How animals prepare for winter. Wild animals in winter: a description of their life, how animals prepare for winter, beautiful pictures How animals prepare for winter Skrebitsky

Class. Reading Bianchi's "How Animals Prepare for Winter."

1.Introduce children to the work.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals;

3. Teach children to think logically, pose questions, and make correct conclusions;

4.Develop children’s speech activity, creative imagination, observation, and ingenuity; cultivate an interest in nature.

Material: paintings depicting animals.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory conversation. Riddles

The teacher makes riddles about wild animals.

A little ball of fur was meandering in the forest, making the animals laugh. And you take it and guess how Who made everyone laugh? Of course,….(BUNNY)

There is a mighty beast in the forests, believe me, son! He eats raspberries and loves honey. Who can name him for me? (BEAR)

I once saw a dark red beauty in the forest. She was jumping along the branches, apparently looking for pine cones there. (SQUIRREL)

My ears on the top of my head: Long, large, So that I could hear the fox Even if I’m not quiet. (HARE)

She is very cunning: She ate a bun in a fairy tale, she steals chickens and roosters. Who is ready to name her? (FOX)

What time of year is it now? Autumn.

Name the signs of autumn. (It’s cold outside, the sun is weak, it rains often, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall, people put on warm clothes, birds fly away warm regions, animals are preparing for winter).

Let's remember how animals prepare for winter.

How does a hare prepare for winter? Changes his gray fur coat to a white one.

How does a bear prepare for winter? He goes to bed in the den.

How does a squirrel prepare for winter? Prepares supplies of nuts, mushrooms, berries.

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?

Emotional gymnastics “Turn around yourself and turn into a beast.”

Children depict animal behavior: an angry, angry wolf, a cowardly bunny, sly fox, alarmed squirrel.

Invite the children to listen to Bianchi's work.

"How animals prepare for winter." - V. BIANCHI

In the forest, everyone prepares for winter in their own way.

Those who could, flew away from hunger and cold on wings. Those who remained are in a hurry to fill their pantries, preparing food supplies for future use.

Short-tailed field mice carry it around especially diligently. Many of them have dug winter holes for themselves right under the stacks of grain and steal grain every night.

Five or six paths lead to the hole, each path leading to its own entrance. Underground there is a bedroom and several storage rooms.

In winter, voles go to sleep only in the most severe frosts.

Belkina drying room.

The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees for storage. Here she has stacked hazelnuts and cones. In addition, the squirrel collects mushrooms - butterworts and birch mushrooms. She places them on broken branches of pine trees and dries them for future use. In winter, she will wander through the branches of trees and eat dried mushrooms.

They are hiding.

It's getting cold, cold! The water in the pond freezes.

The tailed newt left the pond and entered the forest and hid under the bark of a rotten stump.

Frogs dive and hide in the mud. Snakes burrow under roots and moss.

I'm getting hungry, hungry!

Bats hide in hollows, caves, and attics. They have nothing left to eat; the butterflies, flies, and mosquitoes have disappeared.

The fat badger comes out of his warm and clean hole less and less often.

Ants clog the entrances and exits of their high city. They huddle in heaps in the very depths of it, where it is warmer.

Fish flock in schools in pools and deep underwater holes.

The frost is not great, but it does not tell you to yawn - as soon as winter strikes, it will freeze the earth and water with ice. Where will you go then?

What does the work say?

How do animals prepare for winter?

Which of the animals stores supplies?

Which forest inhabitants hibernate?

Didactic game “What has changed?” (several animals are exhibited; one is removed)

Summing up the lesson.

How a wolf prepares for winter, you will learn from this article.

How does a wolf prepare for winter?

Let's say right away that wolves do not hibernate in winter and their activity does not decrease. They endure the cold season on their paws. But still, some changes occur with wolves.

Wolves, like other wild animals, for example, a hare, do not change the color of their fur coat. After all, they are predators and they simply do not need the protective color of a fur coat. Only its thickness changes - the fur becomes very fluffy and thick. This allows wild beast maintain body temperature and survive even severe frosts and winds.

Another feature that helps animals survive in conditions harsh winter, is the low thermal conductivity of fur (1.2-1.5 times lower than the thermal conductivity of muskrat and beaver skins).

As winter approaches, wolves begin to gather in packs. This makes it much easier to survive in winter by getting your own food. It is easier to hunt in a pack, which they successfully do, chasing wild boars, hares and roe deer. The diameter of the area occupied by the flock in winter is usually 30-60 kilometers. In spring and summer, when the flock breaks up, the territory occupied by it is divided into several fragments.

