Waste recycling as a business in Russia - we are creating our own enterprise. Waste recycling is the most promising business

Waste recycling is a serious and profitable business with great prospects. The problem with garbage has become very acute; up to 3 billion tons of it have accumulated in Russia; they need to be disposed of. Their number is growing every year. Up to 96% of waste goes to landfill, while most of it can be recycled. Garbage is a valuable raw material. How to start your own correctly successful business in this area, we will discuss in the article.

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What makes this business promising?

  • availability of inexpensive domestic equipment;
  • the emergence of small and medium-sized production that processes recyclable materials;
  • introducing a ban on waste burning in the near future.


To start a waste sorting business you need to obtain a license. The document is received from the Ministry natural resources. The production complex undergoes an environmental audit carried out by the local environmental department. Based on its results, a conclusion is drawn that is valid for the period of operation of the enterprise. Before obtaining a permit, you should obtain consent from the fire inspectorate, SES, municipal and water management authorities with the provision of a project with detailed description technological process. According to the requirements of the SES, there must be a sanitary zone of 500 m around the plant. The paperwork takes several months. Every year, the department must obtain permission to conserve solid waste in a certain area.

Garbage recycling

The average trash can contains 50% polymers, 10% paper and cardboard, a quarter food waste, the rest metal, rubber, textiles, etc. It must first be sorted. For example, construction waste contains wood, parts of metal, brick and concrete.

The purpose of recycling is to recover metal particles.

Production is divided into the following stages:

  • large parts are crushed;
  • then they are crushed;
  • metal is extracted;
  • particles are sorted by size.

Such recycling results in the production of secondary crushed stone. It matters for improvement ecological situation. As the pace of construction increases, many old structures are being demolished. The resulting waste can be processed on site using a complex that crushes and sorts waste. Recycled crushed stone is poured into foundation excavations during construction, which reduces the cost of concrete by a quarter.

In world practice, buildings are not demolished, but dismantled, while at the same time sorting and using 80% of the waste. It is preferable to choose a specific type of waste for recycling.


The best option is to recycle plastic bottles. Various types of plastic are received as waste. Plastic containers serves as a raw material for flex. It is used for the production of the same plastic bottles, films, artificial bristles, etc.

Plastic recycling goes through the following stages:

  • bottles are sorted by color;
  • remove stickers and dirt;
  • raw materials are pressed.

Grinding is carried out on the line, then it is processed in a steam boiler, which removes remaining impurities, rinsing and polishing.

Paper and cardboard

50% of used paper and cardboard is recycled. It can withstand 3 to 5 recycling cycles. Paper is sorted into 12 types by category, type of wood, shade white, density, etc.

The simplest technology is performed in the following sequence:

  • waste paper dissolves in water;
  • unnecessary items are removed.

Cardboard recycling is carried out using thermomechanical processing. 75% recycled material is used to make cardboard for packaging and toilet paper. The rest is used in the production of roofing material.

Tires and rubber products

Burning rubber is harmful to the environment and unacceptable for business.

Tires are recycled using 3 methods:

  • The most commonly used method is grinding into crumbs. It is used as a filler in soft street surfaces. Thus, crushed rubber is suitable for the construction of sports and children's playgrounds. In addition, the rubber is crushed to make it more convenient to transport for the production of the release.
  • the most promising method is pyrolysis. It consists of decomposing rubber waste into:
    • technical carbon product;
    • artificial oil;
    • raw material for metallurgy.

This good idea For individual entrepreneurs. Release products are in demand, and proper organization business will bring considerable profit.

Wood waste and sawdust

Wood raw materials include softwood left over from sanitary logging, waste from logging (stumps, roots, twigs), sawdust, and wood chips. When disposing wood waste low-grade waste is converted into gasoline or diesel fuel High Quality, flammable gas and electricity.

