What can be recycled. How to recycle plastic bags

According to generally accepted stereotypes, made from waste paper exclusively low-quality products. The most prominent representatives are packaging and toilet paper. Of course, on post-Soviet space this is a priority area for the use of recycled materials, while Western countries have long been using waste paper resources to the fullest in the production of various goods of proper quality. Our country is gradually adopting this positive experience. As a result, more and more production technologies are appearing:

  • building materials;
  • insulating materials;
  • fabrics (clothing);
  • accessories for the automotive industry;
  • disposable tableware;

And of course, waste paper remains the main raw material for

  • cardboard;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • egg packaging;
  • kraft bags;
  • technical paper;
  • office paper;
  • printing products.
  • personal hygiene products;

The growing popularity of waste paper as a semi-finished product in the production of cellulose is due, first of all, to its relatively low cost. At the same time, paper sent to a landfill along with other household waste becomes unsuitable for further reproduction and turns into garbage.

And in order to obtain the cellulose necessary for the production of paper products, more than one tree has to be destroyed. Therefore, waste paper is gradually becoming quite a valuable commodity, the search continues effective methods its processing, the number of companies involved in this industry is increasing.

Types of waste paper

As already mentioned, suitable for recyclable there can only be properly collected waste paper. All of it, depending on quality, is divided into 13 varieties- from waste white paper to old canvas and cement bags. Special significance has the appearance, color and composition of paper. Lighter waste paper, as a rule, is used to produce white paper. If it contains a lot of cellulose, more durable products are made from it. Thus. The composition of secondary raw materials after processing affects the direction of its further use.

Waste paper recycling technology

Traditional waste paper recycling technology consists of several stages. The sorted paper is soaked and shredded to a homogeneous mass and filtered to remove foreign impurities.

Know how

Improvements in this technology make it possible to obtain higher quality goods, for example, thermal insulation material such as ecowool.

Few people know that 80% of it consists of waste paper, and only 20% of special additives that reduce the flammability of ecowool and other components.

Recycled paper also gives life finishing and roofing materials: fiber boards used for cladding ceilings, as well as roofing felt, are made from waste paper. Such products have quite high technological characteristics, but at the same time its main advantage is still environmental safety.

However, the bulk of waste paper is used for manufacturing cardboard and packaging materials. About 80% of all waste paper used is recycled to make them. The cardboard obtained in this way is superior in some properties to cellulose; in particular, for book bindings, only cardboard based on waste paper is used.

Ecowool - Thermal insulation material

Thus, the advantages of using paper secondary resources obvious. And all that is required to make this process more efficient is to treat waste paper as a valuable raw material, that is, collect it separately from other waste and send it for recycling.

Any living organism leaves waste in the process of its life. In this case, the first place here goes to the person. Huge landfills are proof of this. Mountains of garbage not only spoil the view and have bad smell, but are also a source of pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, including infectious and toxic agents.

At the same time, waste in landfills is often a resource base. Therefore, their processing is not only necessary for preserving environment, but also a cost-effective measure. And there are many technologies.

Garbage sorting

The separation of waste into certain components is rather a preliminary step in processing. Ideally, it begins at the stage of waste production and accumulation, that is, in citizens’ homes and apartments.

Several containers are used for this. Each of them throws out a different type of waste: paper, glass, organic food waste, metal, plastic, etc. In Russia, this practice is catching on slowly, but residents of European countries do not consider waste separation particularly difficult. This is especially true for pedantic Germany. Here even glass is sorted by color. But the Germans were faced with a problem such as lack of space for a huge number of garbage containers. And not every Russian apartment has space to accommodate containers for various wastes.

For this reason, waste sorting at waste treatment plants is more relevant, which includes several actions:

  1. Shaking debris, tearing plastic bags and paper and releasing adhered sand and dust particles.
  2. The separation of all waste into fractions is carried out in several stages. For this purpose, special gratings with different throughput diameters are used.
  3. Separation from the total mass of metal waste capable of magnetization. This procedure is carried out using special magnetic separators.
  4. Manual sorting of waste transported on a special conveyor. The use of robots allows people to be relieved of this monotonous work.

