Monkeys: types, features. What types of monkeys are there? The largest monkeys in the world

Features and habitat of chimpanzees

Chimpanzee in their familiar environment habitats are found every year in smaller numbers. Relatively few populations can currently be found in tropical forests Africa.

The weight of an adult representative of the species reaches 60-80 kilograms, while height varies depending on gender - females - up to 130 centimeters, males - up to 160. There is a separate species - pygmy chimpanzee, whose parameters are much more modest.

The entire body of primates is covered with thick brown hair, except for some parts, namely the fingers, face and soles of the feet. On chimpanzee photo You can see the sly brown eyes.

At the same time, the growing representatives chimpanzee genus have a small area of ​​white hairs on the coccyx, which are later replaced by brown ones.

Such a seemingly trifle plays an important role in the development of the primate’s behavior - as long as the hair on the tailbone remains white, the baby is forgiven all the pranks and is lenient towards his failures. Once the hair darkens, it is perceived as equal to the rest of the adults in the group.

Character and lifestyle of chimpanzees

Mostly chimpanzee monkeys- forest dwellers. Eating vegetation, they lead a leisurely, measured life, moving between trees, communicating with each other and resting in nests. The only situation that can take this calm flow out of its usual channel is the appearance of an enemy.

As soon as one of the group notices the approach of a predator, she begins to scream and squeal, giving her relatives information that everyone is in danger. A group of primates reaches maximum excitement and horror, on the way of which even a small snake is encountered.

Relationships between representatives of the same group are the key to a peaceful life chimpanzee. Which social status which monkey occupies is an important question.

Through communication, they can protect each other from danger and more fruitfully look for hot spots for eating. Young animals learn by carefully observing the behavior of adults. Girls will learn how to properly feed and protect the cubs, boys - what gestures and movements can achieve respect in the group.

Thus, through imitation, young animals learn basic norms of behavior, which they first perceive as a game, and then gradually move into adulthood with a full set of “rules of etiquette.”

Living in a group not only helps chimpanzees more efficiently obtain food, defend themselves and raise offspring. Scientists have proven that monkeys living alone have a worse metabolism, decreased appetite, and overall health indicators are much lower than those in communities.

Chimpanzees and humans get along well together

It is precisely because of the social nature chimpanzee and human can easily live together. If a primate comes into a human family as a baby, he easily accepts all the behavioral habits of people, and learns to behave the same way.

Chimpanzees can be taught to drink and eat with utensils, and to dress, walk, and gesture like humans. In addition, scientists believe that individuals who have spent their entire lives in close surroundings with people are able to easily perceive human speech and even communicate with people using sign language.

That is, to meet talking monkey It’s quite real, only it will be expressed with the help of moving fingers. You can find a lot on the Internet chimpanzee bots, which generate monkey speech using computer program, however, these are just bots; they have nothing in common with living primates.

Pictured is a baby chimpanzee

In terms of upbringing and ease of learning, male chimpanzees are considered more pliable and intelligent; at the same time, it is the males who can carry hidden threat to a person, since no one has canceled the instincts of dominance. Females are considered less intelligent, but more loyal.

Chimpanzee nutrition

The main food products of chimpanzees are fruits and green parts of plants. At the same time, fruits - juicy fruits - root parts and vegetables are eaten only in times of extreme need.

Taking into account heavy weight primates and the food they eat, they need to eat most of the time to stay in shape. This is exactly what they do - moving nimbly among dense trees, chimpanzees look for fresh fruits.

If a representative of the group comes across a suitable tree, he informs the others about it. Depending on the season, the time a monkey spends eating ranges from 25 to 50% of the primate's total waking time.

In addition to the green parts and fruits of plants, chimpanzees can eat the soft bark and core of stems; in addition, in the spring, primates consume large quantities of flower petals. As for nuts, most chimpanzees are not fans of them, although, of course, there are individual exceptions.

Scientists have different opinions regarding the consumption of live food. Thus, some experts adhere to the theory that chimpanzees eat small animals and insects, however, small quantity and only in the fall. Others believe that such delicacies are constantly present in the diet of primates.

