Why do you dream of a monkey attack? Why does a woman dream about a big monkey?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

According to the dream book, seeing a Monkey personifies the animal state of a person devoid of divine nature. Most often, the monkey serves as the personification of sin, in particular carnal sin. It also symbolizes cunning, deceit, desire for luxury, anger, laziness and drunkenness. The ability of apes to imitate human behavior is used to ridicule vanity and stupidity. In fairness, it is worth noting that sometimes monkeys also serve as a symbol of learning. In Western art, the monkey personifies hypocrisy, sinfulness, deceit, laziness, the desire for luxury, criminal intentions, lust, and greed. In the Middle Ages, the devil was often depicted as a monkey. The image of a monkey with an apple in its mouth symbolized the fall of Adam and Eve. A monkey in chains means victory over sin. Monkeys are often caricatured to depict minor flaws in human nature or the art of imitation. If you saw a monkey in a dream, then this dream tells you about a meeting with a stupid and vicious person. A monkey most often reflects in a dream the base instincts of specific people, from whom you should not expect anything sublime and noble.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream of a Monkey in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Monkey is an irrational, undeveloped nature; frivolous and disobedient. “What a monkey sees, it does,” as the dream book predictor reports.

Ape - imitation, mimicry (see symbols "Gorilla" and "Monkey").

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of a Monkey in your sleep?

Seeing a Monkey in a dream means that a Monkey is a powerless enemy, but if you drive him into a hopeless situation or publicly insult and humiliate him, then out of despair he can cause you great harm (although he himself will suffer). Seeing a monkey is flattery and insincerity of people interested in promoting their business to your detriment. The dead monkey is yours worst enemies will suffer losses. For a young woman: to see a monkey in a dream - trying to speed up marriage for fear that someone might seduce her lover; feed the monkey - a hypocritical person will lead him on. A small monkey climbing up a tree is a sign of treachery; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a monkey mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Monkey, see what it means - Monkey - Reflects innate instincts; this is a sign of base desires. To be among monkeys is to be subject to ridicule from others or bad influence. Monkeys jumping in trees is a sign that you will have to deal with limited and short-sighted people. Taking a monkey in your arms is a disease of one of your relatives. Feeding a monkey means you will be treated unfairly. If you are bitten by a monkey, success in love awaits you. Hunt for monkeys imminent marriage. Kill a monkey - you will defeat a serious opponent

Freud's Dream Book

Why does the Monkey dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a Monkey in a dream - If you dreamed of a monkey, this means that an acquaintance awaits you, which will begin with an unremarkable trip to a cafe and end in bed. It would never occur to you for a second that events would turn out this way. You will not be able to evaluate the correctness of your actions, since everything will happen very quickly, as the dream book-interpreter predicts.

Ancient dream book

Seeing a Monkey in a dream:

Monkey - Seeing a monkey in a dream, watching its antics and jumps is a sign that you cannot avoid a close acquaintance that will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen so spontaneously that you will not even have time to evaluate the correctness and necessity of what is happening. However, you should not be upset about this - your intimate relationships you won't be disappointed

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of a Monkey in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Monkey - If you see a monkey, be on your guard: flatterers will try to gain your trust in order to fulfill their insidious plans. A dead monkey dreams of a successful resolution of the situation. A dream about a monkey hints to a young woman: her lover doubts her fidelity. Therefore, if a woman wants to save the relationship, she should agree to marriage

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Monkey, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Monkey in a dream - The Monkey dreams of someone's flattery: deceitful people will do their best to please you for their own selfish purposes. A woman who fed a monkey in a dream will be deceived in reality by some hypocritical person. Sometimes a dream about a monkey promises illness or humiliation for someone close to you. A small monkey, deftly climbing a tree, warns of someone's treachery.

Dreamed of a Gibbon - If you dream of a gibbon monkey, expect a threat from a not very pleasant person.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Monkey in a dream?

Why Gibbon dreams - Gibbon dreams of an unpleasant conversation with a stranger.

Gorilla - To see a gorilla in a dream - to unpleasant person who pursues you with his advances.

Macaque - Seeing a merrily jumping macaque in a zoo in a dream means a fussy person with bad goals is approaching you.

Chimpanzee - An unbalanced character is the reason for your future tears.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book, what does Monkey mean in a dream - Gibbon - to violence.

Dream Interpretation Gorilla - low level of mental development, perhaps even very dangerous, although some types are shy and obedient.

Gorilla is stupid, greedy and angry man will try to become friends with you.

Macaque - to a fidgety, stupid subject.

Monkey - to stupid chatter.

Chimpanzee - a crooked creature will appear on your horizon and will bring you to tears.

Summer dream book

Why see a Monkey in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Gorilla - Seeing a gorilla in a dream means the revenge of an ill-wisher.

Macaque - Seeing a grimacing macaque in a dream means seeing some kind of freak in reality.

Chimpanzee - To restlessness and excitement.


Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a monkey in a dream- means that deceitful people will flatter you in order to advance their own cause to the detriment of your interests.

See a dead monkey- means that your worst enemies will soon suffer complete collapse.

This means that she should insist on early marriage, since her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to dream that she is feeding a monkey- means that a hypocritical person will treat her dishonestly.

Dreaming monkey- sometimes promises illness or humiliation to one of your loved ones.

If you dream of a little monkey deftly climbing a tree- this dream warns you: someone’s treachery can hurt you if you are not careful.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Monkey- reflects the basic innate human qualities, untouched by upbringing. A symbol of base inclinations.

Be among the monkeys- be subject to ridicule from others or bad influence.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a monkey in a dream, watching its antics and jumps- promises you a close acquaintance that will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen to a large extent spontaneously, and you will not even have time to evaluate the correctness and necessity of what is happening.

Dream book of lovers

If a girl or young woman dreams of this animal- this means that she will suspect her beloved of treason and demand immediate marriage.

If a girl or woman feeds a monkey in a dream- this means that she will become a victim of a hypocrite.

Aesop's Dream Book

Monkey- is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, deceit, laziness. In some countries, the image of a monkey was used to depict a drunk person. So the image of a monkey that appeared in your dream most likely indicates that in real life you had to deal with a bad person who had any of the listed vices. It is also possible that a monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious resurrects the well-known folk expression: “Grove like a monkey.” In this case, when deciphering the dream, you need to think about whether there is a boastful, frivolous person in your environment. Or maybe you yourself are such a person? Seeing a monkey in a cage in a dream is a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and thwart their evil machinations.

If you dreamed that you were walking down the street with a monkey- you have a cunning and very insidious friend. You trust him, not even suspecting that he will use your information against you at the first opportunity.

Seeing a monkey dressed like a human in a dream- a sign that, despite all your efforts to change the character of a person close to you, you will not be able to eradicate his bad temper.

Watching a monkey writhe and make faces in a dream- a harbinger of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about something that does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a monkey jumping and screaming loudly- soon you will be faced with such a serious human vice as drunkenness. You may be shocked to learn that your loved one has this terrible disease.

Watch a monkey jumping along the vines- a sign that in reality you are too lazy to take on the business proposed to you. The dream suggests that you should overcome your laziness, because the business is very profitable and can serve as initial capital for starting a project that you have been dreaming of for a long time.

Kill a monkey in a dream- means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and be content with what life gives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Monkey in a dream- symbolizes stupidity, primitive cunning and rudeness.

See her in a dream- a sign that you may have a rather unpleasant conflict. After such a dream, you should take a closer look at the people who surround you. It also wouldn't hurt you to control your own actions.

Can beat a monkey in a dream- mean that your own mistakes or someone’s stupid advice from the outside can ruin your plans.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you see a monkey- means that you should take a closer look at your chosen one, most likely he does not trust you for this reason, if you love him very much, try not to refuse him and marry him as soon as possible.

Dream book for the whole family

Monkey- you shouldn’t pretend to be confident when in fact you can’t cope with the problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help will not hurt you. Ask a friend for advice.

If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night- be careful when choosing friends.

Monkey on a palm tree- you have to change jobs, and in the new team you will feel insecure. Don't be afraid to ask for advice.

A monkey or several monkeys in a cage- do not make far-reaching plans for the future, life has a habit of presenting surprises.

A monkey making faces and teasing you- your competitors feel too strong and confident; it’s worth spoiling their pleasure with decisive and unexpected actions.

If you have this dream on Sunday night- its meaning is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to rest and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will judge you.

Dream book for a bitch

Monkeys- They want to deceive you, do not trust flatterers.

Little monkey- be careful in your actions.

New family dream book

Monkey- dreams of someone’s flattery: deceitful people will do their best to please you for their own selfish purposes.

Dead monkey- dreams of the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, she has every reason to suspect her lover of infidelity.

A woman feeding a monkey in a dream- in reality some hypocritical person will deceive.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey- promises illness or humiliation to someone close.

Little monkey deftly climbing a tree- warns about someone's treachery.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a monkey in a dream- this is a sign that deceitful people will strive to achieve their goals with the help of flattery.

Dead monkey- dreams that your worst enemies will leave the stage and will not annoy you.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey- she should agree to early marriage, since her lover will suspect her of infidelity. A woman dreams that she is feeding a monkey- an unfavorable sign: she will be betrayed by flatterers.

Eastern women's dream book

You'll see a monkey- be on your guard: flatterers will try to gain your trust in order to fulfill their insidious plans.

Dead monkey- dreams of a successful resolution of the situation.

A young woman has a dream about a monkey- hints: her lover doubts her fidelity. Therefore, if a woman wants to save the relationship, she should agree to marriage.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Monkey- you will find yourself in a sticky funny situation.

Children's dream book

Monkey- for a fun party with friends or some holiday that you will celebrate in a fun and interesting way.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Monkey- a reflection of imitation in general. The need to not take life too seriously.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Monkey seen in a dream- warns against the machinations of petty and petty people who spoil on the sly if she sits in a cage at the zoo.

Monkeys performing in a circus- they say that you are in vain to trust the flatterers around you.

Monkeys jumping through the trees in your dream rainforest- a sign that you will have to deal with stupid, limited and short-sighted people.

Pick up a monkey- portends the illness of one of your relatives, feed her- They will treat you like a swine.

If you were bitten by a monkey in a dream- in reality, success in love awaits you.

Monkey covering his eyes with his hands- you will be humiliated by those in power or the rich.

Hunt monkeys- To getting married soon. Kill the monkey- defeat a serious opponent. Dead monkey being torn apart by predators- fail in a new endeavor. Monkey disappearing into the mouth of a python- surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

Little monkey- warns not to trust new friends who swear in their sincerity, pet the monkey- to slight malaise and headache.

Seeing a peaceful chimpanzee or orangutan in a dream- you will be right in a serious dispute; evil and aggressive - you will become a victim of treachery.

Huge gorilla in a dream- calls for caution and prudence in dealing with strangers, especially with new business partners. A gorilla rushing at you with its mouth bared- you will suffer from envious people.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Monkey- powerless enemy; see a lot- you are surrounded by flatterers; jumping and climbing- deal with stupid people; kill- defeat a stubborn opponent; to be bitten (for young ones)- Love, for old ones- disease.

Women's dream book

Monkey in a dream- warns against the flattery of deceitful people who will try to advance their business to the detriment of your interests.

Dead monkey- portends complete defeat to your worst enemies.

Sometimes a monkey- dreams of an illness or a humiliating situation that one of your loved ones will find themselves in.

A small monkey deftly climbing the branches of a tree- warns of possible betrayal by people you know.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey- this means the likelihood of betrayal on the part of a lover. Maybe you shouldn't rush into getting married?

If a woman feeds a monkey in a dream- a dishonest act on the part of a hypocritical person is possible.

General dream book

Seeing a monkey in a dream- means that on your life path You may meet a deceitful person. It’s good if this person is a stranger to you: you will be able to quickly find your bearings and nullify all his efforts to promote his own business to the detriment of your interests. It is much worse if this person turns out to be your close acquaintance: it may happen that you do not understand his malicious intent in time.

If you dreamed of a dead monkey- rejoice! All your worst enemies will soon collapse in all directions of their worthless life.

If a young woman or girl dreams of a monkey- this means that it is time to remind your lover about marriage. Missing time can lead to the fact that your fiancé, succumbing to an unwanted temptation, will give you reason to suspect infidelity.

For a mature woman to see a monkey in a dream- means that she has warmed on her chest a person who will treat her ugly and dishonestly.