As a result of sorting, secondary raw materials are obtained, and the unselected material is also subjected to further processing: burning, burial, etc.

How to dispose of waste correctly and safely

On the modern market you can find shredders of the most different sizes, capacities and specializations. Read more about how they work and what to look for when choosing a shredder

How many products does humanity produce every day? How much can he consume in the same time? Where will the rest go? What to do with it? We bring to your attention the answers to these questions.

Universal equipment for waste sorting and highly specialized machines for shredding rock. Profitable, reliable, affordable

IN modern world Time and quality are valued in any work, including waste recycling. The bag opener is one of the reliable devices that saves time and gives excellent results.

According to statistics, a huge amount of bottles are recycled per year. In pre-processing, bottles are usually baled and sent for recycling.

With the help of crushers, large waste can be converted into crushed raw materials for secondary production. One of the most common means of crushing waste is rotary crushers. With the help of such a machine you can crush wood, crushed stone, plastic, cardboard, film.

To process recyclable materials, horizontal or horizontal presses are used. vertical type. Horizontal devices require significant space for placement. Vertical ones are compact and mobile, but less productive

Waste disposal in the cement industry - implementation paths, methods and necessary procedures. How to profit from trash

What legal subtleties await an entrepreneur when licensing waste processing and disposal?

Disposal of hazardous waste is a necessary stage in the development of industrial areas and megacities. It must be done in accordance with safety requirements and compliance with all rules.

Correct and strict adherence to safety rules when disposing of ammonia will allow you to recycle it efficiently and safely for the environment. Ammonia processing is a necessary step in working with gases in production.

Has the evolution of solid waste recycling technologies affected it? What methods of waste recycling have appeared in recent decades and are they used in Russia?

The problem of waste accumulation is one of the most pressing problems of humanity. There are many methods for recycling and neutralizing hazardous waste: incineration, burial, recycling, neutralization.

The problem of rice husk disposal is relevant all over the world. What technologies exist for processing rice husks and how can the secondary product be used?

This is one of the oldest and most common methods of waste disposal. Nowadays, large volumes of waste are disposed of using special furnaces in waste incineration plants.

This processing method has several advantages:

  • significant reduction in waste volume;
  • obtaining thermal energy;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora.

However, this recycling process also has one significant drawback: the formation and release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This has led to the fact that incinerators are subject to high requirements for cleaning gaseous waste, which often deprives enterprises of the required level of income. And the heat from combustion is rarely used in Russia.

This is one of the most common methods for treating animal waste, solid household and . Its essence lies in natural decomposition organic matter during the life of bacteria. There are several technologies.

They consist in the fact that periodically turned over heaps of organic waste. The tedding of the piles is carried out using special tedding machines. In the most effective version, processing is carried out in special bioreactors with aeration.

However, this method is rarely used in Russia.

In addition, in our country, composting is often carried out without preliminary sorting; the resulting compost is dangerous and cannot be used for its intended purpose as fertilizer for gardens, agricultural enterprises, etc.

But even with preliminary preparation it is not possible to get rid of heavy metals in solid waste. This compost can be used to cover landfills.

Another disadvantage of composting is the need to allocate areas.

High-quality purified compost from organic animal waste (manure and droppings) and plant residues is an excellent source of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are in a form digestible for plants. Composting also destroys helminths and pathogenic microorganisms.

The essence of the method is that garbage is distributed in special pits and covered with a layer of soil of 60-80 cm. Such treatment is carried out at landfills, the preparation of which prevents the penetration of contaminants into the soil and groundwater. In the most advanced version, landfills are equipped with special ventilation, a gas exhaust system and containers for collecting biogas, which can be used as fuel for heating.