Reproduction and lifespan of chimpanzees

Chimpanzees do not have a static breeding season - this can happen on any day at any time of the year. The female's pregnancy lasts about 230 days, that is, 7.5 months.

In most cases, the female gives birth to one calf and is actively involved in protecting and raising it. Considering that she is born almost defenseless, she has no chance of surviving without her mother’s care.

In this respect, primate behavior is very similar to human behavior. The baby is born with light, sparse fur, which only changes to dark over time.

The mother is closely connected with the cub and for the first few months does not let him out of her arms, carrying him on her back or stomach. Then, when the little monkey is able to move around on its own, the mother gives her some freedom, allowing her to play and frolic with other children and adolescents, or with adults in the group.

In this way, their relationship is built for several more years, until the cub is fully matured. Females usually become adults, that is, ready for mating, in the period from 6 to 10 years, males - at about 6-8 years of age.

IN wildlife average duration The life of a healthy chimpanzee is up to 60 years, although such long-livers are rare, since the forest is full of dangers, and the older the monkey, the more difficult it is for it to avoid them.

More than 400 species of monkeys live on our planet. Prosimians are also distinguished, which include lemurs, short-heeled and tupai. Primates are most similar to humans and have unique intelligence. Mammals differ significantly from each other depending on their habitat. Some can grow to just 15 cm (pygmy apes), while others reach sizes of up to 2 meters (male gorillas).

Classification of monkeys

Monkeys have been studied by scientists for a long period of time. There are a variety of classifications of mammals, the most common of which is considered to be the following:

  • a group of tarsiers;
  • broad-nosed primates;
  • marmoset monkeys;
  • callimiko mammals;
  • narrow-nosed group;
  • gibbons;
  • orangutans;
  • gorillas;
  • chimpanzee.

Each group has its own bright representatives, unlike anyone else. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Tarsier, broad-nosed and marmoset monkeys

The first three groups of mammals belong to small monkeys. The smallest of them are tarsier primates:


Sirikhta - the length of the animals is about 16 cm, the weight rarely exceeds 160 g. A distinctive feature of the monkeys is their huge, round, bulging eyes.

Bankan tarsier

The Bankan tarsier is a small primate that also has big eyes with a brownish iris.

Tarsier ghost

The tarsier ghost is one of the rarest species of monkeys, having thin, long fingers and a woolen brush at the end of the tail.

Broad-nosed monkeys are distinguished from other mammals by the presence of a wide nasal septum and 36 teeth. They are presented in the following types:

Capuchin-like animals have a prehensile tail.


Crybaby – this type mammals are listed in the Red Book. The monkeys got their name due to their unique drawn-out sounds that they make.


Favi monkeys grow up to 36 cm, while their tail is about 70 cm. Small brown primates with black limbs.

White-breasted Capuchin

White-breasted capuchin - distinguished by a white spot on the chest and face of the primate. The brown coloring on the back and head resembles a hood and mantle.

Saki monk

Saki-monk - the monkey gives the impression of a sad and thoughtful mammal, has a hood hanging over its forehead and ears.

To the marmosets broad-nosed monkeys include the following types mammals:


Uistity - the length of the primate does not exceed 35 cm. A distinctive feature is the elongated claws on the toes, which allow you to jump from branch to branch and grasp them perfectly.

Pygmy marmoset

Dwarf marmoset - the length of the animal is 15 cm, while the tail grows up to 20 cm. The monkey has long and thick hair of a golden hue.

Black tamarin

The black tamarin is a small, dark-colored monkey that grows up to 23 cm.

Crested tamarin

Crested tamarin - in some sources the monkey is called pinche. When the animal is excited, the crest on its head rises. Primates have a white chest and front legs, all other parts of the body are red or brown.

Piebald tamarin

Piebald tamarin – distinctive feature the monkey is completely bare-headed.

The small size allows you to keep some animals even at home.

