April on this day also suggest the beginning of the brownie’s wakefulness after hibernation. And in order for the brownie to be happy, the people believed that on this day it would be good to deceive their household members about something!

Another mystical folk sign of April is associated with the fact that, according to an ancient legend, on this day an old raven releases crows, who are one year old, into a separate nest so that they begin an independent life. And the raven was considered a very respected bird among the people - after all, it lived for 300 years and, as it was believed, was a bird of sorts.

This day was popularly called Titus Icebreaker and Polycarp. According to folk signs of April, if at this time good weather and a clear sky means the summer will be warm and fruitful. On this day, crows actively croak and wood grouse scream.

But there is also negative aspects this day. For example, by April 15, all supplies of bread are already depleted, so there is even such a folk sign of April: “The crow croaked, croaked, and croaked for the peasant Polikarpov’s Day.”

This day is called Tit Icebreaker, because right now people monitor the condition of ice on the rivers. If the ice floats down the river, it means the year will be good, and if it sinks, it will be a difficult year. By this time, according to folk signs of April, the water is already actively spilling.

On April 15, beekeepers began to listen to the hives to see if bees had begun to buzz, and if the region was warm, they even put the hives outside.

This day in Rus' had several names associated with the same phenomenon - the maximum flood of rivers and lakes. April 16 was called Nikita Vodopol and Irina-urvi (break) of the shore. And even if by this day the ice had not yet broken, the folk signs of April gave their verdict: there would be no more good fishing.

And if the ice did break, the fishermen tried to play it safe by sacrificing a horse to Vodyany. For this purpose, the most unsightly horse was bought from the gypsies, which was then sent into the river with the words: “Here’s a housewarming gift for you, grandfather: love, favor our family.” Folk signs of April explain this by saying that, in this way, the fishermen tried to appease Vodyany so that he would give them more fish and lured fish from nearby lakes and rivers.

And if frost suddenly formed in the morning of that day, people rejoiced, as it was believed that this was a symbol of the warm beginning of summer.

On this day, the peasants made their first trip to the field, and also predicted summer weather. What a morning it was on this day, so the summer promised to be, according to the folk signs of April.

April 24 in Rus' was considered the day of Antipas (Anton) Polovod. If the waters have not yet spilled, it means that the summer will be cold and there will be practically no harvest. Folk omens for April promise exactly this:

  • “Guess about the bread by antipodean water”
  • “Antip without water is a granary without grain.”

This day in Rus' was called Arina - play the ravines. The fact is that, according to folk signs of April, the water in the ravines during this period ran quickly and cheerfully. This was the key to a good harvest this year. If the water in the ravines froze, the harvest was expected to be poor.

On this day, people also paid attention to what was growing in the forest. If there were a lot of plantains, it means everything will be beautiful this year!

In Rus', every month of the year had a sufficient number of signs, which were confirmed in real life. A striking example of this is the above folk signs of April. Try to observe the weather and other factors throughout the month - and perhaps you will see for yourself that the folk signs of April can really be used to predict the future. Let it be only in terms of weather and yield for now!

The name of the month comes from Latin word Aprilis, which is considered cognate with the verb aperire - “to open”. Whether this is true or not, the verb perfectly describes what is happening in nature this month: the ground opens up from under the snow, and where the climate is warmer, buds bloom on the trees.

In a word, April is the month of nature’s next awakening after a sleep that lasted all winter. In the ancient Roman calendar, April was the second month of the year and had 29 days; he took fourth place after the reform of Julius Caesar. The Romans dedicated this month to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. In the Slavic calendar, April was called “pollen” or “kveten” - it’s clear why, because it is in this month that the first flowers appear after a long winter.

In April, the days become noticeably longer and warmer, although it is considered the rainiest month of the year.

Usually the Easter holiday falls in mid-late April, and on the first of April it is customary to joke and laugh at each other, because in many countries this day is celebrated as April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day, which has not yet become a national holiday anywhere.

Signs for April

➣ If the first days of April are windy, there will be heavy rains in June

If there is snow on the roofs on the Annunciation (April 7), then it will lie until Yegoriy Veshny - the feast of the shepherds (May 6)

Annunciation without swallows - cold spring. If on this day the first thunder thunders in the morning, summer will be moderate; if at noon and on the south side - warm and fertile; in the evening - summer will be hot, but autumn will be cold

A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer and late autumn

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer

Clear weather on Ionna Climacus (April 12) portends rainy summer, cloudy - dry summer

When the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is in front of the birch, the summer will be wet

If the April rain begins in large drops, it will not last long

The calendar for April says that this month is famous for water. The second month of spring got its name not by chance: according to popular belief, at this time the earth is crumbling. IN ancient Rus' April was called the flyover, and spring itself was called the flyover. The month foreshadowed the imminent onset of summer, a riot of greenery and colors, symbolizing new life.