Broken glass and glass containers

They recycle broken and non-conforming containers; such activity is profitable. You can purchase broken glass at enterprises; there will always be defective products there. Remelting glass requires a lower melting temperature (saving energy). When preparing broken glass, it is cleaned and crushed using a special installation that will melt and filter the crushed mass. This production also used in the production of abrasives, ceramics, insulating products, tiles and bricks.

Waste metals

Recycling metal recyclables has a positive impact on the economy. It is used in the manufacture of various types of products.

Waste metal:

  • obsolete metal objects;
  • industrial waste;
  • used machines, mechanisms, etc.

Such waste is environmentally harmful, for this reason their collection and processing must be timely, complete and of high quality.

When processing waste you need:

  • dismantle and collect waste;
  • transport them;
  • check;
  • separate ferrous metals from non-ferrous ones and from various impurities.

Organization of production


The entrepreneur will need land plot, premises for production and storage, special equipment and transport, personnel. The equipment will cost at least 60 thousand dollars. It includes a screening plant, a crusher, a storage hopper and a press.

It is better to have a small plant, since giant enterprises are expensive, up to $20 million. A mini-factory, the price of which is up to $50,000, will be more affordable for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

Nice place for such a business, the workshop will be located near a landfill or industrial zone, using the buildings of abandoned factories. You can buy mobile processing plants and move production. Work on them is carried out manually and automatically; you can purchase equipment at different prices– from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.


The number of employees will depend on production capacity and the amount of waste processed. For a small enterprise their number will be 10–15 people.


With a good organization of waste recycling production, the business will bring good profits. The license costs approximately $30 thousand, it may vary depending on the region. This business does not require special knowledge, it pays for itself in a relatively short term. We need to find clients from whom we can collect garbage. First of all, this is housing stock and a landfill. Profitability can be up to 80%.

Recycling - profitable business. It is distinguished by:

  • relatively simple paperwork;
  • high profitability at correct positioning affairs;
  • lack of competition.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

The benefits include:

  • simplicity of documents, since the state is interested in such enterprises.
  • high profitability, quick return on costs.
  • high incomes. Such a business brings in profit from 10 to 30 billion rubles a year.


  • absence separate collection waste. For Russia, this issue remains a distant prospect. With unseparated waste, automatic recycling lines can only recover 25% of the recyclables.
  • Businessmen themselves have to ensure the production of solid waste for disposal.
  • High costs of starting a business.

Recycling household waste- it is profitable and promising business. Previously, it was not as profitable as, for example, other recyclable materials, but since then there have been major changes.

Our country has accumulated a huge amount of household waste, which requires urgent disposal. Every year it increases by tens of millions of tons. Almost 96% of all household waste is disposed of in landfills. Of this total amount, 60% of waste is valuable recyclables that can be recycled.

Ideas and problems

In the average trash can you will find:

  • Polyvinyl chloride;
  • Polypropylene;
  • Polyethylene;
  • Paper and cardboard;
  • Metal;
  • Textile;
  • Rubber.
Almost 60% of this garbage can be safely sent to production, but only theoretically. In practice, separate waste collection, as is customary in developed countries, is a fairly distant prospect for our country. From ordinary garbage, using modern technologies 25% of recycled materials can be recovered, suitable for further use. Many cities have installed special containers designed for sorting garbage, but, unfortunately, they are of no use. Therefore, entrepreneurs who consider such a direction of activity as waste recycling promising, independently extract raw materials, sorting them using special installations.

Features of waste processing production

A large full-cycle waste recycling plant will require $20 million. Not every businessman can collect such a huge amount. Therefore, if you want to work in this direction, you can start recycling a specific type of waste. Or even move into another field where you don’t need to initially invest so much money. As an option, we recommend that you do or.

Scheme: Waste recycling

Permits and other documents

If you are interested in recycling waste as a business, first of all, you need to obtain all permits. The Ministry of Environment issues a license allowing such activities. Your company must first undergo an examination, after which a conclusion is issued. It is issued once for an indefinite period. For this document you will have to pay 5.5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need:

  • Permission from firefighters;
  • Permission from the SES;
  • A project in which all technological processes are described in detail.

