Rules for formatting bibliographic references and references. Rules for formatting a bibliography How to format a footnote for a journal article

The rules for creating a bibliography are simple. and comply with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 and GOST 7.82-2001.

If there is no bibliography, then when uploaded to the RSCI and other services, the article is automatically marked as unscientific and falls into the “Uncertain” (UNK) category.

Formatting links within text

  1. footnote to one literary source without specifying pages: .
  2. footnote to one literary source indicating pages: .
  3. footnotes to several literary sources indicating pages: .

Registration of the list of references

1. Book

Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. M.: Mysl, 1990. 175 p.

2. Articles from magazines and newspapers

Reutin M.Yu. German mysticism of the Middle Ages. Life in Christ as a performative practice // Questions of Philosophy. 2014. No. 9. pp. 121–133.

3. Conference materials and collections

Shevchenko V. N. Triangulations of convex polyhedra and their implementation f-vectors // Discrete optimization and operations research: int. conf. (Altai, June 27 – July 3, 2010). Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Mathematics, 2010. pp. 75–81.

Kireeva Zh.I. The study of domestic historiography in pre-revolutionary Russia.: Diss. ...cand. history Sci. Novocherkassk, 1989. 146 p.

Electronic resources (Internet)

A. [Electronic resource]: description of the electronic resource and document

B. URL (web page address).

B. Date of access to the document.

Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. [Electronic resource]: Yakov Krotov Library. URL: (access date: 02/18/2014).

Reutin M.Yu. German mysticism of the Middle Ages. Life in Christ as a performative practice. [Electronic resource]: Questions of Philosophy, 2014. No. 9. Access mode: . (access date: 10/15/2014).

An example of a link to our magazine

Ivanov, A.A. Article title // Problems modern science and education/Problems of modern science and education. 2011. No. 7. P. 22 -28.

Ivanov, A.A. Article title / A.A. Ivanov, K.K. Petrov // Problems of modern science and education. 2011. No. 7. P. 22 -28.

Please note that the previously used GOST 7.1-84 is outdated and is not currently applied. You need to use the following document:
Bibliographic link. General rules and drafting requirements

After completing the article, you must download the application, which is sent to the Editorial Office along with the article.

After release // Crime and punishment. 2007. No. 3. P. 75-76.

Making links to regulations, regulations Constitutional Court Russian Federation, Plenums of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Supreme Arbitration Court Russian Federation:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. (ed. dated December 30, 2008) // Ross. gas. 1993. 25 Dec; 2009. 21 Jan.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Part 1 of November 30, 1994 (as amended on April 6, 2011) // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. 1994. No. 32. Article 3301; 2011. No. 15. Art. 2038.

3. On the state real estate cadastre: federal. Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009) // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. 2007. No. 31. Article 4017; 2009. No. 52 (part 1). Article 6419.

4. In the case of checking the constitutionality of the provisions of clause 1, clause 2 of the Federal Law “On the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” and part 1 of Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Privatization” housing stock in the Russian Federation": post. Constitutional Court RF dated June 15, 2006 No. 6-P // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. 2006. No. 26. Art. 2876.

5. On the practice of assigning types of correctional institutions by courts: post. plenum Supreme Court RF dated November 12, 2001 No. 14 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 1. P.43.

Note: full description normative act indicating latest edition and sources of publication of the first and last editions of the act is necessary only at the first mention of the act in the text of the work.

Registration of links to legal monuments:

1. Certificate on the rights, liberties and advantages of the noble Russian nobility (1785, April 21) // Reader on the history of state and law of Russia / comp. Yu.P. Titov. M., 1997. P. 225.

2. Salic truth. Title II. § 5 // Reader on the history of the Middle Ages / ed. S.D. Skazkina. M., 1961. T. I. P. 339.

Note: when described in a footnote historical sources rights adhere to the following rule: first indicate the name of the source and the section of it to which the author of the thesis refers (i.e., the number of the book, chapter, paragraph, article), and then - where the source is published.

1. Bormotov A.V. Security function of an insurance contract in Russian civil law: abstract. dis. ...cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.03. Perm, 2011. P. 9.

2. Dyagilev A.V. Management of federal property: dis. ...cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14. M., 2002. P. 115.

According to GOST 7.32-2001, footnotes are placed immediately after the text, figure or table to which they relate. The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which an explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed superscript and subscript with Arabic numerals “1”. Links are numbered page by page. The footnote is placed at the end of the page with a paragraph indent, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left. Font color – black, without underlining. Font size (point size) - no less than 10. Spacing - 1-1.15. Font type - Times New Roman.