Today April consists of 30 days, but before the reform of Julius Caesar it consisted of only 29. For the ancient Romans, April was dedicated to the goddess Venus. At this spring time, the longest (19-day) season of festivities, dedicated to all the gods, opened in Rome. Absolutely all judicial institutions in the city were temporarily closed. Many old folk signs of April were also associated with the holiday of Vesta (28th), the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth and fire.

Folk signs of April say: April is a sly and a rogue, he manages the weather in his own way. Wind, sudden warmth, fog, frost, thaw, rain, hail - all these phenomena can quickly replace each other in April. Starry nights at the end of the month they promise a good autumn harvest, strong winds at the beginning of the month promise warm weather.

In April it is wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - for a warm summer and a nut harvest.

If the snow surface is rough in April, it means a harvest.

Wet April is good arable land.

Early flight of bees - for the red spring.

A lot of sap flows from the birch - by late autumn.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

When the birch leaf opens in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is in front of the birch, the summer will be wet.

A lot of beetles mean drought.

The first thunder is loud - for vigorous bread.

The first thunder with a north wind is a cold spring, with an east wind it is dry and warm, with a west wind it is wet, with a south wind it is warm (northern part of Russia, Siberia).

There are a lot of cobwebs flying - summer will be hot.

In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.

Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.

In April there is a wet mushroom summer, a thunderstorm - for a warm summer, for a mushroom harvest.

A thunderstorm in early April means a warm summer and a nut harvest.

At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest.

In April it is hot during the day and cool at night - good weather.

April 3. A sign for fishermen - “The ice will not pass on Nikita the Confessor - all spring fishing will come to naught!”

April 6. Memorial Day of the Monk Eutyches and the Martyr Jeremiah. According to ancient signs, “On Eutyches the day is quiet - for the harvest of early spring crops!”, “The summer fly is angry, the wind threatens, even if it’s not this early spring crop, you won’t be able to collect seeds!”

April 16. Nikita Vodopol. The rivers are overflowing. Fishermen have noticed before that if there is no ice, then the fishing will be poor.

April 18. Fedulov day. According to signs, on this day the first real warmth comes and the crickets wake up.

April 20. Memorial Day of St. George the Confessor of Mytilene. Severe frost and sun on this day mean a harvest of bread and buckwheat.

April 21. Rodion and Ruth. This day was considered the first day of going to the field. They noted: if the dawn is clear, then the summer will be good, if it is gloomy, then the summer will be stormy.

April 23. Yuryev day. They noted: “If the moon is young on St. George’s Day, then the sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the moon is bad, there is no need to rush with sowing - there will be no frosts until late autumn.”

April 29. Irina (Arina). “Irina - play the ravines.” They looked: if during the day the water ran happily in the ravines, but froze in the evening, then the harvest would be bad.

April 30. Zosim Solovetsky, Zosima Pchelnik. Protector of beekeepers. By this time, both birch and alder are blooming. Old people watched: if a birch tree has put out its leaves in front of an alder tree, then expect a dry summer, and if an alder tree is in front of a birch tree, then the whole summer will be wet.

Headings in the section

This spring month is considered the most unpredictable, as the weather can bring surprises. It may suddenly snow or suddenly become very hot, like in the summer. Folk signs of April are associated with the future harvest and weather in the coming days.

Other names of the month

The name of the second spring month has Latin roots and comes from the adjective “aprecus” (warmed by the sun) or the verb “aperire” (I open). The ancient Greeks called April the month of Aphrodite. At this time, nature awakens and becomes like the goddess of beauty. The month “opens” spring, sun-warmed seeds sprout, trees begin to bloom.

IN Ancient Rome this month marked the beginning of the period dedicated to the gods. It lasted 19 days. During this time, all courts were closed.

April was called the month of Aphrodite - the time when nature awakens and becomes beautiful

In Rus', April had many names:

  • pollen;
  • snowmobile;
  • Aquarius;
  • caddisfly;
  • berezozol.

General April signs

Many of them are related to precipitation:

  • the surface of the snow at the beginning of the month is rough - for the harvest;
  • damp this month - good arable land and mushroom summer;
  • thunderstorm at the beginning of the month - a warm summer and a nut harvest;
  • if lightning flashes but thunder is not heard, then the summer will be dry;
  • At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest.