Before opening a mini-factory for recycling waste, you must first develop a detailed business plan that will clearly describe what waste you are going to process, as well as where the recyclables will come from. Also, do not forget to think about where you will sell the finished products.

Production premises

Choosing a room is second important stage. A processing workshop will require an area of ​​300–500 square meters. meters. About 100 sq. meters need to be allocated for warehouses. An office can be made on the territory of the enterprise or a separate room can be rented for it, for example, in a business center.

It is better to locate such a business in an industrial zone, not far from a landfill. By purchasing mobile processing equipment, production can be periodically moved from one location to another.

Equipment for the production of

The necessary equipment for waste processing consists of:
  • Raw material sorting lines;
  • Crushing equipment;
  • The bunker into which the raw materials fall;
  • Special press.

Many entrepreneurs prefer to purchase imported equipment because they do not know that domestic units are more reliable and productive. Therefore, most often, a waste recycling business plan for individual entrepreneurs involves large initial investments. As a result, many abandon this type of activity. Moreover for domestic cars It's easier to buy spare parts.

Don't forget to also purchase a truck. It will import raw materials and export finished products.

The purchase of equipment will cost approximately 70 thousand dollars. If you have the means, you can also buy a melting furnace. Before purchasing equipment, draw up a business plan for waste recycling, and only then make a decision.


This business is based half on manual labor. Workers perform sorting, selection, calibration and other production processes manually. To operate a medium-sized enterprise, it is necessary to hire 20-40 workers. 10–15 people work in one shift. In order to start a waste recycling business from scratch, you need to find competent accountants, sales managers and drivers.

Profit and investments

In order to open a business plan for a waste processing plant, costs up to $20 million are required. But only if you are going to open a large full-cycle enterprise. For a mini-plant that processes a certain type of waste, a starting capital of 70–80 thousand dollars is sufficient.

This money will be spent on:

  1. Obtaining permits;
  2. Renting premises;
  3. Purchase of equipment;
  4. Purchase of raw materials;
  5. Employee salaries.
You will spend even less money on organizing waste removal, since a garbage truck costs approximately 1 million rubles. Much more difficulties arise with finding clients. A good option is recycling. construction waste as a business. But for this you will have to spend a lot of time searching for clients.

The income of an enterprise depends on the following factors:

  • Type of waste;
  • Processing methods;
  • Production volumes.

To increase profits, you can organize recycling collection points. The profitability of such an enterprise is at least 50%. Accordingly, the business idea of ​​recycling waste will bring you good income.

Raw materials

To provide your waste processing plant with raw materials, you should agree on its supply with local landfills. If you have a permit to process solid waste in your hands, this will not be difficult to do. In addition, you can also make arrangements with collection points plastic waste or waste paper. Thanks to this, you will receive sorted raw materials at a very affordable price.

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Let's sum it up

In order to open a small waste recycling enterprise, you will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, as well as repair and finishing work on the premises.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Renting premises;
  2. Salaries of employees;
  3. Purchase of raw materials;
  4. Public utilities.

If you calculate monthly expenses, you get 600 thousand rubles. The enterprise's income is 800 thousand rubles per month. That is, your earnings from recycling waste will be approximately 200 thousand rubles. Based on this, your initial investment will be able to pay off in 1.5 years. In practice, the income is usually much higher.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

An integral part of human life is the generation of waste different types– food, electronic, household. And the more complex our lives become, the more we consume, the more waste we produce. According to statistics, per person there is 200-300 kg of waste (MSW) per year, and in Russia as a whole, waste generation is estimated at 30-35 million tons annually.

Unlike Western countries, where waste is effectively recycled, in Russia this entire volume ends up in landfills, where it remains for decades, polluting environment. The lack of a culture of sorting and recycling of at least the most hazardous waste, such as, for example, mercury lamps, batteries, medicines, only aggravates the current situation. Only a small part - no more than 5% - ends up in waste incineration plants, which, in fact, pollute the environment almost more than the landfills themselves.

