Nellie Kobzon maiden name. Queen! New photos of Kobzon’s wife shocked the Network

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon - Soviet and Russian singer, deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the II-VI convocations. Winner of many professional awards and prizes. His energy could be the envy of many young colleagues, because he managed to conduct an active touring, political and social activities.

The biography of Joseph Kobzon is no less interesting than his political statements, because the People's Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation is simply a “storehouse of comments” for journalists and observers.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Davydovich was born in September 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar (Donetsk region). His mother was forced to “become an adult” quite early, since her father left the family when the girl was barely 13 years old. In such at a young age Ida began to earn her living by growing and selling tobacco.

Joseph Kobzon in childhood and recent years|

Shortly before the birth of her son, Ida Isaevna Shoikhet-Kobzon became a people's judge. Joseph Kobzon has repeatedly said in interviews that it is his mother who, in many aspects, is still his moral guide.

Joseph Kobzon's childhood was quite eventful. The future celebrity repeatedly had to change his place of residence. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War the family moved to Lviv. From there, little Joseph’s father went to the front as a political instructor, and his mother moved again - this time the “destination” was Yangiyul in Uzbekistan. Joseph Kobzon's father never returned to the family: after the injury, the man for a long time underwent rehabilitation. In the hospital he met a woman whom he married and stayed to live in the Russian capital.

Joseph Kobzon with his mother, stepfather and brothers | Dubikvit - LiveJournal

In addition to Joseph, three children grew up in the family. In 1944, the mother and children returned to the Donetsk region, to the city of Kramatorsk. It was there that Joseph Kobzon went to first grade. In 1946, his mother remarried. This marriage brought the future People's Artist of the USSR two more stepbrothers. True, Kobzon’s family did not live long in Kramatorsk - at the end of the 40s they moved again. This time to Dnepropetrovsk. In this Ukrainian city, Joseph graduated with honors from the eighth grade and entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College.

In this educational institution Joseph Kobzon became interested in boxing, but after the first serious injuries, the artist decided to leave the dangerous sport and took up creativity. The stage of the mountain technical school was the place where the beautiful baritone of the young singer was first heard.


In 1956, the future patriarch of the Soviet stage, and then a promising 22-year-old singer, Joseph Kobzon, was called up for military service. Until the end of the 50s, he sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District.

After his dismissal, Kobzon returned to Dnepropetrovsk. Here, in the local Palace of Students, the singer met his first mentor - choir director Leonid Tereshchenko. He undertook to prepare Joseph for admission to the conservatory. Tereshchenko worked with a student on individual program, realizing that he has a unique talent in front of him.

The teacher also made sure that his student did not go hungry. He got Kobzon into the Institute of Chemical Technology, where the guy spent several months cleaning gas masks in a bomb shelter with alcohol for a fairly modest fee. The teacher guessed that his talented student would certainly make a brilliant career, but he did not even suspect that this modest young man would soon become a star.

Library Youth Center

In 1959, Joseph Kobzon became the soloist of the All-Union Radio. Here he worked for 4 years. At this time, his individual performing style was formed, by which the singer began to be recognized. This is a harmonious combination of bel canto technique and ease. In 1964, Kobzon was a two-time laureate. He won the All-Russian competition of pop artists and the festival in Sopot, Poland. In the same year, Joseph Davydovich became Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Song competitions, music festivals, awards, awards and next ranks Since the mid-1960s they have become a firm part of the life of Joseph Kobzon. The young performer is delegated to international competition“Friendship”, which was held in socialist countries. In Warsaw, Budapest and Berlin, the Russian singer managed to win first places. In 1986, Joseph Kobzon became People's Artist of the USSR. No in huge country a person who would not know his name and would not hear this lyrical baritone.


Since the mid-1980s, Joseph Davydovich Kobzon has been teaching pop vocals at the famous Gnesinka. He has many talented students, among whom the brightest are...

Joseph Kobzon visited all Soviet construction sites with concerts. He spoke to military contingents in Afghanistan and Chernobyl nuclear power plant. His repertoire includes more than 3 thousand songs. Among them are many hits of the 30s, which were previously performed by Isabella Yuryeva, and Konstantin Sokolsky.

Despite his venerable age - the master turned 80 in 2017 - he was a regular guest at the Song of the Year festival, the New Year's Blue Lights and at all holiday concerts. Sometimes Joseph Kobzon appeared on screen in the most unexpected duets with popular youth groups and singers. So, in 2016 at the Blue Light he surprised and pleased with his joint performance with. His joint compositions with the group “Republic” became interesting and unusual. Some of their songs (“Dress”, “White Light”, “Blackbirds”) became hits.

Radio Chanson

Many fans of Joseph Kobzon’s talent love his song “Daughter” based on the verses of Irina Gribulina. The composition “Evening Table” performed by the master and is one of the favorites for many. And yet the artist’s main song is called “Moments” from the cult film “”. No one managed to perform this composition more soulfully than Joseph Kobzon.


Joseph Kobzon has always been a person with an active life position. He is a famous political figure. He began his political career in 1990 as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The artist was repeatedly elected to State Duma Russian Federation from the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In 2002, Joseph Kobzon was not afraid to enter into negotiations with the invaders of the Theater Center on Dubrovka.


