Monastic healing collection: composition and beneficial properties. Will monastery tea help with sinusitis, runny nose and sore throat? How to take monastery tea

Monastery tea is rightly called a unique herbal mixture, which is a panacea for many diseases. In addition to its general health benefits, tea can treat infertility in both women and men. The product contains beneficial herbs that have a tremendous effect on the reproductive system. Monastic tea for infertility has no analogues, strengthens the body and restores hormonal balance.

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The history of herbal tea for infertility

The collection for infertility is a unique remedy, the history of which dates back several centuries. Tea is produced using the ancient technology of monks in Belarus. It is based exclusively on medicinal herbs. The product is known for the absence of synthetic components and chemical additives.

Anti-fertility tea has undergone numerous tests and inspections by leading medical specialists. Thanks to its natural composition, the product is completely absorbed by the body and has no side effects.

The course of taking the healing decoction is not limited in time; it can be used as treatment and prevention. It is recommended to take breaks of 2 weeks between periods of use.

Collecting herbs for infertility affects the body as follows:

  • removes accumulated harmful substances from the body;
  • improves tissue absorption effect;
  • eliminates the causes of carbon imbalance;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • cleanses the reproductive system;
  • improves erection;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The effectiveness of herbal tea has been proven

Herbs for infertility are a certified clinical product. The latest medical studies were conducted in the fall of 2014, during which more than 1,000 people were involved.

A positive effect was noticed in every participant in the experiment. About 30% of couples were able to conceive a child. In 70% of couples, a positive trend was established, many problems that prevented conception were eliminated.

Method of using monastery tea for infertility

The recipe for making the decoction is very simple and does not differ from regular tea. It is recommended to brew the product at the beginning of the day and drink it throughout the day. For one tablespoon of herbs there is 1 liter of boiling water.

Tea is most beneficial when served hot, so the liquid must be heated before drinking. You should drink the herbal decoction regularly. In this case, it is necessary to refrain from using classic tea or coffee. The compositions of the monastery teas are specially selected for men and women, so it is important to drink “your” tea, without confusing it with the tea for the opposite sex.

Infertility in couples

Infertility does not belong to a class of diseases; it is caused by a number of genetic endocrine disorders.

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Causes of female infertility:

  • tumors of the genital organs;
  • amenorrhea;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • adhesive process;
  • cervical pathology;
  • ovarian pathology.

Women's problems with conception are caused by acute diseases of the appendages, which result in damage to the fallopian tubes. The consequence of this is disturbances in the hormonal mechanism; eggs cannot leave the ovaries and enter the uterine cavity.

Causes of male infertility:

  • seminal plasma isolation;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • testicular damage;
  • diseases of the accessory glands;
  • prostatitis.

Problems with conceiving a child can be caused by a violation of the quality of sperm and a disorder in its proper release.

Monastic tea for women: composition and therapeutic effect

Herbs for infertility for women have a healing effect and help get rid of a terrible diagnosis. The composition of tea has been used by people for many centuries; today its formula has become more perfect and effective.

Effect of taking the product:

  1. restoration of hormonal balance;
  2. active work of the endocrine glands;
  3. treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  4. normalization of the menstrual cycle, elimination of disruptions and pain;
  5. normalization of ovarian function;
  6. elimination of obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  7. strengthening the tone of the cervix.

Composition of monastery tea for women:

  • linden;
  • nettle;
  • red brush;
  • hog uterus;
  • coltsfoot;
  • plantain;
  • oregano;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • knotweed;
  • lungwort;
  • juniper;
  • rose hip;
  • motherwort.

Treatment of infertility with herbs provokes increased production of estrogen, activates ovulation, and increases the chances of conception. The herb boron uterus treats infertility by increasing the level of phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone hormones in the body, which control the entire reproductive system. It prevents the formation of tumors and cysts, promotes their elimination and resorption. Accelerates the treatment of gynecological diseases.

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Monastic tea has the following benefits:

  1. has a gentle effect on the female reproductive system;
  2. treats primary and secondary infertility;
  3. prescribed for use by women of all ages.

Monastery tea for men

Herbs for male infertility have a tremendous effect on the body, as they cleanse it and improve the permeability of sperm channels. The product is known for its high effectiveness, as it contains more than 30 medicinal herbs.

Mild and safe ingredients have a gentle effect on the body; the absence of chemical additives is a guarantee of safety. Tea is not addictive.

