Harm of chips to the human body. About the benefits and harms of potato chips

Chips sold in stores are not natural product. They contain many chemical additives that are harmful even if used once. Why are chips harmful to human health, and why are they dangerous?

History of appearance

Once in an American restaurant, a dissatisfied customer returned coarsely chopped potatoes a couple of times. The chef decided to play a joke on this client by cutting the potatoes too thin and frying them in oil, making them crispy.

The visitor liked this version of the dish, and the head of the establishment added it to the menu. Subsequently, such a snack began to be sold in bags.

Chemical composition

Chips from any manufacturer are dangerous for the body, because there is almost nothing natural in them. Originally, this dish was actually made from potatoes. However, now chips are made from flour or starches. Starch from genetically modified soybeans is often used.

They also contain monosodium glutamate and flavorings. Roasted this product V large quantities vegetable oil, as a result of which carcinogens appear in chips. The use of starch and vegetable fats is indicated by the fact that the chips burn when set on fire.

Are chips harmful?

A natural product is fried potatoes. So why are chips unhealthy? In fact, most manufacturers make them from potato flour. Such flour does not contain a single useful element. Also, chips contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body. A large amount of salt increases the likelihood of kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

Various flavoring additives and aromas used in the production of this product are very harmful, and they are also addictive. All manufacturers add them; not a single brand skimps on flavor enhancers and flavorings.

This is a very high-calorie product: per 100 grams - 510 kcal. That's why there are chips for people with overweight harmful and not recommended.

Why are chips harmful? Any ingredient in this product is very harmful. They are dangerous individually, but when combined they create real poison.

Chips have the following harmful effects:

  1. At daily use After eating such a snack, after a month, any person can develop heartburn and gastritis.
  2. The salt they contain disrupts metabolism.
  3. A large number of carcinogens can cause the formation of cancerous tumors.
  4. Sodium chloride contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also impairs bone growth, lowers immunity, and negatively affects the liver and kidneys.
  5. Women are more likely to develop breast cancer. In men, it negatively affects sexual function.
  6. Eating chips causes distress nervous system, which is expressed in potency and weakness in the arms and legs.

Is there any benefit?

Are chips at least somehow healthy? All doctors and various experts are confident that such a snack does not provide any benefit. This is an empty product that should be thrown out of your diet.

How harmful are chips? What dangers does their regular use pose? This product can cause the development of the following diseases:

  • allergic reactions;
  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • swelling;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • addiction to additives;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • depression, mood swings;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • increased level cholesterol.

Naturally, these are not all the problems that such a snack can cause. Even experts do not know the exact answer to how dangerous this product is for the human body.

Many lovers of such food are looking for which chips are less harmful and how much can be safely consumed per month. However, even one package can harm the entire body.

They are not recommended for use even by absolutely healthy people. But for those who have overweight or any chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, such a dish is strictly contraindicated. Moreover, you should not eat an expired product.

Currently, industrial chips are the result of the work of chemists, which should be completely discarded or consumed with great caution. And to those who lead healthy image life and eats right, such food will not do.

Harm to children

In particular, chips and children are incompatible. Parents should do everything to ensure that their child eats only natural food and does not allow him to eat harmful chips.

Caring parents They will never feed their child with them. They have the following negative effects on children:

  1. Causes obesity.
  2. Contribute to the development of allergies.
  3. Irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Reduces appetite.
  5. Negatively affects the liver and kidneys.

Video: the whole truth about the dangers of chips.

Hazardous Ingredients

Scientists have proven that the use of trans isomers in food is extremely dangerous; there is no safe standard.

In many developed countries, the presence of trans isomers in the product is required to be indicated on the packaging. The conditionally permissible amount of trans isomers in products is 1%. However, in 100 g of this dish there are approximately 60% of them. Therefore, consuming one package per day, the diet is replenished with 3%-4% trans isomers.

Trans isomers have the following effects:

  • Reduces immunity.
  • Doubles your risk of heart disease.
  • They disrupt metabolism. Causes prostate and breast cancer.
  • Increase the likelihood of infertility, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and vision loss.

What else are chips made of? Another dangerous ingredient is propenamide (acrylamide), it is a carcinogen and mutagen.

