What edible mushrooms grow in Crimea. The best mushroom places in Crimea: Where to pick mushrooms in Crimea

There are approximately 1,500 on the peninsula various types micromycetes and hat worms. Thanks to the excellent climate, they are found in steppes, forests, mountainous areas, meadows and near populated areas with early spring and up to late autumn. People with more experience know good places where you can find the most delicious edible mushrooms Crimea: honey mushrooms, boletus, rows, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, raincoats.

Spread of mushrooms

The climate of the peninsula is constantly changing, so it is impossible to create an accurate calendar for mushroom picking. Lovers quiet hunt Every year they focus on the current weather and independently decide when it’s time to go to the training camp. Most often this happens at the end of September, after Indian summer when edible specimens begin to actively grow.

Edible mushrooms are found not only in forests and foothills. Nowadays steppe regions are popular in Crimea. For example, near settlements you can find a delicious single barrel who likes to hide in the grass. And experienced collectors prefer porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and chanterelles. But it should be remembered that these species have many poisonous analogues, which cleverly camouflage themselves and become similar to their harmless counterparts. Therefore, even experienced hunters should not relax.

Edible species of the peninsula

In Crimea, there are approximately 200 types of mushrooms that can be eaten. The local population collects only 30-40 species. The most popular of them:

Types of edible and poisonous mushrooms Belarus

The remaining edible mushrooms of Crimea are unsuitable for collection because they are too small in size. Some specimens have a specific taste, so they are rarely collected.

Poisonous representatives

There are 25 types of Crimean mushrooms unsuitable for consumption. Many of them are inedible due to their bitter taste. And some can cause severe poisoning. The most common poisonous species:

What edible mushrooms can be collected in central Russia

If you feel the slightest discomfort after eating mushrooms, it is recommended to immediately seek help. medical care to avoid serious consequences.

Signs of poisoning

The poison affects important tissues of the human body and its effect depends on the type of mushroom eaten. Symptoms of poisoning begin to appear after a certain period of time. Possible signs:

Not worth trusting appearance unfamiliar mushrooms. Even if they look attractive and tempting. Many of them are fraught with mortal danger.

Prevention measures

There are certain rules when collecting mushrooms, which should be strictly followed. This is especially true for novice lovers of quiet hunting, who still have difficulty distinguishing between similar species.

Thanks to the excellent climate, mushrooms are very common in Crimea. The hunting season for them is quite long, but it is difficult to predict its beginning due to unstable weather.

Most mushrooms can be found in forests, steppes and mountain ails, since the soil there is rich in organic matter. The variety of species is simply amazing. Several species of champignons, russula, saffron milk caps, boletus, aspen boletuses, honey mushrooms and chanterelles grow here. But of particular interest to mushroom pickers are specific species found only on the territory of this peninsula.

Giant talker, giant pig, mountain porcini mushroom- these are all names of the same species. The mushroom grows in moist dark coniferous forests, in small quantities it can also be found among deciduous trees. The season opens at the beginning of summer and usually ends in mid-autumn.

This large mushrooms, growing up to 20 cm in diameter. Smooth hat with bristles back side. The legs are dense and wide, but not high. The color of the cap is usually white or beige. Inside, the color of the flesh matches the color of the cap, and its smell is specific and pleasant.

Giant talkers usually grow in families. If you find 1 mushroom, search the area nearby and find a few more.

When collecting giant pig mushrooms, you should be careful, as they can easily be confused with poisonous gall mushrooms. Therefore, before you go hunting for them, carefully study the photos and characteristics of their growth.

Caesar's mushroom (Caesar's fly agaric)

One of the most famous and expensive mushrooms in the world. It has been considered an exquisite dish since the times of the Roman emperors and is valued in many countries. On the territory of Russia, it grows only in Crimea, so if you get a chance to try it, don’t miss this opportunity; you’ll only be able to find this delicacy again in the outskirts of Paris.

Caesar's (or Caesar's) fly agarics prefer to grow in deciduous, mainly oak, forests, and they can be found throughout the warm season.