Requirements for sources:

Federal laws should be written in the following format:

Federal Law dated [date] No. [number] “[title]” // [official source of publication, year, number, article]

If a legislative collection or publication of a separate law was used when writing the work, the law (order, etc.) should still be written down in the list of references, indicating the official source of the publication. For federal acts, such sources are: “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, “ Russian newspaper", "Collection of acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation", etc.

General requirements to the description of literary scientific works and articles:

After indicating the author's surname and initials, the title appears separated by a space. scientific work– space – sign “//” - space – City: publishing house - year of publication. – P.__-__, or the total number of pages – p. _ _ _. Along with the basic requirements, the design of references to articles in periodicals and scientific collections, to works from multi-volume publications, etc. has certain features.

The design of references is regulated by GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation." The standard applies to bibliographic references used in any published or unpublished documents in any media.

When repeating references to the same object, references are distinguished:

primary, in which bibliographic information is presented for the first time in this document;

repeated, in which previously specified bibliographic information is repeated in an abbreviated form.

If there are several reference objects, then they are combined into one complex bibliographic reference. References included in a complex reference are separated from each other by a semicolon, with spaces before and after the semicolon. Several objects in one link are arranged in alphabetical or chronological order, either according to the principle of a single graphic basis - Cyrillic, Latin, etc., or in each language separately (according to the alphabet of the names of the languages). If the complex includes several consecutive links containing records with identical headings (works of the same authors), then the headings in the second and subsequent links can be replaced by their verbal equivalents “His”, “Her”, “Theirs” , or - for documents in languages ​​using Latin script - “Idem”, “Eadem”, “Iidem”.

Unlike the description of a source in the list of literature, in references it is allowed to replace the prescribed dot and dash sign separating areas of the bibliographic description with a dot, and omit square brackets for information borrowed not from the source of information itself.

If the text is cited not from the original source, but from another document, then at the beginning of the link the words are given: “Cit. by: "(quoted by), "Cited by: ", indicating the source of borrowing, for example:

Quote by: Florensky P. A. At the watersheds of thought. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1990. - T. 2. - P. 27.

To link interlinear bibliographic references with the text of the document, a footnote sign is used; To connect extra-text bibliographic references with the text of the document, a callout sign or reference is used, which is given in the form of numbers (ordinal numbers), letters, asterisks and other signs.

1 Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America. - M., 2006. - P. 305.

3 Kutepov V.I., Vinogradova A.G. Art of the Middle Ages / edited by. ed. V. I. Romanova. - Rostov n/d: NORM, 2006. – 320 p.

It is allowed, if there is bibliographic information about the component in the text, to indicate only information about the identifying document in the sublinear reference:

2 Adorno T.V. Towards the logic of social sciences // Issues. philosophy. - 1992. - No. 10. - P. 76-86.

For entries on Internet resources, it is allowed if the text contains information identifying the electronic resource remote access, in the subscript link indicate only his email address - URL (Uniform Resource Locator):

2 Official periodicals: electronic. guide / Ros.nat. b-ka, Center for Legal Information. [SPb.], 2005-2007. URL: (access date: 01/18/2007).

or, if this publication is referred to in the text of the document:

2 URL:

When numbering interlinear bibliographic references, a uniform order is used for everything. of this document: pagination throughout the text, within each chapter, section, part, etc., or - for a given page of the document.

Bibliographic information is indicated in the description in the form in which it is given in the described source of information. Missing clarifying information, as well as completely missing necessary data, are formulated based on an analysis of the document. In this case, information formulated on the basis of an analysis of the document, as well as borrowed from sources outside the document, is given in square brackets in all areas of the bibliographic description, except for the notes area.

When compiling a bibliographic description, you can use abbreviation of words and phrases, omission of part of an element, and other reduction techniques. The main condition for abbreviating words is the unambiguity of their understanding and ensuring decoding. Abbreviations are used in all areas of bibliographic description. However, it is not permissible to abbreviate any title in any field (unless the abbreviation appears in the source of information being described). In some cases, for example, when recording a very long title, it is permissible to use a shortening method such as omitting individual words and phrases, if this does not lead to a distortion of the meaning.

Capital letters are used in accordance with the modern rules of grammar of the language in which the bibliographic description is compiled, regardless of what letters are used in the source of information. The first word of each area begins with capital letters, as well as the first word of the following elements: the general designation of the material and any titles in all areas of the description. All other elements are written with a lowercase letter. At the same time, capital and lowercase letters are preserved in the official names of modern organizations and other proper names.

