Truffle is the most prestigious mushroom delicacy. The most expensive truffle mushroom in the world Black truffle food type

White truffle in Russia it is considered an edible mushroom of category 4 nutritional value, and delicious. The same opinion is shared in Germany, Sweden and Hungary. But in Spain, France and Italy, white truffle is considered, on the contrary, poisonous, causing gastrointestinal poisoning. In Spain, the white truffle is listed as a species whose sale is prohibited. There is also information about the toxicity of only overripe fruiting bodies, as well as the need for heat treatment.


White truffle looks like potato tubers, but not at all ordinary mushroom. It does not have a cap or a leg, and it itself is in the ground, from where it still needs to be dug out.

Fruiting body

White truffle fruit bodies irregular shape, slightly rounded. This form of the fruiting body is called apothecium. In truffles, the apothecium is secondary closed. The surface is almost smooth. The white truffle grows up to 12 cm at its widest part; there are also small specimens from 2 cm. At first, this type of truffle is really white, but as it grows it darkens and also becomes similar to potatoes in color (it turns brown or brown).

Spore-bearing layer

The spore-bearing layer of the white truffle is represented by the hymenium, which covers its entire internal surface, forming “bags” with spores.


White truffle pulp looks like raw potatoes with veins. The cooked truffle looks a little like meat with a distinct taste and smell of roasted sunflower seeds walnuts. Overripe truffles acquire bad smell rotting wood. Raw mushrooms This species also smells quite strongly, but pleasantly. It is by smell that truffles are detected by cows and other animals.


White truffle spores are round, large and surrounded by spines brown. In this type of mushroom they are stored in a bag (ask). Each bag contains 8 spores.


The white truffle prefers to grow next to oaks, birches, as well as pine, spruce and some other coniferous trees. Distributed in Russia, almost all European countries and the northern states of the USA. But at the same time, in a number of countries it is included in the Red Books as rare species or a species on the verge of extinction.

Truffles grow from late summer until the very end of autumn.

Similar species

There are several related species, similar to white truffle. However, none of them grow in Russia:

  • Choriomyces magnusii

Grows in the warm climate of southern Europe. In Spain it is considered a delicacy. It is distinguished by small fruiting bodies; the spores are covered not with thorns, but with warty growths.

  • Tuber magnatum (Italian truffle, Piedmontese)

Has yellow surface, always completely covered with earth. Slightly different smell and taste. They grow in Italy and adjacent parts of France.

1- Choriomyces magnusii 2- Tuber magnatum

  • Terfesia arenaria (sand truffle)
  • Terfesia leptoderma (soft-bodied truffle)

The shape is more spherical and smooth. Edible, there is information that fans eat them raw.

1- Terfesia arenaria (sand truffle) 2- Terfesia leptoderma (soft-bodied truffle)

There are no poisonous mushrooms among the listed varieties.


White truffle – edible mushroom 4 categories of nutritional value. Truffle can be used to make sauces, seasonings and butter (this is regular butter with truffle added). If black truffles are preheated (for example, in the oven) to enhance the aroma, then white truffles are eaten raw and without heating.

You can store truffles for some time in dry, dark storage rooms, but it is important not to clean them from the soil. But a more reliable way is preservation in vegetable oil(usually olive).

Here are a few interesting facts about white truffle:

  • if you soak a raw truffle in water for some time, the latter tastes indistinguishable from soy sauce;
  • Despite their exotic appearance and reputation as a delicacy, truffles in their own way chemical composition indistinguishable from other mushrooms;
  • In Russia, white truffles are called “cow’s bread” because while grazing, cows and other animals detect the truffle by smell, tear up the soil above it and eat it. top part mushroom.

White truffles have peculiar aroma, which animals feel very well. But some people are not sensitive to this smell at all. Another portion of people perceive the truffle aroma as disgusting, reminiscent of the smell of old urine or sweat.

Truffle is a mythical and mysterious mushroom that evokes the strongest emotions and curiosity. Much more people Heard rave reviews about it than actually saw or tried it. And even those who ate them find it difficult to compare the taste with the high cost and rarity. The article will tell you what a truffle looks like, its varieties, methods of collection and areas of application.

