The secret of success and wealth: the most powerful money amulet. Do your own full moon money ritual

Are talismans and amulets the same thing?
How do talismans differ from amulets? What is the purpose of amulets?

Many people use these words, giving them exactly the same meaning. “An item that brings good luck, protects against the evil eye and damage” - this is exactly how most people who are not related to the world of magic think about talismans and amulets. At the same time, they often consider them synonyms, vaguely realizing that there is still some difference, but not a fundamental one.

In fact, these items differ in their purpose, although they have much in common. Talismans, amulets, amulets are magical objects designed to bring benefit to their owner. But they each solve their own specific problems. Ancient and modern magicians never confused talismans with amulets! These objects have different directions of magical actions, which, meanwhile, often intersect in practice. It is this fact that causes confusion in interpretation, which we will try to unravel.

So, general characteristics:

– attract happiness and repel troubles (illness, damage).
– attract luck, success, love, prosperity.
– protect from troubles and energy attacks (evil spirits).

Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of magical items.

An amulet (from the Latin Amuletum - “giving strength”) is a magical object that brings happiness and protects its owner from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, diseases and troubles. The amulet protects its owner from negative impact from the outside, enhances intuition, has a positive effect on the fate of the owner.

Some experts believe that the most powerful amulets are those that are inherited by a person. But a properly charged amulet of a natural form can be incredibly powerful. When using an amulet, it is very important correct setting to its owner. Amulets attune the energy of their owners with the help of special rituals and sacraments.
Read more: How to charge and “revive” amulets and talismans.
If the amulet is poorly tuned to its owner, then it can even cause harm.

What should the amulet look like? What is this item?
Amulets are any objects that carry magical powers. Here, first of all, the material from which the amulet is made plays a role. It could be a crystal, a piece of wood, a precious or semi-precious stone. In this case, often the degree of processing does not play any role. It was no accident that ancient people wore fangs and teeth of animals around their necks.

Symbols and signs play a big role. An amulet on which are engraved or written magic symbols and signs, increases its strength many times over. It could be runic formulas, pictograms, all kinds geometric shapes, hieroglyphs, as well as depictions of historical scenes. It has always been recognized that amulets set in gold and silver increase their power. In some cases, platinum or copper is used.

How to choose the right amulet?

Most often, amulets are chosen taking into account zodiac horoscope.
Each of us is born under a certain constellation, each has its own patron planet and zodiac stones. The influence of the patron planets on a person is significantly enhanced when wearing stones corresponding to the zodiac. After all, the stars in the sky and stones on Earth have an astral connection. Amulets chosen according to the zodiac sign can help a person throughout his life.
Read more: Stones according to zodiac signs.

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From early times, amulets were divided according to professional affiliation - doctors, military men, and sailors had separate amulets. Bankers and financiers have always had their own amulets, which featured original, often mysterious symbols that protected the owners from deception, fraud and bankruptcy. There have also always been amulets for pregnant women and women in labor.

Absolutely all amulets protect owners from evil spells and curses, from damage and disease, from envy and all kinds of negativity.

Amulets are usually worn on the body, but not for show, but on the contrary - hidden from prying eyes. After all, it is believed that if a person wears an amulet, it means that he feels vulnerable and is trying to protect himself from troubles. An excellent way out of this situation is jewelry and high-quality jewelry, selected according to zodiac signs. Few people would think that an elegant pendant is a protective amulet. Only the owner of the item knows what stone the jewelry is made of and what problem the mineral solves.

It is very important that no one touches your amulets with their hands - be sure to find an excuse to prevent this. Some work colleagues or acquaintances like to touch other people's jewelry with their hands. This is something to be wary of. An ill-wisher, coupled with powerful negative energy, can throw off the amulet’s settings and disrupt the vibration frequency of the stone. That is why amulets are often worn under clothing to protect it from negative outside influences. If you are in a circle of people who are friendly to you and know the technique of setting amulets, then you can wear amulets over clothes or on the body without fear of energy attacks.

Usually amulets are worn on a chain or cord under clothing. Small soft amulets are pinned to a pin under clothing.

