When was the magazine Murzilka founded? Our projects

I often see the word “Murzilka” used in Internet slang. And you’ve probably heard it more than once with a modern meaning. What does it mean now? An offensive version of the word “virtual”? Please clarify in the comments...-

In the meantime, we’ll talk about the history and origin of this word.

Story Murzilki began in 1879, when the Canadian artist Palmer Cox created a series of drawings about Brownies - these are the closest relatives of brownies, small people, about 90 centimeters tall, similar to little elves with brown unkempt hair and bright blue eyes (because of brown their hair is called “brownie”). Their skin is predominantly light, although the color of a brownie's skin depends on where they live and what they eat. These creatures come at night and finish what the servants did not finish. But this was just a test before the real creation of those images that would later win over the public. So in 1881, exactly those same brownies appeared in the magazine “Wide Awake”, which began a triumphant march, first across America, and then throughout the world.

In February 1883, Cox began publishing in the New York children's publication St. Nicholas" pictures from brownie, accompanied by poems about the adventures of the heroes. And four years later, the first book “The Brownies, Their Book” was published, which contained a collection of stories about brownies and which sold a million copies. In total, Palmer Cox created 15 before his death in 1924 original books about brownies.

By the way, Cox’s brownies did not have names as such - they were called by characteristic nicknames, such as Chinese, Sailor, Dandy, Jockey, Russian, Hindu, King, Student, Policeman, Canadian, etc.

Murzilka and his friends first appeared on the pages of the magazine “Sincere Word” in 1887 in the fairy tale “A boy as big as a finger, a girl as big as a nail.” The author of this tale was the famous writer Anna Borisovna Khvolson, and the illustrations were drawings by the artist Palmer Cox.

The first edition of the book “The Kingdom of Little Ones,” including 27 stories and 182 drawings, was published in 1889, followed by reprints in 1898, 1902 and 1915.

In 1913, a book with drawings by Palmer Cox and Russian text from Anna Khvolson “New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest people." Anna Khvolson made a free translation of Cox's texts, giving the characters other names: Maz-Permaz, Dedko-Borodach, Znayka, Dunno, clever Skok, hunter Mick, Vertushka, Chinese Chi-ka-chi, Indian Ski, Mikrobka, American John, etc. p. Well, actually Murzilka, on whose behalf the story was told.

And it turned out that Murzilka impossibly similar to the famous Nosovsky Dunno. He is the same braggart, lazy and troublemaker, who, because of his character, constantly gets into various troubles. However, these two heroes also have differences. Murzilka, for example, a real dandy. A tailcoat or long coat, a top hat, boots with narrow toes, a cane and a monocle are indispensable components of his everyday costume.

So Dunno’s predilection for defiantly bright colors in clothes would have unpleasantly struck Murzilka’s refined taste. But this difference is purely external. Although the character Murzilki or, as his friends call him, “Empty Head” is quite similar to the character of his literary descendant; Dunno is written out in much more detail and volume. And if Khvolson’s hero is deliberately caricatured and conventional, then Nosov’s is a lively, charming and recognizable boy. Therefore, probably, over the careless and boastful Murzilka readers just laugh, but they often sympathize with Dunno, sincerely pity and love him.

So, the name Murzilka was born in 1913. Two years later, Anna Khvelson released an independent work called “The Kingdom of Little Ones. Adventures Murzilki and the Woodland Men,” which was illustrated by the works of the same Palmer Cox, but since it was not included in the official Brownie bibliography, it can be considered a remake.
It was a boy in a black tailcoat, with a huge white flower in his buttonhole, wearing a silk top hat and boots that were fashionable at that time. long noses.. And he always had an elegant cane and monocle in his hands. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, these tales were very popular. Myself Murzilka, according to the plot of the fairy tale, he constantly found himself in some kind of funny stories. But after the 1917 revolution, the book was no longer published, and everyone forgot about this hero.