Like many others Russian artists, Joseph Kobzon actively responded to the coup in Ukraine - he was among those who signed the appeal of cultural figures sent to the President of the Russian Federation. This appeal indicated that Kobzon supports the president’s policies on Crimea and Ukraine. Joseph Kobzon’s position led to the fact that the European Union included the artist on its “black list” of Russian citizens who are prohibited from entering the EU.

Due to scandalous and condemning statements, the artist was included in their “black lists” by Ukraine and Latvia. In many Ukrainian cities, the singer was deprived of his “honorary citizen” status. In January 2015, Kobzon’s “honorary citizenship” was taken away from him in his native Kramatorsk.

Due to EU sanctions, all of the artist’s assets in Europe are frozen, as are the assets of other sanctioned colleagues. But Joseph Kobzon assured that this did not bother him much - he continued to travel with concerts to Donetsk and Lugansk, and also publicly supported the militias. At the end of November 2014, Joseph Kobzon was awarded the status of honorary consul of Donetsk people's republic in the Russian Federation.

KP Ufa

Joseph Kobzon created another scandal with his own hands, refusing the status of People's Artist of Ukraine in 2014. He also made this decision under the influence of his political convictions.

The famous artist also believed the right decision The Russian Federation will refuse to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Ukraine in 2017.

Personal life

The personal life of Joseph Kobzon did not develop as smoothly as his career on the stage. But the three women with whom he linked his fate turned out to be talented, bright and incredibly charismatic.

The first wife of Joseph Davydovich is singer Veronika Kruglova. Kobzon married Kruglova in 1965. Veronica was an incredibly popular singer at that time. Her hits “Top-top, the baby is stomping” and “I see nothing, I hear nothing” were sung by the whole country. The bohemian beauty, like her husband, often disappeared on tours and rehearsals. She did not have time for everyday life or arranging a family nest. The husband and wife hardly saw each other. Their life together was not really like that.

It seems that Joseph Davydovich’s mother, Ida Isaevna, foresaw this. She immediately opposed her son’s marriage to the artist, realizing that nothing good would come of this union. Two years later, in 1967, the couple separated. Veronica Kruglova married another famous performer -. A few years later, the singer went to live in America. In one of her interviews, Kruglova openly admitted that her marriage to a Soviet pop star almost broke her.

In the same year, Joseph Kobzon married for the second time. And again - against the will of the mother - on the artist and singer. The couple lived together for three years. Gurchenko later admitted that this union turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life. At first it seemed to her that she would be able to change her husband, “rebuild” him for herself. But that was not the case. They often quarreled and did not want to give in to each other.

Lyudmila Markovna wrote in her memoirs that it was unbearable for her to hear teasing from her loved one, who during a difficult period of her creative career, smiling, asked: “Why is everyone filming, and no one is calling you?” She cried from resentment and at one moment realized that she no longer wanted to live together.

The couple, as befits two stars, constantly toured. On tours with popular and handsome young people, various romantic adventures happened, which “well-wishers” immediately reported on, embellishing and fibbing various juicy details. Joseph Kobzon’s mother did not like her daughter-in-law, she answered her in kind. In the end, Gurchenko completely stopped communicating with her husband’s relatives.

After the divorce, the two stars did not communicate for forty long years, trying not to intersect at various events and pop parties. The artist preferred not to talk about his second marriage.

Time passed and Joseph Davydovich, who had long dreamed of strong family and a faithful, economic wife who will bear him children. He firmly decided that this woman would not be associated with bohemia and the world of show business. He wanted home comfort, a quiet marina and delicious borscht.

Woman's Day

Joseph Kobzon met such a woman in the early 1970s. The beauty's name was Ninel Mikhailovna Drizina. She turned out to be 13 years younger than him. She was a modest girl from a good Jewish family, smart and thrifty. And most importantly, she did not dream of show business, although her friends claim that everyone necessary qualities she had it for this. Today this woman is known as... The artist’s mother immediately liked the third chosen one, who instantly appreciated her with the wise gaze of a seasoned woman.

They lived together since 1971. Nelly Kobzon gave birth to her husband two wonderful children. First, the first-born son Andrei was born. Two years later, daughter Natalya was born.


Andrei first followed in his father’s footsteps and devoted some time to music. He was a drummer and performed with the musicians of the group “” - Alexei Romanov and Andrei Sapunov. But later the guy quit music and went into business. He was the director of the famous metropolitan nightclub “Giusto”. Then he became involved in real estate operations.

Daughter Natalya was a press secretary for a famous fashion designer. She married an Australian citizen, lawyer Yuri Rappoport.

The children gave their parents seven grandchildren - two boys and five girls, in whom the grandparents doted on them and closely followed their successes.


Joseph Kobzon did not hide the fact that he used a wig, putting it on at the age of 35. Once Ida Isaevna admitted that the reason for her son’s early baldness was his categorical reluctance to wear a hat in adolescence. Even 40-degree frosts could not force Joseph to dress warmly, which was the reason for the early loss of thick hair.

In 2005, it became known that the artist had experienced the most complicated operation for removal of a malignant tumor. The news that Joseph Davydovich had bladder cancer quickly spread and alarmed his fans and admirers of his talent. The operation was performed in Germany. The surgical intervention weakened the immune system of the middle-aged artist. Inflammation of the lungs and kidneys was added. But an incredible thirst for life and willpower, supported by the love of his family, lifted the artist out of bed and even returned to the stage.