What does a truffle look like whole and in cross section?

Truffles, despite their inconspicuous and unattractive appearance, are a valuable and delicious product that is served in the most sophisticated restaurants in the world. Their fruiting fleshy bodies, which are tuber-shaped, smooth on the outside or densely covered with bumpy growths, grow underground at a depth of 20–30 cm, which is the result of adaptation to environmental conditions.

Truffles are mycorrhizal earth mushrooms, therefore their mycelium is usually in a close symbiotic relationship with the root system of trees and has great value in ecology and exchange of nutritional components, biological and chemical characteristics soil and drought resistance. Mycorrhizal fungi cannot grow in the ground without a host tree, receiving from it the carbohydrates necessary for development. The mycelium, as a rule, is located in the upper layers of the soil and surrounds the desired tree.

Because the fruiting bodies grow underground, the sexual spores cannot be dispersed by wind or water. Dispersal of spores occurs with the help of animals that eat the mushrooms. For successful dispersal, these spores must pass through the gastrointestinal tract, and the hard chitinous shell protects them from the aggressive environment. Carriers can be birds, deer wild boars, rodents, voles, squirrels, chipmunks, which are attracted by the ripe mushroom with its strong aroma.

All fresh fruiting bodies should be firm to the touch and not crumbly. The shape of the tuber is usually round, oval, slightly flattened; however, each specimen's configuration is unique and its size can range from the size of a pea to a tennis ball or even a grapefruit. Depending on the type, these mushrooms are found in various colors - from deep black to white.

Black truffles should be charcoal or dark brown on the outside with white marbled veins on the inside (glebes) when cut. The blackness of the fruiting body is a sign that the mushroom is fully mature. The outer surface resembles the skin of a dog's nose. Average weight winter black mushroom is 30–60 g.

White truffles are creamy white or yellowish-brown in color, sometimes with a reddish tint, and have a richer aroma than the black variety. Culinary experts who describe a freshly dug white truffle claim that its aroma can fill an entire room, spread and smell outside through an open window.

Genus Tuber ( real truffle) has about 185 species, which are classified both according to their biological genus and in terms of gastronomic value. In addition, in 2010, scientists identified 11 groups, which include all the descendants of one common ancestor.

Most valuable species are:

  • winter white;
  • winter black.

Other culinary types truffles include:

  • nutmeg;
  • Chinese;
  • Himalayan;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • scorsone;
  • Oregonian.

Where and when can you meet

Truffles grow in wide deciduous forests on calcareous soils, preferring warm climate, free from frost and summer winds, are found in Europe and Asia. Each type of tree affects the appearance and taste of the mushrooms, which grow for 6–8 months, and except for the summer black species, begin to appear in the fall and disappear in mid-winter. Products top quality supplied mainly from France, Spain and Italy. Secondary markets include China, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, North Africa, Middle East and USA.

The black variety or perigord, the second most commercially profitable species, is named after the region of the same name in France. Forms mycorrhiza with deciduous trees- oak, hazelnut, hornbeam, beech, pine, linden, aspen, chestnut, poplar. Fruiting occurs from December to the end of March. The main French truffle sites are located in the south in Périgord, Provence, the Alps, Cote d'Azur, although the mushrooms are found throughout most of France.

The Périgord region is the most famous source of truffles, and all French specimens are called Périgord, even if they originate from another region. This mushroom is still considered national treasure France, and residents of the country call this special delicacy “black diamond”.

Summer or burgundy and burgundy mushroom is found on larger territory Europe. They have more aromatic flesh dark color and associated with root cells various breeds trees and shrubs - birch, poplar, elm, linden, rowan, willow, hawthorn, hazel. Season summer species lasts from May to August, and the Burgundy species is harvested from September to November.

White truffle is the highest quality type. The Italians call it the “white Madonna truffle.” Found mainly in the Italian regions of Langhe, Montferrat, Molise, in the Piedmont region of northern Italy in rural areas around the cities of Alba and Asti. The season for fresh white truffles is usually from October to the end of December.

