Chimpanzee fingers. The human hand turned out to be more primitive than the chimpanzee hand

How many fingers does a monkey have? and got the best answer

Answer from Lali Lali[guru]
Was the question asked as a joke? Then
- On two hands! - confirmed the Handicraft. - And the monkey has hands everywhere! - Chucha remembered, - how many fingers is this? - As many as legs! - he said, as the Handicraft cut off, then he thought and corrected himself... - how many notes!
Well, seriously speaking, it’s almost the same as ours, but not all species.
Their fingers and toes are very flexible, and their big toes and feet are covered with non-slip skin, similar to those of humans. Most monkeys have flat nails, but marmosets have claws, a feature they share with some monkey species.
Many monkeys have thumbs and big toes that are opposed to other fingers to adapt to trees and to grasp objects. However, this feature varies among varieties. Old World monkeys are usually dexterous and use their fingers to pick up fleas and parasites from each other. In contrast, New World monkeys lack such fingers on their hands, although they do have them on their feet. Interesting fact, one group of Old World monkeys - colobus monkeys - have no thumbs at all, but this does not cause them any inconvenience, and they, like other relatives, easily travel through trees

According to genetic research that has just been carried out, there are incomparably large differences between humans and apes.

It is noteworthy that human DNA allows us to make complex calculations, write poetry, build cathedrals, walking on the moon while chimpanzees catch and eat each other's fleas. As information accumulates, the gap between humans and apes becomes increasingly clear. The following are just a few of the differences that cannot be explained by minor internal changes: rare mutations or survival of the fittest.

1 Tails - where did they go? There is no intermediate state between having a tail and not having a tail.

2 Our newborns are different from baby animals. Their sense organs are quite developed, the weight of the brain and body is much greater than that of monkeys, but with all this, our babies are helpless and more dependent on their parents. Gorilla babies can stand on their feet 20 weeks after birth, while human babies can stand only after 43 weeks. During the first year of life, a person develops functions that baby animals have before birth. Is this progress?

3 Many primates and most mammals produce their own vitamin C. We, as the “strongest,” apparently lost this ability “somewhere along the way to survival.”

4 Monkeys' feet are similar to their hands - they have thumb the legs are mobile, directed to the side and opposed to the rest of the fingers, resembling the thumb. In humans, the big toe is directed forward and not opposed to the rest, otherwise we could, having taken off our shoes, easily lift objects with the help of the big toe or even start writing with our feet.

5 Monkeys have no arch in their feet! When walking, our foot, thanks to the arch, absorbs all loads, shocks and impacts. If man descended from ancient monkeys, then the arch of his foot should have appeared from scratch. However, a spring vault is not just a small part, but a complex mechanism. Without him, our life would be completely different. Just imagine a world without upright walking, sports, games and long walks!

Differences between monkeys and humans

6 A person does not have a continuous coat of hair: if a person shares a common ancestor with monkeys, where did the thick hair go from the monkey’s body? Our body is relatively hairless (disadvantage) and completely devoid of tactile hair. There are no other intermediate, partially hairy species known.

7 Human skin is rigidly attached to the muscular frame, which is characteristic only of marine mammals.

8 People are the only ones land creatures capable of consciously holding their breath. This seemingly “insignificant detail” is very important, since an essential condition for the ability to speak is a high degree of conscious control of breathing, which we do not share with any other animal living on land. Desperate to find a land-based “missing link” and based on these unique properties humans, some evolutionists have seriously suggested that we evolved from aquatic animals!

9 Among primates, only humans have Blue eyes and curly hair.

10 We have a unique speech apparatus that provides the finest articulation and articulate speech.

11 In humans, the larynx occupies a much lower position in relation to the mouth than in monkeys. Due to this, our pharynx and mouth form a common “tube”, which plays an important role as a speech resonator. This ensures better resonance - necessary condition to pronounce vowel sounds. Interestingly, a drooping larynx is a disadvantage: unlike other primates, humans cannot eat or drink and breathe at the same time without choking.

12 The thumb of our hand is well developed, strongly opposed to the rest and very mobile. Monkeys have hook-shaped hands with a short and weak thumb. No element of culture would exist without our unique thumb! Coincidence or design?