Arguments and Facts

In 2009, the artist was operated on for the second time and again in Germany. Five days after the serious operation, Joseph Kobzon went to a music festival in Jurmala and even sang live, surprising and delighting his fans.

In 2010, admirers of the master’s talent were alarmed by the news that at a concert in Astana, Joseph Davydovich twice lost consciousness on stage and fainted. As it turned out, cancer caused the anemia. But according to the artist, he could not lie in bed for a long time. And I couldn’t live without the stage. He found no place for himself at home. The stage and the audience for the artist were the best medicine for despondency and illness.


At the end of July 2018, it was reported that Joseph Kobzon was urgently hospitalized in the neurosurgery department, where he was connected to a ventilator. Health status People's Artist Russia was assessed as stable heavy.

On August 30, 2018, it became known about Joseph Kobzon. The singer's relatives announced his death. Joseph Davydovich was 80 years old.

Kobzon bequeathed to bury himself at the Vostryakovsky cemetery next to his mother. with a Soviet and Russian performer in Moscow and the funeral took place on September 2.

Joseph Kobzon died on August 30, 2018

Nelly Kobzon, Ninel Kobzon, Ninel Mikhailovna Kobzon (nee Drizina) - born 1950. . - wife of a Soviet and Russian pop singer politician Joseph Davydovich Kobzon.

Seeing this woman in secular society, even the most sophisticated observer will naturally assume that she is an actress or singer, she is so pretty. But Nelly Kobzon herself admits that she never felt such talents in herself and had no stage ambitions; today she says that “this is how it happened historically, apparently my mother prepared me from childhood to become a good wife” - a wife famous singer Joseph Kobzon.

Nelly Kobzon's full name is Ninel. The fact is that when her parents came to the registry office to register her under the name Nelya, they were told that there was no such name in the USSR and suggested “Ninel,” noting that the name was quite politically correct, especially if you read it backwards, it would turn out “ Lenin." Therefore, Nelly Kobzon asks not to name her full name to avoid associations with anyone else.

Nellie is a native Petersburger. Her parents met and got married a few years after the war, upon her father’s return from the fronts of World War II. Until the age of six, the girl had happy childhood V friendly family where the house was cup full, thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of his father. Nellie has younger brother When he was barely three months old, the father of the family was sent to prison for fifteen years in the “case of the guild workers.” Tsekhoviki were the first Soviet businessmen, and since any commercial activity of private individuals in the USSR was criminally punishable, those who took risks were immediately severely punished. The terms for such articles exceeded the punishment for serious crimes against the person, such as murder, robbery and robbery.

After my father's arrest, my mother had to become the head of the family. Despite the fact that my mother, like Nellie, was a woman of rare beauty, she never married again, devoting herself to raising children. The family had a hard time after the bailiffs removed from the house everything that the father had once earned, leaving three chairs, three beds, three plates, three cutlery, all three, for all members of the convict’s family.

Most of the property was confiscated, with the exception of basic necessities. The authorities didn't even leave children's toys. To this day, Nellie recalls with horror those most terrible days in her life. They were imprinted in the smallest detail in the children's consciousness. The family was greatly helped by the library of my father, who collected a collection rare books. Miraculously, they were saved from confiscation. Subsequently, my mother slowly sold them off in order to somehow survive with her two children. The former housewife now had to support three people herself.

Nellie also had a hard time at school. Father being a prisoner is like a black mark for that time. However, the girl never felt inferior or an outcast, because she had a fighting character and could stand up for herself. If something went wrong, then the offender could instantly get hit in the face with his father’s heavy briefcase, with which Nellie went to school.

Every summer she visited her father in the settlement camp where he had been transferred from the colony. After finishing 8 grades of school, Nellie entered the catering technical school in order to subsequently help her mother. In addition, the family believed that being a cook was a “life profession.” Despite the fact that becoming a cook was not Nellie’s dream, as it turned out later, this profession would be most useful to her in life. She was happy that now she could also bring money to the family. With her first salary, the girl bought gifts for her mother and brother.

Since childhood, Nellie's loved ones called her "doll" for her extraordinary beauty. Girl, despite harsh life, always felt the love of her family, for whom she was beautiful and smart. Later she basked in the rays of male attention. Nellie received a strict upbringing based on the principle “die, but do not give a kiss without love.” Mom's opinion was largely decisive when choosing a groom. So, one day, my mother insisted that Nellie would not marry a young man who was not to her taste. Despite the fact that the girl herself really liked him, she internally understood that her mother was right and listened to her.

Meet Joseph Kobzon.

Fate itself brought Nellie and Joseph together. Nellie has never been to Moscow. A close friend of my mother invited the girl to visit her in the capital. Twenty-year-old Nellie happily visited theaters, museums, and visited with guests. One day she was invited by her mother's friend to big company, which gathered at Lilia Radova’s (Lili’s husband, Emil Radov, an entertainer at the Mosconcert, worked with leading artists), where she met young people, among whom was Joseph Kobzon. As Ninel herself will tell later in an interview: “This, apparently, was their (mother and her friend - joint plan with my mother. The fact is that my mother really didn’t like my Leningrad gentleman.” And although the “conspiracy” was not initially designed specifically for Joseph, Nellie guessed that they wanted to introduce her to someone, because all the “golden youth” of that time gathered at the Radovs.

