Wood processing workshop. Woodworking production: characteristics and technological process

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Wood processing as a business is a fairly profitable area entrepreneurial activity. Wood is a wonderful material with many positive qualities, used in a variety of areas of construction and light industry.


Currently, the only rational method of disposal is combustion, respectively, to obtain energy. Conducted this procedure in special boilers or thermal power plants. The latest device helps to significantly reduce energy costs in small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, it is better to use debris such as branches and sawdust as fuel for the structures described above. This will allow you to significantly save on the purchase of fuel (there is no need to purchase briquettes, you can simply purchase wood waste) and save environment.


According to experts, obtaining charcoal is the most effective way recycling. Although the method is directly related to combustion, it is largely separate. To produce charcoal, a process called “pyrolysis” is used - the decomposition of raw materials in a device without access to oxygen.

There are three classes of coal:

  • Class A. A similar group is obtained as a result of processing branches and other hardwood waste.
  • Class B. Obtained by mixing hard and soft waste.
  • Class C. Mix of hard, soft and softwood.

Among all groups, only the first is actively used in industry: in the production of active carbon, silicon, and the product is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical plants.

Processing stages

Wood can be processed in various ways, depending on what kind of product should be obtained. The desired product can be obtained by various types wood processing:

  • chemical wood processing
  • mechanical recycling
  • deep processing wood
  • comprehensive wood processing

Chemical processing coupled with mechanical processing will produce plywood, particle boards or fiberboard.

Using heat treatment, you can get various resins, coal, acetic acid. Let us consider the processing in detail; it allows you to obtain paper, cardboard, cellulose or chipboard from branches and sawdust.

The process involves the following stages:

  1. The tree is divided into pieces such as branches, trunk and greenery. Then they are sorted by species, subjected to hydrothermal treatment, and rotten areas and foreign elements are disposed of.
  2. After primary processing wood waste crushed. The wood is completely processed into chips using a chipper. To obtain wood chips, which will later be used to make fiberboards or paper, disk machines are used. Processing using a drum chipper is only suitable for hydrolysis production.
  3. The next step in the process is to transport the chips for further processing using scraper or belt conveyors.

After the initial processing of branches and other wood waste, you can further work with the shavings and compress them into briquettes or other wooden semi-finished products.

Chemical method

Processing wood waste using wood chemical technology makes it possible to obtain products that are used in almost all areas human activity, such as turpentine, rosin, acetic acid and other goods.

The basis of the chemical method is the hydrolysis reaction, after which monosaccharides are formed. These substances are then processed biochemically, resulting in the formation of products such as glucose or ethyl alcohol. But chemical processing is more aimed at extracting furfural, which is the basis for the manufacture of drugs, plastics and many useful products.

Not every type of wood waste is suitable for carrying out such a procedure. More often they use secondary raw materials from birch, aspen and ash. There is also chemical recycling, which is environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage of such recycling is its economic irrationality; it requires large investments and careful work with chemicals.

Mechanical method

The main essence of the method is changing the size and volume of elements. Mechanical methods involve planing, cutting and milling operations. Chips are first created from the original wood raw materials, and only then they are processed into chipboard material.

Mechanical processing, compared to chemical processing, is more economical in terms of money and time. However, there is a nuance: equipment for wood processing is not universal; completely different machines are used for each type of raw material.

It is worth highlighting briquettes, which are created by mechanical processing. Briquettes are one of many forms of preparing wood waste for use as fuel. Briquettes are an excellent business that requires little investment and has a short payback period. Therefore, recycling as a way to get rid of wood waste is irrational.

Quality Standards

Depending on what the final product will be due to a process such as deep processing, there are certain standards that the wood chips must meet. For all areas, it is imperative to exclude the presence of various impurities, such as rot, sand, earth or metal particles.

  • To produce paper or cardboard, wood chips are taken that do not contain bark at all.
  • For the production of fibreboards, it is possible to utilize waste with a bark content of up to 15%.
  • Fiberboard top quality It will only be obtained from wood chips that contain no more than 3% bark.