13 Only humans have true upright posture. Sometimes, when monkeys are carrying food, they can walk or run on two limbs. However, the distance they travel this way is quite limited. In addition, the way monkeys walk on two legs is completely different from how humans walk on two legs. A special human approach requires a complex integration of many skeletal and muscle features our hips, legs and feet.

14 Humans are able to support our body weight on our feet while walking because our hips meet at our knees, forming a unique 9-degree bearing angle with the tibia (in other words, we have “knees”). Conversely, chimpanzees and gorillas have widely spaced, straight legs with a bearing angle of almost zero. When walking, these animals distribute the weight of their body on their feet, swaying their body from side to side and moving using the familiar “monkey gait”.

15 The complexity of the human brain is much greater than that of monkeys. It is approximately 2.5 times larger than the brain great apes by volume and 3–4 times by mass. Humans have a highly developed cortex cerebral hemispheres brain, where the most important centers of the psyche and speech are located. Unlike monkeys, only humans have a complete Sylvian fissure, consisting of the anterior horizontal, anterior ascending and posterior branches.

Our Joni's arm is significantly (almost twice) longer than his leg.

Of the three parts that make up the arm, the hand is the shortest, the shoulder is the longest, and the forearm is the longest.

When the chimpanzee is in the most straightened vertical position, his arms descend significantly below the knees (Table B.4, Fig. 2, 1), reaching the fingertips to the middle of the shin.

The chimpanzee's arm is covered almost along its entire length with rather thick, coarse, pitch-black hair, which, however, has different parts hands different direction, length and thickness.

On the chimpanzee's shoulder, these hairs point downward, and are generally thicker and longer than the hair on the forearm and hand; on the outer back of the shoulder they are more abundant than on the inner side, where the light skin shines through; There is almost no hair in the armpit.

On the forearms the hair is directed upward, and again it is longer and thicker than the hair on the hand; on the inside of the forearm, especially near the elbow and at the base of the hand, they are much less common than on the outside.

On the back of the hand, the hair reaches almost to the second phalanx of the fingers; the inner side of the hand is completely devoid of hair and covered with skin somewhat darker than the skin of the face (Table B.36, Fig. 1, 3).

The brush is very long: its length is almost three times its width; its metacarpal section is slightly longer than its phalangeal section.

The palm is long, narrow, its length is ⅓ greater than its width.


The fingers are long, strong, high, as if inflated, slightly tapering towards the ends. The main phalanges of the fingers are more subtle and thin than the middle ones; the terminal phalanges are much smaller, shorter, narrower and thinner than the main ones. The third finger is the longest, the first finger is the shortest. According to the degree of descending length, the fingers of the hand can be arranged in the following row: 3rd, 4th, 2nd, 5th, 1st.

Looking at the fingers from the back, it should be noted that they are all covered with thick, bumpy skin, covered with hair only on the main phalanges.

At the borders of the main and middle phalanges on the four long fingers (No. 2-5) we observe strong swellings of the skin, forming, as it were, soft-callous thickenings; significantly smaller swellings are present between the middle and terminal phalanges. The terminal phalanges end in small shiny, slightly convex, dark brown nails, bordered on the outer edge by a narrow darker stripe.

In a healthy animal, this nail border barely protrudes beyond the flesh of the terminal phalanx of the fingers and is promptly nibbled off as the nails grow; Only in sick animals do we usually notice overgrown nails.

Let's move on to describing the lines of our chimpanzee's arms.

Hand lines

If we take as the initial comparative sample the chimpanzee hand described by Schlaginhaufen, belonging to a young female chimpanzee, then the development of lines on the palm of our Joni turns out to be much more complex. (Table 1.2, Fig. 1, (Table B.36, Fig. 3 ).

Table 1.2. Lines of the palm and sole of chimpanzees and humans

Rice. 1. Palm lines of the chimpanzee Ioni.
Rice. 2. Lines of the palm of a human child.
Rice. 3. Lines of the sole of the chimpanzee Joni.
Rice. 4. Lines of the sole of a human child.