Here are the main herbs present in monastery tea, which increase testosterone levels and eliminate problems with conception in men:

  • linden;
  • sainfoin;
  • lungwort;
  • orchis;
  • immortelle;
  • Peter's cross;
  • golden root;
  • Aralia;
  • Ivan-tea.

A dangerous enemy of men's health is prostatitis, which leads to impotence. Treatment of male infertility with herbs improves the functionality of the gonads. Clinical studies have shown that consuming the collection for a month eliminated the disease in 70% of subjects who were diagnosed with early and middle stages of prostatitis.

How does monastery tea affect men's health:

  1. improves hormonal levels;
  2. increases potency;
  3. activates sperm production;
  4. tones the genitourinary canals, eliminates their obstruction;
  5. increases the level of sperm activity;
  6. eliminates genitourinary infections;
  7. stimulates the production of gonads.

Everyone now knows about the benefits of medicinal herbs. In medical practice there is even a separate section dealing with treatment using plants and preparations made from them. It's called herbal medicine. Modern science is only learning the basics of this matter, but our ancestors were very strong in it. The monastery collection of Father George, compiled according to the recipes of ancient healers, is proof of how, with the help of correctly selected types of herbs and their precisely balanced quantities, the human body can be brought back to life, and saved from ailments that doctors cannot yet cope with. There are dozens of offers on the Internet about where you can order and buy the precious monastery collection of Father George. The price varies from 150 to several thousand rubles. Reviews from grateful customers are posted to confirm the miracle power of the product. But despite the titanic efforts of marketers, not everyone believes in the power of the monastery collection, and it does not help everyone. What's the matter? Why does Father George’s medicine heal some and not others? Is this product as harmless as it is advertised? What can you actually buy in online pharmacies instead of life-saving medicine?

Who is Father George?

We decided to start answering the questions posed with information about a person whose name is now shamelessly exploited by dozens of companies offering the “real” monastic collection of Father George. This healer is not a fictional character for advertising purposes. Father George really existed. In the world his name was Yuri Yuryevich Savva. He was born in Transcarpathia in wartime 1942. From childhood, Yuri, who grew up in a truly believing family, dreamed of serving God. Therefore, after graduating from school, he became a novice at the Transfiguration Monastery in the village of Trebnya.

Under socialism, there was a prejudiced attitude towards churches and monasteries, many of them were closed. In 1962, Yuri Savva went to serve in the army, as his monastery also suffered a sad fate. But already in 1968 he became a monk and received a new name - George. In the desired field, he performed many godly deeds, for which he received high church ranks. It is impossible to imagine that the herbal monastery collection of Father George is a deception, because it was created by a man who wholeheartedly believes in God. In 1987 he became an archimandrite. He was appointed rector of the Holy Ascension parish, in the city of Timashevsk, and in 1992 he became rector of the Holy Spirit Monastery, where he worked until his death. Father George died in 2011, after a serious illness.

The history of the herbal collection

In his youth, Father George had to be a novice in several monasteries. In one of them he met a schema-monk, who in the world had the title of professor of medicine. He passed on to the young novice the valuable secrets of the folk sages about herbal medicine. On the basis of this knowledge, the monastery collection of Father George was created. The archimandrite took up this work closely at the Holy Spirit Monastery. Here he prepared his medicine, and here he received everyone who wanted to be healed, and he gave everyone an individual recipe. They drove to him from everywhere, not paying attention to the huge queues, because they believed in their salvation. The monastic collection of Father George includes 16 types of herbs. The monks collected some plants from the list in the foothills of the Krasnodar region, and some were grown on the territory of the monastery. The herbs were harvested exclusively by hand, and within the time allotted for each plant. Therefore, the collection of plants extended over the entire growing season. Ready-made herbal mixtures were sold right there in the monastery shop. After the death of Father George, the monks continued this important work for people.

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

The magic potion contains 16 plants, most of which are well known to each of us. This:

Chamomile officinalis (pharmacy);


Birch buds;

Sandy immortelle, or tsmin;

Buckthorn bark;

Rose hip;

Common motherwort;

Bearberry (bear ears);

Marsh grass (toad grass, cut grass, gourd grass);

All these herbs are recognized by official medicine.

The monastery collection of Father George includes two plants that are not so widely known. This:

Trifol (watch, or trefoil) is found in swamps and along the banks of standing reservoirs;

Dried flower.

These two components can be confusing. Thus, some herbalists call the cat's paw plant a dried flower, which is popularly known as immortelle, or gourd. Dried flowers and cat's paws are two different flowers, both are medicinal, but their effects are different.