A pack of wolves in the autumn-winter season can consist of two old ones, 3-6 young ones and 2-4 young ones, that is, 7-12 individuals, rarely more.

Life Explorers wild wolves noticed interesting fact- in preparation for winter, wolves begin to dig up moles, bite the animals and bury them back, so that in winter they can find this treasure and feast on it, if things get really bad.

In winter, the amount of food decreases significantly, which is why most animals begin to prepare for the cold in the fall, and some begin to prepare food in the summer. Rodents are the first to collect supplies:

  • mice,
  • chipmunks,
  • grandmas.

Already in the summer, they search throughout the forest for seeds and nuts, depositing them in burrows. This gives them the opportunity to sit in their house all winter and not go outside. During cold weather, rodents sleep almost all the time, interrupting their sleep only to eat.

Who isn't afraid of frost?

Foxes, hares and wolves practically do not prepare for frosts, as they spend the winter on their feet in search of food. The bunnies just change their clothes: they change their gray fur coat to a white one so that predators do not notice them on the snow carpet. It is very interesting to watch how animals prepare for winter, because everyone has their own secret.

Foxes and wolves

Foxes and wolves do not change the color of their coats, but their fur becomes thicker and fluffier: this makes it easier to survive severe frosts. Wolves gather in packs because it is much more convenient to survive in winter. Sly foxes look for any holes to rest and hide from the snowstorm.

Beavers and squirrels

Squirrels and beavers do not hibernate, but they are trained responsibly. Beavers live in large families, all together they build cozy houses near ponds, next to which they put their food - twigs from trees. They also feed on the roots of plants that grow in water.

I wonder how a squirrel prepares for winter? Red-haired forest dwellers do not hibernate, although they spend most of their time in their homes - hollows that they build high in the trees.

This rodent changes the color of its coat from red to grayish to camouflage itself from predators. What does a squirrel eat in winter? During the cold season, this rodent stocks up with the following belongings:

  • acorns,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • seeds.

Let's talk about the bear

Bears set up their home in advance. They look for caves, ditches, where they carry leaves, branches, moss, and make a soft mattress on top from spruce branches. When snow falls, it masks the bear's hiding place and keeps it warm.

Bears do not store food, but in the fall they actively feed on nuts and fish in order to accumulate as much fat as possible for the winter. In fact, the predator does not sleep, but dozes, and if necessary, it can leave the den. It is in winter that a mother bear gives birth to small cubs.

This is how animals spend the winter. Some sleep all winter, others try to stay warm and find food for themselves. But you can learn a lot more interesting things about animals, birds and insects.

Most representatives of the animal world experience mating season, and autumn passes under the sign of preparation for the onset of winter cold. Preparing for winter for animals living in fairly cold latitudes is a matter on which, without exaggeration, life depends. Many of them have their own individual ways of overwintering. We will talk about this below.

How do most animals prepare for winter?

The most important task is to prepare sufficient food supplies for the winter. Some animals, such as babaki, field mice and the chipmunks have been dealing with this issue since the end of summer. The hot summer is still reigning, and they are already in full swing looking for various nuts and seeds, prudently hiding them in their hole. Many animals do not make any reserves, but simply eat a lot and gain a sufficient amount of fat that will allow them to survive the winter. Their main concern in the autumn months is to absorb as much more food. Such animals include bears that sleep all winter in a pre-insulated den, badgers, hedgehogs, and even bats. All of the listed mammals hibernate during the winter, since it is almost impossible for them to find cold period year food. Many warm-blooded animals undergo autumn molting - this is a change from short summer fur to thicker and warmer ones. Hares, foxes, wolves, and squirrels also shed and change their fur.

In addition, hares and squirrels also change the color of their clothing - they become lighter for camouflage in the snow. Birds also molt in the fall and grow new feathers. Many birds simply fly to warmer climes for the winter. Beavers, hedgehogs, squirrels and bears are engaged in careful preparation your home for winter - insulate and strengthen it with all possible ways, they drag dry leaves, branches, moss there. The life activity of the animal will also depend on the reliability and security of the home in winter. Foxes, hares and wolves, with the exception of changing their fur coats, do not particularly prepare for winter, since they do not hibernate and are completely winter period spend in search of food. With the arrival of winter, wolves gather in large packs, and foxes survive severe frosts in their burrows.

