Mushrooms in mid-October. Summer honey mushrooms: where to collect and how to distinguish from false ones

Honey mushrooms are such small and inconspicuous-looking mushrooms that, out of ignorance, they can be mistaken for toadstools. With an abundance of other mushrooms of a more presentable appearance, honey mushrooms often remain untouched. And only when the range of mushrooms in the forests is small, they remember honey mushrooms.

Where and when do honey mushrooms grow?

Honey mushrooms grow from May to late autumn.

Most often they appear near stumps or on fallen trees, which is why they got their name. Even if honey mushrooms have chosen a clearing, it’s not just like that. This means that roots extend deep underground, extending from a stump that was once a powerful tree.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They don't like to "jump" from place to place. And if a family of honey mushrooms was once discovered near some fallen tree, then experienced mushroom pickers will say with one hundred percent certainty that next year it will be possible to harvest a good harvest of mushrooms here. And until the stump of this tree (or the tree itself) turns into dust, honey mushrooms will appear near it.

Honey mushrooms differ from each other in appearance and time of appearance. This comes from the fact that there are several types of honey mushrooms: summer honey fungus, meadow honey fungus, autumn honey fungus and winter honey fungus.

In May, when there are no other mushrooms in the forests, mushrooms appear in clearings, pastures, pastures, and along the edges of fields. honey fungus. It grows until November.

Honey fungus is a sociable mushroom. It grows in such groups that you can pick a whole basket of mushrooms from one clearing. It is noteworthy that meadow honey fungus often grows not just in bunches, but as if forming a circle, which is popularly called the “witch’s circle.” And these circles are sometimes quite large in diameter. This is the mycelium of the meadow honey fungus that is growing so much. Of course, if it is not disturbed or damaged by vandal mushroom pickers.

The meadow honey fungus has a yellowish-brownish or cream-colored cap with a tubercle in the middle. The edges of the cap are always lighter than the center. The leg is high, thin, tortuous, dense. The meadow honey fungus emits a pleasant smell of mushrooms and cloves. The taste is sweetish.

Summer honey fungus grows from July to September. It appears on the stumps of deciduous trees, as well as logs, rotten wood and other remains of deciduous trees. It does not grow on a living tree. This is a small mushroom with a yellow-brown cap, the edges of which are darker than the middle, and a brownish stem. Below the ring on the stem, the color changes to brown-green.

Autumn honey fungus different from the rest brown caps and unusual scales that cover the entire cap, especially in a young mushroom. The flesh of the mushroom is light brown or beige. Autumn honey mushrooms have a pleasant smell and a sour-sweet taste.

Autumn honey fungus grows on stumps, dead wood, and also often moves onto living trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, causing them irreparable harm. After all, if autumn honey mushrooms completely take a fancy to some tree, it means that it will soon die.

Autumn honey fungus appears in August and grows until October, sometimes longer.

The difference between honey mushrooms and inedible and poisonous mushrooms

It happens that mushrooms grow at the wrong time. This does not happen with honey mushrooms. Therefore, it is difficult to confuse honey fungus with an inedible or poisonous mushroom. Especially if you know appearance not only honey mushrooms, but also not edible mushrooms.

For example, honey fungus can be confused with wood-loving collibia. It grows from May to December. The difference is a hollow stem, more frequent plates and an unpleasant odor.

It also grows in the same places as honey mushrooms. talker whitewashed. It is distinguished by a light cap without a tubercle in the middle and a floury smell.

Candol's false honey fungus has a white or brownish cap with purple-brown plates (in adult mushrooms) and a thin, hollow stalk.

Gray-yellow honey fungus has a yellow cap, a thin yellow stem and bitter flesh.

Seroplate honey fungus grows on wood coniferous trees and is distinguished by grayish plates.

Honeycombs are inedible. Their hallmark– brightly colored cap of greenish, reddish or yellow-sulphurous color.

All fresh honey mushrooms have a pleasant smell, which cannot be said about false honey mushrooms and others. inedible mushrooms, which can be confused with honey mushrooms.

