Happy birthday in English happy birthday. Happy birthday poems in English with translation

The tradition of congratulating a person on his birthday orally or in writing is present among many nations; the British and Americans are no exception in this regard.

In the English language there are many expressions and words with which you can congratulate the birthday person. But not all of them are translated literally, therefore, before writing the text of the congratulations in English, you need to familiarize yourself with the information given below.

How do you write “Happy Birthday” in English?

When congratulating each other on their birthday, the British say only two words: “Happy Birthday”. These words may be followed by a long wish, but in some cases they are limited to these alone.

If we talk about the literal interpretation, then the phrase “Happy Birthday” means not just “Happy Birthday”, but “Happy Birthday”. The word “Happy” is translated as “happy.” When composing a congratulation in English, they don’t bother themselves with specifying the details, but in Russian the same phrase often sounds like “Happy Birthday to you” and is translated as “Happy birthday to you.”

Trying to compose a beautiful congratulation English speaking person in his native language, there is no need to come up with something unusual in Russian, and then try to translate the resulting text into English. Phrases and phrases should be as simple as possible.

If you want to say something really nice, then you can look at the examples of how you can compose a happy birthday greeting for a specific person, which are presented below.

Happy birthday greetings in English

There are many options for congratulating someone on their birthday in English. The table below shows just some of the most popular congratulations, often used in everyday life.

Happy Birthday! Happy birthday!
Let this day be the happiest! May this day be the happiest!
Congratulations, I wish a lot of gifts! Congratulations, I wish you many gifts!
I congratulate and wish you more joyful moments! Congratulations and wish you many joyful moments!
I cordially congratulate you! Congratulations!
Take this birthday greeting! Let all dreams and desires come true! Please accept this happy birthday greeting! May all your dreams and wishes come true!
Have a nice day! I wish you a great time with friends! Wish Have a good day! I wish you a great time with friends!
Greetings! Let the most cherished dream come true! Congratulations! Let your most cherished dream come true!
Congratulations, girlfriend! Stay always young and beautiful! Congratulations friend! Stay young and beautiful always!
Congratulations! Long life, friend! Congratulations! Long life, friend!
Congratulations! I wish you fulfillment of all desires on this special day! Congratulations! I wish you fulfillment of all your wishes on this special day!
I wish you prosperity and well-being and love! I wish you prosperity and family well-being, love!
Congratulations! I hope your life will be as Sunny as this holiday! Congratulations! I hope your life will be as sunny as this holiday!
I hope your life will be as sweet as this birthday cake! I hope your life is as sweet as this birthday cake!
I hope we celebrate your hundredth Birthday together! Congratulations! I hope we celebrate your 100th birthday together! Congratulations!
I congratulate you and wish you many happy moments! Congratulations and wish you many joyful moments!
Take this gift from the heart on your birthday! Greetings! Accept this gift from the bottom of your heart on your birthday! Congratulations!
This day is very important for me, because today you were born! This day is very important for me, because today you were born!
This is the best day of my life, because I can congratulate you on your Birthday! This is the best day of my life because I can wish you a happy birthday!
I was born! Happy Birthday to me Today I was born! Happy birthday to me
Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born. Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born.
The best day of my life is your birthday! The best day of my life is your birthday!
30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born! 30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born!
I wish you get a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your Birthday! I wish you to receive many smiles, congratulations and gifts on your birthday!
Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love! Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love!
Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to celebrate it with friends and family! Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to meet him with friends and family!
I hope that you will remember this Birthday for many years! Congratulations! I hope you remember this birthday for many years to come! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday my dear friend! We have come with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love! Happy birthday my dear friend! We came with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love!
I wish you all the best on this holiday! I wish you all the best on this holiday!

If none of the presented congratulations suits you, you can always compose your own happy birthday greeting in English.

