Soft starters: the right choice. UPP: General settings: setting up the program UPP setting

The authority profile in the 1C:UPP program combines:

· Restricting access to objects, determined by the list of roles

· Access to functionality, is set by setting additional rights.

Examples of profiles:

· operator - ability to create shipping documents

· Sales Manager - In addition to creating documents, it is possible to change the price

· senior sales manager - ability to disable settlement control

Thus, the authority profile in 1C:UPP fully describes the user’s functionality.

For a profile, you can set the main interface, which will open by default in the user session for which the current profile is assigned. However, you can also set your own interface for each user.

Exchange of profiles in 1C:UPP

In the "Administration" submenu there are tools for exchanging profiles between databases:

· Upload profiles - allows you to upload profiles to an exchange file.

· Load profiles - allows you to load user profiles from an exchange file that was created using the "Upload" service.

Service functions

A user profile has a useful feature for copying configured additional rights to other profiles. It is convenient to use when creating several profiles. You can call the function using the "Copy" button on the command panel of additional rights. In the window that opens, you must select one or more profiles in which you want to install the same additional rights as in the current profile.

In order to see which user has installed this profile, you must click on the “Show users with current profile” button.

It is also possible to set the current profile to several users at once. To do this, in 1C:UPP you need to use processing from the “Administration” -> “Group processing of users” menu. In the window that opens, you can add users manually or using selection.

Roles in 1C:UPP

Each profile can be assigned multiple roles.

In this case, access to objects is determined by the rule: an action is allowed if it is allowed for at least one role of this profile.

There are three types of roles:

1. Mandatory. Without these roles it is impossible to work in the configuration. The only required role is "User". It is assigned by default to users of any profile.

2. Special. These roles provide users with functionality and determine access rights to directories and documents.

3. Additional. These roles determine user access to various service or regulatory configuration mechanisms.

Special roles in 1C:UPP

Shift master

The role determines the ability to enter operational production accounting documents: "Shift foreman's report", "Shift composition report" and "Shift completion".

User Administrator

Provides access to objects of the "User Administration" subsystem: directories "Users", "Profiles", setting up access at the record level and others.

Full rights

Grants full access rights to all system objects (with the exception of direct deletion from the database). This role can only be assigned to database administrators and should never be assigned to users.

Because the system does not perform any checks for this role:

· Monitoring the sufficiency of inventory items

· Control of accounts receivable level

· Control the date of prohibition of editing

· And others.

Additional roles in 1C:UPP

Administration right

Provides access to the administrative functions of the system: deleting objects from the database, configuration, managing totals and others.

Administration of additional forms and processing

The role allows you to add entries to the "External Processing" directory, which stores:

· External processing of filling tabular parts

· External reports and processing

· External processing connected to reports

Administering Saved Settings

Assigned to users who need to work with saved report settings based on a universal report. That is, it determines access to delete and create entries in the “Saved Settings” information register. This role is also required to be able to add custom fields in reports built on the access control system.

External connection right

If the user will connect to the database via an external connection (web extension, connection using OLE technology), he needs to install this role.

The right to launch external reports and processing

Allows users to run reports and processing located in external files. This feature should only be provided to responsible users.

Additional user rightsth

Allow document posting without control of settlements

This option affects the visibility of the "Disable settlement control" flag in the "Sales of goods and services" document. Typically, ordinary employees are prohibited from shipping inventory items if the terms of mutual settlements are not met, but for management users this should be possible.

Directory "Users" in 1C:UPP

The directory stores users working with the system. Elements of this directory are indicated in all documents in the “Responsible” field.

There is a classification of users into groups. Moreover, there are two types of groups.

1. The first ones affect the hierarchy in the “Users” directory and are used primarily for ease of navigation through the directory. In this case, each directory entry belongs to one parent group.

2. Also exists directory "User groups", which is designed to restrict access at the record level. In this case, one user can be a member of several user groups. User inclusion in groups is ensured through the menu item “Users” -> “User Groups”.