Compliance with these standards ensures the quality of products.

There is the concept of “fine gauge” - this is a low quality raw material. The diameter in the upper cut of the fine-grained wood is 2-6 cm, hardwood 2-8 cm, length 1-3 m. Over time, this material is increasingly used, despite its low quality. Processing of thin wood takes place, since processed raw materials are used in construction, agriculture and mining industry.

Profitable business

If we consider wood waste processing as a business, then we can highlight several undoubted advantages of entrepreneurship in this area.

  • Firstly, this is relevant, because efficient use Wood waste is not widely used today. A lot of raw materials quite suitable for processing are left to rot.
  • Secondly, quick payback, although the initial costs may seem quite impressive, mainly due to the need to purchase specific equipment. With proper productivity and established distribution channels, all costs can be recouped in the first year.

Thus, we can conclude that proper processing of wood and branches is quite a profitable business, of course, with proper organization of production.

- a common, but far from the most effective practice. Yes, wood decomposes faster, for example, than plastic, and burns well, however, this garbage has great potential for later use.

Recycled wood has various applications. Depending on the types of its processing, wood produces:

  • turpentine, coal and acetic acid, if it has been processed chemically - by hydrolysis;
  • When wood is mechanically processed, chips are formed, from which the building material - chipboard - is obtained. and , are also the result of such processing.

The mechanical process is simpler and less expensive.

Grinder-shredder with submersible BEAR CAT SC5720B +PSM. Mobile, high performance.

The main equipment for processing wood waste includes different types shredders:

  • Shredders are capable of shredding waste regardless of its original size. Horizontal ones are designed for processing small waste, and vertical ones for larger ones. The sharpness of the shredder's cutting knives significantly affects the quality and speed of the shredding process.
  • Low-speed shredders are slower, but no less reliable, and are often used in production.
  • Briquetting press produces briquettes for fuel. In the future, the product of their combustion is an excellent element for fertilizer. A distinctive characteristic of such a press is the ability to work with different types of raw materials, be it wood or paper.
  • Silos are necessary in large workshops, as they provide storage and transportation of material.

TO additional equipment include:

  • A planer that removes the surface from both sides of the wood, thus preparing it for next process processing.
  • Milling machines used for extra work on wood. After processing wood on such a machine, chips are formed, which is another material for processing.
  • Peeling machines do not produce shavings during their operation, but thanks to them, veneer is produced.
  • Debarkers are used to remove bark from wood in two stages: a light and deeper process of cleaning the wood.

At factories that process wood, they produce: charcoal, briquettes, and also process wood waste into gas.

Disposal and processing of sawdust and wood chips

Many enterprises simply burn sawdust, although there is another more rational way. Fuel briquettes can be made from sawdust and wood chips. In terms of energy release, they are comparable to firewood.

There are several ways to process sawdust.

Screw pressing lines are used for sawdust processing. They work for natural gas and diesel fuel and electricity.

The method is popular when used. This method has good performance and small overall dimensions of the equipment.

Pressing takes place without adding glue. The advantage of this is that the subsequent combustion of the briquette takes place without the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Automatic press for sawdust and shavings. Stationary, high-performance and automated. Much more efficient and productive than artisanal hand presses.

In private and public utilities They use special equipment for crushing tree branches, which is attached to a tractor or machine through a special shaft. The productivity of such a device reaches approximately 6 cubic meters per hour. The sawdust is also pressed on site. In this way, an environmentally friendly product is obtained that is ready for subsequent use.

There is also a way to use sawdust as soil fertilizer. Sawdust and shavings are also used as raw materials for manufacturing building materials, and in chemical production for the production of technical fluids, alcohols, solvents and other materials.

Often other wood waste (for example,) is processed into sawdust and chips for subsequent processing.

A very popular way of processing wood is in special ones.

Wood processing line

An eco-friendly approach to what you consume natural resources provides for the possibility of their recycling. A significant part of the recycling segment is occupied by wood processing. This process can be carried out in several ways: chemical, mechanical, mechanical-chemical. The choice of technological method will depend on the planned final product of such processing.

