Hicks teaching on the embodiment of desires read online. Teaching about making desires come true (teachings of Abraham) (2 pages)

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Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings) – Teaching about making desires come true



“This is the most powerful book I have ever read, no more, no less.

It can change your whole life. And with what love it was written! A real treasure."

“I have been a big fan of this teaching for ten years now.

It has helped me and my family tremendously.”

“The most valuable thing in the book “Ask”and it will be given to you"it is a description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve their goals. It doesn't matter where we areFor every occasion, there is a process that can be used to make life better.

I love this book and I love Esther and Azerry Hicks!”

“This is an amazing book! My wife and I have been using this wise and eminently practical teaching with success for several years. We believe that it will bring considerable benefit to you too.

“...this is a milestone in literature...you have a happy opportunity to partake of the wisdom of those who are constantly connected to the Source Energy. Moreover, these voices of the spirit speak in words that everyone can understand, which can be instantly translated into action. This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

“With the help of the Abraham-Hicks teachings, I rose to a new level of understanding, confidence, purpose and feeling.

I study these ideas all the time and recommend them to everyone I know.

I have never seen anything more effective and comprehensive. Implement these ideas into life, and life will turn towards you in a new and happy way.”

“With this incredibly wise, yet simple and practical teaching, you will regain trust in your inner voice and set yourself on the path to the most amazing adventures imaginable.

Book “Askand it will be given to you"this is a map of the road to a joyful life and spiritual uplift.”

“This is one of the best wish fulfillment books I have come across in a long time. I am delighted with how clearly the absolute truths are described in it! The overall tone of the book is exciting, supportive, warming and instills a positive attitude.

I am distributing this book to all my friends. I love it and highly recommend reading it.”

Saint Petersburg

Publishing group "Ves" 2007

UDC 133.2 BBK 88.6 X42

Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Ask and it is Given: learning to Manifest Your Desires

Translation from English T. V. Sokolova

Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings)

X42 The doctrine of making desires come true.

Ask and it will be given to you. – St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2007. – 416 p. – (Channeling).

ISBN 978-5-9573-1300-7

The Channeling series is for those who want to become freer.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are a married couple who were lucky enough to communicate with beings whose intelligence and wisdom far exceed the minds of ordinary people. Since then, the Hickses have conducted many seminars in different parts of the world, where they talk about what they discovered.

The Teachings of Abraham" is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. In this book, you are invited to learn the laws by which certain people appear in life, certain events occur... It turns out that a lot depends on the emotions that we experience. And it turns out that we can change a lot of things the way we want.

There are books-moods, books-reasonings, and this is a book-guide-to-action.

This book is dedicated to everyone who, in their quest to achieve enlightenment and mental well-being, has asked the questions it answers.

We also dedicate it to our three wonderful children, who are the embodiment of the principles of this teaching:

Aaurel (five years old), Kevin (three years old) and Kate (two years old).

They don't ask questions yet because they haven't forgotten anything.

Special dedicationLouise Hay, whose desire to learn the principles of the Good and spread them throughout the earth led her to us with a request to create this book on the teachings of Abraham.

Wayne Dyer. Preface

Jerry Hicks. Preface

Esther Hicks. Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham


Well-known, perhaps forgotten by you, but what is important to remember

Chapter*. The great power of good feelings...

You only hear what you are ready to hear

Chapter 2. We keep our promises -

remind you of who you are

You said: “I will live in joy!”

We know you

Nothing is impossible for you

Chapter 3 You are the creators of your reality

The basis of your life is absolute freedom

No one else can create your life -

You are an eternal being in physical form...

Absolute Good is the basis of your Universe...

Chapter 4 How can I achieve what I want?

The blessing is already waiting outside your door

You are a physical extension of Source Energy

Evolution in assessing your personal preferences

The Science of Conscious Creation

Chapter 5- A simple model puts everything in place

Permanent formula for permanent results

You Are Vibrational Beings in a Vibrational World

Your emotions as vibrational translators

Chapter 6 The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law of the Universe...

Where are you focusing your attention?

How do I know what exactly I attract?

You will get everything you think about, whether you want it or not.

How big are your vibrational mismatches?

You are a bundle of Vibrational Energy

When your desires and hopes are in vibrational alignment

All That Is Draws Strength from Your Existence

Discover the Art of Accepting Your Own Good

Chapter 7 You are at the Cutting Edge of Thought

The universe can make any of your dreams come true

Conscious Creation "works" regardless of whether you understand

are you his mechanism

If you don't ask, you won't get an answer.

Open the floodgates and let the Good into your life

In order to achieve what you want, your current situation is the best..

Chapter 8. You are a vibrational transmitter and receiver

You are an eternal being, centered in the present.

Each of your beliefs began once with a fleeting thought

The more you focus on a thought, the stronger it becomes.

Your attention is drawn to what it is directed at.

Chapter 9. The Hidden Value of Your Emotional Response

Emotions are indicators of your point of attraction:

Your emotions are indicators of compliance with the Source Energy

Use emotions to find the path to the Good

Chapter 10. Three steps to making your every wish come true

Every object consists of two: desire and unwillingness

Direct your attention to what you want, not to its absence.