Table 1.3. Individual variation of palm and sole lines in chimpanzees

Rice. 1. Lines of the palm of the left hand ♂ chimpanzee (Petit) 8 years old.
Rice. 2. Palm lines right hand♂ chimpanzee (Petit) 8 years old.
Rice. 3. Lines of the palm of the right hand ♀ chimpanzee (Mimosa) 8 years old.
Rice. 4. Lines of the sole of the left hand ♀ chimpanzee (Mimosa) 8 years old.
Rice. 5. Lines of the palm of the left hand ♀ chimpanzee (Mimosa) 8 years old.
Rice. 6. Sole lines right leg♀ chimpanzee (Mimosa) 8 years old.
Rice. 7. Lines of the sole of the left foot ♀ chimpanzee (3 years old).
Rice. 8. Lines of the palm of the left hand ♀ chimpanzee (3 years).
Rice. 9. Lines of the sole of the right foot ♂ of a chimpanzee (Petit).

The first horizontal line (1st, or aa 1) is sharply expressed in Ioni and has the same position and shape as in the diagram, but it is somewhat complicated by additional branches; soon after its departure from the ulnar part of the hand (just at the point where it intersects with the vertical line V, located opposite the 5th finger), it gives off a sharp spur (1a), heading towards the base of the inner edge of the phalanx of the second finger, abutting the first transverse line at its foundations.

The second horizontal line (2nd, or bb 1), located in its original part a centimeter proximal to the previous one, begins with a small fork from the vertical V line; this fork soon (at the point of its intersection with the vertical IV line) is connected into one branch, which, at the point of its meeting with the vertical III line, makes a sharp slope towards the horizontal 1st line at the place of its intersection with the vertical II line (dd 1) located opposite the axis of the index finger.

The third horizontal line (3rd or cc 1), located in its original part 5 centimeters proximal to the previous line of the 2nd, starts from the very edge of the ulnar part of the hand and throughout its entire length tends to be directed upward, at the points of intersection with V and IV vertical stands only a centimeter from the 2nd line, and at the point of meeting with vertical III it completely merges with the previous (2nd) line. By the way, it should also be mentioned that line 3 at the beginning of its path on the ulnar edge of the hand takes into itself a short horizontal branch, and in the middle of its path (in the center of the palm) it is broken and horizontal line 10 should be considered its continuation ( detailed description which is given below).

Of the other larger, transversely running lines of the palm, the following should be mentioned.

The fourth line (4th, or gg 1) begins on the ulnar edge of the palm at the origin of the 3rd horizontal line and is directed in an oblique position straight down to the 1st (or FF 1) line, crosses this latter and gives three small branches , of which two (4a, 4b) diverge like a fork at the bottom of the tubercle of the thumb, and one (4c) goes down to the wrist lines of the 7th and 8th (ii 1).

Almost next to the initial segment of the 4th line there is a groove parallel to it - the 5th horizontal line, which (at the point where the 5th horizontal meets the V vertical) obliquely descends, crosses the III vertical line and reaches almost the first spur (1a) first vertical line I.

The sixth horizontal line (6th) begins a centimeter lower than the previous one, running straight, almost horizontal, with a slightly upward line, ending shortly after its intersection (at the meeting point of the 6th with line VII) with two weak branches 6a and 6a.

The seventh horizontal line (7th, or hh 1) is at the base of the hand with 2 small branches directed obliquely and upward along the lowest part of the little finger tubercle.

The eighth horizontal line (8th, or ii 1) is short, weak, almost joining the previous one, only located lower and more radial.

Horizontal 9th ​​weakly expressed short line passes in the very center of the palm 1 cm proximal to the 10th horizontal segment.

The tenth horizontal line (10th), located at the top and in the middle of the palm, parallel to the 2nd horizontal line (bb 1) in its middle section (located between the IV and II vertical lines), spaced 1 cm from the previous one, represents the my view is an excerpt from line 3 (cc 1).

Turning to the lines cutting through the palm in vertical and oblique positions, we must mention the following: I vertical line(FF 1) begins at the top at the first transverse line (I, or on aa 1) at a distance of 1 cm from the radial edge of the hand and, bordering the eminence of the thumb in a wide arc, goes down almost to the line of the wrist (7, hh 1).