The jumping monkey you saw in your dream- means that one of your loved ones is in danger of a short-term illness or the danger of falling into a humiliating position.

A small monkey seen in a dream climbing a tree- suggests that this dream of yours warns you against the treachery of others, which can cause you a painful wound if you are not careful and careful.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Monkey- this is a sign to give free rein to the crafty, playful and lively aspects of one’s personality. Be reckless and unexpected. Play, don't take life too seriously!

The expression "to monkey"- means mindlessly imitating others. Who do you imitate? Imitating others can be very useful exercise. But after playing to your heart’s content, don’t forget to become yourself, don’t be afraid to be different from the rest.

Monkey can mean- imitation of others and reluctance to look for one’s own paths. Are you afraid to express your individuality and live your own truth?

Monkeys can symbolize- primitive power. Do you want to demonstrate your strength in this way?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a monkey in a dream and playing with it- means that you are surrounded by enemies - crafty, but weak.

A monkey that is irritated or being chased by you- a symbol of an insidious, vindictive person.

Play with a monkey in a dream- to an upcoming marriage of convenience, spiritual regression, degradation.

Seeing a dead monkey- means dubious success, laughter through tears.

Kill the monkey- means to act cruelly and then suffer from it.

If in a dream you see monkeys in a cage- the streak of failures in your life will finally be replaced by success.

If someone plays with a chimpanzee in a dream- your friend’s mistrust of you and suspicions are justified.

Be afraid in a dream of a gorilla chasing you- to troubles, undeserved accusations of you from colleagues or management.

Italian dream book

Monkey is an animal that is often compared to humans. This image is used "in sho" to denote a person's emotional relationships, which from a logical, rational point of view have all aspects of positivity, but from the point of view of the body's needs they are completely false, that is, emotional relationships are like pretense.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed of a monkey- this means that an acquaintance awaits you, which will begin with an unremarkable trip to a cafe and end in bed. It would never occur to you for a second that events would turn out this way. You will not be able to evaluate the correctness of your actions, since everything will happen very quickly.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Monkey- the personification of cunning, deceit and bad traits.

The image of a monkey in your dream- indicates that you are faced with a bad, vicious person.

Lunar dream book

Monkey- have an enemy.

Chinese dream book

mountain monkey- foreshadows the resolution of litigation, conflict.

White monkey - portends the achievement of a higher position.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Monkey- enemy; beat her- defeating the enemy.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Monkey- the infantile, childish side of an individual’s character. Trickster archetype (Hanuman - Monkey God).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Monkey- treason, cunning, deception; anthropoid- spiritual degradation.

Dream book of a gypsy

Monkey- symbolizes deception. Such a dream means that there are business associations that are trying to deceive you; judge your friends by their actions, not by their words.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Monkey- happiness in lovers / venereal diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the “people cursed by God” / devil.

Lots of monkeys to see- disease.

Be among them- dark influences on your spiritual life.

A monkey that is irritated or being chased by you- an insidious or vindictive person or creep.

Raging in rage- a painful struggle with oneself awaits.

Petting the monkey- disease.

Play with the monkey- profitable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

Kill her- treat the enemy cruelly and then suffer from it.

Monkey- can also symbolize: your life tendencies that threaten to get out of control.

Esoteric dream book

See the monkey- your curiosity requires satisfaction.

In a cage- Excessive curiosity can lead to trouble. There is no need to find out what was not intended for you.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about a monkey- this is some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Monkeys- enemy, deception; feed- betrayal; for a woman to see a monkey- infidelity.

Collection of dream books

Monkey- a new acquaintance, what it will be like, depends on how the monkey behaves in a dream.

Monkey- to unreasonable hopes.

Monkey- an enemy who is currently powerless to cause you any harm, but will try to advance his own cause through flattery and deceit to the detriment of your interests.

See monkeys- in your environment there are lying flatterers, deceivers and pretenders, from whom danger comes to you; a monkey bite can mean illness.

Monkey- personifies shamelessness, persistence, maliciousness, and lower instincts.

Monkey- deception; feed- you may be betrayed; for a woman to see a monkey- infidelity loved one.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a monkey?

As you know, the monkey is the closest relative of man, and possibly his ancestor. What if we dream about these primates at night? What to expect from such dreams? We suggest turning to the most popular modern dream books for answers to these questions.

Why do you dream about a monkey?Dream book of Gustav Miller

This source interprets a monkey seen in a dream as a sign that some selfish and insincere people will flatter you in order to promote their own plans to the detriment of your interests. A dead monkey predicts that all the machinations of your enemies will not be crowned with success. If a woman dreams of a primate, then such a dream may mean that she will be deceived by a dishonest and deceitful man who will not fail to take advantage of her feelings for his own benefit. Also, a dream about a monkey can be a harbinger of illness or humiliation for one of your family or friends.

Why do you dream about a monkey?: Freud's dream book

If in a dream you watch a monkey with its antics and jumps, then in real life you will meet in some public place, which will later be continued in a restaurant, cafe or bar, and will end in bed. Moreover, everything will happen spontaneously, and you will not have time to adequately assess what is happening.

Why do you dream about a monkey?Gypsy dream book

According to interpretation of this dream book, a dreaming monkey is a symbol of lies and deception. It is likely that someone from your circle is trying to fool you. Therefore, try to evaluate people not by their words, but by their actions.

Why do you dream about a monkey?Dream Interpretation "From A to Z"

If you dreamed of a monkey in a cage, then in the near future someone will try to harm you on the sly. If you see primates performing in the circus arena, then you should not blindly trust everything you hear even from your closest people: it is possible that one of them decided to deceive you for selfish purposes. Why do you dream of a lot of monkeys jumping on trees in the forest? Such a dream predicts that you will be forced to deal with narrow-minded, stupid, but very ambitious and self-confident people, communication with whom will fray your nerves. If you take a monkey in your arms, then one of your loved ones may soon get sick. Hand-feeding a primate means a situation in which you will be treated very dishonestly. A monkey bite promises success and luck in love affairs. If a monkey in a dream covers its eyes with its hands, then you are in danger of humiliation from people, those with power and wealth. Hunting for primates promises a quick and successful marriage. Killing a monkey symbolizes the final and irrevocable victory over a very serious and dangerous enemy. If you dream of a dead monkey being torn apart beasts of prey, then one of your endeavors is doomed to inevitable failure. A little monkey in your dream urges you not to trust new acquaintances who are trying to gain your trust. Why do you dream big monkey? This dream warns you about the possibility of being deceived by a person whom you completely trust.

Monkey woman

Dream Interpretation Monkey woman dreamed of why the Monkey woman dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Monkey woman in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A dead monkey dreams of the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect her lover of infidelity.

A dream in which you watch the antics and jumps of a monkey promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen to a large extent spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, orangutan

Feeding a monkey means deception.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Petting a monkey is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

More monkey

Dream Interpretation More Monkeys dreamed of why in a dream there is more than a monkey? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see More Monkeys in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey seen in a dream warns against the machinations of petty and petty people who spoil on the sly if it sits in a cage at the zoo. Monkeys performing in the circus indicate that you are in vain to trust the flatterers around you. Monkeys jumping through the trees in the tropical forest of your dream are a sign that you will have to deal with stupid, narrow-minded and short-sighted people.

Taking a monkey in your arms portends the illness of one of your relatives; feeding it means they will treat you like a swine. If you were bitten by a monkey in a dream, success in love awaits you in reality. A monkey covering its eyes with its hands means you will be humiliated by those in power or the rich.

Hunting monkeys means getting married soon. Kill a monkey - you will defeat a serious opponent. A dead monkey being torn apart by predators means failure in a new endeavor. A monkey disappearing into the mouth of a python - surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

The little monkey warns not to trust new friends who swear in their sincerity; stroking the monkey will lead to slight illness and headache.

To see a chimpanzee or an orangutan in a peaceful mood in a dream means you will be right in a serious dispute; evil and aggressive - you will become a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and prudence in dealing with strangers, especially with new business partners. A gorilla rushing at you with its mouth bared means you will suffer from envious people.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, deceit, laziness. In some countries, the image of a monkey was used to depict a drunk person. So the image of a monkey that appeared in your dream most likely indicates that in real life you had to deal with a bad person who had any of the listed vices.

It is also possible that a monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious resurrects the well-known folk expression: “Grove like a monkey.” In this case, when deciphering the dream, you need to think about whether there is a boastful, frivolous person in your environment. Or maybe you yourself are such a person?

Seeing a monkey in a cage in a dream is a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and thwart their evil machinations.

If you dreamed that you were walking down the street with a monkey, then you have a cunning and very insidious friend. You trust him, not even suspecting that he will use your information against you at the first opportunity.

Seeing a monkey dressed like a human in a dream is a sign that, despite all your efforts to change the character of a person close to you, you will not be able to eradicate his bad temper.

Watching a monkey writhe and make grimaces in a dream is a harbinger of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about something that does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a monkey jumping and screaming loudly, then soon you will be faced with such a serious human vice as drunkenness. You may be shocked to learn that your loved one has this terrible disease.

Watching a monkey jumping along the vines is a sign that in reality you are too lazy to take on the business proposed to you. The dream suggests that you should overcome your laziness, because the business is very profitable and can serve as initial capital for starting a project that you have been dreaming of for a long time.

Killing a monkey in a dream means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and be content with what life gives.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

You should not pretend to be confident when in fact you cannot cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help will not hurt you. Ask a friend for advice. If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on a palm tree - You have to change jobs, and in the new team you will feel insecure. Don't be afraid to ask for advice.

A monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not make far-reaching plans for the future, life has a habit of presenting surprises.

A monkey writhing and teasing you - your competitors feel too strong and confident; it’s worth spoiling their pleasure with decisive and unexpected actions. If you have this dream on Sunday night, its meaning is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to rest and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will judge you.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey dreams of someone's flattery: deceitful people will do their best to please you for their own selfish purposes.

A dead monkey dreams of the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect her lover of infidelity.

A woman who fed a monkey in a dream will be deceived in reality by some hypocritical person.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey promises illness or humiliation for someone close.

A small monkey deftly climbing a tree warns of someone’s treachery.

A dream in which you watch the antics and jumps of a monkey promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen to a large extent spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, orangutan

The appearance of monkeys in dreams marks a violation of plans, obstacles on the way to achieving a goal.

The monkey is an insidious friend, a deceitful enemy (usually powerless to cause serious harm).

Kill a monkey - get rid of those who interfere with you and are exclusively occupied with their own interests.

For a young woman, a monkey is a sign of infidelity (she will be cheated on, she will cheat, she will be suspected of treason).

Feeding a monkey means deception.

Sometimes a monkey dreams of illness or humiliation of loved ones.

After a dream about monkeys, your life may become filled with an actor or actress, a fortune teller, or a person who forges documents.

The ape orangutan symbolizes someone else's power and influence.

Someone will want to get you to make a decision that is contrary to your interests.

An attacking orangutan is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / venereal diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the “people cursed by God” / devil.

Seeing a lot of monkeys is a disease.

To be among them is a dark influence on your spiritual life.

A monkey that is irritated or being pursued by you is a treacherous or vindictive person or creep.

A monkey raging in rage - a painful struggle with oneself awaits.

Petting a monkey is a disease.

Playing with a monkey - profitable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

To kill a monkey is to treat an enemy cruelly and then suffer from it.

The monkey can also symbolize: your tendencies in life that threaten to get out of control.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in your dream means danger, illness, the birth of a deformed child, or deception.

A girl sees a monkey - foretells a wedding with an unpleasant and rude person.

A monkey jumps on you - to complete ruin or death of the family.

Seeing an angry monkey in a dream means enmity with others, and a cheerful one means renewed good relations with an old friend.

If a monkey eats something, it is a symbol of your poverty.

Sleeping monkey - for a trip abroad.

Killing a monkey means victory over your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in a dream warns against the flattery of deceitful people who will try to advance their business to the detriment of your interests. A dead monkey foretells complete defeat of your worst enemies. Sometimes a monkey dreams of illness or a humiliating situation that one of your loved ones will find themselves in. A small monkey deftly climbing the branches of a tree warns of possible betrayal by people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Seeing a monkey in a dream means that deceitful people will flatter you in order to advance their own business to the detriment of your interests.