The disadvantage of the method is that the risk of pollution of the atmosphere, soil and groundwater remains even if the most advanced filter systems are used. The accumulation of biogas for further use is rarely done today and mainly in Europe.

Thermal waste treatment

In addition to traditional incineration, this method of waste disposal includes pyrolysis, which is the decomposition of waste under high temperatures without oxygen. It is more advanced and technologically advanced than simple combustion.

Plasma waste treatment

Essentially this is gasification of waste. Processing occurs at temperatures from 900 to 5000 degrees. As a result, gas is obtained from organic matter, and slag is obtained from inorganic matter.

The first can be used to generate electricity and heat. The slag is absolutely harmless and compact.

At the same time, to dispose of waste using plasma treatment, there is no need to sort and dry the waste.

There are even small pyrolysis boilers for heating houses.

Due to its versatility, low cost and durability, plastic has found its application in all spheres of life. Today, plastic is the most common artificial material on the planet. He's also first on the trash list. The amount of plastic waste on the planet is reaching epidemic proportions. Many scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs began to pay attention to this problem.

Industrial machines for recycling plastic are usually very expensive and quite complex in design. And let's face it, industrial scale Recycling plastic doesn't pay. Because production cycle — « raw material - plastic product"much shorter and cheaper than - " garbage - sorting - plastic product - recycling - cleaning - raw materials - plastic product" That is why not all cities in the world have factories for processing plastic waste. And their mass appearance is not expected in the near future.

It turns out that the niche recycling plastic at home open. And it is waiting for those who monetize it from any side. A to the common man you don't need much. After all, the beauty of this niche is that waste plastic, essentially garbage, lies under everyone’s feet and is of no use to anyone. That is, excellent and durable material - for free! All that remains is to pick it up, process it in one form or another, and reuse it. And if you don’t like the result, rework it again!

Project " Precious Plastic» helps all consumers give up plastic waste new life. He invites everyone to recycle plastic on their own using household machines, the drawings of which are freely distributed on the Internet.

This project, developed by a Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, shows what can be done to help stop the "plastic plague" in the environment.

Dave, concerned about the problem of plastic waste, found on the Internet drawings of several devices that allow him to somehow recycle plastic at home. Having collected the first samples, improved them, and developed a modular concept for future devices, Hakkens created the international project “ Precious Plastic" In which he invites everyone to assemble and use four simple but effective plastic recycling machines.

The use of devices allows you to extend the service life of various plastic household items by simply recycling them into others. Unnecessary to necessary. Dishes, artificial rattan, various elements interior design - here is a small list of items that can be made from household plastic waste using these machines.

Four devices, depending on the type and quality of plastic, allow it to be processed in different ways:

  • Shredder or shredder - a device for grinding plastic waste into crumbs for subsequent processing - heating;
  • Extruder or extruder - a device that extrudes a heated plastic mass in the form of a rope or tape. That is, the result is artificial rattan or consumables for a 3D printer.
  • Injector or an injector - heats the polymer crumbs to a plastic mass and injects them into the desired shape;
  • Press- plastic crumb under pressure and high temperature pressed into various new items.

The most amazing thing about the project “ Precious Plastic"what are they unique cars are distributed free of charge. More precisely, the drawings of the device and instructions for assembling them are available to everyone (video instructions will be below). All that remains is to assemble the cars and start making money on them.

How to make money by recycling plastic at home? Recycling plastics and polymers at home!

Firstly. By recycling unnecessary plastic into useful plastic products and selling them as unique handmade items. This is the simplest and most affordable solution.

Secondly. Entire creative laboratories and coworking spaces are opening based on Hakkens machines. Where anyone can come with their plastic waste, pay money, and work on the machines.

Thirdly. Assistance in assembling and selling devices. Not everyone can master device drawings. And, moreover, collect them. But they are ready to buy assembled similar machines. Why not take advantage of this? Moreover, ready-made devices are quite expensive. Assembly, if you have everything you need, will take no more than a month for any handy guy in the garage.

