Who takes the Unified State Exam early. Exam at the start

Passing the unified state exams in Russia takes place in two “waves”: the early period takes place in the spring, in March-April, the main period - after graduation academic year, V last days May and June. At the same time, some categories of test takers have the right to choose their own deadlines. And in order for the choice to be balanced, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages early delivery exams.

Who can take the Unified State Exam early

Those who have already fully mastered the unified state exam have the unconditional right to independently choose between the early and main wave school curriculum. This:

  • graduates of previous years, regardless of the “statute of limitations” of the certificate (those who left school many years ago and last year’s graduates who want to improve their results have the right to take it early);
  • graduates of technical schools, lyceums and colleges who have already fully completed the course of secondary school.

In addition, some categories of eleventh graders also have the right to take the Unified State Exam without waiting for the end of the last school year. These include:

  • graduates of evening schools who will go into military service this year;
  • guys who, after finishing school, go to permanent residence to another country - regardless of we're talking about about emigration or a student visa to continue education at a foreign university or college;
  • participants in all-Russian or international competitions, olympiads or competitions - if the duration of the competition or training camp coincides with the main stage passing the Unified State Exam;
  • eleventh graders who will be in sanatoriums and other medical institutions for treatment, health or rehabilitation programs in May-June;
  • graduates of Russian schools located outside the borders of Russia - if they are located in territories with difficult climatic conditions.

In order to have the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam early, eleventh-graders must write an application addressed to the director of their school, indicating the reason.

The main advantages of passing the Unified State Exam early

There is a common myth that Unified State Exam options For early period easier than for the main one. This is not true; the level of difficulty of the options for all examinees of the current year is similar. However, some organizational features of the spring “wave” do allow some to achieve higher scores.

Fewer people - less nerves

The early period of passing the Unified State Exam is not comparable in mass to the main one. For example, in 2016, throughout Russia, 26 thousand people took exams ahead of schedule - and in the summer “wave” the number of examinees approached 700,000. As a result, not hundreds of extremely excited schoolchildren gather at exam reception centers in megacities - but only a few dozen people ( and in smaller ones settlements the number of “early term recipients” can go down to just a few). In addition, some graduates of previous years who applied to take the Unified State Exam may change their minds by the day of the exam and not appear for the test - as a result, in an audience designed for 15 people, there may end up being 6-8 test takers. Moreover, some of them will be adults, who usually perceive the exam more calmly than the average schoolchildren, “wound up” by numerous conversations that the Unified State Exam will decide their fate.

This makes the overall psychological situation during the exam much less nervous. And, as the experience of many graduates shows, the ability to calm down and concentrate while taking the Unified State Exam plays a decisive role. In addition, with a small number of applicants, the time for preliminary instruction and “organizational issues” is significantly reduced: printing and distributing assignments, checking the matching of barcodes, monitoring the completion of forms, etc. And this also reduces the “degree of excitement.”

Clear organization

Passing the Unified State Exam early is considered the official start of the examination campaign. At this time, only a few examination points operate in the regions, and great attention is paid to the organization of work in them. Therefore, despite the fact that it is during the early period that all procedural innovations are usually “tested out,” failures, technical problems and organizational violations are usually not encountered. And the likelihood of encountering, for example, a lack of additional forms or the absence of a clock in the classroom tends to zero.

Predictable microclimate in the classroom

Taking exams at the end of May and June poses another danger - on hot days the exam room can be very stuffy, and the direct rays of the summer sun can add discomfort. At the same time, exam organizers do not always agree to open windows. In the spring, during the heating season, the air temperature in the classroom is more predictable, and you can always dress “for the weather” so as not to freeze or sweat during the exam.

Quick check

During the early period of the Unified State Examination, the load on the experts checking the work is much lower - and, accordingly, the work is checked faster. It’s still not worth waiting for results the day after the exams - the official deadline for checking early work is usually 7-9 days, while scores can be published a couple of days before the deadline. During the main period, students usually have to wait Unified State Exam results about two weeks.