In adulthood they reach 20 cm in diameter, although most often they are not very large. If the specimen is very young, then its cap is ovoid in shape; with age it becomes flat and slightly curved towards the middle. The stem is usually only about 2 cm in diameter, but can be very high, up to 20 cm, and has a hanging bright orange ring near the cap. The inside of the mushrooms is dense and white, slightly yellowing towards the edges, and smells pleasant.

Home distinguishing feature Caesar's mushroom is its color. The cap is usually bright red and the leg is orange. Because of this color and cap shape, it can be confused with poisonous double- fly agaric, but you should not be afraid of this, because red fly agarics do not grow in Crimea.

Gray row

The most famous Crimean mushroom, also called “mice”. There are several types of rows, but all of them can be found in coniferous forest, hidden in the moss. This autumn view mushrooms

When the mouse is young, its hat has the shape of a cone with slightly curled edges; with age it becomes flat with a large number unevenness. The mushrooms are fleshy, small and low, reaching 10 cm in diameter. The legs of mice are dense, thickening towards the base and quite long (up to 12 cm). The pulp has a uniform structure and a pleasant smell.

The main color is grey. The cap is uniformly colored, and the leg closer to the top is white and turns gray towards the base.

It is most difficult to find a mouse after rain, as it becomes sticky, and blades of grass and leaves sticking to its cap disguise it from quiet hunters.

They grow in groups or singly.

There are many poisonous mushrooms with which baby mice can be confused, but the most similar to them are soap mushrooms. You can distinguish them by their smell: poisonous mushrooms They smell unpleasant, often the aroma of laundry soap. In addition, when cut, the flesh of the soap bar quickly turns pink.

Horntails yellow and bunch

If, while wandering through the Crimean forests, you come across a mushroom shaped like a coral, don’t be surprised: it’s a yellow hornet. It occurs most often in deciduous forests throughout the summer.

Such a “reef” grows 20 cm in height and is approximately the same in volume. Consists of many thin branches and legs of yellow or light beige color. When the Horntails age, they become darker and ocher. They are white and fleshy inside.

The younger the specimen, the tastier it is, but the older one can be poisoned.

Also in the Crimea there is a grape hornet. It is smaller and a different color. It reaches a height of only 10-15 cm. The color is cream, pinkish at the ends. Old mushrooms turn reddish-brown and you should be careful of them too.

Pear-shaped and giant raincoats

These are common steppe mushrooms. In Crimea you can find 2 species: pear-shaped and giant.
In appearance, puffballs look like a light ball and can grow up to gigantic size. They white and their flesh is of a similar shade (although it may turn yellow with age). Giant puffballs are smooth, round in shape and can grow up to 34cm in diameter.

Pear-shaped get their name because of their shape, which resembles a small pear. The color is usually white, but the skin is covered with small tubercles, which makes them similar to many poisonous mushrooms of the Crimea.

Only young specimens with white, pleasant-smelling flesh are eaten.

To enjoy the taste of mushrooms without fear for your health, you need to use a few basic tips:

  1. If you are not sure that a mushroom is edible, do not take it. Before going, carefully study the photos and descriptions, of which there are now many. In 2016, people were poisoned en masse due to the fact that poisonous ones also ended up in a basket of edible mushrooms.
  2. Air must flow to cut mushrooms, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. Wicker baskets are best suited for harvesting, but a few hours in a plastic bag can ruin the entire harvest.
  3. Don't trample or kick mushrooms that you don't like; maybe they will be useful to someone else.
  4. Cut the mushroom, and do not pull it out or dig up the moss next to it: this can damage the mycelium and there will be no more forest gifts in this place.
  5. The best time to collect mushrooms is after a series of warm rains. They love humidity, so after wet periods the number of mushrooms increases sharply and a quiet hunt will definitely be successful.