The whitish truffle is found in other rural areas of Italy - Tuscany, Abruzzo, Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, Marche and Molise. It is not as aromatic as from Piedmont, although it is close to it in taste characteristics. Several types of mushrooms grow on the northwest coast of the United States - Oregon black, brown, spring and winter white. However, not only in Europe, but also in southern hemisphere This amazing delicacy grows in New Zealand and Australia, the first copy of which was obtained in 1993.

On the territory of Russia, this valuable mushroom is extremely rare, but the lands of the Central European strip have suitable conditions for its growth. Black Sea coast Caucasus, Middle Volga region, Southern Urals. Unfortunately, hidden development does not make it possible to establish the distribution areas of this culture, and only pinpoint detection sites are included in the statistics. Sometimes you can independently detect truffles under rotten leaves - midges hover over them.

Did you know? For the first time, statements about truffles appeared in Sumerian writings in the 2nd century BC. e. These mysterious and mythical mushrooms were considered to be the result of lightning, heat and moisture in the earth (Plutarch), tuberous roots (Cicero) and children of the earth (Dioscorides).

What does it smell and taste like?

It's hard to describe all the nuances of the truffle's intense aroma and earthy taste - it really needs to be experienced. People who have managed to taste a fresh, authentic truffle note its special aroma. The terms “musky,” “garlic,” “sulfur,” and “alarming with woody notes” are very common. Some of the distinctive aroma is believed to come from organic compound androstenone is a hormone produced by male pigs, which makes female pigs excellent truffle hunters.

Different types of mushrooms have different sets of aromatic molecules at each stage of their development. There are about 35 odorants, ranging in scent from meaty and dusty to buttery and creamy.

For example, dimethyl sulfide smells of sulfur - it is emitted by 85% of truffle species. Fungi can generate this substance themselves, but it can also be produced by bacteria that intensively colonize truffles. Other common truffle aromas smell like chocolate and whiskey, and hexanal, which smells like grass, can also come from both microbial activity and the fruiting bodies themselves.

The pungency of aroma is not for the pleasure of gourmets. It is vital for truffles, because the reproduction process depends on how animals smell underground, dig up and eat the mushroom, spreading spores in the environment.

Chefs around the world are enthusiastically using truffles, proudly highlighting them on their menus to appeal to mushroom connoisseurs and luxury food lovers alike. But the taste of this delicacy is significantly inferior to its aroma. Defining and summarizing the flavor of truffles is no easy task, but they share the earthy, musky, pungent flavor of some popular above-ground mushrooms. When describing the flavor, some people use oaky, nutty and earthy terms, sweet and juicy with a fiery, savory note, similar to black olives.

Often the aroma of fresh truffle is stronger than the smell of other components of the dish, but even the strongest black varieties will not suppress the expressive taste of other ingredients with their taste.

Many factors can influence the individual taste of truffles:

  • roots of species trees to which they attach during growth;
  • soil characteristics;
  • collection time;
  • region of growth.

Although it is generally believed that the darker the truffle, the stronger its taste, the nuances are so complex and varied that they can only be understood after several tastings in dishes.

How much does a truffle cost?

At the beginning of the last century, truffles were widely used in most cases because they were available, obtained in sufficient quantities and satisfied demand. Today they are relatively rare, and as a delicacy they are used in expensive dishes or in special cases. This is due to growing industrialization and the further withdrawal of truffle areas from agriculture.

Another reason for the inflated price of truffles is high demand. Today it is not possible to obtain mushrooms on a large scale, which is due to the difficulty, specifics of cultivation and the duration of the return on investment, so access to the product is limited.

It is difficult to determine objective market value mushrooms, since basically the entire collection is sold at auctions held during mass collection and special festivals, and the final price of the product depends on the number of bids. Pricing is influenced by the size of the fruiting body, weight, type, season and harvest volumes.

White varieties are the most expensive of all tuberous mushrooms. In 2014, a white half-kilogram specimen (called “the largest in the world”) was sold at Sotheby’s for 46 thousand pounds sterling. In Italy, at an auction in the city of Alba, 11 copies of the Piedmontese variety were sold for 274 thousand euros. 1 kg of Piedmontese variety costs an average of 6–8 thousand dollars, depending on the volume of the harvest, the quality and size of individual mushrooms. This means that for one small mushroom of 20 g you need to pay up to $100. Small specimens (up to 12 g) are sold for 4 thousand dollars/kg, and for larger ones you will have to pay much more.