Winter honey fungus- the latest mushroom - is slightly different from the rest of the mushrooms precisely in the color of the cap, which can be cream, light yellow and even yellow-red.

Winter honey fungus grows in groups not only on dead wood, but sometimes settles on living weakened trees, thereby destroying them.

Winter honey fungus does not disappear even during short frosts, but only becomes covered with a thin ice crust. And as soon as the sun warms it, it will thaw.

All types of honey mushrooms are eaten in fresh, boiled, fried. They are also salted, dried, pickled and frozen. But you need to remember that most mushrooms have a hard stem, especially adult mushrooms, so when picking mushrooms, most often only the caps are cut off or a small stem is left. Since honey mushrooms have a thin leg, scissors are used instead of a knife.

Surely many people know that autumn time This is the ideal time for mushroom picking. Why? Yes, because at night more dew begins to form, the soil layer is better moistened, and boletus and aspen boletuses really begin to grow out of the ground in huge numbers. In general, it is the year that amazes with the species diversity and rich harvest of mushrooms.

A huge number of people are interested in the question of what mushrooms are picked in October. To be fair, it should be said that the second month of autumn is the peak period for mushroom picking. In some cases, it is considered the only month in which one is lucky enough to harvest a rich harvest of porcini and oyster mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms

So, what mushrooms are picked in October? At this time, nature seems to freeze: silence reigns in the forest, which can only be broken by the rustling of yellowed leaves underfoot.

Do you want to know what mushrooms are picked in October? The first on the list should be, of course, honey mushrooms. Their share in the total harvest, as a rule, is a large part. In the forest they can be found in the most unexpected places, but most often on fallen deciduous trees and stumps. Moreover, they grow in fairly large clusters. Even an old stump in the garden can be a haven for honey mushrooms. Among mushroom pickers, they have firmly established the status of “impudent” mushrooms. In mid-autumn, it is the autumn honey fungus that is most often found. What mushrooms are still picked in October? It should be noted that in huge numbers you can see greenfinches and rowers that grow along forest paths and directly on sandy hills.

White mushroom

Of course, in the fall everyone goes to the forest to collect the harvest, despite the fact that they come across less and less often. It is best to search for them in sunny meadows.

Autumn variety of mushrooms

What mushrooms can be found in a pine forest at the beginning of October? Of course, these are boletus, boletus, boletus and boletus. Again, you can look for champignons in the meadows and gardens. If October turns out to be warm and sunny, then saffron milk caps and chanterelles come out of the ground. Must be mentioned (it seems that its rich azure hue cannot be washed away by anything). There is also a large umbrella mushroom and a red umbrella mushroom. The variety of species of champignons is also striking: you can find field, edible, steppe, and garden ones. In autumn, two types of talkers also grow: goblet and giant. You can also come across moss mushrooms: green, multi-colored and fissured.

What other mushrooms grow in October? Very often, mushroom pickers hunt for trumpet mushrooms, pigtails and raincoats. It is safe to say that in the fall you can harvest a rich harvest of mushrooms, and if you are suddenly asked whether there are mushrooms in October, you can safely answer in the affirmative.

Exercise caution

At the same time, when picking mushrooms, you should not neglect precautions. Of course, now you no longer think about whether there are mushrooms in October, but you also need to be able to distinguish edible specimens from inedible ones. For example, you might accidentally collect dung beetles. These eukaryotic organisms, when combined with alcohol, are dangerous to health as they can cause food poisoning.

Be aware of the risks of picking poisonous mushrooms. Please note that in the fall they grow en masse and they are practically no different from the original. Again, one can easily come across pale grebe. In this regard, upon arriving home, it is necessary to carefully examine each mushroom. If you have the slightest suspicion regarding whether or not it is, it is better to get rid of it.

