What does a black truffle mushroom look like? Truffle – a delicious mushroom: features and types

The cost of Pezizales on the domestic market reaches 100-160 thousand rubles per kilogram.


1. Black summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) is a valuable commercial product. Has high taste qualities and good aroma.

Widely distributed in Europe and East Asia. It is found in the south of the European part of Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza (root symbiosis) with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, prefers oak. Fruits in May-August. Dimensions: 2-10 cm, weight 20-400 g.

Recently, a resident of Chelyabinsk discovered real black truffles in the Chelyabinsk region.And a resident of Tomsk found as many as 3 kg of valuable mushrooms in the forest near the Siberian city.

2. Black autumn truffle (Tuber mesentericum) is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and decent aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and pine. Fruits from September to November (at favorable conditions until December). Dimensions: 2-8 cm, 20-320 g.

3. Black winter truffle (Tuber brumale) is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and good aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. Found in Russia Black Sea coast Caucasus and Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous trees, preferring linden. Fruiting time is December-February (under favorable conditions from August to March). Dimensions: 2-8 cm, 20-320 g.

4. Perigord truffle Tuber melanosporum – the most valuable of the black truffles. It has the highest taste and persistent aroma.

Distributed in western, central and southern Europe. Cultivated. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and hazel. Fruiting time is December-January (from November to March under favorable conditions). Dimensions: 2-15 cm, 20-1150 g.

5. Black spring truffle Tuber malenconii – has no commercial value. It has a pronounced unpleasant odor and is inedible.

Quite rare. Found in the same places as Perigord truffle(central and southern Europe). Forms mycorrhiza with oak. Fruiting time is February-April. Sizes: from 1 to 4 cm, 5-50 g.

6. Smooth black truffle Tuber macrosporum is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and good aroma.

Grows throughout Europe. Cultivated. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and pine. Fruiting time is September-November (from August to December under favorable conditions). Dimensions: 2-5 cm, 20-125 g.

7. Himalayan black truffle Tuber himalayense - often passed off as black winter truffle when exported to Europe. It has average taste and a good, but unstable aroma. Unripe mushrooms are tasteless and odorless.

It grows in the Chinese territory of Tibet in the eastern Himalayas. Forms mycorrhiza with Himalayan oak and pine. Fruiting time is December-February (exclusively winter species). Small mushrooms: 1-3 cm, 5-45 g.

8. Black Chinese truffle Tuber indicum - in itself does not have any special taste and has a weak aroma that quickly disappears; Unripe mushrooms have no taste or smell at all. Often artificially flavored and passed off as significantly more expensive winter and Périgord black truffles.

Grows in southwestern China. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, chestnut and pine. Fruiting time is December-Feral (under favorable conditions - November-March). Sizes: 2-10 cm, 20-500 g.


1. Winter white truffle Tuber magnatum is the most valuable and expensive of all truffles. It has the highest taste qualities and a strong, persistent aroma.

Found in central and southern Europe. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak, hazel and pine. Fruiting time is October-November (under favorable conditions from September to January). Dimensions: 2-15 cm, 20-1125 g.

2. The whitish truffle Tuber albidum is not of particular value, although it is collected in places where it grows. Has average taste and strong peculiar aroma with a hint of coconut.

Found throughout Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with oaks and pines. Fruiting time is February-March (under favorable conditions from January to April). Average sizes: 2-3 cm, 20-45 g, but there are specimens up to 10 cm in diameter and weighing 500 g.

3. March white truffle Tuber borchii – has a medium-expressed taste. The smell intensifies with age.

Found throughout central and southern Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species. Fruiting time is February-March (under favorable conditions from January). Dimensions: 2-7 cm, 20-250 g.

4. Duron white truffle Tuber excavatum is a not very popular mushroom with a peculiar sweet-spicy aroma. The pulp is very dense. It is not collected en masse.

Found throughout Europe - right up to the Urals, capturing Russian territory. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species. Fruiting time is September-November (under favorable conditions from August to December). Dimensions: 1-4 cm, 5-80 g.

5. Variegated white truffle Tuber maculatum is a not very popular mushroom with bitterish flesh and a weak but pleasant truffle aroma. Harvested only for flavoring, in particular for truffle oil.

Found throughout Europe and Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species, incl. with fir. Fruiting time is short: late June - early September. Sizes: from 1-2 to 7 cm, 200 g.

6. Moroccan white truffle Tuber oligospermum - collected en masse by the population, but not used in restaurants. It has a weak but pleasant sweetish-nutty aroma, which is somewhat spoiled by the noticeable notes of acetylene.

Found all over Mediterranean coast and in North Africa. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, pine and cedar. The fruiting time is short - May-June. Dimensions: 2-5 cm, 20-125 g.

7. Tuber puberulum, a pubescent white truffle, has no commercial value. It is edible, but does not have a pronounced taste or smell.

Found throughout Europe to the Urals, in particular in Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time: April-October. The mushroom is very small: 0.5-2 cm, 3-20 g.

8. Oregon spring white truffle Tubergibbosum – has a moderately pleasant taste and aroma with a slight hint of spice.

Found in the northwest North America in the USA and Canada. It forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, pine, spruce). Fruiting time is March-May (under favorable conditions from February to June). Sizes: from 1-7 cm, 5-250 g.