Amulets simply need to be cleaned periodically negative energy, which accumulates over time. It is especially important to carry out the cleaning procedure after visiting places with large crowds of people.

One of the simplest and most common ways to clean amulets is over a candle or any source of fire. The object must be held over the candle from all sides for at least one minute. Then the amulet is immersed in salted water for two hours. Then it is washed under running water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for cleansing amulets at least once a month.

Talismans (from the Greek telesma - “dedication, enchantment”) are magical objects that are used to attract good luck in certain areas of life. Unlike amulets, which not only repel something from their owners, but also attract, talismans perform the function of exclusively attracting. These are items that bring happiness and good luck to their owner, helping to open up new opportunities for him, to activate internal resources, attract additional energy from the surrounding world.

Most often, talismans are used to attract love, wealth, health, and success. For example, to attract passionate love, a talisman with a ruby ​​is chosen. If there is not enough optimism in life, they wear amber talismans. You can choose other stones for your talisman, the main thing is to activate your talisman.

Typical and most common talismans are horseshoes, crosses, amulet, icons with images of saints and martyrs, seals of spirits in the form of angels, holy names on parchment, as well as all kinds of symbols of divine power (maces, lotuses).

Talismans are directly related to the individuality of their owners and are capable of activating strengths personality and level out shortcomings. Very often natural objects are used as talismans. natural origin. The talisman can be a sea shell, stones unusual shape, unprocessed pieces of minerals and even plant roots.
Interestingly, a talisman may be intended for a specific situation. For example, a talisman for winning competitions or competitions, when passing exams, etc.

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Charmed talismans - objects that have undergone a special ritual for a specific situation - have special power. Talismans are charmed by magicians, shamans, sorcerers, and witches.

How else do talismans differ from amulets?

A talisman is not only an item that brings good luck, but also a symbol. Thus, ancient tribes revered certain types of animals as their patrons. For example, talismans were symbols and images of a lynx, a tiger, and a lion.
Mascots can be all kinds of characters in the form of people or fictional animals. That is, talismans can be personalized, which cannot be said about amulets. Talismans olympic games in Sochi 2014 – bunny, bear and leopard. But there are no such amulets.

Personification of a talisman is not an accident, but a way to enhance the properties of the talisman. Our ancestors knew this well, and they were the first to carve figures of gods, people and animals from stones. Therefore, if you are looking for the strongest and most powerful talisman, choose an item with a certain shape.

Talismans symbolize and attract good luck both to one person (their owner) and to entire groups. Almost all sports teams and musical groups have their own talismans. The amulet, on the contrary, is designed to protect only its owner.

Can a talisman protect you from all troubles?
It is naive to think that a talisman can solve all your problems and is guaranteed to lead you to triumphant success and “the fulfillment of all your dreams.” Your talisman will strengthen your strengths, strengthen your best character traits, and multiply the results of your work. A magical item will help create a favorable aura around you, but, of course, it will not implement your plans for you. Your belief in magical power plays a very important role! If you don’t believe that the talisman will provide you with real support and help, then you don’t have to wear it - it’s pointless.

How to wear talismans correctly?
Talismans, like amulets, are worn both on the body and on top of clothing. Many people prefer to hide their talismans under their clothes. But this is not necessary. You can easily carry talismans in your purse or pocket. If talismans are hidden, they are usually wrapped in cloth (not black) so that other people cannot see them. Do not allow anyone to touch your talismans, as they may lose their magical powers.

In particularly difficult moments in life, the owner takes the talisman in his hands, holds it for a long time, and asks for support and help.

From the name alone you can guess what exactly this item is intended for.

Charms are magical objects and means that are designed to protect their owner from evil spirits and all sorts of troubles, and to help resist enemies, visible and invisible.

At first glance, it may seem that amulets and amulets are one and the same thing. But this is only at first glance. These magical items actually have a general direction of action. But amulets, unlike amulets, are not always decorations in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them. The concept of “amulet” is much broader than “amulet”. For example, in ancient times, stork nests on the roof of a house were considered the strongest amulet - they should never be destroyed, otherwise great misfortune would befall the inhabitants of the house. It’s hard to call a nest an amulet, would you agree? Or the ridge of the house - also the strongest amulet in Ancient Rus', protecting the world under the roof of the house.