Seeing a dead monkey means that your worst enemies will soon suffer a complete collapse.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, this means that she should insist on early marriage, since her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to dream that she is feeding a monkey means that a hypocritical person will treat her dishonestly.

A dream about a monkey sometimes promises illness or humiliation for one of your loved ones.

If you dream of a small monkey deftly climbing a tree, this dream warns you: someone's treachery can cause you injury if you are not careful.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - if you dream of a monkey, then this means some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive you.

Great white monkey

Dream Interpretation Great White Monkey dreamed of why the Great White Monkey is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Great White Monkey in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey is the personification of the worst human qualities, such as cunning, deceit, laziness. In some countries, the image of a monkey was used to depict a drunk person. So the image of a monkey that appeared in your dream most likely indicates that in real life you had to deal with a bad person who had any of the listed vices.

It is also possible that a monkey appears in a dream when our subconscious resurrects the well-known folk expression: “Grove like a monkey.” In this case, when deciphering the dream, you need to think about whether there is a boastful, frivolous person in your environment. Or maybe you yourself are such a person?

Seeing a monkey in a cage in a dream is a sign that in real life you will be able to cope with your shortcomings. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be able to take revenge on your enemies and thwart their evil machinations.

If you dreamed that you were walking down the street with a monkey, then you have a cunning and very insidious friend. You trust him, not even suspecting that he will use your information against you at the first opportunity.

Seeing a monkey dressed like a human in a dream is a sign that, despite all your efforts to change the character of a person close to you, you will not be able to eradicate his bad temper.

Watching a monkey writhe and make grimaces in a dream is a harbinger of your meeting with a very boastful person who will tell you about something that does not really exist.

If you dreamed of a monkey jumping and screaming loudly, then soon you will be faced with such a serious human vice as drunkenness. You may be shocked to learn that your loved one has this terrible disease.

Watching a monkey jumping along the vines is a sign that in reality you are too lazy to take on the business proposed to you. The dream suggests that you should overcome your laziness, because the business is very profitable and can serve as initial capital for starting a project that you have been dreaming of for a long time.

Killing a monkey in a dream means that your desire for luxury is unjustified, and therefore you should stop striving for something unattainable and be content with what life gives.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey seen in a dream warns against the machinations of petty and petty people who spoil on the sly if it sits in a cage at the zoo. Monkeys performing in the circus indicate that you are in vain to trust the flatterers around you. Monkeys jumping through the trees in the tropical forest of your dream are a sign that you will have to deal with stupid, narrow-minded and short-sighted people.

Taking a monkey in your arms portends the illness of one of your relatives; feeding it means they will treat you like a swine. If you were bitten by a monkey in a dream, success in love awaits you in reality. A monkey covering its eyes with its hands means you will be humiliated by those in power or the rich.

Hunting monkeys means getting married soon. Kill a monkey - you will defeat a serious opponent. A dead monkey being torn apart by predators means failure in a new endeavor. A monkey disappearing into the mouth of a python - surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

The little monkey warns not to trust new friends who swear in their sincerity; stroking the monkey will lead to slight illness and headache.

To see a chimpanzee or an orangutan in a peaceful mood in a dream means you will be right in a serious dispute; evil and aggressive - you will become a victim of treachery.

A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and prudence in dealing with strangers, especially with new business partners. A gorilla rushing at you with its mouth bared means you will suffer from envious people.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

You should not pretend to be confident when in fact you cannot cope with problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help will not hurt you. Ask a friend for advice. If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.

Monkey on a palm tree - You have to change jobs, and in the new team you will feel insecure. Don't be afraid to ask for advice.

A monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not make far-reaching plans for the future, life has a habit of presenting surprises.

A monkey writhing and teasing you - your competitors feel too strong and confident; it’s worth spoiling their pleasure with decisive and unexpected actions. If you have this dream on Sunday night, its meaning is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to rest and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will judge you.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

The monkey dreams of someone's flattery: deceitful people will do their best to please you for their own selfish purposes.

A dead monkey dreams of the complete defeat of enemies.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, then she has every reason to suspect her lover of infidelity.

A woman who fed a monkey in a dream will be deceived in reality by some hypocritical person.

Sometimes a dream about a monkey promises illness or humiliation for someone close.

A small monkey deftly climbing a tree warns of someone’s treachery.

A dream in which you watch the antics and jumps of a monkey promises you a close acquaintance. It will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen to a large extent spontaneously, and you will not even have time to analyze what is happening.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey, orangutan

The appearance of monkeys in dreams marks a violation of plans, obstacles on the way to achieving a goal.

The monkey is an insidious friend, a deceitful enemy (usually powerless to cause serious harm).

Kill a monkey - get rid of those who interfere with you and are exclusively occupied with their own interests.

For a young woman, a monkey is a sign of infidelity (she will be cheated on, she will cheat, she will be suspected of treason).

Feeding a monkey means deception.

Sometimes a monkey dreams of illness or humiliation of loved ones.

After a dream about monkeys, your life may become filled with an actor or actress, a fortune teller, or a person who forges documents.

The ape orangutan symbolizes someone else's power and influence.

Someone will want to get you to make a decision that is contrary to your interests.

An attacking orangutan is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - happiness in lovers / venereal diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the “people cursed by God” / devil.

Seeing a lot of monkeys is a disease.

To be among them is a dark influence on your spiritual life.

A monkey that is irritated or being pursued by you is a treacherous or vindictive person or creep.

A monkey raging in rage - a painful struggle with oneself awaits.

Petting a monkey is a disease.

Playing with a monkey - profitable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.

To kill a monkey is to treat an enemy cruelly and then suffer from it.

The monkey can also symbolize: your tendencies in life that threaten to get out of control.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in your dream means danger, illness, the birth of a deformed child, or deception.

A girl sees a monkey - foretells a wedding with an unpleasant and rude person.

A monkey jumps on you - to complete ruin or death of the family.

Seeing an angry monkey in a dream means enmity with others, and a cheerful one means renewing good relations with an old friend.

If a monkey eats something, it is a symbol of your poverty.

Sleeping monkey - for a trip abroad.

Killing a monkey means victory over your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

A monkey in a dream warns against the flattery of deceitful people who will try to advance their business to the detriment of your interests. A dead monkey foretells complete defeat of your worst enemies. Sometimes a monkey dreams of illness or a humiliating situation that one of your loved ones will find themselves in. A small monkey deftly climbing the branches of a tree warns of possible betrayal by people you know.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Seeing a monkey in a dream means that deceitful people will flatter you in order to advance their own business to the detriment of your interests.

Seeing a dead monkey means that your worst enemies will soon suffer a complete collapse.

If a young woman dreams of a monkey, this means that she should insist on early marriage, since her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.

For a woman to dream that she is feeding a monkey means that a hypocritical person will treat her dishonestly.

A dream about a monkey sometimes promises illness or humiliation for one of your loved ones.

If you dream of a small monkey deftly climbing a tree, this dream warns you: someone's treachery can cause you injury if you are not careful.

Dream Interpretation - Monkey

Monkey - if you dream of a monkey, then this means some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive you.



two monkeys, old and young, scary and a little cuter, take turns chasing, then attacking my white cat, injuring the cat. My cat and I manage to hide from them.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

tatyana, perhaps your dream about aggressive monkeys suggests that you should not get into any verbal altercations with people in public places.



Good afternoon!! I dreamed that we were at home younger sister We got two little playful monkeys. They even gave them names - Tolik and Katya))))

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Inna, having monkeys in a dream may mean that you will let a cunning, flattering person get close to you.


I dreamed that I met a friend with whom in real life we ​​broke up after quarreling. I was with my daughter, and he had a small monkey on a leash. Then the monkey ran off for a walk, and we talked. When they started to disperse, my daughter found the monkey and returned it to him.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Vita, perhaps the dream suggests that on a subconscious level you are looking for a reason why you could make peace with your friend again.


I dreamed that a huge monkey was chasing me, I was hiding and climbing the stairs into the room. There are two other girls there, when they see her, they get very scared. The monkey has propped up the door with a crane machine and is climbing along it. we hide from her, and she takes one girl by the leg and examines the heel. And I’m hiding and I’m terribly afraid.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Rita, the fact that in your dream a monkey was chasing you probably means that you may unexpectedly fall into the machinations of your enemies.


I watched a monkey dressed like a television announcer read and speak some text in a calm tone without aggression.


Hello, I dreamed of a small enclosure where there are cages, there are a lot of all kinds of living creatures and 2 monkeys dressed in sad dresses and they are on a leash and always hug each other, I wanted to take them, I already took them by the leash, then I thought about where I would place them and took the puppy. what does this mean7


Hello! I dreamed of a huge monkey with horns!! When I wanted to pet her, she got scared.


and in the previous dream there was another small monkey that I carried in my bosom. In this dream, I asked where that monkey had gone, and they told me that it had disappeared, and in its place was now this one, with horns.


Hello..I had a very strange dream.
I found a box (as it turned out to be my mother’s in a dream) with jewelry, I opened it and saw a piece of jewelry that I had been wanting to buy for a very long time, then I put it somewhere and next to me there was a young man, handsome, we loved each other... but suddenly something stopped him , and he began to turn into a girl (we work together with her), we talked to her, and after some time my former classmate appeared nearby, a pretty young girl, we communicate with her, she tells me something, and we get to forests. together with dreams in the forest appears a little monkey kites are flying in the forest... we leave the forest, another person appears, I don’t know her...
and I see that the monkey’s shoulder is injured... I take her in my arms and wake up

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream most likely indicates that an old friend is waiting for you to return, who will share her problems with you, and you will support her.


Hello. I dreamed that I was in my grandmother's house. It's summer outside, and through the window I see 3 monkeys walking around her garden. I take a ladle of water and try to pour it on them so that they leave. 2 leave, and the biggest one tries to break open the window, and I wake up...


Hello. I had a dream that I found a little monkey in a subway car and began to look for its owner to return it. The monkey kept biting my hands and wanted to break free, but I held it tightly. I never found the owner, the monkey stayed with me.


Hello. I dreamed that I found a small monkey in a subway car and immediately began to look for its owner in order to return it. The monkey kept biting my hands and wanted to break free, run away, but I held it tightly. I never found the owner, the monkey was left with me.


Hello. I dreamed of a little monkey. The action took place in the village with my grandmother, she was behind me, rose up to my head, also from the back, she seemed to be jumping there, playing, I stroked her as far as I remember, then when I entered the house there, she suddenly jumped off and ran away. . please tell me what this dream is for? (


Hello, I dreamed of a monkey that was constantly chasing me. It was black with white circles around its eyes. When I saw it, I wanted to drive it away, but it climbed onto the bench (I was sitting on the bench) and started biting either me or my cloak. Why this dream?


I dreamed that I was walking through the desert to the South and carrying a monkey.
Please tell me why this dream?


Today I had a dream:
..I arrived in some city and moved in with friends. All artists.
The situation was like this, every day the police or the mafia took something from their neighbors, but
what they could take in their hands remained. And at some point, my things began to disappear - bags, someone
I also picked it up when I returned home. The neighbors did not know what was happening, and holding their things in their hands they shook their heads.
Then it turned out and I began to notice and people began to say that some kind of monkeys were doing this, but there was no way I could catch up with them - I couldn’t. And so I needed things that were no longer there. I started talking to people about these monkeys (small and brown ones). Those who answered about them in a whisper were afraid to tell, as they talk about some kind of mafia or high-flying people, but really scary. As a result, I went to the house where the bosses of all this were... I found everything and on my way I strangled the monkeys and got to the bosses, and when I dealt with him, I got great pleasure!..
The fact is that such dreams are few, but you remember them, because it feels like you are living them, you feel everything in it as if in reality!..

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that such events occurred in your dream most likely indicates that you may face significant losses.


I recently had a dream:
I'm riding a big monkey around the city, to my house ex-girlfriend, on the way I meet a former friend...
what is this for?


Hello, please decipher my dream: I am walking through some large hall or room, I have tangerines in my hands, suddenly I am met by a white fluffy, small animal that rushes towards me, I come closer and see that it is a cute white and very a fluffy monkey, she caresses me, it seems like she wants tangerines, the tangerines are scattering from my hands, I begin to collect them, and the monkey bites me, I can directly feel her teeth, and a young man sits next to me and tells me: “She bites because that he wants a wedding.” Thank you.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was a monkey most likely indicates that you may encounter swindlers and deceivers.