9. Oregon Autumn White Truffle Tuberoregonense – The taste and smell are similar to the spring Oregon truffle, but more pronounced.

It is found in the northwestern United States - in the states of Washington and Oregon. It forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, fir, pine, spruce). Fruiting time is October-January (under favorable conditions from September to February). Sizes: 1-7 cm, 5-250 g.

10. White (Polish or Trinity) truffle Choiromyces meandriformis has a fruiting body with light flesh.

This truffle grows in the forests of Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (formerly in large quantities mined in the vicinity of Aleksandrov and Sergiev Posad).

It is found throughout Europe and in Russia in the Urals region. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time is May-August (under favorable conditions from April to September). The mushroom is quite small: 1-3 cm, 5-45 g.

3. Pecan Truffle (Texas Red Truffle) (Tuberlyonii) – has a strong, pleasant nutty aroma with pronounced notes of fresh corn. Cultivated.

Found in the southeastern United States. It forms mycorrhiza with the pecan tree Carya illinoinensis, after which it is named. Less often - with linden and hawthorn. Fruiting time is July-October (under favorable conditions from June to November). Dimensions: 3-7 cm, 45-250 g.

Among the so-called steppe truffles, “tombolans” (genus Terfezia) are also edible. Grow in Southern Europe, North Africa, the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, the Araks River Valley, Central Asia and Turkmenistan ( Terfezia transcaucasica). In the same areas the steppe truffle grows ( Terfezia boudieri).


In France and Italy, truffles began to be hunted back in the 15th century. Moreover, even then they were searched for with the help of specially trained dogs and young piglets, capable of smelling valuable prey at a distance of as much as 20 meters. In addition, in some areas of France, the so-called “fly hunt” is practiced, because a swarm of midges above the ground in the forest reveals the location of valuable tubers. The fact is that flies are from the familyHeleomyzidae lay their eggs in “truffle soil” because their larvae also feed on the underground delicacy.

The most expensive mushroom, “black diamond” - that’s what they say about truffles. You don’t hear this about every mushroom. Often, apart from the fact that they are very expensive, we know nothing about these mushrooms. So what’s special, besides the cost, about such, at first glance, inconspicuous lumps? Let's find out about this from the article.

What does a truffle look like?

Truffles belong to the category of marsupial mushrooms. All this is due to the fact that their spores are located in the body of the mushroom itself.

The delicacy grows underground. For normal growth it needs to enter into symbiosis with the tree. The mycelium, as it were, envelops the root system of the tree, so it better absorbs useful substances from the soil.

The truffle does not have a pronounced stem or cap; its body is tuberous. Visually, it is somewhat similar to potatoes. In size, these delicacies range from very tiny (the size of a nut) to larger ones (the size of an orange). Weight ranges from a few grams to a kilogram (but such giants are extremely rare).
The skin, depending on the type, can be almost black or light (white truffles). The pulp also varies in color depending on the type, but in all mushrooms, when cut, it resembles a marble pattern. Use this product can be raw.

Varieties of truffles

There are more than a hundred varieties of this mushroom, but we will look at the most common ones.

Black summer

Black summer, also known as black Russian, grows in deciduous or mixed forests under the roots of oak, beech or birch. Prefers soil with lime. Distributed in Central Europe, found on the sea coast of the Caucasus. The season for this mushroom is summer and early autumn.
The fruiting body of the summer black is tuberous or round, bluish or brown (closer to black) with black warts. The diameter reaches 10 cm.

The pulp of a young mushroom is quite dense; the older it is, the softer it is. The color of the flesh also changes with age from light to brownish. It tastes sweetish with a nutty tint. The smell is similar to the aroma of seaweed. Summer black is valued less than its relatives, although it is a delicacy.

Black winter

Winter truffles can be harvested from late autumn to March. It grows in Italy, Switzerland, Western Ukraine and in the mountainous regions of Crimea.

The mushroom has a spherical shape up to 20 cm in diameter. The weight of an adult specimen can reach a kilogram or even more.
The outside is covered with numerous warts. The pulp with yellowish veins resembles a marble pattern. It is initially light, but over time it turns gray or even takes on a purple tint.

Has a strong musky odor. It is not valued as much as other “black” relatives.

Black Perigord (French)

The Périgord truffle gets its name from the historical region of Périgord in France. But it is also found in Italy (Umbria), Spain and Croatia. The collection season is from November to March.

The fruit body is tuberous in shape, up to 9 cm in diameter. The color of a young specimen is reddish-brown, while that of an old one is black. The color of the pulp is gray or pinkish over time, with the appearance of spores it becomes dark brown or black, but the light veins remain.
The aftertaste is bitter, and the smell reminds some of chocolate, and for others - expensive alcohol.

This mushroom gets its name from the area where it grows. The Himalayan truffle is a type of black winter truffle. The fruiting period is from mid-November to February.

The mushroom itself is quite small, only up to 5 cm in diameter. Its weight is no more than 50 g.
The peel is dark with small growths. The flesh is elastic, dark purple, almost black. Aroma with pronounced forest notes.

White Piedmontese (Italian)

It is most common in the Italian region of Piedmont and in the regions of France that border it. Most often it grows in deciduous forests under oak, willow, poplar, and occasionally under linden. The collection period is from the second ten days of September to the end of January.