Official birthday greetings in English

It is not always appropriate to shower the birthday person with compliments and make heartfelt speeches on the occasion of his birthday. If we are talking about birthday greetings to an unfamiliar person - a work colleague, a boss, a subordinate, an employee of any service, then the prepared speech should be official. Jokes are hardly appropriate.

The most popular official birthday greetings in English are presented in the table below:

For the best boss with respect from the whole team! Congratulations! To the best chef with respect from the entire team! Congratulations!
Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes you good mood, home comfort and optimism. Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes good mood, home comfort and optimism.
Favorite teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and success! To my beloved teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and creative success!
Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects! Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects!
I sincerely congratulate! I wish you good health and success in your work! Congratulations! I wish you good health and success in your work!
You are the best boss we can imagine! Congratulations from the whole team! You are the best chef imaginable! Please accept congratulations from the entire team!
Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations! Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your Birthday! We respect your work and wish you to continue our cooperation! Sincerely your colleagues and partners! Please accept congratulations on your birthday! We respect your work and wish you to continue our cooperation! Sincerely your colleagues and partners!
I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations! I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations!

English happy birthday greetings in verse

A beautiful birthday greeting doesn’t have to be written in prose. You can congratulate the birthday person on his birthday in English and in verse. To do this, it is enough to compose several quatrains in Russian, and then translate them into English or choose one of the ready-made poetic congratulations.

Birthday boy - this day has come!

You say you're welcome!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we’re here to make your day happy!

Birthday boy - the day has come!

You say everyone is welcome!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we are here to make your day happy!

Don’t be sad and don’t cry!

You're like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

Don't be sad and don't cry!

You're like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

The magic of life will be the way!

Don’t forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad disappear!

And good will always be near!

The path in life will be magical!

Don't forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad things disappear!

And good things will always be there!

Happy birthday we're talking!

We can consider you our best friend!

You’re always ready to understand!

I wish you simply to live!

Do not be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

Happy birthday we say!

I wish you to simply live!

Don't be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

I wish health and happiness to your child!

Watch him only with a smile!

Happiness in life!

And only in good believe!

I wish your child health and happiness! Just watch him with a smile! Happiness in life!

Only believe in good things!

We wish you happiness and love!

Let the days be full of luck!

Let there be all that you desire!

What do you dream of comes true!

We wish you happiness and love!

May your days be filled with luck!

Let there be everything you want!

What you dream about comes true!

Congratulations for a man

Happy Birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Good days and true friends!

Greatest asset and money!

For us you are the best man in the world!

Today all love is for you!

Happy birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Have a nice day and true friends!

A lot of capital and money!

For us, you are the best man on earth!

Today all the love is for you alone!

You're the man of my dreams!

You are my best husband and friend!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall of support!

I don’t hear you reproach!

You’re the father and the family protector!

And you are a real champ in life!

You are the man of my dreams!

The best friend and spouse is you!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall and support!

I don’t hear any reproach from you!

You are a family protector and father!

And a great fellow in life!

Happy Birthday my friend!

Look around you!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

Wish health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little bit of power!

Love that drives you crazy!

Let luck come to you!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic, subway! Go to the sea and visit Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We wish to dream and to want more!

We wish you to know how to do everything in life!

Happy birthday my friend!

Look around!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

Wish you health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little power!

Love that drives you crazy!

Let luck come to you on its own!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic jams, the metro!

Go to the sea, see Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We wish you to dream more and want more!

We wish you to be able to do everything in life!

Congratulations for a woman

Happy Birthday sweetie!

You’re bright and naughty!

I don't need any other!

I wish you many years to live without mourning and woes!

I wish you kindness, fulfillment of every dream!

Be always young and beautiful!

You are the dearest person for me!

Happy birthday dear!

You are bright and mischievous!

I don't need any other one!

I wish you many years to live without grief and troubles!

I wish you kindness and the fulfillment of every dream!

Always be young and beautiful!

You are the most dear person to me!

Happy Birthday dear!

I wish you happiness without end!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You’re the best mom, wife and daughter!

