Scenario for grandma's birthday. Our grandmother is not an old woman at all

News about this anniversary
She became known throughout the area.
The one whose we celebrate the holiday,
The table sits at the head.
This is my dear grandmother
I gathered everyone today.
I alone will say for the guests:
This is her whole success!

(Applause from the guests.)

Our dear grandmother!
We are very grateful for this,
I can no longer remain silent.
We love you, respect you,
As a mother-in-law, grandmother and mother!
Let's move all the glasses friendly family
And we’ll dedicate this toast to you alone!

(The guests drink.)

(Musical pause 3-5 minutes.)

Dear guests!
We want to say one thing about grandma:
With her next to us we feel comfortable and warm.
And even if there is bad weather outside,
The climate here is constant from year to year.

For affection, for cordiality of warmth
We must raise our glasses again!

(The guests drink.)

Dear Guests!

What does our grandmother like?
Maybe chat
With all our relatives
What can come together in an instant.
What does everyone love about grandmothers?
Probably baking cheesecakes.
They are also attracted
Perky ditties.
About what grandma loves
We think, we guess
And on this anniversary day
We give her gifts.

(Congratulations to the guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Host: Dear birthday girl! Let the gifts delight you day after day, reminding you of today's holiday. Let everyone who sits at this table be the most desirable, dearest to you. I invite everyone to raise a glass to this!

(Continuation of the feast.)

Host: Knowing how grandmother cares for each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience and wisdom. And the most important thing is that behind all this trouble she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to be always on the move and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, and immediately dedicate the song at the table to her.

(Guests are given pre-printed lyrics of the song. The soundtrack plays. Mass performance of the song.)

Song to the tune of “Old Grandmother”

Who usually serves pancakes every time?
Who are we used to seeing with a ball in their hands?
Who knows so many different fairy tales by heart?
Let each of you here guess that hour. (2 times.)

Grandma, grandma is not an old lady at all,
Grandma, grandma, you are our friend!
We love you, appreciate you, respect you.
Sometimes we dream of living to see the same years. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma's for dinner,
Because we all really need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandma and us only exclamations. (2 times.)

(The guests raise a toast to the grandmother’s “young” age.)

Host: Friends! The birthday girl celebrates her anniversary in the Year of the Horse. This suggests that all illnesses and troubles will quickly fade into the past, and they will be replaced by happy, cloudless days.

It’s probably no coincidence that this year
Three horses are already standing at the gate.

(Music with bells sounds. Three guests play the role of horses. Raising their legs high, they burst into the room. Their manes develop (long chignons), bells woven into them notify everyone of the arrival of the troika.)

1st horse:

We were in such a hurry for the anniversary,
That steam comes out of all nostrils.

2nd horse:

And sweat flows in rivers.
Mistress, give me some water to drink!

3rd horse:

We beat off the shot with our hoofs,
The horseshoe was lost somewhere...

1st horse:

If they dropped it here - for good luck,
And if not, then what a disaster!

2nd horse:

All our wishes are on it,
Tips, facts, exclamations.

3rd horse:

So that it’s not in vain that we rush to you,
Find us a horseshoe.

(Guests find in the room placed in a prominent place souvenir horseshoe, to which cards with wishes are attached, and they are read out in a certain order.)

In the year of the horse we want to wish,
So that the birthday girl is frisky again.

Even when you're alone,
Strength always accompanies her in business

Endurance will be the same as before
Let him remember, our salvation lies in hope.

Let him better ask us all for help,
And he already carries anyone on himself.

We hope that in the anniversary year
This horseshoe will bring happiness.

(Presenting a horseshoe to the birthday girl.)

1st horse: All the guests completed the task successfully, we will definitely fill the glasses!

2nd horse: We ask all our guests to drink for a horseshoe for good luck from three horses!

(The guests drink.)

Presenter: The circle of our guests is growing today. And I hope the birthday girl is only happy about this. After all, her hospitality is widely known outside this house.

(Siren soundtrack " ambulance" They quickly run into the room: Doctor Aibolit, a nurse (a man in disguise) with a suitcase in his hands, two mouse nurses (children can play their role). Everyone lines up in a semicircle to greet guests.)

Doctor Aibolit:

We heard about the anniversary a long time ago
And the ambulance arrived immediately.
I will introduce myself, as my upbringing dictates,
Before you - good doctor Aibolit.
There are two nurses next to me,
We call them “Mice” in the ambulance.
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!


Today we got very busy,
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table in front of you does not double,
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes two syringes out of the suitcase and hands them to the Mice. They, in turn, fill the syringes with juice or lemonade and inject a few drops into the mouth of each guest.)


And we already need a double dose,
So that prose fits better onto poetry.

(The mice are served by the medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

Doctor Aibolit:

You, grandma, are like God's dandelion,
Always fresh and pretty.
Now let's look into our suitcase,
To support your image today.
For the disease, we will exclude all causes,
When will we prescribe these vitamins?

(The nurse takes vitamins from the suitcase and hands them to the birthday girl.)

So that you surprise with your health the whole world,
Take this magical elixir from us.

(The nurse hands over the elixir purchased at the pharmacy.)

I'm sure you'll dance hopak,
When you get a five-star cognac.

(The mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)

Doctor Aibolit:

We make an accurate diagnosis,
It's called an anniversary.
There was an urgent visit to you,
So welcome guests!

(Continuation of the feast.)

(A cheerful children's song about Carlson plays. The Housekeeper appears in the room with a towel in her hand. Waving it, she tries to catch up with the fleeing Carlson, who is holding a jar with the name “Sweets” in his hands. The Kid can barely keep up with them (this could be the child playing the role of the Housekeeper and Carlson). The whole trio stops in front of the guests when a certain section of the song ends.)