Fourth. You definitely have your own ideas!

Video No. 1: how to assemble a shredder for shredding plastic

Video No. 2: how to assemble an extruder for plastic processing

Video No. 3: how to assemble an injector for plastic recycling

Video No. 4: how to assemble a press for plastic recycling

So, after studying the video, you can start assembling the devices. For more convenient work, we suggest you study the drawings on the official website of the project. In English.

If the devices are too complex, you can look at a simple home recycling method plastic bottles.

Bonus: the simplest device for cutting plastic bottles

Appeared on Kickstarter new project « Plastic Bottle Cutter”, which gives consumers the opportunity to reuse plastic bottles.

The simplest device (and you will see this when you see the photo below) allows you to turn an ordinary plastic bottle into a plastic thread of various thicknesses, which you can use at your discretion.

From this thread you can weave various items - from small baskets to elegant furniture elements.

In general, disposable plastic bottles are a valuable resource due to the fact that the highest quality plastic is used in their production. But this advantage is not taken into account by most people and the bottles are simply thrown away. The rate of bottle throwing is increasing every day. Therefore, the challenge of effectively reusing and recycling these materials is imperative and imperative. This will reduce environmental pollution.

Plastic recycling is becoming one of the most popular areas in the fight against growing landfills. Over the past decades, the number of goods in plastic packaging- both food and other - increased not even by times, but by orders of magnitude. But you can’t burn so much plastic, it’s harmful to the atmosphere.

If used plastic is left to decompose without recycling, the process will take not even years, but hundreds of years. Of course, biodegradable plastic items are also produced: bags, packaging, but their share in the total volume of plastic waste is still small.

The places where plastic waste is generated are many and varied. Plastic products have become such a part of our lives that we have stopped paying attention to them. However, at any time you can try to take a closer look at the things that surround you. Decorative finishing of the body of any household appliance in your home - from washing and dishwashers to a toaster and an electric razor - most likely made of plastic. Kitchen utensils, laundry baskets, vegetable containers and refrigerator shelves. Many houses already have plastic water and sewer pipes and plastic windows.

If it suddenly occurs to you to look for plastic at work, you will see:

  • monitor housing;
  • water cooler;
  • stationery.

When you enter the hospital, you will see:

  • plastic shoe covers;
  • containers for collecting and storing tests;
  • droppers;
  • thermometers and other medical devices in plastic cases.

Outdoor furniture, flooring, blinds, car trim - plastic is used everywhere.

All this has its own service life and naturally wears out, and then is sent to trash can, to a landfill, and if not recycled, will end up in natural ecosystems.

A considerable part of plastic waste is generated at enterprises:

  • catering (food packaging, semi-finished products);
  • production of plastic plumbing (water and sewer pipes);
  • automotive industry;
  • pharmaceutical production;
  • production itself plastic containers, disposable tableware.

Today, most household plastic waste consists of:

  • PET bottles of various configurations (read interesting article about);
  • bags, films and packaging;
  • disposable household products (dishes).

Types of plastic that can be recycled?

Thirty years ago, a unified label for plastic products was adopted. If you have plastic containers on hand, look at the symbols printed on the bottom. First, there will be a triangle symbol. Under it there may be a letter code for the type of plastic, and inside there is a marking of the plastic for recycling, a number indicating what type of plastic the container is made of:

  1. PET (PETE) or PET (PET) - polyethylene terephthalate. Bottles and most food containers are made from it.
  2. PEHD (HDPE) or HDPE - high-density polyethylene. Used for more rigid containers. Safe for food storage.
  3. PVC or polyvinyl chloride. Most containers not intended for contact with food, furniture and decorative elements, and sewer pipes are made from it.
  4. LDPE (PELD) or LDPE - low-density polyethylene. It is used to make bags, garbage bags, cling film, flexible containers. Contact with food is allowed.
  5. PP or PP - polypropylene. Used in the production of toys, auto parts, and food packaging. Contact with food is allowed.
  6. PS or PS - . It is used to make thermal insulation, disposable tableware, toys, and stationery. Only dangerous when burned.
  7. O (OTHER) OTHER - This is how plastic products that do not fit into any of the groups above are marked. Most often it is hard and transparent polycarbonate. It is used to make compact discs, lenses, safety glasses, and light-conducting elements for construction.

