Presentation on the topic "reserves of Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk region." Specially protected natural areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Taimyr Nature Reserve The presentation was made by geography teacher Bauer Olga Nikolaevna KGB OU KSHI

Nature reserves of the Krasnoyarsk region. Created in the region large network natural reserves - specially protected areas. The total area of ​​the five reserves is quite large (more than 8.8 million hectares) and accounts for 3.8% of the territory. Among them are “Pillars” - a rock reserve in the vicinity regional center, where the famous Krasnoyarsk rock climbers brothers V.M. went to school. and E.M. Abalakovs - conquerors of the highest Pamir peaks. There are 25 reserves in the region with a total area of ​​about 2 million hectares, incl. Tunguska meteorite reserve in the Evenki Autonomous Okrug, on whose territory in 1908 one of the largest natural disasters- a fall Tunguska meteorite, recorded by all seismic stations in the world. The wave from the meteorite explosion went around twice Earth. It is planned to organize another 44 reserves with an area of ​​over 2 million hectares. In 1995, in the south of the region it was organized national park"Shushensky Bor". In 1749, on the territory of the present Novoselovsky district, the first meteorite in Russia was found, called “Pallas iron”.

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“Barguzinsky Reserve” - At the end of October, snow will cover the ground until spring. Cedar cones. And then summer comes. Spring comes late to the reserve and is in no hurry to leave. The taiga is the first to awaken. There are 39 species of animals. Content. A muskrat recently appeared on the coast and took over the lake. Not uncommon in the taiga predator birds. In January the weather is calm, sunny and frosty.

"Caucasian Biosphere Reserve" - Mountain rivers originate from eternal snow and ice. Trans-Kuban lowland, forest zone. Priazovsky reserve. Kuban. All the typical and unique landscapes of the North-West Caucasus are presented here. Caucasian biosphere reserve. Pelican. Taman-Zaporozhye reserve. Bisons and tours. The main forest-forming species are oak, beech, chestnut, and hornbeam.

“Pillars Reserve” - Most of the plantings were selectively felled in the 40-50s. Lion Gate. Purpose of creation. Grandfather. Flora. Among the 8 forest-forming species, pine (41%) and fir (28%) predominate. Twins. Attractions. In total, 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been recorded. Landscapes and relief. The raccoon dog is acclimatized.

The Taimyrsky State Nature Reserve is an environmental, research and environmental educational institution, included in the international network of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring. The reserve conducts a large volume scientific research, based on the results of 1999 and 2000, it entered the top ten (out of 100) reserves, and in terms of the content and information of the Chronicle of Nature it took 1st place. Since 1993, a museum of nature and ethnography has been operating at the reserve. The museum is engaged in educational and environmental work, the museum receives more than 5 thousand visitors annually.

The area of ​​the reserve is 1324 thousand hectares. The reserve is located within the North Siberian Lowland on the right bank of the river. Upper Taimyr. Along the left bank of the Upper Taimyr, spurs of the Byrranga Mountains enter the reserve. The entire territory lies in a zone of continuous permafrost, the thickness of which reaches 500 m.

The organizers of the reserve sought to cover the territory with the greatest diversity of zonal natural landscapes- arctic, typical and southern tundra, as well as pre-tundra woodlands (forest-tundra). Arctic desert Forest tundra Mountain tundra Typical tundra

Vegetation Throughout the reserve, 429 species of vascular plants, 212 species of leafy mosses, and 263 species of lichens grow. 47 species were also noted cap mushrooms and 157 micromycetes. Vegetation in the tundraThe world's northernmost forests "Ary-Mas"

The plant cover of the reserve, given the high latitudes, is very diverse. They are shaggy, like animals, Flowers of high parallel, Their life span is short, Their sun barely warms. They grow near piles of snow. Their blizzards have sung hundreds of times And then they go to the pole - Flowers of the high parallel. I.D. Rozhdestvensky

Animal world The reserve contains 21 species of mammals, 116 species of birds, and over 15 species of fish live in rivers and lakes. A fairly common inhabitant of the reserve is the white hare. In summer it can often be found in the mountains and foothills in the meadows of steep southern slopes, there are many of them in the southern tundras, but in winter it is common throughout the territory.