I run this house
In the know about all sorts of different things,
And behind everyone I know
I notice chaos.
Dear birthday girl!
How did you know that there were Mice here?
I drove him off the roof,
Brought here quickly
To drive them away from you.

I'm in my prime years old man,
I'm bored being alone.
Because for free
I brought the crowd with me.

(Points to the Kid and the Housekeeper.)

I know, you’ll treat me to jam,
Cake, tea and cookies.
Because on the anniversary
Do you like to receive guests?

Congratulating Grandma Anechka,
We'll fill this jar,
Only tasty words
What will we remember about her?

(Guests, having received cards, write down on them “ delicious words”, relating to the birthday girl and lower the card into the slot in the lid of the jar. Word options: warm, sweet, tender, airy, fresh, copyright - juicy (i.e. in the juice itself), lush, aromatic, etc.)

Dear birthday girl!
Get this jar
Treat all your guests!


What a horror is happening here!
Carlson decided to get drunk!
Baby is next to you,
Come on, kick the bottle!
Pour me 100 grams,
Otherwise I will take revenge on all of you!

(Carlson and the Housekeeper have their glasses filled.)

There is a lot of “lemonade” in the mugs,
We need to drink to our anniversary!

(The guests drink. The feast continues.)

Finishing the holiday, I want to say now,
That, oddly enough, we have nothing to count the years.
The most important thing is how you behave in life,
And will your family respect you?
We are ready to confirm to grandma today
That we will, as before, idolize her.
Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

(Music sounds. Tea drinking begins.)

Our Granny and our daughter Lenochka were born on the same day - October 22. This year my mother turns 61 and her daughter turns 2 years old, and we decided to make a combined birthday for grandmother and granddaughter. The birthday program includes artistic presentation of gifts, dancing of little ducklings, performance of a fairy tale about a grandmother and granddaughter, and reading of thoughts by a “professional psychic.”

1. To present the gift, our eldest daughter Katya learned Maria Lukashkina’s poem “Give to Grandmothers”:

Always given to grandmothers
Knitting needles and balls,
Wool mittens,
Shawls and scarves.
At best - flowers:
Ficus, left-wing...
Well, give it to your grandmothers
Something like that!
Sort of,
Not a scarf, not a stick...
Give it to grandmothers
Hoop and jump rope!
A rare butterfly
Ball on a string
And crayons in a box.
- in the bank -
At least one!
Chess. And the telescope -
Overlooking the Moon!
To your grandmothers
We saw the gifts
So that the grandmothers say:
"You guessed it!"
So that the grandmothers say:
"This is a holiday - really!!!"
To be so happy
Why are you looking younger?

From this verse it becomes clear that we want to give our grandmother a hoop (she already has jump ropes, but she doesn’t know how to twist a hoop, but has long dreamed of learning). And our dad, on his own initiative, ordered a whole bunch of “balloons on a string” - it is assumed that then we will release them together into the sky, making a wish.

2. Then we plan to eat a little, and then remember the most famous fairy tale about GRANDMOTHER AND GRANDDAUGHTER! Which one? Of course, Little Red Riding Hood! All guests will take turns pulling out tickets, where their role and words will be written:

MOTHER is a blunder, so I’ll bake it!
Little Red Riding Hood - and I still have to go to college!
WOLF - grandmothers must be charmed!
GRANDMOTHER - my series will start soon
BASKET - I'm full of pies!

The presenter reads a fairy tale, the actors say their words after mentioning their hero. And here is the remade fairy tale itself:

One day, mother baked pies and asked her daughter Little Red Riding Hood to take the basket to her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, waving her basket and singing a song. And the path to grandma is not long, I just want to look into her basket. But Little Red Riding Hood remembered that her mother had forbidden her to do this, and she bravely walked all the way to her grandmother’s house. She opened the gate, entered the house and saw her grandmother. Only my grandmother was not like my mother said. Little Red Riding Hood had not yet realized that it was a Wolf in disguise, and asked: “Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?” - “To eat you!” - answered the Wolf and rushed at Little Red Riding Hood. Fortunately, hunters were passing by. They heard a cry and killed the Wolf. Joyful Little Red Riding Hood gave them the basket that her mother had given her, and rushed to hug her grandmother, whom the hunters had pulled out of the Wolf’s belly.

3. After the fairy tale, you need to raise a toast to your grandmother and granddaughter. After that, it's time to remember your parents. Who can remember more songs about parents? Songs with the words "mom", "dad", "parents". (“Parental home is the beginning”, “My dear old people”, “Dad can do anything”, etc.) The winner gets a prize and the right to make a toast about his parents!

4. Ceremonial taking out and eating hot food. When everyone has relaxed, a “professional psychic” appears on stage - our little Lena’s dad is teaching us to “read minds” with the help of a plastic massager (drive the massager around everyone’s head :))), and we came up with the idea of ​​using this skill for the “mind reading” competition - presenter brings the smallest “psychic” with a “magic” object to the heads of the guests in turn, and his assistant at this time plays pre-recorded musical excerpts. It is advisable to select passages so that they suit the guests. Or vice versa - they were funny. The excerpts should be short, 1-2 lines from the song. For example, “a true friendship will not break, will not be scattered by rains and blizzards”, “a woman’s happiness - if only a sweetheart were nearby”, etc.

5. And now that we have found out what the guests really think about the birthday girls and our birthday, it’s time for everyone to remember their childhood! Everyone who wants to return to their childhood is invited to the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”!

6. As the “ducklings” grew up, they began to dance other dances. We dance twist, rock and roll, waltz, polka, tango and other dances. The best dancer/couple is awarded a prize after each dance.

7. Well, after the dancing - tea with cake and drinking songs. In our country, not a single birthday is considered a success if they didn’t sing songs at the end :)))

This is our plan!

(Calm music sounds. The host welcomes the guests.)


