A giant talker on how to cook. Giant talker


Giant talker (Clitocybe giganteus)

A lamellar mushroom, rarely found, although it bears fruit annually. Grows from late August to October. Collection places: edges and clearings of all types of forests, pastures. Placed in groups that form so-called witch circles. In classification edible mushrooms By nutritional value belongs to the fourth group. The cap of young mushrooms has a convex shape, later taking on the appearance of a funnel with thin curved edges. On average, its diameter reaches 12-15 cm, although there are giants with a cap diameter of about 30 cm (hence the name of the mushroom).

The surface is matte, silky, sometimes finely scaly. The color varies from snow-white to the color of coffee with milk. The spore-bearing layer consists of descending plates, often forming bridges. Their color changes over time from beige to ocher. The dense white leg reaches 5-10 cm in height and 3-4 cm in diameter. The flesh is elastic, fleshy, and white. It has a weak powdery odor, and with age it acquires a bitter taste. It belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms; its consumption is possible only after preliminary boiling. The pulp of this mushroom contains an antibiotic that is destructive for the tuberculosis bacillus - clitocybin A and B.

Wash the mushrooms, add 1 tbsp. spoon of oil and simmer until half cooked, then pass through a meat grinder along with onions and bread (soaked in milk). Then mix with sour cream, eggs, salt and pepper and place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes. Form small cutlets from the minced meat, roll them in flour and fry in hot oil on both sides. For 600 g fresh mushrooms- 2 eggs, 150 g onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 100 g of bread, 50 g of milk, 50 g of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil, ground pepper, salt.

Of course, in poultry farms, chickens are kept in cages and not free-range, but, on the other hand, they receive proper nutrition, they are kept in conditions of strict hygiene, vaccinated against salmonellosis and other diseases destructive to humans.

No one is protected from diseases carried by birds, but it is easier to check this at a special enterprise, and not with an unknown grandmother in the yard.

Giant talker (Leucopaxillus giganteus) – This mushroom is considered conditionally edible category 4. Pickling these mushrooms is popular. In addition, they are very tasty and fresh. Ripe ones have a slightly bitter taste, so they are either dried or boiled before cooking. Young mushrooms can be dried; after boiling, they are eaten salted and boiled.
This type of mushroom is included in the genus Leucopaxillus, being part of the family Tricholomataceae. She is part of a family of pigs, not talkers. But these two genera belong to the same family.
Other names: giant white pig, giant white pig, huge leusopaxillus.

Where does it grow?

This mushroom grows in mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests. Also found in pastures, clearings and forest edges. They are collected in the Caucasus and the European part of Russia.
These mushrooms can mainly be found in large quantities, since they grow in groups.

Every year, the giant talker is capable of providing a large harvest, but the mushroom picker does not encounter them too often. When growing, the giant talker mainly makes up “witch’s rings”.
These mushrooms can be collected from August to October.
Young mushrooms have spread-convex caps with a depression in the center. Over time, the caps transform into funnel-shaped caps with a thin edge curved downwards. The shades of the caps are usually yellowish, creamy, snow-white, and sometimes take on a “coffee with milk” hue.
The size of the mushroom cap reaches 10-15 cm and even 30 cm in diameter. The pulp has a floury smell and practically no taste. It is dense and white.
The plates descend to the stem, being descending. They are narrow, light ocher in color, tightly spaced.
The leg is white, up to 4 cm wide and 8 cm long.
This mushroom is conditionally edible, and for this reason it should be boiled first, and only then start cooking.
The pulp of the mushroom contains: clitocybin A and B and an antibiotic that destroys the tuberculosis bacillus. Cliptobicin is extracted from mushrooms, which is an antimicrobial agent used to treat tuberculosis of bones and skin.
A useful property of this mushroom is that giant talker contains physiologically active elements used as producers of growth and antibiotic substances.
Talkers are beneficial for the body, as they provide prevention of infectious diseases. Digestion is improved thanks to enzymes that help human body gets rid of toxins, and the functioning of the stomach improves.
In addition, talkers reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. IN folk medicine they are used to treat urolithiasis and respiratory tract diseases, as well as to heal wounds (ointments and decoctions).
Contraindications: there is information that when combining talkers with alcohol, a person may experience body poisoning.