The Crimean peninsula is unique because it combines the most diverse natural conditions. Therefore, before choosing a hunting location, you should decide which edible mushrooms are of interest to you. Thus, baby mice are most often found in the area of ​​the Crimean Astrophysical Laboratory, puffballs - in the foothills and in the steppe after heavy rains, cattails can be collected in almost all deciduous forests on the peninsula, caesarean mushrooms should be looked for near Yalta, giant talkers can be found in the eastern part of Crimea, on mountain ails and in the steppes. Many different species can be found in the area around the Sotera Valley. There you can admire such a unique natural phenomenon as the stone mushrooms of Crimea.

In total, almost 2,000 species of various mushrooms are known in Crimea, which grow throughout almost the entire year, from the first days without frost and snow until late autumn. Quiet hunting in this magical place is not only an interesting adventure, but also a great pleasure for nature lovers.

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I read articles on the Internet and feel the approach of autumn, although here in Crimea we don’t feel autumn yet, but in other cities located to the north we have already felt the arrival of autumn. My relatives living in the Urals and Tyumen region felt the arrival of autumn.

But the arrival of autumn is not only about cooling. I call the Urals, ask how things are, and they answer me - yes, they came from the forest to pick mushrooms. And how envious I became, I also went mushroom picking before when I lived in the Urals, but I also went mushroom picking here in Crimea. So I wanted to tell you, my readers, about Crimean mushrooms.

In some sources, mushrooms are classified as flora , That's why I'm adding the rest of the article about mushrooms.

In Crimea, thanks to the special climate and geographical location grow very rare plants, found only in Crimea, I wrote about this in the article ““. Crimean forests are also rich in mushrooms.

Somehow it happened that in the Crimean cuisine of real peoples, and even ancient ones, there are no dishes with mushrooms. No matter how, neither the Crimeans, nor the Karaites, nor Crimean Greeks, nor Crimean Tatars, nor the Crimean Armenians paid much attention to mushrooms. The reason seems to be that in Crimea there was always enough food and they didn’t pay much attention to mushrooms.

Perhaps in vain. It cannot be said that there are a lot of mushrooms in Crimea, but if you know mushroom places, then you won’t be left without mushrooms. Mushrooms are collected in Crimea all year round. The peninsula is not large, despite this, more is collected in one place autumn mushrooms, and in the other spring has already begun.

1. Mushroom places in Crimea

Mushroom places in Crimea can be found everywhere, both in the Crimean mountains and in the steppe, and can also be found on the villages. Mushroom lovers most often climb mountains to a height of 300–700 meters and collect mushrooms in the forests. Known as a mushroom place, Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, as well as the Bakhchisarai forest, which stretches from Sevastopol. Forests are good for mushroom hunting in the area of ​​old Crimea and Feodosia.

But in Crimea the landscape is completely different; even in the steppe you can find mushrooms, especially in the Donuzlav and Sasyk regions. There are also unique mushrooms, listed in the Red Book, and written about them.

I personally went to the forests outside Simferopol, near the village of Lozovoy. My neighbor and I climbed for a long time to the top of the mountain, about 500 meters up, we climbed slowly and all the mushroom pickers overtook us; when we got to the top, it turned out that many mushroom pickers had already collected full baskets.

We went for boletus. But we had no reason to worry that we wouldn’t have enough mushrooms. No one left with empty baskets and neither did we. In the young pine forest they collected butternuts in a basket and also in bags.

2.What mushrooms are most often collected

On the peninsula there are various mushrooms, including those that grow in most of the territory of the former Soviet Union and very rare mushrooms.

1.Saffron milk caps

The time for these mushrooms usually comes Indian summer. They grow in forests until mid-October. If the weather is good, they can be collected until December.

Ryzhik loves mixed forest (oak and pine), shady places under pine and spruce trees, longitudinal grooves, holes and ravines. It's very easy to recognize him.

The mushroom cap is usually up to 15 centimeters in diameter. It is almost flat, but can sometimes be depressed in the middle, with the edges turned down. Later the cap straightens and becomes funnel-shaped. Its color is red, light orange, reddish or bluish green. The skin is smooth, moist and sticky. The leg is usually up to 9 centimeters long.

Everyone can cook mushrooms possible ways. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. In Europe it is generally considered a delicacy. It is very nutritious, but at the same time easily digestible.