Callimikos, narrow-nosed and gibbon monkeys

Callimico monkeys have recently been classified as a separate class. A prominent representative of mammals is:


Marmoset - animals united in themselves different features other species of monkeys. Primates have the structure of paws like marmosets, teeth like capuchins and a muzzle like tamarins.

Representatives of the narrow-nosed monkey group can be found in Africa, India, and Thailand. These include Monkeys - animals with fore and hind limbs of the same length; have no hair on the muzzle and stressed areas under the tail.


Hussars are monkeys with white noses and powerful, sharp fangs. The animals have a long-legged body and an elongated muzzle.

Green monkey

Green monkey - distinguished by marsh-colored fur on the tail, back and top of the head. Monkeys also have cheek pouches, like hamsters, in which they store food supplies.

Cynomolgus macaque

Cynomolgus macaque is another name for “crabeater.” Monkeys have beautiful eyes brown color and greenish fur, shimmering with grass.

Japanese macaque

Japanese macaques - animals have thick fur, which creates the impression of a large individual. In fact, monkeys are medium in size and their long hair makes them appear larger than they actually are.

The group of gibbon mammals is distinguished by palms, feet, face and ears, which are hairless, as well as elongated limbs.

Representatives of gibbons are:

Silver gibbon

Silver gibbons are small gray-silver animals with a bare face, arms and black feet.

yellow-cheeked crested gibbon

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon - a distinctive feature of the animals is yellow cheeks, and at birth all individuals are light, and as they grow older they become black.

Eastern hoolock

Eastern Hoolok is another name for “singing monkey.” Animals are distinguished by white fur located above the eyes of mammals. It seems that primates have gray eyebrows.

Siamang compound-toed

Siamang compound-toed - of this group, the siamang is considered the largest monkey. The presence of a throat pouch on the animal's neck distinguishes it from other representatives of gibbons.

Pygmy gibbon

Dwarf gibbon - animals have long forelimbs that drag along the ground when moving, so monkeys often walk with their arms behind their heads.

It should be noted that all gibbons do not have a tail.

Orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees

Orangutans are massive, large apes with hooked fingers and fatty growths on their cheeks. Representatives of this group are:

Sumatran orangutan

Sumatran orangutan - animals have fiery color wool

Bornean orangutan

Bornean orangutan - primates can grow up to 140 cm and weigh about 180 kg. Monkeys have short legs, a large body and arms that hang below the knees.

Kalimantan orangutan

The Kalimantan orangutan is distinguished by its brown-red fur and concave skull in the front part. Monkeys have large teeth and a powerful lower jaw.

Representatives of the gorilla group include the following species of monkeys:

  • Coast gorilla – Weight Limit The animal weighs 170 kg, height – 170 cm. If the females are completely black, then the males have a silver stripe on their back.
  • Lowland gorilla - distinguished by brown-gray fur, habitat - mango thickets.
  • The mountain gorilla is an animal listed in the Red Book. They have thick and long hair, the skull is narrower, and the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs.

Chimpanzees rarely grow more than 150 cm and weigh more than 50 kg. The species of monkeys in this group include:


Bonobos are recognized as the smartest monkeys in the world. Primates have black fur, dark skin and pink lips.

common chimpanzee

The common chimpanzee has brown-black fur with white stripes around the mouth. Monkeys of this species move only on their feet.

Other monkeys include the black howler monkey, the crowned (blue) monkey, the pale saki, frilled baboon, kahau.

How many species of monkeys live on our planet, what do they eat, what are the features of their life? We enjoy reading about all this and watching TV shows. And this is not surprising, because we descended from a common ancestor. We have many similar features not only in appearance and skeletal structure, but also in behavior.

What types of monkeys are there?

Zoologists define two groups of primates, and these animals are classified according to them. They are divided into New and Old World primates. The first group includes monkeys living in Central and South America, and the second - in Asia and Africa. And each group has its own distinctive characteristics. New World monkeys have a tail that they can use to hold onto branches when moving through trees, and a wide nose. African and Asian primates very often do not have a tail, but even if they do have one, the animals do not use it as a kind of fifth limb; their nose is narrow. These two groups include more than one hundred and sixty species of monkeys.