Figure 1 - Directory "User groups"

Record-level access restrictions

The mechanism of line-by-line data access control is used when it is necessary to organize access only to certain elements. This mechanism is often called RLS. For example, each sales manager works with his own group of clients. The user is prohibited from viewing documents for clients not in his own group. This problem is solved by restricting access at the record level.

Access restriction at the record level is configured for the "User Groups" directory. If a user is a member of several groups, then the data areas that will be available to him are combined. For example, for the group "MSK" data is available for the organization "MebelStroyKomplekt", and for the group "Southern Federal District MSK" - for the organization "Southern Federal District MebelStroyKomplekt". Then if the user is assigned to both groups, he will enter documents on behalf of both organizations.

Enabling restrictions at the record level can be done from the "Account Manager" interface, main menu "Access at the record level" -> "Options". Here you can configure which directories you need to configure the restriction for.

RLS is directly configured using the access rights configuration form. You can open the form from the main menu "Access at the record level" -> "Access settings". You can also call the access control form from directories for which RLS can be configured.

Within the same user group, restrictions are combined using the logical "AND" condition. For example, for the "MSK" group, access is configured for the organization "MebelStroyKomplekt", and for the access group of counterparties of counterparties "Buyer". Then users of this group will be able to enter documents only on behalf of “MebelStroyKomplekt”, and only for counterparties included in the “Buyer” access group.

If a user is a member of several groups, then his rights at the record level are combined across all groups. That is, the rights of different groups are summarized using the logical “OR” condition. For example, the “MSK” group has access to documents only from the “MebelStroyKomplekt” organization, and the “Complex Trading House” group. If both groups are assigned to a user, he will have access to documents from both organizations.

Record-level access restrictions apply only to specified directories. For example, in the figure, access to organizations and external processing is defined for the “MSK” user group. For all other directories, the "MSK" user group has full access at the "RLS" level. In order to access the group settings, you need to open the form using the context menu or the F2 key.

In the form of the directory element "User groups" it is indicated for which types of objects RLS will be applied, as well as the number of configured rules. It is also possible to change the composition of the group: include or exclude users from it.

If no rules are specified for any type of object, this means that there will be no access to the elements of this directory at all. For example, in the figure for the "MSK" group there is not a single row for the "External Processing" object. This means that external processing will not be available for the user of the "MSK" group. However, if the user is a member of two groups: “MSK” and “Trading House”, then all external processing will be available to him, both for reading and writing. Because the user group "Trading House" has not been assigned access restrictions to external processing.

Figure 2 - Processing to restrict access at the record level


Please note that if you enable the record-level access restriction mechanism, the system may slow down. This is due to the implementation of the RLS mechanism: a condition is inserted into each request sent to the database, where the corresponding rights are checked. Thus, each database access is a little slower, and the load on the server increases.

It is also important that the more groups a user belongs to, the slower the system will work in his session. Therefore, to increase speed, first of all, it is recommended to reduce the number of groups to which the user belongs.

Roles for which RLS is not configured

When configuring record-level access restrictions, be aware that some roles do not have RLS configured.

· The Full Rights role has full access to all objects without record-level restrictions.

· For the "Planning" role, it is possible to read (view) all objects without RLS restrictions.

· The "Financier" role allows the opening of many objects without checking access at the record level.

Therefore, when configuring a user's permission profile, be aware that adding one of these three roles may remove RLS restrictions. For example, a sales manager is configured to restrict access by organization: the user has access to data only for the MebelStroyKomplekt organization. If you add the “Financier” role to the user’s permissions profile in addition to the “Sales Manager” role, then the employee will see documents for all organizations in the “Counterparty Documents” journal.

Access control by levels in 1C:UPP - organizations, divisions, individuals

Setting up access for the directories "Organizations", "Divisions", "Division of Organizations"

The peculiarity of the "Organizations" directory is that it is not hierarchical. However, determining subordination in it is possible using the “Parent organization” attribute.