During the history of the reserve, 2 polar bears have been recorded on the Bikada and Upper Taimyr rivers (both areas are km from the sea).

The birds of the reserve belong to 9 orders. Representatives of two of them - cranes (the gray crane and the Siberian crane) and woodpeckers (the three-toed woodpecker) are vagrants, while representatives of loons, geese, raptors, gallinidae, charibiformes, owls and passerines live in the reserve permanently and nest. The number of waterfowl is high. Breeding eiders, black-throated and white-billed loons, tundra swans, and bean eiders nest. Tundra partridge Owl Tundra swan

The territory of the reserve was almost not subject to anthropogenic impact. Since ancient times, small groups of Dolgans and Nganasans roamed the flat tundra; traces of their burials can be found in the tundra and in the foothills. Geological survey work, for the most part, did not affect the territory and, apart from the old all-terrain tracks, did not leave any serious disturbances. In the Lukunsky and especially Ary-Mas forests, nomadic reindeer herders used to cut down trees for their needs. Now the forests are being restored.

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Specially protected natural areas Krasnoyarsk Territory Taimyr Nature Reserve The presentation was made by geography teacher Bauer Olga Nikolaevna KGB OU KSHI “Achinsk Cadet Corps”

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It’s spring here only in August Just for ten days, Which is cold like February, And maybe even colder Here, everything is not the same and everything is wrong, Only a circle of the Earth has thawed, But still the polar poppy has blossomed, It burned through the snow like a flag... And .D. Christmas

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The Taimyrsky State Nature Reserve is an environmental, research and environmental educational institution, included in the international network of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring. The reserve conducts a large amount of scientific research; according to the results of 1999 and 2000, it was included in the top ten (out of 100) reserves, and in terms of the content and information of the Chronicle of Nature it took 1st place. Since 1993, a museum of nature and ethnography has been operating at the reserve. The museum is engaged in educational and environmental work; the museum receives more than 5 thousand visitors annually.

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The reserve was organized on February 23, 1979. In 1995, by decision of the UNESCO MAB, the Taimyrsky State Reserve received biosphere status.

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The area of ​​the reserve is 1324 thousand hectares. The reserve is located within the North Siberian Lowland on the right bank of the river. Upper Taimyr. Along the left bank of the Upper Taimyr, spurs of the Byrranga Mountains enter the reserve. The entire territory lies in a zone of continuous permafrost, the thickness of which reaches 500 m.

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The organizers of the reserve sought to ensure that the territory covered the greatest variety of zonal natural landscapes - arctic, typical and southern tundra, as well as pre-tundra open forests (forest-tundra). Arctic desert Forest-tundra Mountain tundra Typical tundra

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The main rivers of the territory are the tributaries of the Khatanga: Novaya and Lukunskaya in the south, Upper Taimyr, Logata in the north, Bikada in the protected zone.

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Largest lake- Taimyr, the reserve includes its bays - Ledyanaya Bay, Baikuraneru, Baikuraturku. Other significant lakes – Syrutaturku, Nadaturku, Dudassamaturku Sunset on Lake Taimyr

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Vegetation Throughout the reserve, 429 species of vascular plants, 212 species of leafy mosses, and 263 species of lichens grow. 47 species of cap mushrooms and 157 micromycetes were also noted. Vegetation in the tundra The world's northernmost forests "Ary-Mas"

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The plant cover of the reserve, given the high latitudes, is very diverse. They are shaggy, like animals, Flowers of high parallel, Their life span is short, Their sun barely warms. They grow near piles of snow. Their blizzards have sung hundreds of times And then they go to the pole - Flowers of the high parallel. I.D. Rozhdestvensky

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Fauna The reserve contains 21 species of mammals, 116 species of birds, and over 15 species of fish live in rivers and lakes. A fairly common inhabitant of the reserve is the white hare. In summer it can often be found in the mountains and foothills in the meadows of steep southern slopes, there are many of them in the southern tundras, but in winter it is common throughout the territory.