Time to develop an admission strategy

Those who take the Unified State Exam ahead of schedule know exactly their results by the end of April - and they have another two months to analyze in detail their chances of admission to a particular university in their chosen field, and to “target” the days open doors and so on. And, even if the results turned out to be lower than expected, there is plenty of time to find a way out of the current situation.

In addition, graduating class students who have passed their exams can spend two very relaxed last month school life. While their classmates are diligently preparing for exams, writing samples and visiting tutors, they can go about their business with a sense of accomplishment.

Disadvantages of taking the Unified State Exam early

Less time to prepare

The main disadvantage of taking the Unified State Exam early is obvious: the earlier the exam date, the less time to prepare. This may be especially important for graduates of the current year - after all, some topics school course included in the Unified State Exam program can be studied in the fourth quarter of the last school year. In this case, you will have to get acquainted with them yourself, or with the help of a tutor.

The first “running-in” of changes in the Unified State Exam KIM

Testing and measuring materials for most subjects are undergoing changes, and the early period of passing the Unified State Exam is also the first presentation of all innovations “in combat conditions.” When preparing for the exams of the main period, examinees and their teachers use both demo versions of FIPI and published “after the fact” versions of early exams as “official guidelines”. Those taking the exam in the spring are deprived of this opportunity - they can only use demo version. Therefore, the chances of encountering an unexpected task during the early period are much higher.

Less opportunity to prepare

Students taking exams in March-April do not have the opportunity to take part in trial exams, which usually take place at the very end of the school year. However, district education departments usually conduct practice exams in more early dates- but most often this service turns out to be paid.

In addition, the use of online services for self-study for the Unified State Examination can also cause difficulties: when laying out options corresponding to the current year’s KIM, the owners of such services usually focus on the timing of the main period. And, if you are taking a subject in which major changes are expected this year, the chance that a month before the early exam you will be able to find a service with a sufficient number of “plausible” options that are well adapted to the current year’s exam is quite low.

Taking exams away from home

Since the number of people taking the Unified State Exam early is small, the number of examination points is also greatly reduced. For example, residents of all districts of a large (and geographically “scattered”) city can take the Unified State Exam in a given subject at only one point. And for those who live in remote or “problematic” areas of the city in terms of transport, this can be a serious disadvantage. Especially considering that exams in different subjects may take place in different places in the city, so the route and travel time will have to be calculated anew each time.

Clear organization

Quick check

Less time to prepare

Taking exams from home

Each student annually takes two sessions at the established educational institution deadlines. The session is the final test of the student’s knowledge acquired during the academic semester. But there are emergency situations that occur during the period of taking session tests and exams. In this case, the student decides to pass them early. Submit early session possible only within the academic semester. How to do this?


Try to negotiate with teachers in whose disciplines it is possible to receive an automatic grade.

Write to the dean's office addressed to the dean with a request for permission to take tests and tests early. In your application, indicate the reason and document confirming the need to pass the session early. The reasons may be observation on an inpatient basis, childbirth, coincidence of session dates in different ones, being called on a business trip from work, etc. It is possible that the permission of the Vice-Rector for . If they make a verdict in your favor, they will indicate specific deadlines for the session, but no later than the beginning of the test week.

Get a referral to take a test or exam early.

Please note

There are usually 1-2 days left to prepare for the exam, so it is very difficult to pass. Remember that all early exams are taken one-on-one with the teacher and it is almost impossible to use cheat sheets.

Related article

A university session is the period when students pass exams after their six-month study at the university. The session is winter and summer, respectively, and for most students it is one of the most difficult and responsible periods of study, but not for everyone. There are people for whom passing the session does not represent any expense or incredible effort. Let’s immediately exclude from this list students who pay for exams; this article is not about that.