You’re always ready to help us in trouble!

Let all wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

Happy birthday dear!

I wish you endless happiness!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You are the best mother, wife and daughter!

You are always ready to help us in trouble!

May all your wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

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Congratulations for a colleague

You can please a good friend and work colleague on her birthday with an original congratulation in English in poetic form. Read below for an example of such a happy birthday greeting.

Dear (name) I congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Don’t waste your husband’s entire salary!

I wish you to be in harmony with yourself!

To be beloved, do not be stingy!

Let the work bring you joy!

Let your life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

Dear (name), happy birthday to you!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Don't spend your husband's entire salary!

I wish you to be in harmony with yourself!

Be loved, don't be stingy!

Let work bring joy!

May life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish salaries not less than one million!

And men's admiring glances!

We wish you not to be angry with the boss!

We wish you to forget about the grief!

Happy birthday to you!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish you a salary of at least a million!

And the looks of admiring men!

We wish you not to anger your boss!

We wish you to forget about your grief!

Congratulations for the teacher

Let me congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you joy, success and luck!

Let melancholy and bad luck leave you

On this glorious day of spring!

We wish you success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday!

We wish you joy, success and good luck!

May this glorious spring day

The blues and bad luck will leave you!

We wish you creative success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

A favorite teacher, the great teacher!

We bring you greetings on your Birthday!

You’re kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

We wish you success in work, health, patience

And luck in life!

Beloved teacher, great teacher!

Please accept our congratulations on your birthday!

You are kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Success in work, health, patience

Good luck in work and life!

For children

Children love beautifully composed birthday greetings as much as, if not more than, adults. Here are just a few examples of what a good congratulation can be.

Happy birthday dear!

Cute and groovy!

Get faster big!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, sweet angel!

Don’t hurt or suffer!

Good deeds don't forget!

Happy birthday dear!

Sweet and groovy!

Get big fast!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, glorious angel!

Don't get sick and don't suffer!

Don't forget good deeds!

Happy Birthday, Grandson!

Mother, father, grandmother and all relatives congratulate you on this holiday!!

All the toys are forgotten, books are also on the floor, Grandfather came to congratulate (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart, to grow big!

I wish to live without troubles, to be healthy, to study well, never to be lazy!

Happy birthday, grandson!

Mom, dad, grandmother and all your relatives congratulate you on this holiday!!

Toys were forgotten, books were thrown on the floor, grandfather came to visit our (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart and to grow up big!

I wish you to live without troubles, be healthy, study well, and never be lazy!

Birthday invitation in English

Sometimes you need not only to write a beautiful birthday greeting in English, but also to invite English-speaking friends to the holiday so that none of them refuses.

Examples of birthday invitations in English with translation:

Dear friend, I invite you to my Birthday party! Dear friend, I invite you to come to my birthday party!
On Friday 20 November I was born! I like you out for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it'll be fun! On Friday November 20th I was born! I invite you for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it will be fun!
I know what you’re doing this summer! You're going to my party! You're invited, you don't say no! I know what you're doing this summer! You're going to a party! You are invited, refusal is not accepted!
I wish to invite you to the celebration. The celebration will take place at known locations, when the candles are burning! I would like to invite you to a holiday. The celebration will take place in you famous place at the hour when the candles are burning!
I invite my best friend to come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as a gift! Waiting! I invite my best friend come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as gifts! I am waiting!
Come and see me! I will be very elegant and happy! It's my Birthday! Waiting! Come see me! I will be very elegant and happy! After all, it's my birthday! I am waiting!
Dear friend, don’t forget that you are invited to my birthday in this year and for the rest of our lives. Come! Dear friend, don't forget that you are invited to my birthday this year and for the rest of our lives. Come!