It was believed that the more moisture the soil received, the better the harvest. Abundance birch sap meant large number rains in the summer months. Is there strong wind the first week? A lot of rain is expected in June.

Folk signs of April for every day

  • April 1 - martyrs Chrysanthos and Daria Dirty Ice Holes.

On Daria, the water in the ice hole becomes cloudy. It was believed that if streams of melted snow made noise, then the grass would grow tall. Does the water drain quietly? The grains will be weak.

  • April 2 - Fotinya the Well, Fotinia the Samaritan (Samarian Woman).

If it’s warm on Photinia, the birds are chirping cheerfully outside the window, the summer is going to be hot.

  • April 3 - Nikita the Confessor, Kirill Katanik.

Ice usually flows down to Nikita on the rivers. If this does not happen, fishermen may not expect a good catch in the spring.

  • April 4 - Vasily Solnechnik.

If there are red circles around the sun on Vasily, the harvest will please you.

  • April 5 is Nikon's day.

Today, finches are returning to their native lands. For have a nice year and prosperity on Nikon, the birds were lured closer to their home, treated to them with bread crumbs and grain.

The finches returned to Nikon, they were lured to the house and treated so that the year would turn out to be rich
  • April 6 - Zakhary Postnik, Artemon Deri Poloz.

House cleansing day evil spirits. The owners cleaned the premises, burned or threw away old unnecessary things. A wet towel was hung in the yard. If it dried out before morning, the harvest would be rich; if not, they expected a wet summer and early autumn.

If it was cloudy and damp on Zechariah, then it was not recommended to sow oats, millet and buckwheat in the near future. Was the weather warm and sunny? In this case, the peasants were sowing spring crops and peas.

Spring is finally coming into its own. Fog, frost or strong gusts of wind on the Annunciation - to a rich harvest. If there is still snow on the roofs, it will melt in the field for another month. Frost - to severe cold in the morning.

There are many everyday signs associated with the Annunciation. They believed that today one should not comb one's hair too diligently, lend money or ask others. If you call your husband “darling” from dawn to dusk, he will caress and cherish you all year long.

The weather on that day also predicted the harvest. different cultures: rain - mushrooms and rye will grow well, frost - there will be a lot of milk mushrooms, thunderstorm - an abundance of nuts.

  • April 8 - Gabriel the Blagovestnik.

On Gabriel, the peasants watched the sunrise. If the sun rose in a bright and clear sky, the sleigh was hidden until winter.

  • April 9 - Matryona Nastovitsa, Matrona of Solunskaya.

The remaining snow melts on Matryona. Returning with warm countries lapwing and oatmeal. The weather was judged by their behavior. You can hear the cry of a lapwing - for cloudless days, the singing of oatmeal foretells warmth, this meant that you can no longer move on a sleigh, but on a cart.

  • April 10 - Hilarion.

If the sun is bright scarlet at dawn and then goes behind the clouds, you can expect rain. You can hear the cuckoo - there will be no more frosts. The flowering of coltsfoot heralds warming.

Coltsfoot blooms on Hilarion - for warming
  • April 11 - Kirill, Martin's Day.

If geese go out onto the ice on Martyn, frost is ahead. It is not difficult to understand the meaning of this sign. During the cold season, waterfowl feed on the pond. If in the spring they go out onto the icy surface of a river, lake or pond, they feel that they will be getting food here for a long time.

  • April 12 - Ivan (John) Climacus.

Woodcocks begin their mating games. If birds do not play weddings during this period, frosts and snowfalls can be expected.

  • April 13 - Fire.

People whose birthday fell on Ognishche took coals from home and burned last year’s grass in the fields.

  • April 14 - Mary of Egypt, Marya Pustye Shchi.

The rivers overflow on Mary - the grass will grow thick. If ice melts quickly from water bodies today, the year ahead will be favorable.

  • April 15 - Titus Ice Breaker, Polycarp.

On Titus, ice floats down the river - the year will be easy and rich. Are the ice floes sinking? The next few months will not be easy. If a reservoir overflows its banks, a lot of grass will grow, and haymaking will begin earlier than usual. On Polycarp, beekeepers begin to listen to the hives to see if the bees have woken up.

  • April 16 - Nikola Ice drift.

Frost in the morning on Nikola - for the imminent arrival of summer.

  • April 17 - Joseph the Songsinger.

Today you can already hear the cries of cranes. People came out into the yard to see Joseph and asked these birds for protection from evil spirits and all kinds of misfortune.