Of course, our country does not stand still. At the end of 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a package of amendments to the law on industrial and consumer waste, which approved a recycling fee, and also tightened the requirements for the use of waste, in particular, a ban was introduced on the disposal of waste that has not lost its consumer properties.

Ideally, waste should be almost completely recycled in order to reuse received materials. This is exactly what happens in Europe – up to 80% of solid waste is recycled there. With proper recycling, almost all of this volume can be reused. This means that you can earn good money by selling recycled waste.

From organic waste you can make compost and use them as fertilizers. Used automobile oil and other liquids can be converted into biological products and physiologically active compounds. Paper and cardboard can be produced from recycled paper and cardboard, and polymers can be produced from polymer materials. And so on.

In general, all work with waste can be divided into several stages: collection, transportation, sorting, processing (disposal, storage). Often, enterprises in this industry have a narrow specialization at some stage. This is logical, since the creation of an integrated organization for collecting, sorting and recycling waste not only requires huge capital investments, but is also organizationally complex.

Figure 1. Structure of solid waste in Russia

In addition, this area of ​​business is perhaps one of the most corrupt in our country, and the market has been divided for a long time and for a long time. Removing waste and burying it in landfills is the most common way to get rid of it today. Garbage removal companies have been working here for years in the same urban area or with the same industrial enterprises. According to some estimates, the profitability of such a business reaches 20%. However, also for this reason, it is almost impossible for a new player to enter this market.

Ready ideas for your business

Waste sorting in itself is hardly of interest from a business point of view, at least because the main consumer of this service is recycling companies, of which there are still very, very few in Russia. Thus, we come to the logical conclusion that a sorting and processing complex may be the most profitable. And if after these words the imagination pictures a territory built up with multi-story industrial buildings, with conveyor belts, driveways by rail and so on, then in reality everything is much more prosaic. We will talk further about how you can organize an enterprise for collecting and processing waste.

First of all, we need to decide whether we will limit ourselves to just sorting and recycling, or whether we will try to cover all links in the chain, ensuring that waste is collected directly from its source. As mentioned above, this market is divided and cannot be redistributed. However, you can find your own source that will provide the enterprise with a small but stable amount of material. Such a source could be a cottage community, of which there are many currently being built; it could be an industrial enterprise - just opened or already operating. In the second case, strong arguments will be required to convince the management of the enterprise to abandon the already established relationship with the service organization. Still, working with an industrial enterprise is more profitable, because will be able to provide our company with a stable volume of waste of a certain fraction, on which we can build specialization. And specialization, as we understand it, allows us to reduce costs. Actually, searching for a source, collecting and transporting waste from it is not expensive: you will need one or two containers for collection and a truck to transport it. Transportation costs can be reduced by using a press at the collection site if the material being collected allows it.

If we are not interested in organizing the supply of material directly from the source, we will focus directly on sorting and recycling. Here we return to the issue of specialization. It can be approached from two opposite sides: from the material being processed or from the source of waste.

The most common material for recycling today is PET containers, that is, ordinary plastic bottles from drinks, sunflower oil, etc. But almost anything can be recycled – from cars to wood, from consumer electronics to paper. Naturally, the more complex the original product, the more complex the technology for its disposal will be. We talked about specialization at the source above - it could be a plant, shopping mall or a cottage community. The first gives one or two main factions, the second two - a much larger assortment.

Ready ideas for your business

The simplest and most accessible waste disposal technologies include pressing and grinding. Actually, they can be used either individually or sequentially in a full technological cycle: crusher, sorting line, press, storage hopper, magnet.

Equipment is selected depending on the type of waste and the required productivity. For example, a press for aluminum and other non-ferrous metals, which allows you to press, for example, beverage cans, will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A wool and rag press, with which you can press spinning waste, has a higher cost - about 250 thousand. A press for briquetting PET containers and waste paper costs from 180 thousand rubles. Such a press produces a finished briquette that meets the requirements for acceptance by pulp and paper mills. More serious industrial presses from Western manufacturers cost one or two orders of magnitude higher. For example, a used German semi-automatic horizontal press will cost 46,000 euros, and a two-shaft Austrian shredder will cost 26,000 euros.