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Ungulates in the reserve are represented by reindeer and musk ox. The Taimyr population of wild reindeer is the largest in the world, even according to the most conservative estimates, it contains more than 700 thousand individuals.

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The musk ox, introduced to Taimyr in 1974, has now colonized a very significant territory - from the Bolshaya Balakhnya River in the south to the mouth of the Leningradskaya River in the north and from Lower Taimyr in the west to east coast Taimyr.

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From marine mammals Beluga whales live in the reserve, ringed seal, bearded seal and walrus, mainly in the Arctic branch; only the ringed seal is more or less numerous. Walrus

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During the history of the reserve, 2 polar bears have been recorded on the Bikada and Upper Taimyr rivers (both areas are 200-300 km from the sea).

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The birds of the reserve belong to 9 orders. Representatives of two of them - cranes (the gray crane and the Siberian crane) and woodpeckers (the three-toed woodpecker) are vagrants, while representatives of loons, geese, raptors, gallinidae, charibiformes, owls and passerines live in the reserve permanently and nest. The number of waterfowl is high. Breeding eiders, black-throated and white-billed loons, tundra swans, and bean eiders nest. Tundra partridge Owl Tundra swan

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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topic: “Reserves of Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory” Completed by: student of MBOU “Secondary School No. 19”, grade 1A, Takhtarakov Semyon Supervisor: Platonova M.A.

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The Khakassian National Museum-Reserve "Kazanovka" is located 3 kilometers northeast of the village of Kazanovka, Askiz district. This reserve was founded 21 years ago (1996) on the initiative of the historian, archaeologist and simply caring person who sincerely loves Khakassia, Leonid Eremin. The main task of the museum-reserve is the preservation of natural, historical and cultural landscapes, restoration and development of the main forms of life of the local population, collection, study, formation and protection of funds.

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The reserve is located in Southern Siberia on the northern macroslope of the Western Sayan and in the mountain steppes of the Minusinsk Basin in the territory of the Tashtyp, Ust-Abakan, Bogradsky, Shirinsky and Ordzhonikidze districts of the Republic of Khakassia. The purpose of its creation is to protect the mountain forest and steppe ecosystems of the Minusinsk Basin and Western Sayan.

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Seven nature reserves have been created in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: 1. Bolshoi Arctic Reserve; 2. Putorana Nature Reserve; 3. Sayano-Shushensky reserve; 4. Pillars; 5. Taimyr Nature Reserve; 6. Tunguska Nature Reserve; 7. Central Siberian Nature Reserve.

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The Great Arctic State Nature Reserve is the largest reserve in Russia and all of Eurasia. The reserve is located on the Taimyr Peninsula and the Northern Islands Arctic Ocean on the territory of Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. This is the most large nature reserve Russia (and the third largest in the world). The main purpose of creating the reserve is to protect the nesting habitats of birds migrating along the North Atlantic route (brant goose, many waders and other species). State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Sayano-Shushensky" is located in the center of the Western Sayan and Altai-Sayan mountainous country, on the territory of Shushensky and Ermakovsky districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The purpose of creating the reserve is the need to preserve sable as the most valuable fur-bearing animal. The impact of the Sayano-Shushenskoye Reservoir on natural ecosystems is also being studied in the reserve.