Bright hallmark amulets - they are often made with my own hands. Moreover, the one who makes the amulet puts his magical power into it. This is why amulets are most often purchased from practicing magicians and psychics. These can be figurines of various animals or sacred characters. An excellent example of a personalized amulet is the brownie. Brownie dolls can often be seen in living rooms or kitchens. A charming shaggy little man protects the house from evil spirits and all sorts of troubles. Residents ancient Rus' they kept in their chests and chests of drawers all kinds of rag dolls, which women made with their own hands and charmed for protection from evil spirits:

Rituals in Rus' have many covenants
And one of them is sewing amulets dolls.
According to legend, the talisman will protect the owners,
Taking on the burden of trials.

From various scraps of used clothing,
Okay, knitted knots with faith and hope.
But the only prohibition the ancestors feared was:
So that the scissors with the needle do not touch the doll.

Charms without a face, it seems invisible
They will inscrutably separate good from evil.
How much inconspicuous, quiet love has been invested
And protection for centuries from any evil.

Thus, amulets are both man-made magical objects and objects created by nature itself. Precious and semi-precious stones or even heads of garlic, which have been used since time immemorial to ward off vampires. The most popular amulets in ancient times were animal teeth and claws. But at the same time, fangs and other parts of animals have been serving as amulets for thousands of years, bringing good luck to hunters. Here the concepts of “talisman” and “amulet” intersect in the objects themselves.

Amulets are a whole range of powerful magical means of protection. A cat in the house is a talisman. It’s difficult to call a cat an amulet, even though the direction of the magical actions is the same. lucky number– this is a talisman, but it can also serve as a talisman! Such magical intricacies!

Another important difference is that the actions of amulets are aimed at protecting against some specific negative impact. Whereas amulets are most often universal protectors from everything negative.

Popular amulets are horseshoes, crosses and other things from a person’s household. “A horseshoe over the door is a talisman for the house” (Ozhigov’s Dictionary). But horseshoes with crosses can also serve as talismans! Another intersection of semantic concepts.

I wonder what is most common wedding ring, is also a talisman. In ancient times, it was not only a symbol of marriage, but also a powerful amulet that protected the family from quarrels and external destructive attacks. Another marital amulet among the ancient Slavs is the lunnitsa. It was made of metal in the shape of a crescent. Lunnitsa is associated with the cult of fertility, bringing the family financial well-being.

How amulets became jewelry (from history)

At the dawn of humanity, people had no time for jewelry. Everything they carried on themselves served a purely practical function. Warm skins provided warmth from the cold, and amulets protected from evil forces. Actually, it was amulets and amulets that became the ancestors of the jewelry that we are used to seeing today.

And many thousands of years ago, any necklace or ring was a completely practical item endowed with magical powers. The question arises: if people wore a ring, for example, against lightning strikes, did it really help? Otherwise, why were such items needed that do not help? In those days there was no fashion, no ideas about style, etc. It was believed that the presence of amulets determined a person’s fate. If we exclude some magical power, then magical objects helped their owners to emotionally adapt and be psychologically prepared for life's trials and troubles. For example, the ancient Greeks placed amulets (phylacterions) on infants, which protected them from illness and injury. We can only assume and guess how much our ancestors differed from us in their thinking and abilities.

It is interesting that in ancient times, blacksmiths of all nations were fully functioning magicians. Metal craftsmen controlled the elements and had a connection with the other world. In the Slavic epic magical power the blacksmith is also repeatedly confirmed. Gogol's blacksmith Vakula flew on the devil, and in the famous fairy tale “About gray wolf and seven kids,” only blacksmiths were able to reforge the voices of negative characters.

Blacksmiths had great influence and were highly revered in all ancient cultures, without exception, because they could work with metals and create weapons, jewelry and magical objects, without which ancient people could not imagine their lives.

After the Stone Age and with the advent of the Iron Age, wooden and herbal amulets faded into the background, their place was taken by metal fetishes. Also in ancient times, clay amulets were popular - all kinds of clay figurines that served as a tool of protection against evil forces.