Tired noisy party, Nellie accidentally walked into a dimly lit room where several people were watching a movie. A man immediately gave way to the girl. Nelly learned that it was Joseph Kobzon, already popular by that time, only after the end of the movie, when the lights were turned on in the room. Of course, the girl already knew Joseph from various TV shows, but she was not a fan of his, being interested in popular American music.

“A spark immediately ran between us,” says Nellie. She noted that the singer is not like his on-screen image: “When I saw him on TV, I didn’t like him at all. seemed short, with disproportionately short legs and big head" In life he turned out to be tall, slender, elegant, and athletic.

Joseph claims that he immediately realized that Nellie was the one. For him it was love at first sight. The young man undertook to accompany Nellie and invited her to have lunch at a restaurant the next day. And three days later he called to his house to introduce her to her mother, which surprised the girl quite a bit. When asked why everything happened so quickly, Joseph replied that he really wanted to create a good family.

More information

Joseph Davidovich Kobzon married three times. And only his last marriage - with Ninel - brought him the feeling of a full-fledged family. Ninel Mikhailovna Kobzon talks about how life is with the People's Artist of the USSR, People's Deputy of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow on Culture, businessman and “father of the Russian mafia”. A woman who has learned to live with a man who has long become public knowledge. And which was never completely hers.

Source of information: magazine "Profile" N33, 1999.

I first heard the name Joseph Kobzon when I was twelve years old. At our skating rink, the radio station played non-stop “And there’s a girl in our yard alone...” I asked my friends: “Who’s that singing all the time?” And they said to me: “Don’t you know? This is Joseph Kobzon. He’s so popular. He’s shown in Blue Lights all the time.”

And eight years later we met in person. This happened in March 1971. I came from Leningrad to Moscow to visit my mother’s friend, and she decided to take me on a visit in order to introduce me to some Muscovites. This, apparently, was their joint plan with my mother. The fact is that my mother really didn’t like my Leningrad gentleman: he lived on the salary of a Soviet engineer in communal apartment. In addition, a humorous formula was popular at that time: Leningrad women marry Muscovites, and Muscovite women marry foreigners.

- Was the “conspiracy” originally designed for Joseph Davydovich?

No. A fashionable company gathered in the house of the famous entertainer Emil Radov: artists, famous people, “golden youth”, in short, the elite. And there were more than enough candidates that evening. But it so happened that fate brought me together with Kobzon.

At that party, everyone eventually split into different groups of interests. Some were drinking, some were having leftist conversations in the kitchen about politics and “pro-life”, some were sitting in front of the TV. I went into the room where they were watching “White Sun of the Desert.” It was completely dark and all the seats were taken. And suddenly a man gave up his seat for me. When the film ended and the lights were turned on, I saw that he was a slender, tall, athletic, elegant, relatively young man (he was 33 years old at the time). I didn't even recognize him. When I saw him on TV, I didn't like him at all. He seemed short, with disproportionately short legs and a large head.

I think there was some kind of predestination in our meeting. I still believe in fate.

- And how did your relationship develop further?

Very stormy. We met for the next two days. Then I had to return to Leningrad. We agreed that May holidays he will come to visit us.

- As I understand it, your mother was not the most important thing in your life. last place and decided a lot for you.

Mom has a very strong character. Apparently, that’s why she remained a lonely person, raising my brother and me alone. To strong women It’s hard, because the person who would obey them becomes uninteresting, and they won’t tolerate another strong person next to them.

- If you are guided by this formula, you can conclude that you weak person... Since you have tolerated the strong for so many years.

There is a golden mean in everything. My mom just doesn't have gray. Everything is either black or white. She is an uncompromising person, and she has problems with female diplomacy, which I cannot say about myself. Marriage, as I have learned from my own experience, is a complete compromise.

So, when I returned home, I began to ask my mother for advice. It seemed to me that our relationship with Joseph was very chaotic. And my mother told me: “Let’s see what he comes to visit us with. If with flowers, we’ll talk, e

If you have a bottle of vodka, it means you’re out of the gate.”

When Joseph approached our door, he saw a sign: “Apartment of exemplary maintenance.” Back then, these signs were given because residents paid their rent on time. Apparently, he did not know this, and the sign made a very favorable impression on him.

Mom looked through the peephole and saw a sea of ​​pink carnations. That's how he came to our house. He was with us for a day, and we parted for a long time (he toured a lot). We called back. And so it turned out that more often he ended up with his mother and talked to her for a long time. One day she says to him: “I have an only daughter. And if you want serious relationship, let's get to know each other better." Joseph suggested meeting during an August vacation in Sochi. We really got to know each other better there. He proposed to me there. We agreed that we would get married in November.

- You felt true love?

You know, he was thirteen years older than me, he was in the prime of his strength, fame, and intellect. And he talked with a young provincial girl. So respect came first, and real feeling came later. Joseph was more likely to be in love.

- Can’t you be caught in a dry calculation?

At least not financially... The only material gain could be his car. Then everyone said: “Oh, Kobzon has an American Buick seven meters long.” For me it was a legend, a myth. I've heard a lot about this car, but I've never even sat in it. The car sat at a service station for two years. But it was impossible to get the necessary spare parts. So Joseph sold it for a few pennies. We got our first “working” car six years after our wedding.

When I got married, he had only debts. In Leningrad I lived in the center in a very nice separate apartment with ceilings of four twenty. And when I moved to Moscow, I ended up in Joseph’s two-room cooperative apartment, where, in addition to us, his sister and mother, who came from Dnepropetrovsk, lived. Three days after our wedding, Joseph’s sister also got married. Soon she had a child. What kind of calculation could there have been on my part! We lived in barricades of bathtubs, strollers, diapers and toys.