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The Putorana State Nature Reserve is a reserve located within the Putorano Plateau, in the northwestern part of the Central Siberian Plateau, south of the Taimyr Peninsula. The main goals of creating the reserve are to protect mountain-lake-taiga landscapes, unique flora, rare species animals, including the Putorana subspecies snow leopard, the world's largest population of wild reindeer. The Stolby Nature Reserve is a nature reserve located on the right bank of the Yenisei near the southwestern outskirts of Krasnoyarsk. The purpose of creation is protection natural complexes picturesque rock massif of the Stolby tract. The Taimyrsky Nature Reserve is one of the largest nature reserves in Russia. Located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Taimyr Peninsula. Created on February 23, 1979. The purpose of creation is to preserve the ecosystems of the plains and mountain tundras, as well as the Ary-Mas and Lukunsky forests.

Sections: Biology

Purpose of the lesson: Learning new material.

  1. Educational:
  2. Repeat geographical position territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the map of Russia. To form students’ ideas about protected areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Introduce students to representatives of flora and fauna

  3. protected areas
  4. Krasnoyarsk region. Developmental: Development cognitive processes: memory - through working with concepts, logical thinking - through drawing conclusions, attention - through maintaining discipline, developing the ability to work with contour maps, With

  5. educational literature

, development, analyze, compare, draw conclusions and summarize. Educational: Fostering a patriotic attitude towards

  1. native land
  2. . Fostering a conservation attitude towards the environment.

Verbal methods - story, conversation.

Visual methods – demonstration of visual aids.


Map of Krasnoyarsk Territory

Presentation “Protected areas of KK”

Computer equipment

Educational literature

During the classes:

1. Preparing students for work

Preparation of writing and educational materials.

Organizing time. 2. Preparing to study new material
Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.
So that the desert does not dare to come,
So that souls do not become empty.
Animals are protected

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are protected.

Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson (written in notebooks)

Since 1600, about 150 species of animals have become extinct on our planet, more than half in the last 50 years. In the 20th century, it became obvious that it was necessary to take special measures to save the animal and plant world.

Today in class we will continue to study the nature and ecology of the region in which we live. We will get acquainted with the protected areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the peculiarities of their situation, and representatives of the flora and fauna living in the reserves.

Write down the topic of the lesson “Protected areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” in your notebook.

3. Learning new material

1. The concept of nature reserves and protected areas.

Why are protected areas needed? This question probably sounds rhetorical today. There is no longer any need to prove to anyone how destructively modern man can influence

wildlife . Fewer and fewer untouched corners of nature remain. Every year the Red Book is replenished with endangered representatives of the animal and plant world. Our misunderstanding and rejection of the world as it is leads to death or, at best, to the suppression of living nature.(according to Dahl) is “to command, prescribe, order, bequeath any duty, oblige to something by a spell.” And if we follow this formulation, then the word “reserve” means a sacred territory reserved by previous generations, left to us for preservation by our descendants.

According to the Popular Dictionary of Biology “ reserve” are specially protected natural areas (SPNA) designed to preserve typical and unique natural landscapes, diversity of flora and fauna, natural and cultural heritage sites.

There are nature reserves different types and perform various environmental functions.

If we classify them by importance, the most important ones will be:

Environmental protection activities have a legislative basis.

The basis of laws Russian Federation The Russian Constitution, adopted on December 12, 1993, provides for the protection of flora and fauna.

Article 9 of the Constitution states: “Land and other Natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in the relevant territory.”

Article 58 states: “Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and environment, treat with care natural resources”.

In 1995, federal laws “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” were adopted, which established a system of territories, defined regimes for their use and penalties for violating this regime.

4. Repetition of previously studied material

Geographical location of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a huge territory located in the East Siberian region of Russia. It occupies the eastern part of the West Siberian Plain, the western part of the Central Siberian Plateau, as well as the mountains of Southern Siberia.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies the center of the Asian part of Russia. The length of the Krasnoyarsk Territory from west to east is 1250 km in the northern part and 650 km along the Trans-Siberian railway. highways. From north to south – almost 3000 km.

The geographical position of our region can be called unique in many respects. On its territory is the geographical center of Russia - Lake Vivi, located in Evenkia. The location of the center of Russia has been approved Federal service geodesy and cartography of Russia. In 1992, a monument was erected on the site of the Center of Russia - a seven-meter stele with a double-headed eagle on top.