Govorushki should be boiled before salting, drying or pickling. During the pickling process, a strong marinade with acetic acid and sterile containers are used. These mushrooms are best consumed together with fried and boiled vegetables. For pickling, take young mushrooms, which first need to be boiled for twenty minutes.

  • Vinaigrette with talkers
    Boil beets, potatoes and carrots and cut into cubes. Then mix all these ingredients with pickled mushrooms, fresh onions and canned peas. Season with salt lemon juice or sunflower oil.
  • Marinade salad
    Pickled talkers are mixed with salted or pickled cucumbers, seasoned with salt, olive or sunflower oil. You can also add spices, pickled garlic and cold boiled potatoes.


The talker mushroom is a representative of the cap genus. It is known among mushroom pickers for its variety of species - more than 250. The mushroom can be eaten, but it can also be fatal. poisonous species. Therefore, the collection of this mushroom must be taken very responsibly.

The talker mushroom is a representative of the genus of cap mushrooms.

The mushroom can be of different colors. The cap of a young mushroom has the shape of a hemisphere. Afterwards it spoils the shape and often seems to be pressed in. The fleshy and large cap reaches a diameter of at least ten centimeters. The most common color of the mushroom is light gray with a yellowish tint and becomes lighter towards the edges. The cap of this mushroom ash color with a yellow tint. The color is uneven - closer to the edge it becomes lighter. However, it can also be pinkish-brown, ocher with various shades.

In normal weather, the mushroom is dry and smooth. Sometimes you can find remains of mycelium on the surface of the cap, which is confused with mold. The leg is thick and looks like a club up to 7-8 cm high. Fresh mushroom has white and dense pulp. Spore powder is usually white or creamy white, sometimes powdery.

Features of talker mushrooms (video)

Where do talker mushrooms grow?

Talkers are found in areas with a temperate climate. Mushrooms are not picky about their growing area. They can easily be found in coniferous and mixed forests, on the edges, fields or meadows of France, European Russia, Poland, Spain and other European countries. They are also known to be found in parts of Asia and the Central American continent. They prefer to grow in groups and form witch rings - these are peculiar circles on the ground. In the old days, such patterns were tied to intrigues evil spirits. For a very long time it was believed that these places were witches or other evil spirits used at night for round dances and games.

Edible and conditionally edible talker mushrooms

Edible mushrooms contain an optimal ratio of vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber and amino acids, which prevents the occurrence of various diseases. Also, these mushrooms can reduce cholesterol plaques in the blood.

Gray talker

Considered conditionally edible. However, some scientists categorically classify it as poisonous. The hat has smoky look and reaches a diameter of up to 15 cm. Color may vary depending on weather conditions and even become orange-brown. Eating it can cause poisoning due to the presence of a toxin – nebularin. The white, dense pulp changes color when cut. The harvest occurs at the end of August and lasts until the end of December. Basically, this species grows in long rows in the territories of the northern hemisphere in forests of any type.

Giant talker

It is a conditionally edible variety of category 4. As a rule, this species is collected exclusively for pickling. Before cooking, even before drying, be sure to boil for 30-40 minutes. This species is also called huge leusopaxillus, giant pigwort, and giant white pigwort. Grows in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests. Often found on the edges of the Caucasus. Giant talkers are growing in large groups. The harvest can be harvested until October. These mushrooms can be collected from August to October.

The cap has a yellowish or creamy tint, sometimes up to 30 cm in diameter. The pulp is tasteless and smells like flour. It contains an antibiotic and clitobicins, so this species is considered conditionally edible. The antibiotic is capable of destroying tuberculosis infection, and clitobicin kills microbes.

These mushrooms are often used in folk medicine to eliminate problems with the respiratory tract and reduce blood cholesterol. It is also often used as an antiseptic.