Congratulations on other events

Happy New year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! Let all dreams and desires come true in the New year! Happy New Year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! May all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year!
On this day Jesus Christ was born! We congratulate you on the holiday of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, to be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas! On this day Jesus Christ was born! Congratulations on the Feast of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas!
Dear bride and groom, we congratulate you on your wedding Day. We wish you to have a strong family! We want you to get along and love each other. We wish you to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Dear bride and groom, we congratulate you on your Wedding Day. We wish to create strong family! We wish you to live together and love each other. We wish to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Congratulations on your 50th birthday! We wish you good health, family well-being and success in your work. Let your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep in memory only pleasant memories. Happy 50th Anniversary! We wish you good health, family well-being, success in work. Let your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep only pleasant memories in your memory.


Inviting a friend or acquaintance to a birthday party or congratulating him on a holiday is easy if you know several languages. Composing a cool birthday greeting in English would be considered an original gesture.

This approach to business will not only appeal to many birthday people, but also gives great scope for creativity. An interesting congratulation or a short invitation to a holiday written on a postcard will be remembered for a long time.

IN modern world There are many opportunities to surprise your friend: you can make an original gift with your own hands, you can buy something necessary and interesting, or you can write a congratulation by hand on a beautiful postcard the old fashioned way.

By the way, for many foreigners, and in lately and for each of us, such a gift turns out to be more valuable than any other, because everything that is written is written from the soul, from a pure heart and with incredible love. If you don’t know how to surprise a friend, pay attention to happy birthday greetings in English with translation; today we will talk about them.

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, happiness to your heart and many blessings to your life.

May your birthday bring a smile to your face, joy to your heart and blessings to your life.

Happy Birthday to the person who means the most to me in this world. I hope your birthday wishes come true. I know mine did the day I met you. Thank you for always being right by my side, sweetheart.

Happy birthday to the man who means a lot to me in this world. I hope your wishes come true. I know that mine came true the day I met you. Thank you for always being there, honey.

I hope you get whatever you wish for when you blow out the candles! I can only wish for you what I wish every year – may you enjoy the good things in life. Happy birthday!

I hope you get everything you want when you blow out your candles. I can only wish you what I wish every year - enjoy the material blessings in life. Happy birthday!

Some say that a birthday is a great time to look back at the past year. Others say a birthday is a good time to think about what lies ahead. I say ‘cut the cake’ and let’s eat.

Some say that a birthday is a great opportunity to look back on the past. Others say that a birthday is a time to think about what lies ahead. And I say “cut the cake and eat it.”

The candles on your cake won’t start a fire if you don’t light them, but that isn’t what candles are for. Keep lighting up the world on your birthday.

Candles on a cake won't start a fire unless you light them, but that's not what candles are made for. Continue to light up the world on your birthday!

Life is just an act. The ingredients of success needed are a killing cast, a remarkable plot and an unflinching director. I think you have all it needs.

Life is a role. The ingredients for success that are needed are a mind-blowing cast, a wonderful plot and a decisive director of the film. I think you have everything you need.

May you always have enough happiness at your life to keep you sweet, enough trials and errors to keep you strong, enough success to keep you trying, enough faith to give you courage and enough determination to make each day a good day to remember.

May you always have enough joy in life to stay charming, enough trial and error to stay strong, enough success to try, enough faith to stay brave and enough determination to make every day a day to remember.

Congratulations in verse

If you want something special, we offer birthday wishes in English in verse. Your friends will definitely appreciate such a gift!

Happy Birthday!
Good friends are hard to find,
but I found you who is so kind.
The little things that you do and say,
are always done in your special way.
So today I want to take this time
to wish you a Happy Birthday,
a friend of mine.

Happy birthday!
Good friends are hard to find
But I found you, and you are so kind.
The little things you do and say
Always done in a special way.
So today I want to take some time
And wish you a great birthday my dear friend.

Wishing you happiness
To welcome each morning,
Wishing you laughter
To make your heart sing.
Wishing you friendship
Sharing and caring,
And all of the joy
The birthday can bring!