Hello! Help me solve the dream. On the night from Monday to Tuesday I dreamed of a monkey (small, like a macaque) that was sitting on a black man’s shoulder! She just watched silently, not making any faces.
Thank you.


I dreamed of a monkey that came out of a cage, and it was very angry. All the people around her were afraid of her. She came right up to me and extended her hand to me. Someone told me to give it to her too. I was very afraid of her, but I dared and took her hand.


I ran away all night, hid from a huge monkey, it killed many passers-by and people I met, both people and dogs, I shot at it, cut it and pierced it, but could not kill it, hid in entrances, houses, basements, found a bunch of weapons, barricaded myself, I was waiting for her to fight and woke up, I don't play games. I’m 33 years old, I don’t understand... I realized that this is my enemy, that I have to kill him... she was climbing houses, on roofs, on the walls of houses, chasing me... what should I do? Why sleep?


I had a dream involving monkeys, I remember only a fragment. A dark, rather large monkey bit me on my right shoulder. I tried to throw her off using strong circular movements, to no avail, I was very frightened by what was happening, it seemed that her fangs were about to pierce my shoulder, then I tried to assess the situation, I realized that there was no pain and her fangs, which I don’t see but imagine and seem to feel, are only touching shoulder The monkey clung to my (and my wife’s) black thick sheepskin coat that reaches to my knees. No longer afraid, but thinking how to get rid of her, she headed forward to the crowd, approached, and it turned out to be monkeys, groups of monkeys in each group, both small and adult.


I had a dream that I walked into a room and my ex-boyfriend’s wife was giving birth. And then I see a newborn child - a small monkey who can already run and jump, next to them is their eldest child: an older monkey. Her husband is sitting on the next sofa and for some reason persistently and flirtatiously looks at me, who is already sitting on the armchair, and I watch TV with a detached expression on my face and pretend that all this doesn’t really bother me at all. By the way, they actually already have two children and everything seems to be OK.


I am a red angry monkey, I caught a man and, breaking his bones, twisted him into a ball. I hear the crunch of bones, but that doesn’t stop me


I dreamed of a big black monkey that was attacking a cat (the cat was also big, unrealistic in size), it jumped on the cat and hit him in the face. Help me decipher the dream, I’ve just had a lot of troubles lately and this dream really worries me.



Hello! I dreamed of a girl I didn’t know and she was with a monkey, I asked her to give me the monkey because I had long dreamed of a monkey, when the girl gave me the monkey, the monkey said goodbye to her owner, hugging her and kissing her, and then the monkey ran up to me and started hugging and kissing We went for a walk with the monkey, but the monkey loved me so much that he hugged and kissed me all the way, and in my dream I was very cheerful


I'm pregnant. And I keep dreaming that I am giving birth to someone. But in last time I dreamed that I gave birth to 3, one might say, animals, namely: a kitten, a white monkey and a fish. It seems to me that this is a very strange dream and definitely means something. If you can decipher it, I would be very grateful to you


Hello! I dreamed about my ex-man, with whom I recently broke up. He looked bad: very thin, overgrown with hair, sad. Came to me with a big monkey! Then it turned out that he left the monkey to me (to feed and care for) and he took out his suitcase and left. The monkey in the dream was kind. The impression from the dream was very sad.


Hello! I had the following dream, in my room opposite on the sofa I see my husband and next to him a monkey, then a certain young man comes and says that he is our neighbor and this monkey is his. he took her and headed into the hallway, and it was as if there was a hatch in it right down to the ground; he threw the monkey into it. then this young man began to behave somehow indecently, as if pestering me. I called my husband and he asked him to leave our house. but then he still seemed to write to me and impose himself. Tell me how to understand all this, what the monkey dreamed about and, in general, how to decipher my dream. thanks in advance.


In the area of ​​the heart, in the chest, I carried and through my mouth gave birth to a monkey. … I vividly remember the whole process of childbirth: how I spanked her on the butt so that she would cry, how I swaddled her…. She did everything herself. I remember how I was breastfeeding her, and the thought in my head was: “what if she bites me on the chest - it will probably hurt”... In real life, I have not yet given birth to children and do not want this yet. And in a dream, my former lover (to whom I still feel affection in reality), when he saw that I gave birth to a monkey, said: “You see what your intimate relationships have led to?!! But I fell in love with this monkey like a real child, I nursed it and carried it with me everywhere.


I dreamed of a little monkey that a neighbor wanted to give me. She looked out the window, I let her in. I see she wants to go to the toilet, I picked her up and threw her out into the street. When I walked in, I saw that she had left a wet mark on the floor. I took a rag and wiped everything off. Then I went to look for her and didn’t find her. When the neighbor came and found out that the monkey had run away, he was very upset.


I dreamed of a young monkey and I tried to lull it in my arms and sometimes I succeeded. she ran away from me and I caught her again, picked her up and rocked her like small child and when she slept in my arms, I felt bliss, like from a child when he sleeps in my arms


monkey bites


Hello, help me decipher the dream: I dreamed that I was in the maternity hospital and they took me for an ultrasound and they said that I was about 3-4 months pregnant. When they did the ultrasound, the doctor got scared and at first didn’t want to tell me what was wrong, I cried, they took me to the room and then I started looking for this doctor, I looked around the hospital for a long time, but found her, she didn’t want to tell me for a long time, but still told me that I need to urgently have an abortion, because inside me there is not a child, but a monkey, I cried even more and said that this cannot be and she was mistaken, and inside me the child-monkey began to desperately kick her legs!! I decided to rely on fate and still give birth, maybe I have normal child!! but everyone around began to put pressure on me and tell me to have an abortion. at this moment I woke up....I have never had such dreams before and I would like to know what it means!


A large red monkey with a white muzzle was running after me and pinching me. And I tried my best to get away from her


Hello!!! I dreamed of a monkey climbing the wall of a 9-story building, and I just looked and made sure it didn’t fall.


I dreamed of two small monkeys, as if someone I knew had accidentally forgotten them at our house. I caught one of them, and she suddenly bit my hand, turning in a second from a cute little animal into a dangerous animal. I caught them both and released them onto the balcony. Mom offered to euthanize them, but I refused. These are living creatures, especially the pets of our friends. Let them live on the balcony until the owner comes for them. In the same dream, a wolf and a she-wolf dreamed. The she-wolf looked at me for a long time. I thought then what a smart animal this is. And there was no fear at all. I stroked her, and she left with the wolf. The wolf was dark. and the she-wolf is so gray and blue in color. Then I thought: the wolves didn’t touch me, but some stupid monkeys were biting. Let them sit on the balcony. This is such a dream.


I dreamed of a monkey (small), I shouted at it and it grabbed my hand and didn’t let go until I started strangling it, strangling it to such an extent that its eyes were bloodshot. I don’t remember whether I killed it or not... But then I looked at my hand - with thoughts that I should go to the hospital - and on my hand there were marks from small teeth and blue smudges.

Irina Mikhailovna:

I dreamed of a monkey in my apartment in the kitchen... I let it in through the window... even two monkeys... one for a second turned into a lobrador dog... then the monkey became again... the monkey began to wash the dishes and poured a lot of water on the floor, and I was wearing woolen socks, said, that I might get wet and told the monkey to go to the big room... I always have prophetic dreams...


There were large monkeys, gorillas, who first showed a performance, made faces, imitated animals. Then they went crazy, ran around the city, me, my husband, and the child ran away, hid in a deep earthen hole and waited there.


I dreamed that I was in some room with my boyfriend, and there was a little monkey there, I was playing with it, then I saw how it started to grimace, and I went up to the guy and told him to look at her, she was grimacing so much , we laughed at her. I remember that we laughed very hard, and the monkey made faces.


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed that my mother and I were in the garden (which does not exist in real life), planting something, digging. Here I saw a small monkey sitting on the ground, I was surprised and decided to catch it. I came up and grabbed it, she tried to break free and bite (but she didn’t succeed), but then when I gave her the candy, she calmed down. I let her go, and she came back, climbed into my arms and hugged me. I decided that I would keep it and began to choose a name. This is where I woke up. Thanks in advance for your answer!


Hello. At first I dreamed of a spider. It was just crawling. Immediately after a few seconds I felt a monkey reaching out to me and starting to climb on me. I felt and saw its small fingers on my shoulder.


In my dream I saw a monkey’s wedding, white monkeys in wedding dresses, large monkeys descending from the sky in wedding dresses. My email is osmonova75mail.ru


two large white monkeys protected me from a doll that had something evil in it, one monkey sucked it out of the doll


A little wet monkey, I dry it with a towel, it trembles and clings to me, I wrap it in a warm jacket


in a dream I went to the sea, it was sunny and calm, I carried a small monkey on my shoulder and was always afraid to carry it across the water


in my dream there were a lot of monkeys, and my classmates and I had a sacred book, we ran around the school after the monkeys, we had to collect all the monkeys in the book so that the sacred book would turn into the late husband of our teacher, but we didn’t have time to catch everyone, because .To. I woke up


Hello, I dreamed of several large green parrots that were sitting outside the window with their backs to me and one of them periodically turned and looked at me as if he was spying on me... when I wanted to approach the parrot, a small monkey stopped me and started playing with me, but then She bit me, but it didn't hurt.


Good evening, Tatyana!
Today I dreamed of two human-like monkeys, like a mother and a child, we were near some mountain on the right side there was a river with a dam or the water was seething like on a cliff, I’m having a hard time remembering exactly, I was with my child and woman the monkey was also with his baby, we stood talking and in the dream I was very panicked, I remember it!
That's all I remember...
Thank you for your answer!


I dreamed of a big party, like a holiday home, and then I come home and my sister bought some animals and so I walk around and look at what animals there are and then I see a monkey, I go up to it, pull it out of the wicker box and it starts hugging me and I feel so disgusted that I put this abomination back


Hello. I dreamed of a lot of different monkeys, mostly small ones. as if I was looking down from the window of the house and was afraid of them, my mother and daughter were next to me. I don’t let my daughter look out of the window because I’m afraid they might bite her and I quickly try to close the windows.


I dreamed that I was going to the monkeys and I knew it, some kind of plane flew over me on the road. I went into this building and we were captured by monkeys, I came across a very funny (like a rapper) monkey and I fell in love with it, he me too. we were dragged into a “prison of death”, it’s some kind of cylinder, people are shoved in there, the lid is closed and they are transported. I was transported to some hospital ward, I saw that monkey, he wanted to save me, he was lying on the bed with a gun, talking to someone and then went somewhere, and left the gun on the bed, met me, took the gun, sat on me hands and we ran.


in some strange house, seemingly abandoned, there were a lot of monkeys in the attic. they looked at me from above and some tried to attack.


I was walking in the yard with my girlfriends and there was some kind of basement there. I looked in there and saw that someone was running. Then I started getting monkeys from there (there were a lot of them), but my girlfriends also helped me. In the end, we got them take it to my house.


I saw a monkey in a dream. I danced with her, held her close, took her hands. Then I started vomiting and so did she. This dream bothers me.


I'm in a clean bathroom, warm water flows from the tap clean water I’m trying to wash my face, but I can’t feel my face. I look into the mirror above the sink and see that my face has become like the outline of a monkey without hair.


At the beginning of the dream there was a monkey that came into my house from nowhere, and later it was with two tiny cubs who ran after me and tried to grab my legs or clothes, and I ran away from them.


I dreamed that a cat gave birth to a small monkey... the monkey was very playful, a little aggressive and was already standing on its hind legs... brown with black and milky colors... I was no less surprised than my cat... what could this mean?..


My dreams are chaotic, that is, sudden changes in events and locations.
In one of the scenes I dreamed of a huge monkey, similar to a (primitive) man. As tall as a man, and walking upright, with straight posture. She walked through the doorway 2 times, supposedly to see what exactly was happening.


In our house, it’s like one room is ours, and the second is a neighbor’s room with whom we don’t get along, and the hallway is shared. It’s like she had a black cat. I opened the front door, to the right of which there is a closet, I don’t know why I opened it. It was dark in the house, then this cat came in and immediately went behind the closet. She caught something there and started biting, I thought it was a mouse. I I quickly called my parents, then it turned out that it was a little brown monkey. Then dad took it and wanted to throw it out of the window. But it seemed like he didn’t throw it out, and then I don’t remember what happened.


this monkey was old and small, I felt sorry for her and I took her in, she turned out to be affectionate and obedient, she went absolutely everywhere with me and everyone around her liked her...