Next time o Murzilka remembered in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under the Rabochaya Gazeta. One of the founders remembered this name and it was accepted almost unanimously. But don’t put a brownie on the cover! That's why Murzilka became a red mongrel puppy who accompanied his owner, the boy Petka, everywhere. His friends also changed - now they were pioneers, Octobrists, as well as their parents. However, the puppy did not exist for long - he soon disappeared, and Petka subsequently disappeared from the pages of the magazine.

Traditionally it is believed that some furry creature yellow was born by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky at the request of the editors in 1937. However, back in the 50s Murzilka was a little man wearing an acorn hat on his head instead of a beret. He appeared like this in several cartoons, the latest of which is “ Murzilka on satellite" - was created in 1960. It was this beret that later became an indispensable attribute of Murzilka, when it turned yellow and overgrown.

Soon other heroes began to appear in this magazine - evil sorceress Yabeda-Koryabeda, talking cat Shunka, Soroka-Balabolka, Sportlendik and Ladybug. All these characters became the hosts of the main sections of the magazine - funny and entertaining stories, curiosity questions, a sports page, stories about nature.

The best children's writers were published on the pages of “Murzilka”: Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Agnia Barto. The smallest Murzilka» instilled a love of learning with the help bright pictures, interestingly played out plots and playful poems.

In 1977 - 1983. The magazine published “A detective-mysterious story about Yabeda-Koryabeda and her 12 agents” (author and artist A. Semenov) and its continuations. Often the magazine took on topics that were far from children's. For kids who have only recently learned to read, “ Murzilka“talked about the conquest of space, the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, the 1980 Olympics, and even explained the ideology of the party - “To the October Revolution about Communists.”

Magazine " Murzilka"is still published today. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the “longest-running children's magazine.”

On May 16, 1924, the first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published in the Soviet Union, intended for younger children. school age- from 6 to 12 years old, which very quickly became a popular children's literary and artistic publication...

The history of Murzilka began in 1879, when the Canadian artist Palmer Cox created a series of drawings about Brownies - these are the closest relatives of brownies, small people, about 90 centimeters tall, similar to little elves with brown unkempt hair and bright colors. blue eyes (because of the brown color of their hair they are called “brownies”).

Their skin is predominantly light, although the color of a brownie's skin depends on where they live and what they eat. These creatures come at night and finish what the servants did not finish. But this was just a test before the real creation of those images that would later win over the public. So in 1881, exactly those same brownies appeared in the magazine “Wide Awake”, which began a triumphant march, first across America, and then throughout the world.

In February 1883, Cox began publishing in the New York children's publication St. Nicholas" pictures with brownies, accompanied by poems about the adventures of the heroes. And four years later, the first book “The Brownies, Their Book” was published, which contained a collection of stories about brownies and which sold a million copies. In total, Palmer Cox created 15 original brownie books before his death in 1924.

By the way, Cox’s brownies did not have names as such - they were called by characteristic nicknames, such as Chinese, Sailor, Dandy, Jockey, Russian, Hindu, King, Student, Policeman, Canadian, etc.

For the first time Murzilka and his friends appeared on the pages of the magazine “Sincere Word” in 1887 in the fairy tale “A boy as big as a finger, a girl as big as a nail.” The author of this tale was the famous writer Anna Borisovna Khvolson, and the illustrations were drawings by the artist Palmer Cox. The first edition of the book “The Kingdom of Little Ones,” including 27 stories and 182 drawings, was published in 1889, followed by reprints in 1898, 1902 and 1915.

In 1913, a book with drawings by Palmer Cox and Russian text from Anna Khvolson “New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest people." Anna Khvolson made a free translation of Cox's texts, giving the characters other names: Maz-Permaz, Dedko-Borodach, Znayka, Dunno, clever Skok, hunter Mick, Vertushka, Chinese Chi-ka-chi, Indian Ski, Mikrobka, American John, etc. p. Well, actually Murzilka, on whose behalf the story was told.