I wish you happiness
So that it comes every morning,
I wish you laughter
To make your heart sing.
I wish you friendship
Mutual and caring
And all the joy
Which a birthday can bring.

I wish u to have a
Special Sunday,
Marvellous Monday,
Tasty Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday,
Friendly Friday,
Successful Saturday!
Have a great week ahead

I wish you
Special Sunday
Have an amazing Monday
Have a delicious Tuesday
Great environment,
Friendly Friday,
Happy Saturday.
Have a great week ahead and
Happy birthday to you!

If kisses were rain i’d send you showers,
If fun was time i’d send you hours,
If you needed a friend i’d send you me.
Happy Birthday to you, Sweetheart!

If kisses were rain, I'd send you showers
If fun was a time, I'd send you a watch
If you needed a friend, I would send you myself!
Happy Birthday, dear!

I'd like to be the very first
To greet you in this way,
To send you countless wishes
On this important day,
A day of overwhelming joy
In everything you do,
For you deserve the nicest things
The world could offer you.

I would like to be the very first
To congratulate you in this way,
Send you countless wishes
On this important day,
Day of Overwhelming Happiness
In everything you do
You deserve the best things
Which the world can only offer you.

In a card you can simply write “happy birthday to you”, I’m sure everyone knows the translation. “Happy birthday to you” - these words remain the most significant and most long-awaited for each of us. Love, congratulate and give each other joy!

You are the man and though
I wish you to believe in wonders,
This can help you to grow
In career and be in it commander!

I wish you to fulfill all your projects,
And easily pick stars from the heaven,
It means to catch your fortune,
Happy Birthday! Be happy forever!

Believe in miracles!

You are a man and it doesn't matter
I wish you to believe in miracles,
It can help you grow
In your career and become a commander in it!

I wish you to realize all your projects,
And it's easy to collect stars from the sky,
It means to catch your luck,
Happy birthday! Be happy always!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday! Take my congratulations
I wish you to have the man's forces,
And never have illnesses, losses,
I wish you unquenchable passions,

I wish you the life full of glamor,
Happiness and beautiful moments,
Let all the fears, worries, problems
Run away from your path forever!

Masculine powers and passions

Happy birthday! Please accept my congratulations,
I wish you always have masculine strength,
And never have any illnesses or losses,
I wish you unquenchable passions,

I wish you a life full of charm,
Happiness and wonderful moments,
Let all experiences, worries, problems
They will get out of your way forever!

Purchased and owned by the site.

You are the great man and you’ve got
The benefits of life a lot,
And on your Birthday I wish you
For all your dreams and plans come true!
I have prepared not long speech -
I wish you always be young, rich,
Brisk, merry, joyful, handsome, strong,
Be healthy, main, and live long!

Congratulations to the Great Man!

You are a great man and
You have achieved a lot in life,
On your birthday I wish you,
May all your dreams and plans come true!
My speech will not be long -
I wish you to always be young and rich,
Cheerful, cheerful, joyful, beautiful and strong,
But most importantly, be healthy and live long!

In English
Purchased and owned by the site.

Congrats you on Happy Birthday!
In all cases be the first you!
You are strong man and you should
Always have a victorious mood!

Be today the merrier one,
Have a lot of joy and fun,
Let you be with strong health blessed,
And I wish you all the best!

Be the first! All the best!

Happy Birthday!
In all cases, be the first!
You are a strong man and you must
Always have a winning attitude!

Be the most cheerful today
May there be a lot of joy and fun,
Be blessed with good health,
And I wish you all the best!

Purchased and owned by the site.

We are here on the great situation,
Take my pure congratulation -
I wish you be a happy person,
Though you are already a happy man,
But happiness cannot be few, then
Be healthy, generous and strong,
And your life will be happy and long!

Happy man!