I dreamed that a young man and I were moving to a new apartment, and there was a monkey sitting on the balcony, it was angry and tried to bite me, there was a lot of garbage, and when I went to the toilet, the tap was leaking, and I always wanted to escape from there , but the monkey didn’t bite our dogs, they became friends


sleep is modest in time, but scary. 4 little monkeys began to bite at the slightest touch to their spouse. As if this were driving her away from her husband, each time more and more aggressively.


my aunt saw me in a dream that I was standing near a cemetery in a police uniform, I wanted to shoot myself, there were four monkeys standing around me and laughing


I saw a lot of monkeys with horns (or goats with monkey faces). I stepped on a little kid, then ran away, afraid that the kid’s mother would chase me. I don't remember anything else.


Good afternoon I had a dream that I had a fight with a young man and ran away, suddenly there were a bunch of different monkeys on my way. Everyone was nice. I walked past to the exit. Everything was calm, no one looked at me, then a little monkey took my hand. And I think she kissed the palm! I let her go and went to the door, and then such an old and not beautiful monkey wanted to rush at me! She screamed so much! But I managed to close the door and leave. And she walked calmly and confidently! Why have such a dream?


Hello! I’m in a taxi and I see a monkey in the blue sky covered in colored balls, it’s very beautiful, I admire it...

Olga. Nevskaya:

I dream of a little white monkey, jumping around me like crazy, grinning, swinging its paws in front of them, jumping on its butt and hind legs. I stand silently and watch her without any action and I remember exactly that I look at all her movements indifferently, calmly, completely without emotion.


I was preparing for my own wedding. I'm 21 years old, never married. there is no guy. I was very freaked out because there was little time left, I had no dress, no shoes, nothing was ready. and in the moments when I had to go through the doors of the registry office, I didn’t have my hair... I was freaking out again. and decided okay, I’ll come in and woke up.


hello, I dreamed that I arrived by bus and almost got off near the house, but then I discovered that I had lost my phone and decided to walk to the bus, and from my road, where the house was, 2 monkeys ran out, but at first it seemed to me that they were dogs, but then they they ran after me and caught up with me and started scratching my skin and I saw my blood, then I somehow ran away from them and hid in a house in the village.


Good day! A monkey appeared in the back seat of the car, sitting quietly in silence, a real dream without fantasy... someone caught him and put him in the car... In the dark... I opened the door, and she jumped out and ran... to the market, we were nearby stood... but it was dark there and no one was working... I didn’t look for it... I left it there... it wasn’t mine after all... just because it appeared.


there is a large barn with hay, there are a lot of colorful monkeys running around, I’m trying to catch the red one and put it in a cage, but I’m afraid that she won’t bite me, then my late husband comes up to me and says that I need to milk the cow and began to show me how to do it...


Good day! Please help me interpret the dream.. I dreamed that I was being hugged and kissed tightly by a monkey.


My daughter and I saw a small newborn monkey and realized that it would die without our help. I started feeding her milk from a spoon. Then the baby tried to return to the troop of monkeys, but they did not accept her. I was confused, taking the monkey home was not part of my plans))) and I woke up


I dreamed of two monkeys who were wearing collars and on a leash, sitting on the floor strewn with salt. The monkeys are small and pathetic, I dragged them by their collars to another place, there was an old painted bench with a nail driven into it, and to this nail I tied the leashes with the monkeys.


I don’t remember well... but I remember the monkey is my son who is now 1 month and 17 days old and I also ask... why are they bullying my son such a long tail!! I have a lot of prophetic dreams but I don’t understand them


In a dream I had a trained monkey, black in color, large in size. Through the door crack I saw a sitting small monkey of a very beautiful red color with a black mane like a lion and a black mask on its face. I lured her, she willingly came, and became mine.


Good morning!
Mne prisnilasj obezjanka malenjkaja,ja prijshla k komu to v gosti (pravda prijshla k sebje domoj,no po4emu to ja shla v gosti), so vot tam na mojem divane lezal pomojmu odnoklasnica rjadom sin sidel,ja prishla i toze prilegla na krovatj i ona mne rasskazivaet i pokazivaet(a tocnee obezjanka sama vipolzaet iz podushki) i ja tak udivlena ,ja ej raskazivaju 4to ja tak davno hotela priobresti sebje obezjanku,no vobwe ne predstavljala gde kupitj i vobwe prodajutsja li oni u nas! a sama obezjanka bila ocenj milaja dobrozelateljnaja,takaja daze zastencevaja,perepolzla 4erez podushi i sela rjadom so mnoj.


I dreamed that a light was chasing me. She follows me everywhere, and I run away from her and try to hide from her. I run down the stairs, run out into the street and she follows me. I run out barefoot and try to hide somewhere on the street. And then I see the first store, I jump inside and hide in the closet. She is following me and trying to find me in the store. I hear her steps. And I woke up.


The little monkey hugged me, but she was sick and had an ulcer on her neck. I loved her in a dream and we were driving somewhere in the car


it was a big monkey who, in an enraged state, attacked me and my friends... after I hid she went to other monkeys this happened in the countryside


I’m in some kind of room (like a dungeon) with someone nearby (my dog, it seems). There’s a window in the wall and I’m trying to look into it, but the one next to me tries to pull it back and says not to look, but I still look in (only seconds 2), and there, at a great distance, there is a rock and a recess in it and a white large shaggy gorilla monkey with a black muzzle is sitting and her baby is pressed to her, at this time they are trying to push me away from this window with bars and I wake up.


I hugged the cute little monkey that was given to me and picked some pebbles out of her head. The feeling was pleasant but surprising


It was nap. I saw a lot of monkeys in the neighbor's house, they behaved calmly. but then one big monkey showed interest in me, and I began to run away from it. I tried to hide in the house and locked myself. There were many doors, the locks were different, broken and strong. She didn't catch up with me. At the end of the dream I realized that my neighbor killed her.


climbed up the mountain, but as if he were flying, he flew over a whole flock of large monkeys, they are as tall as a man, their fur is on average 8-9 cm. He entered the house, immediately to the second floor, then to the fourth, the man himself opened the wooden door gray Four gray people came out of his apartment, then one snake came out of his apartment. then with this gray bald man it was as if we were flying out of the window, flying over a flock of monkeys, they were also sleeping, but for some reason everyone was as one on their back, arms at their sides like soldiers, I was flying with the gray man on top, then I woke up


Had a dream big tree, I'm sitting on this tree. I see elephants crossing the river. Big and small. I'm not sitting alone. A man shouts to me, look at the monkeys climbing the tree. I turn my head and a big gorilla grabs my leg


I somehow found myself on an island with a group of people, including children. The island was somewhere in the sea and initially we thought that no one lived there, but it turned out that talking monkeys (like from the movie) lived there and were planning to kill us. Since we obviously don’t want this, but want to get out of there, we are trying to call “ big land“, however, you can only call a taxi, the operator of which does not understand anything. Then a group of young people find themselves on the island, who arrived on a yacht and don’t know anything about monkeys. We tell them the situation, but they don’t believe us.


I dreamed of a little monkey, she was biting and spitting fire, it was impossible to hold her in her arms and everyone was at home and my mother too, but we just buried my mother. Please tell me what this dream is about???


I took the little monkey in my arms but immediately threw it away because its mother ran up to me, threw me to the ground and started biting me


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and saw a box, and in it lay a poor abandoned baby monkey. I felt so sorry for him. I took her in my arms and decided to take her for myself. I think my son will be happy to play with her. Just, I tell her, don’t be too naughty, don’t damage the furniture. She agreed. She brought me home and left. Then I come with the child, we look for the monkey, but we can’t find it. then we pull back the curtain, and she lies on the window and looks at us, so sleepy.


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was not walking along a narrow street alone, one of my friends pointed to the fence along the street, I raised my head and saw several monkeys, one of them the largest, they sat silently and watched me. It makes me feel uncomfortable that they are watching me. The biggest monkey came down to me, sat down next to me and quietly bit my finger. It didn’t hurt me, but I was horrified, she was walking around, I was afraid of her touch and really wanted her to leave. Slowly she began to leave. I was very scared and disgusted.


dream fantasy a herd of monkeys led by a shufrich attacked the village I barely escaped to my parents’ house and held the door from the inside. My late father and child were still in the house. The attackers left, but it turned out that they burned the summer kitchen. I cried, there was nothing to do repairs for.


The dream takes place in the house of the deceased: in the attic of the grandmother’s house there is a herd of white monkeys bought by the grandfather and the number 100 is named. I ride up to the house on a horse and, fearing to scare off the monkeys, I get off the horse. Grandfather announces to me that he bought us a car white and that you can sell it for 100 thousand rubles. And then the action takes place in another place: next to me there are many purebred white puppies, I try to take off, I succeed and I fly short periods and land.


The monkey was jumping on clothes on ropes on the balcony, then climbed onto the neighbor’s balcony. It turned out to be her monkey. The monkey was kind.


the monkey catches fish with a fishing rod and puts 3 small fish on it. sitting on the sand by the sea. the sea is blue and calm.

Alyosha I’m 10 years old:

I dreamed of a monkey and a flock of people in the castle and I’m already fighting with the monkey and it grabs me from behind and I pull out two of its teeth and then it screams for a while and then it takes me and tickles my armpits and bites my nose with its mouth and then the dream changes I’m at home with the monkey and like we’re friends and I feel like it’s like she wants to kill me and she’s lying on the sofa and suddenly my hands became like an ape’s and my mouth and lips clenched like if I was saying the letter u and we swapped bodies and Iona tried to say a word and suddenly she put on her glasses and got up and started walking towards me and wanted to kill me, I woke up and screamed………


Hello! I was driving a car along the road, in the distance I saw large monkeys, like gorillas, there were a lot of them, about 30. They walked straight towards me in a column, the first rows parted and let me through. The last rows did not want to let me through and I started throwing stones at them, they they left reluctantly. I woke up on the last row and don’t remember whether I went through them or not.


I had a dream like this. in a dream, before going to bed, I put 2 boxes on my bed, one was with a snake and the second with a monkey and I fell asleep like that, then I don’t see that the snake opened the box and crawled away, then I wake up not because I saw a snake without a head and tail on the bed...


Good afternoon, Tatyana! I dreamed of an old car, I open the doors and hold a rabbit in my hands, I look and see that it is a rabbit, in the dream he also hugs me. I feel him pressing against me. Then I dream that I look somewhere to the side and see a small monkey in a cage, in her hands she has something with which she is playing. Surprisingly, she is calm, sitting, despite the fact that the cage is very cramped, and I tell someone that they need to transplant her into a more spacious cage. in response I hear that when she was taken from somewhere in this cage, plans changed, and no one began to transplant her. I come closer and notice that there are many ants running around it, many, many. In a dream, I start to itch from the thought or in fact, they got over me. I get rid of this, and again I only have a rabbit in my hands, which periodically turns into a cat. I keep a rabbit in the window again.


Tatyana, hello! I had a dream on Wednesday. Now I live in Moscow; before this, 5 years ago I lived with my relatives in the Urals. In a dream, I clearly saw how my dad gave me, supposedly for my birthday, about 5 or 6 monkeys, released them in the apartment and they began to run around it, it turns out in the house where I lived before. My dog ​​and my cat begin to chase them, the cat hit the monkey in the face, I clearly saw that they didn’t like them. Just recently, about a month ago, my cat began to crap in my apartment and didn’t like me, then he got sick, I treated him and then gave him to his friends, and everything was fine. And it seems that before that I also had a dream with monkeys, and to be honest, I don’t remember it well and didn’t give any meaning to it. Please tell me what this dream is about, I will be very grateful to you!!! thanks in advance.



two little monkeys, one red and the other black, I need to feed them. I go up to them, but the red monkey is sick.


I dreamed that my geography teacher gave me a little monkey, at first she was afraid of me, everything happened at school, then I took her paws in my hands and she bit me


In a dream, I saw how a monkey caught a small bird on the water, and at that moment an eagle flew up and hovered in flight over the river.


a monkey sang a song and nearby grandmothers were selling flowers. I dreamed of a friend who died, he leaned over to me and said, “I was walking with an empty stroller. I was wearing red shoes and big heels. Guys pestered me and only one girl came to help me, but I woke up


I’m walking through a green park, and near every tree monkeys come down and meet all the people who come up to them; the monkey hugs and kisses me on the cheek tightly. I approached, she kisses me on the cheek so hard, it’s as if her mouth has suction cups, and my husband takes pictures of me, I’m very happy that I see these cute monkeys. Then I leave and meet my sister and brother and emotionally tell them about the cute monkeys so that they go to them.