Now you have in your hands the key to fulfilling all your desires

Chapter 11. Become a Joyful Conscious Creator

It's not thought control, it's thought management.

When the thought you practice becomes dominant

How to become a Conscious Creator

Have you decided to control your thoughts?

Do you recognize yourself as a Vibrational Entity?

Chapter 12. You can manage your own Emotional Attitudes

It is impossible to manage situations that were created by others

Your point of attraction is subject to influences.

Mood is an indicator of your Emotional Attitude

Emotional Attitudes Can Be Changed

Chapter 13- Be guided by your feelings

Learn to pay attention to your own feelings

Feeling empty inside is telling you something important.

“Pursue happiness” is a positive thought, isn’t it?

You are able to direct your thoughts

If we could put ourselves in your shoes

Don't restrain your natural desires

Chapter 14 What you knew before coming into this world

“If I’m so smart, then why not rich?”

“Can you rely on the Law of Attraction?”

“But I can’t get to San Diego from Phoenix!”

Chapter 15 . You are a perfect, but constantly evolving being in perfection,

but an ever-expanding world, in a perfect, but constantly

expanding universe

Consciously participate in the amazing process of developing your own life

Chapter 16 . You are a co-creator of the diverse splendor of the Universe

To get what you want, allow what you don't want to exist.

You didn't come to fix this world.

Don't put unwanted ingredients in your pie.

There is enough space for a wide variety of thoughts and desires

The process by which the universe evolves

The goal is unattainable, enjoy the journey itself

Feel the balance and perfection of the world around you

There is no competition as all requests are fulfilled

Chapter 17. Where are you now and where would you like to be?

Your happiness is the best gift to others.

Your happiness does not depend on the actions of others

Every thought brings you closer to San Diego or further away from it

Why does the word "no" mean "yes"?

Chapter 1 8. Step by step you can change your vibration settings

Strive for the best possible thoughts

Chapter 19. Only you know how you feel

Life is a continuous movement, so it is impossible to get stuck

Other people don't understand how you feel or what you want.

No one else knows what suits you best

Chapter 20.

For trying to deprive others of their freedom, you pay with your own freedom.

Every "reality" has its creator

Unwanted things cannot enter your life without an invitation.

Is it the speed or the tree?

Behind every desire you have lies one thing - the desire for happiness.

Feeling grateful reduces resistance

You must be selfish enough to live up to the Good

No expectation means non-acceptance

Desire in itself is always joyful

Why do you want to be somewhere else?

Chapter 21

You're only 17 seconds from the 68 seconds required to fulfill a wish

Don't be afraid of thoughts you can't control

Chapter 22: Different Levels of Your Emotional Guidance Scale

An Example of How to Climb the Emotional Guidance Scale

“Don’t stop me from improving my mood with anger!”

Why Even the Smallest Improvement Has Enormous Value

You alone know when to choose anger

“I do everything possible to achieve the best result”

“Knowing how to navigate the Emotional Scale, I can achieve anything!”

“What about the desire to get rid of all desires?”

Does your desire sound like the next logical step?

Once you feel that events are listening to you, you can enjoy what is happening


Processes that will help you achieve what you now remember

Introduction to 22 Processes that Improve Your Point of Attraction

Are you hiding behind a “painted on” smile?

Process #1: The Power of Gratitude

Process No. 2. Magic Creative Box

Process No. 3. Creative Workshop

Process #4: Virtual Reality

Process #5: The Prosperity Game

Process #6: Meditation

Process #7: Dream Assessment

Process No. 8. Book of Positive Aspects

Process No. 9. Scenario

Process No. 10. Napkin

Process No. 11. Intention for a period of time

Process No. 12. “It would be great if...”

Process #13: Which thought makes me feel better?

Process #14: Clearing Clutter for Clarity

Process No. 15. Process “Wallet”

Process No. 16. Reversal

Process No. 17. Wheel of Attention

Process #18: Changing Emotional Position

Process No. 19. Debt release

Process No. 20. Transfer matters to the Manager

Process #21: Restoring Natural Health

Process No. 22. Climbing the Emotional Scale


Wayne Dyer

The book you are holding in your hands describes one of the most effective teachings known on our planet today. I have been deeply influenced by Abraham's messages in this book and in the recordings distributed by Esther and Jerry Hicks over the past twenty years. I am deeply touched by the honor that Abraham did me by asking me to write a short preface to his teaching. This is a unique book because it provides you with a happy opportunity to drink from the stream of thoughts of those who are continuously connected to the Source Energy. At the same time, it will not be difficult for you to understand the language of the Spirit spoken by these voices and instantly translate it into the language of action. We present to your attention nothing more nor less than a project for understanding and realizing your own destiny.

First of all, I will take the liberty of strongly recommending that you at least keep this book next to you for a few weeks, if you are not yet ready to read it and apply the great wisdom contained herein in your life. Let the incredible energy of this book sweep away all the barriers that your brain and body put up, let it harmoniously fill the entire inner space, formless and limitless, often called soul, which Abraham would have designated as vibrational connection with the Source.