The tubers are up to 12 cm in diameter. Weight is up to 300 g, but occasionally there are specimens weighing up to 1 kg. The surface is velvety, light orange or brown.
The pulp is elastic, can be white or yellow-gray. The veins that form the marble pattern are light or creamy brown.

The aroma of white truffle combines the smell of cheese and garlic.

Did you know? The French account for 50% of all truffles eaten in the world.

White Oregon (American)

This type of truffle can be found in the northwestern United States. Grows shallow in the soil near coniferous trees. It is collected from October to January.

The fruit body is up to 7 cm in diameter. Weight can reach 250 g. The peel is light brown, the flesh is golden brown with light veins.
The aroma of this forest delicacy has herbal and floral notes.


This mushroom grows throughout Europe and in western Russia (up to the Urals). Prefers soil near coniferous trees or oak. Fruits from late spring to August.

The diameter of the tuber is up to 4 cm. The weight rarely exceeds 80 g.

The color of the mushroom is red-brown. The pulp is quite dense, dirty pink or beige in color.
The aroma contains notes of grass, wine and coconut.

Red brilliant is the “brother” of red truffle. It is found in the forests of Europe and Russia, most often under oak.

The underground inhabitants themselves are very small - they do not exceed 4 cm in diameter. Weight - about 45 g.

The skin is beige or brown. The flesh is grayish or brown with white streaks.
The smell of this specimen has wine-pear notes with a light coconut scent.

Important! Reindeer truffle- the only inedible of all representatives of the genus.

Autumn (Burgundy)

This species, like many others, got its name from its place of growth (Burgundy). Its ripening period is from June to October.

The mushroom has a round shape, not exceeding 8 cm in diameter. Weight reaches 300 g.
As a type of black mushroom, Autumn Burgundy has a dark, almost black skin. The pulp is light brown with light veins.

Autumn truffle has the smell of hazelnut and chocolate, for which it is valued by gourmets.

Chinese (Asian)

This type of truffle grows in southwest China. Prefers cohabitation with oak, chestnut and pine. Its growth period is from December to February.

The diameter of the tuber is up to 10 cm. Weight can reach up to 500 g. The peel is dark and dense. The flesh is elastic, dark color with gray veins.
The aroma is pronounced only in mature mushrooms. There are cases when truffles are artificially flavored in order to pass them off as Périgord.

Where and how does it grow

Truffles are earth dwellers. They grow underground at the roots of trees. Each species prefers a certain area and trees.

The geography of growth of these mushrooms is quite diverse. They can be found throughout Europe, in warm corners of Russia, northern Africa and western North America.

Most prefer broad-leaved trees - oak, birch, beech, poplar, elm, linden. Some grow under cedar or pine trees.

The underground dweller loves a warm, mild climate, so in our latitudes it can be found in the forests of Western Ukraine, in Crimea, in Russian forests to the Urals and the Caucasus, as well as in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Gomel region of Belarus.

How to search

The delicacy grows underground and is quite difficult to find. But there are some signs that a truffle is hiding underground:

  • the vegetation above the mushroom is sparse;
  • the earth takes on a gray tint;
  • red flies use the fruiting body to feed the larvae, so they swarm around “appetizing” places.
Since the truffle has a pronounced aroma, animals can easily smell it. This feature is used to search for it, attracting pigs or dogs. A pig can smell the aroma of a treat from 20 meters away. Dogs do not eat this mushroom, but to search for it, they are first trained to smell it.

Important! In Europe, a license is required to “hunt” truffles..

Chemical composition

Truffle is a dietary product - per 100 g there are only 24 kcal (3 g - proteins, 0.5 g - fats, 2 g - carbohydrates).

These delicacy products contain vitamins C (6 mg), B1 (0.02 mg), B2 (0.4 mg), PP (9.49 mg). You can also find the following elements in it:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

Benefits and harms

The vitamins and minerals contained in these mushrooms have a positive effect on human health:

  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • help accelerate the recovery of the skin from cuts or diseases;
  • prevent the development of malignant tumors in the large intestine;
  • help maintain skin tone, reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • have a beneficial effect on the microflora in the intestines.

These mushrooms cannot cause any harm to the human body, and the only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to this product. Women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as preschool children should refrain from eating truffles.

How to use it in cooking

These mushrooms differ from other relatives in their special taste and aroma. The smell of these mushrooms may have nutty or herbal notes.

Truffle is used as an additive to sauces or as an aromatic spice, but most often this product is served raw, grated and added to the main dish. It is by coming into contact with other products that the aroma of truffles is revealed in full.
The taste of this mushroom is similar to roasted nuts or seeds. It is inseparable from the aroma; gourmets sometimes say that they “eat the smell.”

Why are truffles so expensive?

The high cost of truffles is due to the fact that very few of them are “harvested”. This mushroom does not grow in every forest or even in every region. In addition, it is not so easy to find, because it does not come to the surface. And what completes its uniqueness is that it is a seasonal product.

Add to this a pleasant taste and a breathtaking aroma - and we get a rare, expensive delicacy.

Did you know? The largest white truffle that was picked weighed 1 kg 890 g.

By the way, the cost of a white truffle can reach 4 thousand euros/kg. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. The black relative will cost from 1500 to 2500 dollars per kilogram.