Acrylamide has the following effects:

  1. Destroys the liver and kidneys.
  2. Promotes the formation of oncology.
  3. Affects the nervous system.
  4. Causes gene mutations.

There can be no doubt whether chips are harmful. You should not buy them for your children or for yourself as a snack. It’s worth thinking about what you can replace chips with and eating healthy foods. After all, first of all, you need to think about your health and the health of your children.

One of the most common potato products is chips. This product is often called a favorite treat by both adults and children. Most people have heard that such a snack is not recommended by nutritionists, but few know how significant the harm of chips is. Perhaps, having learned how harmful chips are, many gourmands would change their attitude towards this product.

Chips have long had a dubious reputation, but the demand for this product is consistently high. The snack itself is not special. taste qualities, therefore, it was the taste of fat with the addition of dyes and enhancers that captivated gourmets. According to scientists, the reason for this is the ability of chips to cause addiction akin to a drug.

What's the harm from chips?

To understand how dangerous the harm of chips is to the human body, you need to analyze the composition of the product. This information is replete with unpleasant facts that may surprise you. The chips contain the following ingredients.

  • Cancer-forming substance

The product significantly exceeds the norm of acrylamide, which is released during frying of potatoes and affects the body as a strong carcinogen, provoking gene mutations and the development of malignant tumors.

  • Hydrogenated fat

This fat makes up a third of the product and is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing:

  1. atherosclerosis;
  2. hypertension.

As a result of experiments on animals, researchers established the existence of a “fat hangover”: after eating chips:

  1. memory deteriorates;
  2. concentration is lost;
  3. the thought process slows down.
  • Acrolein

At high temperature conditions fats and glycerin form a poison that:

  1. irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx and bronchi;
  2. promotes the development of tumors;
  3. destroys blood DNA, liver and kidneys
  • Dyes, preservatives and flavoring additives. Because of them appear:
  1. metabolic disorders;
  2. inflammation of the intestines and pancreas (pancreatitis);
  3. irritation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis);
  4. unstable acidity of gastric juice;
  5. allergy;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. caries.
  • Monosodium glutamate

This is a universal flavor enhancer that large quantities:

  1. inhibits brain function;
  2. destroys nerve cells;
  3. leads to the appearance peptic ulcer stomach;
  4. causes diabetes and migraines;
  5. reduces vision;
  6. increases appetite;
  7. dulls the sensitivity of taste buds, as a result of which food without glutamate seems too bland.

The main component is fried potatoes with flour - a high-calorie carbohydrate food that guarantees:

  1. increased cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  2. increase in body weight.

Learning to minimize harm

If you can't resist the tempting crunchy bites, eat them at least once a week after meals. In the store, to choose the least harmful ready-made chips, carefully read the composition and buy a product without:

  • aromatic mixtures and dyes;
  • synthetic flavoring additives: it is better to take chips with natural chili pepper, sesame, paprika;
  • preservatives.

The slices should not be too large and uniform: this indicates that dry ingredients were used for their preparation. mashed potatoes with dough or genetically modified potatoes.

Once you are convinced of the harm that store-bought chips bring, you can prepare this delicacy yourself - not only from potatoes, but also using pieces of vegetables or fruits. The dish should be prepared in the oven to prevent the formation of harmful substances during frying.

Today, potato chips are the most popular snack, which are prepared by frying potatoes in vegetable oil. Use this product together with beer or separately. This delicacy was invented by accident, but instantly gained popularity all over the world.

But the chips that are sold on store shelves are not natural, healthy products. The fact is that they contain numerous chemical additives that have the property negative influence on the body of any person when consuming the product.

Along with sweet carbonated drinks, this product confidently holds the leading position in terms of harmfulness. Therefore, it is worth understanding what the actual benefits and harms of chips are, and how dangerous it is to eat them in large quantities.

What are chips

Chips were invented by an American chef who decided to play a prank on a harmful restaurant visitor. When the client is in once again complained that the potatoes were cut too large and returned the dish back; the potatoes were specially cut into too thin slices and fried in oil until crunchy.

However, the wayward visitor really liked this dish, and crispy potatoes were introduced into the restaurant menu. In the future, chips began to be packaged in bags and sold in retail stores.