I dreamed of a black monkey, I carried it in my arms. she was like a child. followed me everywhere. I can even say I didn’t get away with it.


I dreamed of a little baby monkey that I was just watching. She didn't show much activity.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a son (to my ex-husband at the moment), with whom we often meet now... this is not the first time I have had this dream... what could it mean?


A large furry monkey with dark fur suddenly appeared in my house, intelligent and speaking, more likely not even a monkey, but a Bigfoot. but for some reason I decided that she (or rather he) was a monkey.....
and at night he disappeared, my friend and I looked for him. They searched, but they didn’t find it, and in the morning he showed up himself and when asked where he spent the night, he replied that he was in the basement...... I explained to him that it was not suitable to spend the night in the basement and allocated a separate room, which the monkeys were very pleased with.....then I I offered to teach him to read, but he politely refused, after which I woke up.


I saw a young black monkey, she was tame and we played with her. I tickled her, and she laughed like a human.


I dreamed, I was riding on a train, at first I saw as if one carriage separated from the rails and went off the rails, more than 50 people died in it, we move on. suddenly monkeys appear from somewhere, and with intelligence they kill people by biting them. I save myself in all possible ways, but in my opinion, not by killing them, but as if carefully dodging them. then the train seemed to stop and I got out, ran to the trees and the dream ended


Both my husband and I dreamed about monkeys yesterday. I saw her in a white forest with white bananas. And my husband dreamed of a brown one; she bit him on the finger and wouldn’t let go. Then someone poured water on her and she let go.


Big, very kind monkey! Loves me very much! We went out with her to the street and she jumped on a moving car and was very injured (she cried out loud like a person (bruise on her neck, nose, cut on her forehead very, very deeply...


I dreamed of a monkey - who was sitting at the entrance and crying along with empty cups of food, I realized that they had thrown it away, I felt sorry for it and took it in my arms and rode with it in the elevator in which other people were traveling and my dog ​​barely managed to jump into the elevator with me


I bought a monkey. It was summer outside and very warm and nice. I went to some park with her, walked, met many of my friends. everyone lisped her and everyone really liked her. then she kissed me either on the cheek or on the lips, as if in a friendly way


I'm getting married on Friday. And today I had a very disturbing dream. there were several intersecting scenes, but the most striking: my fiance and I in a room (possibly at home or at a party, it’s not clear) and two monkeys, a male and a female. My fiance stroked the female and at that moment the male attacked him. He scratched his face deeply, until it bled, and grabbed it with a death grip. I pulled the monkey away with difficulty. I know it’s a sign and I need to be wary. But for me or the groom, so what?


My boyfriend rented a small monkey, at first I played with it and it was in my arms, then it attacked my young man they fought and he killed her.


I have a monkey and I dream several times that he is running away, and I am running after him and crying and cannot catch him.. He will have an operation soon.. doesn’t this mean.. that he will not survive it and will die.


Autumn, clear day. Me and a few other people are standing on pedestrian crossing opposite the university and wait for the light to turn green. And then I notice that near the walls of the university someone is lying on the grass, I thought it was a person, because... the body was flesh-colored, like human skin. And then this “man” gets up and it turns out that it’s a monkey. She is not afraid of people, she runs around, as if teasing them. You start to come close to her, she runs away. I decided to go to the university because... Here they train to be teachers and there is a biology department there. I decided that if we catch her, they will be able to place her later. On the first floor I meet a woman, I tell her and she agrees to help me catch the monkey. She leaves the class, says that she will come now and we go with the package to catch. I don’t remember how, but we caught her and put her in a bag, she didn’t try to escape.


Hello! I dreamed of a monkey that I held in my arms and stroked; at first it was calm, then it bit.


Roof of a three-story building (kindergarten). The slate is new, light... At the very top sits a worker (neatly dressed, his face is not visible, he sits with his back) and hammers a nail into the slate (supposedly it was torn off by a strong wind on the eve)... next to him, just below, sits a small beautiful monkey - a girl in colored sundress.


I was at home with the children in the room, and in other rooms there were monkeys of different sizes, they were brought supposedly for a photo session, the monkeys were not in cages, they were sitting in different places, it was drawn to my attention that they were clean, straight smooth fur and brilliant, in a dream I was worried that I was alone with the children and the monkeys without a trainer. The largest monkey began to walk around the apartment and I was very afraid that she would see us. Then there was another dream, which was fragments.


Good afternoon
The day before yesterday I had a strange dream: as if I was on the street big city, there I meet a huge monkey (it seems like a gorilla) in a human mask. She began to attack me, I was forced to retreat for some time, but then, defending myself, I had to kill her.
I have a feeling that this is a very bad dream.
Thanks in advance for your answer.


the seashore, my mother and father and my son are walking along the edge of the water, walking. they see a monkey (with whom you can take pictures) and 2 men (a photographer and an assistant), my son reaches out his hand to pet the monkey, she wants to bite him, he turns his back to it to run away, she jumps on his back and wants to bite him, the photographer and my dad (grandfather) and mom (grandmother) are trying to pull the monkey away, she breaks free and starts to run away, the photographer and his assistant run away with her, and my mother runs after them with the monkey’s leash and whips them with it. Mom is running in a long red dress, they can’t escape from her and jump into the sea, she follows them, but realizes that she won’t catch up with them in the water, gets out of the water and goes back….


Hello! I dreamed of monkeys, one sleeping at my feet on the bed, she slept sitting and sometimes opened her eyes, the second one was near her head, but I didn’t see her, but I felt a presence, she turned her head towards her husband and was terribly afraid, and she seemed to touch her neck. I was very afraid of them, but they sat calmly. Then my mother-in-law came in and began to walk around our bed from both sides in her hands, splashing a bottle of water in my direction, then in his. But when she entered, the monkeys disappeared, as if they were sitting on my husband’s side, but I didn’t see them. I definitely remembered one at my feet.


Hello! I dreamed of a river in which mermaids swam, they tried to drown some woman, I saved her, crossed the river and ended up either in a forest or in a jungle, and there were several monkeys jumping in front of me. And on I saw several leeches that I couldn’t unpick... then I left this forest, found my husband and that was the end of the dream.


I dreamed that a small colorful exotic monkey ran up to me and hugged me around the neck. Then we walked with her, looking for something.


My name is Aliya. I remember this dream because I had never dreamed of anything like this before with the participation of animals or monkeys. In my sleep I wandered around the hotel, up and down its stairs. And when I was getting ready to leave the hotel where I was staying only for a few hours, down on the stairs, in the passage, I saw a small monkey, small, as it seemed to me, helpless, a baby monkey. I took him in my arms like a mother, warmed him up, I didn’t want to leave him. ! He, in turn, also rubbed against me and hugged me. But I found the strength in myself, put him on the floor with the words: I don’t want to do this, but it’s time for me to go, baby. But your home is still here. and trying not to look back, I began to move towards the exit. But the baby stubbornly followed me. And another cat joined him. I literally ran out into the yard. And they kept following me. Here in the yard I came across a group of dogs. the first dogs that came towards me were very large and gigantic. Behind them were smaller ones, and so on. There are about 8 dogs in total. With their appearance they drove away the monkey and the cat. I was relieved to find my motorcycle and got ready to leave. That's it.


I dreamed that a monkey got onto my balcony. I saw her and went back into the apartment, but immediately remembered that I had left my phone on the balcony and came back for it. The monkey took it and started to run away, but I caught it and tried to take it from it by force.


I saw in a dream a monkey, a beautiful big house and a Korean singer. he looked at me laughing


I had a dream that a monkey was running after me and it was scratching my legs. I was very afraid of him. I ask you to answer this question, but very quickly. What does this dream mean? Okay


I dreamed from Saturday to Sunday. We have a big monkey at home, he was sitting sad, I stroked his head. He or she stood up and hugged me and started kissing me. I tried to call my husband, but the voice was quiet, almost a whisper. I panicked and woke up.


carried the monkey in her arms and checked that it was male. fawn color. ironed and hairs remained on hands


Hello, I don’t remember the dream exactly, but I’ll roughly describe it like this. at first it was as if it was a man throwing stones from a hill and I was at the bottom of the hill but he didn’t hit me, I dodged the stones and then somehow strangely it turned out to be a monkey and rushed at me and bit me on the left hand I tore her from her hand holding her right hand by the hair and they woke me up! what is this dream for?


I came to a beautiful apartment and there was a well-groomed and calm monkey. I stroked her


I saw a lot of monkeys, they were climbing on top of ropes, and one of them bit me


In the container, I found three small beads on the floor, one white with orange spots and two pure black


Please tell me why a monkey dreams of giving birth, where she gave birth to 2 little monkeys


Hello! I had a dream in which I saw something similar to a thin, tall woman. a shaggy black monkey tried to catch me. At the same time, she growled angrily. The action took place in some house or apartment, I ran around the rooms and covered myself with some kind of toy, sometimes it even seemed like my child... she couldn’t bite me... but she chased me for a long time... it ended with her simply disappearing


I dreamed that 11 monkeys were sitting in the trees in front of my house. 10 adults and very fat, lazy, and one baby jumping on the branches. And we all (neighbors) are thinking what to do with them - drive them away or let them live. The woman asks to leave them, and the man says that he cannot open the balcony because of them. I have not made a decision.


I dreamed of monkeys. In my dream, they met on the street and washed themselves. Quite large. Then in the apartment, but not in mine. They didn't touch me


Hello, I had a dream about a monkey. I held it in my arm, led it on a leash, a panel house was being built, the monkey was big and calm, devoted eyes. I carried it in my arms.. what was this for? Thanks in advance


a bunch of well-groomed and well-fed cats, a small rabbit and a green monkey rocking a dog in his arms next to a baby stroller, all walking together in harmony


I dreamed that I was carrying some luggage and suddenly a monkey jumped on me and wrapped its legs around me and I continued walking.


I dreamed that a flock of monkeys wanted to attack me, but I managed to run into the elevator!


I dreamed of a black monkey that was very kind and affectionate! I remember that my husband bought it somewhere!


I saw from the window a strong gusty wind that bent the trees. from the top of the head there, as if somewhere, a large bunch of bright brown fell out from the wind. then the monkey flew away. I went there. I climbed in there myself and couldn’t get out. fell asleep woke up in the morning got out wearing a jacket but shorts. I met a neighbor on the way home; it was not smart how I was dressed. When I entered the apartment, I felt something moving in my jacket pocket, and I took out a small cat from my pocket. but he’s kind of gloomy and his hair is standing up like a hyena’s. I'm all awake


I dreamed of a little monkey in the arms of my colleague. A colleague named the monkey Alyosha.
My email: [email protected]


Two monkeys suddenly appeared near me - a small white one and a large one. Moreover, the little one began to bite, but the big one was friendly.




I kissed a monkey and she hugged me tightly. Then I felt disgusted that she was getting into my mouth, it’s not hygienic


Big dark one, sitting on the roof, in my private house, with looking very angry. I remember going out the gate, it turned out to be not far from me, 3-5 meters. I saw a friend, sat in the car, tried to quickly approach him, it was difficult to walk, the monkey was more playful, jumped from side to side, tried to bite, like an angry dog. In general, I managed to sit in the back seat of the car. I woke up with a frantic heart rate, came to the kitchen and opened the net. I’m sitting here writing. Tatyana, tell me what this all means, uv. Andrey.


The monkey helped me find an important paper, which I was instructed to find in order to be able to call a great seer or speaker. Generally a confusing dream. It was like an apocalypse or something, everyone was fussing, but I was absolutely calm. The action took place in the summer in the village where my grandparents (now deceased) lived; my grandmother was also present, but literally for a second. So far all I remember


a monkey sat on my windowsill at night. she looked around and then at me, and after a few seconds again around and again at me. she sat, her expression inscrutable. just on the sides and on me... on the sides and on me....


I dreamed today that large worms began to crawl out of a large pile of earth and crawl away. And a flock of large monkeys appeared and began to eat them. There was no aggression or attention towards me. Also among the troop of monkeys there was a pair of monkeys who were kissing.