There is an opinion that once you try this strange mushroom, its taste and aroma remain in your memory forever. In addition to taste, this product is also very beneficial for the body. Gourmets advise: if you have the opportunity to taste this delicacy, do not miss it.

What is a truffle, calorie content and chemical composition. Beneficial properties of the delicacy and harm from consumption. Mushroom recipes And interesting facts about a haute cuisine product.

Contents of the article:

Truffle is a valuable mushroom from the genus Marsupials, species Petsitsev. The delicacy is so prized that it was once sold for its weight in gold. True truffles are the fruiting bodies of the genus Tuber and are called “real” truffles. Unscrupulous sellers may sell analogs that are similar in appearance - from the genera Elaphomyces, Choiromyces and Terfezia. Fake delicacies are not poisonous, but have no value. Externally, truffles resemble fleshy tubers. The color can be black, white or yellow. The skin-shell is thin, and the tender flesh in cross-section resembles marble with many veins. Mushroom sizes range from small peas to grapefruits average size. The most prized varieties are those growing in Italy and France - black and white truffles. In Ukraine, Russia and Belarus there is a summer truffle, which is not valued. Gourmets believe that mushrooms grown artificially are not as tasty as those grown in wildlife. Although this may be a bias.

Composition and calorie content of truffle

If not for the price, those losing weight would definitely introduce delicious mushrooms in everything fasting diets.

The calorie content of truffle per 100 g is only 22-24 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 3 g;
  • Fats - 0.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • Ash - 1 g;
  • Water - 90 g.
Truffle contains vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 9.498 mg;
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - 6 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin B3 (PP) - 9 mg.
The content of mono- and disaccharides per 100 g of truffle is 1 g.

The amount of mineral acids and amino acids is insignificant, in thousandths of milligrams.

The benefits of truffle are provided by:

  1. Niacin equivalent, without which organic metabolic processes - protein and oxidative - are impossible. Functions of the vitamin: regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of diseases cardiovascular system, eliminating vascular spasms, lowering blood sugar levels.
  2. Ascorbic acid prevents cancer of the large intestine, helps to fully absorb calcium and iron from food, and increases general and local immunity of the body.
  3. Vitamin B3 stimulates the production of testosterone and estrogen, normalizes work endocrine system and adrenal glands, has an antioxidant effect.
It is believed that people who have the opportunity to introduce truffle dishes into their diet are not susceptible to age-related changes. The skin of the face remains youthful, pigmentation does not change.

Useful properties of truffle

In the 18th century, truffles were valued not only for their exquisite taste - rich, mushroom, with the taste of roasted cedar or sunflower seeds, but also for the return of “sexual” power. The pulp was considered a valuable aphrodisiac and was used to prepare medicines and dishes for wealthy patients suffering from “senile infirmities.” This opinion is not a misconception - truffle, as already mentioned, contains large number stimulator of the hormonal system - nicotinic acid.

Additional beneficial properties of truffle:

  • Increases immune status;
  • Stops the development of degenerative diseases musculoskeletal system and prevents inflammatory processes, arthritis of all types;
  • Eliminates nervous disorders, has a sedative and calming effect;
  • Improves visual function;
  • Has an antioxidant effect;
  • Stimulates the regeneration of organic tissues at the cellular level, accelerates the restoration of the skin in dermatological diseases;
  • Prevents malignancy of tumors;
  • Improves the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease;
  • Increases the tone of blood vessels and muscle fibers located in the dermis, rejuvenates and prevents sclerosis of blood vessels;
  • On late stages diabetes mellitus alleviates the patient's condition, softens the manifestation of symptoms that cause discomfort - reduces dry mouth and flaking of the skin, the number of pigmented areas.
The main difference from most mushrooms, including valuable species, is that truffle pulp is easily absorbed by the body. Eating mushroom dishes has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and has a therapeutic effect on gastritis with increased acidity and chronic colitis.

Harm and contraindications to eating truffle

There is an officially established contraindication to the use of truffles - individual intolerance. No further harm was noted after entering the menu.

But truffles, like all mushrooms, accumulate toxins and heavy metals that saturate the air and soil. Therefore, you should not eat mushrooms that were collected in environmentally unfavorable areas.

When collecting truffles, you should choose protected areas where no human has literally set foot. Also, you should not order dishes from them in cheap restaurants - they are unlikely to offer real expensive mushrooms. If you do not follow the recommendations, after enjoying the taste you may end up in a hospital bed.

Truffle recipes

In haute cuisine, only dishes from fresh mushrooms- their shelf life does not exceed 2-3 days on the refrigerator shelf. To ensure that truffles do not lose their valuable qualities, they are placed in rice and then provided with a vacuum, or immersed in oil or cognac aged for at least 3 years. Sometimes frozen mushrooms are sold at auctions, but their value is much lower - they are used only as an additive to sauces.