And it turned out that Murzilka is incredibly similar to the well-known Nosovsky Dunno. He is the same braggart, lazy and troublemaker, who, because of his character, constantly gets into various troubles. However, these two heroes also have differences. Murzilka, for example, is a real dandy. A tailcoat or long coat, top hat, boots with narrow toes, a cane and a monocle are indispensable components of his everyday costume. So Dunno’s predilection for defiantly bright colors in clothes would have unpleasantly struck Murzilka’s refined taste.

But this difference is purely external. Although the character of Murzilka or, as his friends call him, “The Empty Head” is quite similar to the character of his literary descendant, Dunno is written out in much more detail and volume. And if Khvolson’s hero is deliberately caricatured and conventional, then Nosov’s is a lively, charming and recognizable boy. Therefore, probably, readers only laugh at the careless and boastful Murzilka, but they often sympathize with Dunno, sincerely pity and love him.

So the name Murzilka born in 1913. Two years later, Anna Khvelson released an independent work called “The Kingdom of Little Ones. The Adventures of Murzilka and the Forest Men,” which was illustrated by the works of the same Palmer Cox, but since it was not included in the official Brownie bibliography, it can be considered a remake.

He was a boy in a black tailcoat, with a huge white flower in his buttonhole, in a silk top hat and long-toed boots that were fashionable at that time... And he always had an elegant cane and monocle in his hands. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, these tales were very popular. Murzilka himself, according to the plot of the fairy tale, constantly found himself in some funny stories. But after the revolution of 1917, the book was no longer published, and everyone forgot about this hero...

Next time o Murzilka remembered in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under the Rabochaya Gazeta. One of the founders remembered this name and it was accepted almost unanimously. But don’t put a brownie on the cover! Therefore, Murzilka became a red mongrel puppy who accompanied his owner, the boy Petka, everywhere.

His friends also changed - now they were pioneers, Octobrists, as well as their parents. However, the puppy did not exist for long - he soon disappeared, and Petka subsequently disappeared from the pages of the magazine.

It is traditionally believed that a certain fluffy yellow creature was born into the world by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky at the request of the editors in 1937. However, back in the 50s, Murzilka was a small man wearing an acorn hat on his head instead of a beret. He appeared like this in several cartoons, the last of which, “Murzilka on Sputnik,” was created in 1960. It was this beret that later became an indispensable attribute of Murzilka, when it turned yellow and overgrown.

Soon other heroes began to appear in this magazine - the evil sorceress Yabeda-Koryabeda, the talking cat Shunka, Magpie-Balabolka, Sportlendik and Ladybug. All these characters became the hosts of the main sections of the magazine - funny and entertaining stories, curiosity questions, a sports page, stories about nature.

The best children's writers were published on the pages of “Murzilka”: Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Agnia Barto. “Murzilka” instilled in the little ones a love of learning with the help of bright pictures, interesting plots and playful rhymes.

In 1977 - 1983. The magazine published “A detective-mysterious story about Yabeda-Koryabeda and her 12 agents” (author and artist A. Semenov) and its continuations. Often the magazine took on topics that were far from children's. For kids who had only recently learned to read, “Murzilka” talked about the conquest of space, the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, the 1980 Olympics, and even explained the ideology of the party - “To the Octobrists about Communists.”

The magazine "Murzilka" is still published. In 2011, it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the “longest-running children's magazine.” Over the many years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its publication has never been interrupted.

The modern “Murzilka” is a full-color glossy publication, as before, full of interesting, educational materials on topics that attract not only young readers, but also their parents. Variety of topics and interesting presentation The magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers. Many materials are not only informational in nature, encourage creativity, but also develop useful skills. Materials supplementing the program are also published here. primary school.

“Murzilka” is a mirror of our children's literature. After all, he still preserves traditions, collecting on his pages only best samples modern Russian literature for children. The magazine is published once a month, with a circulation of 60,000 copies.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

« Average secondary school No. 7"

city ​​of Solikamsk Perm region

Children's magazine"Murzilka".

Research project.