Primates of South and Central America

The following monkeys (species) live in this area: marmosets, tamarins, capuchins, squirrel monkeys (56 species), owl and night monkeys, titi, sakis and Uakaris (41 species), howler monkeys, spider and woolly monkeys.

African and Asian primates

These continents are home to the most large number primates - more than 135 species. If you list all the types of monkeys, the list will be huge. They are grouped into broader categories: baboons, thin-bodied animals, colobus monkeys, mandrills, macaques. There is another category that includes the following species of apes: gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, bonobo (pygmy chimpanzee) and gibbon.


These monkeys belong to the marmoset family. They live in the most warm areas South America: Brazil, Costa Rica, Tamarin basin is very easy to distinguish from other monkeys by the main characteristic distinctive feature is the mustache, although there are also representatives of this species without a mustache. Some actually have lion's mane. And because of their very unusual appearance These animals are constantly hunted - poachers catch tamarins for sale on the black market. This is why this species is facing extinction.

The length of the tamarin's body reaches from eighteen to thirty-five centimeters, with a tail - from twenty-three to forty-four centimeters, they weigh up to a kilogram. If we were to list the species of small monkeys, tamarins would top the list. Their main habitat is the highlands of Brazil. In these places the monkeys feel great: soft humid climate, abundance of food. Tamarins do not live in large groups 5-10 individuals each, this makes it easier for them to find food and protect themselves from predators. At night they sleep on tall trees, and with the onset of morning they begin to lead an active lifestyle: looking for food, looking after each other.

Tamarins are omnivores - they happily eat lizards, snails, insects, bird eggs, and plant foods - tree leaves, fruits, nuts and nectar. The food obtained is distributed equally among all members of the flock. If a stranger enters their territory, they all drive him out together, making frightening grimaces. The young animals are cared for by the whole group. Babies up to four months of age constantly move on their father's back. The monkeys talk to each other all the time, thereby informing each other about the food they have found and the approach of the enemy.


They belong to the monkey family. These are very small and funny monkeys. Types of monkeys: real and green, hussar, talapoin and others (23 in total). The body size is usually small (like a cat), the fur is thick and very soft. The color of these monkeys is very diverse: olive, gray-green, light gray, brown, red, blue, black. The muzzles are slightly elongated; some representatives of this species have mustaches, sideburns and beards. The tail is usually doubled longer than body. Ischial calluses are small in size.

These primates live mainly in forests. Monkeys feed on both plant and animal foods. The diet includes young tree branches and leaves, fruits, succulent grass, insects and small vertebrates. The monkeys flee from their enemies. It should be noted that the greatest danger to them is from people who catch them for sale. Monkeys can be tamed well, but to do this you need to take cubs. Adult monkey Once in captivity, it is practically impossible to train.


More than thirty subspecies are combined into this one. The species of these primates form four groups. These monkeys live in Brazil and Honduras. They spend most of their time on the tops of tall trees. The body length of the animal reaches fifty centimeters. The head is round, with prominent cheekbones. The color of the muzzle is usually pink or white. On the top of the head there is a black crest, similar to a hood (in fact, because of this similarity the animal got its name).

Primates live in groups of 10 to 30 individuals. They work together to obtain food, defend themselves from enemies, and take care of their offspring. Capuchins are omnivores: they feed on both plant and animal foods. It should be noted that these monkeys are very smart. They can crack nuts with a stone and beat fruits on tree branches. Having caught it, they clean off the mucus from it, wiping it on a tree. Capuchin cubs spend all their time on their mother’s back for up to three months, crawling onto their chest to feed on milk. From the age of six months, they begin to lead a more independent lifestyle, eat adult food, but do not stray far from their mother.

Howler monkeys

Howler monkeys are the largest primates in the New World. They are the size of a dog. These monkeys have a long and very prehensile tail, which they constantly use when moving through the trees.