Recipes with truffles:

  1. Paste. To get a rich mushroom taste, just add 1 valuable mushroom to the dish. Soak 30 g white dried mushrooms in water so that it covers the fruiting bodies completely. Then the water is carefully decanted - it will be needed later, and the mushrooms are cut into slices and fried on olive oil 10 minutes, during frying, 2 minutes before the end of the process, add 2-3 cloves of garlic and a shallot. Pour mushroom water into the frying pan and simmer until the liquid has evaporated by half. Ready-made pasta 1 kg: cook according to the instructions, adding 70-80 g of cream 3 minutes before the end of cooking. Sprinkle the pasta with 1 tablespoon of truffle oil, mix with fried mushrooms, grated Parmesan, salt and herbs to taste. Bake the peeled truffle in a hot oven for 2 minutes, grate and add to the dish. If the truffle is white, then it is grated raw.
  2. Poulards with truffles. Poulard is what French chefs call large broilers. First they do the poolard: they wash it clean, make an incision along the spine and remove all the bones except the legs and wings. Then rub it with flour. A regular chicken is cut up and the giblets are removed. Everything is stewed separately: giblets separately, white meat separately and dark meat separately. The meat is mixed with cream - take a glass of it. Peel pistachios - 50 g, finely grate 1 large truffle. Pour pistachios and truffle into the giblets and stir until completely homogeneous. Carefully, so as not to shake off the flour, place the poulard on a napkin, and layer the filling inside: dark minced meat, white minced meat, giblets with mushrooms and nuts, again white meat and dark. The poolard is sewn up and wrapped in an ordinary clean canvas napkin soaked in oil. Separately, steep chicken broth is cooked from the bones of both birds. When it is boiled, put a napkin with poulard into it and cook until the napkin swells with a bubble. Before serving, remove the threads and cut into portions. How side dish will do potato or pumpkin puree, basmati rice.
  3. . An ordinary omelette is transformed into a gourmet dish thanks to pieces of black truffle. 10 g of mushroom pulp is enough to make a 3-egg omelet an exquisite delicacy. Beat the eggs, adding 1 teaspoon of sour cream, adding a little salt. If it is impossible to imagine a dish without pepper, use white pepper. Add finely chopped mushroom pulp and let it brew for 5 minutes. Pour the egg mixture into a hot frying pan greased with butter and fry on both sides. The surface should remain slightly moist - no need to overcook. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs. To make the dish more satisfying, add a tablespoon of flour when mixing the egg mixture.
  4. Truffle Pie. The preparation takes a long time, but the taste is worth it. 800 g of pork, a mixture of loin and neck, cut into small cubes and marinated in a mixture of cognac and white wine - 20 and 150 g - with various spices, pepper mixture, cloves, basil and coriander. Spices are chosen to taste. The meat is marinated for 10-12 hours. Using a blender, prepare the dough: 2 eggs, 150 g of melted butter, a glass of water, a teaspoon of vinegar, 250 g of flour, salt, 110 g of starch. Ready dough Wrap in cellophane and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. When all the ingredients are ready, take out the dough, roll out some of it, and place it in a baking container. Peel the nuts - pistachios are combined to taste with truffles - 50 g, add mushroom pulp cut into small pieces and pour everything into the marinated meat, stirring. Beat the eggs - they are necessary to grease the pie. The meat is placed in the dough, covered with another layer, forming a closed pie, and allowed to stand for a while so that it rises. When the dough “comes to life”, brush it with egg, make cuts, insert foil funnels into them to allow steam to escape, and send the pie to the oven. Bake at 190°C for one and a half hours. While the cake is baking, dilute a 15 g pack of gelatin in hot water and cool to 40°C. After the cake is cooked, pour gelatin into the funnels, cool the cake to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Serve cold.
  5. Mushroom sauce . A stick of butter is left to melt at room temperature in a deep enamel bowl (or pan). 1 truffle for approximately 20 g is chopped into pieces, chopped greens: a tablespoon of green onions, garlic, parsley and dill, half a teaspoon of basil, rosemary, tarragon. You can use dried seasonings by adding half a teaspoon of herbes de Provence. Beat the greens with butter until smooth, put everything on cellophane, roll it into a sausage and put it in the freezer to freeze. Use in pieces, placing on hot meat or fish. This addition significantly improves the taste of the dish.
Truffles are very expensive: 1 kg costs from 400 euros. Therefore, if by some miracle you managed to acquire a fungus, you need to fully enjoy its taste without mixing it with other ingredients. The French combine pieces of pulp with ordinary sauces - wine and cream. Italians offer a combination with eggs and fruits - mango, avocado and regular pears.

Cooks became interested in truffle in the 15th century; before that it was used for medicinal purposes. IN Ancient Rome They treated impotence; in the Middle Ages, bizarre tubers were used in witchcraft rituals to summon otherworldly forces. Alchemists necessarily introduced it as an ingredient in recipes for making the philosopher's stone.

First culinary recipes suggested by Italian chefs, then the inhabitants of France, the provinces of Aquitaine and Provence began to extract the valuable product.

In Rus', bears were trained to search for mushrooms. Despite the fact that their teeth were first pulled out, harvesting was very dangerous for the owner of the animal - the animals refused to share. The method of collecting truffles with the help of dogs or pigs has become very popular.

Truffles are collected at night: at this time of day, the mushrooms, which lie underground at a depth of 20 cm, emit such a strong aroma that animals can easily catch it.

Experienced mushroom pickers forage for mushrooms during the day, independently, focusing on swarms of truffle flies. Insects lay eggs near the fruiting body, the larvae feed on truffles and quickly mature. By the swarm swirling above the ground, mushroom pickers understand that there is a mushroom plantation here.