Salted saffron milk caps are especially good. Their peculiarity is that they do not require spices. And you can eat them the very next day after salting. You can eat these mushrooms right in nature. Just chop them finely and sprinkle with salt - within an hour you will have a wonderful snack at your disposal. But the flora of Crimea is rich not only in these mushrooms.

2. Honey mushrooms

Wet and warm autumn they are collected in the Crimean forests. You can literally collect honey mushrooms in the garden and vegetable garden in buckets.

The mushroom cap is 3–10 centimeters in diameter, and the stem is very long and often reaches 15 or even 20 centimeters. The cap is grayish-yellowish with dark scales on top, lamellar and white below. The mushroom often grows in groups on tree stumps, hence its name. Loves fallen trees, sometimes grows in the foundations of living ones.

There is no consensus on the taste qualities of this mushroom. For example, it is not popular in the West. There it is considered of little value, and sometimes even inedible. In our area, honey fungus is one of the most beloved mushrooms by the population. But it is worth remembering that honey mushrooms cannot be eaten raw. Even a slightly undercooked mushroom can cause digestive upset.

3. Butter

If you love these mushrooms, then be sure to go to the Ai-Petri plateau. The diameter of the cap of this mushroom can range from 3 to 14 centimeters. It has a hemispherical shape. The color of the cap is brown and can take on a variety of shades. The leg is from 3 to 11 centimeters long.

The mushroom grows in forests and prefers bright places, such as clearings and forest edges. Sometimes it can be found in the meadow under a tree. In Crimea, boletus often grows around stones.

In summer, at the beginning of the season, most mushrooms are eaten away by insects. But as autumn approaches, the situation improves.

Butter is loved all over the world. The most delicious mushroom is considered to be salted and pickled. Then this is practically a gourmet dish. But it is worth remembering that boletus can cause allergies in some people.

4. Gray row (mice)

Perhaps the most popular mushroom in Crimea. The cap is usually round-conical with a diameter of 4 to 12 centimeters, gray. The leg is very long - from 8 to 12 centimeters, but it is often immersed in moss. In most cases, the mushrooms are very small. But there are also real giants.

The mushroom grows from mid-September to November. It is collected in coniferous and mixed forests. Mice can be found in middle-aged pine trees, on sandy soil, in moss and under fallen leaves and pine needles. One of the places where row trees grow is the observatory area.

Many people consider the gray row to be very delicious mushroom. You can cook it in every possible way.

5. Chanterelles

These mushrooms have a cap and stem that are a single unit, and the color ranges from light yellow to orange-yellow. The cap is usually wavy-rimmed, with curled edges and depressed in the center. It is smooth and matte, and the skin is difficult to separate from the flesh of the cap.

The pulp tastes sour and smells a little like dried fruits or roots, and turns slightly red when pressed. The most interesting thing is that chanterelles do not harbor worms or insect larvae. Chanterelles grow in families, in open places in the grass or in moss. Chanterelles can be found in the forests near the village of Mramornoe.

6.Porcini mushroom

In the mountainous part of Crimea, in the clearings and among the bushes you can find mountain porcini mushroom. His hat can be convex, less often spread out. The surface is smooth or wrinkled, in dry weather it can crack, and in wet weather it can be slightly slimy. The flesh of the mushroom is dense, white, with a pleasant smell, and does not change color when broken. The plates are adherent, sparse and white.


This mushroom belongs to the champignon family. In Crimea it can be found in deciduous forests. We have three types of raincoat: prickly (the surface is covered with soft small spines), pear-shaped (looks like a pear, covered with a rough, thin-lumpy skin) and giant raincoat - it can grow up to 34 centimeters in height.

4.Unusual fine in Ukraine

I would like to remind you that a fine of about 39 UAH has been introduced for the unauthorized collection of wild fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries in Crimea. On all the paths into the forest there are cordons that collect money, so when going for mushrooms, do not forget to take your wallet with you.

Categories:/ from 09/14/2013

With long, lingering rains, the mushroom season comes to Crimea. Connoisseurs of “silent hunting” who are not afraid bad weather, get out into the forests and return with a reward in the form of little mice, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, boletus and chanterelles.