The directories “Divisions” and “Divisions of Organizations” are distinguished by the fact that a hierarchy of elements is organized in it. This means that any element of the directory can have subordinate divisions. In this case, all records are equal, that is, there is no division into groups and elements.

The features listed above mean that the value of the “Type of inheritance” attribute can be filled with either the value “Extend to subordinates” or “Only for the current element”.

The following restrictions are possible in reference books:

· Reading – determines the ability to view data in the “Organizations” directory, generate reports, as well as documents for the selected company

· Record – sets the ability to create and edit documents for the selected organization

Report on the rights system in 1C:UPP

To view configured user rights, it is convenient to use the “Rights System Report”.

The report displays the following data:

· By access restriction settings at the record level by user group

· Additional user rights by profile

·By user groups

· By user permission profiles

The report on the rights system was developed using the “Data Composition System”, so its flexible configuration is possible.

Figure 3 - Report on the rights system

View permissions by role

In order to find out which roles have access to certain objects, you need to use the configurator. In the “General” -> “Roles” branch, you can view the rights configured for each role.

If there is a need to get a pivot table in which objects will be displayed in the rows and roles in the columns, then you need to use the context menu for the root object “Roles”.

Thank you!

The “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration based on the 1C platform is considered one of the largest and most difficult systems to master. It allows the company to control all ongoing business processes, which is what its popularity is based on. Working with it, as with any other integrated management system, is preceded by installing the software at key workplaces, where employees will subsequently reflect the state of affairs of the company in 1C UPP.

How to install 1C UPP?

Before proceeding with the installation of 1C systems, administrators must download the required version of 1C from the official website or ITS disks. To decide what exactly to download, you need to decide on the type of information base. This can be a file version or client-server. The first is suitable for companies with a small number of 1C users, the second case is the most common, since UPP is a large-scale system and is intended for large enterprises that work specifically with the client-server option.

In any case, we will need to download the 1C platform and the SCP configuration. Make sure that the platform version is suitable for the configuration release. The official website where all updates are posted is To download them, you need to purchase a soft starter configuration from 1C. Please remember that only the systems you have purchased are available for download.

After downloading the necessary files, you need to install the platform. This process is quite simple and any administrator can handle it:

Then comes the turn of the archive with the configuration. The process of installing the UPP system is even simpler - you just need to unpack the archive, run the installation file and click “Next” several times. Now you can create a new UPP database and work with it after the 1C UPP has been configured.

In cases where the number of users exceeds a hundred, the installation process of 1C UPP can take weeks. If you have a local network and Active Directory configured, this can be significantly simplified. This mechanism will allow you to use group policies to install software when loading a Windows account. Proper configuration of this functionality will not only allow you to quickly install 1C UPP on hundreds of PCs, but will also make the life of administrators much easier.

It is worth noting that the server must be powerful enough. First, it will have to process commands from all users. And secondly, a huge load will fall on him during the initial installation of the 1C platform for all users. It is always better to have a significant reserve of power than to constantly listen to users’ complaints about 1C “brakes”.

The installation is always followed by setting up 1C UPP for your enterprise. In order to correctly set all the indicators, a thorough audit of business processes in the enterprise is necessary. Few people manage to do this without the involvement of outside professionals. Remember that mistakes at this stage can cause serious damage to further work.


Electric drive

Soft starters: the right choice

Previously, we discussed the characteristics of frequency converters, and today it is the turn of soft starters (soft starters, soft starters - a single term has not yet been established, and in this article we will use the term “soft starter” - soft starter).

Sometimes from the lips of sellers you hear the opinion that it is easy to choose a soft starter, they say, this is not a frequency converter, here you just need to organize the start-up. This is wrong. Selecting a soft starter is more difficult. Let's try to figure out what this difficulty is.

Purpose of the UPP

As the name suggests, the task of the device is to organize a smooth start of an AC asynchronous motor. The fact is that with direct starting (that is, when the engine is connected to the mains using a conventional starter), the engine consumes a starting current that is 5-7 times higher than the rated current and develops a starting torque that is significantly higher than the rated one. All this leads to two groups of problems:

1) Starting is too fast, and this leads to various troubles - water hammer, jerks in the mechanism, shock selection of backlashes, breakage of conveyor belts, etc.