The northernmost point of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Cape Chelyuskin - is the extreme polar tip of Eurasia and the northernmost point of Russia and the continental parts of the planet.

5. Learning new material

Protected areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

There are six reserves organized on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, three of them are biosphere, i.e. work under a special United Nations program; these are the Sayano-Shushensky and Central Siberian and Taimyr nature reserves; State nature reserves also include: Stolby and Putoransky. The most modern reserve is the Great Arctic.

Let's take a closer look at each of them. To do this, there are empty tables on your tables that you must fill out as you learn new material.

1. State Nature Reserve “Stolby”

The reserve was founded on April 10, 1925.
The total area of ​​the reserve is 47 thousand hectares.
The reserve is located on the right bank of the Yenisei.

In addition to flora and fauna, the reserve is famous for its rocks. Let's start the story with them. The rock called “Feathers” consists of 4 majestic forty-meter sheer stone slabs adjacent to each other. Each slab, pointed at the top, resembles the feathers of a gigantic bird. On the western side, the rock is a fairly flat sheer wall.

At a height of 15-20 meters, a horizontal gap formed. When tourists rise into it and their heads stick out like teeth, the gap becomes like the mouth of a predatory animal, hence the name Lion's Mouth.

Fifteen meters from the Feathers there is a low rock. It resembles a large lion's head. On the western side there are two colossal stone pedestals, covered in space by a huge monolithic stone. When you look at them, you get the impression that the stone is under the influence own weight is about to part the rocks and collapse to the ground. This rock was called the Lion Gate. The climb to the top of the Lion Gate is easy. Crevices, ledges and flat slabs can be easily overcome...

Five hundred meters from Feathers, across a ravine, rises the massive “Grandfather” cliff - an amazing work of nature. If you look at the pillar from above, you can see the head of a courageous and stern old man, thinking about something, with an open forehead, over which his cap is pulled down. A straight nose and a beard hanging down to the chest enhance the impression. On the opposite side, the rock looks like a laughing grandfather.

The vegetation of the reserve is diverse. On the northern edge of the reserve, steppe vegetation gives way to forest vegetation.

U northern borders of the reserve, in a very small area, several specimens of the Siberian linden, the pride of “Stolbov”, have been preserved. Fir and cedar also grow in the reserve. Cedar is a precious tree of the Siberian taiga, but, unfortunately, its regeneration is weak. Heavy pine nuts are not carried by the wind, but fall from ripe cones right there, under the tree, but when they fall on a thick moss cover, they, as a rule, cannot germinate without outside help. The cedar's helper turns out to be a bird - the Siberian nutcracker. During the ripening period of the nuts, she knocks down a cone, flies with it to a log or stump, husks the seeds and, with a crop filled with nuts, flies to hide them. The nutcracker prefers to hide its reserves in places with shallow snow cover, which is quickly cleared of it in the spring. Thus, nutcracker helps the spread of cedar throughout the reserve.

22 species of fish, 130 species of birds and 45 species of mammals have been recorded on the territory of the reserve. The precious predator of the taiga is the sable. By the time the reserve was established, it was completely exterminated in these places, but in the 60s it again became a common inhabitant of the reserved taiga. The reserve is very rich in wild ungulates. Red deer and musk deer find exceptionally favorable conditions here.

The bird kingdom in the reserve is represented by such birds as hazel grouse, wood grouse, three-toed woodpecker, nutcracker, deaf cuckoo, warbler, blackbirds, bluetail, Far Eastern and blue nightingales, starling, lesser and white-backed woodpeckers, white-capped bunting, lentils, and chaffinch.

Among the fish in the reserve, whitefish, grayling, chebak, dace, spikefish, perch, pike, burbot, crucian carp and others live.