Friends! The news of this anniversary spread throughout the area. The one whose holiday we celebrate sits at the head of the table. This is my dear grandmother who gathered everyone today. I alone will say for the guests: “This is her whole success!”

(Applause from the guests.)


Our dear grandmother! We are very grateful for this, I can no longer remain silent. We love and respect you, As a mother-in-law, grandmother and mother! Let's all move glasses together as a friendly family and dedicate this toast to you alone!

(The guests drink.)

(Musical pause 3-5 minutes.)


Dear guests! We want to say one thing about grandma: With her next to us, we feel comfortable and warm. And even if there is bad weather outside the window, the climate here is constant year after year.


For the affection, for the cordiality of the warmth, we must raise our glasses again!

(The guests drink.)

Dear Guests!


What does our grandmother like? Perhaps we can communicate with all our relatives, who can gather together in an instant. What does everyone love about grandmothers? Probably baking cheesecakes. They are also attracted to Perky ditties. We think and guess about what grandma loves, and on her anniversary we give her such gifts.

(Congratulations to the guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Leading: Dear birthday girl! Let the gifts delight you day after day, reminding you of today's holiday. Let everyone who sits at this table be the most desirable, dearest to you. I invite everyone to raise a glass to this!

(Continuation of the feast.)

Leading: Knowing how much my grandmother cares for each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience and wisdom. And the most important thing is that behind all this trouble she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to be always on the move and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, and immediately dedicate the song at the table to her.

(Guests are given pre-printed lyrics of the song. The soundtrack plays. Mass performance of the song.)

Song to the tune of "Old Grandmother"

Who usually serves pancakes every time? Who are we used to seeing with a ball in their hands? Who knows so many different fairy tales by heart? Let each of you here guess that hour. (2 times.)


Grandma, grandma is not an old lady at all, Grandma, grandma, you are our friend! We love you, appreciate you, respect you. Sometimes we dream of living to see the same years. (2 times.) Today we all came to grandma for dinner, Because we all really need this day. Heart-to-heart conversations and memories. They give grandma and us only exclamations. (2 times.)


(The guests raise a toast to the grandmother’s “young” age.)

Leading: Friends! The birthday girl celebrates her anniversary in the Year of the Horse. This suggests that all illnesses and troubles will quickly fade into the past, and they will be replaced by happy, cloudless days.

It’s probably no coincidence that this year the Three Horses are already at the gate.

(Music with bells sounds. Three guests play the role of horses. Raising their legs high, they rush into the room. Their manes develop (long chignons), bells woven into them notify everyone of the arrival of the troika.)

1st horse:

We were in such a hurry for the anniversary that steam was coming out of every nostril.

2nd horse:

And sweat flows in rivers. Mistress, give me some water to drink!

3rd horse:

We beat off the shot with our hoofs, We lost the Horseshoe somewhere...

1st horse:

If they dropped it here, it’s good luck, but if not, then that’s a misfortune!

2nd horse:

It contains all our wishes, advice, facts, exclamations.

3rd horse:

So that we don’t rush to you in vain, Find us a horseshoe.

(Guests find a souvenir horseshoe placed in a prominent place in the room, to which cards with wishes are attached, and read them out in a certain order.)

  • In the year of the horse, we want to wish that the birthday girl will be playful again.
  • Even if she is left alone, Her strength always accompanies her work.
  • Endurance will be the same as before, Let him remember, our salvation is in hope.
  • It’s better if he asks us all for help, but he already carries anyone on himself.
  • We hope that this will bring happiness to the Horseshoe in the anniversary year.

(Presenting a horseshoe to the birthday girl.)

1st horse: All the guests completed the task successfully, we will definitely fill the glasses!

2nd horse: We ask all our guests to drink for a horseshoe for luck from three horses!

(The guests drink.)

Leading: The circle of our guests is growing today. And I hope the birthday girl is only happy about this. After all, her hospitality is widely known outside this house.

(Phonogram of an ambulance siren. Doctor Aibolit, a nurse (a man in disguise) with a suitcase in his hands, two mouse nurses (children can play their role) hastily run into the room. Everyone lines up in a semicircle to greet the guests.)

Doctor Aibolit:

We heard about the anniversary a long time ago and immediately brought the ambulance. I will introduce myself, as my upbringing dictates, Before you is the good Doctor Aibolit. There are two nurses next to me. We call them in the ambulance - “Little Mice”. I have an intern. Meet the nurse!


Today we were in a lot of trouble, but we managed to get the vaccine. So that the table in front of you does not double, we will now give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes two syringes out of the suitcase and hands them to the Mice. They, in turn, fill the syringes with juice or lemonade and inject a few drops into the mouth of each guest.)


And we already need a double dose, So that prose fits better into poetry.

(The mice are served by the medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

Doctor Aibolit:

You, grandma, are like God’s dandelion, always fresh and pretty. Now we’ll look into our suitcase, To support your image today. We will rule out all causes for illness when we prescribe these vitamins.

(The nurse takes vitamins from the suitcase and hands them to the birthday girl.)

So that you surprise the whole world with your health, accept this magical elixir from us.

(The nurse hands over the elixir purchased at the pharmacy.)

I'm sure you'll dance hopak when you get five-star cognac.

(The mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)

Doctor Aibolit:

We make an accurate diagnosis, it’s called an anniversary. There was an urgent visit to you, so receive guests!

(Continuation of the feast.)

(A cheerful children's song about Carlson plays. The Housekeeper appears in the room with a towel in her hand. Waving it, she tries to catch up with the fleeing Carlson, who is holding a jar with the name "Sweets" in his hands. The Kid can barely keep up with them (this could be the child playing the role of the Housekeeper and Carlson). The whole trio stops in front of the guests when a certain section of the song ends.)