On the menus of prestigious restaurants, the most basic dish, seasoned with grated truffle, costs no less than $50, that is, every gram of seasoning for a culinary dish in domestic restaurants will increase the price of the dish by 500–1000 rubles.

The price for 1 kg of the Black Perigord variety is about 1.5 thousand dollars from farms and 2 thousand from retail suppliers. Black summer varieties sell for 1.5 thousand dollars per kilogram. A 1 kg summer mushroom from Italy it costs 300–400 dollars. The Chinese product is the cheapest ($250/kg) and is much inferior in flavor to Italian and French mushrooms.

Features of truffle collection

Truffles grow singly in random places deep underground among the roots of their host trees and are therefore impossible to detect visually. When the fruiting bodies are encountered near the surface of the ground, they split when they reach full size and can be spotted by experienced foragers. In addition, in the morning and evening you can see a swarm of small yellow flies hovering above the mycelium. Sometimes a person who is sensitive enough to the smell of mushrooms can find them.

Important! The found mushroom must be carefully separated from the roots of the tree so as not to damage them. After this, part of the precious find is put back into the ground so that the spores can seed new areas.

But usually, specially trained animals with a keen sense of smell - pigs and dogs - are used to help people naturally collect delicious raw materials. Domestic pigs have a good sense of smell and are able to smell the smell of truffles at a depth of up to 1 m. Its aroma contains chemical substance, identical to pig pheromones, contained in the saliva of mature boars, so it is attractive to female pigs.

But such hunters not only found mushrooms, but also ate a significant part of the prey, tearing apart the mycelium and thereby causing significant damage to truffle sites. In Italy, the use of pigs for mushroom hunting has been banned since 1985 due to the damage the animals caused to myceliums during digging, which led to a decline in productivity in the area for several years.

Dogs, having a similarly sensitive sense of smell, are generally more docile than pigs and are not at all interested in eating mushrooms. Search dogs are trained with early age, accustoming them to the smell of prey and mixing the mushrooms themselves into the food. Such dogs (truffle dogs) are expensive (up to 5 thousand dollars) and their owners take great care of them. But such investments quickly pay off due to the high prices for the extracted delicacy.

This old-fashioned, ancient harvesting practice creates a special interest in truffles and surrounds their collection with mystery - an elite and valuable product that cannot be obtained in any other way. Sometimes during the collection season special excursions are held for tourists and lovers of “silent hunting”.

Areas of application of truffle

Mushrooms are highly prized in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and international gourmet cuisine. Since truffle is so expensive, it makes no sense to serve it with something that will dominate its flavor, such as chili. Even wines should be very carefully selected for dishes with these mushrooms, avoiding strong aromas and acidity of the drink.

Important!White truffles are best consumed in fresh, shredded them into a warm dish on a special grater, since when heated strongly they lose most of their flavor. Black varieties may be subject to culinary preparation with heat treatment.

The distinct aroma and intense earthy flavor of mushrooms can transform pasta, egg dishes, risotto, scallops, foie gras or white meat in gourmet dishes. Their unique flavor pairs well with sophisticated appetizers and is ideal for aioli or as a side dish for appetizers such as French fries. Some specialty cheeses also contain pieces of this delicacy.

Due to their high price and pungent aroma, truffles are used sparingly, so there are products that allow you to appreciate the gastronomic characteristics of the delicacy in cheaper and more convenient preparations - truffle oil, salt, honey, extracts, alcoholic tinctures.

There are many brands of oil, each with their own unique formula. Some oils are flavored with natural or chemical flavorings that duplicate the taste and aroma of truffles, while branded oil manufacturers make a quality product from olive oil and real mushrooms.

Salt allows you to enjoy a unique taste without adding excess fat or butter in the main dish, and using it as a finishing ingredient. The canning industry produces ready meals- risotto, tagliatelle pasta, mushroom pasta sauce, canned black truffles. Ready and canned food allow you to enjoy the delicacy regardless of the harvest season.