2. Sayano-Shushensky State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve was founded in 1976 in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the central part of the Western Sayan. And nine years later, in 1985, the reserve, by decision of UNESCO, was included in the international network of biosphere reserves. The area of ​​the reserve is 3904 km2.

The reserve's flora numbers more than 1,000 species alone. higher plants. The vegetation of the forest, forest-steppe, steppe, and subalpine zones is represented here.

Among the herbaceous plants there are many relict ones: Krylov's bedstraw, Altai anemone, Siberian bluegrass, Siberian princess, Siberian kandyk, Sayan beautiful flower. Of particular value are Siberian borena, leafless browgrass and Rhodiola rosea. Among the trees, the protected taiga is especially valuable Siberian cedar. Siberian larch and, to a lesser extent, Siberian fir, spruce, pine, birch, and aspen also grow in the reserve.

The fauna of the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve includes more than 50 species of mammals, 300 species of birds, 18 species of fish, 5 species of reptiles and 2 species of amphibians. Of these, about 100 species are rare, endangered and included in the Red Book.

The wildlife of the reserve is diverse. So, next to the wise reindeer and partridges, you can also find the extraordinary Altai snowcock, the agile Siberian mountain goat, the agile hamster, the snow leopard, and also the sable, brown bear, musk deer, which are characteristic of the Siberian taiga.

The main representative of the bird kingdom of the reserve is the thrush. Within the region there are two subspecies - black-throated and red-throated. Bluetail and ruby-throated nightingale are also common in the reserve.

3. Taimyr State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The Taimyrsky State Nature Reserve was created in 1979, and in 1995 it was given biosphere status. This is one of the largest nature reserves in Russia, located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Taimyr Peninsula.

The Taimyr Peninsula is the most northward continental landmass in the world. Therefore, the organizers of the reserve sought to cover the greatest variety of zonal natural landscapes - arctic, typical and southern tundra, as well as forest-tundra.

On the territory of the reserve there are 430 species of higher plants, 222 species of mosses and 265 species of lichens.

One of the most common lichens in the tundra zone is Cladonia (reindeer moss or moss). Reindeer moss occupies vast polar territories, but is often found in dry forests located significantly south of the tundra strip.

Among the plants growing on the territory of the reserve, there are those that are listed in the Red Book, arctosiberian wormwood, braya capsicum, hard sedge, Polye and Taimyr grains, oblique oysterwort, Gorodkovaya and Byrrangskaya wormwood, woolly-stamened mytillaria, Rhodiola rosea.

We will begin our acquaintance with the fauna of the Taimyr Nature Reserve with one of the smallest, but very important inhabitants of the reserve - the lemming (Siberian and ungulates). The hoofed lemming got its name due to the fact that in winter, two middle claws on the front paws grow and resemble a hoof.

The next representative of the reserve's fauna is reindeer. The reindeer population in Taimyr is the largest in the world.

Also in the reserve lives such an interesting and unusual representative as the musk ox. Musk oxen have been preserved since prehistoric times: they lived at the same time as mammoths, but unlike the latter they continue to thrive to this day. The musk ox was brought to Taimyr in 1974 from the Arctic regions of Canada and the USA. Currently, he has “mastered” a very significant territory.

Snowshoe hares in the reserve coexist with such common polar predators as the Arctic fox and the wolf. Polar wolves are especially numerous in the Taimyr Nature Reserve. This is due to the fact that the region has the largest Taimyr population of reindeer, which are the main prey of these predatory animals.

Among the representatives of mustelids, the ermine and wolverine live in the reserve. Among the marine mammals that live here are beluga whales, ringed seals and walruses. In the Taimyr Nature Reserve there are 116 species of birds belonging to 9 orders.

The number of waterfowl is high. Breeding eiders, black-throated and white-billed loons, tundra swans, and bean goose nest.

Rare bird species include the little swan, red-breasted goose, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle, gyrfalcon, and peregrine falcon.

4. Central Siberian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The reserve was created in 1985. Located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the border of the West Siberian Lowland and the Central Siberian Plateau. Its total area is 972 thousand hectares.

