(80 photos) Singer Nyusha, her husband Igor Sivov, other relatives of Nyusha. Love story: Nyusha and Sivov And you gave him some special tests

The famous politician and show business star, singer Nyusha got married in 2017. Their story of meeting and living together was hidden from the public for a long time. Until the singer announced at her concert that she was in love and happy.

Igor Sivov told how he fell in love with Nyusha at first sight

Famous singer and famous politician Igor Sivov, they look like in photographs from social networks very happy.

Igor Sivov is closely associated with Russian Federation sports FISU, in this organization he plays the role of adviser to the head of the Federation. Famous wife politics, Nyusha is a famous Russian pop singer, not a scandalous and sweet girl who won Igor’s heart forever.

For the first time, the couple was seen together at the closing of one of the hockey championships, although Nyusha stated that she did not ardently follow sports events in the country. What preceded their appearance in public was that, on one of solo concerts, the diva said that her heart was not free.

Igor is 10 years older than Nyusha, and he already has children from his first marriage. With Nyusha, a young and promising official Igor Sivov, began to live in civil marriage since 2016, as soon as he filed an official divorce from his previous wife Elena Vladimirovna.

The couple in love hid each other from the public for a long time, without advertising their relationship. But already in 2017, the lovers told reporters that they would soon have a wedding, which pleased many of the singer’s fans.

Igor Sivov and Nyusha were in search of their true love for a long time

The couple have known each other since 2013; Igor and Nyusha became close after their joint stay in Kazan at the Universiade. After a long conversation, married Igor did not lay claim to the heart of the beautiful Nyusha. And the singer dated guys from her circle. Last person I dated famous singer, this is the popular hip-hopper of the Russian scene Yegor Creed, for whom more than one girl’s heart in the country cries.

Nyusha, unlike many of her stage colleagues, was never a brawler. A girl from school, she knows what she wants.

In one of the interviews, when asked by a journalist what her future husband. The pop diva openly said that an important criterion when choosing a life partner for her would be a man’s attitude towards his family, support and respect family values. Nyusha wanted to find a real man - a protector of the family. Igor Sivov became the personification of masculinity and courage.

The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha took place on the Islands of Love

After the marriage proposal, the couple signed in one of the Kazan registry offices, trying to keep the place of the main wedding ceremony a secret. Only a month after the wedding, Nyusha revealed the secret to the public that the wedding took place in the Maldives. At the wedding itself, only close friends and relatives of Igor Sivov and Nyusha were present. Three days after the luxurious ceremony in the Maldives, the singer published a beautiful wedding video on her blog.

At the ceremony, the singer wore two dresses, custom-made in a fashionable designer studio. Both of them were fabulously white and beautiful, with long trains that emphasized the singer’s thin waist.

This year the happy couple became parents and had a girl. On November 7, almost immediately after giving birth, Nyusha posted the first photo of her newborn daughter, signing on her blog that they were happy. The birth took place in the USA, and therefore, due to climate change, the trip home of the singer and the newborn is postponed until the child gets stronger.

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov – chief adviser to the president International Federation University Sports (FISU), husband of a Russian singer.

Igor Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He graduated from gymnasium N°122 in 1997 and immediately became a student of the faculty international relations Academy of Management (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance). During his studies, Igor was a member of the KVN team “Four Tatars” of the first composition. At the festival of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful in Jurmala in 1999, the team led by captain Ildar Fatkhutdinov earned gold.

Some members of the team subsequently went into show business. Stanislav Staroverov was involved in writing the script for the series “Voronin”, Dmitry Chernykh and Rustam Khabibullin created the duet “Neighbors”, which participated in the program “Slaughter League”.

After graduating from the university, Igor Sivov holds the position of deputy director of the student club at the Academy of Management. The young man worked in this position until 2008, after which he went to the municipality in the Directorate of Holiday Programs. Having assessed the professional qualities of the new employee, Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is appointed manager of this project.

Sports and politics

In 2008, preparations for the Universiade began in Kazan, which was scheduled for 2013. The capital of Tatarstan was chosen in an international vote by the University Sports Federation, held in Brussels. Kazan competed with Spanish city Vigo and South Korean Gwangju, but won with 20 votes out of 27.

An organizing committee for the XXVII World Summer Universiade is being created in Russia, the head of which is appointed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is invited to the position of deputy general director Executive Directorate of the Autonomous non-profit organization. For three years, Igor Veniaminovich performed part-time duties, and in 2011 he became permanently employed. The young official worked in this post until 2014.

Igor Veniaminovich’s abilities were appreciated, and in 2014 Sivov was invited to the Executive Committee Office as director. In the same year, the official received awards “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan” and the Order “For Services to the Fatherland.” Sivov’s responsibilities included supervising all economic and legal processes carried out in the city.

Personal life

Igor Veniaminovich was married to Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple have two children. But in 2016, the couple separated, officially filing for divorce. In 2017, information appeared in the press that Igor Sivov proposed to the singer Russian stage Anna Shurochkina, better known as Nyusha, author of the singles “Higher”, “It Hurts”, “Alone”.