How cold-blooded animals winter

Cold-blooded animals include amphibians, reptiles, and insects. They survive the winter period in an inactive state. Several months before the onset of cold weather, certain changes occur in the body of a cold-blooded animal. Insects, such as mosquitoes, also accumulate fat during the winter. Ants build large anthills for wintering. An interesting fact is that in winter the bodies of ants, beetles and many other insects produce a special substance that allows them to withstand even the most severe frosts. Due to it, the body maintains metabolism in a state of winter rest. The amount of fluid in insect cells decreases. Almost all frogs, turtles, snakes and lizards enter a state of hibernation, also called suspended animation.

Elena Mozgovaya

Open lesson on the topic:

"How animals prepare for winter"

in the senior preparatory group

Target: reveal an idea of ​​how animals in the forest prepare for winter, the reasons for changes in living and inanimate nature in the fall.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about wild animals and the signs of autumn, expand ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals in autumn, and introduce how wild animals prepare for winter. Develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills hands, cultivate curiosity, love for nature and wild animals, and the ability to care for it and its inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Emotional mood:

Teacher's story: (music sounds)

Guys, on my day off I walked along the banks of the Bityug River. And there are so many colorful boats on the water: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately sail away. Many more will arrive today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And then the ships will no longer arrive, and the river will freeze.

Tell us what kind of boats these are and what time of year they appear?

Children - autumn, boats - autumn leaves.

What is the name in nature for the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?

Children are falling leaves.

II. Updating knowledge:

It's frosty in the morning,

In the groves there are yellow leaves,

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

Tell me, what time of year is this poem about?

Children - about autumn.

Using mnemonics

What changes occur in nature in autumn? I will show you the table, and you will talk about changes in nature.

1. The sun hid behind the clouds, it rains often.

2. The day is shorter and the night is longer.

3. The leaves on the trees turned yellow.

4. A strong wind is blowing.

What changes are taking place in living nature?

5. The birds flew away to warmer regions.

6. Animals are preparing for winter.

Guys, what would happen if winter immediately came after summer?

Children - everything in nature would immediately freeze and die, no one would have time to prepare for the cold and hunger.

That's why we need autumn. In autumn, all nature prepares for winter: trees, animals, and birds.

III. Motivation for the lesson:

Letter from the forest:

Oh guys! What is this?

Here is an envelope, big and yellow,

How did you find the envelope?

How did you get into our group?

Let's figure it out! Oh wait!

Our address is on the envelope, after all.

Whose reverse is it?

Who did the letter come from?

You want to know, right?

Then you have to try

Guess all the riddles.

1. The beast waddles

For raspberries and honey

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams. (bear)

2. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread? (hedgehog)

3. Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees

And flies up into the oak trees,

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

4. Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What's her name? … (fox)

5. He prowls the forest all the time,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He snaps his teeth from the bushes,

Who says this... (wolf)

6. Who doesn’t have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (hare)

Tell me, what can you call all these animals?

Children are forest animals, wild animals.

Why are animals called wild?

Children get their own food, build a home, and live in freedom.

Tell me about them. I suggest you play. I put animal masks on you, and you name the signs of “your” beast.

Didactic exercise "Choose definitions"

Wolf, what are you? – I’m gray, toothy, scary,...

Bear, what are you? – I’m brown, club-footed, clumsy,...

Lisa, what are you? - cunning, fluffy, red-haired, ...

Hedgehog, what are you? – I’m prickly, small,...

Hare, what are you? - long-eared, timid, cowardly, small...

Squirrel, what are you? – I’m red, fluffy,...

And wild animals have children.

There are many mothers in this world,

And every mother has children.

We must come to the rescue

And find the kids correctly!

Didactic game "Find a pair"

(pair up mother and babies)

And in this letter it is also written...

Come to the autumn forest,

We will be friends with you,

Have fun and play

We will be waiting for you very much!

Wild animals invite us to visit the forest.

How many of you have been to the forest?

IV. Journey to the autumn forest:

Let's go guys autumn forest and see how the animals prepare for winter.

Going for a walk in the forest today

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

Stand next to each other,

Hold hands tightly

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

And forest animals we are with you

We'll definitely find it.

So we ended up in the forest. Guys, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children - do not leave garbage in the forest, do not break branches and trees, do not destroy bird nests and anthills, do not light fires.

You also have to be quiet in the forest and not make noise, otherwise you might scare the animals.

I wonder if we will see the animals in the forest that invited us to visit?

V. Meeting with animals:

Guys, look, someone small, long-eared, timid... is sitting under a bush. Have you guessed who it is?

Children - yes, of course, this is a hare.

But he is very sad. What could have happened to him?

Children - the fox scared him, he was cold, there were no carrots...

Let's cheer him up by calling him affectionately....