To answer the question of why chips are harmful and whether they are beneficial to the human body, it is worth considering what is included in chemical composition product. This is far from a harmless dish, since it contains virtually no natural ingredients.

  • If earlier eating fried potatoes was more or less healthy, today chips are made from starch and flour. However, ingredients are often taken from genetically modified sources.
  • The chips contain a large number of flavorings, as well as monosodium glutamate. Since the product is prepared by intense frying in vegetable oil, this leads to the appearance of carcinogens.

If you set fire to chips, they will catch fire, which means that starch and vegetable fats are used in production, which are harmful to the body.

Harm of chips to the human body

If fried potatoes are considered a natural product, then why are chips harmful to health? The thing is that most often this product is made from potato flour, which does not contain useful elements.

This delicacy, so beloved by many, contains a large amount of salt, which promotes fluid retention in the body and causes various diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system and stomach.

During production, large quantities of flavorings and flavor enhancers are added, which can be addictive. 100 g of product contains 510 kcal, so chips are very high in calories and are especially harmful to people with increased body weight.

According to the research institute, with long-term and constant consumption, chips cause significant harm.

  1. A month after eating snacks every day, not only heartburn develops, but gastritis also forms.
  2. Due to a large amount of salt, metabolic disorders occur.
  3. Since carcinogens accumulate in chips, they can provoke the appearance of cancer.
  4. Due to the high concentration of sodium chloride, cardiovascular diseases develop, the functioning of the immune system, liver and kidneys is disrupted, and the growth of bone tissue stops.
  5. Women have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Men begin to complain about sexual dysfunction.
  6. Those who eat unhealthy snacks have weakened arms and legs due to nervous system disorders.

The most harmful substances contained in chips are trans isomers of fatty acids. These elements contribute to a decrease in immunity, an increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic disorders, and a decrease in visual functions. They are also dangerous because they cause infertility, breast and prostate cancer, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease.

Another dangerous ingredient is propenamide, which is a carcinogen and mutagen. It has a destructive effect on the kidneys and liver, provokes cancer, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, and causes the development of gene mutations.

Parents must understand that such a snack cannot be included in their children’s diet; they need to eat foods of natural origin without harmful additives.

Otherwise, such food causes obesity, provokes an allergic reaction, irritates the stomach, reduces appetite, and negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and liver, as well as teeth. During pregnancy, expectant mothers should completely avoid eating chips.

Are chips good for you?

Can chips have any health benefits? As doctors and experts at the research point assure, snacks are an extremely harmful and empty product that must be completely excluded from the diet if a person wants to maintain his health.

This product leads to allergic reactions, myocardial infarction and strokes, malignant tumors, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, edema, kidney and liver diseases, hormonal imbalances, intoxication of the body, nervous system disorders, metabolic disorders, increased levels bad cholesterol, frequent mood swings.

Such food is contraindicated even healthy person, especially since this dish should not be eaten by people who are overweight, have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or various chronic diseases. Chips are especially dangerous if their shelf life has expired.

Thus, you should not get carried away with the chips that are sold in the store. If you really want, you can use simple recipe and prepare your own snack at home. Such a dish, of course, will not bring much benefit, but in moderate doses it will not harm.

How to make your own chips

To prepare classic chips you will need 600 g of potatoes, three tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil, several sprigs of dill, two cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to taste.

The potatoes are peeled and placed on a paper towel laid out in advance to dry. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped. Dill is divided into two parts and one part is crushed.

Place a shallow and wide container on the fire into which vegetable oil is poured. Chopped garlic and herbs are also added there. Potatoes are cut into thin slices by hand or using a vegetable cutter.

The prepared potatoes are placed in spicy oil, the container is covered with a lid and shaken so that each slice can be soaked. The lid is removed and the potatoes are kept in oil for 30 minutes.

  • Parchment is placed on a baking sheet or form, and potatoes are laid out on it in one layer.
  • The oven is heated to 200 degrees, place the pan with potatoes in it for 20 minutes. To obtain a crispier delicacy, the cooking time is increased to half an hour.
  • When the time is up, remove the chips from the oven, cool, transfer to a large plate and sprinkle with dill. Also, some fans of this snack prefer to add small quantity sour cream.

