Evgeny Mironov: ideal heroes are difficult to play. Evgeny Mironov: “There was a feeling that no one would help me, and I would suffocate. And new ones appeared, such as

The 39th Moscow International Festival continues to operate at the Oktyabr cinema.

The film was presented to the press competitive program“Frostbitten Carp” directed by Vladimir Kott based on the story of the same name by Andrei Taratukhin with the inimitable Alisa Freindlikh, Marina Neelova and Evgeny Mironov.

Filming of the film “about the boundless mother’s love and selfishness of children” took place in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The tragicomedy was performed by 82-year-old People's Artist of the USSR Alisa Freindlikh, People's Artist Russian Federation Evgeny Mironov and 70-year-old People's Artist of the RSFSR Marina Neelova.

“I couldn’t refuse the project with the participation of Alisa Freindlich and Evgeny Mironov. I liked the script and the main theme - parental love. Here is naive, in in a good way this word, the story about in general human relations. About warmth, about tenderness, about intimacy. About the fact that you should not forget your loved ones. About those words that we say when it’s too late. It seems to me that this is one of those stories when you think: No, this is impossible! Then you think: maybe, maybe, after all?” Marina Neyolova, who has not acted in film for more than eight years, said about her participation in the project.

Village teacher Elena Mikhailovna lives in a barracks in a workers' village. She hasn’t seen her son for more than 5 years - he lives in Moscow and is too busy with the serious work of a professional coach. Come to home He is forced by the news that his mother is dying. But things are more important loved one, and he leaves Elena Mikhailovna alone. She is preparing to face death in the company of a suddenly revived carp.

Alisa Brunovna played a friend main character. Appearing in an image that is not the most typical for himself: the character Freundlich is “an unintelligent woman - a scumbag, a foul-mouthed woman.”

But the actress agreed to all this disgrace without hesitation, shaking off her old ways: she played similar types during her student days.

“Then there was Tatiana the Cowgirl in “Autumn Boredom” by Nekrasov. And Zobunova in the play “Egor Bulychev and others.” I had such prospects, but somehow they didn’t work out,” recalls Alisa Freindlich, defining “Karp” in genre as a “parable-like comedy.”

The life of the Russian rural outback is shown in the film colorfully, authentically and with great love. The heroes of the film are simple, kind, sympathetic people - ready to help in difficult times. Tragic and comic situations are played out superbly. Life and village life are shown expertly and provide an ideal backdrop for main topic– the return home of the “prodigal son.”

“I have a different relationship with my mother. And in order to play this role, I needed to come up with circumstances under which the son leaves home and does not return home for several years, and does not maintain any contact with his mother. Before this I knew nothing about the coaching profession. I had to study the issue - look at a lot of materials, find out how differently they behave. And in the process of preparation, I found a character who was similar to my hero. He is an absolute professional in his field. The only question is that behind his professionalism, behind his career, he forgot about the main thing. After all, our story is about this - about returning to oneself, the present,” Evgeny Mironov shared with journalists.

“I have nothing in common with my character, except maybe my attitude towards friendship. I am the main character’s friend and support her in everything, although we are of completely different social and intellectual status. I have never played such a role, so even my withers stood on end from the fact that I touched something unfamiliar. And it gave me pleasure. In addition, it was an absolutely amazing joy that we met Evgeny Mironov and Marina Neelova, with whom I did not act in films, but played in the theater. Marina Mstislavovna played my daughter in “The Cherry Orchard,” I played Ranevskaya in “Sovremennik,” Alisa Freindlich spoke about her work on the role.

Unfortunately, we all sometimes think that something that has absolutely no meaning is very important. And no amount of deeds or worries can justify indifference and callousness, indifference and inattention to loved ones and others. And the story shown in the film will not leave any viewer indifferent.

“For me it was an experiment. This is the first time in my life I’ve worked with artists of this class. I have never photographed Alisa Brunovna Freindlich. I have never photographed Marina Mstislavovna Neelova. That’s why I invited Mikhail Agranovich as cameraman, who had already met these guys on set wonderful actresses. They already have common language. I was interested in working with old school artists whom I always admired. With them I felt like I was being taught again,” director Vladimir Kott admired the work on the film.

The film “Frostbitten Carp” will be released in wide release this summer.

Sabadash Vladimir from the main site of the 39th MIFF.

Photos of the organizers.

Evgeniy, on April 6 the premiere of the film “Time of the First” will take place, where you play cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, and Konstantin Khabensky - his friend, commander of the Voskhod-2 ship Pavel Belyaev. Alexey Arkhipovich advised you and, probably, has already seen the finished picture. What did he say?

Indeed, he looked at it, then was silent for a long time and finally said: “I just now became scared.” Because then, in March 1965, he was carrying out a task and all his strength was directed precisely at this - there was no free second to be afraid.

- But there were a lot of reasons!

Yes! After all, two weeks before the launch, the test ship crashed, and it became clear that flying was mortally dangerous. But Leonov and Belyaev insisted that the launch could not be postponed, and they persuaded Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Leonov became the first person to go out in open space, but getting out turned out to be the easiest thing, but returning to the ship, and then to Earth... He could have died seven times! The suit swelled in space, and he was unable to squeeze through the ship's airlock until the excess pressure was released. Their automation failed, and Belyaev landed the ship manually. Nobody knew where they landed because the antenna broke - they were accidentally detected by a radio amateur in Kamchatka. For me, this is a story about faith that lives, even when there seems to be no chance of salvation.

You and Khabensky had serious preparation. Was there any thought to shorten it, to give scenes that are technically difficult to understudies?