Correct proportions

All the 16 herbs listed above have medicinal properties. The monastic collection of Father George saves from dozens of ailments, because each of its components is taken in a strictly verified and practice-tested quantity.

In order for the actions of herbs to have a result, complementing each other, you need to take exactly 10 grams of chamomile, birch buds, tripoli, buckthorn bark, dried flowers, thyme, motherwort, yarrow and marsh grass, add to them 15 grams of wormwood, 20 grams of rosehip, bearberry , string, immortelle and 35 grams of sage. These components must be mixed and additionally crushed when preparing the decoction. All weights are given for dry raw materials. It is difficult to say why these particular proportions were taken, but herbalists advise observing them.

Brief description of components

What medicinal properties do the 16 herbs included in the miracle medicine have? The monastic collection of Father George is so effective because all its components contain a lot of useful elements and each plant is valuable in its own way.

Thyme is used for coughs, skin diseases, radiculitis, neuralgia, rheumatism.

Chamomile has hundreds of beneficial properties. This is perhaps the most famous medicinal herb, in demand in cosmetology, official medicine, and folk medicine. It is even specially cultivated. Chamomile contains so many valuable substances and microelements that it is used to treat almost all organs and systems of the human body.

Stinging nettle is also very useful and is also used in cosmetology, and in addition, it helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and joints.

Wormwood is recommended to be used for stomach ailments and fever, in gynecology and neurology, even for the treatment of alcoholism.

Perhaps the recipe for the monastery collection of Father George includes wormwood. It is used to treat asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatism, skin ailments, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and nervous system.

A series is a wonderful helper for skin problems in infants. In addition, drugs are made from it to relieve pain in the musculoskeletal system.

Sage (sacred herb) saves the liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach, and genitourinary system.

Yarrow is a leader among herbs in treating the stomach, intestines and kidneys.

Birch buds are used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diaphoretic, and choleretic agent (a striking example of use is birch bath brooms).

Buckthorn bark helps with constipation, gout, hemorrhoids, and is included in weight loss teas.

Rosehip is a storehouse of microelements and vitamins; it perfectly strengthens the immune system and normalizes liver function.

Sandy immortelle fights streptococci and staphylococci and works as an antispasmodic.

Without an exact knowledge of the recipe, it is very difficult to prepare a real monastic collection of Father George. Patient reviews vary because, most likely, the purchased product did not contain the right types of herbs. It is indicated above that there are two types of medicinal wormwood, but there should only be one in the collection. The story is the same with motherwort, which also has several medicinal species.

For example, motherwort is used even in official medicine for heart disease and hypertension. Healers use it to treat coughs, rheumatism, and asthma. And motherwort helps with epilepsy, neurosis, sclerosis, hysteria and some other ailments.

Bearberry is used for cystitis, urethritis, as an astringent.

Dry grass can help with diabetes, angina pectoris, hypertension, and angina pectoris.

Trifol is used to treat malaria, tuberculosis, scrofula, and anemia.

The dried flower acts as a hemostatic, and cat paws are used to treat hernia, bloody diarrhea, and whooping cough. This herb is used in animal husbandry and is eaten by wild animals (hence the name).

What are the medicinal properties of the collection in general?

The monastic herbal collections of Father George combine the beneficial properties of their constituent components. According to people's reviews and the assurances of monks, the miraculous herbal mixture helps with the following human diseases and conditions:

Diabetes mellitus;

Cancer of any location;






All gastrointestinal diseases;


Kidney and liver diseases;




Alcohol addiction;



Depression and stress, depressed states;

Diseases of joints and bones;



Vascular diseases;

Decreased immunity.

It is assumed that the collection acts at the level of the body's cells, therefore it is able to restore the functioning of almost all organs and systems.

Monastery tea, its differences from the collection

You can see advertisements offering to buy healing tea made according to monastic recipes. The monastic collection of Father George and this product have fundamental differences in the selection of ingredients, which must be taken into account. As mentioned above, the collection contains 16 herbs. There are only 5 of them in tea, and each monastery prepares such a product from different plants. Therefore, one monastery tea can help with diseases of the respiratory system, another - with stomach diseases, and a third - with neuroses. Sometimes sellers do not indicate the composition of tea on the label at all, citing trade secrets. There are monastery teas on sale for diabetes, prostatitis, alcoholism and smoking, for weight loss, and to fight helminths.