2) The start is difficult and it is not possible to complete it. Here, first you need to define the term “hard start” and the possibilities of “easing it” with the help of a soft starter. A “hard start” usually includes three types of start:

a) start-up, “heavy” for the supply network - a current is required from the network, which it can provide with difficulty or cannot provide at all. Characteristic signs: during start-up, the circuit breakers at the system input are turned off, during the start-up process the lights go out and some relays and contactors are turned off, the supply generator stops. Most likely, the UPP will really improve matters here. However, it should be remembered that in the best case, the starting current can be reduced to 250% of the rated motor current, and if this is not enough, then there is only one solution - you need to use a frequency converter.
b) The engine cannot start the mechanism during direct start - it does not spin at all or “freezes” at a certain speed and remains at it until the protection is activated. Alas, the soft starter will not help him - the engine does not have enough torque on the shaft. Perhaps a frequency converter will cope with the task, but this case requires research.
c) The engine confidently accelerates the mechanism, but does not have time to reach the rated frequency - the automatic machine at the input is triggered. This often happens on heavy fans with fairly high rotation speeds. A soft starter will most likely help here, but the risk of failure remains. The closer the mechanism is to the rated speed at the moment the protection is triggered, the greater the likelihood of success.

Organization of launch using soft starter

The principle of operation of the soft starter is that the voltage supplied from the network through the soft starter to the load is limited using special power switches - triacs (or back-to-back thyristors connected in parallel) - see fig. 1. As a result, the load voltage can be adjusted.

A little theory: the starting process is the process of converting the electrical energy of a power source into the kinetic energy of a mechanism operating at rated speed. Very simply, this process can be described as follows: the motor resistance R during acceleration increases from very small when the engine is stopped to quite large at rated speed, so the current, which according to Ohm’s law is equal to:


turns out to be very large, and the energy transfer

E = P x t = I x U x t (2)

very fast. If a soft starter is installed between the network and the motor, then formula (1) operates at its output, and formula (2) at its input. It is clear that the current in both formulas is the same. The soft starter limits the voltage on the motor, gradually increasing it as it accelerates following an increase in resistance, thus limiting the current consumption. Therefore, according to formula (2), at constant required energy E and network voltage U, the lower the current I, the longer the starting time t. From this it can be seen that by reducing the voltage, both problems associated with starting too quickly and problems associated with too much current drawn from the network will be solved.

However, our calculations did not take into account the load, the acceleration of which requires additional torque and, accordingly, additional current, so the current cannot be reduced too much. If the load is large, then there may not be enough torque on the motor shaft even with a direct start, not to mention starting at a reduced voltage - this is the hard start option “b” described above. If, when the current decreases, the torque turns out to be sufficient for acceleration, but the time in formula (2) increases, then the machine may work - from its point of view, the time for the flow of current, significantly exceeding the rated one, is unacceptably long (hard start option “c”).

Main characteristics of the UPP. Current control capability. Essentially, this is the ability of the soft starter to regulate the voltage so that the current changes according to a given characteristic. This function is usually called starting as a function of current. The simplest soft starters, which do not have this capability, simply regulate the voltage as a function of time - i.e. The voltage on the motor smoothly increases from initial to nominal in a given time. In many cases, this is enough, especially when solving problems of group 1. But if the main reason for installing a soft starter is current limitation, then it is impossible to do without its precise regulation. This function is especially important when, due to limited network power (small transformer, weak generator, thin cable, etc.), exceeding the maximum permissible current is fraught with an accident. In addition, soft starters with current control are able to realize its smooth increase at the beginning of the start-up process, which is especially important when operating from generators, which are very sensitive to sudden load surges.

The need for bypass surgery.

Upon completion of the starting process and reaching the rated voltage on the engine, it is advisable to remove the soft starter from the power circuit. For this, a bypass contactor is used, connecting the input and output of the soft starter in phases (see Fig. 2).