No, we wanted to go a different route and got seriously involved in physical training, but it was more aimed at endurance, rather than at something highly specialized. We became more fit, began to smoke less. When filming of the flight began, it turned out that such preparation was not enough: there was a different kind of load. I still don’t understand how the astronauts fit in such a cabin - it’s tiny! A lot of cables were attached to the arms and legs, and it was psychologically difficult to be in spacesuits in this small space. I have never suffered from claustrophobia, but I realized that it was the first time the helmet was fastened on me. It didn’t always unfasten right away, sometimes something got stuck, and I had the feeling that no one would help me and I would suffocate, and I myself was in a huge uncomfortable spacesuit, all entangled in cables and unable to unfasten anything... We took a 15-minute break after every scene. It took them a long time to get out of their spacesuits, come to their senses a little, and then go into battle again. In the spacewalk scenes, on the one hand, it was simpler because it was more spacious, but, on the other hand, everything was filmed in 3D: this is extremely difficult technically, and three years ago filming of this level was impossible in our country. The director of the film, Dima Kiselev, calculated everything in millimeters, but even the 3D camera, this huge colossus, sometimes froze and could not stand it.

With parents Vitaly Sergeevich and Tamara Petrovna. Photo: From the personal archive of Evgeny Mironov

You spent so much effort on this filming, did you become allergic to the words “space”, “astronaut”, “stars”, “sky”?

No, I dream of a continuation.

Most of your peers wanted to be astronauts as children, but you have been early years dreamed of becoming an actor and director. Involving my sister, we staged plays at home. Were there stories about space among them?

We lived in the military town of Tatishchevo-5, and Oksana and I were dominated by military-themed performances. We made a tent out of a folding bed, fought... Probably, if we lived not far from the cosmodrome, the same folding bed would have served spaceship. However, there was nothing related to space in Tatishchevo-5, so nothing was invented about it. But I remember with what attention we watched on TV the launches of all space rockets, knew all the details: who was flying, for how many days... Although these were not the 1960s, but the 1970s, still every flight became an event and all the cosmonauts were deities for us. Science fiction films I just loved about space. When I was in the seventh grade, the painting “Through Thorns to the Stars” was released, and I couldn’t wait for it to be brought to our House of Culture. But the premiere coincided with my class duty: I had to wash the floors! My suffering turned out to be immeasurable. Mom, seeing the terrible state I was in, found a way out: she suggested pretending that I had broken my arm. She bandaged it properly, and I came to school with a sad face - I was already beginning to comprehend the basics of the acting profession. The “special operation” was successful: I was released from duty, and I went to the premiere of this amazing film.

The next day, the head teacher, teachers and classmates greeted him with a standing ovation? They shouted: “Bravo, Zhenya! You were great as the sick guy"?

Nobody knew that I was playing a role. I walked around with the imitation cast for another two whole weeks, told everyone about how I was feeling: one day my arm hurt more, on the other it hardly bothered me...

With sister Oksana. Photo: From the personal archive of Evgeny Mironov

“It’s amazing that my mother came up with this hoax!” Did she have acting skills too?

Both her and dad. He once came up with an adventure that was much more impressive than “plaster.” I'm in early childhood I bruised my tailbone, and because of this, I began to develop a bone disease. At the age of six he began to limp, then the limp became stronger and stronger. And in the end I could no longer walk from the pain. I was treated in a hospital in Saratov, where the doctors said that in the future I would most likely be able to move only in wheelchair. Then my sister had just been born, and my mother carried us both in her baby carriage: I sat holding Oksana on my lap. And it was humiliating! I am an adult boy, but my mother carries me in a stroller - and all my classmates see this! So, dad accidentally heard in line about a children's sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense, where a disease like mine can be cured in a year with the help ultraviolet rays, healing mud, massage and all sorts of effective procedures. Only they took only military children there - and dad was the driver of a car that delivered bread.

But he was not at a loss. Borrowed from a friend, a major, military uniform, took a photo, and I don’t know how, but I fabricated documents! In fact, this is a criminal case, but if he had not taken this risk, I would have been bedridden at eight years old. I remember that photo of my father: he played the major absolutely authentically. Everything worked out, they took me to a sanatorium - and it was not only luck, but also another tragedy. I was very attached to my family and had a terrible time being separated. When I was admitted to a sanatorium, my sister was several months old, and there was no money. My parents sold everything in the apartment so that my mother could fly to visit me.

- Didn’t you make friends with anyone at the sanatorium?

I grew up as an uncommunicative child; I was comfortable in my own world of thoughts and fantasies, but communication with the outside world was difficult. This applied to the sanatorium, the school, and later studies in Moscow. But I realized early that my only way to overcome natural shyness- become an artist.

- Did you say to yourself: “Let me play the role of a sociable, cheerful kid”?

No, I was preparing theatrical performances. The school constantly held events for Border Guard Day and Postman Day, and I began to be responsible for them: I wrote plays, played in them myself, and attracted classmates.

It is advised that when receiving a blow from fate, you should ask yourself not the question “Why?”, but the question “Why was this necessary?” Life hit you little one so painfully... Why? So that you feel more deeply than others, know more about the soul, about suffering?

I didn’t feel like I felt anything more deeply than my peers. But of course, nothing comes easy - I realized this when I grew up. I never analyzed why this happened, what the illness was for, why I was torn away from home and family. For some reason, it was probably necessary for fate to weave such a pattern. So that the inner piggy bank is filled not only with joys, but also with sorrows.

- I grew up as an uncommunicative child, I was comfortable in my own world of thoughts and fantasies. But I realized early on that my only way to overcome my shyness was to become an artist
. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Did you remember this childhood loneliness when you came to Moscow to study?