The main river is the Yenisei. Its floodplain is swampy and has many oxbow lakes. The river network consists of tributaries of the Yenisei and Podkamennaya Tunguska.

The reserve is characterized by mid-taiga vegetation. Among the plants listed in the Red Book, the following are typical: large-flowered slipper, true and bulbous calypso.

Among the representatives of avifauna, the black stork, peregrine falcon, osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle and gyrfalcon are listed in the Red Book. The Yenisei section within the reserve is of great value as a spawning area for many valuable commercial fish species, as well as a wintering area for sturgeon and sterlet.

5. Putorana Nature Reserve

The reserve was founded in 1988.

It is located on the territory of the Dudinsky and Khatanga districts of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug and the Ilimsky district of the Evenki Autonomous Okrug. This is the most extreme nature reserve in Russia. The total area of ​​the reserve is 1887.3 thousand hectares.

The landscape is dominated by mountain tundra and open forests. Numerous rivers and lakes.

All in the past mountain system Putorana and especially its northern, eastern and southern regions were most actively used by the indigenous people for fence reindeer herding, hunting and fishing.

The plateau is the only habitat of one of the largest little-studied mammals on the planet - the bighorn sheep.

The protection of the lesser white lesser is of international importance. It is Russia that bears a significant share of responsibility for the conservation of this type of geese.

In total, there are 381 species of plants, 35 of mammals, and 140 of birds on the territory of the reserve.

6. Great Arctic State Nature Reserve

The Great Arctic Nature Reserve was created in 1993. It is located on the territory of the Taimyr Peninsula and has total area 4 million 200 thousand hectares. This is the most large nature reserve Russia. Its shores are washed by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea.

The purpose of creating the reserve is to preserve and study in their natural state the unique Arctic ecosystems, rare and endangered species of plants and animals of the northern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula and adjacent islands.

The Great Arctic Nature Reserve consists of seven sites and two reserves.

The main type of vegetation in the tundra is, of course, lichens. They endure harsh conditions Arctic, painting the tundra in various colors from bright yellow to black.

Since the conditions of this northern region are not easy, annual flowering is impossible for a number of higher plants. In this regard, there are no bulbous plants and practically no annuals.

Among the shrubs, the most striking representative is the polar willow. Herbaceous plants are represented by sedges, cotton grass, grasses; dryad grass, or partridge grass, plays a significant role in the vegetation of the reserve, different kinds saxifrage, various polar poppies, forget-me-nots.

The bird fauna of the Great Arctic Reserve includes 124 species, 16 of which are listed in the Red Book. Typical inhabitants of the tundra are White Owl and tundra partridge. Rare species of gulls are found in the reserve: pink, fork-tailed and white.

The pink gull is a rare, little-studied species listed in the Red Book. Only one breeding colony of these birds of 45-50 pairs is known in Eastern Taimyr. The white gull is a rare Arctic species listed in the Red Book. Breeds on the islands Kara Sea. It does not nest on the mainland, but regularly flies to the Arctic coast of Taimyr. Among the gulls, the herring gull, glaucous gull and arctic tern are also the most widespread.

But one of the main objects of protection is waterfowl. Four species of geese, a small swan (a rare species included in the Red Book) and four species of ducks nest here. Among the birds there are also predators: peregrine falcon, ruffed buzzard, gyrfalcon and merlin.

If you go for a walk around the reserve at night, you can hear the calls of the red-throated, black-throated or white-billed loon. Also in the reserve you can find long-tailed, gray and short-tailed skuas, white and short-eared owls, sparrows (the most numerous order of birds in the reserve - 41 species), horned lark, red-throated pipit, and white wagtail.

And finally, one of the representatives of the bird kingdom of the reserve is the snow bunting, which is rightly considered a symbol of the Arctic spring. Sometimes this herald of spring arrives even in March, although mostly at the beginning, or even in the middle of May.