This universe is a universe of vibrations. Einstein once remarked: “Nothing happens until there is movement,” that is, all things vibrate at a certain frequency that is quite measurable. Break this whole seemingly unshakable world into small components, and you will see: what seems solid and solid is, in fact, just a dance, a dance of particles and emptiness. Look at the smallest of these quantum particles and you will realize that it came from a source vibrating at such a speed that it does not care about our busy world. This fastest energy is called Source Energy. You, like everyone and everything, originated from this vibration, and then appeared in the material world - the world of things, bodies, thoughts and “ego”. We are able to accept the challenge of this whole world of problems, illnesses, needs and fears precisely thanks to the remnants of the Source Energy in our bodies and souls.

In essence, Abraham's teachings are aimed at helping you return to this Source from which everything came and to which everything will return. I touched on some aspects of Source Energy in my book “The Power of Intention.” Unlike me, Abraham offers his amazing wisdom with a 100% connection to the Source and without questioning that connection, which is evident from every word in this book. That's why I call it a milestone in literature.

You are in direct, conscious contact on their part with honest and serious beings who care only about your well-being. They remind you that you have come from the Source of Good and you can either call upon this high vibrational energy and allow it to freely penetrate all areas of your life, or resist it and in your opposition remain away from the source of this boundless love and knowledge.

This is so amazing and at the same time incredibly simple: you came from the Source of love and Good. As you learn to live in harmony with this powerful energy of peace and love, you will regain the power of Source - the power to realize your desires, find prosperity, achieve prosperity where there was need, and access Divine guidance that will bring the right people into your environment. people, and circumstances will be favorable. Your Source Energy does this, and you, who came from the Source, are also capable of this.

I personally spent a whole day with Abraham and the Hickses: we had lunch with Esther and Jerry, and I listened to hundreds of Abraham's recordings. Take my word for it: you are about to embark on a journey that could completely change your life. A journey offered by two of the most trusted and spiritually pure people I know. Jerry and Esther Hicks are as excited and thrilled about their role in spreading Abraham's teachings as I am in writing this foreword.

I recommend that you carefully read everything written in the book and immediately begin to apply it. This book contains observations that I have been writing about for many years: “When you change the way you look at things, what you look at changes.” You get to see and feel how a whole new world is changing right before your eyes. The world created by Source Energy wants to reconnect with you and bring joy and prosperity into your life.

Thank you, Abraham, for giving me the honor of contributing a few words to this invaluable book.

I I love you – ALL OF YOU.


Preface Jerry Hicks

The first rays of sun fall on the Malibu coastline as I pick up my pen. And the dark shade of indigo that colors the waves of the Pacific Ocean at this early hour seems to correspond to my feelings. I I think about the important revelations you will find in this book, and I feel a deep sense of satisfaction.

“Ask and it will be given to you” is a book about how we “ask” and receive answers from All That Is. But first of all, she talks about How we are given everything we ask for. In addition, this is the first book that explains in simple and accessible words the practical formula for How you need to ask and How then we get everything we want.

Many years ago, in my endless search for an answer to the question “What is “It”?”, I discovered the word unspeakable(meaning “that which cannot be described in words”). It coincided with my idea of ​​Him. I have decided that the closer we get to know the Non-Physical, the fewer words we find to describe It. Therefore, the state of absolute knowledge will at the same time be a state of “ineffability.” In other words, at this point in our space-time reality it is impossible to find a clear expression for the Non-Physical in physical words.

Throughout physical history, humanity has experienced billions of philosophies, religions, viewpoints, and ideas. And all these billions of billions of thinkers who thought, drew conclusions and passed on their ideas to subsequent generations, could not find physical words to express the Non-Physical - at least, such words with which one could agree.

History has preserved, in one form or another, documented evidence of only a few people out of many who had conscious contact with the Non-Physical Mind. Some of them received veneration and worship, while others received contempt. However, most of those who were aware of their personal connection with the Non-Physical chose to remain silent about their revelations (perhaps for fear of being persecuted or even ending up in a madhouse).

I present this information as an introduction to this book, for my wife Esther is one of those few people who, if desired, can sufficiently balance her consciousness to perceive the answers of the Non-Physical to any questions. Esther somehow perceives a set of thoughts (not words) and, being a Spanish to English translator, hears the thought expressed in Spanish words and then translates it (the thought, not the words) into English. It instantly translates a Non-Physical thought into the nearest physical verbal (English) equivalent.

It must be taken into account that it is not always possible to accurately express the Non-physical thought that Esther receives in physical words of the English language. Then you have to come up with new phrases or use familiar words in a new way (for example, capitalize them) to describe a different outlook on life. That's why we've put together a short Glossary at the end of this book that explains the unusual uses of some common words. For example, there is a common term good, which means happiness, health or success. However, the fundamental concept of Abraham's unusual philosophy is translated into English as Good. This refers to the expanded Universe, the Non-Physical Good that naturally flows through all of us, unless, of course, we make efforts to reduce it.

Since 1986, Esther and I have been visiting about fifty cities every year, where we hold seminars in which any participant can raise any topic and discuss whatever he wants, without any restrictions. Thousands of people came to us, representing different ethnic groups, having different social status and a wide variety of philosophical views. And they all wanted to change their lives in one way or another, to help themselves or their loved ones. And all these people who asked for more were given answers - answers from the Non-Physical Intelligence speaking to them through the voice of Esther Hicks.