On its way towards the central part of the hand, this first vertical line gives off several branches: the first branch from it, according to our designation 1a, branches off at the level of the end of a segment of its upper third, almost against the weak transverse (9th) line, and is directed obliquely inward to the medial part of the palm, crossing the 4th and 6th horizontal lines of the arms; the second branch (1b) of the I vertical line extends from it 2 mm lower than the previous one (1a) and has almost the same direction as it, but ends slightly lower than the previous one, reaching the wrist lines of the 7th and 8th (hh 1, ii 1 ) and as if cutting them.

Inward from the I vertical line, just from the depression near the thumb, there is a sharp groove VII, the most prominent of all the available lines of the hand; this line, which encircles the very tubercle of the thumb in a steep arc from above, intersects slightly below the middle of lines Ia and Ib (FF 1) and continues downward in an oblique direction, reaching the lines of the wrist (7th), cutting line 4 (gg 1) on its way ) and lb.

Of the other more or less prominently expressed vertically directed lines of the hand, four more should be mentioned. A short (II) line (corresponding to ee 1 according to Schlaginhaufen"y), located in the upper quarter of the hand, running exactly in the direction of the axis of the second finger, starts almost from the gap between the 2nd and 3rd fingers and goes straight down, merging with its the lower end with line I (FF 1) (just in the place where the 10th horizontal segment approaches it).

Line III is one of the longer lines available on the palm (corresponding to dd 1 according to Schlaginhaufen "y).

It begins at the top with a weakly pronounced groove directly opposite the axis of the middle finger, slightly cutting the process from the transverse line of the 1st (aa 1), with a sharp line it intersects line 1 and line 2 (at the junction of the latter with line 3), intersects line 9, 10 and, deviating towards the ulnar part of the hand, passes just at the intersection of the lines 4th and 6th and goes further even lower, crossing the end of the line 5th and the branch from the 7th horizontal, reaching the very line of the wrist (7 th).

IV vertical line (kk 1 in the terminology of Schlaginhaufen "a), located opposite the axis of the 4th finger, begins in the form of a weak groove (noticeable only in certain lighting), extending from the space between the 3rd and 4th fingers and heading straight down ; this line becomes more pronounced just above the 2nd line. Going lower, this IV vertical line successively crosses the 3rd and 9th horizontal lines and imperceptibly disappears, slightly short of reaching the 5th horizontal line.

V vertical line, the longest of all vertical lines of the hand, is placed against the axis of the 5th finger and starts from the transverse line at its base, goes down, successively cutting the transverse lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and, as it were, meeting oblique lines extending from the 7th line located on the wrist.

In good lighting, in the upper part of the brush, above line 1 (aa 1), a small horizontal bridge x is visible between the vertical lines IV and V.

Of the other more noticeable lines of the brush, one should also mention the long oblique line VI, cutting through the lower part of the brush, starting from the lower branch of the 2nd line and going obliquely down to the points of its intersection with the three lines la, lb and the 6th horizontal and further down to the point of its confluence with 1c, heading towards the wrist line (7th).

Now we move on to describing the lines located at the bases of the fingers.

At the base of the thumb we find two obliquely diverging lines, meeting in the large notch of the hand: VII and VIII; from the lower of these lines - VIII, encircling the thumb, there are four smaller lines radiating downwards, crossed in the middle of the tubercle of the thumb by a thin transverse fold; the upper of these lines, VII, has already been described.

At the base of the index finger and little finger we find three lines each, starting separately at the outer edges of the fingers and converging at the inner corners between the fingers. Somewhat above the base of the middle and ring fingers we find single transverse lines.

In addition to these lines, we find three additional arc-shaped lines connecting different fingers in pairs: 2nd with 3rd (a), 4th with 5th (b), 3rd with 4th (c).

1. From the outer edge of the second finger there is an arcuate line (a), heading towards inner edge third finger, approaching the transverse line at its base.
2. From the outer edge of the fifth finger (precisely from the middle transverse line of the base) there is an arcuate line (b), heading towards the inner edge of the fourth finger, approaching the transverse line of the base of this last one.
3. An arcuate line (c) connects the bases of the third and fourth fingers, extending from the angle between the 2nd and 3rd fingers, heading towards the angle between the fourth and fifth fingers (precisely the transverse line at the base of the ring finger).