It is in vain that some consider talismans and amulets to be relics of the past. Magic items have not lost their relevance today. Where does a person’s craving for natural stones and jewelry come from? Perhaps the connection between jewelry and talismans has not been lost and is still preserved? Millions of women adore pearls, but the ancient Romans initially considered them a talisman! And only then the wonderful mineral became a decoration. In fact, amulets or talismans can be any objects that are very dear to their owner. Therefore, it is perhaps premature to talk about amulets in the past tense.

Of course, you don’t have to believe in it... But it’s better to be safe than to be “treated” for the evil eye later. It is especially important to take care of children, because their energy is the most vulnerable. And there are enough bad people who can jinx it or, God forbid, cause damage.

Strong amulets can give protection from any negative influence. To prevent the negative influence of ill-wishers from entering your life, you should protect yourself with the help of special items.

Often people become slaves of negative influences, which destroy the biofield and attract misfortune. You can protect yourself from envious people and negative energy with the help of strong amulets.

Our ancestors have long put up a powerful shield against the evil eye, damage and love spells with the help of magical things.

Express methods for damage, evil eye and love spells

Of course, this state of affairs should not be allowed to happen. There must be a protective object in your life that will not only scare away ill-wishers, but also attract good luck to you. However, if you feel a sharp deterioration in your health, you are haunted by failures, and disagreements and quarrels reign in the house, know that this is an action negative energy. Express methods will help you immediately remove the first signs of damage, the evil eye or a black love spell at home.

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Be sure to place a church candle in front of Orthodox icon and read effective prayers and amulets until the candle burns out.
Of course, holy water should be kept at home. For any negative impact, it is enough to drink a few sips and wash with it. This method is often used for infants and small children.
Dried medicinal plants, especially those left from the summer church holidays, have powerful powers and can easily heal you from the energetic influence of envious people. Soak healing herbs in water for several hours, and then drink the decoction.
Be sure to hold any metal object in your hands when communicating with a bad person. This way he won’t be able to damage you or put the evil eye on you.
Stones-amulets act as decorations and means of protection. They are strong defenders of your biofield.

Nettle amulet against damage, evil eye and bad influence

In ancient times, it was believed that nettle had strong protective properties. It should be collected from the forest as soon as it begins to grow. Nettle dried in the shade will become a strong amulet. Its power will push away from you actions aimed at destroying your life.

A decoction is made from this plant and drunk when protection is needed. For example, if you have to come into contact with a person of bad character or if you have already become a victim of damage, the evil eye, witchcraft and evil.

Dried nettles should be hung in the corners of the house, especially in those places where negativity accumulates the most. This way you will protect yourself and your home from any outside influence.
Amulet-bottle from the negative impact of ill-wishers

This amulet will protect your home and family. It can be made at home, charged with powerful force.

You will need a small glass bottle, preferably red, salt, black pepper (three peas), two cloves of garlic and church candle. This Slavic amulet should be made during the waxing Moon, in the dark.

Place garlic, pepper in the bottle and fill the remaining space with salt. Stick a candle on top and light the wick. When burned, the wax will seal the neck of the bottle. While the candle is burning, it is necessary to read the “Our Father” prayer.

When the candle burns out, you should shake the bottle several times, saying words of amulets. Your Slavic talisman against evil influence is ready. Give him a secluded place and periodically read prayers, strengthening the power of your amulet with words.
A strong amulet-pin against damage and love spells

This amulet is attached to clothing and worn constantly. You can make a similar means of protection for each family member. You must not allow strangers to see your amulet, so when wearing it, it is pinned to the wrong side of the clothing, closer to the heart.

The pin absorbs all the negativity that you receive during the day. It is necessary to monitor the color of the amulet. Blackness indicates that they have already repeatedly tried to jinx or bewitch you. In this case, you should get rid of the amulet and make a new one.

Before using a talisman pin for your own benefit, you should cast a spell that will activate energy flows and provide powerful protection. You need to pronounce it in front of a burning candle, holding a pin in your left hand:

“Oh, Great Guardian Angel, messenger of God, called to protect the sinful servant (name) from any troubles and misfortunes! Stand up, I pray, to defend my life and protect me from evil ill-wishers. Shield with your hand from any damage, evil eye, or divination. Threefold Amen."