Over time, the philosophy of the Good led to the creation of this book. It was the answer to the requests of everyone who, like you, wanted to know more.

At the center of this teaching lies the most powerful law in the Universe - Law of Attraction. Over the past ten years, we have published numerous articles on Abraham's teachings in the quarterly journal The Science of Mindful Creation, providing the latest views on the issues raised by participants workshops on the Art of Acceptance. In essence, this philosophy is constantly evolving and expanding as you bring to our attention more and more new questions and points of view.

This book presents a detailed course of spiritual practice. Here is a guide for all occasions in the broadest sense of the expression. The book explains how you can do or have whatever you want. In addition, she teaches how Not doing and not having things you don't like.


Introduction to the doctrine Abraham

Esther Hicks

“She talks to spirits! - our friends said. “She’s coming next week, and then you can meet her and ask her anything!” “The last thing in the world I want to do is do this,”- I thought and then I heard Jerry, my husband, say: “It would be great to meet her. How can we arrange this?

This was in 1984. During the four years of our marriage, we never quarreled or even quarreled. We were full of joy and lived happily side by side, agreeing with each other on almost all issues. The only thing I didn't really like was when Jerry started telling his friends about his experiences with the Ouija board (a story from twenty years ago). If we were in a restaurant or other public place, then, sensing the approach of such conversations, I would politely (and sometimes not too politely) apologize and retire to the ladies' room, go to the bar or walk to the car, returning only after some time had passed , when, in my opinion, the topic that bothered me should have dried up. Fortunately, Jerry eventually stopped raising the issue in front of me.

It was difficult to call me religious, but the Sunday School classes were not in vain - I was terribly frightened by evil and the devil. Looking back on my studies years later, I don't think our teachers paid too much attention to instilling in us the fear of the devil, and I can't say that this fear haunted me all the time. It’s just that this fear was most strongly “imprinted” on my brain, and I carried it throughout my entire life.

Therefore, I religiously followed the instructions that were once given to me and carefully avoided everything that could have anything to do with the devil. Once, as a very young girl, I was in an open-air cinema and, accidentally looking through the rear window of the car, I saw that “The Exorcist” was being shown on the adjacent screen. I always purposefully avoided watching this film - and the terrible scene I saw, even without sound, shocked me so much that for the next few weeks I had nightmares every night.

“Her name is Sheila,” a mutual friend of ours told Jerry. “I’ll arrange a meeting with you and tell you everything.” Over the next few days, Jerry wrote down his questions. He said that he had a whole bunch of them since early childhood. I didn't make a list. On the contrary, I was horrified by such an idea.

I remember what I thought as we pulled up to a beautiful home in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona: “What am I getting myself into?“We went up to the front door. A pleasant woman opened the door, greeted us and led us into a cozy living room, where we could wait for the appointed time.

The large and very quiet house was simply and tastefully furnished. I remember being overcome with a sense of awe, like being in church.

Then a large door opened and two pretty women, dressed in bright, original cotton shirts and skirts, entered the room. Apparently we were the first guests after lunch. Both women looked happy and refreshed. I relaxed a little. Perhaps things won't be so supernatural...

Soon we were invited into a neat bedroom. There were three chairs at the foot of the bed. Sheila sat on the edge of the bed, her assistant perched on a chair next to the table with the recorder. Jerry and I took the remaining two chairs, and I prepared to face what was about to happen.

The assistant explained that Sheila should relax and empty her consciousness, and then Theo, the Non-Physical Entity, would speak to her. After that you can talk about anything you want.

Sheila lay down across the bed, just a meter away from where we were sitting, and began to breathe deeply. After some time, a strange voice said, “We can begin. Do you have any questions?

I looked at Jerry in hopes that he might start, because I wasn't ready to talk to this creature, whoever it is.

Jerry leaned forward slightly, eager to ask his first question.

Jerry said his questions have been building up since he was five years old. Now he asked them at incredible speed. The thirty minutes allotted to us flew by unnoticed. However, although I did not utter a word, during this time my fear of our strange experiment evaporated, and I experienced an amazing complacency and calmness such as I had never known before.

When we were already sitting in the car, I said to Jerry: “I really want to come again tomorrow. There's something about I I would like to ask." Jerry was glad to schedule a second meeting because his own list of questions was not yet exhausted.

The next day, about halfway through our meeting, Jerry reluctantly gave up the remaining minutes to me, and I asked Theo, “How can I achieve my goals more effectively?”

The answer was: “Meditation and affirmation.”

The thought of meditation did not excite me at all. I didn't know anyone who practiced meditation. In fact, the very word conjured up images of people lying on nails, walking on hot coals, standing on one leg for an entire year, or (worst of all) begging at the airport. So I asked, “What do you mean by meditation?"

I liked the short answer I received. “You are sitting in a quiet room. Wear comfortable clothes. And concentrate on your breathing. Your thoughts are wandering. Free your mind and focus on your breathing. You can meditate together. It’s much more efficient this way.”

“Can you suggest an affirmation that would suit us?” – we asked.

"I(say your name) with the help of divine love I see and attract to myself those who seek enlightenment through development. Helping others will uplift each of us spiritually.”