  1. A mechanical change in the original type of wood occurs by chopping, sawing, milling, turning, splitting, peeling, drilling or planing. The result of processing is lumber or fibrous semi-finished products. If wood fibers are pressed under high pressure, the result will be the production of pellets - fuel granules with extreme energy concentration.
  2. The combination of mechanical change and chemical change produces a homogeneous wood product - shavings, chips and veneer, from which modified wood is subsequently made. The intermediate wood product (obtained mechanically) undergoes polymerization through a synthetic binding ingredient under pressure and a certain temperature. This is how plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, and OSB are produced.
  3. A purely chemical method of processing with alkali or acid is used to obtain gum, solvents, tanning agents, rosin, filler components for varnishes, bitumen from wood, and also as a raw material in paper production.

The choice of specialized equipment involved in multi-variant wood processing lines is huge. Therefore, the configuration of capacities should be carried out in accordance with the planned end result.

I would especially like to draw attention to the production of wood chips, or the “building stone” of the future (as it is otherwise called). Being the basis of comprehensive waste-free use forest resources, it opens up new opportunities in the recycling and disposal of any type of wood.

The line for processing wood into chips is the most popular in this production segment.

Due to its mobility and compactness, such a plant can be used at all stages of wood harvesting and processing (from grinding directly in forest clearings to processing waste from large wood processing complexes).

The country's reserves of wood waste are extremely large. By now in Russia, taking into account all known various ways of its processing, only about 50% is used, and in Siberia only about 35% of the total mass of wood raw materials. Mostly remain unprocessed: logging waste (tree greens), wood processing waste (bark), sawmill waste (sawdust and shavings), which indicates that there are opportunities for the development of this industry.

For today, there are various business ideas for processing wood raw materials, but many of them require large financial investments in qualified personnel and sophisticated equipment. We are interested in a promising business with an affordable production organization and minor investments.

This type of production includes the processing of still remains into pine extract. Bottom residue is the condensate that, when boiling woody greens, cedar and pine bark, accumulates at the bottom of distillation tanks. It consists of biologically active substances that dissolve in water during prolonged cooking. This condensate is rich in vitamins, provitamins, carotenes, chlorophylls, organic acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on a living organism (even humans). When concentrated, the condensate turns into pine extract, which has high consumer properties.

This extract can be used as a feed additive for animals and birds in agriculture and as a preparation for medicinal baths. In addition, pine extract is widely used in industrial production antibiotics (for animals).

After the process of cooking wood greens, cedar and pine bark, about 90% of the feedstock remains as waste solid waste. The idea of ​​processing this raw material into feed meal will also help increase the income of the wood processing business. Shredded waste solid waste They have bactericidal and other positive properties, and they are also endowed with anti-tuberculosis effects. In addition, feed meal can be used as an alternative to roughage.

To others technological solution Rational waste disposal is the preparation of fertilizer based on the waste mass of wood waste using composting. The main costs for implementing this process will be the equipment of trenches and their filling. The crushed waste mass accumulates nitrogen in the substrate and will help increase soil potential. It is especially advisable to use such composts to improve the fertility of loamy and highly mineralized soils.

Besides, waste wood waste can be used as fuel, it can be burned in a boiler room as an energy carrier. Although it is much more efficient and economically profitable to prepare wood waste for further processing into fuel briquettes or pellets (environmentally pure species fuel). This processing will be able to solve the problem of providing the population with inexpensive energy resources, as well as reduce the volume of harmful emissions, which will reduce the negative impact of energy on the environment, improve the sanitary condition of the forest and create new jobs.

Ideas for Business from the section:

If you want to get serious and promising business– it is worth paying attention and carefully studying woodworking. After all, everything that is made from wood will always be in demand, both ordinary people, as well as from construction companies, large furniture enterprises, public and private institutions.

There are two types of processing of wood materials – primary and secondary. During the primary process, wood is processed, after which materials are obtained that are used in the production of furniture. During secondary processing, materials that have already undergone primary processing are used. It is from recycled wood that tables, chairs, and all kinds of furniture are made.