Where to pick mushrooms in Crimea

Connoisseurs of “silent hunting” often go to the Crimean Mountains. Here, at altitudes of 300-700 meters, you can collect significant prey. Rich in mushrooms and yayla - the flat tops of mountain ranges. Many mushroom pickers have heard about Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. In addition, good mushroom places forests are considered to be in Luchistoye and the area of ​​Mount Demerdzhi.

You can also find mushroom places near Sevastopol, where the forest stretches towards Bakhchisarai.

In the eastern part of the peninsula, mushrooms can be collected in forests from Feodosia to Old Crimea. Steppe zone it is also rich in mushrooms - you can look for them in the areas of the Sasyk and Donuzlav estuaries.

According to mushroom pickers from Simferopol, most mice grow in the forest in the village of Kolchugino and in the area of ​​the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, boletus - in Zelenogorskoe and Stroganovka, saffron milk caps - near Rybachye, chanterelles can be found in Mramornye.

What mushrooms can be found in Crimea

Ryzhiki in Crimea

The time for saffron mushrooms in Crimea usually comes in Indian summer. They grow in forests until mid-October. Ryzhik loves shady places under pines and spruce trees, longitudinal grooves, holes and ravines. It's very easy to recognize him.

The mushroom cap is usually up to 15 centimeters in diameter. It is almost flat, but can sometimes be depressed in the middle, with the edges turned down. Later the cap straightens and becomes funnel-shaped. Its color is red, light orange, reddish or bluish green. The skin is smooth, moist and sticky. The leg is usually up to 9 centimeters long.

Mushroom can be prepared in all possible ways. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. In Europe it is generally considered a delicacy. It is very nutritious, but at the same time easily digestible.

Salted saffron milk caps are especially good. Their peculiarity is that they do not require spices. And you can eat them the very next day after salting. You can eat these mushrooms right in nature. Just chop them finely and sprinkle with salt - within an hour you will have a wonderful snack at your disposal.

Chanterelles in Crimea

These mushrooms have a cap and stem that are a single unit, and the color ranges from light yellow to orange-yellow. The cap is usually wavy-rimmed, with curled edges and depressed in the center. It is smooth and matte, and the skin is difficult to separate from the flesh of the cap.

The pulp tastes sour and smells a little like dried fruits or roots, and turns slightly red when pressed.

The most interesting thing is that chanterelles do not harbor worms or insect larvae. Chanterelles grow in families, in open places in the grass or in moss.

You can find chanterelles in both mixed and coniferous forests, as well as in birch forests. Their favorite places are in the shade of trees, but in wet weather they also grow well in open meadows. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow in families or groups.

Honey mushrooms in Crimea

In the wet and warm autumn, honey mushrooms are collected in Crimean forests, gardens and vegetable gardens, literally in buckets.

The cap of the honey fungus is usually 3-10 centimeters in diameter, and the stem is very long and often reaches 15 or even 20 centimeters.

The mushroom cap is 3-10 centimeters in diameter, and the stem is very long and often reaches 15 or even 20 centimeters. The cap is grayish-yellowish with dark scales on top, lamellar and white below.

The mushroom often grows in groups on tree stumps, hence its name. Loves fallen trees, sometimes grows in the foundations of living ones.

There is no consensus on the taste qualities of this mushroom. For example, it is not popular in the West. There it is considered of little value, and sometimes even inedible. In our area, honey fungus is one of the most beloved mushrooms by the population. But it is worth remembering that honey mushrooms cannot be eaten raw. Even a slightly undercooked mushroom can cause digestive upset.

Mountain white mushroom in Crimea

Grows on the soil in the meadow steppe on yayla and in eastern Crimea, less often in glades deciduous forests, among the bushes in the mountainous part of Crimea and the foothills. In favorable years, it bears fruit locally and en masse, forming “witch circles.” Fruiting bodies are formed in April, May - June, July, August - September.

A good edible mushroom. Consumed freshly prepared, dried, canned.