Hello. On May 6, I dreamed of a cute monkey (male) dressed in clothes. I think I met him on the way to the market. I took him with me, but they didn’t let me into the market, they started shouting that there was no health certificate for him, that he had fleas. but he was so cute, and I sort of took him home. I don’t remember exactly, but I took him by the paw and walked towards the house. Why such a dream? Tell me.


Good afternoon, my sister and my mother were in some house, and there were a lot of clothes there and we took everything as if we were shopping, then I found myself at the airport, supposedly flying to America (I remember everything very vaguely), then I found myself in the store again with sister and supposedly I had a big monkey and we put it to sleep in a big box, opened it and there was already a corpse of a monkey lying there and out of fear we just threw it out of our hands and walked away


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
I dreamed that I gave birth to two monkeys. One was a boy and immediately became huge, taller than me, and the second was a small girl. She gave birth in a strange way from her legs. I was very afraid in my dream; I felt unpleasant and scared. But when they were born, I treated them like my children. And then I dreamed that I was fighting a tiger. Everyone said the tiger was predatory and it was necessary to kill it so that it would not destroy society. And I tracked him down and killed him with a knife in the neck. But all this was strange, because he himself gave in, directly stuck his neck out for me.
This is such a strange dream. Thank you if you can help me explain.


I dreamed of my uncle (he has been gone for a long time) he stood in the dark in his arms there were two monkeys in children's clothes, one in clothes for boys and the other for girls.


a little monkey clung to my husband’s arm, at first I was scared of it and then we decided to keep it, it turned out to be affectionate and kind


I walk and see my mother walking with our little dog, she waves her hand at me, I approach her, she has a monkey in her hands, some beautiful bird not from our region, like a parrot, and a lizard, like a monitor lizard. She says that she bought them to make it more fun for her. And the alarm clock rang and I woke up.

[email protected]:

I dreamed of an intelligent monkey, with intelligence, but somehow aggressive, and in the end it bit me.


Hello! A little bald monkey took my hand and kissed it, but I was very afraid that it would bite


They got a monkey at home, played with it, bathed it, it was very kind, sweet, fluffy, soft and smart, but they couldn’t decide where to go to the toilet and it peed. Why does a woman dream of fishing?

Koaita, koata, mago, paranthropus, sapaju, siamang, sivapithecus, sgiltopeticus, kahdu, proboscis, chacma, uakari, amarina, marmoset, saimiri, hanuman, mangobey, marikini, marmoset, drill, dryopithecus, mandrill, paleopithecus, pongid, ramapitecus, Rhesus, Udabnopithecus, Gibbon, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Macaque, Monkey, Grimace, Crooked, Monkey, Orangutan, Tamarin, Gigantopithecus, Hominid, Diana, Zinjanthropus, Callimico, Meganthropus, Nannopithecus, Parapithecus, Plesianthropus, Pliopithecus, Proconsul, Propliopithecus, Sphinx, cebus, saki, strong, terrible as mortal sin, ugly, unattractive, Ugly, fearful, ugly, didn’t come out with a face, vixen, four-armed, lapunder, hominoid, egyptopithecus, thin-bodied, gveretsa, loud-mouthed, loud-mouthed

Monkey in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Monkeys - See - flatterers surround you. Jumping and climbing - dealing with stupid people
  • Kill - defeat a stubborn enemy
  • Being bitten - for the young - love
  • For the old it is a disease.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Monkey sleep:

    Monkey - powerless enemy - see a lot - You are surrounded by flatterers - jumping and climbing - deal with stupid people - kill - defeat a stubborn opponent - be bitten - for the young - love, for the old - disease

    Why do you dream about the Monkey? Freud's Dream Book?

  • Seeing a monkey in a dream, watching its antics and jumps promises you a close acquaintance that will begin in a public place, continue in a cafe or restaurant, and end in bed. All this will happen to a large extent spontaneously, and you will not even have time to evaluate the correctness and necessity of what is happening.
  • IN Esoteric dream book if you dream about a Monkey:

  • To see - your curiosity requires satisfaction.
  • In a cage - excessive curiosity can lead to trouble. There is no need to find out what was not intended for you.
  • If you dream about a Monkey? IN Ukrainian dream book:

  • If you dream of a monkey, then this means some kind of trouble, a friend will deceive you.
  • Interpretation of the Monkey's dream Modern dream book:

  • If you see a monkey in a dream, then be on guard, as flatterers will try to gain your trust in order to carry out their insidious plans. Seeing a dead monkey in a dream means a successful resolution of the situation in which you find yourself. Your worst enemies will leave the stage and will not interfere with you. For the young women a dream about a monkey means that her lover doubts her fidelity. Therefore, if she wants to save the relationship, she should agree to marriage.
  • Seeing a Monkey in a dream Miller's Dream Book:

  • A dream about a monkey sometimes promises illness or humiliation for one of your loved ones.
  • Seeing a monkey in a dream means that deceitful people will flatter you in order to advance their own business to the detriment of your interests.
  • For women to dream that she is feeding a monkey means that a hypocritical person will treat her dishonestly.
  • Seeing a dead monkey means that your worst enemies will soon suffer a complete collapse.
  • If you dream of a small monkey deftly climbing a tree, this dream warns you: someone's treachery can cause you injury if you are not careful.
  • If young woman a monkey dreams - this means that she should insist on early marriage, since her lover will give rise to suspicion of infidelity.
  • What does it mean to see a monkey in a dream? Lunar dream book?

  • Have an enemy.
  • What does a Monkey mean in a dream? The newest dream book?

  • You will find yourself in a sticky, funny situation.
  • Monkey in a dream Family dream book:

  • Sometimes a dream about a monkey promises illness or humiliation for someone close.
  • A dead monkey dreams of the complete defeat of enemies.
  • If young woman a monkey dreams, she has every reason to suspect her lover of infidelity.
  • The monkey dreams of someone's flattery: deceitful people will do their best to please you for their own selfish purposes.
  • A woman who fed a monkey in a dream will be deceived in reality by some hypocritical person.
  • A small monkey deftly climbing a tree warns of someone’s treachery.
  • In a dream, see a Monkey. IN Eastern dream book:

  • If you see a monkey, be on your guard: flatterers will try to gain your trust in order to fulfill their insidious plans. A dead monkey dreams of a successful resolution of the situation. Young woman a dream about a monkey hints: her lover doubts her fidelity. Therefore if woman wants to save the relationship, she should agree to marriage.
  • What does Monkey mean? Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • enemy;
  • deception;
  • For women seeing a monkey is infidelity.
  • feed - betrayal;
  • Seeing a Monkey in a dream. IN Noble dream book:

  • Monkey - happiness in lovers / venereal diseases / ridicule of others / enemy from among the “people cursed by God” / devil.
  • The monkey can also symbolize: your tendencies in life that threaten to get out of control.
  • Playing with a monkey - profitable marriage / spiritual progress / degeneration, involution.
  • A monkey raging in rage means a painful struggle with oneself awaits.
  • Being among them is a dark influence on your spiritual life.
  • Petting a monkey is a disease.
  • A monkey that is irritated or being pursued by you is an insidious or vindictive person or creep.
  • Seeing a lot of monkeys is a disease.
  • To kill a monkey is to treat an enemy cruelly and then suffer from it.
  • What does Monkey mean? Gypsy dream book:

  • Symbolizes deception. Such a dream means that there are business associations that are trying to deceive you; judge your friends by their actions, not by their words.
  • What does a Monkey mean in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • a powerless enemy.
  • The meaning of the Monkey's dream Women's dream book:

  • A dream in which you see a monkey means that you should take a closer look at your chosen one. Most likely, he does not trust you. Therefore, if you love him very much, try not to refuse him and marry him as soon as possible.
  • Monkey in Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • Monkey - treason, cunning, deception; humanoid – spiritual degradation.
  • Interpretation in Italian dream book Monkey sleep:

  • Indicates a certain emotional-sensual relationship, from a rational point of view, comprehensively positive and functionally meaningful, however, absolutely false from the point of view of the needs of the body, since this image represents a likeness of a person, and not of himself.
  • Why do you dream about the Monkey? Men's dream book?

  • Monkey on a palm tree - you have to change jobs, and you will feel insecure in the new team. Don't be afraid to ask for advice.
  • You shouldn't pretend to be confident when in fact you can't handle your problems. Everyone has weaknesses, and help will not hurt you. Ask a friend for advice. If you dreamed of a monkey on Wednesday night, be careful in choosing friends.
  • A monkey or several monkeys in a cage - do not make far-reaching plans for the future, life has a habit of presenting surprises.
  • A monkey grimacing and teasing you - your competitors feel too strong and confident; it’s worth spoiling their pleasure with decisive and unexpected actions. If you have this dream on Sunday night, its meaning is somewhat different. Give yourself the opportunity to rest and relax. You can do something unusual, no one will judge you.
  • IN Mayan dream book if you dream about a Monkey:

    If you dream about a Monkey? IN Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Mountain monkey. - Portends the resolution of litigation, conflict. White monkey. - Portends the achievement of a higher position.
  • In many countries, the monkey is considered a symbol of an ugly and immoral person. Despite this, some people view primates as exotic pets. Not a single circus performance is complete without them. Our ancestors were sure: those who have the eye of a monkey can become invisible. But a twirler can come in a dream for completely different reasons. So why do you dream about a monkey?

    Why do you dream about a monkey according to various dream books?

    A dream about a monkey serves as a kind of warning. He indicates that in your environment there is a deceitful and hypocritical person who wants to do harm. However, there are other interpretations of exotic night vision. Here is what is written in dream books on this matter:

    • Oriental. There is a flatterer in your close circle who is trying to gain your trust and use you to his advantage.
    • Modern. A monkey in a dream symbolizes base human inclinations.
    • Idiomatic. You will work hard and diligently, but no one will appreciate such efforts.
    • Female. Your partner no longer trusts you. Think about why this happened? If you don't change your behavior, the relationship will become obsolete.
    • Lunar. There is an enemy in your surroundings.
    • Newest. You are about to find yourself in a comical situation. Although this is unpleasant, there is no need to worry too much. This is just a small episode that others will soon forget about.
    • Psychoanalytic. Night vision indicates your immaturity. It's time to grow up.
    • Russian. You are waiting to meet a new person. By the behavior of the monkey in a dream you can judge what will come of it.
    • Russian folk. Night dreams about a monkey warn of cunning and deceit.
    • Family. There is a deceiver among your friends. He is trying to gain trust in order to fulfill his insidious plans.
    • Slavic. Unfounded hopes can lead to losses.
    • XXI century. You are surrounded by hypocrites. It’s worth reconsidering your social circle.
    • Grishina. Beware of the ridicule of others.
    • Denise Lynn. You take your life too seriously. Excessive restraint and caution prevent you from enjoying what you have. You need to relax and accept others as they are.
    • Winters. You will have to communicate with a stupid and rude person. Control yourself and don’t give in to provocations.

    This is important. According to Miller, a monkey in a dream sometimes indicates illness or humiliation of a loved one.

    A dream about a monkey warns a business person against a dishonest and unscrupulous business partner

    Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

    • For a woman and a girl, a dream about a monkey predicts the appearance of a new boyfriend. But you should be careful not to fall for the scammer’s bait. According to Vanga, the dream promises a quarrel with your husband or boyfriend. Moreover, the culprit of the scandal will be the dreamer herself. Her frivolity knows no bounds.
    • For a man, a monkey in the kingdom of Morpheus indicates dependence on his mother. Stop being " mama's boy“It’s time to make your own decisions. According to Miller, night vision indicates a treacherous business partner trying to deceive you..
    • After dreaming about a monkey, many pregnant women feel a sharp deterioration in their health. No need to worry, everything will be back to normal soon.
    • For married couples, such night visions signify disagreements in the house. The main thing to remember is that marriage is a union of two loving hearts, and in order to preserve it, you should respect the opinion of your other half.

    Interpretation by type, color, size and number of animals

    The interpretation of a dream about a monkey depends on its type:

    • Monkey. They want to deceive you.
    • Baboon. Meet a rude and poorly mannered person.
    • Mandrill. To troubles at work.
    • Gorilla. Meet a strong and influential person who will do you a favor.
    • Toque. Expect obvious flattery towards you.