Upon command from the soft starter, this contactor closes and current flows bypassing the device, which allows its power elements to completely cool down. However, even in the absence of a shunt circuit, when the rated power current flows through the triacs during the entire engine operation, their heating compared to the starting mode is small, so many soft starters allow operation without shunting. The price for this opportunity is a slightly lower rated current and a significant increase in weight and dimensions due to the radiator necessary to remove heat from the power switches. Some soft starters are built on the opposite principle - they already have a bypass contactor built in, and they are not designed to operate without a bypass, therefore, due to the reduction of cooling radiators, their dimensions are minimal. This has a positive effect on both the price and the resulting connection diagram, but their operating time in startup mode is shorter compared to other devices.

Number of adjustable phases.

According to this parameter, soft starters are divided into two-phase and three-phase. In two-phase, as the name suggests, the keys are installed in only two phases, while the third is connected directly to the engine. Pros: reduced heating, reduced size and price.

Disadvantages - nonlinear and phase-unbalanced current consumption, which, although partially compensated by special control algorithms, still negatively affects the network and the motor. However, with infrequent launches these shortcomings can be neglected.

Digital control. The soft starter control system can be digital or analog. Digital soft starters are usually implemented on a microprocessor and allow you to very flexibly control the process of operation of the device and implement many additional functions and protections, as well as provide convenient indication and communication with upper-level control systems. The control of analog soft starters uses operational elements, so their functionality is limited, adjustment is carried out by potentiometers and switches, and communication with external control systems is usually carried out using additional devices.

Additional functions

Protection. In addition to its main function - organizing a soft start - soft starters contain a complex of mechanism and engine protections. As a rule, this complex includes electronic protection against overload and power circuit faults. An additional set may include protection against exceeding the start-up time, against phase imbalance, changes in phase sequence, too little current (protection against cavitation in pumps), against overheating of the UPP radiators, against a decrease in the network frequency, etc. Many models can be connected to a thermistor or thermal relay built into the motor. However, it should be remembered that the soft starter cannot protect itself or the network from a short circuit in the load circuit. Of course, the network will be protected by an input circuit breaker, but the soft starter will inevitably fail in the event of a short circuit. The only consolation is that a short circuit, if installed correctly, does not occur instantly, and in the process of reducing the load resistance, the soft starter will definitely turn off, but you should not turn it on again without establishing the reason for the shutdown.

Reduced speed. Some soft starters are capable of implementing so-called pseudo-frequency control - switching the motor to a reduced speed. There may be several of these reduced speeds, but they are always strictly defined and cannot be corrected by the user.

In addition, working at these speeds is highly time-limited. As a rule, these modes are used during debugging or when it is necessary to accurately install the mechanism in the desired position before starting work or at the end of it.

Braking. Quite a few models are capable of supplying direct current to the motor winding, which leads to intense braking of the drive. This function is usually needed in systems with active loads - elevators, inclined conveyors, etc. systems that can move by themselves in the absence of a brake. Sometimes this function is needed to pre-start a fan that is rotating in the opposite direction due to draft or the action of another fan.

Kick start. Used in mechanisms with high starting torque. The function is that at the very beginning of the start-up, full mains voltage is supplied to the engine for a short time (fractions of a second), and the mechanism is disrupted, after which further acceleration occurs in normal mode.

Energy Saving in pump and fan load. Since the soft starter is a voltage regulator, at low loads you can reduce the supply voltage without affecting the operation of the mechanism.

This saves energy, but we should not forget that thyristors in voltage limiting mode are a nonlinear load for the network with all the ensuing consequences.

There are other features that manufacturers include in their products, but the volume of one article is not enough to list them.

Selection method

Now let's return to where we started - to the choice of a specific device.

Many of the tips given for selecting a frequency converter apply here too: first select series that meet the technical requirements for functionality, then select from them those that cover the power range for a particular project, and from the remaining ones, select the desired series in accordance with other criteria - manufacturer, supplier, service, price, dimensions, etc.