In appearance, adult fruiting bodies resemble the edible white plant (Russula delica), which grows only in forests. The cap is fleshy, convex or funnel-shaped, white-cream, with cracking edges. The pulp is thick and dense, white or cream in color. The plates are frequent, white or cream-colored. The leg is stocky, short, covered with white hair.

Crimean mushroom pickers love this mushroom very much. By nutritional value And taste qualities it can be classified in the second category. In some years, the giant talker appears very early; there is information about fruiting in February.

The giant talker produces the antibiotic clitocybin, which is active against the tuberculosis bacillus. Other types of talkers differ significantly from the white mountain mushroom and are not particularly popular among Crimeans.

Raincoats in Crimea

This mushroom belongs to the champignon family. In Crimea it can be found in deciduous forests. There are three types of puffball: prickly (the surface is covered with soft small spines), pear-shaped (looks like a pear covered with a rough, thinly tuberous skin) and giant puffball - it can grow up to 34 centimeters in height.

In a number of Western European countries, puffball mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

Most types of puffballs are suitable for human consumption, but there are also inedible species, which can easily be poisoned if you don’t have them basic knowledge. There are several main signs that a mushroom is edible. The most important of them is the presence of white flesh without any shades; it must be dense and firm. Another important sign is that the inner pulp of the mushroom should be of a uniform consistency. Raincoats are different from regular mushrooms in that they do not have a long stem, plate, cap, etc.

Boletus in Crimea

Butter. The diameter of the cap of this mushroom can range from 3 to 14 centimeters. It initially has a hemispherical and then simply round shape. The skin color is brown and can take on a variety of shades. The leg is from 3 to 11 centimeters long.

If you love these mushrooms, then be sure to go to the Ai-Petri plateau. This is a real Mecca for all butter connoisseurs.

The mushroom grows in forests and prefers bright places, such as clearings and forest edges. Sometimes it can be found in the meadow under a tree. In Crimea, boletus often grows around stones. In summer, at the beginning of the season, most mushrooms are eaten away by insects. But as autumn approaches, the situation improves.

Gray row (mice) in Crimea

Gray row (baby mice). The cap is usually with a diameter of 4 to 12 centimeters, round-conical, gray in color. The leg is very long - from 8 to 12 centimeters, but it is often immersed in moss. In most cases, the mushrooms are very small. But there are also real giants

Perhaps the most popular mushroom in Crimea.

The cap is usually with a diameter of 4 to 12 centimeters, round-conical, gray in color. The leg is very long - from 8 to 12 centimeters, but it is often immersed in moss. In most cases, the mushrooms are very small. But there are also real giants.

The mushroom grows from mid-September to November. It is collected in coniferous and mixed forests. Mice can be found near middle-aged pines, on sandy soil, in moss and under fallen leaves and pine needles.

Many consider the gray row to be a very tasty mushroom. You can cook in all possible ways.

Mushroom pickers have their own ethics of behavior, consisting of simple but very useful rules.

For example, there is no need to kick mushrooms that are not of interest to you. Perhaps someone else will rip them off.

For mushrooms, a basket made of twigs is best suited, since plastic bags do not allow air to pass through and as a result, your harvested “harvest” may not make it home.

You cannot break off the stems of the mushroom along with the mycelium, just as you cannot tear the moss. Under sun rays the open mycelium will dry out and die.

The most favorable conditions for the appearance of mushrooms are warm rain. That is, if there was a light rain in the evening, then in the morning you can safely go on a quiet hunt.

Attention, most important rule! If you're not sure, don't take the mushroom. At any slightest suspicion, it is better to just leave him in the forest. After all, life is much more important than the “harvest”.

Previously on the topic of Mushrooms:

Experienced mushroom pickers know all the best mushroom places in Crimea and will tell you where it is best to pick mushrooms in Crimea. According to mushroom pickers, most mice grow in the forest in the village of Kolchugino, boletus - in Zelenogorskoye and Strogonovka, saffron milk caps - near Rybachye, chanterelles can be found in Mramornye, and rows in the area of ​​the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. In addition, forests in Luchistoye and the area of ​​Mount Demerdzhi are considered good mushroom places. In the eastern part of the peninsula, mushrooms can be collected in the forests from Feodosia to Old Crimea, as well as in the vicinity of Sevastopol towards Bakhchisaray. The steppe zone is also rich in mushrooms - you can look for them in the areas of the Sasyk and Donuzlav estuaries.