When harvesting truffles, under no circumstances should you damage the fruiting body or mycelium. In the first case, the mushroom will not be of any value; in the second, the mycelium quickly dies.

The most valuable mushroom varieties are black, winter, blue and Italian. Gourmets describe the aroma of mushrooms as the smell autumn forest. It contains the moisture of falling trees, notes of musk, and the smell of fresh earth.

Polish and white truffles are found on the territory of Ukraine and Russia, but it is impossible to collect a bountiful harvest, the myceliums are not large. White truffle looks like a potato tuber, and its taste is not pronounced enough.

Truffle breeding is expensive; it is necessary to ensure a soil composition reminiscent of natural conditions, maintain constant humidity, and provide conditions for symbiosis - the fungi prefer oaks. First, an oak grove is planted, and when it gets stronger, the mycelium is sown.

Chinese farmers successfully completed the task: by 2005, 40 tons of valuable mushrooms were sold to French restaurants. Despite the fact that real connoisseurs of the delicate dish protest against such a replacement - the Chinese counterfeit is not very similar in taste to the original, restaurateurs are ready to purchase mushrooms with a less pronounced taste at a lower price.

Watch the video about truffle:

In laboratory conditions, anandamide was isolated from the truffle fruiting body - its effect is reminiscent of marijuana, a psychotropic drug. If the isolation of the alkaloid is simplified, gourmets will have to be content with “Chinese counterfeits” - plantations of natural drugs will most likely be destroyed.

Not everyone can say what a truffle is. A common comparison is a bittersweet cone-shaped candy. However, truffle is not only sweetness. This is a mushroom about which it is customary to say that once you try it at least once, it will be impossible to forget the taste. There are many legends around the truffle - about the taste, about the fact that only a select few can find it, and about much more. Whether this is so - we will find out further.

Where do truffles grow in Russia?

In general, I love truffles more country with a warm temperate climate. Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Germany are considered ideal places for mushrooms to grow. However, you can find this truly priceless mushroom (and we will find out why it is such a little later) in Russia. Truffle places are the Moscow, Vladimir, Tula, Oryol, and Smolensk regions. Truffle also grows in the Middle Volga region. The question is different. The mushroom is very difficult to find, so residents of a particular area often simply do not know what wealth can be found on their lands.

Mushroom pickers don’t know what time it is necessary to collect ripe truffles, and only professionals can tell you how. Take, for example, the white truffle. Only true truffle “hunters” know where this species grows in Russia. So, first things first.

What is a truffle?

First, let’s find out what kind of mushroom this is. The truffle is considered a gourmet find, representing the most expensive mushroom in the world. Its size can be up to 15 centimeters, weight varies from 100 to 500 grams. Truffle grows in the ground, at a relatively shallow depth - 15-20 centimeters. But appearance Can be intimidating for newbies. Externally, the truffle is very similar to Jerusalem artichoke, forming a complex rhizome of an unsightly appearance with a light brown peel and soft interior. This type of mushroom is distinguished by its bright aroma, as well as a meaty taste, which does not even remotely resemble the taste of a mushroom. Truffles come in two types - black and white. The latter are large, they choose the above growing areas. Where in Russia does the summer truffle (aka black) grow?

Black truffles can be found both in the Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast.

Reproduction methods

Truffles reproduce in a way that is not quite usual for mushrooms. U common species this process occurs with the help of parts of the mycelium (seeds), spores or during the formation of secondary mycelium. Controversy simple mushrooms transported by wind or water. With truffles it's different. The only way they can reproduce is with the help of animals. Since the mushroom seeds are underground, neither wind nor water will be able to get them, much less transport them somewhere. The seeds are spread across the ground by animals, which dig them up and eat them, leaving behind pieces of the fungus from which a new one is then formed. So, we found out how these mushrooms reproduce and where truffles grow in Russia. Let's move on.

Which forests love truffles?

No matter how strange it may sound, truffle is a rather capricious mushroom. It is friends with only a few types of trees, so it is simply pointless to look for them in other forest belts. So, where does truffle (mushroom) grow in Russia? He chooses an area near the very roots of the tree. There it is convenient and comfortable - there is always a lot of moisture, which allows the fungus to fully develop. Hornbeams and beeches are especially fond of truffles. They can also be found in birch rhizomes or unearthed from hazel trees. But my favorite tree is oak. Oak groves are where truffles grow in Russia (the photo below was taken during the truffle season).

There is another undeniable plus in this - both simple pigs and wild boars feed on acorns. It is their aroma that attracts animals to the location of the truffle, and then it’s a matter of little things. Mushroom is a favorite delicacy of these animals. Its aroma is much stronger than the smell of acorns. The boars smell it and dig it up, thereby giving it a chance to reproduce further.

Methods of extraction and cultivation

So, let's dwell on the methods of obtaining this mushroom. We remember where truffles grow in Russia. How they reproduce is the same. But now we’ll find out how to get them. To search for this expensive mushroom, specially trained pigs or dogs are used.