I manage this house, I am aware of all sorts of different affairs, And behind every acquaintance I notice chaos. Dear birthday girl! When I found out that there were Mice here, I drove him off the roof, brought him here quickly, so that he could drive them away from you.


I'm a man in my prime, I'm bored all by myself. That’s why I brought a crowd with me to the free show.

(Points to the Kid and the Housekeeper.)

I know, you will treat me to jam, cake, tea and cookies. Because on your anniversary you love to receive guests.


Friends! Congratulating Grandma Anechka, We will fill this jar, Only with delicious words, That we will remember her with you.

(Guests, having received the cards, write down “delicious words” on them related to the birthday girl and lower the card into the slot in the lid of the jar. Word options: warm, sweet, tender, airy, fresh, juicy (i.e. in the juice itself), lush, fragrant, etc.)


Dear birthday girl! Get this jar and treat all your guests!


What a horror is happening here! Carlson decided to get drunk! After all, the Kid is next to you, Come on, let’s get away from the bottle! Pour me 100 grams, otherwise I will take revenge on all of you!

(Carlson and the Housekeeper have their glasses filled.)


There is a lot of “lemonade” in the mugs, We need to drink for the anniversary!

(The guests drink. The feast continues.)


Concluding the holiday, I want to say now that, strangely enough, we have nothing to count. The most important thing is how you behave in life, and whether your family will respect you. Today we are ready to confirm to our grandmother that we will, as before, idolize her. Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

(Music sounds. Tea drinking begins.)

Our grandmother turned 80 in February. I was preparing a script for this significant event, collecting a little from everywhere. I'm posting it in my diary. Maybe someone will find it useful

Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present in this house! Today we have all gathered together for an unusual occasion. This week our dear Maria Petrovna turned eighty.

We want to say one thing about grandma:
With her next to us we feel comfortable and warm.
And even if there is bad weather outside,
The climate here is constant from year to year.

For affection, for cordiality of warmth
We must raise our glasses!

Knowing how my grandmother cares for each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience and wisdom. And the most important thing is that behind all this trouble she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to be always on the move and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, and immediately dedicate the song at the table to her.

Song to the tune of "Old Grandmother"
Who usually treats you to dumplings every time?
Who are we used to seeing with a ball in their hands?
Who knows so many different tales by heart?
Let each of you here guess that hour. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma's for dinner,
Because we all really need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandma and us only exclamations. (2 times.)
Grandma, grandma is not an old lady at all,
Grandma, grandma, you are our friend!
We love you, appreciate you, respect you.
Sometimes we dream of living to see the same years. (2 times.)

(The guests raise a toast to the grandmother’s “young” age.)

Wise age - eighty years
It came suddenly, unexpectedly.
But don't be upset, no
The book of life has not been read at all.
May you enjoy many years
Gives the huge world only the best!
Let them always live in your soul,
Kindness, love, generosity!

The word for the first congratulations is given to the children
(read a poem and give a gift, a song sounds at the end)

To my dear mother with bows
We came today -
Raised with love
Children, mother, are yours.

It's your birthday
And a big anniversary,
So congratulations
From children born.

In our souls forever
You have found your shelter.
How full the rivers are in spring,
So do the souls - warmth.

We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mother and grandmother
We really need you.

With respect to your head
We will bow before you,
And you will stroke them again
With your kind hand.

It's happiness to feel again
Dear mother's affection.
There is no need to even philosophize:
We are of the same blood!

Eternally beloved by us,
No dearer, dearer!
Mom, protected by God,
Live, don't get sick!

(You can download the lyrics and backing track and sing it yourself. My mom just sang along, there was no time to prepare)

And now congratulations from the grandchildren
(read a poem and give gifts, a song sounds at the end)

Today is a big anniversary
Beautiful, round date
How endless once upon a time
The road seemed to lead to her
Time flies quickly
But no matter how long it takes
How old does she look today?
There's still surprisingly little

Always remain like this
Beautiful, feminine, sweet
Not knowing dull boredom
So that in 10 years again
We were able to say as before
She looks only 25!

Sketch of the Housekeeper and Carlson
(A cheerful children's song about Carlson plays. The Housekeeper appears in the room with a towel in her hand. Waving it, she tries to catch up with the fleeing Carlson, who is holding a jar with the name "Sweets" in his hands. The Kid can barely keep up with them (this could be the child playing the role of the Housekeeper and Carlson). The whole trio stops in front of the guests when a certain section of the song ends.)
I run this house
In the know about all sorts of different things,
And behind everyone I know
I notice chaos.
Dear birthday girl!
How did you know that there were Mice here?
I drove him off the roof,
Brought here quickly
To drive them away from you.
I'm a man in my prime,
I'm bored all by myself.
Because for free
I brought the crowd with me.
(Points to the Kid and the Housekeeper.)
I know, you’ll treat me to jam,
Cake, tea and cookies.
Because on the anniversary
Do you like to receive guests?
Congratulating Baba Marusechka,
We'll fill this jar,
Only tasty words
What will we remember about her?
(Guests, having received the cards, write down “delicious words” on them related to the birthday girl and lower the card into the slot in the lid of the jar. Word options: warm, sweet, tender, airy, fresh, juicy (i.e. in the juice itself), lush, fragrant, etc.)
Dear birthday girl!
Get this jar
Treat all your guests!
What a horror is happening here!
Carlson decided to get drunk!
Baby is next to you,
Come on, let's kick the bottle!
Pour me 100 grams,
Otherwise I will take revenge on all of you!
(Carlson and the Housekeeper have their glasses filled.)
There is a lot of "lemonade" in the mugs,
We need to drink to our anniversary!
(The guests drink. The feast continues.)