If you need to choose a soft starter for a pump or fan that starts no more than two or three times an hour, then you can simply choose a model whose rated current is equal to or greater than the rated current of the motor being started. This case covers about 80% of applications, and does not require consultation with a specialist. If the frequency of starts per hour exceeds 10, then it is necessary to take into account both the necessary current limitation and the required delay in start time. In this case, the help of a supplier is highly desirable, who, as a rule, has a program for selecting the desired model or at least a calculation algorithm. Data needed for the calculation: motor rated current, number of starts per hour, required starting duration, required current limitation, required stopping duration, ambient temperature, proposed bypass.

If the engine starts more than 30 times per hour, then it is worth considering using a frequency converter as an alternative, since even choosing a more powerful soft starter model may not solve the problem. And its price will be comparable to the price of a converter with significantly less functionality and a serious impact on the quality of the network.


In addition to the obvious connection of the device to the network and the motor, it is necessary to determine the bypass.

Despite the fact that the bypass contactor will switch the rated and not the starting current of the motor, it is still advisable to use a model designed for direct starting - at least to implement emergency operating modes. When connecting, you should pay special attention to the phasing - if you mistakenly connect, for example, phase A at the input of the soft starter with another phase at the output, then the first time the bypass contactor is turned on, a short circuit will occur and the device will be damaged.

Some soft starters allow a so-called six-wire connection, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 3. This connection requires more cables, but allows the soft starter to be used with a motor whose power is much greater than the power of the soft starter itself.

When installing a soft starter, you should keep in mind one more property of it, which often leads to misunderstandings (see hard start “c”). When calculating the input circuit breaker for a motor connected directly to the network, the rated current of the motor, which flows for a long time, and the starting current, which flows for only a few seconds, are taken into account. When using a soft starter, the starting current is significantly less, but it flows much longer - up to a minute or more. The machine cannot “understand” this and believes that the startup has long been completed, and the flowing current, which is several times higher than the rated current, is a consequence of an emergency situation, and turns off the system. To avoid this, you should either install a special machine with the ability to set an additional mode for the soft start process, or select a machine with a rated current corresponding to the starting current when using a soft starter. In the second case, this machine will not be able to protect the motor from overloads, but this function is performed by the soft starter itself, so the motor protection will not be affected.

In the latest March releases of 1C programs, work was implemented in accordance with 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 335-FZ dated November 27, 2017, according to which, from January 1, 2018, a new category of tax agents for VAT is introduced - buyers (recipients) of raw hides and scrap. Finding new functionality in the program was not so easy for many.

Using the example of 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management (1C:UPP), I will show you what settings you need to make to work according to 335-FZ in 1C:

In order for the printed form “Invoices” to appear, used for the sale of scrap and raw animal skins, you need to make changes to the settings in the UPP. In the full interface go to:

Operations >> Constants >> Accounting parameter settings

Fig.1 Settings of accounting parameters for 335-FZ in 1C

In the VAT settings, you need to check the box “Issue special type of invoices when selling scrap ferrous metals, raw hides or recycled aluminum (Clause 8 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)”

Fig.2. Setting up VAT for 335-FZ in 1C

Next, in the agreement with the counterparty, you need to check the box “Under the agreement, there is a sale of scrap ferrous metals, raw hides or recycled aluminum (Clause 8 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).” ATTENTION!!! This sign appears only if the “Contract Type” is set to “With Buyer”!

Fig.3. Filling out an agreement for 335-FZ in 1C

The document “Sales of goods and services” under this agreement must indicate any VAT rate, except for the rate “Without VAT”

Then, when printing the “Invoice” in the “Tax rate” column, “VAT is calculated by the tax agent” will be displayed.

Fig.4. Invoice 335-ФЗ in 1C

That's all. I hope this article was useful to you!


In 1C, there are several sets of settings that determine the accounting rules in the Accounting Parameter Settings program - the very first one.