Mushroom season in the Moscow region

Of course, many people go to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region in October. But it should be noted that during this period of time mushroom season is close to its completion, since there are not so many moss mushrooms and russula, and they natural shape with the onset of the first frosts it worsens somewhat. Nevertheless, enthusiasts do not lose optimism and set off along a wide variety of routes in the Moscow region to collect boletus, aspen, polish and umbrella mushrooms. It is noteworthy that fortune smiles on them, and they achieve their goal. This indicates only one thing: there are mushrooms in the Moscow region in October.

Mushroom places in the Moscow region

It should be emphasized that you can choose a wide variety of directions for mushroom picking in the Moscow region. As a rule, people prefer to use the train. We list several popular routes.

Savelovskoe direction

The final stop is Lugovaya station. Mushrooms can be collected in the western part - two kilometers towards the settlement of Ozeretskoye, as well as in the eastern part - three kilometers towards the settlements of Fedoskino and Sholokhov. In these places you can collect boletus, boletus and chanterelles. From Lugovaya station it takes about 40 minutes.

Kazan direction

You should get off at Chernaya station, which is surrounded by pine forest. As soon as you get off the train, in a matter of minutes you will find yourself in a forest. Here you can also collect a rich harvest of mushrooms, but as for chanterelles and boletus, it is not recommended to collect them, since they easily absorb harmful substances. Electric trains run from the capital's metropolis to Chernaya station three times a day.

Leningrad direction

Mushroom pickers should get to Firsanovka station, then, heading northeast, get to settlement Nazaryevo. Then you should go again in the northeast direction to the village of Elino, and not far from the intersection of the route with the Leningradskoye Highway, you can see mixed forest. It is in it that you can collect honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps and porcini mushrooms.

Of course, this is only a small fraction of the directions for mushroom picking in the Moscow region. You can always choose the most optimal route for yourself.

October is also a good month. Just like in September, this month you can collect a decent basket of edible mushrooms, if there were no severe frosts and constant heavy rains. So, under the bright leaves, don’t miss the caps of saffron milk caps, russula, boletus, and moss mushrooms.

And if, after all, slight frosts have already set in in October, then there is no need to despair here either, since greenfinches and greenfinches are not afraid of them.

So, now about every mushroom that grows in autumn forest, we'll tell you in more detail.

  • White mushroom

One of the most favorite mushrooms is also found in October, but provided that there were no severe frosts. In mushrooms growing in pine forest, it is dark brown, often with a purple tint, in spruce forests it is brown or reddish-brown, in deciduous forests it is lighter. The pulp is white, dense, does not change color, which is especially appreciated. Porcini mushrooms are pickled, salted, dried, and fried, so this mushroom is universal.

  • boletus

Another one of our favorite edible mushrooms. And although it is called boletus and essentially should only grow under birch trees, it can be found in almost all deciduous forests. He gravitates towards edges, hillocks, and also towards light. Boletus mushrooms are often used for drying and pickling.

  • Ryzhik

Many mushroom pickers do not agree that the king of mushrooms is the boletus mushroom, and put the camelina in first place. It can be found in young pine trees that grow along the grassy edges of older ones pine forests. This mushroom is quite recognizable. It is a bright, orange-red mushroom with concentric darker orange zones. Ryzhiki is a valuable mushroom; even when pickled, it does not lose its color, and, in addition, has excellent taste.

  • Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom is considered one of the most popular mushrooms that grow late autumn and are not afraid of cold weather. Sometimes they grow even until December. Oyster mushrooms can be found on aspen, poplar, oak or birch, as well as on rotten stumps. What to do with this mushroom? Usually it is salted, fried, pickled.

  • Winter mushrooms

Winter mushrooms are an excellent edible find for avid mushroom pickers who love to go mushroom picking even in October. Some even believe that winter mushrooms are tastier than autumn ones. Whether this is true or not, you can check for yourself by going to the forest in October. What do they do with them? Yes, as usual: salted, fried, marinated.

  • Row purple

This autumn mushroom also quite popular among mushroom pickers. You can easily recognize it by its purple hat. Interestingly, this mushroom is also not afraid of cold weather, so it grows until December. Ryadovka is most often pickled, fried or salted, depending on your preference.