Completed :

Kuznetsov Alexey

student 3 "B" class

MAOU secondary school No. 7

Head of work:

Shishkina Galina Anatolevna

teacher primary classes

Solikamsk 2013


    Historical facts

General information about the magazine “Murzilka”…...……………………..5

History of the creation of the magazine……………………………………………………….6-7

What did the magazine look like in the past……..……………………………8

What does the magazine look like now………………………...9-10

    Organization and conduct of research…….…………………...11-13


5.List of resources used.…………………………………...15


In class literary reading we get acquainted with the works of various writers and poets, as well as with their lives and works. The main source of information is books. We'll start looking at this topic soon

"Children's magazine - Murzilka." I love reading magazines, but I haven’t come across the magazine “Murzilka” yet. I wanted to know more about him. To do this, I compiled a series of questions on a topic that interests me:

What does the magazine look like?

What year has it been published?

Who is Murzilka?

Why is he interesting?

I set before myselftarget :

    find out - modern children read the magazine “Murzilka”.


    learn to use reference books;

    master the skills of conducting research work;

    find out - there is a magazine “Murzilka” in the libraries of our city and modern children read the magazine.

Research methods:

    study of literary sources;

    student survey;

    conversation with librarians.

Significance of the work:

    teach schoolchildren to treat literary sources with care;

    instill in them the skills of working with additional journalistic sources;

    expand knowledge about the magazine.

Expected results:

    learn the history of the magazine's creation;

    Let’s find out its significance for students;

    Let's generate interest in the magazine.

2.Historical facts.

General information about the magazine "Murzilka".

« Murzilka" popular children's

literary and artistic magazine. The magazine is published once a month, with a circulation of 85,000 copies. Published since May 16, 1924 and addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. Over the 88 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its publication has never been interrupted. In 2012, the magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records as “Murzilka” - the children's magazine with the longest period of publication.

History of the magazine's creation .

Story Murzilkibegan in 1879, when the Canadian artist Palmer Cox created a series of drawings about brownies - these are the closest relatives of brownies, small people, about 90 centimeters tall, with unkempt brown hair and bright blue eyes (because of the brown color of their hair they are called " brownie"). These creatures come at night and finish what the servants did not have time to do. They began a triumphal march, first across America, and then throughout the world. They came to Russia thanks to the famous writer Anna Khvolson, who freely translated Cox’s texts, giving the characters different names. This is how the name Murzilka was born.

In 1913, a book with drawings by Palmer Cox and Russian text from Anna Khvolson “New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest people”, where the main character was Murzilka.

E it was a boy in a black tailcoat, with a huge white flower in his buttonhole, wearing a silk top hat and long-toed boots that were fashionable at that time. He also always had an elegant cane and monocle in his hands. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, these tales were very popular. Murzilka himself, according to the plot of the fairy tale, constantly found himself in some funny stories. But after 1917, everyone forgot about this hero. The next time Murzilka was remembered was in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under the Rabochaya Gazeta.

What the magazine looked like in the past.

IN Last time it was a children's monthly magazine. It was designed for primary schoolchildren and pupils of older groups of kindergartens. The main task of “Murzilka” was to educate children in the spirit of patriotism, camaraderie, and respect for work. The magazine published stories, poems, fairy tales, essays and pictures about the work of people and the heroic past of the Motherland. In a lively, entertaining and accessible form, he told children about the history of the country, work, nature, school life, etc.

Participated in the creation and operation of the magazine famous figures literature and art. The best children's writers were published on the pages of “Murzilka”: , , , , , , , , , , and others.

Murzilka became a red mongrel puppy who accompanied his owner, the boy Petka, everywhere. His friends also changed - now they were pioneers, Octobrists, as well as their parents.

What does the magazine look like now?

ABOUT However, the puppy did not exist for long - he soon disappeared, and Petka subsequently disappeared from the pages of the magazine and in 1937, the famous artist Aminadav Kanevsky created a new image of Murzilka - a kind of fluffy yellow creature, which, having undergone some changes, has survived to the present day. Since then, the symbol of the children's publication “Murzilka” has been a yellow fluffy character wearing a red beret and scarf. And the kids really like it. Currently, the magazine publishes works by contemporary children's writers, including foreign ones. The main difference between Murzilka is its high-quality children's literature. Fairy tales, stories, children's stories, plays, and poems are published here. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the magazine are the readers themselves.