    The color of the primate in the dream also plays a role:

    • a white monkey dreams of good news and a promotion;
    • red - to jealousy;
    • black - someone is very jealous of you;
    • brown - the friend will turn out to be a hypocrite;
    • multi-colored - will be invited to a party.

    Seeing a monkey with money in a dream means great deception or theft

    A small monkey seen in the kingdom of Morpheus indicates that they want to deceive you. According to Aesop's dream book, night vision prescribes strong addiction from another person.

    A baby monkey in a dream is a sign that a new addition to your family awaits you. For a girl, the dream foretells pregnancy, for a man - the appearance of an heir.

    If you dreamed of a large monkey, then expect a quarrel with a friend. You will sharply disagree and argue strongly about this.

    A huge primate foreshadows a major scam in which they want to involve you. Do not give in to persuasion and think carefully about everything before agreeing to something.

    If the monkey was alone in the dream, then you will encounter an unpleasant person. But if there were a lot of them, expect a fun feast. According to Miller, the dream speaks of your seriousness. Take life more simply and with humor.

    This is interesting. If you dreamed of a dead monkey, then your enemies will be defeated and you will become the winner.

    Did you dream about fighting monkeys? Prepare for a difficult conversation with an unpleasant person

    Actions performed by a primate or a dreamer in a dream

    Watching a monkey in a dream means an approaching conflict with a loved one. Each of you will stand on your own, which will lead to a quarrel.

    If in a dream you saw monkeys performing in a circus, then in real life you should stop mistrusting your loved ones, because they mean well.

    Seeing a primate jumping through the rainforest promises an acquaintance with a stupid and unreliable person.

    Holding a monkey in your arms in a dream means a relative’s illness; leading it on a leash means a tempting offer.

    An affectionate primate in night vision predicts winning an argument. If you stroke the animal with your hand, then fortune will smile on you.

    If in the kingdom of Morpheus a monkey covered its eyes or ears with its paws, then you will disgrace yourself in front of your friends. This incident will unsettle you.

    If a monkey jumped near you in a dream and did not let you pass, then get ready for flattery. To avoid making mistakes in people, judge them by their actions, not by their words.

    Did you dream that a primate stole something from you and ran away? Be prepared for failures and losses. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, the dream marks disappointment in people.

    A monkey making faces in a dream is a sure sign that you will be offended by another person’s statement. Although it will be offensive, it will be true. Remember that it is better to have an enemy who speaks the truth to your face than a friend who flatters.

    If you happen to feed a primate in a dream, then expect deception. Moreover, the person you respect will “put the blame on you.”

    An attacking and aggressive monkey in night dreams warns that you should not blindly listen to the advice of others. Trust your intuition and it will not let you down.

    If in a dream an animal bit you, then get ready for a love affair. If it is only scratched, then expect a trip.

    Hunting monkeys in a dream means marriage. Killing an animal in a dream is a bad sign. Your plans are not destined to come true.

    A dream about a monkey is ambiguous. He can warn about vile and cunning man trying to harm the dreamer, as well as about a cheerful party among friends. It is important to remember all the details of the dream and look into dream books. Then the answer to the question “why did the monkey dream” will be found.

    A monkey seen in a dream warns against the machinations of petty and petty people who spoil on the sly if it sits in a cage at the zoo. Monkeys performing in the circus indicate that you are in vain to trust the flatterers around you. Monkeys jumping through the trees in the tropical forest of your dream are a sign that you will have to deal with stupid, narrow-minded and short-sighted people.

    Taking a monkey in your arms portends the illness of one of your relatives; feeding it means they will treat you like a swine. If you were bitten by a monkey in a dream, success in love awaits you in reality. A monkey covering its eyes with its hands means you will be humiliated by those in power or the rich.

    Hunting monkeys means getting married soon. Kill a monkey - you will defeat a serious opponent. A dead monkey being torn apart by predators means failure in a new endeavor. A monkey disappearing into the mouth of a python - surrender to love captivity without much resistance.

    The little monkey warns not to trust new friends who swear in their sincerity; stroking the monkey will lead to slight illness and headache.

    To see a chimpanzee or an orangutan in a peaceful mood in a dream means you will be right in a serious dispute; evil and aggressive - you will become a victim of treachery.

    A huge gorilla in a dream calls for caution and prudence in dealing with strangers, especially with new business partners. A gorilla rushing at you with its mouth bared means you will suffer from envious people.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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    Promising humiliation or deception on the part of a loved one. For a woman, a dream indicates the infidelity of her lover, as well as the deceit of a close friend. Why else does a woman dream about a monkey can be found out from several dream books.

    Explanation of the dream

      Miller's Dream Book

      Monkey in a dream indicates to the dreamer the manipulations that will be used against her by loved ones. The dream also foreshadows the deception and hypocrisy of people who act to the detriment of their interests. In particular, the dream indicates an unfaithful friend who spreads gossip about the sleeping woman behind her back and smiles sweetly in her face.

      Dead monkey in a dream promises victory over enemies and liberation from old grievances and oppressive complexes. For a young girl to see a small, grimacing monkey in a dream means that if she does not marry her lover, he will soon find another girl.

      A young girl feeding a monkey in a dream indicates that some stranger may take advantage of her gullibility and naivety for his own selfish purposes.

      If in a dream a little monkey climbs a tree, this portends receiving a mental wound or severe humiliation from relatives.

      Dream Interpretation of Winter

      I dreamed about a big monkey - this is a symbol of rudeness and aggression, a harbinger of an emerging conflict. A woman needs to better control her actions and impulses, otherwise she may provoke a scandal. For a married lady, the dream promises discord in her marital relationship.

      Hitting the monkey or throwing objects at it portends the collapse of plans because of his own stupidity and recklessness.

      Aesop's Dream Book

      Seeing a monkey in a dream means that the dreamer is surrounded by a rude, lazy and impudent person who has a detrimental effect on a woman’s behavior. The dream may also foreshadow some event, after which the dreamer will come home slightly tipsy.

      See a monkey in a cage indicates that the dreamer managed to overcome her complexes and shortcomings and become a confident person. At the same time, the sleeping woman will have the opportunity to take revenge on her offenders.

      Walking around the city with a monkey hand in hand means that the dreamer is surrounded by a sneaky one, to whom the sleeping woman trusts all her secrets in vain.

      Seeing a monkey in human clothes in a dream means that no matter how hard a woman tries, she cannot change her lover, so she needs to accept him for who he is. Seeing a monkey in her own clothes means that the dreamer is suffering due to shortcomings in her appearance and is experiencing insecurity.

      Monkey making faces in his sleep portends an acquaintance with a boastful and annoying person. If in a dream the animal jumped loudly and screamed, then in reality the woman will have to find out that one of her close people suffers from alcoholism.

      Seeing a monkey blithely jumping through the jungle and swinging on vines, indicates the dreamer's idleness, as well as numerous delays in completing an important task.

      Killing a monkey in a dream indicates the sleeper’s rash desire for luxury, wealth. The woman has not yet been able to achieve what she wants, so she suffers and makes her loved ones suffer from her immoderate ambitions.

      Family dream book

      Seeing a monkey in a dream means that the woman has taken a heavy burden on her shoulders and refuses any help. A grimacing monkey means that the dreamer’s young man is trying to deceive her and take advantage of her fragility.

      Seeing a monkey on a palm tree in a dream predicts problems, possibly even dismissal. Monkeys in a cage dream of plans being ruined due to an accident.

      Dream Interpretation Lynn

      Monkey in a dream - this is the personification of the dreamer herself: a frivolous but cunning person who will never take life seriously and will always laugh at difficulties.

      See a jumping monkey means imitating someone else's life, repeating other people's mistakes, betrayal of one's inner self.

      Dream Interpretation of Evdokia

      Monkey in a dream is the personification of a weak enemy, who, in a period of despair, may decide to take destructive actions towards the dreamer. An active monkey in a dream indicates the flattery and hypocrisy of people around a woman.

      Dead monkey means exposing deceivers and defeating gossips and ill-wishers. The young monkey is dreamed of as a sign of her fear of losing her lover's affections. Feeding a monkey in a dream means that the dreamer will be seduced by a dishonest, unfamiliar person.

      Very small monkey indicates treachery on the part of a male acquaintance.

      Housewife's Dream Interpretation

      Being among monkeys in a dream - means being ridiculed by other people about your appearance or behavior. Seeing monkeys from the outside indicates that the dreamer has to play a certain role in society, although she does not like it.

      If a monkey jumps in trees in a dream, then in reality, some relative of the dreamer will become seriously ill. Carrying an animal in your arms means meeting unreliable and short-sighted people who can cause serious damage to the dreamer’s property.

      Feed the monkey by hand portends injustice that will happen to the dreamer. If a monkey bites a woman in a dream, then in reality she will have good luck in love. Hunting a monkey or chasing it predicts an early successful marriage.

      Freud's Dream Book

      Monkey in a dream is a harbinger of a random and meaningless intimate relationship. The young man will charm the dreamer so much that she herself will not understand how she will end up in his bed.

      Psychological dream book

      Monkey in a dream indicates that the dreamer in a dream is surrounded by gossips and flatterers. To see a monkey grimacing means that the lover of a sleeping woman doubts her fidelity.

      Modern dream book

      Monkey in a dream - this is a sign that the dreamer’s young man is cheating on her. Feeding a monkey in a dream foreshadows financial deception, which will greatly upset the dreamer.

      Seeing a big monkey - to an attack from a stranger.

    Interpretation for a man

    Seeing a monkey sitting on a tree in a dream foreshadows meeting a person who, at first glance, will seem mysterious and languid to the sleeper, but in reality will turn out to be simply stupid and narrow-minded. Seeing a monkey making a grimace portends an acquaintance with a spectacular beauty who will try to use a man as her sponsor and supporter.

    See a lot of monkeys playing - for a fun holiday in the company of friends who have known each other since childhood. An aggressive monkey indicates that the dreamer is not very polite and courteous in dealing with even unfamiliar women.

    See a monkey with babies indicates deception by a colleague or dismissal from work. The dream also speaks of disappointment in your beloved.

    Aggressive macaques

    Aggressive monkeys indicate such qualities of the dreamer's character as rudeness, immoderation and impulsiveness. Sometimes the behavior of the sleeping person becomes unbearable even for close people, so in order not to lose their trust, the dreamer should reconsider his line of behavior.

    Attack of a large aggressive monkey indicates the slander of envious people and even physical violence by competitors against the dreamer. For a woman, such a dream suggests that she trusted the wrong person.

    If in a dream a monkey attacks and bites the dreamer, then in reality, a person can become seriously ill. If a monkey attacks someone else in a dream, then this foreshadows family turmoil and unrest in the house.

    Provoke the monkey to attack predicts incredible success for the dreamer love relationships . If the monkey remained indifferent to teasing and provocations, then in reality the dreamer for a long time will spend alone.

    Why do you dream about a monkey in the Year of the Monkey?

    If you dream of a monkey calendar year Monkeys, then this dream has a good meaning and foretells success and the fulfillment of plans and dreams. Seeing a dark, black monkey means success in love and friendly relations, to establish new useful connections. Seeing a white, light-colored monkey in a dream means financial well-being and career growth.

    Stroking a monkey in a dream portends unprecedented luck and enrichment through a simple adventure. Playing with a monkey predicts winning or receiving an inheritance.

    Seeing a monkey making faces - to a quick pleasant romantic acquaintance.

    What did she do in her dream?

    Depending on how the monkey behaves in a dream, the meaning of the dream itself changes.

    • If a monkey bites the dreamer in a dream, then this predicts betrayal of a loved one. If a monkey hits the dreamer, then a series of failures and refusals await him in life.
    • Play with the monkey - to the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a person who can be trusted with his secrets. Stroking a monkey on the head indicates problems with.
    • If a monkey climbed into the dreamer's arms, this indicates a person’s subconscious desire to be the center of attention and prove to everyone around him that he can achieve unprecedented success.
    • If in a dream a monkey eats from the dreamer’s hand, then in reality, someone will try to take advantage of the gullibility of a sleeping person. If a monkey sleeps in a dream, then no changes are expected in the dreamer’s life.

    Kill an animal

    Kill a monkey in a dream indicates overcoming obstacles in one's path and achieving the desired goal. Killing a monkey that attacks a person predicts victory over enemies.

    To see from the side how someone kills an animal, means excessive curiosity of the sleeper, which will one day lead him into trouble.