It was very difficult to live in such conditions, and we moved... to a hospital ward at the MONIKA hospital. A doctor we knew helped us with the room.

- You didn’t have it then nervous breakdowns, attacks of hatred, domestic scandals?

On the contrary, I remember this hospital room as one of the brightest moments of our lives. Precisely because there was no everyday life. There was no kitchen, no cleaning. All our belongings fit into two suitcases.

True, there were sick people walking around, the toilet was at the end of the corridor, and I visited friends to wash. But friends came to us all the time, we organized feasts and backgammon tournaments. In short, we lived wonderfully. Probably because they were young. And a lot of time was spent on tour. He toured for eight months a year.

- So you started traveling around the country with your husband?

When it came to the wedding, he immediately set a condition for me: “You are my third wife. Two of my marriages were with famous actresses, and nothing

good thing from the fact that the spouses are leaving for different corners countries on tour, it doesn’t work out. Suspicions, quarrels, showdowns appear." He immediately said that if I married him, he would recruit me into his touring troupe, say, as a costume designer, so that we would always be together. That suited me too.

You didn’t have any complexes or any problems because ex-wives Joseph Davydovich were “stars” and everyone’s favorites? After all, Lyudmila Gurchenko and Veronika Kruglova...

- No. Firstly, because he himself has matured to have a normal family, a wife befitting him. From the mistakes of his previous marriages, he realized that he needed a wife, first of all, not for his profession. He did not want his wife to mind her own business and put her interests above his. Secondly, he really wanted to have children. Not so much he, but his mother, wanted grandchildren. This did not work out with previous wives. Maybe I was entrusted with just such a mission: I needed a woman who would bring offspring to this family. Why not? This is the normal mission of every woman. It seems to me that it was for this reason that Joseph wanted to marry a young girl with normal genetics.

-Have you talked to his wives?

I remember once in Sochi Kruglova came up to me and said: “Hello, I’m Veronica. I know that you are Nelya. Let’s get to know each other.” Well, we met. She asks: “Well, how do you live?” I say: “Thank you, very good.” And she responded in surprise: “Yes? Wow.” So we talked.

During the old New Year's farewell at the Central House of Artists, Lyudmila Gurchenko and I exchanged a few words and shook hands.

- Will you be offended by the comparison with Cinderella, who went to the ball?

Apparently, such a comparison can be made. Another thing is that I am such a Cinderella who would go, if not to this, then to another ball. For some reason I always had self-confidence.

But getting to the ball is only half the battle. Getting married doesn't mean anything. You need to be able to save your marriage. This is constant work.

- What do you mean?

Yes, at least the same one physical work. I worked constantly. I woke up very early to start taking calls. Before that, I had to clean the apartment and cook dinner. The nanny who looked after our son Andrei was seventy years old, and all the household chores were my responsibility.

In 1973, Joseph bought a three-room small apartment on credit next to the Mosconcert. After some time, a path ran from the front door to the table: we always had guests. Even then, people approached him with some requests, suggestions, problems. I don’t remember us not having dinner alone, but even having breakfast alone. And I cleaned and cooked everything myself. Yes, I still love to tinker in the kitchen. In my family life, it helps me a lot that at one time in Leningrad I graduated from a catering technical school with a degree in food preparation technology. I have the fifth category.

- You didn’t nag your husband, didn’t you push him to do what you needed?

Kicking or pushing him is a completely unrealistic activity. But there is a recipe. I realized that if for a long time and in a veiled way

Give him one thought, it sinks into his subconscious and after a while he passes it off as his own. He tells me that this is his own decision, and my desire comes true. He wouldn't tolerate a bitch who nagged him. But one way or another, I always had my own point of view and always tried to defend it.

- Have you always been satisfied with the position of a housewife with “your own point of view”? Didn't feel like doing something?

When I went on tour with Joseph, I realized that I could be more useful than just a costume designer. Ironing suits and bringing tea and sandwiches was no longer interesting. And at the age of 24 I entered the All-Union Creative Workshop pop art. She received a diploma with a specialization in conversational acting and began conducting concerts, reading poetry by Yevtushenko and Rozhdestvensky. And when Joseph saw that I was successful, he jokingly said: “I don’t need a wife, Sarah Bernhardt.”

- Do you remember the moment when Joseph Davydovich decided to change his credo and turned from a singer into a socially significant figure, a businessman, a politician?

I can’t say that he suddenly changed. He always had organizational talent. Even in the team, he never had a director. Because I’m used to doing everything myself, delving into everything, controlling, organizing.

As for him political career. At one time, he tried for a long time to join the party. I was a candidate for two years. Then everyone tried to get into the party, because both social and professional life depended on it: trips abroad, participation in competitions. It was impossible to get through without the red book. And he would hardly have received the title if he had not kept up with the times.

- Why wasn’t he accepted?

Well, first of all, remember about the fifth point in your passport. Secondly, he is married for the third time. Thirdly, he stands out, behaves unconventionally, sings more concerts, earns more money. Suspicious. There was always something about him that didn’t suit someone. He had exactly as many enemies and envious people as well-wishers.

- It’s strange, but they called him the Kremlin singer...

I cannot say that Joseph was a Brezhnev singer. Were invited to the Kremlin best artists, and it was an honor to get there.