The word for congratulations is given to other guests

Scene with Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga appears. Sings to the tune of ditties “And the locomotive ran, the wheels rubbed”:
My broom is all dusty...
You weren’t waiting for me, but I showed up!
Are you celebrating your birthday here?
And you don’t notice anything around!
And I hid a gift for you!
And I didn’t even print my fingers!
They will all remain as a keepsake for Yaga,
But the birthday girl won’t get it!
Ved. No, grandma! We disagree! Better drink with us to the health of the birthday girl and have a snack!
B. Ya.
Fathers! She lived to be a thousand years old, but she had never seen such a table! Well, thank you, you respected the old lady! (drinks a glass of wine)
So be it, I’ll help you find a gift! Here's your first hint:
I swear I'll be old and stooped
If there is no note on the leg... (of the chair)
The host gives candy to the person who guessed it and invites all guests to look for the note. The one with the note tied to the chair leg is given a piece of candy.
The note contains the following text:
"Look further quickly
My note is at... (door)
The one who guesses correctly receives candy and brings a note with a rebus:
(On O k, then SNOW without the first and last letter,
* * i.e. ON THE WINDOW)
The one who deciphers the rebus receives candy. The birthday girl is again given the gift that was lying on the window. B. Yaga is about to fly away.
B.Y. - Oh! I completely forgot! After all, I have an order from Kashchei - to congratulate the birthday girl! Sings to the melody of V. Dobrynin’s song “Plantain-grass”:
Where the stitch is beaten
Overgrown with quinoa
We walk in love with you, -
Young Leshy and I!
Plantain grass! Maria, listen!
We will tell you our main secret:
Eat a rejuvenating apple -
And shine with beauty even up to a hundred years!
He takes out a rosy apple.
- He couldn’t give me a gift for the millennium! Well, it’s okay, I’ll rejuvenate with you!
After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all wines turn into the elixir of youth! So, let's pour everything, drink...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!
Baba Yaga takes off her nose with glasses and a scarf.
- Well, I’ve become rejuvenated, thanks to your birthday girl! Now it's time for me to go!

Sings to the tune of the song "Farewell to Love":

Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight!
I'm already at the runway!
I'm hurrying to the Sabbath on this starry evening
And I will arrive exactly like clockwork!
It was so wonderful here at the anniversary -
You call it whatever you want!
Or Birthday, or Valentine's Day,
Or an evening of happiness and love!
(Flies away on a broom). Musical break.

Finishing the holiday, I want to say now,
That, oddly enough, we have nothing to count the years.
The most important thing is how you behave in life,
And will your family respect you?
We are ready to confirm to grandma today
That we will, as before, idolize her.
Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

I also downloaded reworked songs for the anniversary and backing tracks for them. I printed out several copies of the text and everyone sang together.

There were not many people at the anniversary (the closest ones). There were no people willing to take part in the skits. That’s why I held skit competitions myself. In principle, everyone participated with pleasure.

Let them sound today

A hundred congratulations in a row.

There will be dancing, there will be songs,

Jokes will be appropriate here.

Let's celebrate your birthday together

Everyone needs to pour it into their glasses!

Eastern wisdom says:

Scenario for grandma's birthday

Leading:“My anniversary is a bright holiday especially for you.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“I’m glad to see you all here.”

Grandmother:"I swear"

Leading:“Eat, drink, have fun, I won’t count.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“Remember that we will meet more than once.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“I am always ready to remain as beautiful for you.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:"Just as young."

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“Just as energetic and cheerful.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“With a young heart and a pure soul. I swear three times!”

Grandmother:“I swear, I swear, I swear!”

At the end of the evening, you need to bring out a huge cake with the inscription “To your beloved grandmother.” It can be decorated with candles. To the song Happy Birthday to you the birthday girl makes a wish and blows out the candles.

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Anniversary scenario (80th anniversary) - favorite holiday

We offer you original script grandmother's anniversary This script was written to celebrate grandmother Katya's 80th birthday.

Please note that all rights to publish this text belong to its author. It is prohibited to reprint any part of the text! However, you can use this anniversary scenario when preparing and organizing your family holidays.


(80th birthday of Baba Katya)

HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY for grandma.

Guests sing to the tune of a song about pilots from the film “Heavenly Slug”.

Today is Christmas, a festive bright day,

Today, we celebrate Baba Katya’s anniversary.

We are gathered here at the table,

Let's pour the glasses full,

And let's sing her song:

It's time for us to celebrate

And meet this day

Even if you are not twenty or thirty, let them be!

Don't lower your level of vigor!

We will strictly monitor

You can’t hide from us, you know that!

Tonight, tonight, tonight,

There is nothing to do without our dear hero of the day!

We'll drink once, we'll drink twice,

For anniversary affairs,

But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

It's time for us to celebrate

It's time to celebrate, celebrate the glorious anniversary!

And meet this day,

In a large company of family and friends!

Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!

In response to her, make your jokes!

Watch just as strictly

Don’t allow despondency around!

The song is performed to the melody of I. Krutoy "an unfinished novel..."

Talent and beauty don't come together very often!

Oh, God, how your spring suited you.

Let the years pass

You are young at heart.

You are just as energetic and cheerful!

We watched Baba Katya,

And we read in fascination.

That full of life and good romance

About a difficult fate.

May happiness smile on you!

We want to wish you now,

So that it is clear and cloudless

In your family!

Today is the anniversary.

Which one – it’s hard to say from the looks of it!

We know you went great

Most of the way!

Beloved family,

Colleagues and friends,

Although you are already over thirty!

We congratulate you today,

And from the bottom of our hearts we give you,

We congratulate and wish

From friends as a sign of love!

May this holiday make you happy,

And at the same time she would remember us,

Our work, our holidays,

Our C'E LA VIE! .


On our anniversary we are women Katya,

Everyone in this room has gathered.