Designed for grinding waste Various types crushers and shredders, which are also selected depending on the type of material being processed, productivity and the required degree of grinding. The cost of domestically produced crushers for polymers, foam rubber, padding polyester, fabrics, glass today is 90-100 thousand rubles.

Some suppliers offer ready-made universal lines with program control for processing a wide range of solid waste, including everything down to conveyors, protective fences, etc. The cost of such a line with installation will be approximately 5 million rubles.

There is also a lot of specialized equipment for processing electronic circuit boards (machines for removing components from circuit boards, vibrating tables, hammer crushers), package tearers, various extruders and granulators, dryers for the organic fraction and much more. Manufacturers and distributors of such equipment also offer comprehensive solutions depending on the planned focus of the enterprise; their cost is announced upon request. It should be expected that for a more or less serious line it will be at least 3-4 million rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

There are also more unconventional ways to make money from waste. For example, processing of landfill gas. On this moment There is at least one such plant in Russia, founded by a Swedish company. The principle of operation of the plant is relatively simple: gas is collected through wells from the “body” of the landfill and collected in a furnace for its combustion, in the process of which electricity is generated. The plant itself consists of several mobile buildings, “roaming” through the landfill from a used gas source to a new one. According to rough estimates, the energy produced by the plant is enough to power a city of 50 thousand people. Of course, such an enterprise will require larger investments than a sorting and recycling line - such projects are beneficial only in the long term, especially taking into account the imperfections Russian legislation in the field of environmental supervision.

Depending on the type of waste being processed, various requirements set out in SanPiN are imposed on the territories and premises. As a rule, they are all quite tough, because... the processing organization must not pollute the atmosphere and soil, nor discharge wastewater, have high fire safety indicators, etc. Perhaps this can be called one of the main obstacles to opening such a business.

If the premises or territory have been sorted out, licensing of activities will then be required. According to the law, activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes are subject to licensing (Class I is extremely hazardous waste that causes irreversible damage to the environment; these include, for example: vinyl chloride, lead oxide, polonium , plutonium, mercury, hydrogen fluoride, etc.). The accumulation of waste of any hazard class, as well as activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of hazard class V are not subject to licensing. The licensing procedure is carried out by Rostechnadzor, and its duration can reach 3-5 months.

As for the profitability of the “garbage” business, according to experts, a sorting and processing line can pay for itself in two to five years. Important factors that provide profitability are: a slowly but steadily growing demand for recyclables and a fairly low level of risks due to fixed tariffs for waste disposal from municipalities. And, of course, there is an extremely low level of competition in this area.

Among the difficulties an entrepreneur will face here is a clash with the bureaucratic apparatus, which is often corrupt. If there are still potential competitors in your region, be prepared for the fact that they will try with all their might to prevent your entry into the market.

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One day, a wise man financial sector said that money can be obtained from everything, even from those things that lie under our feet.

As practice has shown, he was right, since waste recycling is a very profitable business if you look at it in more detail. Main factor relevance of this business lies in all its aspects, starting from positive influences on the environment and ending with making big profits.

The essence of the waste recycling business

There is virtually no competition in the waste recycling market. The positive advantages in this area are that local authorities talk a lot about waste recycling, but they do practically nothing about it, but at the same time, they are under pressure from higher authorities. As a rule, the waste recycling industry is practically not funded, so the local administration always supports such ideas, helps to find industrial premises and provides financial support.

The volumes of production raw materials are not limited. Analytical data from experts suggests that on average a person throws out up to 250 kilograms of garbage per year, with 25% being food waste, 15% being paper, and the remaining waste consisting of metal, textiles, rubber, plastic and other industrially valuable materials. materials.