I felt the words coming from Sheila Teo's mouth penetrate to the very depths of my being. An incomparable feeling of love flowed towards me and through me. The fear is gone. Jerry and I felt great.

“Should I bring my daughter Tracy to you?” – I asked.

“It’s possible - if she wants it. But not necessarily, because you both also have channeling abilities.”

This statement made no sense to me. I couldn’t imagine that you could live to be thirty and not know such an important thing about yourself (if, of course, this is true).

The recorder turned off, and we were both slightly disappointed that this unusual adventure was over. Sheila's assistant asked if we had one last question. “Would you like to know the name of your spirit guide?” – she suddenly said unexpectedly.

I would never ask such a question, because I have never heard the term spiritual guide, but I liked the question itself. I've always been inspired by the idea of ​​guardian angels. So I said, “Yes, please tell me the name of my spirit guide.”

Theo replied: “We are told that he will come to you himself. You will have a clairaudience session and you will find out everything.”

What is a clairaudience session?! While I was perplexed, Theo said his last word: “God loves you!” – and then Sheila opened her eyes and sat up. Our extraordinary conversation with Theo is over.

After leaving this house, Jerry and I drove to an observation deck of one of the mountains on the outskirts of Phoenix. There we watched the sunset. And they didn’t even suspect what huge changes had happened in us that day. We only knew that we were good.

When we returned home, I had two new desires: I was going to meditate to This no matter what, and I was also going to find out the name of my spirit guide.

So, we changed into dressing gowns, closed the curtains in the living room and sat comfortably in two armchairs separated by a bookcase. We wanted to do the meditation together, but for some reason it was difficult to get rid of the feeling of the strangeness of what was happening, and the bookcase seemed to help isolate us from each other.

I remembered what Theo had instructed me to do. Sit in a quiet room, dress in a way that makes you comfortable, and focus on your breathing. We gave ourselves about fifteen minutes for the whole process and set the alarm. So, I sat down and tried to breathe “mindfully.” At the same time, I kept asking myself the question: “What is the name of my spiritual guide?” I diligently counted my inhalations and exhalations. My body, while I was doing this, had become completely numb. I didn’t feel where my nose was and where my legs were. It was a strange but unexpectedly pleasant feeling. At least I enjoyed it. It seemed to me that my body began to slowly rotate, although I perfectly understood that this was just a deception of the senses and in fact I was still sitting motionless. The alarm clock rang and brought us back to reality. “Let’s do it again,” I said.

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Description: This audiobook is about how we are given everything, what are we asking for. In simple and accessible words, the authors describe and explain practical formula Togo, how to ask And How Then receive everything we want.

When should you refer to the information in this book?

* When you want to consciously manage significant areas of your life.
* When you want to become the powerful creator that you were when you were born.
* When you want to bring even more wonderful things into life.
* If you are driving a car, walking somewhere, standing in line and want to do something creative.

The processes and tasks presented in this book are designed specifically to remove all obstacles from your path, because there is no more exciting and wonderful feeling than rapidly move forward in the flow of life...

« Ask and it will be given to you"- a book written by Esther and Jerry Hicks under the guidance of highly developed and human-friendly entities. This is how the “teachings of Abraham” arose...

Esther and Jerry Hicks are endowed with the ability to read information from subtle levels of reality. Those entities with which they are in contact want We realized that we are the masters of our destiny. They remind us that we have the power to powerful And effective tool called " EMOTIONS«.

Imagine a ladder of emotions. What step are you on? Above, where is happiness and joy? Or below - where is the bitterness of depression? Or maybe you are wandering somewhere in the middle? For example, are you tossing around on the “anger” step or jumping up on the “optimism” step? One thing is clear: you are definitely somewhere now - but what to do now and where to go?

Our life consists of what happens outside (events) and what happens inside (emotions). These are things that are connected and influence each other. But who said that the connection is one-way? If the following is true: “it started to rain - it became sad,” then “I smiled - the sun came out” is also true. " Play with your states- suggest Esther and Jerry Hicks. - And who knows what will be revealed to you during the game?»

Esther and Jerry Hicks- a married couple who were lucky enough to communicate with beings whose intelligence and wisdom far exceed the minds of ordinary people. Since then, the Hickses have conducted many seminars in different parts of the world, where they talk about what they discovered. Jerry and Esther Hicks translated from the language of Non-Physical Entities calling themselves Abraham, whose teaching, clarity and practicality are simply amazing! In 1986, they shared their amazing experience with several close friends and business partners. By asking Abraham a variety of questions regarding finances, health, relationships, etc., and putting their answers into practice, Jerry and Esther made significant changes in their lives. Realizing how amazing the results were, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to make this teaching available to everyone who wants to live a better life.

Jerry and Esther made their home base at a conference center in San Antonio, Texas, and since 1989 began traveling to approximately fifty cities a year, conducting interactive Workshops on the Art of Acceptance. They invited everyone who decided to join this progressive stream of thought. And although many philosophers and gurus paid attention to the philosophy of the Good and introduced many of Abraham’s concepts into their books, articles and lectures, at first these materials were transmitted mainly by word of mouth. Every day, more and more people realized the enormous and positive impact Abraham's teachings could have on their lives.