The primate's body is covered with thick but short hair. Long hair is only on the cone-shaped head. The jaw protrudes forward, somewhat similar to a dog's. The neck is very short, so it seems as if it is absent altogether. These primates spend most of their lives in trees. During the day they climb to the very tops, where they look for food, and at night they descend lower, settling down for the night in the dense branches of small trees. Howler monkeys are very afraid of water, as they absolutely cannot swim.

Monkeys feed on tree buds, leaves, succulent shoots and fruits. Howler monkeys unite in flocks that number from five to forty individuals. The female, as a rule, gives birth to one cub, which she feeds for up to 18 months. Young animals and childless females help look after the baby.


The second name is yellow baboon. The length of the body reaches seventy-five centimeters, and the length of the tail is about sixty centimeters. The coat color is yellow - hence the name of the primate. Baboons live in East and Central Africa (in mountainous and steppe regions). They feed, like most primates, on plant and animal foods. The diet of baboons includes bulbs, lush grass, fruits, nuts, insects, lizards, bird eggs, etc.

Baboons never live alone. The group includes up to eighty individuals. There is a clear hierarchy in the flock, with several adult males dominating. In case of danger, they come to each other's aid. Between males and offspring are established friendly relations. Mature cubs feminine remain in the pack, but young males are forced to leave. Interestingly, herds of ungulates often join a flock of yellow baboons. The fact is that baboons have very acute vision, so they can warn of danger in time.


It is the largest species of non-ape primate. They live in the territory West Africa. Mature males have very beautiful and bright colors. They have a bright pink nose and stripes on their muzzle. blue color. Females and young males do not have such bright colors. The weight of males sometimes reaches fifty-four kilograms. Females are much smaller.

The diet of primates includes both plant and animal foods. Mandrills eat more than one hundred and thirteen species of plants.

These monkeys live in families, which include one male and ten to fifteen females. Each family is assigned a territory of fifty square meters, which they mark with an odorous secretion. Pregnancy in females lasts two hundred and twenty days. Babies are born from April to December, at this time there is a lot of food, so the females have time to feed them. The bond between mother and baby lasts a very long time. Until the age of three, the baby comes to spend the night with his mother.


Gorillas are the largest great apes. These primates live in Africa. Until recently, the habitat of these monkeys was difficult to access. But the aborigines always knew about the proximity of these animals and tried not to meet them, believing that they had a ferocious disposition.

The growth of gorillas reaches almost two meters, and their weight is from one hundred and forty to two hundred kilograms. The body has a square shape. Fur and skin color is black. As males age, the fur on their backs turns grey. Like all primates, gorillas are diurnal. These monkeys feed exclusively on plant foods. They prefer stems and leaves, but fruits make up a small portion of the diet.

Gorillas have a very calm, even phlegmatic character, despite their terrifying appearance. The female mates only with the leader of the herd; pregnancy lasts eight and a half months. At first the cub rides on the mother’s back, and then walks next to her, holding on to her fur. Life expectancy is thirty to thirty-five years, but some individuals live for half a century.

The rarest species of monkeys

The man is very careless surrounding nature. Many animals were on the verge of extinction, including monkeys. Some of these species include such a small number of individuals that scientists around the world are sounding the alarm. Thus, the Society for the Protection of Animals took custody of drils, primates that are listed in the Red Book. The population of these animals numbers no more than ten thousand individuals. All monkeys (species do not matter) are being exterminated by humans at a catastrophic rate. And if this continues, the planet may lose these wonderful animals.


Currently pet monkey- not at all uncommon. Many pet stores sell these exotic animals. But it is worth considering that not all types of primates take root well at home. Here are some species of domestic monkeys that adapt well to captivity: tamarins, marmosets, gibbons, marmosets, capuchins. These primates are unpretentious in keeping, but it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. So, they should have a spacious cage, proper nutrition. Under no circumstances hit the animal or yell at it, otherwise it will withdraw into itself, become aggressive and boring. In poor conditions, monkeys die very quickly.