Wood processing enterprises pay for themselves quite quickly - within a year. But in order to engage in such a profitable business, you should be thoroughly prepared.

First stage. Creation of a business plan and registration of an enterprise.

Start by studying the sales market for the materials you are going to produce. Study prices, find out quality standards, research target audience. After this, you can start drawing up a business project. You may have to turn to companies and organizations that specialize in this business.

It is important to find in advance those companies to which you can supply your goods. These can be construction companies, shops, large enterprises, and individuals (for example, farmers, summer residents).

You will have to first make calculations regarding the prices of the goods. All kinds of reference books and publications can help you with this, which will indicate the approximate costs of raw materials, rent and much more. The project must also take into account its future competitors. For example, you need to know their location, length of service, salary level of employees and much more.

To open your own business you will need certain documents. They are necessary for government agencies and tax services. To correctly prepare all the documents, you will need to seek help from a law firm.

First you will need: registration and assignment of a code State Committee statistics; tax accounting; pension fund; health insurance; bank account.

Second stage. The room and its features.

In order for the workshop to operate stably, it is necessary: ​​a processing and production workshop; warehouse for raw materials; warehouse for finished products; adjustment shop; wardrobe; checkpoint; room for workers' rest; medical center; bathroom

The approximate area for all these premises is 500-800 square meters.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Third stage. Personnel and insurance.

The ideal option would be if the personnel you recruit have special education. And, of course, these should be people with experience and experience.

All necessary equipment, tools, premises can be purchased at your own expense. The approximate amount that will be required for this is at least 150,000 USD (can reach 350,000 USD). Everything you purchase, as experts and common sense advise, must be insured. The amount of insurance varies.

Fourth stage. How to choose raw materials, technologies, equipment

If you base your business on the production of finished wood products, it is best to use dry edged boards coniferous trees(you can also use aspen). In this case, the production process is simple, including:

1. Receipt of material, its unloading and movement to the warehouse, transfer to the workshops;

2. Double-sided processing of materials;

3. Transportation of finished products to the warehouse, and then delivery to customers.

What is the advantage of such production?

1. The number of operations is minimal;

2. Little equipment;

3. The number of personnel is reduced to a minimum;

4. Number of premises – minimum;

5. Relatively small financial investments. Therefore, this approach is not bad: costs are minimal, profitability is high.

But there are also disadvantages. One of them is too expensive raw materials. However, if you equip the workshop accordingly, you can purchase wet wood, or wood that has not been processed (it will cost less).

In this case, the production process will be different.

1. Receipt of other raw materials and materials, transfer to the warehouse, then to the workshop;

2. Processing of raw materials;

3. Drying of raw materials;

4. Double-sided processing using a special machine;

5. Sending finished materials to the warehouse, delivery to customers.

This option will require changes to the production process. You will need to purchase special equipment. However, the downside is that the production process will be delayed and will take longer, although the financial costs of purchasing raw materials will be less. If production volumes are increased, then it will be possible to get maximum profits.

Fifth stage. Equipment.

Purchase the necessary equipment and equipment can be obtained from companies that produce machines or from those who sell them. What's the difference? Those companies that produce equipment will only sell you what they produce. Companies that sell such equipment have a wider range, including products from foreign companies.

Most experts recommend purchasing machines from domestic manufacturers. This is due to the fact that the machines foreign manufacturers quite expensive. More more problems will arise during repairs, replacement of parts, etc. Domestic-made machines can be repaired yourself, and you can call a specialist; there will be no problems with the warranty.

An important positive factor is that it is permissible to install foreign-made tools on domestically produced machines.

If the equipment of your enterprise is of high quality, then the products will be competitive. But remember that any equipment sooner or later fails, breaks down, and loses its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to subject it to inspection and preventive work, which should be done by special qualified personnel.

In order for your enterprise to operate efficiently and functionally, you need certain employees:

— a machine operator with experience in working with wood;

- forklift driver;

- fitter;

— security guard (watchman);

- cleaning woman;

- accountants;

— marketing personnel;

— logistics specialists.