Double parallel lines we also find it at the base of the second phalanges of the fingers (from the 2nd to the 5th).

At the base of all nail phalanges of the fingers (1-5) we again have single transverse lines.

Thus, the palm of our Ioni, especially in its central part, is furrowed with a thin weave of 8 vertically directed and 10 horizontally directed lines, which can be deciphered only after an unusually minute and thorough analysis.

The relief of the palm of our Ioni is much more complex, not only when compared with the hand of a chimpanzee proposed by Schlaginhaufen, belonging to a young female, in which we see at most 10 main lines, but also when compared with other sketches of the hands of young chimpanzees at my disposal: a young chimpanzee who lived in the Moscow Zoo since 1913 (judging by appearance somewhat younger than Joni) (Table 1.3, Fig. 8), an 8-year-old female chimpanzee nicknamed “ Mimosa »(Table 1.3, Fig. 3 and 5) and the 8-year-old chimpanzee Petit (Table 1.3, Fig. 1, 2), kept (in 1931) in the Moscow Zoo.

In all these cases, as the figures show, total main lines does not exceed 10.

Even the most cursory examination of all the presented hands shows that despite the large variation in the relief of the palms, the loss of some lines and the displaced position of others, despite the difference in patterns on the right and left hands of the same individual (Fig. 1 and 2, Fig. 3 and 5 - Table 1.3), - nevertheless, we can easily decipher the names of all lines by analogy.

On all five handprints, the most indisputable and constant position is the horizontal transverse line 1 (aa 1), the 2nd horizontal either in its final stage merges with the first (as is the case in Fig. 8, 1), or goes completely independently (as in the Schlaginhaufen "a diagram) in Fig. 3 and 5, it gives only a branch to the first horizontal one (as is the case in Fig. 2).

The 3rd horizontal line (cc 1) varies more than the previous ones, both in size (compare Fig. 8, 5 with all others) and in location: while in Fig. 1, 3, 5, 8 it has absolutely isolated position (and in the latter case gives only a weak branch upward), in Fig. 2 (like Joni) it flows into the second horizontal line, completely merging with it in the radial section of the hand.

The 4th horizontal line, clearly expressed in Joni, is also clearly identified in Fig. 5; in Fig. 8 and 2 we analogize it only approximately, judging by the direction from the tubercle of the little finger to the bottom of the tubercle of the thumb and by the triple branching (the possibility is not excluded that we are mixing it with the 5th or 6th horizontal). This last transverse line 6 is undoubtedly precisely localized only in Fig. 1 and 5, having exactly the same position and direction as Jonah, and in Fig. 2 and 3 we tend to fix only its initial segment, located on the hillock of the little finger, directed from bottom to top.

Of the remaining horizontal lines presented in the attached figures, we should also mention the lines at the base of the wrist, presented either in greater numbers (as in Fig. 8) or in smaller numbers (as in Table 1.3, Fig. 1, 2, 3) , and the 9th line, passing in the middle of the palm, present in only one of all 5 cases (exactly in Fig. 3).

Turning to the vertical lines of the arms, we must say that they are all easily determined by analogy, on the basis of topographical position and mutual relationship with the already described lines of the arms, although in detail they reveal some deviations from what is found in Joni.

The most constant position of line I (as we see in Fig. 8, 2, 1); in Fig. 5, 3 we see how this line is shortened and tends to approach (Fig. 5), and perhaps to merge with line VII (Fig. 3).

Of the other vertical lines, III (present in all 5 figures and only sometimes deviating slightly from its usual position against the axis of the third finger) and V, going to the little finger, are well defined.

In contrast to what Ioni has, this last V line in three cases does not retain its position until the end (against the axis of the 5th finger), but goes in the direction of VI, as if merging with this last line, taking into itself segments all other vertical lines (IV, III, II, I), as is especially noticeable in Fig. 8, 3 and partly in Fig. 1. In two cases (Fig. 2 and 5) this V line is completely absent.