He, of course, had to sing opportunistic songs. Same" Malaya Zemlya"But we must not forget about the whole institute of editors and artistic councils, through which each song had to go. Now you can sing anything: “They killed a black man, they killed him, bitches.” Although already in those years Joseph’s concert program included two songs by Vysotsky , he sang Vizbor, Russian folk songs, romances, songs in Yiddish. Personally, I don’t consider him a political prostitute, because he still believes in what he did.

- Since we have begun to debunk myths, how would you comment on the opinion that Kobzon - " godfather"Russian mafia"?

Judging by the fact that we are constantly denied an American visa with the motivation “suspicion of connections with criminal world", I am the "godmother" of the Russian mafia.

Yes, we know many people who are considered authorities, but this does not mean that we sell drugs or weapons. If for some people Taiwanchik is the mafia, then for me he is my “brother”. What am I

Well, I don’t hesitate to tell everyone about this. I can wish every person such a devoted friend. I have never met a kinder and more decent person. I don't even believe in him own stories that in the early 70s he was a “catalogue”. He doesn't really know how to play cards.

- How did you find out about the explosion at Intourist near your husband’s office?

We both ended up at home, although at that moment he should have been at work. Shortly before the explosion, Odessa friends who were visiting Moscow called us. They were supposed to fly from Vnukovo, which is located not far from our house in Peredelkino, and asked us to wait at their home to see each other. One might say that this circumstance saved him. I still believe in fate.

We were sitting, drinking tea, and suddenly they started calling us, talking about an explosion. Of course we were dumbfounded. Forty minutes later Joseph was already there.

-Have you ever been truly scared?

At one time it was very scary. They made specific threats. This was in 1994, when Otari Kvantrishvili was killed and Joseph accepted active participation in the investigation of this matter.

Otari seriously interfered in politics. I don’t know what my husband thought about this, but I always warned Otari: “Why do you need these ambitions? Do your sport.” I began to notice that when people are involved in politics and solving global problems, they become addicted. This is worse than alcoholism or drug addiction.

- But this is exactly what your husband is doing now...

Yes, and it scares me. But I cannot and will not interfere with him.

- Which aspect of Joseph Davydovich do you prefer: singer, businessman or politician?

In principle, this is the same person. He really likes to be called a businessman, although, in my opinion, he is least of all a businessman. By nature he is anti-businessman. He was never interested in housekeeping.

First of all, he is, of course, a creative person. The biggest thrill in his life is the stage, the listeners, the music.

I never supported my husband as a politician. I married an artist and always loved the artist in him. Therefore, I like the politician Kobzon much less than the artist Kobzon. But it seems to him that politician Kobzon can now bring much more benefit than singer Kobzon.

- Benefits for the family?

I think he did a lot for the family as a singer. He is constantly overwhelmed by some global things. Not as a family, but as a whole humanity. Ten people close to him are not as interesting as society, the country, the voters, the region. Now he has plunged headlong into his Aginsko-Buryat district. He constantly re-reads letters, organizes meetings of lamas, and looks for a place in Moscow for a Buddhist temple.

- Do you miss him?

Previously, he swore to me that when he stopped singing and retired, he would walk with me hand in hand to theaters, museums, and go to tourist trips. But this is not the case.

- By the way, even without it, your existence can well be called secular. You can often be found at some presentation, boutique opening, concert, or Haute Couture Fashion Week.

I'm very curious. I love people and communication. We live outside the city. In the summer I don’t have a special feeling of being isolated, forgotten, or provincial. And in winter, when it's dark

It starts at four o’clock, when the roads are covered with snow and ice, you want bright light, people, communication. I believe that if you manage to communicate and participate in celebrations, you need to seize the moment. After all, in fact, it is much easier to sit in front of the TV by the fireplace, cover yourself with a blanket and forget about the outside world. But I don't want to live like that.

- You were Joseph Davydovich’s costume designer. Are you working on his image now?

I think yes. I remember literally on the second day of our marriage we got together for a visit. And Joseph decided to consult with me what he should wear. I say: “Well, I don’t know what you have. Let’s see.” He opened the closet. He had a myriad of incredible costumes. One with silver stripes, another with a frill and a brooch with stones, a third in sparkles, and so on in the same spirit. And I told him: “You know, Joseph, you have nothing to wear.” The next day I ran to the thrift store, bought a brown gabardine, and they sewed him a classic suit. For the first six months, this suit was the only one for all occasions.

Now Joseph has no problem with what to wear. Because every day I find out about his plans for tomorrow and prepare everything myself. In the morning, the necessary suits, shirts and ties hang on a separate hanger.

- Do you feel rich woman?

- Does this give you self-confidence?

Undoubtedly. Because you become independent. Nobody puts pressure on your opinion.

But I don’t spend a lot myself. Relatively speaking, sewing machine I’ll buy it for myself, and if it comes to some antique vase or furniture set, I’ll definitely consult with my husband.

- Do you have an apartment in Moscow or just a house in Peredelkino?

There is no apartment, although I really want it. We sold the three-room small apartment that we had. It is outdated both morally and in terms of footage. I used the money to renovate the house. For as long as I can remember, I have been in repairs all my life. All the time I am redoing something, rebuilding, repainting. I like it. I love physical labor.

- What do your children do?