The young people met in 2013 at the Kazan Universiade. Then they began a close relationship. For some time, Igor and Nyusha tried to build a personal life separately from each other. It is known that Anna met with a Russian hip-hopper.

But in 2016, Igor and Nyusha began to live together, and at the end of January, a photo of the girl appeared on the singer’s Instagram page, in which she shows wedding ring. For some time, the name of the man Nyusha was marrying was hidden by the singer. But in May 2017, the artist and her future husband in the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall at the closing ceremony of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) season. The young people started a comic argument on stage over the announcement of the winners among the judges.

In 2017, Igor Sivov proposed to Anna Shurochkina while on vacation in Kenya. Nyusha told fans that the wedding would take place in the summer of 2017, but already in July the media reported about it in Kazan. Fans of the singer are sure that the wedding ceremony took place in the strictest secrecy due to the couple’s busy schedule, and the magnificent celebration itself took place later.

In May 2018, Nyusha officially confirmed that. The singer spoke about the joyful event on social networks in order to get rid of rumors and speculation once and for all. The girl asked the media and fans to treat her current situation with understanding.

Igor Sivov now

In 2016 there is a new revolution in political biography Igor Sivov. A government official is being transferred from the municipal level to the international level. Igor Sivov becomes the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the highest body of the university world movement.

The organization was created in 1949, and Lausanne, Switzerland, was immediately chosen as its headquarters. The scope of FISU's activities includes holding competitions among students under the age of 28. Currently the organization unites 167 countries.

On November 7, 2018, Sivov and Nyusha became parents for the first time. On Instagram, the singer published a black and white photo of the baby, signing it: “Our little angel.”

The child was born in one of the prestigious clinics in Miami, where the girl flew away long before the expected date of birth. She chose the clinic in the second trimester of pregnancy. For the first time after birth, Nyusha and her daughter will remain in the USA until the baby is ready for a long flight.

At the end of August 2017, the famous Russian singer Nyusha Shurochkina officially announced that she got married. Her chosen one was Igor Sivov, who is the chief adviser to the president of the University Sports Federation.

Wedding of Nyusha and Igor Sivov 2017

The first meeting of the singer and former member KVN team happened long before the decision to get married. At that time, both were in show business and were good friends.

Their relationship developed slowly but surely.

The girl noted that her chosen one looked after her incredibly beautifully, gave her compliments, and was very attentive. The young people decided to formalize their relationship, but did it secretly, going to the Maldives.

Sunny and romantic video from the Maldives

Celebration in the Maldives

Nyusha and her husband do not advertise the details of their relationship, but the singer is already giving interviews to well-known publications, and has also posted several photos from the celebration on Instagram. Fans were impressed by her wedding outfit.

The Maldives was chosen as the location for the ceremony. Nyusha and Igor doubted for a long time between such options as Africa, Greece and Spain, but the islands conquered them with their impressive sunsets and the azure color of the ocean.

Photo: Instagram @nyusha_igorsivov_

The husband was entirely responsible for organizing the celebration, while Nyusha did her own thing. appearance and pleasant wedding details. The celebration began with the traditional bride price. The groom even had to compose a song on his own in order to approach his beloved.

The holiday lasted 3 days, the newlyweds stayed at the chic Finolhu hotel, decorated in retro style, and rented rooms in several restaurants. The ceremony itself took place in an open area with a magnificent view of the ocean.

Hundreds of white palm leaves and orchids seemed to float in the air. The lovers did not deviate from tradition and performed a joint dance.

6 June 2018, 17:17

The title turned out a little in the spirit of Brazilian TV series)))

Information about Alena Sivova often appears in posts and comments in the context of the couple Nyusha and Igor Sivov. I think she deserves her own post on Gossip Cop.

Alena Sivova (35 years old)- dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, participant in the 4th season of the show “Dancing”, businesswoman and simply a spectacular woman.

In 2006 she married Igor Sivov (37 years old), at that time just beginning to build a career as an official.

In the same 2006, their eldest son Matvey was born:

Igor, his mother and Matvey:

The couple has a second common child, son, who was born in 2016. Also in 2016, the couple filed for divorce. In a short interview on the “Dancing” show, Alena mentioned that her husband left her six months after the birth of their second son. Presumably, such an outcome family life Nyusha influenced, because they met in 2013, when Igor was still married, and in 2017 they already got married.

2016, apparently, was a turning point for Alena. little child in her arms, her husband leaving the family, a difficult divorce, another sad event was added to everything - the unexpected and tragic loss of her mother.

By the way, exactly latest event prompted Alena to radically change her image - instead long hair she decided to have a short haircut.

“One day I woke up and realized that I wanted to cut my hair: my mother had a similar haircut at my age. I didn’t do it in memory of her, no, I just felt that I wanted to do it. It’s not for nothing that they say that with hair you let go of something from your life. The new haircut filled me with new emotions, new strength.”.

Alena, starting from early childhood, studied dancing, and at the age of 16 she began giving lessons. After marriage and the birth of my first child, I had to put all creative aspirations on pause, prioritizing my family.