With long, lingering rains, the mushroom season comes to Crimea. Connoisseurs of “quiet hunting” who are not afraid of bad weather go out into the forests and return with a reward in the form of mice, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, boletus and chanterelles.

Where to pick mushrooms in Crimea

Connoisseurs of “silent hunting” often go to the Crimean Mountains. Here, at altitudes of 300-700 meters, you can collect significant prey. Rich in mushrooms and yayla - the flat tops of mountain ranges. Many mushroom pickers have heard about Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. In addition, forests in Luchistoye and the area of ​​Mount Demerdzhi are considered good mushroom places.

You can also find mushroom places near Sevastopol, where the forest stretches towards Bakhchisarai.

In the eastern part of the peninsula, mushrooms can be collected in forests from Feodosia to Old Crimea. The steppe zone is also rich in mushrooms - you can look for them in the areas of the Sasyk and Donuzlav estuaries.

According to mushroom pickers from Simferopol, most mice grow in the forest in the village of Kolchugino and in the area of ​​the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, boletus - in Zelenogorskoe and Stroganovka, saffron milk caps - near Rybachye, chanterelles can be found in Mramornye.

What mushrooms can be found in Crimea

Ryzhiki in Crimea

The time for saffron mushrooms in Crimea usually comes in Indian summer. They grow in forests until mid-October. Ryzhik loves shady places under pines and spruce trees, longitudinal grooves, holes and ravines. It's very easy to recognize him.

The mushroom cap is usually up to 15 centimeters in diameter. It is almost flat, but can sometimes be depressed in the middle, with the edges turned down. Later the cap straightens and becomes funnel-shaped. Its color is red, light orange, reddish or bluish green. The skin is smooth, moist and sticky. The leg is usually up to 9 centimeters long.

Mushroom can be prepared in all possible ways. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. In Europe it is generally considered a delicacy. It is very nutritious, but at the same time easily digestible.

Salted saffron milk caps are especially good. Their peculiarity is that they do not require spices. And you can eat them the very next day after salting. You can eat these mushrooms right in nature. Just chop them finely and sprinkle with salt - within an hour you will have a wonderful snack at your disposal.

Chanterelles in Crimea

These mushrooms have a cap and stem that are a single unit, and the color ranges from light yellow to orange-yellow. The cap is usually wavy-rimmed, with curled edges and depressed in the center. It is smooth and matte, and the skin is difficult to separate from the flesh of the cap.

The pulp tastes sour and smells a little like dried fruits or roots, and turns slightly red when pressed.

The most interesting thing is that chanterelles do not harbor worms or insect larvae. Chanterelles grow in families, in open places in the grass or in moss.

You can find chanterelles in both mixed and coniferous forests, as well as in birch forests. Their favorite places are in the shade of trees, but in wet weather they also grow well in open meadows. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow in families or groups.

Honey mushrooms in Crimea

In the wet and warm autumn, honey mushrooms are collected in Crimean forests, gardens and vegetable gardens, literally in buckets.

The cap of the honey fungus is usually 3-10 centimeters in diameter, and the stem is very long and often reaches 15 or even 20 centimeters.

The mushroom cap is 3-10 centimeters in diameter, and the stem is very long and often reaches 15 or even 20 centimeters. The cap is grayish-yellowish with dark scales on top, lamellar and white below.

The mushroom often grows in groups on tree stumps, hence its name. Loves fallen trees, sometimes grows in the foundations of living ones.

There is no consensus on the taste qualities of this mushroom. For example, it is not popular in the West. There it is considered of little value, and sometimes even inedible. In our area, honey fungus is one of the most beloved mushrooms by the population. But it is worth remembering that honey mushrooms cannot be eaten raw. Even a slightly undercooked mushroom can cause digestive upset.