Natasha and her lawyer husband now live in Paris. She recently gave birth to her daughter there. They named Idel in honor of Joseph’s mother, whose name was Ida. Natasha studies at MGIMO, took academic leave.

The son, Andrei, graduated from the Gnessin Academy. He sings and tries to do his own thing to earn money for his creative projects. I never took money from my dad. And Joseph has strict views on this. Andrey's wife, Katya, is due to give birth to a girl in October.

- Ninel Mikhailovna, do you regret anything in your life?

I really regret that we don’t have a third child. The fact is that I consider myself not quite an old woman, if not in age, then in spirit, and I already have adult children who have flown away from home and have their own families. And I would like to have a child whom I could caress, educate, and work with. The more children, the more eventful and interesting life is. I failed to express myself at work. So what else, if not children, can I express myself in?

- Who is Joseph Davydovich Kobzon for you?

Genius. And I'm a simple person. Therefore, serving him has always been a joy for me. It was, is and, I hope, will be for a long time. This is my purpose

Joseph Kobzon is a native of the Donetsk region, born in 1937. The singer's mother lived in difficult conditions and began working with early years. Kobzon repeatedly mentions the role of his mother in his upbringing and life in general.

Joseph Kobzon's family moved many times. When the war began, they began to live in Lvov. The father went to the front, and the mother and the children decided to try their luck in an Uzbek town. Kobzon’s father never returned from the war; he stayed and started another family in Moscow.

Joseph had three more brothers. At the end of the Great Patriotic War they moved again to the Donetsk region, to the city of Kramatorsk. Here little Joseph goes to school for the first time. Two years later, his mother got a husband again. My stepfather also had children, so there were two more boys in the family. A few more years later, the family moved to Dnepropetrovsk. Here Kobzon graduates from school with honors and begins to study at a mining technical school. At first, young Joseph became interested in the sport of boxing. But, having received a couple of injuries, I decided to find a safer, but no less enjoyable activity. As a result, I started singing on stage at a technical school. Here the voice of the future singer began to sound for the first time.

Biography of Joseph Kobzon: personal life

In the mid-50s, Kobzon went to serve in the army. By the early 60s, he performed with an ensemble in the Transcaucasian Military District.

After serving, Joseph returns to Dnepropetrovsk and meets a man who will become the impetus for the future famous performer. Noticing the guy’s talent, Leonid Tereshchenko, who at that time led the choir, decided to prepare and help Joseph enter the conservatory. The mentor also helped Kobzon get a part-time job, thanks to which he had an income and did not go hungry. Tereshchenko pinned his hopes on Kobzon, prophesied a good future for him, but had no idea how popular he would be.

In the early 60s, Joseph Kobzon became a soloist on the radio. Having worked for almost 5 years, he took shape and developed an individual style of performing songs that distinguished him from other performers.

A few years later, Kobzon begins to participate in many concerts, his songs are popular, and the singer has acquired his own large audience.

Joseph Kobzon received the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1986. Today everyone knows his name.

In the 1890s, Kobzon taught vocals at the Gnessin Institute. Kobzon trained many now famous Russian pop performers.

A talented and great singer will always find time to travel to a conflict zone to support patriotism and faith in his homeland. He went to Chechnya with a concert and also visited the Donbass.

This year he will turn 80 years old, but he is still popular and in demand, often giving concerts both in Russia and far beyond its borders.

The biography and personal life of Joseph Kobzon is like a fascinating story that can be read repeatedly. Life presented the singer with many adversities and difficulties, but he overcame them all.

How many wives did Kobzon have?

If we consider Kobzon’s personal life, then we need to mention the performer’s three marriages. The first time he married famous singer Veronica Kruglova in 1965. Both spouses often toured, rarely saw each other, and this couple never became a family.

The second time Kobzon married actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. This union did not make them happy. The spouses often quarreled, did not understand each other, both had character. Two strong personalities did not get along under the same roof, they soon divorced. The divorce became the reason for the reluctance of Kobzon and Gurchenko to communicate for many years. They tried to avoid joint events.

Third and last wife Kobzon met in 1970.

Joseph Kobzon's wife

Joseph Kobzon's third wife turned out to be exactly the woman he was looking for - sweet, feminine, thrifty, and the girl did not dream of the stage. The latter was also important for the singer, since his family life with female artists did not work out well. Of all the contenders for the role of wife, it was Nelly who received approval from the singer’s mother. The age difference between the spouses is 13 years. Nellie and Joseph are happily married to this day.

Joseph Kobzon: family, children, grandchildren - photo

Joseph Kobzon and Nelly first had a son, Andrei, and then, two years later, a daughter, Natasha. Andrey wanted to make music, but after trying, he realized that this was not his calling, now he is engaged in business. Kobzon's daughter worked as Yudashkin's secretary. Later, the girl got married and moved to live in Australia. The children of Joseph Kobzon gave birth to 7 grandchildren - or rather, two grandchildren and five granddaughters, which made grandfather Kobzon incredibly happy.

Biography of Kobzon's children: caring for their father

After the news of Joseph Kobzon’s illness, many were worried about the singer’s health. In 2005, Kobzon had a cancerous tumor removed. Everything went well, including rehabilitation. But the elderly Kobzon’s surgical intervention undermined his health, and some complications occurred. Fortunately, Joseph Kobzon’s wife and entire family surrounded him with care and love, thanks to which the honored artist began to recover.