Let's start with the fact that every student should ask himself the question why he came to this or that university. To get a diploma or to gain real knowledge that he will use throughout his life? People who study for a piece of cardboard that formally displays their knowledge usually have a very hard time passing the session. They do not complete practical tasks and rarely appear in classes. Hence the conclusion: study for the sake of gaining knowledge, attend all classes, write lectures, they will help you when passing the exam, and you will not have to read mountains of material from books. As a rule, the answers to all exam questions can be found in the lecture notes that students write during lecture classes, and if you have all the notes, this will make your life much easier while preparing for the exam. Re-read at home the material that you wrote down in lectures to reinforce it. Do not forget that teachers are your friends in terms of study, and it is no less important for them that their students pass the session, so do not hesitate to find out the points of the material that you do not understand right away, because it can be very difficult to figure it out later.

Getting credit automatically is much easier than it seems. The only exception is the very first session of the first year. Here the student is tested to see how determined he is to study. You will be required to attend class and complete all assignments, which are not difficult to complete if you have mastered the lecture material. Find out right away at the beginning of the school year which teachers give the test automatically, and from whom it is simply impossible to get it. Usually teachers talk about this first training sessions. Set yourself the goal of getting a machine gun.

If possible, do not refuse to write a scientific report or other single work that is not given to all students. Take it and try to involve the teacher, this will only work to your advantage. You will earn the favor of the teacher, you will be visible, and with his help you will make your work easier to a minimum.

Now let's move on to preparing for the exam. And the first picture that may appear in the imagination is the image of a student sitting at a table surrounded by books at 3 am on the very last day before the exam. This, of course, is also an option, but, frankly, not the easiest. To avoid this, do not put off preparation until the last day. Usually 3-4 days are given so that the student can fully prepare. Make a work plan for 3 days so that during this time all the issues are sorted out by you. During the consultation before the exam, ask questions that you could not figure out. This way, on the 4th day you will not have any unclear moments. Review the material and, most importantly, get enough sleep so that you wake up with a fresh head in the morning.


  • how to pass an exam as a student

Tip 4: Taking the Unified State Exam early: advantages and disadvantages

Passing the unified state exams in Russia takes place in two “waves”: the early period takes place in the spring, in March-April, the main period takes place after the end of the academic year, in the last days of May and June. At the same time, some categories of test takers have the right to choose their own deadlines. And in order for the choice to be balanced, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of taking exams early.

Who can take the Unified State Exam early

Those who have already fully mastered the school curriculum have the unconditional right to independently choose between the early and main wave of passing the Unified State Exam. This:

  • graduates of previous years, regardless of the “statute of limitations” of the certificate (those who left school many years ago and last year’s graduates who want to improve their results have the right to take it early);

  • graduates of technical schools, lyceums and colleges who have already fully completed the course of secondary school.

In addition, some categories of eleventh graders also have the right to take the Unified State Exam without waiting for the end of the last school year. These include:

  • graduates of evening schools who will go into military service this year;

  • guys who, after graduating from school, leave for permanent residence in another country - regardless of whether we are talking about emigration or a student visa to continue their education at a foreign university or college;

  • participants in all-Russian or international competitions, olympiads or competitions - if the duration of the competition or training camp coincides with the main stage of passing the Unified State Exam;

  • eleventh graders who will be in sanatoriums and other medical institutions for treatment, health or rehabilitation programs in May-June;

  • graduates of Russian schools located outside the borders of Russia - if they are located in territories with difficult climatic conditions.

In order to have the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam early, eleventh-graders must write an application addressed to the director of their school, indicating the reason.

The main advantages of passing the Unified State Exam early

There is a common myth that the Unified State Exam options for the early period are simpler than for the main period. This is not true; the level of difficulty of the options for all examinees of the current year is similar. However, some organizational features of the spring “wave” do allow some to achieve higher scores.