Quite often, 1C UPP and Integrated Automation databases come into view, the settings in which were not thought through during implementation and, as documents accumulated, serious problems accumulated. Typically, this is an unfortunate result of savings on implementation. The materials presented here do not replace the work of specialists. Their task is rather to give food for thought and make your communication with a 1C specialist more substantive and responsible.

I do not plan to reprint the 1C certificate here. When you get to the Accounting Parameters Settings, don’t be too lazy to click on the question in the lower right corner of the form. The basic settings are described there quite clearly.

And here we will look at a number of pitfalls, the consequences of which are not so obvious. You may come across them after a significant amount of time working in the program, when correcting them will require significant effort.

1. Where to find Accounting Settings

Let's answer this classic question first. The settings are hidden in a separate interface to protect them from accidental intervention.

You need to go to the Account Manager interface. In this interface we find the Accounting Settings - Accounting Settings menu:

The settings window opens, where we will be primarily interested in pitfall No. 1:

2. Cost accounting mode

When creating a new database, 1C fills in the cost accounting mode by default. That is, Advanced Analytics is automatically installed in the Regulated Accounting version with additional analytics.

And just below we see detailed settings for batch accounting.

And here two questions arise at once:

1. What exactly is Advanced Analytics (otherwise it is also called RAUZ)? It may be better to choose traditional batch accounting.

2. What does Regulated accounting with additional analytics mean - is this RAUZ or are we talking about some other setting?

Let's start with the first question:

3. Advanced cost accounting or batch accounting

Which cat should you get out of the bag?

Advanced Analytics- is primarily important for production, since:

+ Calculate costs faster. True, this is seriously noticeable at very large volumes.

In Integrated Automation 1.1, production accounting is only possible in Advanced Analytics. In batch accounting mode, the Cost Calculation document is simply not carried out.

And an advantage for everyone: you don’t have to think about the order of entering documents within a month, since within a month even FIFO is calculated according to the average. FIFO recalculation is done at the end of the month.

There are also difficulties:

× Does not know how to reserve specific series for customer orders. The fact is that when reserving by series, the order is written directly to the batch accounting registers and reserves specific batches. But you cannot write an order to the Advanced Analytics registers. There is no such party analytics provided.

× FIFO inventory accounting is supported not up to the batch, but up to the day of receipt and the supplier. Again, the reason is simple - there is no batch document in batch analytics.

In general, this is enough, but there are companies for which it is critical to control the write-off of the cost of a specific batch. For example, medicines.

Batch accounting in the FIFO version, it is indispensable in cases where it is necessary to accurately determine the actual cost of the batch at the time of write-off. And have real-time gross profit data.

This requirement is not uncommon in trading companies. But to implement it, a high level of process organization is required.

At a minimum you need to:

  • already at the time of the first write-off of the batch, all documents affecting its cost were entered
  • Do not use retroactive entry of goods movement documents.

I have come across more or less successful implementations of this accounting concept on 1C UPP several times. It works, but only when it's really needed.

The first requirement is not that difficult to implement. The second turned out to be much more difficult for our enterprises.

As a rule, only the accounting department needs to work backwards really often. But, while working in other programs, operational services manage to accumulate a large baggage of habits of doing everything retroactively. It will take a lot of administrative courage for management to break these habits.

Reports on the movement of goods and materials and costs

Cost accounting modes are fundamentally different in terms of reporting on the cost of inventories and cost accounting in production. in 1C UPP and KA 1.1, two separate sets of reports are provided for this. One for classic batch accounting, the other for advanced analytics.

With some caution, I can say that it is easier to master Advanced Analytics reports from scratch. If only because there are significantly fewer of them.


If you calculate the cost based on the average, then leave Advanced Analytics, don’t even think about it.

As a rule, strict control of cost during the month does not bring benefits comparable to the costs of maintaining records in such a way as to achieve this control. Therefore, you should not rush headlong into party records for his sake.