“I was the keeper of the home, first raising my eldest son, then the youngest was born. Well, then it so happened that my old world collapsed, what had been built for many years disappeared. I took it hard until I realized that I needed to pull myself together. And dance became my medicine, my rehabilitation... probably the divorce was the main impetus for my creative “comeback”.

In 2017, Alena took part in the “Dancing” show.

The dance number in the “wacking” style was warmly received by the audience and the jury. Alena advanced to the next stage.

For her, performing on the show was a real adventure, which was encouraged by her eldest son, who, according to her, is his mother’s “main fan”:

“Well, I think everyone understands perfectly well that middle age participants - 20 - 25 years old. I’m 34. The jury members even joked that I’m already of retirement age for a dancer. Outwardly, of course, I am no different from them, but my internal state is no longer on the same wavelength.”

“The sons were with their dad at that moment, and they all watched the episode together. They supported me and cheered for me. My speech ex-husband I liked it, a lot of compliments were said, I hope sincerely.”


In 2017, Alena opened her own dance studio in Kazan" exclusively for girls, girls and women, whom I can teach what I know, make their lives brighter and richer. I believe that a woman should dance, dance is a powerful way to fill herself with energy..."

“...I really want it (the studio) to become a space that will help make women happier. Probably, everyone who comes to my studio will realize a certain dream.”

Igor Sivov himself, holding a high position in Kazan, earned as much per year as his star bride for one concert

It seems that singer Nyusha, who turned 26 last year, has finally met a man with whom she decided to tie the knot. “So you fly on the 13th, on Friday, on a full moon, to Africa... celebrating the old New Year...with absolutely no idea how this trip will change your life,” she recently wrote on her social network page. A few days later she posted a photo of herself with the ring on ring finger and accompanied it with the caption “I am the bride.” The singer did not show any photographs of her groom and did not mention his name. However, omniscient fans in the comments claimed that this is a 36-year-old native of Kazan, Igor SIVOV, who has been working in Lausanne, Switzerland, since last fall. He holds the important position of chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation.

Judging by the meager information about the groom Nyusha managed to find it on the Internet, Igor Sivov in his youth he was no stranger to creativity and was a member of the KVN team “Four Tatars”. After graduating from the TISBY Academy of Management, he worked in the administration of the student club. Then he headed municipal enterprise"Directorate of Holiday Programs." He was the executive director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the XXVII World Summer Universiade, held in 2013 in Kazan. A recent years headed the apparatus of the executive committee of the capital of Tatarstan.

According to the income statements of municipal employees, published on the official website of the Kazan City Hall, in 2014 he earned 1,291,765.65 rubles, and in 2015 - 1,668,249.95 rubles. Compared to Nyusha, who, according to promoters, takes from one and a half million “wooden” for just one concert, his income, of course, looked ridiculous. But this is not the most interesting thing.

From the same declarations it followed that until recently Igor Veniaminovich had legal spouse- dance teacher Alena Vladimirovna with even more ridiculous incomes than his - 14,692.67 rubles in 2014 and 31,119.79 rubles in 2015. Moreover, just a year ago, the list of their family members was supplemented with a second son, who did not appear in previous declarations. And six months ago, according to the Kazan media, Alena Vladimirovna, still in the status of Sivov’s wife, appeared at the celebration of his birthday former colleague on the command of “Four Tatars” - the current Minister of Sports of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov.

As far as I remember, Igor Veniaminovich himself was not there,” one of the guests who attended this celebration said in a private conversation. - But he is a very busy man. It happened more than once that Alena attended some events without him. And there was nothing strange in the fact that she came to Leonov alone. Moreover, they were family friends since their participation in KVN. In any case, Igor Veniaminovich did not seem to have any intention of divorcing Alena at that time. After that, I even saw them together at the birthday party of one of their sons. Of course, this still doesn't mean anything. Maybe then Alena was no longer married to Igor Veniaminovich and he, like any normal father, simply came to visit the children. Or maybe she remains his wife even now. You understand, they didn’t inform anyone about this.

Strange position

Don’t rush to conclude that Igor Sivov quit old family! - Nyusha’s PR agent unexpectedly said in response to a request for comments Denis Vorobiev. - No, no, I don’t want to say that he is still married. But when people get divorced, for some reason it is always believed that the man leaves the woman. In my opinion, this is some kind of strange position. In fact, breakups happen differently for everyone. Of course, I did not communicate with Igor closely enough to judge the situation in his family. Nyusha’s dad met him quite a long time ago - almost two years ago. Apparently, this was due to Nyusha’s performances at the Universiade or some other mass events in Kazan, which Igor was involved in.

And I personally met him only in September-October last year during preparations for Nyusha’s concert at Crocus City Hall, when he began appearing with her as her young man. Before that, I had no idea that there was anything connecting them. However, as far as I know, during a recent joint vacation in Kenya, Igor proposed marriage to Nyusha. And since he decided to take such a step, I assume that there are no problems with his former family and they separated by mutual consent.