Anise talker

Also known as fragrant or fragrant. This variety grows mainly in spruce and mixed forests, where fir trees predominate. Harvesting can begin in July. The hat reaches up to 6 cm and has a convex shape with a wavy rim. The surface color is light green with a blue tint. Another feature of the species is the length (up to 4 cm) and width (up to 1 cm) of the leg. Toward the base, the leg widens slightly and acquires a brownish tint. The pulp of the mushroom is distinguished by its strong anise smell and has a slightly greenish color. The conceived aroma can be easily felt even without bending to the ground.

The gift of the forest is eaten only after boiling. Afterwards it can be fried, added to pies or salted. It is better to choose young mushrooms with fleshy pulp.

This type of talker can be distinguished due to its specific smell and color. Field champignon has a very similar smell, but it is very difficult to confuse it by color.

Poisonous and inedible talker mushrooms

First of all, we must remember that among all the variety of talkers, there are poisonous ones that are not suitable for the human body. Like other mushrooms, talkers absorb toxins and heavy metals. You should not collect them near industrial enterprises and roads.

Pale-colored talker

An inedible mushroom, and some scientists consider it completely poisonous. The young mushroom has an almost flat cap. However, with age, it changes to the shape of a funnel with curved edges and many pits on the surface. The pulp has gray and watery consistency. The leg of this species is distinguished by its edge and widens towards the base. This species is practically odorless; when dried, it emits a smell of mustiness and rot.

The pale-colored govorushka grows from the Primorsky Territory to the European part of Russia. Most mushrooms of this species grow in the fallen leaves of birch or oak, although they can also be found in mixed forests. You can distinguish the pale-colored talker by its growth alone, in contrast to other representatives of the genus, which grow massively in groups.

Cupped talker

This type of talker has several names: goblet talker, translucent talker or diatreta talker. The cap is in the form of a bowl or deep funnel with a diameter of up to 8 cm and has a gray-brown color. In good dry weather the surface of the cap is silky, but in damp weather it becomes hygrophanic. Harvest and harvest occur in the first ten days of August and last until the beginning of October.

They grow in coniferous and mixed forests. They are best collected on litter and rotting wood, mostly in groups. It is very rare to find single individuals.

Cupped talker

How to distinguish false talkers from true ones

In the variety of types of talkers, it is very difficult to choose edible ones. However, a universal rule of distinction has not yet been invented. The main rule is excellent knowledge of the characteristics and differences between types of talkers. It is known that among mushrooms in wildlife Poisonous ones are often found, visually practically no different from those suitable for human consumption. The main factors are smell and color. The mealy and pleasant smell most often belongs to poisonous mushrooms.

Some types of talkers are distinguished by plates and spores pink color, as well as the absence of circles on the cap, like edible mushrooms. Only experienced mushroom pickers can distinguish edible, conditionally edible from poisonous and inedible

Methods for preparing talkers

Only the caps are used in cooking; the stems have no taste. Young mushrooms have a delicate fruity aroma, which is lost with age. Talkers can be added to everything traditional dishes boiled, fried, pickled and dried. The aroma is perfectly revealed in first courses and sauces. A specific enzyme of mushrooms in their raw form gives dishes a not very pleasant bitter taste.

Salad with talkers

Cut boiled potatoes, beets, and carrots into cubes. Cut fresh onion into half rings and add to vegetables. Then mix all the products with pickled mushrooms and canned peas. Salt to taste, add a couple of drops of lemon juice or unrefined sunflower oil.

Inedible talkers (video)

Marinade salad

Mix crispy pickled cucumbers with coarsely chopped pickled talkers. Cool the boiled potatoes, cut into cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Despite the variety of types of govorushka, this mushroom has taken its rightful place at Russian feasts. The mushroom requires care when collecting and cooking before eating.

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From the many varieties of talker mushrooms special attention deserves an edible giant talker with an interesting appearance and a number of positive features.

Description and photo of the mushroom

Giant talker (by scientific classification Leucopaxillus giganteus (Leucopaxillus giganteus) belongs to the genus Belosvinushka and is part of the family Ordinaceae. Popularly known as the giant pig and the white pig.

Did you know? Science has long proven the fact that mushroom kingdoms existed 400 million years ago along with giant ferns. But the latter, unlike mushrooms, were significantly crushed over so much time.