It is possible to create a waste processing plant, but it is an expensive and labor-intensive process. According to experts, investments in such a processing industry range from several tens of millions to hundreds of millions of rubles. It’s a completely different matter if you take as a basis not a plant, but a workshop.

In this case, investments will be an order of magnitude smaller and amount to about 1,800,000 rubles, and the profit will be no less than when creating an entire plant. It is worth noting that the standard waste disposal scheme is not at all environmentally friendly and poses some danger to the environment, since during disposal there is an accumulation of gases from rotting or combustion. This trend leads to the fact that the authorities have a positive attitude towards any ideas for processing food and household waste from the population and enterprises.

Despite many positive factors, this business has disadvantages. Entrepreneurs starting to engage in recycling are faced with problems such as delivery and sorting of waste, but even here the right approach an adequate solution can be found.

Obtaining permission to create a waste processing workshop

When organizing a waste recycling business, there are many common points, as well as a scheme for obtaining permission to operate that is identical for many CIS countries. In the process of creating a business, you must obtain a license to collect solid household waste and process it. The procedure for obtaining it is quite simple. The head of the future organization is required to organize an environmental assessment, through which a conclusion is issued once and for all.

Having received the expert opinion, the manager is required to collect all documentation, certificates, design documents for the premises, documents describing the production technology, and also obtain permits from fire departments and other authorities. In addition, you will need to obtain permission to generate solid waste on the territory of your future enterprise. Collecting and confirming documentation takes 2-4 months of work, as well as up to 24,000 rubles.

Industrial premises for business

The second most important step is to find a room. Average area waste processing production should be at least 600 square meters, where 300-400 sq.m. – these are processing shops, and 100-200 sq.m. – warehouses. In addition to industrial buildings and structures, it is necessary to acquire administrative premises, which can be rented either on the premises of the workshop or separately. Each of the premises should be equipped according to regulatory standards and requirements, in accordance with fire and sanitary safety. This procedure requires from 6,000 to 9,000 rubles.

Waste recycling does not require the manager to search for a specific location, but if you locate the workshops near the city landfill, then you will be able to save not only on the delivery of raw materials, but also on renting premises.

Waste sorting equipment

When purchasing equipment, you should pay attention that its cost is from 1,500,000 rubles. The most minimal equipment includes a sorting line, a storage hopper, a crusher, a magnet and a press. As additional equipment To sort waste, you can purchase a melting furnace, which significantly increases the cost of the project. The most popular equipment, due to its availability and functionality, is created by domestic manufacturers.

Workers and staff

The essence of the household waste recycling business is that 50% of it consists of manual labor. The process of sorting, selection, calibration and many other production stages occurs through the work of employees. As a rule, they work in shifts of 10-15 people. The average number of such workers varies from 20 to 40 depending on the volume of business. In addition to production workers, do not forget that for the quality functioning of your enterprise you will need an accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Supply of raw materials

To ensure that your enterprise is always provided with a supply of waste, the easiest way is to enter into an agreement with the management of local landfills. This procedure does not cause any problems if there is permission to collect and process solid waste. In addition, you can enter into agreements with representatives of collection points for containers and plastic waste. Thus, recycling waste will not cause any problems, since ready-made and sorted waste can be obtained at a price of 1 to 5 rubles per kilogram. Everything will largely depend on the specifics of your future workshop. Among other things, local supermarkets, which have large volumes of cardboard and plastic boxes, as well as film, stretch and paper, can become reliable suppliers of raw materials.

Financial plan

Having considered all the main aspects associated with opening a waste processing plant, it is advisable to move on to figures that will fully show the profitability of this business. Based on practice, existing enterprises, whose main task is recycling and sorting waste, are capable of processing from 3 to 5 tons of waste paper, up to 1.5 tons of polymer raw materials, and up to 250 kilograms of plastic containers during one shift.

Price of one ton of pressed raw materials various types, varies on the market from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles. The average monthly profit of such an enterprise from the sale of pressed recycled materials ranges from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles, which fully justifies the profitability indicators in this segment, which are about 50%.