  • Talker

Govorushka is a fairly popular edible mushroom, although some believe that it can cause distress in some people. But this can be avoided if you boil the mushrooms thoroughly and then drain all the water. The talker is “friends” with the row, which is why you can often see them together in one place. Govorushki are salted, pickled and fried. They grow even in November.

  • Garlic

Garlic is an edible mushroom that is famous for its garlicky aroma, which is unusual for a mushroom. Therefore, it is often used as a seasoning instead of garlic. When dried, it retains its aroma. Where can you find this garlic substitute? Look on the stumps. By the way, it also grows until the end of November.

  • Volnushka

Volnushka grows in the most different forests, but, as a rule, most often in a birch forest. Often mushroom pickers do not collect the mushroom and avoid it. And all because you have to tinker with it a little when cooking, because if you don’t soak it, it will be bitter. But if you still devote time to this mushroom, it will pleasantly surprise you with its taste. Moreover, very decent pickles are made from the trumpets, which are eaten once or twice in winter.

  • Greenfinch

Greenfinch is a very tasty edible mushroom that forms a mycelium with pine. Greenfinch can also be found in November.

  • Common chanterelles

Chanterelles are one of the most beloved and famous mushrooms, which is almost never wormy. In mid-October, young chanterelles begin to appear, you just need to notice them under the withered foliage. Sometimes they grow until December.

  • Trembling orange

Trembling is a rather original mushroom for real gourmets. It is known for its smooth, jelly-like consistency as well as its vibrant orange color. From the tremors you can make an omelette that literally melts in your mouth or a delicious, tender soup. This mushroom grows not only in October, but throughout the winter to the delight of mushroom pickers. The best place to look for the mushroom is in the hazel tree on dead branches.

  • Ice mushroom

Another original edible mushroom, characterized by a gelatinous consistency. Its cap is decorated with translucent spines. Unfortunately, the ice mushroom is quite rare and quite difficult to find.

List and overview of mushrooms that grow in September, October and November.

Mushrooms - useful product, containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for preparing fillings for pies, as part of first and second courses. In addition, mushrooms are used to make excellent preparations for the winter in the form of caviar, pate or salts. Of course, you can buy mushrooms at the market, but forest varieties are considered the most delicious and nutritious.

Mushrooms are the fruits of the growth of mycelium and mycelium. In general, mycelium grows several meters underground, like a spider’s web. From time to time it bears fruit. These are exactly the mushrooms that we collect. The largest mushroom harvest is observed in the fall after rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the mushroom already on the 5th day. At this time, a leg appears that connects the mycelium and the cap. Initially, the cap is small, but after 2-3 days its size rapidly increases. That is, after the rain you can go pick mushrooms in 1-2 weeks.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of September: photos, list, names

September is a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be the peak. The most interesting thing is that it is at this time that the mushrooms are harvested. In the forest you can find summer mushrooms, which previously bore fruit well in July and August.

List of mushrooms for September:

  • Wet
  • Porcini mushrooms
  • Chanterelles

false fox

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of October: photos, list, names

At this time, the number of mushrooms decreases. The fact is that the nights become relatively cold. But at this temperature, the mushrooms last longer until their maturity. There are not many summer mushrooms at this time. The time has begun for varieties that love moderate temperatures. The most interesting thing is that this is the best time to harvest mushrooms. They keep for a very long time.

List of October mushrooms:

Occasionally you can see boletus and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time is running out.

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of November: photos, list, names

In November it is already quite cold and out of all the summer abundance, very few mushrooms are found. These are mainly resistant varieties that grow on tree trunks or stumps. Because there is frost on the ground surface. Usually, the mushroom season ends with the first snow. Occasionally you can see oyster mushrooms on the trunks.