Abraham- a group of Non-Physical Entities - convey their views through Esther Hicks. Their teachings, translated into language understandable to people, promotes our self-improvement and leads you to reunite with your loving Inner Being.

« Abraham's teachings"is an opportunity to understand how life works And how to control it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. This book invites you to find out laws, according to which certain people appear in life, certain events occur... It turns out that a lot depends on the emotions that we experience. And as a result, we can change a lot exactly the way we want.

To date, the Hicks have released more than six hundred Abraham-Hicks books, cassettes, CDs, and videotapes.

« The most valuable thing in this book is the description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve your goals. No matter where we are, there is a process for every situation that can be used to make life better. I love this book and I love Esther and Jerry Hicks!» ()

There are books-moods, books-reasonings, and this is a book- guide to action. Try an experiment on your own life. And you can easily attract the desired changes into your life and fill it from the inside with interest and joy! An interesting and simple path to fulfillment of desires and a joyful, happy life will open up for you!

Audiobook supplement: Text of the book “Teaching about making desires come true: Ask - and it will be given to you” in DjVu format + program for reading DjVu files (WinDjView)

Name: Teaching about making desires come true: Ask and it will be given to you
Original title: Studies about embodiment of desires in life: Ask and it is given to it will be you
Esther and Jerry Hicks
Executor: Vadim Prokhorov
Publisher: ID "Ves"
Year of manufacture: 2007
Language: Russian
Type: Audiobook
Series: Channeling
Genre: Psychology, Esoterics, Meditation, Philosophy of Good
Playing time: 12 o'clock
Format: MP3 + DjVu
Quality: 192-256 Kbps
Archive size: 1.09 Gb
Quality: 80 Kbps
Archive size: 176.76 Mb

Work taken from open sources and is provided solely for the purpose of introductory home viewing for further purchase. The site does not distribute or store electronic versions of works, but only provides access to a catalog of links. After review, the file must be deleted from the computer’s hard drive. Commercial use of works is possible only after obtaining the consent of the copyright holders

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Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings) – Teaching about making desires come true


“This is the most powerful book I have ever read, no more, no less.

It can change your whole life. And with what love it was written! A real treasure."

“I have been a big fan of this teaching for ten years now.

It has helped me and my family tremendously.”

“The most valuable thing in the book “Ask and it will be given to you” is the description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve your goals. No matter where we are, there is a process for any situation that can be used to make life better.

I love this book and I love Esther and Azerry Hicks!”

“This is an amazing book! My wife and I have been using this wise and eminently practical teaching with success for several years. We believe that it will bring considerable benefit to you too.

“...this is a milestone in literature...you have a happy opportunity to partake of the wisdom of those who are constantly connected to the Source Energy. Moreover, these voices of the spirit speak in words that everyone can understand, which can be instantly translated into action. This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

“With the help of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, I rose to a new level of understanding, confidence,

purposefulness and feeling.

I study these ideas all the time and recommend them to everyone I know.

I have never seen anything more effective and comprehensive. Implement these ideas into life, and life will turn towards you in a new and happy way.”

“With this incredibly wise, yet simple and practical teaching, you will regain trust in your inner voice and set yourself on the path to the most amazing adventures imaginable.

The book “Ask and it will be given to you” is a map of the road to a joyful life and spiritual uplift.”

“This is one of the best wish fulfillment books I have come across in a long time. I am delighted with how clearly the absolute truths are described in it! The overall tone of the book is exciting, supportive, warming and instills a positive attitude.

I am distributing this book to all my friends. I love it and highly recommend reading it.”

Saint Petersburg

Publishing group "Ves" 2007

UDC 133.2 BBK 88.6 X42

Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Ask and it is Given: learning to Manifest Your Desires

Translation from English by T. V. Sokolova

Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings)

X42 Teaching about making desires come true.

Ask and it will be given to you. - St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2007. - 416 p. - (Channeling).

ISBN 978-5-9573-1300-7

The Channeling series is for those who want to become freer.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are a married couple who were lucky enough to communicate with beings whose intelligence and wisdom far exceed the minds of ordinary people. Since then, the Hickses have conducted many seminars in different parts of the world, where they talk about what they discovered.

The Teachings of Abraham" is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. In this book, you are invited to learn the laws by which certain people appear in life, certain events occur... It turns out that a lot depends on the emotions that we experience. And it turns out that we can change a lot of things the way we want.

There are books-moods, books-reasonings, and this is a book-guide-to-action.

This book is dedicated to everyone who, in their quest to achieve enlightenment and mental well-being, has asked the questions it answers.

We also dedicate it to our three wonderful children, who are the embodiment of the principles of this teaching:

Aaurel (five years old), Kevin (three years old) and Kate (two years old).

They don't ask questions yet because they haven't forgotten anything.

Special dedication to Louise Hay, whose desire to learn the principles of the Good and spread them throughout the earth led her to us with a request to create this book on the teachings of Abraham.