We are here for a great occasion,
Please accept my sincere congratulations -

I wish you to be a happy person,
Although you are already a happy man,
But happiness is never enough, then
Be healthy, generous and strong,
And your life will be happy and long!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Let be the road of your life too long,
Be in all years young, enduring, healthy, strong!
Have happy months, days, hours and moments,
And let there be no sadness, grief and torments!

Let angels cover your man's path by their wings,
Be greatly loved and you have pure feelings,
Let your loved ones be always healthy, mostly,
Let all your dreams come true soon! Happy Birthday!

Happy men's journey!

May the road of your life be very long,
Be young, resilient, healthy, strong in all your years!
May you have happy months, days, hours and minutes,
And let there be no sadness, no sorrow, no torment!

May the angels guard your path with their wings,
Be loved and experience pure feelings yourself,
Let your loved ones always be healthy, this is the main thing,
May all your dreams come true soon! Happy birthday!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Be today the coolest person,
Do receive your desired pleasure,
Do rejoice without measure!

Have you always bliss and strong health,
Have you always wealth and man's strength,
Never be you old and feeble,
Be forever loved by people!

The coolest person

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Be the coolest person today
Really get the pleasure you want,
Really rejoice without limit!

May you always have happiness and good health,
May you always have wealth and masculine strength,
Never be old and weak
May people always love you!

In English
Purchased and owned by the site.

Men try to win, but on this way they need
To feel from close people love, warmth, cares,
Wish you to win around and succeed
In what you have been doing all these years!

In my congratulation on your Birthday
I make an accent on the inspiration,
I wish you feel love, kindness, warmth, firstly,
Then, don’t lose heart in any situation!

Congratulations inspiration

Men strive to win, but along the way they must
To feel their love, warmth, care from loved ones,
I wish you to win everywhere and achieve success
In what you have been doing all these years!

In my congratulations on your birthday
I focus on inspiration
I wish you to feel love, kindness, warmth, firstly,
Then, do not despair in any situation!

Purchased and owned by the site.

On the Birthday of a man
We wish him to build a house,
To give birth to son and then
To plant tree, love son and spouse,

These are too important feelings,
These are too important missions -
To have hairs, forests, buildings
And I wish you in addition:

Let your home be filled better
With love, understanding, comfort!
Children's gender doesn't matter
Love them all, do not abandon!

As to wife and trees on island,
You should care for them gently!
Be the best man, dad and husband,
Let your fate give you a Bentley!

Important wishes for a man

On a man's birthday
We usually wish him to build a house,
Give birth to a son and then
Plant a tree, also love your son and wife,

These are very important feelings
These are very important missions -
Have heirs, forests, buildings
And to top it all off, I wish you:

May your home be better filled
Love, understanding, comfort!
The gender of the children does not matter
Love them all, don't leave them!

As for the wife and the trees on the island,
Then you must take care of them very carefully!
Be the best man, father and husband,
May your destiny give you a Bentley!

Purchased and owned by the site.

You have all of these in you:
Man's brutality, good training,
Strength, intelligence, wise view,
Also man's honor, bearing,
Generosity, good mood,
I congratulate on Birthday!
Think that also you should
Live in health for hundred years,
Be the happiest of all,
Not have problems, troubles, fears,
And be always merry LOL!

Congratulations to the Man!

You have all of the following advantages:
Male brutality, good training,
Strength, intelligence, wise look,
Also a man's honor, posture,
Generosity, good mood,
Happy Birthday!
I think that you should also
Live healthy for 100 years
To be the happiest of all
Live without problems, worries and fears,
Always be cheerful and laugh loudly LOL!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Excited Memories

What can be wished to birthday man
On Happy Birthday Feast?
I wish sincerely the van
Of happiness at least!

I wish the loads of great joy,
Excited memories
For you in future to enjoy
Remembering this Feast!

Delightful Memories

What can you wish for the birthday boy?
For a birthday party?
I sincerely wish a van
Happiness, at least!