List of November mushrooms:

  • Gray row

What are the latest edible mushrooms in November: photos, list, names

Basically, at the end of autumn there are not many mushrooms in the forest, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mycelium gradually stops producing fruit, as the temperature is quite low. Few people pick mushrooms in November, as this is the time of rain and the first frosts. At this time the forest is very dirty. Few people would like to walk in the mud and pick through wet leaves, looking for mushrooms. At this time, there are very few mushrooms left that can be eaten. They have a significant feature - a hard cap. Therefore, among mushroom pickers there are few who love such mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Winter honey fungus

All these mushrooms have a dense texture and a fibrous cap.

gray talker

Very hot weather not for mushrooms. In general, mushrooms love moisture and moderate temperature. The ideal temperature can be considered +10+20 °C. If summer or autumn is very dry, then you should not count on a good harvest of mushrooms. But even if in the fall heavy rains, then the mycelium will get wet. In such weather there is also no good harvest.

September can be considered ideal, at this time there is a lot summer mushrooms and lovers of coolness appear. At this time you can see boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that a temperature of +5+10 °C is required for the development of the mushroom fruit. This is the minimum temperature.

Despite the decrease in average daily temperature, in the fall it is possible to harvest large number mushrooms They are not inferior in taste to summer ones.

VIDEO: Edible mushrooms in autumn

What honey mushrooms and when to collect in different regions/

Every autumn, avid mushroom pickers go out in search of tasty and aromatic mushrooms. IN this material can be found useful information about honey mushrooms. We hope you find it useful.

Honey mushrooms: description of a mushroom variety

Honey mushrooms got their own name due to the fact that, as a rule, they grow on stumps. There are also honey mushrooms that grow in meadows. If translated into Latin, honey agaric is a “bracelet” with many beads.

  • Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms. Plus, they are quite tasty and contain a lot of useful substances, for example, protein, fiber.
  • These mushrooms tend to grow large families. It’s not often that you come across mushrooms growing alone.
  • Honey fungus is a small mushroom. It has a height of no more than 15 cm. If these mushrooms did not grow large families, they would be difficult to distinguish from ordinary poisonous mushrooms.
  • The hat has a hemispherical shape from the very beginning. Over time, the edges of the cap curl, resembling a miniature umbrella. The diameter of the upper part can be from 2 cm to 10 cm. The color of the cap also varies: from beige to reddish. But yellow-red ones are often found again T A.
  • The pulp of all representatives of this mushroom is smooth, tender, and has a pale yellowish color. In addition, it is most often wet, as it collects moisture for better viability. The pulp of the mushroom tastes delicious, giving off the taste of raw wood.
  • As for the leg, its length can reach up to 15 cm and have a color from light copper to brown. Very often, the stem of honey mushrooms has a “skirt” that connects the top and bottom of the mushrooms, plus it serves as an additional fastening.

When do the first autumn honey mushrooms appear, when do they begin to grow in the forest, in what month?

Can be found at any time of the year. It all depends, first of all, on the variety of mushrooms and on weather conditions. For example, autumn honey mushrooms They begin to grow around the end of summer, and the last fungus can be seen in early December. Winter honey mushrooms, accordingly, give an excellent harvest in the cool period of the year, and spring and those that grow in summer begin to grow when the first warmth arrives.

IMPORTANT: Honey mushrooms grow best in the fall, when it rains - it is at this time that they have enough moisture, therefore, the honey mushroom season is late autumn and early spring.

By the way, you probably noticed that when it rains, the number of honey mushrooms increases. This is due to the fact that these mushrooms simply love moisture and they need very damp soil in order to develop well. Temperature honey mushrooms are not very important during growth, since with the arrival cool weather one type of mushroom grows, and with the arrival warm days- another.

They have some distinctive characteristics:

  • Many tree species are suitable for mushrooms to germinate. Their approximate number is 200. In some cases, honey mushrooms can even germinate in potatoes. At night, autumn honey mushrooms stand out beautifully: they are illuminated.
  • The ideal conditions needed for the growth of honey mushrooms in a damp forest are stumps, for example, birch, aspen, as well as dead wood of some trees.
  • The diameter of the cap of the autumn honey mushroom is approximately 16 cm, and the length of the leg is up to 10 cm.