The modern “Murzilka” is a full-color glossy publication, as before, full of interesting, educational materials on topics that attract not only young readers, but also their parents. With a variety of topics and interesting presentation, the magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers. Many materials are not only informational in nature, encourage creativity, but also develop useful skills. It also publishes materials that complement the primary school curriculum, for example: the Russian language (“Walks with Words”), the surrounding world (flora and fauna of the planet), labor (achievements in science and technology in sections), physical education

(“Champion”), life safety (“Safety School”), fine arts(“Let's go to the museum”, “Art gallery”).

Each issue of "Murzilka" contains games, puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, coloring books and several homemade constructions.

There are topics that are not exhausted by publication in several issues, but continue for more long time. This is the Murzilka Art Gallery. “Gallery” introduces reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world painting, the life and work of artists. Stories about them and reproductions of paintings are printed on tabs, you can cut them out and collect your own art collection.

Interesting not only for children, but for the whole family are “Murzilka’s advice”, “Murzilka’s Adventures”, homemade products, competitions, quizzes that give not only interesting information, encourage creativity, but also cultivate useful skills.

3.Organization and conduct of research.

Materials and equipment: questionnaire with questions for children, pen.

Our study was carried out at MAOU Secondary School No. 7, Solikamsk. Using a survey method, in which children from grades 4a, 4b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 2a, 2c took part, we found out what modern children prefer to read and whether they read the Murzilka magazine.

Children were asked to answer the following questions:

    What magazines do you read? (Murzilka, other magazines)

We entered the results of the survey in Table No. 1.

Number of children

1 question

Question 2

Question 3





magazines and books


Other magazines

room 20

room 21

room 19

room 29

room 27

room 22



140 hours

115 hours

25 hours

32 hours

69 hours

39 hours


121 hours


Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn: a total of 140 children were surveyed - primary school students, 115 of them like to read, 25 people do not like to read. Mostly children read magazines – 69 people. Murzilka magazine is known and read by 19 people, the rest of the children prefer to read other magazines: Fidget, Spiderman, Kolobok, Comics, Winx, Yeralash and others. Thus, modern children love to read magazines; 19 people read the Murzilka magazine, which is 13.5% of the children surveyed. This suggests that Murzilka is an unpopular magazine among children.

There is a magazine called Murzilka in the libraries of our city. Target: Find out there is a magazine in the libraries of our city and children take it to read.

Materials and equipment: questions for librarians, pen, notepad.

Our research was carried out in the libraries of the city of Solikamsk: library of MAOU secondary school No. 7, library of MAOU secondary school No. 9, Central children's library, library of the Klestovka microdistrict. Using a survey method, we found out that there is a Murzilka magazine in the libraries of our city and children take it to read.

We asked librarians the following questions:

    Is there a Murzilka magazine in the library? (Not really)

    What year is it issued from?

    Is he coming this year? (Not really)

    Do children take it for reading? (Not really)

We entered the survey results in table No. 2.






MAOU secondary school No. 9


Central Children's Library

Marina Nikolaevna



Library of the Parkovy district

Mareshkina Natalia Alexandrovna





Based on the survey results, the following conclusions can be drawn: the Murzilka magazine has been available in the libraries of our city since 1997, but this year, 2013, the magazine is subscribed only to the Central Children's Library. Children are interested in the magazine, but rarely take it to read. Thus, our research has confirmed that modern children read the Murzilka magazine very rarely or are not interested in it at all.

4. Conclusion.

During my work, I acquired useful skills: I learned to use reference books, conduct research, and analyze the results. While studying reference literature, I learned many interesting facts about the Murzilka magazine.

During my research work, I was able to make sure that in our time there are children who do not like to read books, as well as educational magazines, which include the Murzilka magazine.

In modern times, it has become much easier to find the necessary information, using such sources as the Internet, television, but we must not forget that there are also books and magazines, which are also important for obtaining new knowledge.