Fewer people - less nerves

The early period of passing the Unified State Exam is not comparable in mass to the main one. For example, in 2016 throughout Russia, 26 thousand people took exams ahead of schedule - and in the summer “wave” the number of examinees approached 700,000. As a result, not hundreds of extremely excited schoolchildren gather at exam reception centers in megacities - but only a few dozen people ( and in smaller settlements the number of “early-term workers” can go down to just a few). In addition, some graduates of previous years who applied to take the Unified State Exam may change their minds by the day of the exam and not appear for the test - as a result, in an audience designed for 15 people, there may end up being 6-8 test takers. Moreover, some of them will be adults who usually perceive the exam as compared to the average schoolchildren, “wound up” by numerous conversations that the Unified State Exam will decide their fate.

This makes the overall psychological situation during the exam much less nervous. And, as the experience of many graduates shows, the ability to calm down and concentrate while taking the Unified State Exam plays a decisive role. In addition, with a small number of applicants, the time for preliminary instruction and “organizational issues” is significantly reduced: printing and distributing assignments, checking the matching of barcodes, monitoring the completion of forms, etc. And this also reduces the “degree of excitement.”

Clear organization

Passing the Unified State Exam early is considered the official start of the examination campaign. At this time, only a few examination points operate in the regions, and great attention is paid to the organization of work in them. Therefore, despite the fact that it is during the early period that all procedural innovations are usually “tested out,” failures, technical problems and organizational violations are usually not encountered. And the likelihood of encountering, for example, a lack of additional forms or the absence of a clock in the classroom tends to zero.

Predictable microclimate in the classroom

Taking exams at the end of May and June poses another danger - on hot days the exam room can be very stuffy, and the direct rays of the summer sun can add to the discomfort. At the same time, exam organizers do not always agree to open windows. In the spring, during the heating season, the air temperature in the classroom is more predictable, and you can always dress “for the weather” so as not to freeze or sweat during the exam.

Quick check

During the early period of the Unified State Examination, the load on the experts checking the work is much lower - and, accordingly, the work is checked faster. It’s still not worth waiting for the results the day after the exams - the official deadline for checking early work is usually 7-9 days, while the scores can be published a couple of days before the deadline. During the main period, schoolchildren usually have to wait about two weeks for their Unified State Examination results.

Time to develop an admission strategy

Those who take the Unified State Exam ahead of schedule know exactly their results by the end of April - and they have another two months to analyze in detail their chances of admission to a particular university in their chosen field, “target” going to open days, and so on. And, even if the results turned out to be lower than expected, there is plenty of time to find a way out of the current situation.

In addition, graduating students who have failed their exams can spend the last two months of their school life very relaxed. While their classmates are diligently preparing for exams, writing samples and visiting tutors, they can go about their business with a sense of accomplishment.

Disadvantages of taking the Unified State Exam early

Less time to prepare

The main disadvantage of taking the Unified State Exam early is obvious: the earlier the exam date, the less time to prepare. This may be especially important for current year graduates - after all, some school course topics included in the Unified State Exam program may be studied in the fourth quarter of the last school year. In this case, you will have to get acquainted with them yourself, or with the help of a tutor.

The first “running-in” of changes in the Unified State Exam KIM

Testing and measuring materials for most subjects are undergoing changes, and the early period of passing the Unified State Exam is also the first of all innovations “in combat conditions”. When preparing for the exams of the main period, examinees and their teachers use both demo versions of FIPI and published “after the fact” versions of early exams as “official guidelines”. Those taking the exam in the spring are deprived of this opportunity - they can only use the demo version as an example of a set of tasks. Therefore, the chances of encountering an unexpected task during the early period are much higher.

Less opportunity to prepare

Students taking exams in March-April do not have the opportunity to take part in trial exams, which usually take place at the very end of the school year. However, district education departments usually conduct practice exams at an earlier date - but most often this service is paid.

In addition, using services for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam can also cause difficulties: when laying out options corresponding to the current year’s KIM, the owners of such services usually focus on the deadlines of the main period. And, if you are taking a subject in which major changes are expected this year, the chance that a month before the early exam you will be able to find a service with a sufficient number of “plausible” options that are well adapted to the current year’s exam is quite low.