After reading the plot, you should drop wax on the eye of the pin three times. When worn, it will come off on its own, there is no need to clean it off yourself.

Every person can become a victim of the evil eye. This is the name of a flow of negative energy that can bring misfortune and cause harm. Find out which amulets are among the top best amulets and how to make them yourself.

The best amulets against the evil eye are special objects charged with positive energy. Their purpose is to resist evil intentions directed towards the owner of such an amulet. In addition, they themselves have a beneficial effect on the life of their owner, bringing happiness and good luck. Many protective amulets can be made with your own hands.

  • Amulet against the evil eye red thread. This amulet has long been considered one of the most effective and popular weapons of protection against evil. In order for it to start working, you need to tie a red woolen thread on your left hand. The left side of the body is responsible for receiving energy from the outside, so when a red thread appears on the left wrist, it thereby blocks all negative influences from entering the body. Don't forget to tie seven knots on it, each of which symbolizes God's patronage over each of the periods human life. Ready-made red thread charged for good luck can be purchased online.

  • The best amulet against the evil eye for a child. An amulet called the Enchanted Pin will help ward off misfortunes from children and prevent them from suffering from the evil eye. You need to take a pin, read “Our Father” over it, cross it and pin it on the inside of your clothing - on a cuff, on trousers or on the hem of a dress. Thus, it will turn into the best amulet.
  • The best amulet for pregnant women against the evil eye. At all times, pregnant women tried to prevent an energy attack from evil people, since it could harm both mother and baby. In our time, the problem has not lost its relevance, just like the advice of our ancestors. For pregnant women, the best amulet against the evil eye is a small mirror. Place the item in your chest pocket. Now, if they try to jinx you, the negativity will return back to the one who sent it.
  • Stone-amulet from the evil eye. It is believed that each zodiac sign has its own amulet stone. But you can make your own individual amulet. For this it is better to use semi-precious stones. Gems have excellent protective properties, but the amulet stone must first be cleaned and spoken. Place the mineral under running water for five minutes, then wipe it dry and take it to the windowsill on the sunny side. After the stone receives the energy of water and the sun, it should be left on the windowsill overnight so that it is saturated with the forces of the moon. Now the best amulet is ready for you.

  • A strong amulet against damage and the evil eye. Ordinary salt can serve as such an object if you spell it correctly. You need to take a pinch of salt, heat it in a frying pan, then read the words “Where it came from and where it went” over it and pour it into a paper bag. Place the sachet in your pocket or bag to carry with you. Now the salt will absorb all the negativity directed in your direction. After six months, the amulet needs to be replaced with a new one.
  • Slavic amulet against the evil eye. For a long time, the Slavs considered an ordinary coin to be the best amulet, which a person always carried with him after performing a certain ritual. During such a ritual, it was believed that he was paying off an unclean spirit. If you want to take advantage of the experience of your ancestors, do this: take a coin and throw it over left shoulder, where, according to legend, the tempting demon sits. After this, lift it and hold it in a hot frying pan for a few minutes to heat the metal. Thus, it will become a reliable barrier to evil spells. Always carry the enchanted coin with you.
  • The best amulets against the evil eye for home. The best amulet for protecting your home from the invasion of negative energy is a cross made of needles. You need to fold two needles into a cross and tie it tightly with a thin rope or thread. Then hide the cross at the threshold with the words “The needle will ward off evil and will not enter my house. Amen".
  • Amulet from the evil eye and damage- tattoo Since ancient times, people have painted symbolic designs on their bodies to ward off evil spirits. Today, tattoos serve as the best amulets, but for this, before visiting a master, you need to thoroughly study their meaning. By the way, it is not at all necessary to get a real tattoo on yourself. The tattoo can be done with henna or, if desired, drawn by yourself with an ordinary pen. In this case, runes are suitable for drawing.

There is a huge number of all possible security symbols. And here the question arises of how to choose the right one from the most powerful Slavic amulets, which confuses many. In this article I will try to talk in detail about the most famous of them.

You can buy Alatyr in the online store.