Moscow by that time was not a completely foreign city to me. After the eighth grade, in order not to waste time, I entered the Saratov Theater School. After becoming a student, I came to Moscow with my sister every holiday. We visited all the theaters with her. They were allowed in with a student ID, without seats. I don’t know why the little girl was also allowed through the student hall - we probably looked touching. We watched “An Optimistic Tragedy” and “Three Girls in Blue” at Lenkom, “The Seagull” at the Moscow Art Theater, and many other performances. Returning to Saratov, I told my master Ermakova and my classmates about my impressions and dreamed that, after finishing my studies in Saratov, I would definitely go to Moscow, to the Moscow Art Theater School, to take Tabakov’s course! But parting with my family was again terribly difficult. When they saw me off at the Tatishchevo station, they couldn’t get my mother away from me - so she grabbed me. When the train started moving, I fired and smoked my first cigarette in the vestibule... I understood that a new life had begun.
At first it was difficult - firstly, to adapt to the big city, and secondly, to study. I had to finish exams for the whole year, pass current exams - I was in an unconscious state from the amount of studying, and not all the teachers came to my aid. However, the main problem was another: I realized what a difficult, complex profession I have! Tabakov saw through every second of your existence and could say, after looking at the sketch, which lasted ten minutes: “You had five seconds right, I believed in you, but the rest of the time it was a mess.” It was like I was learning to breathe and walk again. In addition, my classmates looked at me sideways: I was someone’s competitor. Oleg Pavlovich took me straight into the second year, with probationary period, and if he left me, he had to expel someone else at the end of the year. And everyone knew it. Psychologically it was very difficult! I couldn't even find a partner for the passage: for a long time everyone refused to play with me.

But why didn’t the master do anything? He could have simply told one of the students to be the new guy’s partner...

The master doesn’t even get involved in this. The student must establish relationships himself. It will survive, it will survive, it will float out, it will float out, but no, no...

- And what solution did you come up with with your seething creative mind?

You know, at such moments nothing boils, on the contrary, you withdraw into yourself in order to survive. When a building is buried in a mine or with debris after an earthquake, it is necessary not to waste strength and energy on sudden jerks, but to try to adapt to this state - to breathe slowly, quietly and as calmly as possible. So then I closed myself with all my paws and just began to work: I found a partner, made an excerpt, then another excerpt... I walked in small, very small steps. And I got there: when I graduated from college, I was invited to two theaters at once - to the Moscow Art Theater and to the Studio Theater under the direction of Tabakov. Of course I went to the teacher.

- Only when I saw a quarry instead of a theater building and realized that absolutely everything would have to start from scratch, it became clear to me what I had gotten myself into
. Photo: Arsen Memetov

Now you run the theater yourself, last year you had a double anniversary: ​​you turned 50 years old, and as the artistic director of the Theater of Nations - 10. When you were offered to head it in 2006, did you think for a long time whether to agree?

Just a minute. Because I was internally ready. I was already involved in festival activities, we opened the “Territory” festival-school, I, as a producer, made “Figaro. Events of one day”, and I became interested in trying other mechanisms of theatrical business. But this was Khlestakov’s decision. Only when I saw a quarry instead of a theater building and realized that absolutely everything would really have to start from scratch did it become clear to me what I had gotten myself into. The first five years, before opening my own building, were very difficult. Having no room to work, we, like gypsies, wandered around different venues and in such conditions we released “Shukshin’s Stories” - one of the brands of our theater. And at the same time they solved construction issues, raised money...

- Have there been days when you thought: “Cursed be the day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner”?

I've been telling myself this every morning for 10 years. For a second, but I think: “Lord, if I were just an artist now, I would rehearse my roles and not know grief!” My colleagues take care of me because I’m also an actor. Today I have a play “Ivanov”, where I play a difficult role. But I couldn’t do anything alone, I have my like-minded people with me, my team. Without the theater's partners, we would not be able to raise such an ambitious program. With us are the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, Sberbank, SIBUR and Breguet. We not only have a serious theater with a repertoire that any European capital can boast of, but also whole organization on cultivating dreams: young directors and actors can come here with their dreams and make them come true. And building this system required enormous strength and patience. We hold the Festival of Theaters of Small Towns of Russia in the regions, we conduct social activity, many of our actors head charitable foundations - these are Chulpan Khamatova, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Yulia Peresild, Masha Mironova.

“I didn’t suffer from claustrophobia, but I realized that it was when the helmet was fastened on me for the first time. Still from the film

Liya Akhedzhakova said in an interview how her dad, when he turned 95, proudly said: “The Mironov couple from the Artist Foundation congratulated me today!” Who first came up with the idea of ​​opening this fund?

Masha came to my office, I was already the artistic director, and told me that she wanted to organize a dinner with elderly artists at the Actor’s House. She knew sad stories about older actors and the conditions in which they live, and so did I. We sat, thought and decided not to limit ourselves to dinner, but to try to carefully, without injuring their dignity, help them on a larger scale. Artists are proud people, despite the fact that after a certain age no one needs them. If they do not head some institution, then they are practically thrown out - this is Soviet system, which, unfortunately, is still in effect. They do not receive a percentage from the rental of their films, although the films can be shown around the clock. Things are no better for people in other professions related to cinema and theater... In the film “The Idiot” I was made up by an amazing St. Petersburg artist, he helped me find the image of Prince Myshkin. You know, every detail is important here, and if he had glued on another mustache, maybe I would have gotten a different Myshkin. The make-up artist then peered into my face, resolutely grabbed the mustache, jumped up to me and stuck it on with a flourish! How a sculptor created Myshkin’s face, like Rodin! I recently learned that this master, after a stroke, was eking out a miserable existence - of course, we helped him. We try to take care not only of Moscow and St. Petersburg actors, but also of stage veterans from small towns.