Taking exams from home

Since the number of people taking the Unified State Exam early is small, the number of examination points is also greatly reduced. For example, residents of all districts of a large (and geographically “scattered”) city can take the Unified State Exam in a given subject at only one point. And for those who live in remote or “problematic” areas of the city in terms of transport, this can be a serious disadvantage. Especially considering that exams in different subjects may take place in different places in the city, so the route and travel time will have to be calculated anew each time.

Passing the Unified State Exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. More more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the Unified State Examination was granted only to persons who had not passed the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, the passing of which determines the receipt of a certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or if desired (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in summer reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the question of obtaining an education document remains open. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places sometimes conduct additional admissions in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 of November 10, 2017 years, full text which you can watch.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all items

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any Unified State Examination subject possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: the examinee is not feeling well, there is an emergency at the site conducting the Unified State Exam etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or elective surgery(confirmation – a doctor’s certificate), car accident, death close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

A chance like this retake the Unified State Exam– a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, and not on cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reasons, don’t be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA has such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

Single state exam has a flexible schedule that takes into account the capabilities of everyone who wants to take it. Schoolchildren will have to take it without fail, but college graduates and previous years can choose when to take it.

The Unified State Exam takes place in two stages - Early and Main. In more early years there were several waves: early winners, medalists, etc. However, over time, all this was simplified and now there are only two stages.

In this article we will be interested in the early stage. It starts in March and ends in April. Early stage in terms of its tasks and conditions, it is practically no different from the main one.

Who can take the Unified State Exam early?

The following are allowed for the early Unified State Examination:

  • graduates of previous years;
  • graduates of colleges, technical schools, schools;
  • guys who have to military service on spring conscription;
  • schoolchildren who are about to move for permanent residence to another country;
  • participants in all-Russian or international competitions and competitions that take place during the main stage;
  • graduates who will undergo planned treatment during the main stage;<
  • graduates who, due to geographical and climatic conditions, will not be able to attend the main stage.

In any case, in order to become a participant in the early Unified State Exam, you must provide reasons for this. That is why some graduates try to have reasons to pass the Unified State Exam early.

Advantages of the early stage of the Unified State Exam

The fact that many people try to pass the Unified State Exam early is explained by some advantages:

  • The sooner you get through this Unified State Exam, the better. It is difficult to spend a whole year, or even two, in preparation for exams; passing the exam ahead of schedule is a way out of the situation.
  • Fewer participants, fuss and errors in the organization. These are undoubted advantages.
  • The exam results are published much earlier.
  • The weather is better too. During the main stage it is hot, and in spring it is cooler, i.e. conditions are more comfortable.

Disadvantages of taking the Unified State Exam early

Fast does not mean better, so early Unified State Examination has its disadvantages:

  • There is little time to prepare, and you will also have to go through part of the school curriculum on your own;
  • In some subjects you will have to be the first to know about changes in the Unified State Exam structure;
  • If you do not live in a big city, then you will have to travel far to the point for taking the Unified State Exam early.

In any case, the early stage of the Unified State Exam is not much different from the main stage. We would like to warn you that many people think that tasks on the early Unified State Examination are easier than on the main stage. This is wrong. Basically, this opinion is formed due to the fact that one option, which is published on the official website, is most often more a demonstration than a real one. Therefore, when looking through the published early options, do not be fooled, the real options are much more complicated.

    As far as I remember, athletes who are leaving for competitions, as well as young people already called up for military service, evening school students and, of course, for health reasons, usually take exams early (including the Unified State Exam).

    Here is a list of students who can qualify for early passing of the Unified State Examination, or rather, they can submit an application for early testing:

    Next year, early passing of the Unified State Exam will begin in March, so those interested need to prepare in advance - while they are taking the exam, some will just start cramming something.

    To take the Unified State Exam early, you need good reasons, for example the following:

    • if the graduate is drafted into the army before the exam date;
    • if a graduate goes to international competitions, olympiads, etc.;
    • if he goes for permanent residence/treatment/rehabilitation abroad;
    • graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation located abroad, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

    These reasons must be supported by relevant documents.