On Joseph, the cranes were asked to bring peace and protection to the family
  • April 18 - Fedulov Day, Fedora Vetrenitsa.

The crickets are beginning to awaken. A warm wind usually blows on Fedora.

  • April 19 - Eutyches.

If the weather is windy on Eutyches, the grain harvest will be poor. The day passed in silence - the grain harvest will delight you.

  • April 20 - Akulina, Akulina day.

If it rains on Akulina, viburnum will grow well. The birches are starting to turn green. It's freezing, but the sky is clear - buckwheat and wheat will grow well.

  • April 21 - Rodion and Ruth, Rodion Turn Out the Shafts, Rodion Icebreaker.

The peasants go to the field for the first time. If the weather is good, the sun is warm, you can expect a hot summer; it will be cold and rainy if the day is cloudy.

  • April 22 - Red Hill.

Today people try to get around everything natural springs water nearby. The springs are cleared of stones and branches.

  • April 23 - Terenty Marevny.

On Terentia the sun rises in fog - in the summer it will be possible to collect a lot of grain. If this day has not yet risen winter wheat, the land was plowed and oats or buckwheat were sown.

  • April 24 - Antip Polovod, Antip Vodogon.

If the ice on the rivers has not yet melted, the summer will be rainy. The water level in the reservoirs has not changed - it will be cold from June, there will be little harvest to be harvested. It was frosty in Antipas in the morning, and it started snowing in the afternoon - May is going to be cold.

  • April 25 - Vasily Pariysky (Parilsky, Steamer).

The bears are waking up, you can hunt hares. The earth is warming up, the snow is melting.

  • April 26 - Lungwort.

Women collect lungwort flowers to later use in healing potions.

On April 26, women collected lungwort for healing decoctions
  • April 27 - Martyn Lisogon.

On Martyn, crows release their chicks, which are one year old, to build their own nests. On this day, bridesmaids were arranged and matches were made so that the children could start their adult lives.

  • April 28 is Pud's Day.

On Puda, beekeepers put their hives outside for the first time after winter. It was believed that if you call for rain along with this, you can drive away death from the house.

  • April 29 - Irina (Arina) Rassadnitsa.

Today they are planting tomato and cabbage seedlings and seeing if the sprouted cucumbers have taken root. A lot of plantain in the forest - for an abundant year.

  • April 30 - Zosima Pchelnik.

The hives are taken to the apiary. They look at what seedlings the bees land on. It is believed that what kind of grains these insects like will produce a rich harvest. If little hard workers collect honey from cherry blossoms, the berries will be deformed; no, you shouldn’t expect a lot of cherries.

Wedding in April

April is a changeable and unpredictable month, but in general, favorable for marriage. During this period, it is good to have a wedding for people who look at life philosophically: if it decreases in one, then it increases in another. A calm attitude towards any situation will lead spouses to harmony and happiness.

A wedding in April promises frequent changes and surprises

The weather on the wedding day was used to predict what it would be like. family life couples:

  • sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy - the newlyweds will face many trials, they will have to go through a period of jumps from complete harmony to the point of absolute misunderstanding;
  • strong wind - family relationships will be changeable, somewhat superficial;
  • rain - to life in abundance.

In the old days they said that in April, couples who are sincerely in love celebrate their wedding. Their strong love will help you move through life confidently no matter what.

Table: favorable and unfavorable days for marriage

Favorable Unfavorable
April 2 is one of the most auspicious days: the spouses will maintain strong love, the children will grow up healthy and successful, the family will live in abundanceApril 1 - frequent illnesses and money problems are possible
April 14 - a strong union, especially for older couples and those spouses who are engaged in spiritual practicesApril 4 and 5 - tense relationships that will lead to divorce
April 20 - calm relationships, without fuss and frequent receptions of noisy guestsApril 9 - frequent quarrels
April 21 is an ideal day for the wedding of creative people: joint development, shared ideals and valuesApril 11 - financial problems, stagnation in relationships
April 24 is the most favorable day, peace and mutual understanding in the family, strong traditions, financial well-beingApril 15 - the marriage will be short-term
April 26 - high spirituality in the family, calm relationshipsApril 22 - frequent conflicts, regular lack of finances

The signs of April are largely related to the upcoming harvest. They monitor rivers, the behavior of birds and insects. It was believed that a warm and rainy month would bring a rich and abundant year. You should only get married in April if you are sure that the feelings in your couple are truly strong. Then love will help you endure any worries and changes with ease.