Family: mother - Tamara Petrovna, ticket attendant at the theater; sister - Oksana Mironova, ballerina, artistic director of the children's ballet studio "Shene"

Education: graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School

Career: starred in films and TV series: “Love”, “Anchor, more anchor!”, “Burnt by the Sun”, “Muslim”, “The Inspector General”, “Mom”, “Idiot”, “On Verkhnyaya Maslovka”, “Space as a Premonition” , “In the First Circle”, “Piranha Hunt”, “Dostoevsky”, “Petrushka Syndrome”, “Time of the First”. In 2006 he headed the State Theater of Nations. People's Artist of Russia, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

On April 6, the blockbuster “Time of the First” will be released on the screens of the Union State with the participation of People’s Artists of Russia Evgeny Mironov and Konstantin Khabensky.

Evgeny Mironov, who has 60 roles in films and about 30 in the theater, is an amazing actor. He gained wide fame after starring in the film “In August 1944,” filmed at Belarusfilm in 2000. The film "Time of the First" is based on real events, associated with the flight into space of Alexei Leonov and Pavel Belyaev on the Voskhod-2 spacecraft in 1965.

Evgeny Mironov: I came to Alexey Arkhipovich, hoping that he knew me from films. We talked for four hours, and it became clear to me that he was the same hero that cinema and literature now lack.

Before that I looked documentary about him and realized that if I don’t make a big movie, then... I’ll die.

What struck you about Leonov?

Evgeny Mironov: He admitted that he should have died seven times. He went into outer space and showed exceptional courage when his bloated spacesuit prevented him from returning to the ship. Leonov managed to enter the ship only by “bleeding” excess air from the suit and climbed into the hatch not with his feet, but with his head first, which was prohibited by the instructions.

Refused before boarding automatic system orientation, and Belyaev manually oriented the ship, and then turned on the braking engine. "Voskhod" landed in an off-design area 180 kilometers north of Perm. Leonov's spacesuit had no ventilation, and on the ground he poured liters of sweat out of it.

Why did you take on this particular story?

Evgeny Mironov: I was interested in exploring the nature of heroism, and Leonov is a real hero. Alive, the whole planet knows him. I split Leonov into atoms. He is from Kemerovo, the eighth child in the family. In 1960 he joined the First Cosmonaut Detachment. And he did something that no one had done before him in the history of mankind.

Did you use any technical tricks?

Evgeny Mironov: This film about space was shot in 3D for the first time in the history of Russian cinema.

Your answer to American "Gravity"?

Evgeny Mironov: Ours is cooler! So, Sandra Bullock flew in a large space during the filming, while Kostya Khabensky and I sat in a capsule. Plus our spacesuits weighed 40 kilograms. Filmed in a Soviet-era centrifuge, it is still in working order.

Leonov said more than once that the suit terribly interfered with him...

Evgeny Mironov: It is for flying, not for walking.

How did you get used to the role?

Evgeny Mironov: I literally fell in love with Leonov, with his openness and freedom. He has amazing humor. I fell in love with Leonov so much that I dream of a continuation of the film.

How did you prepare for filming?

Evgeny Mironov: We visited the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, at RSC Energia, took a kind of young cosmonaut course.

Alexei Leonov's partner, who manually landed Voskhod-2, Pavel Belyaev, was played by Konstantin Khabensky. What is Kostya like on the set?

Evgeny Mironov: Easy. I've wanted to work with him for a long time. By the way, Kostya even looks like Pavel Belyaev.

The presentation of the film took place at RSC Energia, where BelKA, a Belarusian Earth remote sensing spacecraft, was created

Now two are coming out at once Russian films about space. Why has this topic come up again?

Evgeny Mironov: The texture of the film "Time of the First" was classified for a long time. Two weeks before the launch, the test ship exploded, but it was decided to send the crew of Leonov and Belyaev into orbit no matter what. Our main consultant on the site was Alexey Leonov himself. A team of specialists from the Cosmonaut Training Center, people from RSC Energia, where the Voskhod-2 spacecraft was created, also worked on the project. (By the way, the presentation of the film took place at RSC Energia, where BelKA, a Belarusian Earth remote sensing spacecraft, was being created.) We worked on creating the ship for about six months and made several 3D models. They built a model on the site, divided into six parts, like orange slices. Each of the “lobules” moved on its own rails, so that the camera could fly through one of them, make a full circle and exit through the opposite one.

Who filmed and where did the filming take place?

Evgeny Mironov: When the question arose of where to film the landing of the ship, the director typed the word “taiga” on the Internet. The first thing that cameraman Vladimir Bashta, who shot “Brest Fortress” - the first large-scale cinematic project of the Union State, said when he saw the picture: “Here I filmed “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away.” It was 140 kilometers from the place where the Voskhod cosmonauts landed -2" in 1965. The film crew worked in the valley of the Usva River at a temperature of minus 35 degrees. The understudies were filmed here - artists of the Perm "Theater-Theater". Their task was to walk waist-deep in snow, shoot from rocket launchers and scream loudly.

The theme of space has long been in your work...

Evgeny Mironov: Prince Myshkin is a kind of “alien”; he walks in a “suit” of truth and love.

And it happens that you agree to some role and think: okay, now I’ll play, earn money, and then I’ll go and repent?

Evgeny Mironov: It doesn't happen. First of all, I don't like money that much. Secondly, I won’t be happy with this money. And thirdly, I’m afraid that God will take away my talent...

What is difficult for you to play?

Evgeny Mironov: Love. We are all selfish in love, except Myshkin. But Myshkin is not a person.

The last “bomb” that exploded in the Theater of Nations you led was “Shukshin’s Stories,” where Vasily Makarovich developed the type of a kind of village intellectual. What do you think this is?