Today, all types of plastics can be recycled. Most large cities have collection points from where waste is sent to recycling plants. Problems can arise when searching for plants that process PVC (PVC), marked with the number "3" in the triangle, and everything that falls into the OTHER category (OTHER), marked with the number "7". Such enterprises are located mainly in the central regions.

Important! Plastic must not be burned! Some plastics release toxic substances when burned.

Plastic recycling and disposal

There are several ways to recycle plastic waste:

Recycling plastic is obviously beneficial, especially for large-scale production:

  • firstly, this is an opportunity to make a profit practically from scratch: we still have a lot of plastic waste, we just need to collect it and recycle it;
  • secondly, it is of great benefit to the environment;
  • thirdly, this is an opportunity to reduce the cost of plastic production processes through the use of recycled materials;
  • fourthly, the opportunity to occupy a new niche in the production and use of plastics - for example, supplying materials for 3D printing or producing plastic vegetable boxes.

Plastic recycling in Russia

Not all conditions have yet been created for the full functioning of the system of processing enterprises in Russia. The culture of waste sorting has not been instilled in the population; there is no mass awareness of the importance of such actions. Because of this, the few waste recycling plants that still exist have to spend more production capacity on independently sorting waste. At the same time, the level of government support for such enterprises is significantly lower than in European countries.

Fortunately, draft laws on separate collection waste, measures are being developed to stimulate processing enterprises (for example, soon a special license will not be required to transport non-hazardous waste).

New processing plants are opening, both domestic organizations and franchises of foreign companies. In some cases, a franchise can be even more profitable: for a fairly moderate fee by industry standards, companies provide patented equipment, maintenance for it, and help sell the finished product.

In 2007, the Plarus plant was opened in Solnechnogorsk, the first in Russia to begin producing bottles from recycled plastic. The monthly processing volume of the plant is about two thousand tons. Raw materials are purchased from landfills, as well as from catering establishments and hotels.

Bunches of plastic bottles arriving at the plant from all over the country are loaded onto sorting lines. Full automation not yet - the plastic that comes from landfills is very dirty. Labels and foreign debris must be removed manually. The bottles are then washed, dried and crushed without removing the cork. The separation occurs later, in special drums. The resulting flakes - flex - can be used in various industries (fabrics, fibers, new bottles, etc.).

Irreversible disposal of plastic, burn or recycle?

If there are no recycling plants within reasonable accessibility, there are two other ways to manage plastic waste: it can be taken to a landfill (landfill) or burned.

These ways to handle waste for a long time were the main ones in Russia. Garbage, including plastic, can be burned in special plants. There are currently ten large waste incineration plants in Russia.

At the incineration plant plastic waste are destroyed in special tanks or ovens at a temperature of about a thousand degrees Celsius. This kind of heat destroys everything. organic compounds. Thermal energy, obtained by combustion, can be used for external needs or for the plant itself.

The disadvantages of such waste management are obvious:

  1. The price of thermal energy from burning waste is approximately five times higher than an equal amount of energy from using thermal and power plants.
  2. Most plastic waste burns well, but many types of plastic (all PVC and PS products) emit when burned toxic substances. If there is a lot of such plastic in the total mass of waste being burned, the plant either spends money on additional filter systems or releases poison into the atmosphere.
  3. Ash and slag remaining after combustion also contain toxic substances.
  4. Plastics are obtained from petroleum and natural gas, and their reserves on the planet are not unlimited. Burning plastic that can be fed back into the cycle of consumption and production is irrational and wasteful.