The design of the title of a bibliographic record is regulated by GOST 7.80-2000. “Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules of compilation."

If a document has specific authors, then the name of the author is given before the description. If there are two or three authors, as a rule, only the name of the first is indicated. If there are four or more authors, then the description of the document begins with the title, and the authors follow it through a slash.

The surname is given at the beginning of the title and then the initials of the name and patronymic. A dot is placed after the given name.

According to GOST 7.1-2003, the main title may contain an alternative title, connected to it by the conjunction “or” and written with a capital letter. A comma is placed before the conjunction “or” (for example: The Science of Joy, or How to Avoid an Appointment with a Psychotherapist).

The following is information related to the title, i.e. containing information revealing and explaining the main title, including another title (subtitle), information about the type, genre, purpose of the work, an indication that the document is a translation from another language, etc.

According to GOST 7.1-2003, information about responsibility contains information about persons and organizations involved in the creation of the intellectual, artistic or other content of the work that is the object of the description. They may consist of the names of persons and (or) names of organizations along with words specifying the category of their participation in the creation of the work that is the object of the description. Information about responsibility is recorded in the form in which it is indicated in the source of information.

The name of the place of publication and distribution is given in the form and case indicated in the prescribed source of information.

M.: Science: Prospect: Infra-M

If there are several groups of information, including the place of publication and the publishing house associated with it, they are indicated sequentially and separated from each other by a semicolon (space, semicolon, space). The number of groups may be limited.

The publication date is the year of publication of the document that is the subject of the description. The year is indicated in Arabic numerals, preceded by a comma.

According to GOST 7.1-2003, the area of ​​physical characteristics contains a designation of the physical form in which the object of description is presented, in combination with an indication of the volume and, if necessary, the size of the document, its illustrations and accompanying material that is part of the object of description.

The area provides information about the quantity physical units(Arabic numerals) and specific designation of the material. Information about the type of material is provided in the language of the bibliographic institution.

2 electrons wholesale disk

Information about the volume is given in the same numerals (Roman or Arabic) that are used in the description object.

XII, 283 p.

Examples of the main possible footnotes to sources and scientific literature:

      Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated June 21, 2005 No. 190-z On the procedure for vesting local government bodies with certain state powers of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as amended. Laws of the Republic of Belarus dated December 28, 2005 No. 267-z, dated October 10, 2006 No. 355-z, dated November 3, 2006 No. 370-z. // Republic of Bashkortostan. – 2008, February 1.

      Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ // Russian newspaper. – 2001. - December 31.

      Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, ratified on March 30, 1998 N 54-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1998. - No. 14. – St. 1514.

      Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Ufa.: IP Polyakovsky Yu.I., 2006. - 40 p.

      Review of cassation and supervisory practice in criminal cases for the first half of 2008. Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated October 22, 2008 //

      Address of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation November 12, 2010 // URL:

      Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2005 No. 1979-IV GD Regulations on the Public Youth Chamber at State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005. - No. 25. - Art. 2481.

      Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court dated February 14, 2000 No. 7 “On judicial practice on cases of juvenile crimes” as amended on February 6, 2007 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, No. 4, 2000.

      Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” as amended on June 29, 2005, as amended on February 2, 2006 No. 19-FZ // Russian newspaper. – 2006. - February 8.

      Dal V.I. Dictionary living Great Russian language. - M.1998. - P.188.

      Dolgov V.V. Komsomol in eliminating unemployment during the NEP // Youth: sociology, politics, history: Newsletter. -1991, - No. 2. – p.30-36

      Enikeev Z.D. System of fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual according to the Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Bulletin of Justice. Ufa. 1998. P.8-14.

      Zabelin P.V. Youth policy: strategy, ideas, prospects. - M.: “Luch”, 1998. – 86 p.

      Article from the book:

Dvinyaninova, G. S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social power of language: collection. scientific tr. / Voronezh. interregion Institute of Societies. Sciences, Voronezh. state University, Fak. Romano-Germanic. history. - Voronezh, 2001. - pp. 101-106.

      Article from the serial publication:

Mikhailov S.A. Driving like a European: the toll road system in Russia is in its infancy. stages of development / Sergey Mikhailov // Nezavisimaya gas. - 2002. - June 17.

Bogolyubov A.N. On real resonances in a waveguide with inhomogeneous filling / A. N. Bogolyubov, A. L. Delitsyn, M. D. Malykh // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. 3, Physics. Astronomy. - 2001. - No. 5. - P. 23-25.