Evgeny Mironov: First of all, good manners. I myself am also from the outback, born in Saratov region. My mother worked as an electrician, my aunt as a crane operator. So, above my aunt’s bed hung images of Lenin and... Jesus Christ. My aunt always went to the theater with a change of shoes. Mom dreamed of becoming an actress, and the children made her dream come true. The daughter became a ballerina. I went to Moscow to the Moscow Art Theater School, I was sure that my fellow countryman Oleg Tabakov would almost let me stay at his home - and with a suitcase I was waiting for him at the entrance to the theater. Then my parents moved to Moscow. They lived poorly, and Oleg Pavlovich allowed his mother, Tamara Petrovna, to work in the Tabakerka canteen, then he took her as an usher to the theater, where she still works...

It’s difficult to photograph him - you can’t keep up with him: St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Moscow - cities flash by as in a kaleidoscope... Everyone is waiting for him, everyone needs him. Evgeny Vitalievich Mironov is a Soviet and Russian actor, producer and director, People's Artist of Russia and laureate of two State Prizes of the Russian Federation. Artistic director of the State Theater of Nations. Co-founder of the Artist Foundation for Support of Artists. Artistic director of the International Festival-School “Territory”. Member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation.

Evgeny Mironov was born on November 29, 1966 in Saratov. His parents, despite their artistic surnames - Mironov and Doronina - were simple and modest people. Zhenya lived with his parents and younger sister Oksana in the military town of Tatishchevo-5 near Saratov - now the village of Svetly. Evgeniy’s father worked as a driver all his life, and his mother became an electrician. True, this choice of professions did not affect their craving for creativity. At the Mironovs’ home, amateur performances were constantly given, songs and dances thundered. He staged home puppet shows with his sister Oksana.

Zhenya Mironov with his parents and sister. Evpatoria 1978

Parents sent their daughter Oksana to a dance studio, and sent their son to study music. “At school I took an accordion class and really didn’t like this subject. I always wanted to play the piano. And my mother said: Study, maybe someday you’ll have to play at a wedding,” the actor recalled. “I resigned myself, but began to invent musical performances. My sister Oksanka played the main role, and I acted as a human orchestra, playing the piano, accordion and tambourine. I remember it was a success."

In choice future profession By his own admission, Mironov never doubted that he always wanted to be an actor. Although his behavior was always not at all artistic. As a child, Evgeniy didn’t look much like an actor, he didn’t look much like a boy.
“As a child, I was a shy child, obedient, exemplary. Boys are usually not like this,” Mironov admitted. All, probably, because I was surrounded only loving people, I did not see evil, cruelty. I saw only love and care. No one has ever scolded or punished me. This is an upbringing for which I will never pay back, unless I somehow return it to my children.”

Evgeny Mironov with his sister Oksana

Although such greenhouse conditions did not prepare Evgeniy well for adult life. That's why he moved into an imaginary world. The Saratov Theater School became an invented, ideal world for Evgeniy. He barely waited until he turned 14 and left school with relief. After graduating from eight classes in 1982, Evgeny Mironov entered the Saratov Theater School named after. I. A. Slonova, for the course of Valentina Aleksandrovna Ermakova. His first training role in the excerpt was the role of Ivan (based on the story “Ivan” by Vladimir Bogomolov). He successfully graduated from college in 1986.

After graduation, Evgeniy decided to continue his studies in the capital. He dreamed of entering the Moscow Art Theater School with Oleg Tabakov. And he managed to conquer the master, who did not accept ordinary students in his course.

In the hostel, Evgeny got an unusually colorful neighbor - Vladimir Mashkov. Needless to say, after this fateful acquaintance, Mironov went from quiet, obedient boy turned into a noble hooligan. Following a complaint from the watchman, Tabakov himself even came to the hostel to deal with rowdies and troublemakers.

“There was a complete lack of money at the institute,” Mironov recalled. - There was nothing to eat. I boiled potatoes, threw carrots in there, added a spoonful of butter so that there were delicious stains on top
appeared. And the result was a “rich” soup. I treated Volodka Mashkov to this soup. Lied to him that it was chicken soup, but he caught the chicken and ate it. He, of course, didn’t believe it, but he ate at such a speed because he wanted to eat so fast. terrible force. It was a difficult, hungry, but fantastic time."

When Zhenya was in his third year, Tabakov allowed his student to act in a movie for the first time. And again he was lucky: Mironov ended up in the film of Alexander Kaidanovsky - an extraordinary, mysterious and talented man. But real recognition came to Mironov at the age of 25, when he starred in Valery Todorovsky’s debut film “Love.” After the film, awards began to shower on Mironov. And the artist received a worthy fee, at that time.

In 1990, Mironov completed his studies. He received offers from three theaters: Oleg Efremov invited him to the Moscow Art Theater, he was also invited to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, but the actor chose to accept the invitation of the Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. Unlike many other students of Tabakov, Mironov began his acting career in Moscow not at all
brilliantly. For a long time, his role in the theater remained the tiny role of the policeman in The Inspector General. Yes, in addition to creative failures, Evgeniy became seriously ill - first with a stomach ulcer, and then with hepatitis. “Then Tabakov committed an act that I will remember all my life,” Mironov admitted. Not only did he help my parents in Moscow: he gave me a hostel and got me to work in his theater without registration. He also pulled me out of this illness by entrusting me with the main role in the play. Pinched. I couldn’t play it for any reason - I could barely stand on my feet. But his faith in me gave me strength. And she helped prove that he was not mistaken in his choice.”

Mironov is amazingly able to work and has a rare ability to be surprised by the talent of others. Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov admits: “He has such vulnerability of soul... And it is combined with a serious attitude towards himself, which sometimes puts him in a funny situation. In my opinion, he can play Moliere no worse than Shakespeare or Dostoevsky. Zhenya is an extremely grateful person... I think it’s not prestige that makes him happy... He’s happy when he plays in the theater.”

Yevgeny Mironov received wide fame and recognition from both viewers and specialists after playing the main role in Valery Todorovsky’s film “Love”. For her, the actor received a number of cinematic awards, both domestic and
foreign, and was recognized best actor 1992.