Do autumn honey mushrooms grow in August, September, October, November?

Autumn honey mushrooms like to grow in “flocks”. They grow, as a rule, on stumps, but they can also be found on dead or diseased trees, on healthy bushes, near roads, and in clearings. The period when honey mushrooms grow profusely is short-lived. As a rule, this occurs within 14 days at the beginning of autumn or at the end of autumn.

Autumn mushrooms are divided into 3 categories:

  • Autumn real ones
  • Tuberous or bulbous
  • Late form

Autumn honey mushrooms are very useful:

  • Autumn mushrooms contain a lot of copper and zinc. That is why they help fight problems such as hair loss
  • Mushrooms have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Proteins contained in autumn mushrooms slow down the development of cancer
  • The powder, which is made from raw autumn mushrooms, destroys negative microflora and is excellent for intestinal disorders.
  • A decoction and tincture prepared from mushroom stems is recommended for liver diseases
  • Substances that are part of mushrooms increase the resistance of the human body and normalize the functionality of the immune system.

Autumn, Assumption, winter mushrooms: when do they start to be collected in central Russia, Siberia, Belarus?

We used to call edible honey mushrooms, lamellar mushrooms. Honey mushrooms are considered the most productive and collected mushrooms in the territory Russian Federation, Siberia and Belarus. Typically, these mushrooms tend to end the mushroom season.

In the central parts of Russia, honey mushrooms are often called unusual name"Assumption". And all because the mass gathering falls on a big day church holiday, namely on the Assumption Holy Mother of God. It is on August 28 that professional mushroom pickers go into the forest for mushrooms, which produce good fruits for 3 weeks.

In many regions there is a second wave, when honey mushrooms bear fruit. Again, it all depends on the climatic and weather conditions of a particular region. In those places, people collect autumn honey mushrooms until the end of October.

As for winter mushrooms, they are considered the latest. Mushrooms are not afraid of frost. They can even freeze and turn into “lenses”. But when they thaw, they do not become overly soft and do not lose their shape. The fruits of winter mushrooms can be collected in late autumn or early December, at a time when there is already snow all around and it is impossible to find other mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms: where do they grow, in which forests?

Often these mushrooms can be found in a ravine, on a stump, near a swamp, or in a damp, impassable forest. They are growing in the northern hemisphere our planet, almost everywhere. There is, however, an exception - honey mushrooms cannot be found in areas where permafrost is present.

  • Productivity depends on important factor- forests in which mushrooms live. For example, summer honey mushrooms are found in coniferous forests. But only if there is a mountainous area nearby. Otherwise, honey mushrooms will never settle, since they will not have enough water.
  • Regarding deciduous forest, then here you can easily collect full baskets of mushrooms. Because from just one stump you can collect a lot of mushrooms, which will be enough to prepare soup, second, and appetizers. In such a forest all types of this category of mushrooms are found: winter, summer, autumn and spring.

  • In a mixed forest you can also see honey mushrooms, but there are much fewer of them here. It all depends on what area the mushroom chooses to live in - more moisture, larger family.
  • For honey mushrooms to grow comfortably, they require a large amount of water, plus warm climate. That is why honey mushrooms are not often found in meadows. Mushrooms do not tolerate direct sunlight; they prefer shade.

But there are cases when honey mushrooms still settle on stumps that are located in the steppes. However, this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Honey mushrooms grow under which and on which trees and stumps of which trees?

The harvest of honey mushrooms primarily depends on the tree under which they grow. Mushrooms love deciduous trees, in particular birch and linden. But it should be remembered that this group of mushrooms likes to grow exclusively on dead trees and stumps. They can also be found under oak, flax, acacia and other trees.

Now let's look at all types of honey mushrooms and the trees on which they mainly grow:

  • Spring and autumn honey fungus likes to grow on deciduous trees. They especially prefer trunks that are already damaged and have rot on the surface. In the mountains, summer varieties can be found on spruce trees or on spruce stumps.
  • Honey mushrooms, which grow on coniferous trees, have a bitter taste and dark color. In deciduous forests, summer honey mushrooms are collected from mid-spring until the end of summer. If the climate is favorable, then mushrooms grow without interruption, giving us their nutritious fruits.