April is a wonderful spring month: in just 30 days it makes truly fabulous transformations in nature: it drives away the remnants of winter, warms the earth, and unfurls early green leaves. It was not for nothing, apparently, that people believed that only April, the only one in the family of brother months, held the keys to the warm season: “The April flower breaks the snowball,” and “The sun rolls down the April hill into summer.”

There is a prediction that April received its name from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”. And the ancient Romans, who gave the name to the month, seemed to expand and clarify its interpretation, “revealing his gifts.” And truly “April picks up water, opens flowers,” “April colors the earth.”

And among the Russians, its names were associated with the awakening of living nature, just listen to these words - kveten, pollen, birch, grass. But as the rumor stated, “Don’t break the stoves while April is around your shoulders”. The weather in April is warm and unstable, but it is famous for its water. Any day now the rivers will open up, the ice will “move”, and a furious, uncontrollable flood will begin. From time immemorial, peasants lived in the hope that “April will give everyone a drink”: “If only there was water, greenery would appear.”

In Rus', ice holes were used not only for fishing, they drove cattle to them to water, imagine what was going on around them. In April the ice melted and all the dirt came out. In fact, Daria was a neat person; she helped the village housewives bleach their canvases. The old recommendation was: “You can remove any stains from your laundry if you soak it exactly at sunrise.” spring sun and spread it out on clean snow" . Those interested can try the ancient method.

Signs for April 4 - Vasily Solnechnik

If any of you, dear friends, are concerned about the fate of this year's harvest, then on this day you need to wake up early and look at the sunrise. If you notice red circles around it, you can go get some sleep with a calm heart - the year will be fertile.

On this day, according to legend, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she had found grace from God and would give birth to the Savior of the world. Since then, this weekday has been considered by Christians as one of the brightest and most significant holidays. On this day, according to popular belief, not only the earth rejoices and rejoices, even angels in heaven celebrate it, even sinners in hell stop torturing. On Annunciation, the sun at sunrise shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. On this day, the Mother of God herself sows the earth's fields from heavenly heights, scattering the grains and seeds of all the blades of grass growing on the earth. Only in the evening will she finish her good work. And while the Mother of God is working, no one, “neither people, nor birds, nor reptiles of the earth, nor beasts of the forest,” can do even the most trifling work. They say that the cuckoo was left without a nest because that day she tried to curl it, and the mole became blind because he disobeyed the ban. Therefore, it is considered, on this day, out of harm’s way, “The bird does not build a nest, the red maiden does not weave her braids.”

Also, on the day of the week on which the Annunciation holiday falls, you cannot start new things all year.

Signs for April 12 - John Climacus

This day was usually fussy, noisy and troublesome, because the wandering Brownies gave no rest to anyone. They talked about John Climacus, the old skin fell off from the Brownies and they could not find a place for themselves from pain. He was always considered the patron of the family, a guarantor of peace and well-being, so when moving to a new place, they took their Brownie with them. To do this, they took a bast shoe and said: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us." — carried a bast shoe to new home and hid it under the stove.

The heroes of this spring day there was water and sun. They said: “The snow melts on Mary and behind the deck”, “Marya the flood begins.” And people also called her: “Marya - empty cabbage soup”. The housewives inspected the bottoms and cellars; they were noticeably empty after long winter. They tried their best to survive until the new harvest. This is where all kinds of stews, hodgepodges, pickles and soups came to the rescue.

IN folk calendar This day was considered the beginning of ice drift, when “Mother River is walking.” It was this day that Russian traders chose for their holiday; they called it “Barysh Day”. They celebrated it very diligently so that the whole year would be profitable, and the money received from trade would be used for future use.

Signs for April 19 - Eutyches

On Eutychius they wished for the pea harvest. If the day was quiet and the night was starry, there was no need to worry about anything, and everyone on the farm would be happy with the peas.

Since time immemorial, people have had superstitions and customs associated with peas:

* They say that a pod with twelve peas brings happiness and prosperity.
* Scattering peas means quick tears.
* Eating two people from the same pod means a quarrel.
* In a house where ghosts roam at night, you need to scatter peas in the corners, everything will immediately calm down.
* Lichens, calluses, warts will disappear if you touch them with a pea and then burn it in the oven.
But even if all this is classified as an “old wives’ tale,” the peas will have one thing left: important quality- it's delicious!

Signs for April 29 - Irina - seedbed

On this day, cabbage is sown for seedlings.

“Irina - snatch the shores, tear up the shores.” The shore cannot resist Irina's water. Irina, play the ravines. Noticed: “If the ravines play and freeze again, expect interference with the harvest.”