I wish you an abundance of great joy,
Amazing memories
To enjoy in the future,
Remembering this holiday!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Be You Always Lucky Man!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
We are wishing to you firstly:
Be you always lucky man
To fulfill each wish and plan!

Let health be with years stronger
And your life days grow longer!
Let your man's charge never quench,
Let it be increased with age!

Always be a happy man!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
We wish you, firstly:
Always be a happy man
To fulfill your wishes and plans!

Let your health only get stronger over the years,
And your life becomes longer!
May your masculine charge never fade away,
And let it only increase with age!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Our Man - The One!

Happy Birthday, our dear!
Smile today from ear to ear,
After all, have a tremendous fun,
You are for us, our man, the One!

Let everything come true that you desire,
Let our sincere love greatly inspire
You do many brilliant things
For career growth and business links!

Be you always surrounded by the best friends,
Be you always healthy, full of man's strength,
Be you really happy at private life bay,
Be you lucky and merry every new day!

The one and only man!

Happy Birthday, our dear!
May you smile from ear to ear today,
In the end, have a lot of fun
You are for us, our man, the one and only!

Let everything come true that you want,
May our sincere love greatly inspire
You to take the most brilliant steps
For career growth and business connections!

Always be surrounded by your best friends
Be always healthy, full of masculine strength,
Be really happy in the bay of your personal life,
Be successful and cheerful every day!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Congratulations To the Splendid Man!

Congratulations on your Birthday!
I wish you for the whole life
To get the gifts – the best and costly
From your colleagues, friends, children and wife!
Be you victorious forever
Reach goals that you plan ahead,
Be you lucky and endeavor
To be in everything the head!
Let God always give you the forces,
Man's strength, health, youth and peace,
Live merrily without losses,
Be you surrounded by bliss!

Congratulations to a wonderful man!

Happy Birthday!
I wish you throughout your life
Receive gifts - the best and most valuable
From your colleagues, friends, children and wife!
Always be victorious
Achieve the goals you plan
Be lucky and strive
Be the head everywhere!
May God always give you strength,
Male power, health, youth and peace,
Live cheerfully without losses,
May happiness accompany you!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in English

Important Wishes To Man!

On the Birthday of a man
We wish him to build a house,
To give birth to son and then
To plant tree, love son and spouse,

These are too important feelings,
These are too important missions -
To have hairs, forests, buildings
And I wish you in addition:

Let your home be filled better
With love, understanding, comfort!
Children's gender doesn't matter
Love them all, do not abandon!

As to wife and trees on island,
You should care for them gently!
Be the best man, dad and husband,
Let your fate give you a Bentley!

Important wishes for a man

On a man's birthday
We usually wish him to build a house,
Give birth to a son and then
Plant a tree, also love your son and wife,

These are very important feelings
These are very important missions -
Have heirs, forests, buildings
And to top it all off, I wish you:

May your home be better filled
Love, understanding, comfort!
The gender of the children does not matter
Love them all, don't leave them!

As for the wife and the trees on the island,
Then you must take care of them very carefully!
Be the best man, father and husband,
May your destiny give you a Bentley!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Reliable Reward

What’s the important thing for a man?
To love and receive love as a reward,
And he can move mountains then
I want to say about reliable rearward,

Happy Birthday! Wish you ideal family relations,
Either with your wife and children, or parents and siblings,
For you to have strength and inspiration
To work creatively, to live in harmony of feelings!

Reliable rear

What is most important for a man?
To love and receive love as a reward,
And then he can move mountains,
I want to talk about a reliable rear,

Happy birthday! I wish you ideal family relationships,
Both with my wife and children, and with my parents, brothers and sisters,
To have strength and inspiration
Work creatively, live in harmony of feelings!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in English

Attention: publication in open sources is prohibited! All works in this section were purchased and belong to us.

With whom you often have to collaborate, or simply relatives who will be pleased to receive an original congratulations on foreign language. After all, English is one of the most popular and widespread languages ​​of communication. Moreover, by sending pleasant wishes to the birthday boy in a form that he understands, you can not only show attention, but also surprise him with your knowledge of the language!