4 years later, surgery again. This time everything went more successfully, and therefore Kobzon was able to quickly return to what he loved. But after 6 years, several cases of Kobzon fainting during concerts caused fans of creativity and the singer’s family to worry. Of course, age makes itself felt, and his health only worsens every year, but despite this, Joseph Kobzon does not intend to live out his last days in bed, he wants to please admirers of his talent to the last.

The first wife of Kobzon's son

The first wife was Ekaterina Polyanskaya. She first was a model and then became a fashion designer. They met in the mid-nineties, and even lived in a civil marriage for several years.

The wife of the famous showman and master of the national stage Joseph Kobzon is not known less than husband. Thanks to her spectacular appearance, she does not leave the tabloids of printed publications. At 63 years old, she looks like a young and blooming woman.

After a number of numerous questions asked by journalists, Nelli Mikhailovna admitted that the secret of her excellent physical fitness in the diet. Over her life, having tried a huge number of different diets, she found a universal method of losing weight.

Nelly Kobzon makes no secret of her nutrition system, but on the contrary, she tries to attract as many people as possible into the ranks of properly eating people. more Human. It is important to understand that a diet is not a refusal of food, but rather, on the contrary, an expansion of the range of foods consumed.

Do you want to eat tasty and varied food without gaining weight? It's possible!

Being beautiful is not always easy. Behind the weightless gait, slender figure and impeccable forms hides painstaking work and total limitation of various desires. Nelly Kobzon was convinced of this from her own experience. Being a very young girl, she was thin and had practically no problems with being overweight. But after marriage and the birth of children (and Ninel Mikhailovna has two of them), the question of overweight stood up quite sharply for her. Nellie understood that her husband was a public person, and she simply could not look bad and be out of shape. And then, having gone through many diets, she found the right path to ideal proportions.

Basic nutrition rules from Nelly Kobzon

In addition to the fact that vegetables and fruits are an excellent source of energy for the body, they contain vitamins and microelements, necessary for a person to maintain optimal physical fitness. The most important thing is not to destroy them when cooking. As practice shows, more than half is lost during frying. useful substances, so it is necessary to steam food, bake it in the oven or make boiled dishes.


Among the signature dishes of Kobzon’s wife is boiled cauliflower. The recipe for its preparation is simple. To do this, we recommend selecting a small inflorescence, dividing it into small pieces and boiling it in boiling and pre-salted water. Cooking time is approximately 5-7 minutes. The cabbage can then be used as vegetable side dish To white meat poultry or baked fish. You can make a salad from it by cutting pieces of cauliflower and boiled carrots into cubes. Season the resulting vegetable mixture with vegetable oil and sprinkle generously with herbs. A tasty and nutritious dish is ready, bon appetit!

Here are a few more recipes from Nellie’s “box.”

Fish baked in foil

* River perch;

* Pelengas.

Clean the fish into medium-sized fillets. To do this, cut off the head, remove bones and scales. Then take a piece of food foil, place the fish there, sprinkle it with seasonings (black pepper and basil are suitable), and add salt to taste. Having tightly wrapped the edges of the foil, send the fish to the oven for further baking, preheating it to 170 degrees. Just 10-12 minutes are enough for the dish to be ready. We are sure it will take its rightful place on your dining table.

Baked apples

An oven-baked apple is a great dessert. It contains a minimum of calories and a maximum of nutrients. To prepare baked apples, we need hard varieties. The fruits are thoroughly washed under running water. Then a cut is made in the upper part, separating the pulp along with the stalk, resulting in a small cap. Using a circular motion of the knife, remove the seeds from the core of the apple, add a teaspoon of sugar to the resulting cavity, sprinkle with cinnamon powder and return the lid to its place.

That's it, now it's time for baking. The oven should be preheated to 150 degrees. Place our apples on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. About whether yours are ready baked apples, you can find out as follows. Take out a regular wooden toothpick and try to pierce the skin of the fruit with it, after removing it from the oven. If this succeeds without visible effort, then our dish can be considered ready. By the way, this dessert is loved not only by Nelly Kobzon herself, but also by her seven grandchildren, who simply adore baked apples in their grandmother’s version.

Boiled meat

It would seem that you can cook a piece of meat by boiling it in salted water. What could be simpler? However, even in preparing such simple dish There are a number of nuances that you need to know. Well, for example, having decided to speed up the cooking process, we cut a large piece of meat into smaller pieces. Yes, this way it will cook much faster, but there will be much less useful substances left in it. If you want to avoid this situation, cook the meat in a large piece, regardless of the time spent.

It is recommended to boil the pork in several waters in order to remove unnecessary fat. Lean beef and chicken do not require such stepwise processing; they are dietary meats and are more preferable for inclusion in the daily diet.

Pure table water is the secret of female beauty and longevity

Humans are 60% water. You should always remember this. The water consumed must meet all sanitary and hygienic standards, because your health will directly depend on its quality. You need to drink little and often, do not allow your body to dehydrate. For a woman, this can result in sagging skin, brittle hair and other unpleasant accompanying symptoms.

We have listed some of the dishes that Nelly Kobzon advises to eat to lose weight and maintain the vitality of the body. However, it is not only diet that underlies the beauty of this amazing woman. Boundless love for her husband and children is what makes her beautiful even at such a fairly advanced age.

The secret of eternal youth from Nelly Kobzon has been revealed. Love and be loved, and then your reflection in the mirror will delight you, regardless of age.