Game “Say Kindly”

Children - bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.

How does a bunny prepare for winter?

Children - he sheds and his fur becomes fluffy, warm and white so that the hare is not noticeable in the white snow, and so that the fox and wolf do not notice him. In autumn, the hare does not store supplies, because in winter it gnaws the bark of trees and feeds on young twigs.

So he sat under a bush and changed his fur coat. And when I came out, I didn’t find my friends. Let's help him find friends.

Game "Guess who it is?"

Brown, club-footed, clumsy... (bear)

Small, prickly... (hedgehog)

Tell me, guys, where did the hedgehog and the bear go?

Children - the hedgehog eats mushrooms, mice, beetles, worms, finds a secluded shelter under the roots of trees, settles on dry leaves and moss, falls asleep for the whole winter until spring.

Let's find his hole.

Where's the bear?

Children - the bear also eats well in the fall. It accumulates fat under its skin and hibernates in winter.

Where does he sleep?

Children - he sleeps in a den, drags dry branches and leaves to keep it warm. In winter, the den will be covered with a blanket of snow and the bear will be warm.

Why do they say that a bear sucks its paw?

Children - there is a change in hard skin on the pads of the paws, while the old skin bursts, peels, and is very itchy, and in order to somehow reduce these discomfort the animal licks its paws.

Let's find his den.

Look, the branches are moving, but there is no wind. Who could it be? Children are squirrels.

How did you know?

Children - there were mushrooms on the branch, footprints under the tree, a hollow in the tree.

Let's find the squirrel.

Another small furry forest dweller who changes the color of his coat for winter.

The squirrel was red all summer, but by winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live?

Children are in a hollow.

How did she prepare for winter?

Children - all summer and autumn she collected mushrooms and berries and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

VI. Physical education minute:

The little white bunny is sitting (squatting)

And he wiggles his ears. (showed long ears with hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, (stand up)

We need to warm our paws. (stroke hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumping in place)

Someone scared the bunny -

The bunny jumped and ran away! (jump to the teacher)

Guys, who could scare the bunny?

Children - fox and wolf.

This beasts of prey. If they catch a hare, it won't be good for him. The fox has a home - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Do foxes and wolves need to change their fur coats to new winter ones?

Children - of course, they are necessary. In the summer, you and I wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in the winter we put on warmer ones, so the animals also have to change clothes. This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow different, warmer fur.

What is the name of the period when animals change their fur?

Children - this period in the life of animals is called molting.

But the color of their fur remains the same, because they have no one to hide and camouflage from, they are predators themselves. They walk through the forest in search of prey.

Let's tell you how animals prepare for winter...

Game "One - Many"

Not just one wolf is preparing for winter, but many... (wolves)

Not one hare, but many... (hares)

Not one hedgehog, but many... (hedgehogs)

Not one bear, but many... (bears)

Not one squirrel, but many... (squirrels)

Not one fox, but many... (foxes)

And now the bunny invites you to relax and play.

Whoever I throw the ball to answers the question.

Game "Name the Family"

Father is a hare, mother is a hare, baby is a hare

Dad is a hedgehog, mom is a hedgehog, baby is a hedgehog

Papa bear, mama bear, baby bear

VII. Return to the group.

Our journey is over, but look at the mess in the clearing: empty bottles, packages. What nature does not need.

Let's clean up the trash and take it home. Some of them may be useful for our studies. For the winter cold, we will make a feeder out of a bottle for wintering birds, and we will store seeds in bags to feed our feathered guests.

One, two, three, turn around yourself,

And find yourself in the group again.

VIII. Creating a collage.

What time of year comes after autumn.

Children - winter.

Now we know that our animals are ready for winter. And we will send them to the winter forest. (We divide into 2 subgroups)

1. Look at the picture winter forest and place wild animals in your houses. Let's take figures of wild animals and stick them where they live.

2. And here are subject pictures - houses for wild animals. distribute them among your homes.

We carefully pick up the glue and coat the entire animal figurine. When pasted, press down with a napkin. If you have already pasted it, carefully place the brush on the socket.

(The work is accompanied by a musical sketch)

IX. Reflection:

We traveled through the forest, let's check what you remember:

What animals can we meet in the forest?

Which animals hibernate?

Who's stocking up for the winter?

How do animals prepare for winter so that they don’t feel cold?

Why do the hare and squirrel change their fur color?

How does a bear insulate its den?

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter in the fall?

What wild forest animals can we find in our region?

Children - fox, hedgehog, wolf, hare.

And which ones do not live in our region?

Children - squirrel, bear.