With my work, I wanted to attract the attention of students and interest them in the magazine - Murzilka, which not only offers us interesting puzzles, riddles, riddles, crafts, but also teaches us to understand the world around us.

5.List of resources used.

I often see the word “Murzilka” used in Internet slang. And you’ve probably heard it more than once with a modern meaning. What does it mean now? An offensive version of the word “virtual”? Please clarify in the comments...

In the meantime, we’ll talk about the history and origin of this word.

Story Murzilki began in 1879, when the Canadian artist Palmer Cox created a series of drawings about Brownies - these are the closest relatives of brownies, small people, about 90 centimeters tall, similar to little elves with brown unkempt hair and bright blue eyes (because of the brown color of their hair they are called “brownies”). Their skin is predominantly light, although the color of a brownie's skin depends on where they live and what they eat. These creatures come at night and finish what the servants did not finish. But this was just a test before the real creation of those images that would later win over the public. So in 1881, exactly those same brownies appeared in the magazine “Wide Awake”, which began a triumphal march, first across America, and then throughout the world.

In February 1883, Cox began publishing in the New York children's publication St. Nicholas" pictures from brownie, accompanied by poems about the adventures of the heroes. And four years later, the first book “The Brownies, Their Book” was published, which contained a collection of stories about brownies and which sold a million copies. In total, Palmer Cox created 15 original brownie books before his death in 1924.

By the way, Cox’s brownies did not have names as such - they were called by characteristic nicknames, such as Chinese, Sailor, Dandy, Jockey, Russian, Hindu, King, Student, Policeman, Canadian, etc.

Murzilka and his friends first appeared on the pages of the magazine “Sincere Word” in 1887 in the fairy tale “A boy as big as a finger, a girl as big as a nail.” The author of this tale was the famous writer Anna Borisovna Khvolson, and the illustrations were drawings by the artist Palmer Cox.

The first edition of the book “The Kingdom of Little Ones,” including 27 stories and 182 drawings, was published in 1889, followed by reprints in 1898, 1902 and 1915.

In 1913, a book with drawings by Palmer Cox and Russian text from Anna Khvolson “New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest people." Anna Khvolson made a free translation of Cox's texts, giving the characters other names: Maz-Permaz, Dedko-Borodach, Znayka, Dunno, clever Skok, hunter Mick, Vertushka, Chinese Chi-ka-chi, Indian Ski, Mikrobka, American John, etc. p. Well, actually Murzilka, on whose behalf the story was told.

And it turned out that Murzilka impossibly similar to the famous Nosovsky Dunno. He is the same braggart, lazy and troublemaker, who, because of his character, constantly gets into various troubles. However, these two heroes also have differences. Murzilka, for example, a real dandy. A tailcoat or long coat, top hat, boots with narrow toes, a cane and a monocle are indispensable components of his everyday costume.

So Dunno’s predilection for defiantly bright colors in clothes would have unpleasantly struck Murzilka’s refined taste. But this difference is purely external. Although the character Murzilki or, as his friends call him, “Empty Head” is quite similar to the character of his literary descendant; Dunno is written out in much more detail and volume. And if Khvolson’s hero is deliberately caricatured and conventional, then Nosov’s is a lively, charming and recognizable boy. Therefore, probably, over the careless and boastful Murzilka readers just laugh, but they often sympathize with Dunno, sincerely pity and love him.

So, the name Murzilka was born in 1913. Two years later, Anna Khvelson released an independent work called “The Kingdom of Little Ones. Adventures Murzilki and the Woodland Men,” which was illustrated by the works of the same Palmer Cox, but since it was not included in the official Brownie bibliography, it can be considered a remake.

He was a boy in a black tailcoat, with a huge white flower in his buttonhole, in a silk top hat and long-toed boots that were fashionable at that time... He also always had an elegant cane and monocle in his hands. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these tales were very popular. Myself Murzilka, according to the plot of the fairy tale, he constantly found himself in some funny stories. But after the 1917 revolution, the book was no longer published, and everyone forgot about this hero.