The smell of truffles is strong especially at night, which is why the “hunt” for them is carried out precisely in the dark. You can also find them by the swarm of midges that certainly hover over their location, enjoying the aromas of mushrooms. You must dig up the truffle very carefully, trying not to damage both the mushroom itself and the roots of the tree in which it grows. And now to the main thing - where do truffles grow in Russia at home? The answer is simple: nowhere. Trial cultivation processes are underway in our country. The fact is that they are very complex - the ground is covered with acorns that have fallen off at the site where the fungus grows. Soil suitable for growing oak is prepared and mixed with the soil where the truffles grew. The collected acorns are planted there, and only after 6 years can the first harvest be obtained. Today, taking into account all the subtleties, it is easier to buy a truffle in Russia than to grow it.

Truffles are the name given to the genus and family of mushrooms of the same name, which are considered elite representatives. These are one of the most valuable and therefore expensive mushrooms, and they are used not only in preparing gourmet dishes, but also as a medicine.

Truffles are the namesake genus and family of mushrooms, which are considered elite representatives

Truffles are special mushrooms in every sense of the word. They have a delicate taste and exquisite aroma, which, along with classic mushroom notes, often smell like garlic, cheese, nutmeg, cocoa and even chocolate. In color - mostly dark shades: black, brown, sometimes light cream. The pulp is white to purple, and always darkens with age.

One more interesting feature- it looks completely inconspicuous, resembling a potato tuber rather than real mushroom. However, the description of the mushroom does not give anything: the fruiting body is located underground. That is why they are searched for with the help of dogs and even pigs. Such an unusual role of these animals can be explained very simply: pigs willingly eat truffles themselves, and their sense of smell helps them easily find fruiting bodies hidden underground. Most often, the “hunt” is carried out in the evening, so that pigs and dogs can smell it better.


Dogs are trained to search for truffles right from infancy: mushrooms are brought to them, and those animals that smell them are selected. Then they are fed milk with truffles and undergo many other additional tests. Therefore, the cost of a trained dog ends up being about $5,000.

Truffles are one of the most valuable and therefore expensive mushrooms

Distribution of truffles

Truffle grows exclusively in mild climatic conditions.
However, contrary to popular belief that it is only a European mushroom, it can also be found in some parts of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Where do truffles grow in Russia?

Truffles grow mainly in the Black Earth region, the Volga region, the Kuban, Crimea and the North Caucasus. In Siberia and the Far East they are practically not found with rare exceptions.

In this case, it is more correct to list not the growing regions themselves, but precisely the trees on whose roots these mushrooms settle. They prefer to grow precisely at the beginning of the root - i.e. the area where the root shoots flow into the trunk, since this is where the greatest supply of moisture coming from the soil is observed. Here is a list of tree species in the ground next to which truffle fruiting bodies grow:

  • oak is the best option: it is in the oak grove that you can reap good harvests;
  • Beeches and hornbeams are in second place in popularity;
  • You can find them in hazel, as well as under the roots of birch.

Mushrooms cannot be stored for too long - as a rule, they are used for food on the same day. But in extreme cases, you can even increase the period to 25-30 days. To do this, freshly picked truffles are covered with sand and covered with a damp natural cloth, leaving them in a cool place.

How to look for truffles (video)

Truffle collection places in Ukraine

In Ukraine, these mushrooms can also be found in oak forests and deciduous forests of beech and hornbeam. Especially a lot of truffles can be found in the forests near the coastal strip of the Black Sea.

Where to look for truffles in Belarus

The only edible species that grows on the territory of Belarus is the black truffle.. Moreover, only 2 places are known where you can find it - Zhitkovichi district of Gomel region and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Moreover, the collection of both species is prohibited, since they are included in the local Red Book. However, this does not stop mushroom pickers.


This mushroom can be confused with the false truffle, which poses no particular health risk but is less tasty and may cause allergies in some people.

Types of truffle mushrooms

About 10 species of these mushrooms are known, and all of them belong to the edible class.

Black truffle

It is also called summer or Russian. It is quite large - the diameter in the cap is up to 10 cm. The weight is usually 200-300 g, but it can reach up to 400 g. The taste has a very interesting nutty hue with sweet tones. The flesh of the mushroom changes from light to brown and gray as it ages.

This variety prefers extremely mild climates - the mushroom prefers the Transcaucasian region, and in Russia it grows only in the Crimea and the Black Earth Region. In European territory it is distributed closer to the south, and prefers to settle in oak and beech groves, under pine trees and hazel.

Black truffle

Burgundy truffle

Grows mainly in southern regions Europe. It is smaller in size than the previous type - the cap is no more than 8 cm. The flesh of the mushroom resembles the color of milk chocolate, and even smells like cocoa. But the taste sensations are completely different - the aftertaste is bitter.

Winter truffle

The hats are very different sizes– there are representatives both with 8-10 cm in diameter and 17-20 cm. Interestingly, some mushrooms reach 1.5 kg in weight! The aroma is musky and pleasant. This species is called winter because the fruiting bodies grow from November to February. They are collected on moist soil in linden groves and under hazel trees. Distributed throughout Ukraine, Switzerland, France and Italy.

Perigord truffle

Size up to 9 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap consists of peculiar warts, and the flesh is light pink to purple as you age. Grows in Crimea, in southern Europe. This species is also cultivated in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

Perigord truffle

Himalayan truffle

This species produces very small fruiting bodies, which do not exceed 2 cm in size, and in weight - within 50-60 g. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find them, and accordingly, this variety is less popular.