  • if you have an objective, balanced need to control margins at the transaction level in real time,
  • or, if it is critical for your business to reserve series of goods for customer orders and simpler means cannot be used,

then we should consider switching to batch accounting.

So, we left ROUZ in the settings. But still... the phrase Regulated accounting with additional analytics is confusing. That is, we come to the second question:

4. Advanced analytics mode

In the preset accounting settings, it is not at all obvious to an outside observer that there are options within Advanced Analytics itself. Let's do this:

1. Select the cost accounting mode Batch accounting. In the window that opens, uncheck the Use advanced cost analytics checkbox:

The warning does not scare us; the database is still empty.

2. Click on Change setting and again we see a warning about the need to resend all documents:

3. We agree and look with surprise at the following window:

Here they are - options for setting up Advanced Analytics. And these options contain very significant differences.

Read the explanations under each option carefully. Here's an important point. Only the last option allows us to enter management accounting data regardless of the regulated one. Technically, this is expressed in the fact that we have two separate Cost Accounting registers: regulated and managerial.

Plus a highlight - the ability to keep track of costs for projects and management departments is also expected only for the last option:

4. In my case, I will choose the last option - separate maintenance of regulated and management cost accounting. And again a warning:

We agree, indicate the start period of work in the database:

5. We finally achieve the result: changing the detailing option of Advanced Cost Analytics:

I think you can quite imagine what it costs to change the Advanced Analytics settings later. It is important to think about what settings will be needed before starting work and select the one you need right away. In a database with a large number of documents this will be much more difficult.

4. Use batch accounting

Let's look at the features of batch accounting settings:

1. Write-off of batches by document.

You are asked to make a decision: write-off of batches is carried out by the document itself or later, by separate processing. In light of all of the above, the choice of batch accounting rather than RAUZ, as a rule, is due to considerations of operational cost control. This means that a batch-by-batch document is required, writing off the batch.

But, for companies with a really large document flow, this can lead to a decrease in performance. In this case, once again it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of such a setting.

2. Write off batches using an expense note.

This setting does not control the very fact of using the order scheme in warehouses. This possibility is always available in 1C UPP and Integrated Automation 1.1, regardless of the accounting parameters settings.

This setting controls when the cost of a batch is written off from the warehouse and posted in accounting.

The fact is that if you use expense orders without this flag, then when you register the sales document, batches with an intermediate type of operation will be written off. The batches will remain in the batch accounting registers. In accounting they will be written off to off-balance sheet accounting. And finally they will be written off only by an expense order. When will it be issued?

If the flag is set, then write-off of batches and accounting entries will be performed only by an issue order, and Sales of goods and services will only move goods from Goods in warehouses to Goods for transfer in quantitative terms.

I will warn you that this scheme has unexpected accounting consequences. In accounting reports: SALT, account cards, the document in the posting is the document Expense voucher for goods, and not Sales of goods and services. Accountants, of course, are nervous at first. Inconvenient.

But, if the use of off-balance sheet accounts in a warehouse accounting scheme is undesirable, then such a scheme will be justified.

3. Detailed accounting.

It is proposed to introduce organizations for which management records of parties will be maintained by organization. If you have one organization, then this does not matter. If there are several, then this setting can seriously affect the write-off cost.

If organizations are not specified, then the value of the written-off batches in management accounting will be determined without taking into account which organization this batch belongs to. This cost may differ from what will be written off in accounting, since it is always maintained by organization.

This option may be convenient for operational trading with internal resale. That is, during the month, managers sell goods without thinking about which organization it belongs to. At the same time, the remains of organizations are not controlled. And at the end of the month, resale documents are drawn up to equalize negative balances in regulated accounting. This is, so to speak, ineffective.

But if it is important for you to estimate the cost of goods separately for each organization, then you must indicate the organization here. Otherwise, management accounting for the cost of batches will “creep”:

That's all about the Cost Accounting Mode tab for today. Follow the following materials on Setting up accounting parameters. Don't forget to leave your comments and ask questions. And also share on social networks if you found the material useful: so that other 1C users can also see it.

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