Stills from the film "Anchor, more anchor!"

The artist strengthened his popularity in 1992 by starring in the film by Pyotr Todorovsky
"Anchor, more anchor!"

Stills from the film "Burnt by the Sun", 1994

Later he starred with Mikhail Schweitzer, Denis Evstigneev, and for his work in Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “Burnt by the Sun” the actor received a PRIZE for the best episodic role at the “Constellation-95” festival.

still from the film "Muslim", 1995

The undoubted creative success of Evgeny Mironov - main role in Vladimir Khotinenko's film "Muslim" (1995). Initially, the profession of an actor requires at least minimal knowledge of what he does in the story. Mironov is original here too: when he does something on camera, he must thoroughly study it himself this question. During the filming of the film “Muslim”, Mironov went to the mosque - it turned out to be important for him to know this world from the inside. Surprisingly, after the release of the film, many did not believe that the actor himself performed the call to prayer.

still from the film "The Diary of His Wife", 2000

still from the film "In August '44", 2000

still from the film "Escape", 2005

stills from the film "Escape", 2005

still from the film "In the First Circle", 2006

stills from the film "Piranha Hunt", 2006

Among Mironov’s undoubted successes are the films “The Diary of His Wife”, “In August 1944”, the series “In the First Circle” based on Solzhenitsyn and “The Idiot” based on Dostoevsky.

In 2002, those around him began to notice that Mironov looked somehow sickly, exhausted, had lost 10 kilograms, and was answering questions inappropriately. And only the eyes, which seemed huge on the haggard face, shone with some kind of radiant light. He looked like a man hopelessly in love. This was unearthly love - Eugene passionately desired and was afraid to get closer to the image that captured all his thoughts and feelings. The artist was to play Prince Myshkin in the television series “The Idiot”...

The actors, deeply immersed in this image, literally went crazy. Smoktunovsky, who shone on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater, admitted that he almost remained a sick person for the rest of his life. Nervous breakdown It also happened to Yuri Yakovlev, who starred in “The Idiot” directed by Ivan Pyryev. Mironov had to be Myshkin for ten episodes. He filmed for eight months, 14 hours a day. If the actor had not agreed to this work, the film simply would not have happened, although the director of the film adaptation, Vladimir Bortko, and producer Valery Todorovsky had already assembled a brilliant ensemble: Inna Churikova, Vladimir Mashkov, Alexey Petrenko, Vladimir Ilyin, Oleg Basilashvili, Olga Budina... But the creators of the television series only saw Mironov in the leading role.

Stills from the film "The Idiot", 2003
The role of Prince Myshkin in the television film "The Idiot" (2003), for which the actor was noted
numerous awards, is undoubtedly considered the pinnacle of his work.

In December 2006, Evgeny Mironov was appointed artistic director of the State Theater of Nations. Once upon a time in this building there was a thunderous pre-revolutionary Russia Korsh Theater - and the unbearable burden of restoring the significance of this place in the cultural life of the country fell on Mironov’s shoulders.

“To be honest, at first I went crazy,” admitted Evgeniy. Every morning I woke up
and thought: why do I need this? How to master everything? Money for reconstruction was allocated, but it took two years for a huge number of approvals with various commissions, to collect the necessary signatures to begin restoration work. These two years took probably fifteen years of my life. If it weren't for my loved ones and my team, I wouldn't have been able to stand it."

the play “Stories of Shukshin”, in which Evgeny Mironov played 10 roles

The fact that Evgeniy became the head of the State Theater of Nations in 2006 does not mean that he went to administrative work. He accepts active participation in theater performances. In 2008, Alvis Hermanis staged Shukshin's Stories on this stage. In this performance Mironov plays 10 roles. This production received the Golden Mask and Crystal Turandot. In 2011, the Theater of Nations presented Caligula to Italian and Russian audiences. In this performance, staged by director Eimuntas Nyakrosius, Evgeniy Mironov played the main role.

Mironov not only survived, but also achieved impressive success with the theater. His productions regularly win Golden Masks and Crystal Turandots from year to year. Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov can be proud of his student. Mironov is an actor who also finds time to study social activities. For 12 years now he has been a member of the Council for Art and Culture of the Russian Federation, and is the organizer of the “Territory” festival. Founder of two theater foundations, including Charitable Foundation support of artists "ARTIST", founded in 2008.

stills from the film "Apostle", 2008

still from the film "Moscow, I love you", 2010

stills from the film "Dostoevsky", 2011

still from the film "Diamond Hunters", 2011

In 2013, the film Ashes was released. Both Mashkov and Mironov starred in this film.

USSR, 1938. In the train compartment, the thief Senka Pepel (Evgeny Mironov) and the Red Army captain Igor Petrov (Vladimir Mashkov), who is facing arrest, meet. Suddenly, a fantastic chance opens up before the Red Army soldier to avoid certain death: he exchanges clothes and documents with Ash and takes away the thieves’ “common fund.” However, Petrov changed not only his life, but also the fate of his beloved woman Rita (Elena Lyadova), who faces a search for her husband, painful waiting and a meeting with Ash, whom everyone now mistakes for Petrov.

The main action of the film takes place in 1948, when a former thief, who had already become a colonel, is forced to participate in the capture of former captain who became a dangerous criminal. After 10 years, they will meet again and figure out how and why their destinies have changed. The role played by Mironov amazes with its truthfulness and openness.