Happy birthday to her,

We haven't gotten drunk yet.

Health to dear old woman Katya,

We wish you with all our hearts.

Please accept our heartfelt greetings,

Pour us a big glass.

Chorus: We won’t say anything for Odessa,

After all, Odessa is far from us.

We all congratulate Fedorovna,

We admit it now.

And after winter comes summer,

Look at life cheerfully

Always keep your tail on your gun

Diseases have all gone to hell.

Your skill, experience, knowledge

We are always needed.

We want you to be with us,

For many more years.


Time flies by quickly, you won't even notice it

Already old age - the anniversary has come.

And we gathered for the anniversary banquet,

And this chic table beckons us invitingly.

Chorus: We must believe without a doubt

In your lucky hour.

And good mood

Will not leave you again!

That fate is a turkey, everyone knows that

And that life is nothing if you are unlucky.

Pour some intoxicating wine into your glass,

May this anniversary year be successful!

To the tune of the song “A Stream Flows”

Your anniversary has arrived

And you've grown old

And the stamp of fatigue lies on the face.

Today is your holiday,

Let's forget about the years

And Baba Katya is young again.

A stream flows, a stream runs,

If only my youth would be longer.

A stream flows, a stream runs,

The years are passing even faster.

You grabbed onto everything, you wanted to do everything,

You can’t sit still right now.

Although life is not kind, it doesn’t spoil you

May it please you more than once.

Let the stream run, let it flow,

Your bright anniversary has arrived.

Water flows, water runs,

Your friends have come here.

A stream flows, a stream runs,

Pour us a glass quickly.

We'll drink - vodka is not water,

For many years of happiness!

To the tune of the song “Heart, you don’t want peace”

We don’t know where the years go

How quickly time rushes by.

And we celebrate our anniversary.

That we are getting old, alas, alas, even cry!

But without touching Fedorovna,

The years pass by

She, without changing her soul,

Everything remains young, yes young!

Oh, Baba Katya, our dear colleague,

Oh, Baba Katya, we all came to congratulate you,

Oh, Baba Katya, today is your birthday too

We wish you happiness, we wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Baba Katya is at work for us,

Always helps in difficult times.

And here he welcomes us cordially,

She meets us with an open soul.

Today we wish you

Always be young at heart,

And let adversity and sorrow

Everyone gives you a wide berth.

Let joy visit your heart,

Leave no room for sadness.

Let children never upset you

Colleagues love me and give me gifts and flowers!

Today there is more than one milestone -

What a joy it is to live!

Only you have peace

Everyone loves to talk.

Life is so good

What moves forward.

Restless Soul

Calls to beauty.

We wish you on your way

Don't be sad about the past

New, fresh

See the big world.

Down with sadness away!

Good health!

It's not night yet,

You are protected by love

You are 80 years old - what years!

The course of history is familiar and familiar to you.

Human destinies, countries and peoples -

How much you had the chance to learn about everything!

We appreciate you. You are our wise source!

For us, your advice is like a priceless gift!

Let the morning begin with a clear smile -

And let the heat of the heart not become scarce!

Let health and vigor

He will give it to you!

May good luck come to you in business!

Let your dreams beckon you, as in your youth!

And we will love you from the bottom of our hearts!

If you want to talk about it original anniversary- put a link to this page.

If you liked the works of Lydia Petrovna Kolomiets, and also if they were useful to you in preparing festive events, you can express your gratitude to the author.


Scenario for the anniversary of a grandmother who is in her prime. holidays. leisure and hobbies.

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My mother recently turned 55 years old. She couldn't imagine a sadder date. Imagine what it means for a beautiful, full of energy, working woman to officially become a pensioner? She wanted only one thing - to hide away in a corner, turn off the phone and not see anyone, much less hear two words - “anniversary” and “pension”. But relatives and friends were actively interested in advance about what to give her and how she would celebrate. Therefore, there was no escape from the feast. And then I, my husband and a friend came to the rescue.

We decided to triple a real holiday. A short script for the 55th anniversary (partly our imagination, partly a mix from the Internet).

Preparation. We ordered a cafe in advance and chose a menu for 25 people. This is the most expensive part, but cooking at home for so many people... They brought a music center to the cafe, connected microphones to it (2 pieces), the center had karaoke, and there was a TV in the cafe, they also connected everything. We drew a poster in the form of a road with photographs in advance - " Life path"birthday girls", posted photos from birth to the present day, tried to ensure that all the guests were present in the photo. The guests looked at the newspaper with pleasure while everyone was getting ready. They also had to sign the moment when the guests appeared in the life of the birthday girl. The word "pension" and the number 55 were prohibited. The word "jubilee" was used only limitedly.

The format of the holiday is "Flying on an Airliner". They sewed caps for me and my husband, and made shoulder straps. Entering guests were given pre-drawn airline tickets with seat numbers (corresponding to seats at the table). It’s possible without seats, but then you announce a charter flight.

Finally everyone sat down. A poem to get the attention of everyone present and check the microphone. Eternal Omar Khayyam

Ten minds, nine tents,

Eight levels of heaven

Seven wandering stars

I read six sides like a book:

God has five senses and four supports

triad of souls in two worlds

crowned only once

Creating you!

Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Today you are not invited to the anniversary, today you are all passengers of our airliner called Ivanova (surname of the birthday boy) - 25 (or 18). Our airliner flying from ___________ (name of the cafe where the evening takes place) to your apartments with a long flight over the territory of the United States of Abkhazia. Flight time is within 6-10 hours. The temperature outside the liner is up to -25 degrees, the temperature inside the liner can rise to 40 degrees. The flight will take place at a height of 1.5 - 2.0 meters from the floor level.