      Section, chapter:

Maly A.I. Introduction to the legislation of the European Community // Institutions of the European Union: textbook. allowance / Al. Maly, J. Campbell, M. O'Neill. - Arkhangelsk, 2002. - Section 1. - pp. 7-26.

Glazyrin, B. E. Automation of individual operations in Word 2000 [Text] / B. E. Glazyrin // Office 2000: 5 books. in 1: tutorial / E. M. Berliner, I. B. Glazyrina, B. E. Glazyrin. - 2nd ed., revised. - M., 2002. - Ch. 14. - pp. 281-298.


Gavrilov, A.V. How does it sound? // Book. review. - 2002. - March 11 (No. 10-11). - P. 2. - Rec. on the book: Musical reserve. 70s: problems, portraits, cases / T. Cherednichenko. - M.: New lit. review, 2002. - 592 p.

In accordance with these requirements, the used sources and literature are included in the BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST.

Example. « ThOrnton SarAh. Club Cultures: Music, Media, and Subcultural Capital. Wesleyan University Press, 1996. – Next you need to indicate the pages of the book.”

Beyond text links

Beyond-text references show the sources of quotations with a reference to the list of references, but only numbered, which should be located at the end of the work. This type of expulsion is always visually separated from the text. You must also indicate serial number bibliographic entry in a textual reference. Such a mark is presented in the form of a callout at the top of the font line, and it is made in square brackets in the line with the text of the work.

Example (in document)."By studying this issue scientists such as A.I. Prigozhin, L.Ya. Kolls, Yu.N. Frolov and many others studied.”

25. Prigozhin, A. I. Innovators as a social category // Methods for activating innovative processes. M., 1998. P. 4-12.

26. Kols, L. Ya. Social mechanism of innovation processes. Novosibirsk, 1989. 215 p.

The entire list of non-textual b/s does not belong to the list of references. A list of all these links must be prepared separately.

How to make links to electronic sources?

Due to the development computer technology electronic publications have become an integral part bibliographic lists and links. In July 2002, a new GOST 7.82-2001 was registered in the Russian Federation, providing all the norms and requirements for writing electronic publications and websites worldwide network. This GOST shows exactly how to draw up a b/s down to the sources of local and remote access. These are disks, floppy disks and ending with databases.

According to this resolution, there is now the following sequence of bibliographic descriptions:

  • proper title [Joint designation of material]: / statement of responsibility;
  • publication information/information, responsibilities related to publication, auxiliary knowledge about the publication;
  • designation of the type of site (volume);
  • characteristic designation of the material and number of physical units: other physical characteristics; size + information about shipping material;
  • note;
  • type number = Title proper: availability agreement and cost.

How to describe Internet sources?

Today it is no longer relevant to visit libraries, because all necessary information can be found on the Internet at social networks, on the YouTube channel and various websites, forums and blogs. However, we will now learn how to formalize such sources correctly.

When describing a news portal or a specific site that offers information in the form of media, you should show the name of the site and the date of publication, followed by a hyperlink in parentheses. When the written text is an interview, the nature of the material must be explained in square brackets.

Example. « Khitrov A.(2011) Optimistic Internet TV channel “Dozhd” [Conversation with the editor-in-chief of the TV channel M. Zygar] // Digital Icons. Vol. 6 (

If you were describing videos from YouTube, then you need to show the name of the video, the author, and in square brackets - the nature of the material and only then the name of the site, date of publication and hyperlink.

Example.« SlOterdijks Peter. (2007) Theorie des Fundamentalismus [video recording of P. Sloterdijk’s lecture] // YouTube. January 28 (

However, if you found a source of information on the social networks “Facebook” and “Twitter”, “VKontakte”, then you should show the name of the author, date of publication and a hyperlink in brackets, but if the entry was taken from the “Notes” of the networks, then this is also necessary indicate.

Example.« Novikov Vadim. (2012) Facebook post: February 22 at 15:05 (”

It is these above recommendations that will help you prepare correctly and in accordance with all norms, requests and GOSTs a bibliographic reference and a description of all the sources from which you actually took the information to write your work, document and scientific work. All regulations must be followed exactly, otherwise the work will not comply with established GOSTs and state requirements.

A footnote to the source of borrowing (bibliographic footnote) is an essential element scientific work, which includes any essay, coursework or thesis. A footnote is required in the text if it uses a quotation from another work, or borrows tables, illustrations, or formulas.

The concept of "footnote" is broader than the concept of "link", which is often used by teachers or in methodological recommendations. Footnotes include comments indicating their source or affiliation with the work of the author of the work (for example1), and links to the sources used (for example).