Incineration may be justified in the case of other waste, but destroying plastic, something that can be recycled and used, is what is really unprofitable.

Important! Annual losses (including lost profits) from the poor development of waste processing amount to about two hundred billion rubles. This amount is twice as much as the costs for housing and communal services and environmental protection included in the budget plan.

Developing an industry for recycling plastic instead of burning it will allow national income to increase by 20% in the long term and free up landfill space.

Where to donate plastic?

Most major cities have recycling centers that accept plastic. To find out their addresses and operating hours, it is best to find your city on the map recyclemap.ru

The following video explains how synthetic fiber and padding polyester are produced from PET bottles in the Moscow region:

Due to the fact that the problem of plastic recycling in Russia began to be addressed not so long ago, a lot of plastic has accumulated in landfills. But this is not only a negative: huge amounts of plastic scrap are already collected in one place. Most the best way out- build processing plants right next to landfills.

One of the wise men once said a long time ago that you can make money even from what lies under your feet.

Modern practice confirms his words. Waste recycling is a very profitable business, and the following indicators confirm this fact:

  • Processing companies are not that common, and there is plenty of raw material.
  • The entrepreneur has the opportunity to take organized various types garbage.
  • High profitability is ensured by the possibility of recycling waste and turning it into secondary raw materials.

The relevance of this business can be seen in almost every aspect, starting with the fact that it has a positive effect on ecological situation, and ending with the result giving greater profit to the owner.

The positive aspects include:

  • support from local authorities (this area is very poorly funded, and the local administration is obliged to ensure cleanliness, therefore, you can safely count on support for such an idea and help with finding industrial premises);
  • unlimited volume of production raw materials;
  • if it is not possible to get involved with the expensive and labor-intensive process of creating a waste processing plant, then you can limit yourself to building a workshop, which will cost several times less and will bring decent profits.

Despite the many positive aspects, entrepreneurs may also have some problems related to the delivery and sorting of waste. The right approach these questions will definitely lead you to an adequate solution.

An interesting story about this field of activity in Russian conditions is in the following video:

What kind of waste can you deal with and what is most profitable?

So, let's look at the most common options:

  • Car tires. The most promising and profitable method of processing this variety is called pyrolysis (depolymerization), which consists in the decomposition of rubber:
    • on carbon;
    • for gas;
    • for steel cord, which is an excellent raw material for the metallurgical industry;
    • for synthetic oil.

    Each of these products is a sought-after raw material, and if sales are organized correctly, the result can be high profitability.

  • Construction waste usually consists of concrete, brick, wood and metal. After careful sorting, you can, for example, begin processing concrete, which includes crushing and parallel extraction of metal particles from it. As a result, it is possible to obtain secondary crushed stone used in construction. In world practice, dismantling of buildings and sorting are now increasingly practiced. construction waste, about 80% of which can be reused.
  • Recycling broken glass involves reusing non-standard and broken bottles that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Broken glass can be taken directly from production or you can organize your own collection point for glass containers or your own waste sorting line. Glass manufacturers will be happy to buy recycled raw materials, since such material can be melted at a lower cost. low temperatures than those required by the glass manufacturing process. Also, this secondary raw material is in great demand among manufacturers of abrasives, ceramic products, tiles and bricks.
  • Used paper. The process of processing simple (so-called wet) waste paper involves:
    • dissolving paper in water using a thinner;
    • removing all foreign objects from it with a cyclone cleaner;
    • thermomechanical treatment, if we're talking about about cardboard;
    • fine purification of the mixture (filtration).

    Recycled paper can be used to make packaging board, toilet paper or roofing material.