Chips cooked in a frying pan are no less tasty. To do this, use 500 ml of vegetable oil, four potatoes, spices and salt. The potatoes are peeled and doused with water. Using a shredder or sharp knife cut into circles no more than 5 mm thick.

Place a deep frying pan on the stove and fill it three centimeters with oil. Spices are sprinkled on top.

  1. When the oil boils, reduce the heat and carefully place the potato wedges into the frying pan. It is important to ensure that they do not touch each other.
  2. The dish is cooked until golden brown, after which the chips are laid out on a paper napkin.
  3. The remaining portion is prepared in the same way with the addition of oil.

It is much faster and more convenient to cook a dish in the microwave. To use the recipe, you will need 300 g of potatoes, 30 ml olive oil, spices and salt.

  • The potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into thin slices, poured cold water and stand for 15 minutes until the starch comes out.
  • Next, the potatoes are dried paper towel, sprinkle with spices. Cooking chips in the microwave maximum temperature for five minutes. But after two minutes, you need to turn the slices over and reduce the cooking temperature by half.
  • The dish is taken out after receiving a brownish crust. It is not recommended to keep it longer, otherwise the taste will be lost.

The result is a very tasty and nutritious side dish for meat or fish dishes. In order not to harm your health, you need to follow the dosage and not overeat such food.

It doesn’t take much time to find articles about the dangers of this delicacy. It states that they consist almost entirely of “chemicals”, are cooked in “carcinogenic oil” and will certainly lead to obesity. However, such reasoning is often unfounded and not entirely logical. Let's try to figure out how “harmful” chips are.


Modern chips are produced in large enterprises according to unified quality standards. For this, either chopped potatoes or natural potato flour are used, which retains its properties longer and is more convenient for further preparation.

Then additional ingredients are mixed in - the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, flavoring and aromatic additives and spices. IN modern conditions All of them are recognized as safe; only their consumption rates may vary. In any case, let's look at the composition in more detail.

Monosodium glutamate

Additive E621 is used to enrich the taste of various foods. The substance itself is natural, as it is formed in some types of cheeses and soy sauce. IN industrial production it is also obtained through natural fermentation. At the same time, the taste and chemical qualities of a natural and identical substance are no different.

Experiments on mice show that with significant (much more than natural) consumption of monosodium glutamate, disorders do occur. At the same time, severe health consequences occur in animals even with an excess of ordinary table salt. Studies conducted in humans have found no relationship between MSG and obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, asthma and other diseases or illnesses.

Flavors, dyes, food additives

It is due to such ingredients that chips acquire the taste and smell of onions, crabs, mushrooms and everything else. Flavorings and food colors are now an integral part of almost any edible product. They are used in baked goods, ice cream, soda, and some alcoholic drinks, yoghurts, glazed cheese curds, sauces, sausages and this is not the whole list. They change not only the color, taste and smell of the product, but also the consistency and shelf life.

Compliance with all product manufacturing rules makes the use of additives safe. Often, the use of such ingredients even brings benefits, for example, some sugar substitutes are several times sweeter than it, but not as high in calories.

When using any substance - in a medicine, in a drink, in a product, a lot depends on individual characteristics. In children, the elderly or simply sensitive people food additives can cause allergies in different manifestations, therefore their consumption should be limited if possible, as is the case with all other allergens.

Frying chips

Some claim that frying them in large amounts of vegetable oil makes the chips highly carcinogenic. Overheating oil does have the potential to make it carcinogenic, but we can do the same in a frying pan or when heating meat in the oven for a long time. Moreover, people receive the same substances in much larger quantities from exhaust gases, cigarette smoke or when burning garbage. It turns out that the carcinogens potentially obtained from chips are a small part of all that our body receives daily.

What's the harm?

All deep-fried potato dishes are quite high in calories. The substances from which they consist are easily absorbed during the process of entering the body and processing. You also need to take into account that it is very difficult for a person to tear himself away from a tasty, albeit not very healthy product. As a result, if consumed in excess, chips can cause obesity. However, the cause may also be poor nutrition in general, as well as a number of health problems, for example, hormonal imbalance.

Chips themselves are no more harmful than sausage or processed cheese. For those contained in them food additives There are official standards that are calculated based on the average consumption of the product. And if a person voluntarily exceeds this value or simply overeats, it does not mean that the food itself is harmful. It is not a specific product that has a bad effect on the body, but its thoughtless absorption.