External characteristics of the giant talker:
  • the cap resembles a slightly curved funnel, the bladed edges of which have the appearance of waves. The diameter ranges from 10-30 cm. The top can be yellowish-cream, snow-white, and even (rarely) coffee-milky;
  • the almost tasteless dense whitish pulp emits a faint floury smell;
  • narrow, densely spaced plates descending onto the stem of the mushroom, the same color as the cap;
  • the leg itself, which matches the color of the cap, is dense and bare, its cylinder is very large (with a height of 3 to 8 cm, it has a thickness of 2-5 cm);
  • smooth spore ellipses (6-8 x 3-4 µm) collectively give a white powder.

Is it possible to eat giant talkers?

The giant talker is conditionally edible, that is, according to the appropriate classification (according to nutritional and taste parameters), this agaric assigned to category 4.

Yes or no?

You can use white pork as a dish; it does not contain deadly poisons. But immediately before use, the product must be well boiled, and then prepared from it into pickles, marinades and added to first and second courses.

Possible consequences

As noted above, you cannot be poisoned by the giant variety of talkers, and you can safely prepare many dishes from it.
However, in people with weak stomachs, the mushroom often causes severe upset. Therefore the correct heat treatment It is better not to neglect and use only the freshest, youngest specimens.

Where to find mushrooms and how to collect them

Giant talkers can be found in coniferous, mixed, mainly mountain forests growing in the Crimea, the Carpathians, the Caucasus and throughout the Russian space east of the Urals. Sometimes these mushrooms are found in clearings and pastures in the form of so-called “witch’s rings.”

The mushroom is usually harvested from the end of August to October, but if at the end of autumn the weather is warm and sunny, the mushroom will bear fruit well in November.

Govorushki, like all mushrooms, are capable of accumulating various toxins and heavy metals in the pulp. Therefore, use talkers collected near industrial enterprises and highways, it is impossible, as this can lead to food poisoning.

Can it be confused with other mushrooms?

Since talker mushrooms have several varieties, some of which are weakly and even highly poisonous, it is very important to learn to distinguish them from each other, so as not to have to deal with the serious consequences of poisoning.

Here are a few characteristics that distinguish the most common varieties:

Mushroom talker: recipes

There are a lot of special features for preparing talker mushrooms. But some of the most original and loved by both gourmets and beginners are vinaigrette and marinade salad.

Important! The giant talker is enriched natural antibiotic- clitobicin A and B, which has lethal action for the Koch bacillus that causes tuberculosis.


  • juice ;
  • pre-pickled giant talkers.

Cooking process:
  1. Beets, potatoes and carrots must be boiled and cut into small cubes.
  2. Then mix with pickled mushrooms, peas, and fresh onions.
  3. Season to taste with salt, lemon juice or vegetable oil.

Marinade salad

The only non-marinated ingredient in this dish is potatoes. It must be boiled in advance and cooled; 1-2 tubers will be enough.

Mushrooms are considered one of the most interesting living organisms on Earth, as they combine the characteristics of both animals and plants. There are many types of them, which are distributed throughout the planet. Lovers quiet hunt Siberia and the Primorsky Territory very often come across talkers. What kind of mushrooms are these and is it possible to collect them?

General characteristics

Talker mushrooms are a genus that combines many edible species and are distinguished from others by frequent thin plates that descend to a greater or lesser extent on the stem. can be found in the forest under the leaves. They form so-called witch rings. There are many edible among them, but they are no different high quality. One more interesting property These mushrooms are considered to have a specific smell, which for many people is very unattractive. But there are still brave souls who love to cook talkers. Mushrooms are either fried with onions or salted, adding spices and garlic. You need to collect them very carefully, because many of them are poisonous. They are distinguished by their small size and whitish body color. There are many types of talkers, but the most common are funnel, gray, giant, waxy and whitish.

Funnel talker

This mushroom has a cap whose diameter can reach 8 centimeters. It is thin-fleshy, with a tubercle protruding from above, which turns into a funnel, which is why it got its name. The color of the skin is yellow-brown, most often it is dry. Talker mushrooms of this species have white, dense plates that smoothly descend to the base. The leg grows up to 5 centimeters in height, has a narrow cylindrical shape and the same color as the cap. This edible species, which is most often used for making soups, although the smell of this broth is very specific. These mushrooms need to be cooked for at least 20 minutes, sometimes they are marinated. Most often they grow in mixed forests, like many talker mushrooms. Photos and descriptions of this species can be found in any mycology encyclopedia.