As soon as you go through the main stages, start working and “promoting” your rather serious and profitable business.

Depending on the type of raw materials consumed and wood products produced, wood processing enterprises and industries are combined into four groups: sawmill production, production of laminated wood, laminated wood and wood laminated plastic, steel and furniture production and production of waste and non-commercial wood processing.

At the sawmill, semi-finished wood products (boards, bars, rough blanks, etc.) are obtained from round timber - logs, logs and ridges.

The main products of industries producing laminated and wood fiber plastics, as well as semi-finished products: veneer, plywood, plywood boards, wood laminated plastics, plywood pipes, glued blanks.

The group of joinery and furniture production includes the production of building parts and assemblies, furniture, wooden musical instruments, wooden ships, parts and products for the equipment of motor ships, railway cars, cars, sports equipment, etc.

The industry for processing waste and non-commercial wood produces various wood boards (chipboards, wood fiber, fiber cement), wood flour, etc.

Modern woodworking enterprises with complex processing raw materials and materials in accordance with the stages of the technological process has a number of workshops. The main ones are: sawmills, cutting (blanking), drying, machine (or machine tools), assembly or finishing. Some enterprises may have other workshops: plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, carpentry, etc.

In addition to workshops, woodworking industries have warehouses for raw materials, intermediate warehouses, warehouses for finished products and a number of service or auxiliary workshops (boiler room, mechanical repair shops, etc.).

Sawmill buildings are in many cases combustible, one-story, without an attic, with a basement or semi-basement. The area of ​​the building depends on the number of sawmills installed in the workshop and can be of considerable size. In the basement, semi-basement, crushing machines, bunkers and conveyors are installed to collect and dispose of wood waste obtained from sawing round timber. The sawmill is connected with the round timber warehouse, boiler room and sorting area using overpasses and conveyors; using a ventilation (exhauster) system - with cyclones, bunkers, and sawdust storage areas. Overpasses are combustible structures on supports in the form of open areas or covered galleries with conveyor devices. The ventilation system is designed to remove sawdust and other small waste; consists of steel pipes, fans with motors and cyclones. The length of steel pipes can reach several hundred meters. The speed of air movement in the pipes reaches 20 m/s.

Sorting rooms are usually located under a combustible canopy of considerable size.

Wood is dried in special chambers. Drying chambers are built from fireproof materials and are windowless rooms with one or two doorways. Supply of lumber without windows with single or door openings. Lumber is supplied to the chambers on open trolley platforms. Drying chambers must be equipped with stationary fire extinguishing installations.

The main and auxiliary workshops of woodworking production and warehouses are located mainly in one- and two-story buildings of varying degrees of fire resistance.

The height of one-story production workshops and closed warehouses with a crane reaches 10–15 m; in multi-story ones, the floor height is 4.8–6 m. Woodworking workshops have an extensive network of ventilation and dust extraction units, which can be one of the reasons for the rapid spread of fire.

In assembly and finishing shops, the danger is increased by the presence of glue dispensers, in finishing shops - by the use of varnishes and paints, flammable liquids (acetone, benzene, methyl alcohol etc.), and in the drying room - heating devices.

At modern furniture assembly plants, new materials are used in significant quantities: films based on resin-impregnated papers, paper laminates, polymer films, plastics, impact-resistant polystyrene, high-density and strength polyethylene, polypropylene, expanded polystyrene, rigid polyurethane foam, etc. Many of these materials burn well, and when burned they release toxic products, which can significantly complicate the fire situation.

When processing and sanding dry and hard wood on machines, a lot of wood dust is released, which, due to malfunctioning aspiration systems, becomes suspended, and then settles on building structures and technological equipment. Fine wood dust (up to 100 microns) can form explosive mixtures with air, LEL – 12 – 25 g/m3.

Many workshops and areas are under one roof.

The water supply for such enterprises is a fire-fighting water supply system; in the workshops there are fire hydrants, sprinkler and deluge systems. In addition, industrial water basins, fire ponds and natural water sources, near which woodworking enterprises are located, can be used to extinguish fires.