Mountain white mushroom in Crimea

It grows on the soil in the meadow steppe on the yayls and in eastern Crimea, less often in the clearings of deciduous forests, among shrubs in the mountainous part of Crimea and the foothills. In favorable years, it bears fruit locally and en masse, forming “witch circles.” Fruiting bodies are formed in April, May - June, July, August - September.

A good edible mushroom. Consumed freshly prepared, dried, canned.

In appearance, adult fruiting bodies resemble the edible white plant (Russula delica), which grows only in forests. The cap is fleshy, convex or funnel-shaped, white-cream, with cracking edges. The pulp is thick and dense, white or cream in color. The plates are frequent, white or cream-colored. The leg is stocky, short, covered with white hair.

Crimean mushroom pickers love this mushroom very much. In terms of nutritional value and taste, it can be classified in the second category. In some years, the giant talker appears very early; there is information about fruiting in February.

The giant talker produces the antibiotic clitocybin, which is active against the tuberculosis bacillus. Other types of talkers differ significantly from the white mountain mushroom and are not particularly popular among Crimeans.

Raincoats in Crimea

This mushroom belongs to the champignon family. In Crimea it can be found in deciduous forests. There are three types of puffball: prickly (the surface is covered with soft small spines), pear-shaped (looks like a pear, covered with a rough, thin-lumpy skin) and giant puffball - it can grow up to 34 centimeters in height.

In a number of Western European countries, puffball mushrooms are considered a delicacy.

Most types of puffballs are edible, but there are also inedible types that can easily be poisoned if you do not have basic knowledge. There are several main signs that a mushroom is edible. The most important of them is the presence of white flesh without any shades; it must be dense and firm. Another important sign is that the inner pulp of the mushroom should be of a uniform consistency. Puffballs differ from ordinary mushrooms in that they do not have a long stem, plate, cap, etc.

Boletus in Crimea

Butter. The diameter of the cap of this mushroom can range from 3 to 14 centimeters. It initially has a hemispherical and then simply round shape. The skin color is brown and can take on a variety of shades. The leg is from 3 to 11 centimeters long.

If you love these mushrooms, then be sure to go to the Ai-Petri plateau. This is a real Mecca for all butter connoisseurs.

The mushroom grows in forests and prefers bright places, such as clearings and forest edges. Sometimes it can be found in the meadow under a tree. In Crimea, boletus often grows around stones. In summer, at the beginning of the season, most mushrooms are eaten away by insects. But as autumn approaches, the situation improves.

Gray row (mice) in Crimea

Gray row (baby mice). The cap is usually with a diameter of 4 to 12 centimeters, round-conical, gray in color. The leg is very long - from 8 to 12 centimeters, but it is often immersed in moss. In most cases, the mushrooms are very small. But there are also real giants

Perhaps the most popular mushroom in Crimea.

The cap is usually with a diameter of 4 to 12 centimeters, round-conical, gray in color. The leg is very long - from 8 to 12 centimeters, but it is often immersed in moss. In most cases, the mushrooms are very small. But there are also real giants.

The mushroom grows from mid-September to November. It is collected in coniferous and mixed forests. Mice can be found near middle-aged pines, on sandy soil, in moss and under fallen leaves and pine needles.

Many consider the gray row to be a very tasty mushroom. You can cook in all possible ways.

Mushroom pickers have their own ethics of behavior, consisting of simple but very useful rules.

For example, there is no need to kick mushrooms that are not of interest to you. Perhaps someone else will rip them off.

For mushrooms, a basket made of twigs is best suited, since plastic bags do not allow air to pass through and, as a result, your collected “harvest” may not make it home.

You cannot break off the stems of the mushroom along with the mycelium, just as you cannot tear the moss. Under the sun's rays, the open mycelium will dry out and die.

The most favorable conditions for the appearance of mushrooms are warm rain. That is, if there was a light rain in the evening, then in the morning you can safely go on a quiet hunt.

Attention, the most important rule! If you're not sure, don't take the mushroom. At any slightest suspicion, it is better to just leave him in the forest. After all, life is much more important than the “harvest”.