Oregon truffle

It is also called American white, although its color is closer to orange-brown tones. Grows only along the west coast of the United States. Medium in size - up to 7 cm in diameter. A characteristic feature of this species is that the fruiting bodies are found not in the ground itself, but in the deciduous layer, consisting mainly of fallen needles. Interestingly, the pulp has floral aromas.

Red truffle

This representative can be considered the most unusual in terms of aroma - it contains notes of coconut, and also gives a wine aftertaste. When cut, the flesh resembles boiled pork or smoked bacon. The sizes are small - no more than 5 cm, and is found only in Europe.

Red truffle mushroom

About the most expensive truffle in the world

This mushroom is also called Italian, since it is most often found in the north of this country. The color of the fruiting bodies, unlike most other representatives, is cream and white. Interestingly, this mushroom is the most expensive in the world. Its aroma is similar to shades of garlic and cheese, so dishes based on this mushroom are an exquisite delicacy for gourmets.

In Russian restaurants, prices are measured literally per gram and range from approximately 500 to 1000 rubles. Thus, a serving of this mushroom weighing 100 g will cost an average of 75,000 rubles. That is why they can only be eaten in elite restaurants, whose clients are most often businessmen.

Gallery: truffle mushrooms (42 photos)

Useful and medicinal properties of truffles

The mushroom pulp contains several useful components:

  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamins C and PP;
  • antioxidants that block free radicals and thus preventing cell destruction.

Since antioxidants are also believed to block the aging processes of the skin and the body as a whole, some Italian factories have launched the production of a special line of cosmetics, including mainly creams and lotions that provide benefits to the skin. They maintain elasticity and refresh the appearance, and it is believed that even 5-7 drops are enough to cope with deep wrinkles.

Also in local folk medicine, it is believed that these mushrooms are aphrodisiacs (components that increase attraction to the opposite sex) and support potency in men. They are also used to treat the following diseases:

  • gastritis and colitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

In local folk medicine, truffles are believed to be an aphrodisiac.

Interestingly, even pregnant and lactating women can eat truffles. The only exceptions are those cases when there is an individual intolerance to certain substances that cause allergic reaction.Here are the most common types:

  1. False truffle has red-brown or grayish tints, often strongly reminiscent of a small potato. It is very easy to distinguish by unpleasant smell– true representatives smell only of pleasant food aromas.
  2. Reindeer truffle, growing in Europe, USA and Canada. People should not take it, but hares and squirrels happily feed on the fruiting bodies.

Along with true representatives, there are mushrooms similar to truffles. All of them belong to other families and have only external resemblance to real representatives. There are both edible and conditionally edible species. You should not take them because most often they cause allergies and eating disorders.

How to properly cook truffle mushrooms

If you happen to purchase, or even more so collect, even a few truffles, you must certainly prepare them deliciously. Here are some simple and at the same time delicious recipes.

Turkey puree soup

You can prepare this soup with beef and even chicken, but it would be better with turkey. Take 300 g of meat (preferably wings or drumsticks) and boil until boiling, and then over low heat until cooked. The meat is taken out and cut. Fry celery and a small onion in melted butter in a frying pan, add salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Add a finely crumbled baguette (preferably dried) to the broth and bring to a boil again (now along with finely chopped mushrooms), then pour in 20% cream (0.5 liters) and put back the turkey meat.

Turkey puree soup

Tagliatelli with truffle oil

This is an Italian delicacy, so you should buy Italian pasta in the store, as well as Italian peccaryno cheese or at least Parmesan cheese. Truffles are fried in olive oil over moderate heat, 2 minutes before they are ready, add a few finely chopped cloves of garlic and 3-4 thyme leaves.

Boil the pasta exactly according to the instructions in a large saucepan with a volume exceeding the mass of the pasta at least 5 times. Add grated peccino and mushrooms fried with butter, garlic and thyme to the hot pasta.

Rice with chicken and truffles

Chicken fillet (skinless and boneless) is boiled together with leeks and carrots until fully cooked. After cooking, the meat is cut into portions. Finely chopped truffles are boiled in the resulting broth with 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Rice is cooked separately.

And using the broth obtained after boiling the mushrooms, you can make bechamel sauce, which is also served with the dish. It is made quite simply: flour is fried in butter until brown, then the broth is poured in, everything is thoroughly stirred and cooked for another 10 minutes until completely deserted. Spices and herbs are added to taste.


If you keep some foods in these mushrooms, they will absorb their aroma and become very tasty. For example, truffle-scented rice is perfect for risotto.

Useful properties of truffle (video)

Growing truffles at home

These mushrooms are also unique in that they grow only in natural conditions. For example, numerous attempts to grow the white (Italian) truffle on farms have failed. And there are great difficulties with growing black varieties, so farmers without experience should not take on this task without careful preparation.

It is possible to successfully grow mushrooms using special technologies, for example, Australian ones, which can be found in the relevant companies, but not for free. At the same time, you need to immediately realize that this business is very expensive, and you can get the first harvest no earlier than 6 years.

Thus, truffle is expensive, but it is a pleasure. And sometimes you can try your luck and look for this mushroom. Or at least try dishes based on it.

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