Thus, the business of collecting and processing waste waste is highly relevant for implementation. Naturally, the initial investment is significantly higher than that of hairdressers and flower shops, but the profits made are worth giving it a try.

The country is now experiencing rapid growth megacities and cities, the number of inhabitants is increasing, and at the same time, waste per capita is increasing. It has been calculated how much garbage the average citizen throws out annually - up to 350 kg, while the share of household solid waste (MSW) is about 40%. This is the garbage that does not decompose, but accumulates for years in landfills.

Mountains of household waste are growing, polluting the environment and reducing areas for agricultural needs. In addition, fires and landslides often occur at landfills, and the number of rats and stray dogs increases. All this suggests that our country has a catastrophic shortage of waste processing plants.

Many entrepreneurs do not even suspect that this business is quite profitable, and a lot can be produced from recycled secondary raw materials healthy products, For example:

In addition, there is quite a lot of scrap metal in landfills, not only steel, but also non-ferrous metals.

When organizing a waste recycling business, you can get state support in the form of a one-time cash grant, an interest-free loan for the purchase of equipment or a preferential tax period.

Basic methods of processing solid waste

The most common methods of solid waste disposal are the following:

  • burial at landfills;
  • natural decomposition;
  • thermal processing.

Today in Russia the first two methods predominate. Food waste are processed into compost, and non-degradable ones are taken to landfills.

All over the world there is a trend towards maximum recycling of all waste; this is what encourages manufacturers of machinery and equipment to create specialized mini-factories that have many advantages over landfills:

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Equipment options

The equipment of mini-plants for waste sorting and recycling depends on the type of raw material:

  • household waste;
  • construction waste;
  • tires and rubber.

The most functional is the equipment for processing solid waste.

The waste incineration mini-plant MPZ-5000 from Sifania (Russia) can process up to 5,000 tons of waste per year. One such complex can serve a city area with a population of 25 thousand people. Its main purpose:

  • solid waste sorting;
  • crushing plastic bottles;
  • waste paper packaging;
  • There is a pyrolysis plant for burning non-degradable raw materials.

How much does this option cost? In the basic configuration – 10,000,000 rubles

There are more productive options that can process up to 10 tons per hour. At the same time, the sorting station is capable of separating 16 types of waste from the total volume of solid waste. This plant will employ up to 40 people. For example, a processing complex from the JSSORT company. It will require an area 80 m long and 40 m wide to accommodate it, and will accommodate up to 15 garbage trucks per eight-hour shift.

How much does such a complex cost? The total cost of the equipment, including the construction of the workshop, will cost 30 million rubles.

The plant for processing rubber and tires into crumbs is also quite profitable business. The final product, granulated rubber powder, is widely used in the production of:

  • asphalt;
  • anti-corrosion mastics;
  • soundproofing materials;
  • road speed limiters;
  • products of the construction industry.

The capacity of such a plant is up to 3 tons per hour.

How much does this mini tire recycling plant cost? The price of imported equipment is 25,500,000 rubles.

Composition of the mini-plant and main technological stages

Processing plants have similar components, differing only in capacity and degree of automation. The processing conveyor includes the following modules:

To separate scrap metal, you can equip the receiving shop with a magnet - this will greatly facilitate the sorting process.

The mini-plant operates as follows:

Packaged secondary raw materials are ready for sale or further processing, if this is included in the plant’s business plan. You can supplement the line with equipment for granulating PET raw materials or a workshop for the production of toilet paper.

Business plan for organizing a waste recycling enterprise

Any business requires a financial plan, which will calculate the main capital investments, production costs, and profits.

The business plan for a mini-plant for processing solid waste, with a capacity of up to 10 tons of processed raw materials per hour, contains the following financial indicators:

The business plan includes calculation of sales turnover of secondary raw materials:

The preliminary plan drawn up shows quite good results. If you organize your own production of products from recycled materials, you can get double profits.

Video: Waste recycling plant