Chips are thin slices of root vegetables that are fried in a large amount of oil. This snack is popular among young people and is loved by children and adults. The benefits and harms of chips are discussed by nutritionists, as well as doctors who specialize in various fields of medicine.

The history of potato chips

The appearance of chips was preceded by a story that took place in one of the hotel restaurants in New York state in the 19th century. According to legend, the chef of the restaurant was George Crum. When a famous millionaire dined at the restaurant, Crum was in high spirits. King railway America, Vanderbilt returned two portions of potatoes to the kitchen with a comment about the slices being too thick and the chef decided to teach the owner a lesson. He sliced ​​the potatoes as thinly as the kitchen equipment of the time would allow and fried them until crisp.

The millionaire liked the dish for its taste, and he ordered it every time he had dinner throughout his business trip. A few months later, the dish became a signature item on the restaurant menu.

Later, Crum opened his own establishment, where he prepared chips - thin, deep-fried slices with unique taste properties, according to his own recipe.

The end of the 19th century saw the emergence of the production of take-out chips; they came up with the idea of ​​using edible wax paper for packaging.

In 1932, Herman Ley began selling chips in small quantities, and the company later acquired a name that is recognizable to this day. During the existence of the company, it merged with the famous Pepsi corporation: since then, chips and carbonated water have become inseparable.

Chemical composition and calorie content of chips

The popular treat began its existence as a potato dish. Experts discussed the benefits of potato chips, their properties, but over time, as well as under the influence of the race to increase capital, manufacturers decided to change the composition beyond recognition. Some of the healthy ingredients were replaced with completely unhealthy cheap starches.

One hundred grams of modern chips contain:

  • proteins - 7.5 g;
  • fats-35 g;
  • carbohydrates - 53 g;
  • dietary fiber - 4.5 g;
  • water – 2 g;
  • ash - 3.5 g;
  • omega-6 fatty acids -11 g;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Warning! The chips contain flavorings and aromas, the beneficial properties of which cannot be discussed, but it is important to remember about direct harm to health.

Different manufacturers interpret the composition of the product in their own way, adding types of oils that are not recommended for consumption. These types include unrefined rapeseed oil: its properties are harmful to the body.

Group E food additives, which most types of this product contain, are included in the food register, but the controversy surrounding their use does not subside. In the generally accepted understanding, their property is to impart and enhance a specific taste. This is how fish, meat or vegetable species are obtained.

Why are chips harmful to health?

Since large amounts of salt are used in the preparation of chips, this affects the harm and benefits to the human body from eating chips. The properties of salt promote fluid retention and increase blood circulation, so experts recommend limiting their consumption.

Deep frying is a mixture of fats for cooking. The method is fraught with harm to health, therefore it is harshly criticized by specialists in medicine and nutrition.

With repeated frying, the properties of the oil mixture contribute to the appearance of a carcinogen, which has irreversible effects on humans. According to medical research, regular consumption of carcinogens is harmful due to the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Chips from popular manufacturers are not made from natural potatoes, but from flour and harmful starch; in fact, they are dough, not thin slices of root vegetables.

The well-known brand of chips "Pringles" does not hide the fact that the potato content reaches 40%, the remaining components are corn flour or unhealthy rice crumbs.

Warning! The most unhealthy chips are made from corn starch.

Harm to health is caused primarily by components that are used as a substitute for natural products.

Harm of chips for children

Commercials promise a unique taste, as if it fits in a bag " fried potatoes with onions”, “bacon with sour cream” and much more. Adults understand that this is a publicity stunt, extra way deceive the receptors with its taste properties, but children often strive to try new tastes out of curiosity and become hostage to their addictions. Large food magnates who produce these products are attracted to advertising famous people. Attractive videos that hint at beneficial properties delicacies, they film several mini-episodes, which interests children even more.

The child’s body is not fully formed, so it especially needs to receive the necessary useful microelements and vitamins. Chips are a snack that is harmful to health because they have the property of transmitting a signal to the brain about food intake and superficial satiety, which slows down full development.