IV vertical line, with a single exception (Fig. 1), is present, but varies greatly in size and shape. Either it is very short (as in the case of 8 and 1), then it is discontinuous and long (Fig. 5), then it is sharply deviated from the usual position against the axis of the 4th finger (Fig. 3). II line going to index finger, is observed only in one case (Fig. 3).

] The view is supported by the diagram and description of Schlaginhaufen, who believes that line cc 1 consists of 2 parts.

It should be emphasized that the difficulties of this analysis increase when operating on a hand cast from a dead animal in the form of a wax model, where the relief of the lines changes dramatically depending on lighting conditions. That is why, for correct orientation and when notating lines, it was necessary to trace each line under varied lighting, viewing it from all possible points of view and only in this way establishing true path its consequences: starting and ending points, as well as all possible connections with the nearest contacting linear components.

All sketches of hands, at my suggestion and with my complicity, were made from life. V. A. Vatagin, in the 2nd case - from a dead one, in the 3rd and 4th - from living specimens.

I take this opportunity to gratefully note the assistance provided to us (me and artist Vatagin) during the sketch by M.A. Velichkovsky, who helped us in handling living chimpanzees when sketching their arms and legs.

How many fingers does a monkey have? and got the best answer

Answer from Lali Lali[guru]
Was the question asked as a joke? Then
- On two hands! - confirmed the Handicraft. - And the monkey has hands everywhere! - Chucha remembered, - how many fingers is this? - As many as legs! - he said, as the Handicraft cut off, then he thought and corrected himself... - how many notes!
Well, seriously speaking, it’s almost the same as ours, but not all species.
Their fingers and toes are very flexible, and their big toes and feet are covered with non-slip skin, similar to those of humans. Most monkeys have flat nails, but marmosets have claws, a feature they share with some monkey species.
Many monkeys have thumbs and big toes that are opposed to other fingers to adapt to trees and to grasp objects. However, this feature varies among varieties. Old World monkeys are usually dexterous and use their fingers to pick up fleas and parasites from each other. In contrast, New World monkeys lack such fingers on their hands, although they do have them on their feet. An interesting fact is that one group of Old World monkeys - colobus monkeys - have no thumbs at all, but this does not cause them any inconvenience, and they, like other relatives, easily travel through trees

There is a common belief among people that Homo Sapiens is one of the most advanced species among numerous animals. As the results of the latest research published in the journal Nature Communications show, human hands are evolutionarily more primitive than those of chimpanzees.

A team of paleoanthropologists led by Sergio Almesija from Stony Brook University conducted a comparative analysis of the hand bones of humans, chimpanzees, orangutans, as well as early apes such as Proconsul Primate, and early humans, including Ardipithecus and Australopithecus sediba.

Scientists have concluded that since the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, who lived on our planet about 7 million years ago, the proportion of the human hand has remained virtually unchanged, but the hands of chimpanzees and orangutans have evolved. So from the point of view evolutionary development, hand structure modern man retained its primitive character, although traditionally scholars believed that it had changed to handle stone tools.

“Human hands have not changed much since the common ancestor of apes and humans. The human thumb is relatively long compared to the rest of the fingers, a trait often cited as one of the reasons for the success of our species, as it allows us to hold a variety of tools. It is much more difficult for monkeys to hold objects; they cannot reach the rest with their thumbs - but the structure of their palms and fingers allows them to climb trees. Chimpanzees' hands are much longer and narrower, but the thumb is not as long as ours."

In addition to humans, gorillas inherited a more primitive structure of hands; their feet are also similar to humans.

Almesiha and his colleagues hypothesized that primates managed to survive mass extinction at the end of the Miocene, 5-12 million years ago, as they specialized in certain habitats. While chimpanzees and orangutans became tree-climbing specialists, humans evolved to walk on the ground, just like gorillas.

A new study suggests that those minor changes, which affected the structure of the human hand, occurred with the transition of hominids to upright walking, and not with the beginning of use stone tools. Most likely, the ability to use tools in human ancestors was associated not with the structure of the hands, but with neurological changes and the evolution of the brain. It was the development of the brain that allowed hominids to learn to precisely coordinate the movements of the forelimbs, to comfortably grasp tools and subsequently master complex fine motor skills.