Stills from the film "Ashes", 2013

Here, in my opinion, Yevgeny Mironov has outdone himself. This work by Evgeny Mironov, in addition to the role of Prince Myshkin in “The Idiot”, is my favorite role played by Evgeny.

stills from the film "The Calculator", 2014

stills from the film "Parsley Syndrome", 2015

still from the film "Norway", 2015

Change of image for the new role of the director of the Imperial Theaters Ivan Karlovich
in the film “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel.

stills from the film "Time of the First", 2016

Evgeny Mironov lives in Moscow. Single. How beautifully and passionately he talks about love; how many stories about sensual adventures he told journalists. For example, like one day in the cold winter time, in thirty-degree frost, I waited for the object of my adoration from nine in the evening until two in the morning near the Airport metro station with carnations in my hands. A true knight of sad image. “They say that love helps work - nothing like that,” says the actor. I lost several jobs because I was walking around in a deranged state. They thought that I was drunk, but I was sober, but I was not interested in anything other than the object of love. This is one of the terrible feelings - love."

Evgeny Mironov with Maria Gorelik at the 2010 alumni meeting.

By his own admission, Mironov is in a state of love very often. Another thing is that the public cannot find out the names or surnames of the actor’s lovers. The only reliable story is considered to be the actor’s first love, Maria Gorelik, with whom Evgeniy was friends at the Saratov school. “Zhenya was a very modest young man,” Maria recalled. We loved to be together, alone - here we could laugh at anything to our hearts' content and tell jokes. We were together from the first day we met. We danced, rehearsed, chatted, walked together. We were perceived as a couple. Other girls liked him, but he was only friends with me.” Unfortunately for Evgeniy, Maria suddenly preferred someone else to him young man and together with him she left for Israel forever.

Evgeny Mironov with Alena Babenko

Since then, Mironov has been making his personal life real secret, and journalists have been trying to unravel it for ten years now. The actor's hypothetical romances with women are more like fantasy. For a long time, Mironov diligently played love with his acting colleague Alena Babenko. The couple so zealously proved their spiritual affection for each other, kissed so passionately wherever the camera could be, that journalists began to treat their love with great distrust. It is generally accepted that the actors' relationship was simply a PR stunt.

Evgeny Mironov with Olga Slutsker

The same as Mironov’s romance with Olga Slutsker. Last year the couple was seen together more than once social events, it was even rumored that it was Eugene who caused Olga’s divorce from her senator husband. True, this story ended as suddenly as it began.

Evgeny Mironov with his dog

Evgeny himself never comments on rumors about his personal life, remaining an honorary Stirlitz Russian show business. The only thing the actor always openly talks about is his love for his family. “I am charged with energy from meetings with pleasant people, from the dog I love,” Mironov admits. - I have a toy terrier, girl; small, but evil, horror. Thunderstorm throughout the yard. When it flies out of the entrance, everyone runs away - children, people, dogs. But most of all, my nephews give me solar energy. My sister Oksana’s family lives in the next building. When they hang in clusters in my arms, it’s happiness. A minute with them charges you for a month.”

with sister Oksana and nephew

Evgeny Mironov with his mother Tamara Petrovna

The main women of Evgeniy Mironov, according to the actor himself, for him were and remain his mother Tamara Petrovna and his sister Oksana, whom he loves and appreciates infinitely. Evgeniy emphasizes that he is in search of the one who will give him heirs. But for now he leads a bachelor’s life in his Moscow apartment.

Is Evgeniy susceptible to " star fever"? Director Yegor Konchalovsky says:
“They joke that Russian artists have three diseases: “star”, “frog” and “squirrel”. That is, they like to drink, are greedy and starry. Zhenya has no “star” for sure, no “squirrel” for sure - he hardly drinks. About the “toad” - Zhenya is an expensive artist, and when we started filming “Escape,” the producers grabbed their heads. But it is a system-forming unit, and one cannot save on a system-forming unit."

Evgeny Mironov with Chulpan Khamatova


Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996). People's Artist of Russia (2004).
Evgeny Mironov is a winner of many theater awards. He was twice awarded the National Golden Mask Award in the category "Best Actor" for his roles in the plays "Golovlevs" and "Shukshin's Stories". Three times - the Crystal Turandot award in the category "Best Actor" for his roles in the plays "No. 13", "The Golovlevs", "Stories of Shukshin".

Kinotavr Award in the Role Awards category (1992)
NIKA Award in the Actor category (1994)
Winner of the Idol Award (1997)
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation
Laureate of the Geneva International Film Festival
"Golden Nymph" of the Monte Carlo Festival - for her role in the TV series "The Idiot"
Winner of the “Constellation”, “Baltic Pearl”, “Triumph”, TEFI, “Golden Eagle”, “Golden Aries” awards.

"Alone in a Boat"

Colleagues of Evgeny Mironov unanimously speak out about the mysteriousness of the actor’s personality. He lives on stage and cannot imagine his life without the theater, but Evgeniy is often silent, thoughtful, and detached from reality. Evgeniy, who often strives for silence and solitude, tries to set aside time in his life for reflection and concentration. Asking yourself the questions “Who am I?”, “Why did I come into this world?”, “How does everything work?” - this person seeks to understand the meaning of life. And this is his main desire.

Mironov will celebrate his 50th anniversary with a performance

November 29 People's Artist Russia, artistic director of the Theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov turns 50 years old. The actor is preparing two premieres for the anniversary. The first of them, Chekhov's Ivanov, directed by Timofey Kulyabin, will be released on December 23 and 24 on the stage of the Theater of Nations. And on December 1, a grandiose event is expected in Saratov - the actor’s homeland - on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater: the actor with a group of his outstanding colleagues - Valentin Gaft, Maria Mironova and others - will perform in the play “Eugene Onegin”.

Evgeny Mironov is an outstanding artist who works on roles to the point of complete oblivion, but thanks to this passion he has already reached heights that are not achieved by many at this age. He believes in his luck, because the most incorrigible dreamers are still able to reach the star.