And now I will introduce you all to the rules that must be followed during our entire flight:

  • Everyone must fasten their seat belts during takeoff and landing.
  • during the flight they can be unfastened for a generous meal
  • during takeoff and landing, bring the backs of the chairs to a vertical position; during the entire flight, you are allowed to tilt your chair towards your neighbor with his permission, but not 90 degrees
  • There is no call button for the flight attendant, so please contact me orally and in writing with any questions
  • the doors of emergency and main exits are located in the same place as the entrance to the cafe
  • toilet rooms located at the rear of our liner, farthest from the entrance
  • getting up and going home during a flight is permitted only with the permission of the ship’s commander
  • during the entire flight you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and hot dinner.

Now everyone stay in your places until you reach full height. The crew of our airliner once introduced the passengers to the commander of the ship (full name of the birthday girl) and presented her with a symbolic key to the airliner (we hand over a cardboard key, pre-drawn). The ship's commander and crew wish you a pleasant time. While our liner is gaining altitude, we fill our glasses and raise them to the commander!

We give everyone time to eat.

So, dear friends, our airliner has gained altitude. The evening continues, you can unfasten your seat belts, you are allowed to get up, but not everyone at once, you are allowed to walk, but no further than to the hero of the day. On this significant day, a group of friends decided to present our hero of the day with a commemorative medal. (One of the guests who was informed in advance reads out the award sheet for the medal, which is then hung around the neck of the hero of the day, then the rules for wearing it are read out and makes a toast.) We made the medal itself from a CD, decorated it and tied a ribbon to put it around the neck. The award sheet was also printed in advance on a special form (found on the Internet). Award sheet for the medal “For Anniversary Services, For Great Services to the Fatherland, as well as Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Maturity and Wisdom, For Great Contribution to Improving the Demographic Situation, as well as for Deposits in Sberbank, Detibank and Dachabank, For Personal Courage, demonstrated on a personal level, as well as on all other fronts, for high achievements in increasing the productivity of vegetables, legumes, melons, citrus fruits and other useful crops, for the endless desire to always be in its place everywhere and in everything. Russian Federation together with relatives, friends and colleagues, it was decided: to award (full name) the medal “For Anniversary Merit”. Prepare and present the award immediately. Place the award certificate in a frame and hang it above your favorite sofa. Wear the award in everyone public places until the next anniversary.

Dear friends, our flight continues, the temperature inside the aircraft will gradually rise. And one of the passengers wants to say a toast. (Says the one who wants to congratulate the birthday girl).

Oath of guests. Replaces the rules of behavior on the ship. The glasses are all filled. (Several copies were printed in advance and distributed to the guests before the toast).

We swear by gifts that are from a pure soul,

I will give you the beauty of all who are so good,

We swear by toasts that we will hear again,

We swear by the drinks that invigorate the blood,

We swear by a big flower bouquet,

What is there! We swear by the salad, pate,

We swear by hot stewed potatoes,

We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,

We swear by everything we see around us:

(You, hero of the day, are a true friend)!

Just click and we will respond,

Let's drink to that!

Dear passengers! The ship's crew informs you that our airliner has dialed maximum height, the crew also decided that it was time to present another small gift to the commander of our airliner.

(We bought in advance beautiful flower in a pot, we bought separately a beautiful pot to go with it, soil, gloves, a spatula. They rolled it all out to the center of the hall, and the birthday girl and her husband transplanted it together. This is how they symbolically gave life to a new creature. By the way, the flower still grows on our window and reminds us of the holiday).

Dear passengers! Our airliner has landed at Break City Airport to refuel, and you all have the opportunity to warm up a little. (a break is announced).

(At this point the guests were ready to start dancing. We had recorded a CD with dance music in advance).

Dear guests, colleagues, as you all know, our hero of the day loves men very much, and men, naturally, love her. A word to our dear men. (We had three men take turns making toasts).

Competition and quiz. They spent time among the guests while they ate and drank. For each correct answer they gave a lollipop as a gift. The one who collected the most lollipops received a small bouquet of flowers. I didn’t know the answers to some of the questions, even though it was my mother. Therefore, you need to find out the answers to the questions from the birthday girl in advance.

per year Chinese calendar birthday girl born?

How tall is the birthday girl?

What sport did the birthday girl do?

Name the day of the week when the birthday girl was born.

Where did this event take place?

What time of day was it?

The birthday girl's favorite toy as a child.

What grade in physics is included in the matriculation certificate?

What kind of education did the birthday girl receive?

Where was your first day of work?

The birthday girl's favorite dish.

Favorite activity.

How many acres does it take? summer cottage plot birthday girls?

What trees and shrubs grow in your dacha?

The birthday girl's first toy?

When did the birthday girl receive her first salary?

What flowers does the birthday girl like?

Which song does the birthday girl like best? We also found out our favorite song in advance, found it in the list of karaoke songs, and played it at the end of the quiz, and all the guests sang it to the birthday girl. We had a song “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you.”

To understand that our ship commander is an experienced pilot, let's look at his track record. So let's drink to that!! The toast is given by the one who has been present the longest on the route of life of the hero of the day. (We showed the newspaper filled out at the beginning of the holiday).

The floor is given to the ship's commander.

The hero of the day will only have to pronounce the word “I swear” in time when his confidant will read out the prepared text. At the same time right hand The hero of the day should lie on the heart, or, in extreme cases, on a bottle of champagne, which can also be a symbol of the importance of the ongoing festive event.

Authorized person: My anniversary is for you!

Jubilee: I swear!

D.: I'm glad to see you here!

Yu.: I swear!

D.: With you I am full of happiness!

Yu.: I swear!

Yu.: I swear!

D.: I swear three times to stay young at heart!

Yu.: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Dear passengers! Our airbus has arrived for landing at the Hipsters-Jazz airport, we ask you to leave your seats to warm up both your lower and upper limbs. Thank you. The airliner crew....