Next time o Murzilka remembered in 1924, when a new children's magazine was created under the Rabochaya Gazeta. One of the founders remembered this name and it was accepted almost unanimously. But don’t put a brownie on the cover! That's why Murzilka became a red mongrel puppy who accompanied his owner, the boy Petka, everywhere. His friends also changed - now they were pioneers, Octobrists, as well as their parents. However, the puppy did not exist for long - he soon disappeared, and Petka subsequently disappeared from the pages of the magazine.

It is traditionally believed that a certain fluffy yellow creature was born into the world by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky at the request of the editors in 1937. However, back in the 50s Murzilka was a little man wearing an acorn hat on his head instead of a beret. He appeared like this in several cartoons, the latest of which is “ Murzilka on satellite" - was created in 1960. It was this beret that later became an indispensable attribute of Murzilka, when it turned yellow and overgrown.

Soon other heroes began to appear in this magazine - evil sorceress Yabeda-Koryabeda, talking cat Shunka, Magpie-Balabolka, Sportlendik and Ladybug. All these characters became the hosts of the main sections of the magazine - funny and entertaining stories, curiosity questions, a sports page, stories about nature.

The best children's writers were published on the pages of “Murzilka”: Samuil Marshak, Korney Chukovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Agnia Barto. The smallest Murzilka“instilled a love of learning with the help of bright pictures, interesting plots and playful poems.

In 1977 - 1983. The magazine published “A detective-mysterious story about Yabeda-Koryabeda and her 12 agents” (author and artist A. Semenov) and its continuations. Often the magazine took on topics that were far from children's. For kids who have only recently learned to read, “ Murzilka"talked about the conquest of space, the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, the 1980 Olympics, and even explained the ideology of the party - “To the Octobrists about Communists.”

Magazine " Murzilka"is still published today. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the “longest-running children's magazine.”

Few people know that the magazine owes its existence to the Canadian artist and writer Palmer Cox. IN late XIX he published a series of poems about small people"brownie" And a little later, the Russian writer Anna Khvolson, inspired by the works of Cox, created her own series of stories, where the main character was Murzilka - little man in a tailcoat and with a monocle.

In 1908, its popularity was quite large, and the editors of the publication “Dusushevnoe Slovo” began to publish a supplement - the newspaper “Murzilka Magazine”.

In the twenties, this publication turned into an independent magazine, but it was necessary to abandon the “bourgeois” image of the main character. Murzilka turned into an ordinary puppy with a good-natured smile, living with Petya and understanding the world. He flew on hot air balloon, traveled with pioneers, slept in the same cage with a polar bear, etc.

In the thirties, thanks to the artist Aminadav Kanevsky, Murzilka acquired the image in which he has survived to this day, although somewhat modified - a yellow puppy in a red beret, a striped scarf, with a postman's bag and a camera.

At the end of the thirties, Murzilka disappeared from the pages of the publication and appeared only during the war years in the form. The magazine called for help in the military cause, talked about exploits and much more. When the war ended, the familiar yellow puppy returned again. At this time, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin, E. Schwartz and others began to be published on the pages of the publication.

During the Thaw period, the magazine's circulation grew to crazy numbers - about five million copies were published. Along with this, talented authors appeared - A. Barto, V. Dragunsky, Y. Kazakov, A. Nekrasov, V. Astafiev, etc. In addition, educational material began to appear in the magazine - the heading “Our Favorite Artists”, a section on travel “ Following the sun”, etc.
In the seventies, thematic issues dedicated to rivers, fairy tales and other areas began to be published. Works by foreign authors also began to appear - Otfried Preusler, Donald Bissetga, Astrid Lindgren, Tove Jansson.

During perestroika, a competent editor, Tatyana Filippovna Androsenko, began to manage the magazines. It was thanks to her that the publication did not sink into obscurity. The circulation fell, printing houses refused to print it, but all these problems were solved. New authors even began to appear.

Currently, “Murzilka” is a modern glossy publication that has not deviated from its traditions - the search for new young talented authors, high quality products, educational and entertaining materials for primary schoolchildren.