Alatyr is the most powerful Slavic amulet against evil spirits. Despite the fact that its main purpose is to heal people and improve health, it is capable of being a reliable shield that protects its owner from all manifestations of evil and black magic. Such versatility is a unique feature inherent in all Slavic amulets.

Alatyr was the first of the protective symbols that became the prototype of all subsequent amulets. It is based on an eight-pointed star that carries centuries-old power. Slavic people. The image of Alatyr is present on many other famous talismans and amulets.

Kolovrat is one of the most powerful Slavic amulets, symbolizing the cycle of the sun and the victory of the forces of light over the darkness of the night. Its design resembles a wheel consisting of rays with curved ends. There are right-sided and left-sided Kolovrat.

The right side brings good luck, luck, and also helps in achieving a cherished goal. Left sided helps enhance psychic and magical abilities it is worn by psychics and Slavic magicians. This amulet is directly associated with Svarog, who gives his protection to all those who wear his sign.

The fern flower is the most powerful Slavic amulet. He reaches his peak of power on the Night of Ivan Kupala. In Slavic myths, the Fern Flower, or as it is also called Perunov Flower, is endowed with special power to fulfill the most cherished desires of its owner. Only a person with a kind heart and pure thoughts can find it. The Slavic symbol in the form of Perunov’s color is capable of leading its owner to the intended goal, no matter how difficult and impracticable it may seem.

The Lada Star is a female amulet in its shape reminiscent of a home. Its main purpose is to bring family happiness and help with household chores. One of the main amulets that protected the house and its inhabitants was carved above the doors, embroidered on clothes, and was also on dishes and other household items.

The Black Sun is one of the most famous silver amulets, which was of great importance in the history of the Slavic people. It first appeared more than five thousand years ago just before the arrival of the great Night of Svarog, predicted by Perun. At night Svarog is usually called great battle between light and dark gods for the right to decide the fate of our world.

In order for the Slavic family not to perish, the great Magi allowed the tribal leaders to use the most powerful Slavic amulets handed down to them by the gods and kept in deep secrecy. Among these artifacts was the Black Sun. Thanks to their strength, our ancestors managed to survive time of troubles and found the ancient Slavic state, which became the prototype of Kievan Rus.

This amulet opens a portal between our world and the world of our ancestors, and also strengthens the Ancestral channel of communication with them. The ancient Slavs believed that our ancestors were watching over us and were always ready to come to our rescue in difficult times of our lives. Therefore, a person wearing this protective symbol can count on their help and care.

The black sun helps to strengthen and realize hidden abilities within a person. People who wear it expand their horizons, true vision appears, doubts and false delusions disappear, and they see everything around them in the true light. Thanks to this vision, they clearly define their life guidelines and confidently move towards achieving their goals.

Its design is based on the left-handed Kolovrat, the rays of which move in the opposite direction of the movement of the sun (counter-salt), opening access to secret knowledge and powers hidden in the world of Navi. Thanks to its amazing power and unique properties The black sun is the strongest Slavic amulet capable of changing a person's destiny for the better.

Molvinets is an amulet whose purpose is to protect people from bad words. It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not know that a curse said by an angry person during a powerful emotional outburst can destroy a person’s life and doom him to extinction. Our Slavic ancestors also knew about this, so they created the powerful Slavic amulet Molvinets in the center, which contains the protective symbol Kolokhort for protection from the evil word popularly called the evil eye.

The ax of Perun was a talisman intended for Slavic knights who defended a just cause and their fatherland. It endowed its owner with inner vitality, protected him from the evil fate of fate and gave him the courage to perform feats of arms to defend his homeland.

These are one of the most powerful Slavic amulets and are very popular. But besides them, there are many others protective amulets, which can be purchased in the Your Master online store.

Since ancient times, Russian people have used in their everyday life a huge number of amulets and magical talismans designed to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck. We still know many of them today. The simplest one - a horseshoe - has retained its meaning to this day. Find a horseshoe dropped by a horse on the road - to great luck. A horseshoe was also hung above the front door, thus luring happiness and wealth into the house.