Among the mammals of the reserve one can note such animals as lemmings (Siberian and ungulate), arctic fox, woolly buzzard, skua, wild reindeer (a unique island population of these animals lives on Sibiryakova Island), polar bear(listed in the Red Book) and seal.

In the water area there are habitats of polar bears, walruses, sea ​​hare, ringed seal, beluga whale. On the ocean coast and in river deltas, places of mass nesting and molting of the white-fronted goose, black and red-breasted geese, ducks and waders have been taken under protection.

The territory of the reserve also includes historical and cultural monuments associated with the names of polar research - A.F. Middendorf, F. Nansen, V.A. Rusanova, E.V. Tolya, A.V. Kolchak, etc.

It is impossible to name all living representatives of the reserves. We have listed only a few. Let's play a little. I will ask riddles. The answer to them will be individual representatives of one of the Kingdoms of living nature.

1. Pets caress
And the wild ones bite.
They are everywhere and everywhere:
On land, in the sky and in the water,
There are forests, swamps,
We call them (animals).

2. He drives sledges all day,
Tundra transport – who? (deer).

3. He looks like a shepherd.
Whatever the tooth is sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
The wolf is ready to attack the sheep.

4. Trying to weave a cunning trail,
(A hare) was jumping through the snowdrifts.

5. Stubbornly goes for a ram with horns
Will not give way to friends (ram).

6. It’s not too lazy to lie down all day –
Must be fat (seal).

7. He is the great-grandfather of elephants,
And huge - be healthy!
Hairy, thick-skinned.
It’s just a pity that it (the mammoth) became extinct.

8. Lives high in the mountains
This predatory “snow cat” (leopard).

9. This bird, if asked,
Brings babies into the family.
I'll tell you without sadness,
That I was found in cabbage (stork).

10. In the snowy north the animal lives,
Everyone recognizes his fluffy fur coat.
He is related to the red fox,
But he does not write letters to his cunning sister (Arctic fox).

11. Red beast in lives in the forest,
The fox is considered the most cunning animal.

12. She counts everyone’s year
But he abandons his chicks.
And listen: just a liar -
This is a motley (cuckoo).

13. Flies all night -
Gets mice
And it will become light -
Flies to sleep in a hollow (owl).

14. Teaches people's loyalty
A pair of white (swans).

15. Who is in the forest treats trees,
Without sparing your head?
His work is hard -
Hole trunks all day long (woodpecker).

16. Who didn’t gnaw on a branch?
And threw the scraps down?
Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?
And climbs oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dries mushrooms (squirrel) for the winter.

17. This riddle
Extremely simple:
Looks like a mouse
But almost without a tail (hamster).

18. A keen eye, soars high,
But not a hawk or a falcon (eagle).

19. Guess what kind of bird it is:
Little dark girl
White from the belly,
Is the tail spread apart into two tails (swallow)?

20. He is a strict master of the taiga,
His office is in a den (bear).

6. Consolidation of the studied material

Let's find out how you learned the new material. Using your tables you will answer the questions:

  1. How many nature reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory have received biosphere status? (3).
  2. The youngest of the reserves (Great Arctic State Reserve).
  3. The most extreme nature reserve in Russia (Putoransky).
  4. On the territory of which reserve do musk oxen live (Taimyr State Natural Biosphere Reserve)
  5. On the territory of which reserve does it live? bighorn sheep(Putorana Nature Reserve).
  6. Which article of the Constitution states: “Everyone must preserve nature and the environment, take care of natural resources” (Article 58).
  7. The largest nature reserve in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Bolshoi Arctic).
  8. On the territory of which reserve does the black stork live (Central Siberian Reserve).
  9. Which of the two types of gulls - white or pink gulls - does not nest on the mainland (white gull)?
  10. The territory of which reserve is associated with the name of A. Kolchak and E. Toll (Great Arctic Reserve)?

7. Conclusion

8. Homework

Report on the topic “Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”

9. Organized end of the lesson