Since tea contains beneficial herbs, you can and even need to drink it, because in any case it will improve your health. But you cannot completely rely on healing with tea alone. If we talk about diabetes, no remedy has yet been invented to get rid of it. Monastic tea can also only partially improve the patient’s condition, which is confirmed by reviews of people who have taken several courses of the remedy.

Regarding prostatitis, the situation is this: tea can only help with non-infectious prostatitis caused by decreased immunity. In other cases, you need to be treated with medications that kill the infection that caused the disease.

Where to get the monastery fee of Father George, price

Internet pages are replete with “profitable” offers to buy magical monastery fees at “low” prices and even with promotions, and only from the manufacturer or its official distributor. In fact, there are no official representatives and no distribution centers, neither church nor monastery, where the real monastic collection of Father George is realized. It is also not sold in pharmacies, as officially stated by the monk Irinarh, a representative of the Holy Spirit Monastery in the Krasnodar Territory. They do not sell it in the Belarusian St. Elisabeth Monastery, from where there is also an official answer. You can buy a real monastery collection only in the Krasnodar region, in the village of Solenoye, in the Holy Spiritual Monastery.

In addition, there is a blessing for the sale of teas and collections in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, in the village of Mostovsky (Krasnodar Territory).

The fixed collection price is 350 rubles per package weighing 100 grams.

The price of tea is 250 rubles per bag weighing 120 grams.

The product comes with detailed instructions telling you how to prepare and take these remedies for various diseases.

Today we will thoroughly understand what monastery tea is and what it is intended for. Let's consider the main types of monastery fees, composition and therapeutic effect of each. Let's find out how this tea is useful and whether it can be prepared at home.

Types of monastery tea

There are more than ten types of herbal teas called “monastic tea”. They differ from each other in composition and treat different diseases.

There are fees that have a preventive therapeutic effect, prevent the development of the disease and strengthen the immune system, and there are those that are used to solve certain health problems.

Directional teas include monastery teas:

Truth or scam?

Clinical studies conducted by scientists, as well as reputable doctors (in particular) have long proven that monastery tea is not a scam of scammers, but a highly effective medicine. But not everyone believes in this truth, let us explain.

Large pharmaceutical companies are interested in selling their own drugs, so they collaborate with doctors and pay them bonuses for promoting them. But no one pays for advertising of monastery tea, and you can only find out about its beneficial effects on your own. For this reason, many believe that it is ineffective. However, in order to make sure that this is not true, you just need to carefully study the composition of each collection.

Compositions of monastery fees

Monastic herbs in tea.

The monastery tea contains only natural ingredients: herbs, berries, tree bark, collected in environmentally friendly places. The ingredients included in the collection enhance each other’s properties, which allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. A detailed list of the components of each monastery tea is described below:

Almost all herbs for making monastery tea yourself are sold to pharmacies, but you will not find the exact ratios of herbs and proportions in the public domain (a trade secret of the manufacturer). There are several recipes online that you can use to try making your own drink (for example,).

It is better to purchase tea for the treatment of a specific disease in ready-made form. When purchasing a monastery collection from a manufacturer, you can be 100% confident in its effectiveness and quality. But the same cannot be said about recipes found on the Internet: Accuracy of the composition down to the gram and correct proportions are one of the main elements of the effectiveness of herbal preparations. And making it at home will take time: find a working recipe, go to pharmacies, buy, assemble, mix, brew.

Where to buy monastery tea?

Tea is sold very rarely in the monastery. It’s faster and easier to buy the collection directly from the manufacturer, links to the official website of which are below.

Applications are accepted 24 hours a day, no prepayment is required. All products on the site are certified. If any problems arise with the quality of the tea, it can be returned within two weeks.

Price, delivery terms, payment

One pack of any monastery collection costs 990 rubles.

Scheme for ordering tea in the official online store.

This is set by the manufacturer. There is no point in looking for a product with a lower price; it may turn out to be a fake (although they are often offered much more expensive).

To order tea, you need to fill out a special form on the website, send it and wait for a call back from the operator.

The parcel is sent immediately after a conversation with the operator, and you can pay for it at the post office upon receipt. On average, the package takes 10-14 days (depending on the customer’s place of residence).

How to brew and drink monastery tea correctly

Tea is brewed in the usual way: 2 teaspoons per medium teapot. Infusion time is 20-30 minutes. You can add sugar or honey for taste. Can be drunk cold or hot.

A cup of infused monastery tea.