Wayne Dyer. Preface13

Jerry Hicks. Preface17

Esther Hicks. Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham21


Well-known, perhaps forgotten by you, but what is important to remember

Chapter*. The great power of good feelings...38

You only hear what you are ready to hear41

Chapter 2. We keep our promises -

remind you of who you are42

You said: “I will live in joy!”44

We know you4^

Nothing is impossible for you45

Chapter 3 You are the creators of your reality47

The basis of your life is absolute freedom47

No one else can create your life -49

You are an eternal being in physical form...50

Absolute Good is the basis of your Universe...51

Chapter 4 How can I achieve what I want?53

The blessing is already waiting outside your door54

You are a physical extension

Source Energy 54

Evolution in assessing your

personal preferences 56

The Science of Conscious Creation 57

Chapter 5- A simple model puts everything in its place 59

Constant formula giving constant

result 60

You are Vibrational Beings in the vibrational

Your emotions are vibrational

translators 62

Chapter 6 Law of Attraction -

the most powerful law of the Universe.. 63

Where are you focusing your attention? 64

How do I know what exactly I attract? 64

You'll get everything you think about

whether you want it or not 65

How big are your vibrational

inconsistencies? 66

You are a clot of Vibrational Energy 67

When your wishes and hopes are found

in vibrational correspondence 68

All that exists draws strength... from your

existence 69

Discover the Art of Acceptance

own good 70

Chapter 7 You are at the Cutting Edge of Thought71

The Universe is capable of realizing any

your dream72

Conscious Creation “works” independently

depends on whether you understand its mechanism73

Without asking, you won't get an answer73

Open the floodgates and let Good into your life75

In order to achieve what you want,

your current situation is the best..76

Chapter 8. You are a vibration transmitter

and recipient 78

You are an eternal being, focused

in the present 79

Each of your beliefs began

once upon a time with a fleeting thought 80

The more you focus on a thought,

the stronger it becomes 80

What grabs your attention is

what is it aimed at 81

Chapter 9. The hidden value of your

emotional reaction 83

Emotions are indicators of your

points of attraction: 84

Your emotions are indicators of compliance

Source Energy 85

Use emotions to find the path to Good 85

Chapter 10. Three steps to bring it to life

any of your wishes 87

Every object consists of two: desire

and reluctance 89

Direct your attention to what you want,


Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings) – Teaching about making desires come true


“This is the most powerful book I have ever read, no more, no less.

It can change your whole life. And with what love it was written! A real treasure."

“I have been a big fan of this teaching for ten years now.

It has helped me and my family tremendously.”

“The most valuable thing in the book “Ask” - and it will be given to you" - it is a description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve their goals. It doesn't matter where we are - For every occasion, there is a process that can be used to make life better.

I love this book and I love Esther and Azerry Hicks!”

“This is an amazing book! My wife and I have been using this wise and eminently practical teaching with success for several years. We believe that it will bring considerable benefit to you too.

“...this is a milestone in literature...you have a happy opportunity to partake of the wisdom of those who are constantly connected to the Source Energy. Moreover, these voices of the spirit speak in words that everyone can understand, which can be instantly translated into action. This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

“With the help of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, I rose to a new level of understanding, confidence,

purposefulness and feeling.

I study these ideas all the time and recommend them to everyone I know.

I have never seen anything more effective and comprehensive. Implement these ideas into life, and life will turn towards you in a new and happy way.”

“With this incredibly wise, yet simple and practical teaching, you will regain trust in your inner voice and set yourself on the path to the most amazing adventures imaginable.

Book “Ask - and it will be given to you" - this is a map of the road to a joyful life and spiritual uplift.”

“This is one of the best wish fulfillment books I have come across in a long time. I am delighted with how clearly the absolute truths are described in it! The overall tone of the book is exciting, supportive, warming and instills a positive attitude.

I am distributing this book to all my friends. I love it and highly recommend reading it.”

Saint Petersburg

Publishing group "Ves" 2007

UDC 133.2 BBK 88.6 X42

Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Ask and it is Given: learning to Manifest Your Desires

Translation from English T. V. Sokolova

Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings)

X42 Teaching about making desires come true.

Ask and it will be given to you. - St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2007. - 416 p. - (Channeling).

ISBN 978-5-9573-1300-7

The Channeling series is for those who want to become freer.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are a married couple who were lucky enough to communicate with beings whose intelligence and wisdom far exceed the minds of ordinary people. Since then, the Hickses have conducted many seminars in different parts of the world, where they talk about what they discovered.

The Teachings of Abraham" is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. In this book, you are invited to learn the laws by which certain people appear in life, certain events occur... It turns out that a lot depends on the emotions that we experience. And it turns out that we can change a lot of things the way we want.

There are books-moods, books-reasonings, and this is a book-guide-to-action.

This book is dedicated to everyone who, in their quest to achieve enlightenment and mental well-being, has asked the questions it answers.

We also dedicate it to our three wonderful children, who are the embodiment of the principles of this teaching:

Aaurel (five years old), Kevin (three years old) and Kate (two years old).

They don't ask questions yet because they haven't forgotten anything.

Special dedication - Louise Hay, whose desire to learn the principles of the Good and spread them throughout the earth led her to us with a request to create this book on the teachings of Abraham.