Gray talker

In August-September, this mushroom can be found throughout Russia. It grows in different forests, sometimes lives in nettle thickets in whole clusters, for which it received its second name - wren. These talker mushrooms have a fleshy cap up to 15 cm in diameter. At first it has a convex shape, then it flattens and the edges bend down. The body color is gray, as the name itself suggests, but in the center it changes to a darker color, often covered with a coating. The pulp of the gray talker is white, the smell is not changed, it is just a pleasant mushroom aroma. The leg is thick - up to 3 cm, and the height can reach up to 10 cm. These are edible talkers. The mushrooms are first boiled and the water is drained. They boil down very strongly and have peculiar taste and smell. They are used for filling pies, frying or pickling.

Giant talker

This is the largest type of talker. It is very similar to gray, but has large sizes. The giant talker mushroom is rare. You can find it in late summer and early autumn in mixed and coniferous forests. It has a fleshy cap that can reach 25 cm in diameter. The color is white, turning into gray from the edges to the center. Under the cap there are narrow, frequent plates with bridges. They descend briefly along the stem and have a light or brownish tint. The leg itself is the same as that of the gray talker: height - up to 10 cm, thickness - up to 3 cm. This mushroom can be eaten as food, but this can lead to stomach upset. You need to cook it for 15-20 minutes, and then cook it following the recipe. The best taste qualities Young mushrooms have this property; unlike old ones, they do not taste bitter. An interesting thing is that the pulp of the giant talker contains an antibiotic that can resist diseases such as tuberculosis.

Waxy talker

This is a species that grows in mixed and coniferous forests, among grasses on sandy soil. The color of the entire mushroom is white. Its cap grows up to 10 cm in diameter. Its shape changes from the center to the edges: the middle is convex, and then it drops and extends to the edges. The sides are turned away and wavy, and may sometimes be fluffy or torn. The plates of the mushroom are narrow and frequent, descending to the base, color - from white to gray. The leg has a cylindrical shape, can be straight or slightly bent, smooth along its entire length, only a small fluff is observed at the base. Although the mushroom is attractive in appearance and has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is very poisonous. It contains a toxin called muscarine. The body cannot neutralize it on its own, so poisoning occurs nervous system. Already half an hour after consuming waxy talker, the first symptoms appear that you should pay attention to. This is high blood pressure, slow heart rate. If a lot of mushrooms have been eaten, the limbs begin to tremble, headaches, convulsions, nausea, dizziness and vomiting occur. 10 grams are lethal dose for a person. Only experienced people should collect talker mushrooms. Photos and descriptions will help them avoid cutting off the poisonous food.

Whitish head

This type of mushroom can be found both on forest edges and in parks temperate zone Northern Hemisphere. It can grow on bare soil or on a litter of leaves. They appear in groups, often large, and form “witch circles.” The mushroom cap is up to 6 cm in diameter. Its shape changes depending on the age of the head: in young mushrooms it is convex, the edges are tucked in, in middle-aged mushrooms it is prostrate, in old mushrooms it is depressed or flat, and the edges are wavy. Color also changes with age: from white-gray to ocher. If the mushroom is old, spots may appear on its cap. The skin is covered with a coating, which is very easy to remove. The pulp has a white color, a powdery odor and an inexpressive taste. The leg is cylindrical, becoming narrower towards the base. The plates are white when young, but later darken and acquire a yellowish tint. This is very poisonous mushroom, which contains more toxin than 15-20 minutes after consumption, secretions from the salivary and lacrimal glands increase, and active sweating begins. After 2 hours, the heart rate begins to weaken, breathing becomes impaired, vomiting and diarrhea begin. Although deaths are quite rare, you should be extremely careful when collecting talker mushrooms. Photos will help you avoid mistakes and collect only edible species.

Thus, talker mushrooms are quite common in our country. There are many types of them, but they have no special value.