    The following can take the Unified State Exam early:

    1. Those called up for military service.
    2. Graduates of evening educational institutions.
    3. Graduates traveling to international competitions.
    4. Graduates traveling abroad.
    5. Graduates of Russian educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • Conscripts;
    • who are undergoing treatment in a hospital while taking the Unified State Exam;
    • those who are abroad for competitions;
    • those who move abroad for permanent residence or study;
    • evening students.
  • The website exam.ru provides complete information about those who are allowed to take the Unified State Exam early

    BlockquoteThe following have the right to take the Unified State Exam early:

    graduates of evening (shift) educational institutions;

    conscripts for military service;

    graduates traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps;

    graduates leaving for permanent residence or to continue their studies in a foreign country;

    graduates sent for medical reasons to treatment, preventive and other institutions for treatment, health and rehabilitation measures during the Unified State Exam;

    graduates of Russian educational institutions located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

    The Unified State Examination is taken early if:

    • you are a conscript for military service,
    • you are a graduate of an evening general education institution.
    • you go to contests, competitions and other events,
    • you are leaving for a foreign country,
    • you are going to a medical facility for treatment, to a sanatorium, dispensary, etc. for health reasons,
    • you live in a place with difficult climatic conditions.
  • The following people can take the EGE early:

    1. Young people of military age;
    2. Young people who participate in international competitions abroad;
    3. It is also important for young people who are in the hospital while taking the EGE;
    4. Those who study in evening educational institutions;
    5. Well, those who are going to live or study abroad.
  • Graduates have the right to take the Unified State Exam early if there is a good reason. Such reasons are the following cases:

    • conscription into the army during the main deadline for passing the Unified State Exam;
    • being treated in a hospital while taking the Unified State Exam;
    • being at competitions abroad while taking the Unified State Exam;
    • moving abroad for study or permanent residence;
    • evening training.

    As expected, in order to pass the Unified State Exam early for the above reasons, the educational institution must provide the appropriate supporting documents.

    Good luck passing the Unified State Exam!

    To pass the Unified State Exam early, the following grounds are required:

    1. If you are a graduate of evening school and received a summons to the army.
    2. If you are leaving for Russian or international competitions, Olympiads, competitions, sports camps.
    3. If you are leaving for permanent residence or continuing your studies abroad.
    4. If you are heading for treatment or rehabilitation abroad.
    5. Graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation located abroad, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

    All these reasons must be confirmed by relevant documents: visas, invitations or residence permits abroad, calls to competitions or Olympiads, medical referrals and indications.

    To take the Unified State Exam early, you must write an application at your educational institution or the nearest exam reception point (PPE). The application deadlines are strict:

    Until March 1 Those who plan to participate in the Unified State Exam on the main dates (May-June) or ahead of schedule (April) must write applications.

    In 2015, changes were made to this paragraph. Starting this year, anyone who has received admission before certification can take the Unified State Exam early. If these are graduates of previous years, it is enough to have a certificate for 11 classes. If a person graduated from college, he needs to write an essay on literature and get credit for it. If we are talking about an 11th grade student, then he must have all satisfactory grades for the 10th grade (and an essay test, of course).

    But there will be no July (university) stage this year.

    Below are all the cases when it is possible and possible to take the Unified State Exam early

    It’s good that Russia has foreseen a lot.

    The only bad thing is that because of this, some people manage to cheat, I don’t know how they do it, but last year it somehow worked out.

    The opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam is provided to the following categories of students. They have the right to choose between early and main exams -

    Write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution, and indicate any of these reasons.

    graduate of an evening (shift) general education institution;

    are called up for military service before the standard date of passing the Unified State Exam;

    going to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympics and training camps;

    you are leaving for permanent residence or to continue your studies in a foreign country;

    are sent, for medical reasons, to a treatment-and-prophylactic or other institution for medical, health-improving and rehabilitation measures during the period of the Unified State Examination;

    a graduate of a Russian educational institution located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.