Necessary documents for business registration

Legal recycling of solids household waste assumes obtaining a license from the Ministry of Ecology. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” regulates the obligation of each entity that decides to collect and process waste to conduct an environmental assessment. This conclusion can be used throughout the entire life of the company (the approximate cost of this document is 5,500 rubles).

The entrepreneur must obtain permits from services such as fire, sanitary, and also stock up project documentation, which will describe everything technological processes future waste recycling organization. The total period for collecting and confirming documentation varies from 2 to 4 months, and the cost is approximately 24,000 rubles.

Where to get garbage?

The average trash can contains:

  • 50% polymers: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene;
  • 25% food waste;
  • 10% paper and cardboard;
  • 15-20% rubber, metal, textiles.

In general, household waste is at least 60% recyclable. But this is only from a theoretical point of view, since separate collection of solid waste, generally accepted in many European countries, seems to us only a distant prospect. And unseparated waste sent to a modern recycling line can only give a result of 25%.

The best option is to install special mobile processing units. They can be manual or automated, and their cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several million dollars.

There is another option: concluding an agreement with a local landfill or collection point for glass or plastic containers. Then the problem of sorting will disappear by itself: production will be provided with ready-made and sorted waste at a price of up to 5 rubles/kg.

Efficient production organization

Suitable premises - very important stage, because for waste processing production you need at least 600 m2, for a processing workshop - 300-400 m2, and for a warehouse - 200 m2. In addition to buildings and structures for industrial purposes, it is necessary to allocate space for administrative premises, which can be located both on the production site and outside it. By the way, workshops located next to the city landfill will help reduce costs both for the delivery of raw materials and for renting premises.

The minimum equipment package should include:

  • sorting line;
  • storage bunker;
  • crusher;
  • magnet;
  • bake.

Additional equipment is a melting furnace, but it is worth considering that it will significantly increase the cost side of the project.

Domestic equipment is considered the most affordable and functional.


It is impossible to recycle household waste without manual labor. In order to carry out sorting, selection, calibration and many other production steps, it is necessary staff from 20 to 40 people(it all depends on production volumes).

In addition, high-quality functioning of the enterprise is impossible without accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Sales channels for finished products

The final result directly depends on the raw materials used:

  • Toxic waste, such as mercury lamps, can be used to produce many industrial and construction materials;
  • compost can be made from plant waste, which serves as an excellent soil fertilizer;
  • from electronic waste (picture tubes, electrical appliances) - iron, copper, aluminum and glass;
  • from paper - secondary raw materials, from which new materials are subsequently formed.

And the main consumers of waste processing services and materials will be:

  • enterprises whose activities are related to one or another final product - cellulose, wood, glass;
  • industrial and individual consumers in need of secondary raw materials.

About costs and future profits

Waste recycling is sufficient profitable business even against the backdrop of the amount of funds required for its organization. This type of business will pay for itself very quickly (1.5-2 years) if sales are well established. Experts, based on their own observations, claim that The level of profitability of waste recycling production ranges from 42 to 80%, because this market segment is practically not subject to competition.

Based on practice existing enterprises, you can work with the following statistics:

  • One shift can process 3 tons of waste paper, 1.5 tons of polymer waste or 250 kg of plastic raw materials.
  • One ton of any raw material costs on average from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles.
  • Consequently, the average monthly profit of such an enterprise can range from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles.

A huge universal complex for processing any type of waste (wood, plastic, metal, paper or glass) will cost a huge amount of money. Experts claim that the amount will exceed the $20 million mark.

But even a modest enterprise has the opportunity to bring a decent profit. Setting up a workshop specializing in one type of waste will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars. Arrangement of warehouse and production premises in accordance with fire and sanitary requirements - another 2-3 thousand. And the crusher, sorting line and the rest necessary equipment will require 50-70 thousand dollars.

In general, the business of receiving and processing waste is very relevant. The size of the initial investment is of course higher than that of or, but the amount of profit will also please you at the very beginning.