Did you know? If you put the truffle in the refrigerator next to the eggs, the latter will have a distinct delicacy taste when used.

Is it possible to grow truffles artificially?

Despite numerous attempts to cultivate truffles, it seems that they still have not been able to achieve the same taste as those that grow in natural conditions, and white species cannot be grown artificially at all. There have been many attempts to farm black varieties of the delicacy, although the complex and lengthy process can take decades.

Some of these endeavors have been successful, but the most reliable source is still wild harvesting. Recent attempts in the USA and Australia to recreate truffle-friendly habitats by planting mycelium-inseminated seedlings of chestnut, oak and hazelnut trees have shown modest success, the volume of collection was insignificant and rarely suitable for consumption as a gourmet raw material.

Today, truffles are grown on farms and also collected in natural natural environment. They are served in many restaurants, and if you have the opportunity to try dishes with this delicacy, do not deny yourself the pleasure to appreciate the subtlety of the taste and aroma of this mushroom.

Back in Ancient Rome and Egypt, the truffle mushroom was a fairly famous product and available only to very wealthy people. Now it is most popular in Italy and France.

Truffles can be found in any prestigious restaurant in the world, and can be purchased in fashionable delicatessen stores.

Egypt is the country where this mushroom was first tasted. Then he got into Ancient Rome and only in the 16th century became popular in France

To get real pleasure, it is important to know what a truffle mushroom looks like, its main distinctive characteristics, information about the supplier, since beginning of XXI China began actively and successfully cultivating truffles for centuries.

Chinese products are much cheaper, but they are also much inferior in taste to real truffles.

Photo: truffle


Truffle is a genus of marsupial fungi, which are unattractive, tuberous, fleshy fruiting bodies weighing from 100 g to 1 kg. The surface is black with a blue or brown tint, and can be smooth, cracked, or covered with small bumps that look like warts. When cut, the color of the mushroom resembles marble due to the presence of many mixed light and dark veins. Young mushrooms are distinguished by elastic white flesh with a yellowish or grayish tint, old mushrooms are distinguished by brownish brownish flesh and an increased number of white veins.

Although the truffle genus has about a hundred species, only the following are considered the most valuable:

  • Perigordsky,
  • Piedmontese,
  • winter.

The mushroom is very capricious in relation to environmental conditions. He likes mixed forests with a predominance of oaks and beech trees, which must be at least 15 years old. It prefers soft, mineral-rich soil, and warm, humid weather with abundant rainfall. At the same time, the truffle grows underground, at a depth of 10–30 cm. Therefore, its reproduction depends on wild animals, which, by eating it, spread the spores. Such “agronomists willy-nilly” are attracted by the strong, specific aroma of mushrooms.

Unique Features

Truffle mushroom tastes like roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts, and is also characterized by a long aftertaste. The taste of the mushroom is so original and bright that even regular consumers find it difficult to describe it in words. True gourmets consume it raw, and preparation is reduced to minimal heat treatment, which allows the uniqueness of taste and delicious aroma to be preserved as much as possible.

There are many opinions about what truffle smells like, among which the most common is that the smell of truffle is very strong, pleasant, unusual, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of algae.

Useful properties

In addition to the famous high taste qualities, a delicacy valued for the presence of vitamins PP, B1, B2, C. Such beneficial properties mushroom as a beneficial effect on the bodies of children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. A significant increase in sexual desire is also noted after adults consume this product.

Not long ago, scientists proved that the mushroom helps delay skin aging. Cosmetologists are already producing a line of creams based on it to prevent wrinkles. It should be noted that such products are contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases.

Like most mushrooms, the calorie content is low, about 24 kcal per 100 g. Truffle goes well with a variety of foods due to its bright taste. It is used as an addition to the main dish. The strong flavor is achieved by sprinkling thinly sliced ​​ingredients over the food at the very end of cooking.

One of the most expensive mushrooms in the world is the truffle mushroom. This is the rarest and delicious delicacy. The mushroom has an unusual taste.

Translated from Greek it means earthen cone. Since according to appearance It resembles a small bump, you can see it by looking at the photo of truffle mushrooms.