  • Autumn honey mushrooms considered the most popular. The honey mushroom likes to live most of all on birch, birch stump, aspen, maple, and oak. As a rule, autumn representatives choose those trees that begin to rot and become sick. Although in some cases, mushrooms choose a completely healthy tree. Autumn honey mushrooms especially like old birch forests with fallen trunks and swampy birch forests with large number rottenness and stumps.
  • Winter mushrooms They also love the stumps of deciduous trees. Mushrooms bear fruit quite abundantly on very tall and thickened logs of trees such as aspen, poplar, and willow. Winter representatives can even settle in gardens where fruit trees grow, gradually destroying their trunks. Preference is given to: elm, poplar, willow, beech.

How long does it take for honey mushrooms to grow in the forest, and at what speed?

Autumn representatives grow faster than other mushrooms. They can dial full height approximately in 7 days. But the rate of germination of honey mushrooms may still depend on some factors. For example, in order for mushrooms to grow abundantly, they require ideal weather and moderate rainfall. In addition, the condition of the stump or tree also affects growth. If the stump is very rotten, honey mushrooms grow faster. This is because the pores open, through which air and moisture pass well.

Many professional mushroom pickers claim that autumn honey mushrooms can be collected through 3 days. That is, collect a group of mushrooms today, and then return for a new batch in 3 days. Mycologists say that honey mushrooms grow 5 cm in height in 1 day, with a cap width of about 2 cm. After another 3 days, these indicators change significantly, by approximately 1.5 cm.

If we take wet autumn weather, then honey mushrooms under such conditions grow 3 days after it rains. Scientists have found that mushrooms grow most actively on the 1st day after precipitation. Also, the growth activity of honey mushrooms is affected by fog, which also saturates the soil with moisture.

At what temperature do honey mushrooms grow?

Autumn honey mushrooms know their worth, therefore, they grow at temperatures from 8 degrees Celsius to 13 degrees. If a similar temperature falls at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, then the main fruiting of the mushroom will move precisely to this period of the year. If the temperature rises to 15 degrees Celsius, then honey mushrooms may hide.

Do winter mushrooms grow after frost?

Autumn honey mushrooms may not survive frosts, but their winter brothers are not afraid of cold weather. They may become covered with a crust of ice, and after the onset warm weather come alive again and continue to grow. What is surprising is that after such cold they always remain beautiful and elastic.

What honey mushrooms can be collected?

Honey mushrooms are edible and false. We will look at those that you can collect at any time of the year and prepare them for your loved ones.

  • Autumn(real). The peak period for mushroom reproduction occurs in September.
  • Thick-legged. As a rule, they are considered saprophytes. They grow on rotten stumps or rotten leaves. They love beech and spruce. The growing season is in late summer and late autumn.
  • Summer. These mushrooms grow in dense families on rotten deciduous trees. northern latitudes our country.
  • Winter. Mushrooms grow on weak trees or dead stumps. The most ideal climatic region is the northern part of the country.

  • Spring. They usually grow in tubers. Can be found from early summer to late autumn in small groups in places where there is rotten wood or fallen leaves.
  • The rows are yellow-red. These mushrooms are considered conditionally edible. They can only be collected when they are young. But adult representatives have a bitter taste.
  • Mucous. Mushrooms are considered edible, but they have almost no taste qualities and smell.
  • Meadow. Edible mushrooms belong to category 4. Only the caps are used for food, since the legs are quite tough.
  • Garlic. They have a strong garlic smell. People use them dried, instead of seasoning. They can also be boiled and fried. After they pass heat treatment, lose the specific smell of garlic.
  • Large garlic ones. They grow in large families on fallen leaves, near a stump or rotten beech branches.

You can read more information about the varieties of honey mushrooms. We hope that the information will be useful to you.

Video: Honey mushrooms: where, how and when to collect?