Wayne Dyer. Preface13

Jerry Hicks. Preface17

Esther Hicks. Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham21


Well-known, perhaps forgotten by you, but what is important to remember

Chapter*. The great power of good feelings...38

You only hear what you are ready to hear41

Chapter 2. We keep our promises -

remind you of who you are42

You said: “I will live in joy!”44

We know you4^

Nothing is impossible for you45

Chapter 3 You are the creators of your reality47

The basis of your life is absolute freedom47

No one else can create your life -49

You are an eternal being in physical form...50

Absolute Good is the basis of your Universe...51

Chapter 4 How can I achieve what I want?53

The blessing is already waiting outside your door54

You are a physical extension

Source Energy 54

Evolution in assessing your

personal preferences 56

The Science of Conscious Creation 57

Chapter 5- A simple model puts everything in its place 59

Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings) – Teaching about making desires come true



“This is the most powerful book I have ever read, no more, no less.

It can change your whole life. And with what love it was written! A real treasure."

“I have been a big fan of this teaching for ten years now.

It has helped me and my family tremendously.”

“The most valuable thing in the book “Ask”- and it will be given to you"- it is a description of twenty-two effective processes designed to achieve their goals. It doesn't matter where we are- For every occasion, there is a process that can be used to make life better.

I love this book and I love Esther and Azerry Hicks!”

“This is an amazing book! My wife and I have been using this wise and eminently practical teaching with success for several years. We believe that it will bring considerable benefit to you too.

“...this is a milestone in literature...you have a happy opportunity to partake of the wisdom of those who are constantly connected to the Source Energy. Moreover, these voices of the spirit speak in words that everyone can understand, which can be instantly translated into action. This is nothing more than a plan for understanding your destiny and realizing what you want.”

“Through the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, I rose to a new level of understanding, confidence, purpose and feeling.

I study these ideas all the time and recommend them to everyone I know.

I have never seen anything more effective and comprehensive. Implement these ideas into life, and life will turn towards you in a new and happy way.”

“With this incredibly wise, yet simple and practical teaching, you will regain trust in your inner voice and set yourself on the path to the most amazing adventures imaginable.

Book “Ask- and it will be given to you"- this is a map of the road to a joyful life and spiritual uplift.”

“This is one of the best wish fulfillment books I have come across in a long time. I am delighted with how clearly the absolute truths are described in it! The overall tone of the book is exciting, supportive, warming and instills a positive attitude.

I am distributing this book to all my friends. I love it and highly recommend reading it.”

Saint Petersburg

Publishing group "Ves" 2007

UDC 133.2 BBK 88.6 X42

Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Ask and it is Given: learning to Manifest Your Desires

Translation from English T. V. Sokolova

Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham's teachings)

X42 The doctrine of making desires come true.

Ask and it will be given to you. - St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2007. - 416 p. - (Channeling).

ISBN 978-5-9573-1300-7

The Channeling series is for those who want to become freer.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are a married couple who were lucky enough to communicate with beings whose intelligence and wisdom far exceed the minds of ordinary people. Since then, the Hickses have conducted many seminars in different parts of the world, where they talk about what they discovered.

The Teachings of Abraham" is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what to do and in what cases. In this book, you are invited to learn the laws by which certain people appear in life, certain events occur... It turns out that a lot depends on the emotions that we experience. And it turns out that we can change a lot of things the way we want.

There are books-moods, books-reasonings, and this is a book-guide-to-action.

This book is dedicated to everyone who, in their quest to achieve enlightenment and mental well-being, has asked the questions it answers.

We also dedicate it to our three wonderful children, who are the embodiment of the principles of this teaching:

Aaurel (five years old), Kevin (three years old) and Kate (two years old).

They don't ask questions yet because they haven't forgotten anything.

Special dedication- Louise Hay, whose desire to learn the principles of the Good and spread them throughout the earth led her to us with a request to create this book on the teachings of Abraham.

Wayne Dyer. Preface

Jerry Hicks. Preface

Esther Hicks. Introduction to the Teachings of Abraham


Well-known, perhaps forgotten by you, but what is important to remember

Chapter*. The great power of good feelings...

You only hear what you are ready to hear

Chapter 2. We keep our promises -

remind you of who you are

You said: “I will live in joy!”

We know you

Nothing is impossible for you

Chapter 3 You are the creators of your reality

The basis of your life is absolute freedom

No one else can create your life -

You are an eternal being in physical form...

Absolute Good is the basis of your Universe...

Chapter 4 How can I achieve what I want?

The blessing is already waiting outside your door

You are a physical extension of Source Energy

Evolution in assessing your personal preferences

The Science of Conscious Creation

Chapter 5- A simple model puts everything in place

Permanent formula for permanent results

You are Vibrational Beings in a vibrational world

Your emotions as vibrational translators

Chapter 6 The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law of the Universe...

Where are you focusing your attention?

How do I know what exactly I attract?

You will get everything you think about, whether you want it or not.

How big are your vibrational mismatches?

You are a bundle of Vibrational Energy

When your desires and hopes are in vibrational alignment

All That Is Draws Strength from Your Existence

Discover the Art of Accepting Your Own Good

Chapter 7 You are at the Cutting Edge of Thought

The universe can make any of your dreams come true

Conscious Creation "works" regardless of whether you understand

are you his mechanism

If you don't ask, you won't get an answer.

Open the floodgates and let the Good into your life

In order to achieve what you want, your current situation is the best..