Description of truffle mushrooms

The size of the mushroom is small, the maximum size is about 10 cm. The outer surface is dark blue or bright black, which is covered with warts.

However, there are species that have an even and smooth surface layer.

There are two types of pulp:

  • dense in a young fetus;
  • loose in a mature mushroom.

The taste is reminiscent of a nut, sweetish, but very tasty. The aroma of the mushroom is associated with algae.

Types of mushrooms

There are many varieties of truffle mushrooms in the world. Let's look at the most popular types:

Summer. It grows in Russia, the ripening period falls on summer months. Its size can be 10 cm. Its taste is associated with nuts.

Ginger. Found in Europe and North America. On Russian territory grows in Siberia.

White. Distributed in France and Italy. White truffle is one of the most expensive and tastes like cheese with garlic. The size can be about 12 cm.

American. It grows only on the coast of the United States of America, mainly in top layer soil. That's why this type The mushroom tastes like grass and flowers. Small in size, up to 5 cm.

Red. The gib is very small, does not grow more than 4 cm. Can be found in European countries. It tastes like coconut with wine.

Red shiny. Smaller in size than a red mushroom, approximately 3 cm in diameter. This truffle can be collected from May to August in deciduous forests. However, it is often possible to find in coniferous forests. It tastes like a mixture of wine, coconut and pear.

Where do they grow?

Many mushroom hunters wonder. Where do truffle mushrooms grow most often? As a rule, they grow in small groups of up to 7 pieces in forest areas.

Truffles are quite common in Russia. These are Crimea, Moscow, Samara, Orel, Vladimir and in many areas mainly in deciduous and displaced forests.

However, mushroom pickers have also found truffle mushrooms in coniferous forests.

Winter truffle grows in the Republic of Crimea. It is collected from November to March. It grows up to 15 cm in size and weighs up to a kilogram. When added to food, it gives the dish a nutmeg flavor.

You can find truffle mushrooms underground near the roots of oak, beech or hornbeam.

Benefits of mushrooms

It has long been proven that truffles can be eaten by humans. We can prepare many different dishes from mushrooms. They can be stewed or added to sauce. Can be served as a separate dish. These mushrooms can be harvested for the winter. They are canned or frozen.

Truffle mushroom is rich in vitamins and various microelements. The composition contains vitamins such as B, PP, C. They increase the level of fiber and have a positive effect on emotional state person.

Truffles can be used to make a juice that can be used to treat eye diseases.

There are no contraindications to consuming the mushroom. If only individual intolerance to the product. And so, the main thing is that the mushroom is fresh and processed, then you can eat it without fear of health.

Truffle cultivation

In many countries, the mushroom has long been grown under artificially created conditions. Since in natural environment extremely difficult to find mushroom.

In order for the mushroom to grow at home, certain conditions must be met:

  • availability of the necessary trees;
  • suitable soil;
  • good weather conditions.

Growing truffles yourself is very expensive and the process takes a long time.

Artificially grown mushrooms differ in taste from those found in nature. And their cost is almost the same, due to the high costs.

Truffle mushroom is used in cosmetology. Italian cosmetologists add truffle extract to masks and creams that are intended for the skin of the face and hands.

Since they were able to prove that a cream based on truffle mushroom helps tighten the skin, remove age spots, and can also hide small facial wrinkles.

Photo of truffle

About this amazing mushroom many have heard. We know that this mushroom grows somewhere underground, and without the help of four-legged helpers (pigs or dogs) it is almost impossible to find it. Perhaps this is where our knowledge ends. But what is a truffle? What types are there? Why is he so good?

A little information about truffles

Types of truffles native to Europe

Found in European countries the following types truffles:

By the way, truffles can be grown, although not in the same way as, for example, champignons. Back in the 19th century, it was noticed that if acorns from an oak tree under which truffles grow are planted in the ground, then these mushroom delicacies will also grow under the roots of the new tree. In France, where they know well what a truffle is, at one time 750 km 2 were planted with such groves, from which they managed to harvest 1000 tons of these delicacies. Unfortunately, this process is very lengthy. It takes about 30 years to obtain a full harvest, after which the number of truffles collected drops sharply.