The duration of taking the monastery collection with any composition is not limited; it contains exclusively natural ingredients that have a positive effect on the body (there is no addiction).

The standard course of treatment with monastery tea is from 2 to 4 weeks. To achieve the maximum healing effect, the manufacturer recommends drinking it three times a day, one cup, for a month.

A contraindication to drinking the drink is individual intolerance to individual components (allergies) that are included in the composition. But such cases are extremely rare.

How to store it correctly

The monastery collection should be stored in a closed package in a dry place, protected from light; the shelf life is not limited.

Monastic tea- a unique herbal collection that can be used to treat almost any disease. The treatment is quick and does not cause physical or emotional discomfort to the person (the drink has no side effects). The only thing the manufacturer advises you to pay attention to is regularity of use, then the healing effect of “tea therapy” will last for a long time.

Monastic Father George's collection is a unique herbal tea that contains sixteen herbs.

Be sure to adhere to correct usage pattern, because only then will the product be able to give the desired result.

Why is it important to correctly accept the monastery collection of Father George?

The healing effect of tea is influenced by the correctness of its preparation and frequency of use. If you do not follow the proportions of herbs, you will get a completely different remedy, the use of which will not bring the desired effect.

If you drink tea less often As stated in the instructions, the useful components will accumulate very slowly, as a result of which the treatment will drag on for quite a long time.

Drink tea more often than prescribed quantities are also not recommended, since it will be eliminated from the body naturally very quickly. When using the product according to the instructions, you can completely avoid possible side effects.

Recipe and instructions for use

To independently prepare the described collection, herbalists advise following the proportions that have been verified over many years of practice.

What is required to prepare the collection at home

You should take 10 grams of chamomile, linden flowers, birch buds, dried flowers, motherwort, thyme, buckthorn bark, cudweed and yarrow.

Add 15 grams of wormwood, By 20 grams of bearberry, immortelle, string and rosehip And 35 grams of sage. All components are taken dry.

How to brew

For the healing effect of the collection, it is important to brew it correctly. It's best to take a small one ceramic teapot, but you can also use a simple cup.

The selection of such utensils is explained by the fact that in order to preserve all the beneficial substances present in the herbal composition, there must be access to oxygen during brewing.

Having selected the dishes, you can proceed to the brewing procedure:

  1. Grind the collection: required 1 tablespoon herbs, therefore, they need to be broken by hand or crushed with a pestle.
  2. 1 tablespoon brewed in 500 milliliters already some cooled water(pouring boiling water is strictly prohibited).
  3. The tea is infused for 30 minutes During this period, the water will absorb all the beneficial components present in the herbs, and the taste will become more intense.

The drink brewed in this way is stored in the refrigerator. for two days. When taking it again cannot be heated, but you can add boiling water. If desired, the prepared collection can be stored in a thermos, then it will be hot all the time.

The second method is more complicated. They take 3 tablespoons herbs, poured two liters of water and bet on very low heat for two hours.

Excess water should evaporate during this time. After this, the solution is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

You can prepare the collection in the form of a tincture. For this they take part herbs and four parts vodka or alcohol, mix and infuse within a month in a dark place.

When can you drink

The collection brewed in the usual way is accepted 150 ml three to four times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The collection prepared in the second way, using evaporation, is drunk one tablespoon four times a day an hour before meals.

The tincture should be taken three to four times a day. She is being bred into teaspoon of water.

Attention! If the organ for treatment, which is used by the monastery collection, is placed above the waist, then it is recommended to drink tea after or during meals, if the organ is placed below the waist, then they drink tea before meals.

The collection is accepted throughout months, do 12 days break and repeat the course again. The treatment has a cumulative effect and positive results can be expected in a week.

Important! It is not recommended to take during the course other herbs and infusions, since the permissible dosage may be violated, which is not very beneficial for the body. If desired, add flavor to the tea by adding 1-2 spoons of sugar, you should avoid using lemon.


To prevent herbal tea from losing its medicinal qualities, it should be stored only under certain conditions.

Photo 1. It is best to store the collection in similar glass jars with a lid; herbs cannot be kept in a plastic bag.

The product is stored in a sealed bag until opened. Then the collection is poured into a glass jar with a lid and removed to a dark place. The product cannot be stored in the light, otherwise a musty smell will appear and the healing properties will disappear.

Optimal storage temperature - 15-20 degrees, shelf life - 2.5 months. Do not store herbs in a plastic bag.