Monkeys are cute and charming creatures that you can admire forever. They refer to great apes. You've probably heard this word more than once, but do you know its meaning? The word "primate" can be translated as "first", although monkeys are superior to other animals only in their better intelligence. As for dexterity, smell, vision and hearing, in many other species they are at a higher level.

Basic information about monkeys

There are many different types these animals, but they are similar in many ways. They all have a pair of arms and legs (like a human), a tail or something similar to it. Monkeys' thumbs are located at a decent distance from the rest, thanks to which they can easily climb trees. Almost all of these animals are omnivores, but they eat a lot of things that a human (also a primate, by the way) wouldn’t like. These include insects, fruits, bird eggs, grains, leaves, and grass. There is also evidence that they even eat crustaceans.

and habitats

How long do monkeys live? It depends on the species. Some live only up to 20 years, while others live up to 60. In this they are very different, but what else do they have in common? The first thing that comes to mind is that all monkeys, without exception, can deftly move from one branch to another. Just imagine: some species do not leave the tree their entire lives. For example, the royal herb, which lives in Africa, can only eat flowers and leaves. What a completely healthy diet.

But there are also monkeys who prefer to live only on the ground and completely ignore trees. An example is baboons. Where do monkeys of this species live? They gather in groups of 250-300 individuals and constantly “travel”, not staying long in one place. Older males go first, and younger ones close the column. Their task is to protect the herd from enemies. There are also individuals that tend to stay away; they walk at some distance from the column. Baboons are very united and brave animals. For example, if a leopard is preparing to attack a monkey that has lagged behind the column, 150 individuals may come running to its cry. Of course, the leopard becomes uncomfortable with such an army. But other species are not distinguished by courage and, in case of any danger, scatter in different sides and jump into the trees.

Where do monkeys live?

They mainly live in Asian, African and South American subtropical and tropical regions. As for South America, the territory inhabited by primates stretches from the northern part of Argentina to the southern part of Mexico. It is impossible not to remember also about Africa, where monkeys live. This country (especially just south of the Sahara) is simply teeming with them. Contrary to popular belief, monkeys do not live in Madagascar, only lemurs live there. Let's talk about Asia. There, most monkeys can be found in the southeastern and southern parts. The range extends up to Timor and Japan. One species of monkey (magot) also lives in Europe, and more specifically, in Gibraltar. It is believed that he was brought here by people.

As you already understand, most monkeys live among trees, mainly in forests (any kind: mountainous, wet, etc.). Some species live both on branches and on the ground, such as the gelada.

Where do snow monkeys live?

There is an opinion that all these animals adore warm climate and cannot live in the cold. If we talk about the vast majority of monkeys, then this is true. But don't forget about exceptions.

On the large island of Honshu, which is located in Japan, they live snow monkeys. We can say that they are very hardened - they are not afraid of the cold.

Snow monkeys live in Igodukani (so called famous nature reserve). If we translate this name into Russian, it will mean “Hell Valley”. This area is notable for its great natural diversity: there is both ice and hot water, and geysers. The monkeys living here have a very impressive thick coat of hair, which makes them seem quite thick and powerful, although this is not the case.

These animals do not suffer much from the cold, but, of course, it is unpleasant for them to freeze, and therefore they plunge into a hot spring and sit there for quite a long time. Where monkeys of this species live, there are areas where steam comes out of the ground; in some ways, such a place resembles a bathhouse. Primates love to sit there and bask. Only in the late afternoon, when it gets a little warmer, do the animals climb out of the water and move away from the steam to dry out. They also eat at this time.

Snow monkeys love to dig into the fur of their relatives, thanks to which it dries faster. But other species often do the same thing. From the outside it seems that they are choosing fleas, although this is not true. Monkeys are clean, they don't have these insects in their fur. In fact, this action is a demonstration of gratitude and love to their relatives.

What do these animals eat?

What do snow monkeys eat? After all, fruits don’t grow in snow. Well, the monkeys are used to doing without them. They trample paths in the snow and walk along them in a line, taking roots, berries, leaves, and insects from the snowdrifts. They also eat pine needles, tree buds and bark.

Now you know where monkeys live, what they eat and how they behave.