Footnotes can be of two types: manual and automatic. Manual footnotes are placed in the text of the work after a quotation or borrowed text in the form of square or round brackets, where the first digit indicates the number of the source in the list of references, and the second - the page number. In some cases, it is possible to indicate only the source number, but in this case, at the end of the work, it is necessary to create a “Notes” section, where references to the literature will be given in order. The presence of notes does not eliminate the need to create a list of references in the correct and alphabetical order. Examples of manual footnotes: ; ; ; (2; 18); (12; p. 87); (18; pp. 21-23). The most common is next view footnote: . In rare cases, the full or abbreviated name of the source is indicated in parentheses in the text. For example: [Nevolina E.M. How to write and defend a dissertation; With. 112].

Automatic footnotes are placed using the capabilities of Microsoft Office Word. The program automatically numbers footnotes. In the "Links" tab there is a function "Insert footnote" (Fig. 6.).

Figure 6. The Insert Footnote feature in Microsoft Office Word 2007

Source: author's work in Microsoft Office Word - There are two types of footnotes: on each page (regular footnotes) or at the end of the entire text, then they automatically form “Notes” (endnotes). The preferred option is to place page-by-page footnotes in the text with continuous numbering throughout the text. It is possible to number footnotes within each page.

It is important to note that a footnote to the source of borrowing may refer the reader to some source where the specified problem is disclosed in more detail. As a rule, such footnotes indicate: See more details: Ivanov IL. Management. - M.: Publishing House, 2011. - P. 212.

The very design of footnotes to literature, as a rule, is regulated by the university, or in methodological guidelines it is written that it is necessary to formalize the demolition in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003, which will be discussed in detail in the next paragraph.

Here are the most common examples of formatting footnotes to sources in students’ written works.

Footnotes to legal acts:

Constitution of the Russian Federation. (Last edition dated January 19, 2009) // Russian newspaper. - 2009. - January 21. - No. 7.

Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation dated 2407.2002 No. 95-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 30. - Art. 3012.

Note. When preparing regulatory documents in footnotes or in the list of references, it is necessary to indicate the source of publication of this document. Such a source for federal legislation may be the Collection of Legislation, the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" or the "Parliamentary Gazette". For regional or departmental legal acts, the sources of the first publication are regional, departmental and specialized periodicals mass media. In some cases, teachers ask to indicate the dates of all revisions or the last revision of the normative legal act.

I will give examples of the design of bibliographic descriptions of books for a list of references:

Sarkisov, S.E. Management: dictionary-reference book / S.E. Sarkisov. - Zh: Ankil, 2005. - 805 p.

Titov, V.V. Production management: Basic principles and tools of organizational development / V.V. Titov, I.S. Mezhov, A.A. Solodilov.-Novosibirsk: IEOPP SB RAS, 2007.-275 p.

Note. In this design option, after the slash behind the title of the book, all the authors of the book are indicated, while before the title there is only one author. In this case, in the designation of the author before the title, the initials are written after the surname, and before the slash. In some cases, when the name of the publishing house is difficult to establish, it may be omitted.

If there are no requirements for the design of a footnote, it is enough to use a simple version of the bibliographic description of the book in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 "Bibliographic reference. General requirements and design rules":

Alekseev V.A. Real estate transactions. - M.: Prospect: Welby, 2006. - 224 p.

Footnotes to articles from periodicals:

Beznoshchenko, D. Assessing the activities of a Russian insurer based on financial risk management indicators EVA and FAROC / D. Beznoshchenko // Problems of management theory and practice. - 2010. - No. 1. - P 63-70.

Vasilkov, KHV. Risk management system as a tool for enterprise economic management / Yu.V. Vasilkov, JLC Gushchina // Methods of quality management.-2012.-No. 2. - P. 10-15.

If there are no requirements for the design of a footnote, it is enough to use a simple version of the bibliographic description of an article from a periodical in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008: Antonenkova E.L. Real estate transactions joint stock companies// Accounting. - 2011. - No. 8. - P. 114-119. TO

Rule: if a footnote is made on the same page on the same source, it is not customary to repeat its description. Usually they write, for example: “Ibid. - P. 145.” If the same situation occurs with a foreign source, then they indicate in Latin: “Ibidem. - R. 158”, where “P” means page - page in English.

Thus, footnotes are the most important element of the work, the presence of which demonstrates to the teacher high level work. Undoubtedly, all footnotes in the work must be valid and refer to exactly the part of the text from which the borrowing was taken.