Dancing. They bring out the hot stuff. Toasts, gifts, wishes. according to my mood. Outdoor games. We have to at this moment Everyone was already tired and full, and there were no competitions. But the toasts and presentation of gifts were a great success! Then they brought out tea, coffee, and cake.

At the end of the holiday the lights were turned off. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to you.

Here's the scenario. It is not difficult to implement, but it turns out very colorful and fun. I think it can be used for any birthday, anniversary, holiday.

Scenario for our anniversary / scenario for Sophia’s birthday

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At the beginning, when the guests have not yet been seated festive table I gave them a questionnaire with a small amount questions about SophiaToday - a lot big holiday: The sun of our family, Sofyushka, celebrates her first birthday. In our lives next guests a lot of things have also changed - for the first time they began to be called grandparents. And there is also folk wisdom, which teaches you to love your grandchildren because they will take revenge on your children for everything.

Grandmothers have a lot of different troubles, Grandmothers have a lot of different worries, Our dear grandmothers, There is no one better, sweeter and more beautiful! So, the floor is given to the grandmothers. After the grandmothers’ congratulations, they were awarded the following diplomas as a keepsake:

We love to play and frolic with our grandpas, and we don’t mind taking a ride in the car! Our grandfathers pamper our girl, so we grow up to be a little whimsical...

So, the floor is given to the grandfathers. Grandfathers were also waiting for their diplomas

The rite of tonsure And now I want to invite our godparents to perform the ancient Russian rite of tonsure. (A chair is placed in the center of the hall, we put a pillow on it, we sit the baby on it. We hand scissors to the godfather, and a plate with a napkin to the godmother. The father must throw some money on the pillow so that the child is rich and happy. Godfather symbolically cuts strands of the baby's hair crosswise and places them on the godmother's plate. These hairs need to be wrapped in a napkin and saved.)

Those very loved ones who baptize the baby promote development and growth slowly. Godfather Sasha and godmother Irina, Don’t forget, dear ones, as has been the case for a long time, you will be the first to cut Sophia’s hair anyway! (We have such a tradition that the baby’s first lock of hair is cut by the godfathers) Since ancient times, there has been such a ritual: when a child turns 1 year old, godparents they cut his hair, cutting off a small, completely symbolic strand on four sides of his head, as if symbolizing the cross. These hairs were kept in the house behind the icons. It was believed that as long as they were behind the icons, nothing would happen to the child. Locks of hair were given to the girl on her wedding day, so that the daughter would leave her parents’ home forever, i.e. created her own happy family The godparents were waiting for their diplomas:

Next were the competitions: 1. Chamomile competition Now let’s check how well you know the birthday girl. Here is a daisy - there are questions on its petals. We take turns and answer!”0. Number of the maternity hospital where Sophia was born? 1. What time was Sophia born? 2. What weight was Sophia born with? 3. Height at birth? 4. In what year was Sophia born? 5. Sophia’s zodiac sign ?6. When was Sophia baptized? 7. At what age did Sophia’s first tooth come out and at what age? 10. How many teeth does Sophia have now? . Fortune telling On the table in front of Sophia they laid out: - a spool of thread (symbolizes long life), - a book (knowledge, intelligence), - a marker (ability for art), - a coin (prosperity), - garlic (health), - keys (prosperity), - a chocolate bar (candy) ( sweet life), - ring (successful marriage). My daughter looked for a long time and thought about what she should grab; she chose a chocolate bar from us - so a sweet life awaits her.

3. Game of “Fairytale Assortment”. You need to guess which fairy tale the phrase is from. Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beauty (“Morozko”) Well, we’ve eaten, now we can sleep… (“Thumbelina”) I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie… (“Masha and the Bear”) The goat comes back, knocks on the door and will sing... ("The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats") I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather... ("Kolobok") Grandma, and grandma, why do you have such big ears? (“Little Red Riding Hood”). I'm a little mouse. Who are you? (“Teremok”) If you eat my forest apple, I’ll say (“Geese-swans”) The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. (“Chicken Ryaba”) Don’t drink, brother, you’ll become a little calf! (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”) Who sat on my chair and broke it? ("Three Bears")

The guests liked this competition so much that they even shouted “let’s do it again”, we had to improvise and come up with it on the go, the result was a very funny competition

4. Game of “shifters” - “Guess the name of the fairy tale.” Square (Kolobok) Green Slipper (Little Red Riding Hood) Zharishche (Morozko) Hundred Meter (Thumbelina) Palace (Teremok) Saucepan of Shchi (Pot of Porridge) Dog without a Hat (Puss in Boots) As Cod Wanted (According to Pike's Order) Toad-Housewife (Frog) -Traveler)Clean Spit (Cinderella) Sprat in tomato ( Goldfish) Invigorating fearful (Sleeping Beauty) Cockerel comb (Hen Ryaba) Greyfoot (Snow White) horrors of the log (the adventures of Pinocchio) ducks-hens (geese-swans) Pumpkin (Turnip) Vanya and the hare (Masha and the Bear) Sparrow - wooden comb (Cockerel - golden comb) By the bird's lack of will (At the behest of the pike)

Having guessed all my shapeshifters, the guests decided not to stop there and continued to guess shapeshifters for each other, they were even surprised at the number of fairy tales they knew.

5. Congratulatory telegram I printed out this telegram. Together with the guests, they came up with adjectives in the spaces and I wrote them out there, it turned out to be a very funny telegram.

6. Message to the future. the day before I made a box (decorated with gift paper) They put in the box: - the first pacifier - a lock of hair - a tag from the maternity hospital - the first booties - the first onesies - the first cap - scratches - a rattle - messages from all the guests (forms) - a congratulatory telegram on the birthday - candle in the shape of a number from a birthday cake

Anniversary of our little happiness

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