Combs, pendants, keys

Another frequently used amulet was the woman's comb. It was richly decorated with carvings, and on the flat handle either Christian symbols (crosses, icons) or horse heads and other animalistic motifs were depicted. The combs were designed to protect a woman from the evil eye, envy, malice, and also bring her health and good luck. Women in Rus' not only combed their braids with combs. They were also worn in hair as decoration and amulet.

Pendants with a horse's head, a crescent or crosses were universal amulets, but more often they were worn by men. Such amulets pendants were called lunar pendants. In the pre-Christian era, men and women were even buried together with lunar women. The symbolism of the pendants goes back to ancient times, back to the pagan period, so there are many zoomorphic images on them (birds, horse heads, fish).

Lunars were made from metal and decorated with bells, keys, and sometimes even the teeth of animals killed during the hunt. Due to this decor, the pendants had a “sounding” quality. With their melodic chimes they drove away evil spirits, which our ancestors were very afraid of. Pendants were constantly worn on clothes or hung around the neck. Warriors even decorated their armor with them. They were later replaced pectoral crosses and amulet. The keys themselves were powerful amulets. They protected the family hearth from evil forces, and the person from damage.

Household amulets

In addition to specially made amulets, a variety of household items were used as protective items. There were a huge number of them. As a talisman against the evil eye, a piece of soap was worn in the bosom. A red woolen thread tied on a hand also protected against the evil eye, envy, witchcraft and even disease. She was tied on her arm back in childhood and then wore it constantly. A candle brought from a church service provided excellent protection from all kinds of troubles.

To keep the house in order, a broom was hung on the wall. U front door they hung a bell (bell) so that with its ringing it would drive away evil people and various evil spirits. A needle stuck in a secluded place in the doorway also helped protect the house from enemies. A white thread tied with 3 knots was supposed to be threaded into the eye of this needle.

Knots and threads were for ancestors special meaning. They were often used as amulets. To prevent the baby from getting scarlet fever, they wrapped it around his neck 10 times. wool thread. The thread on the leg also protected against diseases. It was believed that knots drove away evil spirits from a person and gave him good health. They also had to be knitted skillfully. The person who possessed this secret knowledge was called a prisoner, i.e. knitting knots.

Track stones

Stones with symbolic images of angels, saints, etc., carved on them were often used as amulets. Trace stones, on which the feet of holy people were supposedly imprinted, were especially valued. Sometimes they were built into the walls of Christian churches.

Mirrors, rings, dolls

Signets (rings) were considered the most powerful amulets of man. A variety of images and inscriptions were carved on them, ranging from pagan symbols to words of prayer. Since the person constantly wore the ring on his hand, over time it seemed to absorb his energy. It was considered a bad sign if someone wore someone else's ring. This is where the tradition came from not letting another woman try on a wedding ring, so as not to take away a woman’s happiness.

They also used the rings to tell fortunes about their betrothed, trying to discern their fate in the smooth surface of the metal. Mirrors had a similar meaning. They were also amulets and at the same time means for fortune telling. It was believed that under certain circumstances one could see one’s own self in a mirror surface. future destiny or even a deceased person.

Mirrors were the most mysterious amulet, connecting the real world with the world of spirits. Ancestors treated mirrors very carefully and took care of them. You couldn’t break the mirror and look at the pieces so as not to ruin your happiness. When someone died in the house, the mirrors were always covered (the tradition has survived to this day). This was done so that the soul of the deceased would not be afraid when he did not see his reflection in the mirror surface. It was believed that she remained among the living until the wake.

A doll, as an image of a person, was also one of the most common amulets. A pair of images of the hostess and the owner in the form of small dolls was considered a talisman of the house. They brought peace and love, gave prosperity and prosperity. Puppet images of various spirits and elements of nature were often used in celebrations and magical rituals.

Effigy of Kostroma in the form female figure in a sundress on Peter's Day they were thrown into the river or taken out into the field. This symbolized the end of summer and the arrival of harvest time. A doll image of a baby was placed in the bed of the newlyweds on their wedding night so that the couple would conceive as quickly as possible. The same doll was carried with her by a woman who wanted to give birth, but she couldn’t. These and other amulets and amulets accompanied our ancestors throughout their lives.