According to statistics, teenagers are addicted to unhealthy “snacks”, that is, children who have their own pocket money, which they spend on “snacks”, choosing their own purchases.

The daily calorie intake for a 10-year-old child is about 2 thousand kcal with moderate activity. One hundred grams of the product contains about 500 kcal, and with simple calculations it turns out that this is ¼ of the daily diet. However, it should be borne in mind that teenagers rarely stop at one serving. It is this mechanism of action that causes the main damage, without taking into account the analysis of the harmful composition.

Is it possible to eat chips during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy is a special condition female body when women become extremely careful when choosing food based on its properties, doubting and analyzing the benefits and harms of all the dishes they eat. Pregnant women change taste preferences due to changes at the hormonal level, so they can eat something they didn’t like before.

Questions arise about the dangers of potato chips during pregnancy. There is no need to overuse this dish, but you can allow yourself what you want. After consumption, there is a possibility of heartburn. This unpleasant symptom familiar to many pregnant women. High salt content leads to edema. This is something that pregnant women try to avoid throughout their pregnancy. Therefore, before enjoying snacks, you should carefully read the composition and properties of the treat, think about the consequences, or consult your doctor.

If a woman is breastfeeding, this means high level responsibility. What the mother eats is what the baby receives during breastfeeding. That’s why it’s so important to have it in your diet healthy products. Chips are contraindicated for a nursing mother. The use of harmful flavoring additives, high salt content and hot seasonings threatens the baby:

  • bloating;
  • colic;
  • diarrhea;
  • restless sleep;
  • loss of appetite.

Who are chips contraindicated for?

Chips should not be consumed by those who:

  • problems with excess weight (due to high calorie snacks);
  • diseases of the digestive system of acute and chronic forms (due to the content of substances harmful to the stomach);
  • kidney disease (high salt content tends to improperly remove fluid from the body);
  • allergic manifestations (due to the content of additives, dyes);
  • young children (due to the immature intestinal environment, the intake of artificial additives threatens to be harmful to the development and health of the child’s body).

Are there any benefits from chips?

The benefits of chips may seem like a mythical phrase to many, but they exist. It's about about that healthy snack that is prepared from root vegetables in compliance with all technical and nutritional requirements.

Advice! Chips made from natural ingredients are healthy and tasty. The most healthy chips– these are those made from carrots, celery, pumpkin, apples.

How to make homemade chips?

Tasty and healthy homemade chips are made from a potato variety that has a high dry matter content: this property is useful when drying.

Cooking recipe:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive or refined vegetable oil;
  • seasonings to taste.

Wash the root vegetable, cut into thin slices, dry for 30 minutes, add salt and pepper, place in hot oil, and fry until golden brown. The home cooking method is a useful replacement for chips from a bag, because you can independently control the quality of the products, the amount of salt and pepper.

Attention! Chips, or Chips (English) are a thin slice, so root vegetables of any size are used for cooking.

Chips in the oven

Baking is very useful way preparation that will help preserve the most valuable properties of the product and will suit everyone.

Pumpkin chips

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cold pressed olive oil, nutmeg, salt, pepper.

A vegetable cutter is suitable for cutting pumpkin slices: with its help, the pieces are of the required thickness. They are dipped in a mixture of spices, placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, sprinkled with fat and baked. The degree of readiness is determined by the fact that the edges of thin pieces begin to rise above the level of the baking sheet and bend upward. Such useful slices can even be included in children's menu, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Chips in the microwave

Chips cook faster in the microwave, however, this processing method can reduce the beneficial properties of the dish.


  • apples – 2 – 3 pieces;
  • citric acid, sugar, water.

The apples are cut thinly, boiled in sugar syrup for 5 minutes, and placed in the microwave for 7 minutes until crispy. The benefit of the snack is that you can use it as a snack between main meals.

How to choose less harmful chips

A composition that will satisfy any nutritionist or nutrition specialist implies the absence of harmful additives. Must be avoided:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • corn starch;
  • dyes.


The benefits and harms of chips is a topic of discussion that has been relevant for many years. The leaders in the production of this snack are not going to change their approach and continue to experiment with the composition, properties, inventing different tastes. Consumers choose for themselves whether a product from a beautiful package or a healthy slice prepared independently from a natural root vegetable suits them with its properties.

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