I would like to end my post with the words of Evgeny Mironov: “Talent is God. And we are the guides. And we are all responsible for our mission. And no one will remove this responsibility from us. As for labor, without it it is impossible to fulfill your mission. I thank God for everything. I don't even understand why he loves me so much. Honestly, I'm not flirting. I don’t understand why he supports me in moments of terrible despair. It’s a gift every time I feel his attention to me.”

I love this actor very much and am his big fan. I always watch films with the participation of Evgeniy Vitalievich with interest, and the tandem with Alisa Brunovna in the film “On Verkhnyaya Maslovka” is a masterpiece! I just enjoy his talent! And on his birthday I really want to tell him the most kind words best wishes. Give him, Lord, faith, hope and love! Health, prosperity and new creative successes!
I wish my favorite actor to continue to delight his audience with new roles and find support in the management of the theater!


In his youth, Mironov had a love that ended very dramatically. As a student at the Saratov Theater School, Evgeniy fell in love with the beautiful Masha. I fell in love so much that I couldn’t live a day without seeing her at least out of the corner of my eye. Masha reciprocated his feelings, but their relationship did not last long. In the mid-80s, Masha’s parents decided to emigrate to Israel, and their daughter was forced to go with them. A few years later, Evgeniy had to play a similar story in a movie: in Valery Todorovsky’s film “Love” (1991), his hero also falls in love with a Jewish girl, and she leaves for Israel. It was this film that brought Zhenya Mironov all-Russian fame.

Of course, along with fame, Mironov also gained fans. One of them, for example, was especially persistent. At first, she pestered the actor with requests to help her enter the theater institute, then she began to pursue him in the theater, presenting him with one rose a day, and when he began to avoid her, she promised to pour sulfuric acid on him. Fortunately for Evgeniy, she was soon taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Evgeny Mironov is one of those actors who do not like to let strangers into their personal lives. Therefore, for a long time it was only known that he was a terrible homebody and that he madly loved his mother Tamara Petrovna and younger sister Oksana (she graduated from the Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg). Let's listen to him himself: “We simply crazy family, but in a good sense of the word. None of us have our own separate lives. We all live together with each other's problems and joys. True, now my sister lives in a separate apartment, but everything remains the same. Sometimes we even bore each other with excessive attention, but that’s how it is. Including in this “our tangle” are relatives living in Saratov. The main thing is that we all stick to each other..."

And yet, despite all the conspiracy, Mironov failed to hide the sewing in the bag. In March 2002, he first brought out his beloved, a pretty red-haired girl, Marianna. This happened at the Meyerhold Center at the premiere of the film “Metamorphosis.” As it turned out, Mironov lives with her civil marriage already 8 years! The actor is quite satisfied with such a relationship, although his mother is unhappy with this. At that premiere, she reprimanded her son out loud: “You are already thirty-five. Your peers have two children each. I want grandchildren too!” Evgeny just smiled at these words of hers.

The newspaper “Life” took a short interview with Tamara Petrovna, where she said: “Marianna is very smart. Two higher education behind him, and now he’s still studying at GITIS to become a producer. Marianna cannot be called a dazzling beauty, but she is so charming and sincere. I say to my son: “Well, what are you missing? After all, she accepts you for who you are!..” And how faithful and patient she is - she has loved Zhenya for so many years!

I would really like them to finally legalize their relationship, and I constantly tell my wife about this. Until recently, he answered me: “Mom, I respect her very much, but my family is a stage!” But now, it seems to me, something has changed for him. God forbid!

As subsequent events showed, nothing has changed for Mironov. In any case, with Marianne, they soon broke up. Apparently, because the girl was simply tired of waiting for a serious proposal from her chosen one.

Soon after this, another girl was seen near Mironov - actress Alena Babenko (“Driver for Vera”, etc.). They appeared together everywhere, posing as a couple in love (and this despite the fact that Babenko was married and had a child at that time). But many journalists doubted the sincerity of their feelings - they suspected a “smokescreen” on the part of Mironov, who was thus trying to make it clear to the public that everything was fine with him on the personal front. Therefore, when this “romance” soon died out, no one was particularly surprised.

A little later, Mironov had an affair with journalist Alena Garetovskaya, but by the summer of 2008 he, too, had disappeared. They say that the girl herself was to blame for this - she tried too persistently to marry Mironov. He didn't like it. Since then, the actor has not had an affair with anyone for a long time, explaining this by the fact that he has a lot of work. The latter is indeed enough: in addition to filming films and roles in the theater, in 2008 he also headed the Theater of Nations.

Not bound by marriage, Mironov directs all his love to his loved ones - to his mother, sister Oksana and her children, of whom she has two: son Timofey (2003) and daughter Taisiya (2008). The Mironovs live in the same house, and this is Evgeniy’s merit - he has wanted this for a long time.

In an interview with the magazine “Relax” (October 2008, author – F. Zimenkova), the actor’s mother Tamara Petrovna admitted: “Zhenechka and I are great friends. He is my miracle. Just a heavenly boy. Sometimes it seems to me that he came down from there (points up). I have two children from the same husband, and they are so different... After the death of his father, Zhenya once confessed to me: he is very afraid of losing me. I want my son to have comfort, to have someone waiting for him and loving him. I want to look after his grandchildren. It’s difficult for a person alone..."

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Evgeny MIRONOV In his youth, Mironov had a love that ended very dramatically. As a student at the Saratov Theater School, Evgeniy fell in love with the beautiful Masha. I fell in love so much that I couldn’t live a day without seeing her at least out of the corner of my eye. Masha

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Evgeny MIRONOV E. Mironov was born in Saratov on November 29, 1966 (Sagittarius-Horse). We read in the horoscope: “The Fire Horse (its year lasted from February 2, 1966 to February 8, 1967; repeated every 60 years), as if by the will of fate, leads an active, eventful life (the element of Fire in

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