Happy birthday greetings in English can be in two versions: in poetry and prose. Moreover, whatever the chosen genre, the birthday boy will in any case be pleased with the attention paid to him.

English happy birthday greetings in verse

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!


Birthday girl, today is your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play.
There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday.
I hope you try them all!

Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.


There will be a wonderful life,
Always, today, don’t forget -
Let adversity wash over you
Friends don't leave you!

I congratulate you on your birthday!


Happy Birthday to you!

You're going to have a fun day
That's what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!


Ahead of you today fun day birth!
Everyone will be talking about this to you today!
May the coming year pass without regret,
Sorrows and bad weather keeping everything locked up!

Let's celebrate your birthday, honey,
And let this day be bright and sunny,
I want to wish you greatest thing,
Get, what you want – just anything!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!


Let's celebrate your birthday
On this sunny day,
I wish you the best:
So that you get everything you want,
He built a path for a wonderful life,
Always, today, don’t forget -
Let the problems disappear
Friends don't leave you!

I tried on my congratulation:
I came having so many words,
I wanted to tell them with passion
But failed... I’m so shied! My heart hurts!
But is it a reason to miss it –
Your birthday, so happy and nice?
So I've come! I have made this visit!
Be healthy, and wealthy, and wise!


I prepared in an unusual way:
I picked up some beautiful words,
To fulfill them brilliantly today;
And suddenly an emergency happened -
Everything is forgotten! But without wobbling,
Without spoiling your celebration,
Let me just say this briefly: Congratulations!
And briefly I wish: everything!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can say with me
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy ending!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!


Happy birthday to you!
Everyone will agree with me, I know
I can call you a good friend,
Who is always ready to support us.
So we wish you the same friends,
And in love, so that they don’t know hardships and losses,
To keep children healthy and happy,
And luck took part in Fate!

Happy Birthday my love!
Happy Birthday to you!
I can't stop saying
How much I love you!

My soul is always nearby
I like the way you touch.
Say to bad thoughts “good-bye”.
I want to wish you so much.

I wish you to be strong as the Lion King
Have a happy life and sing!
Only three words I want to say to you:
“My dearest lion, I love you!”


Happy birthday my love
Happy birthday to you.
I repeat again and again,
How much I love you!

My soul is always next to you,
I love your gentle touches.
Throw nonsense out of your head forever.
My wishes for you are numerous.

I wish you to be strong, like the Lion King.
Sing through life and don’t forget about happiness!
Finally, I just want to say three words:
“I love you, my dear Leva!”

English Happy Birthday greetings in prose

With all my heart I wish you many happy at this day! Let all your dreams come true, like a hopes and expectations in your life. I wish you to have good health, strength to resist difficulties, big success in all your deals and great happiness! Thank you for your being in my life! Happy birthday!

I wish you a happy birthday with all my heart! May all your dreams, hopes and expectations come true this year. I wish you good health, perseverance in overcoming adversity and failures, great success in business and great happiness! I am grateful that you are in my life! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!

With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening.

With great pleasure, I want to wish you good health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. I also wish you eternal youth, original ideas and significant success in everything you do! Be happy! Remain yourself, no matter what happens!

I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!

I wish you a long and exciting life! I wish you good health and outstanding results in everything you do. And most importantly, I wish you immense happiness in every minute of your life. Be loved, enjoy every day!

With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, great success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year for you. I wish you a good joyful mood every day, good health, resistance to adversity and patience, success in all your endeavors and personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light that you give me! Thank you for being in this world! I wish you happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!

It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations.

It was very nice to hear that your birthday is approaching, as it gives me the opportunity to add my wishes to those you receive from your colleagues. Your life is so full of great achievements and hard-won successes that you should be satisfied with it. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

In our magazine you will also find Happy Birthday greetings in Russian for,.